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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Ah enjoy it Silly, I'm still dying to feel anything. They say the baby only sleeps at most an hour and 1/2 at a time in the womb so yeah they can seem pretty hyper. They have to practise using their wee muscles etc.

    I've definitely felt less tired once got to about 14 weeks but by the end of the work week I really really feel knackered and it's very hard to get out of bed and I spend the weekend recovering.

    I found out what the debit on the card was, got a bunch of flowers delivered to work this morning, the card referred to the baby as well. I really think it's true that men's estrogren levels raise when their partner is pregnant, he's gone as soft as anything :D. Have to bring the flowers home on a packed train tonight, scarlet :o! Not complaining though, never had flowers delivered to me in my entire life!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Mink wrote: »
    I found out what the debit on the card was, got a bunch of flowers delivered to work this morning, the card referred to the baby as well. I really think it's true that men's estrogren levels raise when their partner is pregnant, he's gone as soft as anything :D. Have to bring the flowers home on a packed train tonight, scarlet :o! Not complaining though, never had flowers delivered to me in my entire life!
    Aw, that's lovely!
    Our first valentines as a married couple and I got a big fat nothing. I was really hoping for something this year, but got the "I was too busy to get you something" this morning.
    Maybe it's just the hormones but I'm fairly pissed off with him today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    kildareash wrote: »
    And after my experience with the first scan not being clear because of all my extra "tissue", I'm wondering will it just be a waste of money because they won't be able to see anything.

    Can someone educate me a bit more about the scan and what they look for etc?

    I have a bit of 'excess tissue' too, and had no problems with either scan, nor with any rude doctors/hospital staff. I think the person you had before was just being unnecessarily mean and thoughtless.

    re the scan itself, this is what I sent to my hubby from the Ultrasound Dimensions website

    We went there at 8 weeks because I had had a bleed and was freaked out. They were lovely, and way more thorough than the hospital scan i had at 14 weeks. It's 160 euros and less if you have a medical card, AND they will tell you the gender at the same visit. The one in Liimerick was almost 100 euros more and I needed a referral from my doc too.

    mamaheidi wrote: »
    I just have one scan at 22 weeks (3 weeks from now) so I presume this is the anomaly scan? Anybody any idea?

    The anomaly scan is 18-22 weeks, so if they have you in during that time, and they don't do it, I would be very surprised.

    Hi ladies, long time lurker here - I'm 16 weeks pregnant with my first baby :-) and I love reading your posts. Kash your post about the "mythological energy boost" made me laugh out loud so I had to post!! While I am enternally grateful the sickness has stopped, it is tough trying to explain to everyone that doing the simplest thing takes so much of me energy wise these days. So reassuring to know I'm not the only one.

    Welcome and congrats! I've found this thread so helpful for all those "Oh holy shit!!" moments, and just knowing that someone else is experiencing similar things. You've taken the plunge now, so I hope you keep us posted!

    Mink wrote: »
    I found out what the debit on the card was, got a bunch of flowers delivered to work this morning, the card referred to the baby as well. I really think it's true that men's estrogren levels raise when their partner is pregnant, he's gone as soft as anything :D. Have to bring the flowers home on a packed train tonight, scarlet :o! Not complaining though, never had flowers delivered to me in my entire life!

    Awwww! That's lovely. I got nothing for hubby, I just totally forgot. I gave him a little pressie at the weekend though, and he'll probably bring something home for me. He's French, so he has the whole romantic thing ingrained in his bones. I mentioned i was disappointed that we never got to light those paper wishing lanterns when in Thailand, so he found me some somewhere and gave them to me on Friday. He's such a sweetie. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Mink that's great :)
    I get flowers delivered few years ago, on my 25th birthday. I was finishing my masters in my hometown in Poland and my hubby was already here.
    It was few weeks after our wedding and it was so hard to be far away from him.
    I get bunch of 25 multicoloured tulips. It was so beautiful.

    Silly don't worry, men sometimes don't think about romance, especially when they are married.
    My hubby bought me one year bread machine for anniversary as he tough it will be easier for me to cook for him: P

