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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Saurelin, your boss is a tosser. If he gets a bee in his bonnet - let him buzz away with it. He has no legal right to put your heath in danger, and you both know it. He can be as pissed off as he likes, but the fact remains - your baby is more important than his to-do list.

    Java, drop off a sample. It's the only way to be sure. That said, I've dropped off a sample and a shedloads of bloods in the last few weeks because my white blood cell count is high (not dangerously so, just higher than normal). But I'm completely asymptomatic.

    I am all hunky dory apart from pregnancy sciatica... which is bloody sore!!! Every time I stand up it feels like someone has punched me hard in the ass, and then burrowed into the nerve to swing around like a frantic Quasimodo. Which has me hobbling around like a gammy legged duck, whimpering to myself. Thankfully, so far it's only lasting for 20-30 seconds, but if it gets worse I'm ghoing to have to sleep standing up!!

    And still no kicks, butterflies or bubbles :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Kash wrote: »
    I am all hunky dory apart from pregnancy sciatica... which is bloody sore!!! Every time I stand up it feels like someone has punched me hard in the ass, and then burrowed into the nerve to swing around like a frantic Quasimodo. Which has me hobbling around like a gammy legged duck, whimpering to myself. Thankfully, so far it's only lasting for 20-30 seconds, but if it gets worse I'm ghoing to have to sleep standing up!!

    I started salivating as soon as I read those words... until I figured out you weren't talking about crisps.

    Seriously find out re the pelvic girdle class in physio dept at whatever maternity hospital you're going to. They go over how to relieve sciatica (I had it worse a few weeks ago when baby was sitting on the nerve practically).

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Kash the butterflies and bubbles will come: and I haven't felt anything in days: beginning to think I imagined the twice it happened at this stage!!

    I finished clearing out the room to be my nursery yesterday... I want a cream nursery with teddy bears... we are finding out if its a boy or girl but still want to keep nursery neutral :) I want a teddy bear border and big teddy bear stickers! I wish I was artistic I'd paint a mural on the wall!!

    Java have you tried like the Thermacare heat patches for your back? I've been using them on my ribs and they help a bit. I know they say to consult doc/pharmacist on them but my doc reccomended them when I pulled the muscle in my side etc so well worth it. He did say to use the thermacare ones because they don't stick on: i wear mine over a string top because I find they can get a bit hot otherwise!

    I can't wait untill scan Tuesday: hoping my hubbie relaxes a bit once he sees and hears baby too :p he's promised we can go look at baby stuff afterwards once I don't try to buy anything: that's a massive improvement!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Thanks for the advice gals!! Your always good to sort out my crazy mind!!! Pretty sure It's just back pain as It's only kinda sore if I'm driving or sitting on the uncomfortable NUIM chairs!!!

    Have ordered a wall decal for baby's nursery and then I am officially finished decorating till next year at least !!! I ordered the decal in neutral colours and got a free brown owl which will be too much for my room as it's small, Does anyone want it?

    Here's the decal :

    and the owl in this pic!!

    If anyone wants to see the nursery nearly done I've attached a pic, I know it's very green but I plan to add purple for girl and blue for boy!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    cyning wrote: »
    I finished clearing out the room to be my nursery yesterday... I want a cream nursery with teddy bears... we are finding out if its a boy or girl but still want to keep nursery neutral :) I want a teddy bear border and big teddy bear stickers! I wish I was artistic I'd paint a mural on the wall!!

    Cyning I hope you will show us picture when your nursery will be done :)

    We are planning to paint room green and white, we will get green cot bed from IKEA and white chest, and I started knitting baby blanket (grass green with white stripes). If I will have time and strength and we will know baby gender I will paint something on walls.
    I can't wait :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Javagal I really like your nursery :)

    We started cleaning our second bedroom to prepare nursery last week but because I needed to stay in bed no progress there. Hubby promised to work on it over weekend.

    My mum and my in laws things that we are crazy even thinking about room for baby as there is still 164 days to go, but I don’t care I have so much joy planning it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Java I love your nursery its gorgeous :D Where did you get your furniture if you don't mind me asking?

    Saurelin my baby will be born before my nursery is finished :rolleyes: : my husband is anal on not having baby stuff in the house. He has plans made for putting the furniture together while I'm in hospital... he will paint it and I'll do the fun stickering part allright. I'm seriously hoping there is a bit of relaxing after the scan Tues!

    I just lost my last cheesestring: I walked from the kitchen to the sittingroom and I have no clue in this wide earthly world what I did with it :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    cyning wrote: »
    Java I love your nursery its gorgeous :D Where did you get your furniture if you don't mind me asking?

    Saurelin my baby will be born before my nursery is finished :rolleyes: : my husband is anal on not having baby stuff in the house. He has plans made for putting the furniture together while I'm in hospital... he will paint it and I'll do the fun stickering part allright. I'm seriously hoping there is a bit of relaxing after the scan Tues!

    I just lost my last cheesestring: I walked from the kitchen to the sittingroom and I have no clue in this wide earthly world what I did with it :p

    Got them in! It is in white too...

    OH won't be home till late, cook or chinese hmmm decisions..

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    cyning wrote: »
    Saurelin my baby will be born before my nursery is finished :rolleyes: : my husband is anal on not having baby stuff in the house. He has plans made for putting the furniture together while I'm in hospital... he will paint it and I'll do the fun stickering part allright. I'm seriously hoping there is a bit of relaxing after the scan Tues!

    Cyning tell your hubby that smell of paint need to be gone before baby will be at home,
    We were painting our kitchen few months ago and it took almost a week for smell to be gone.
    My hubby prefers to let me do almost everything. Once he said no to something I really wanted (I think that was eating in bed) and I started crying and I couldn’t stop = total psycho chick moment. So now it is easier with getting what I want :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Last night I was crying because I didn't wanna wait another 8 weeks to see baby incase there was something wrong etc( totally rational i know!!)

    And my poor OH spent ages calming me down, he then continued about how amazed he is by pregnancy and how he couldn't understand how a newborn baby came from nothing..
    Then he compared it to when you cut open a pepper to find another pepper growing inside!!

    Insighftul my Fiance is!! Hopefully baby gets my looks and brains lol!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    oh girls sorry to over take this thread but this is the best day ever!
    put on my cheap dopplerto see if i could hear anything but still can't so i started poking baby!and it has been kicking back for about fifteen minutes. oh its just amazing! first time i can say yep that was definitely baby! im so emotional but am not daring to move in case it stops. still have monitor on and can see it moving when it kicks! aww i.m so in love x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    javagal wrote: »
    oh girls sorry to over take this thread but this is the best day ever!
    put on my cheap dopplerto see if i could hear anything but still can't so i started poking baby!and it has been kicking back for about fifteen minutes. oh its just amazing! first time i can say yep that was definitely baby! im so emotional but am not daring to move in case it stops. still have monitor on and can see it moving when it kicks! aww i.m so in love x x

    Sooooooo jealous!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Mink wrote: »
    Sooooooo jealous!

    Oh Mink I'm like a kick addict now I need more and more.

    Me thinks baby is kicking because it heard Mammy mention chinese for dinner!

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    javagal - sounds amazing!!!! still waiting impatiently for a flutter, kick, bubbles - anything... nothing so far :( I'm 16w 4days - how early did everyone else start feeling baby????

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    trions wrote: »
    javagal - sounds amazing!!!! still waiting impatiently for a flutter, kick, bubbles - anything... nothing so far :( I'm 16w 4days - how early did everyone else start feeling baby????
    Think I felt my first bubble at 17,then nothing for days, then a flutter,then nothing until today!! I'm 18.5 weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Java I am so jealous: I'm practically the same as you 18.5 weeks too and I have none of that: 2 bubbly feelings :mad: Can't wait untill I get that :D I don't even know where baby is at the moment...obviously in my belly somewhere but where I'm not sure: around my bellybutton somewhere??!!

    I am now officially at my pre-pregnancy weight: it only took losing 19 pounds 3 stays (3weeks!) in hospital 2 trips to casualty and 18 and a half weeks :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    that's great news cyning! glad your feeling better! if i lie straight flat and feel my belly, about 2 inches under my belly button i can feel almost a hard line from one side of my belly to the other. reading online says its my uterus gross! but from this i know where the baby is and where to poke lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    javagal wrote: »
    If anyone wants to see the nursery nearly done I've attached a pic, I know it's very green but I plan to add purple for girl and blue for boy!!

    Your nursery looks great, Java! The room we plan to make into a nursery still contains the contents of my hotpress, which OH threw in there about three or four months ago, when the plumber needed access to the hotpress!
    cyning wrote: »
    Java I am so jealous: I'm practically the same as you 18.5 weeks too and I have none of that: 2 bubbly feelings :mad: Can't wait untill I get that :D I don't even know where baby is at the moment...obviously in my belly somewhere but where I'm not sure: around my bellybutton somewhere??!!

    I am now officially at my pre-pregnancy weight: it only took losing 19 pounds 3 stays (3weeks!) in hospital 2 trips to casualty and 18 and a half weeks :P

    Delighted for you Cyning, hope you celebrated with a slice of cake :D

    I'm still feeling crappy and miserable. Was really out of sorts yesterday, bad headache, no energy. I know its probably the antibiotics. I went out to my mum's in the afternoon for a bit of mammy attention and because I hadn't left the house all week. Headache seems to be gone today, but having said that I'm still in bed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Hi ladies :)

    Cyning congrats :)

    Kildareash I know the feeling, I'm miserable whole day as well

    I went to specialist - gynaecologist yesterday.
    And I feel confused by this visit like a hell.
    she stated that I have really bad kidney infection and I should not go back to work for at least few weeks but she give me cert only until end of next week, when I asked what about the rest of those few weeks, she stated I can go to my gp for cert. She mentioned something that doctors get letters from hse that they should not give cert. for more than a week even if they know that patient should not work.
    Do any of you know anything about this?
    I don't want to go to gp, pay 50 e a visit only to get cert.

    She also stated that I should avoid work related stress (does she knows what world we are living in?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    cyning wrote: »
    Java I love your nursery its gorgeous :D Where did you get your furniture if you don't mind me asking?

    Saurelin my baby will be born before my nursery is finished :rolleyes: : my husband is anal on not having baby stuff in the house. He has plans made for putting the furniture together while I'm in hospital... he will paint it and I'll do the fun stickering part allright. I'm seriously hoping there is a bit of relaxing after the scan Tues!

    I just lost my last cheesestring: I walked from the kitchen to the sittingroom and I have no clue in this wide earthly world what I did with it :p

    Got them in! It is in white too...

    OH won't be home till late, cook or chinese hmmm decisions..
    Was the postage expensive?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    silly wrote: »
    What to expect app tells me I'm 17 +0 and baby is size of a turnip. 5inches, 5oz.
    Baby bump app tells me I am 17+1 and baby is the size of an onion... 5.1inches, 5.9oz

    Who to believe...?
    And isn't a turnip much bigger and heavier than an onion??? Not according to my apps.

    What we call a turnip is actually a swede and a turnip is much smaller, normally fed to cattle!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    notsobusy wrote: »
    silly wrote: »
    What to expect app tells me I'm 17 +0 and baby is size of a turnip. 5inches, 5oz.
    Baby bump app tells me I am 17+1 and baby is the size of an onion... 5.1inches, 5.9oz

    Who to believe...?
    And isn't a turnip much bigger and heavier than an onion??? Not according to my apps.

    What we call a turnip is actually a swede and a turnip is much smaller, normally fed to cattle!!!
    But hardly the size of an onion?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Saurelin wrote: »
    I went to specialist - gynaecologist yesterday.
    And I feel confused by this visit like a hell.
    she stated that I have really bad kidney infection and I should not go back to work for at least few weeks but she give me cert only until end of next week, when I asked what about the rest of those few weeks, she stated I can go to my gp for cert. She mentioned something that doctors get letters from hse that they should not give cert. for more than a week even if they know that patient should not work.
    Do any of you know anything about this?
    I don't want to go to gp, pay 50 e a visit only to get cert.

    She also stated that I should avoid work related stress (does she knows what world we are living in?)

    Were they regular work certs or were they social welfare certs too? The social welfares ones have to be weekly untill they give you the okay to go monthly. I was getting my work ones weekly for the first two months too: I couldn't get them monthly untill January. There is no way you should be going to visit your doctor for a work cert: ring and ask for one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Cyning regular cert. for work,
    I know that those for SW need to be done weekly, and I'm ok with it (my hubby can always collect them).

    I called my gp and he stated that doctors are afraid to give pregnant woman cert. for longer than few weeks as SW is not happy with it (unless you spend some time in hospital and I was only on emergency).

    I have soon hospital appointment with consultant and I will talk to him about this.
    I don’t want to go back to work until I’m sure everything is ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    silly wrote: »
    javagal wrote: »
    cyning wrote: »
    Java I love your nursery its gorgeous :D Where did you get your furniture if you don't mind me asking?

    Saurelin my baby will be born before my nursery is finished :rolleyes: : my husband is anal on not having baby stuff in the house. He has plans made for putting the furniture together while I'm in hospital... he will paint it and I'll do the fun stickering part allright. I'm seriously hoping there is a bit of relaxing after the scan Tues!

    I just lost my last cheesestring: I walked from the kitchen to the sittingroom and I have no clue in this wide earthly world what I did with it :p

    Got them in! It is in white too...

    OH won't be home till late, cook or chinese hmmm decisions..
    Was the postage expensive?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    nice one!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I had another stupid bleed today... went to Gp everything okay but when does it start getting easier?? I just have to take it easy untill scan Tuesday. I got such a fright

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    cyning wrote: »
    I had another stupid bleed today... went to Gp everything okay but when does it start getting easier?? I just have to take it easy untill scan Tuesday. I got such a fright

    my fingers are crossed for you.
    stay in bed and relax.
    I know how hard it may be but everything will be fine

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Officially the week from hell :(
    Had dentist appt this eve and had choice between extraction or €650 root canal...extraction it was :(

    I know there's a million other things to spend money on but ladies I really wld advise a trip to the dentist. Especially if ur prone to gum disease because it can get worse in pregnancy.
    Dentist said I was comin at right time and I have to go again in just three months instead of the usual six months.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    silly wrote: »
    notsobusy wrote: »
    silly wrote: »
    What to expect app tells me I'm 17 +0 and baby is size of a turnip. 5inches, 5oz.
    Baby bump app tells me I am 17+1 and baby is the size of an onion... 5.1inches, 5.9oz

    Who to believe...?
    And isn't a turnip much bigger and heavier than an onion??? Not according to my apps.

    What we call a turnip is actually a swede and a turnip is much smaller, normally fed to cattle!!!
    But hardly the size of an onion?

    Yup!! A large onion perhaps:-)