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭Tinkerbell4484

    Hi girls,happy valentines day
    Ds1,3&4 have chicken pox so dh and myself have been too tired and wore out to even think about cards.. Ds4 has them really bad,he hasn't slept properly since last Thursday night :(
    I've booked my gender scan for 10th march,I'll be 23 weeks then,I'm 20 weeks tomorrow,getting it done in babyscan in swords.have any of you been with them before?
    It's going to be just me and dh that day,mil is taking the boys and on way home from the scan I'm going to blanch to get something to wear to ds1's communion in may..
    Hope everyone is well.?i can't remember who it was that was having bleeds but I bleed from 6-10 weeks on this pregnancy and I get a "period" every month for 10 days,sometimes heavy and sometimes very light,but the early bleed was full of clots (sorry tmi) so I know it's hard but try and relax :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Hi girls,happy valentines day
    Ds1,3&4 have chicken pox so dh and myself have been too tired and wore out to even think about cards.. Ds4 has them really bad,he hasn't slept properly since last Thursday night :(
    I've booked my gender scan for 10th march,I'll be 23 weeks then,I'm 20 weeks tomorrow,getting it done in babyscan in swords.have any of you been with them before?
    It's going to be just me and dh that day,mil is taking the boys and on way home from the scan I'm going to blanch to get something to wear to ds1's communion in may..
    Hope everyone is well.?i can't remember who it was that was having bleeds but I bleed from 6-10 weeks on this pregnancy and I get a "period" every month for 10 days,sometimes heavy and sometimes very light,but the early bleed was full of clots (sorry tmi) so I know it's hard but try and relax :)

    Tinkerbell when I read about what you're dealing with, I feel bad for having a whinge about being tired! You really have it tough with a bunch of sick kiddies & you're 20 weeks!!! I know you're a dab hand at it at this stage but I doff my cap to you! You never know, I might be on here in years to come saying #5 is on the way and #1 through #4 are all sick as well :D

    Re the monthly bleed while preg, I've heard this is quite common and is often how some women go very far in a pregnancy without realising they are pregnant as they seem to be getting their period every month as normal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    silly wrote: »
    I definatley felt alot better after I hit 14/15 weeks. Not as tired as I was but still more tired than before I got pregnant obviously.
    My baby is CONSTANTLY moving,

    I was on top of the world before I got sick last week...was able to come straight in from work and start dinner, without needing a 20 minute cat nap first.
    Come to think of it, I did loads of housework last night and only really sat down to relax about 8. I wouldn't have done that before I got pregnant!

    Great to you can feel the baby move so much. I'm sure I felt hiccups last insides all shook three times in a row in a matter of seconds, and it wasn't me!
    Mink wrote: »
    I found out what the debit on the card was, got a bunch of flowers delivered to work this morning, the card referred to the baby as well. I really think it's true that men's estrogren levels raise when their partner is pregnant, he's gone as soft as anything :D. Have to bring the flowers home on a packed train tonight, scarlet :o! Not complaining though, never had flowers delivered to me in my entire life!

    Aw, that's so sweet Mink...there's no surprises anymore with joint accounts ;)
    I know I said i don't really 'do' Valentines, but OH hasn't even acknowledged the card I left for him this morn! I left it with his keys and wallet so he had to have seen it.
    Kash wrote: »
    re the scan itself, this is what I sent to my hubby from the Ultrasound Dimensions website

    Thanks for that link, I'll have a look now.
    Hi girls,happy valentines day
    Ds1,3&4 have chicken pox so dh and myself have been too tired and wore out to even think about cards.. Ds4 has them really bad,he hasn't slept properly since last Thursday night :(

    Oh Tinkerbell, your poor babies. You must be totally exhausted. Hope their feeling better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    happy last baby free valentines ladies! im going to that ultrasound place on Saturday to find out babies sex!can't wait!its 90euro with my medical card !spending valentines with himself making dinner and were putting up that decal thing i posted about last week, whilst eating chocolate naturally

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Fri.Day

    Happy Valentine`s Ladies and yer bumps!!

    Hubby`s cooking something romantic this evening and I go and ruin it by saying "lots of veg I`m fairly constipated today" ha ha my birthday was recent enough so I`ll make do with a meal and a nice card!!
    We`ve decided to find out the sex too just so we can plan a bit better and get used to his/her name...I`m already calling him by his name and Hubby is calling her by her name!! :o
    Whats everyone else weight gain like?
    Are ye ahead or behind schedule?
    I`ve put on 10lbs so far but only 4 of that in the last 8 weeks so I`m a little worried that the baby isn`t growing, I wonder if I lost muscle and gained baby weight cos I was quite fit just beforehand? Maybe?
    I`ve certainly gained a bump alright!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I'm prob about 2-4 lbs over what I should be. Gained 2 3/4lbs last week in the one week, I don't think that would be classed as "slow and steady wins the race" as the pregnancy apps keep saying!

    Overall I'm 9lbs up from before I got preg. My "morning sickness" was nothing to shake a stick at so I didn't lose weight in 1st tri like most women seem to.

    Bargain alert, was in Tescos Maynooth on the weekend and they were selling boxes of Pampers for 13 euro. 92 nappies in it. I got the box for 9-20lbs babies. Wouldn't fit a newborn in them but at least they'll be there for when baby fits into them.

    Or else I'll just use lots of sellotape :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    I think I'm up about a stone lol!!

    But I'm reigning in my diet now so hope not to go too overboard

    Knacked after putting on that decal piece by piece, pic attached if anyone wants to see..

    Ladies, Should I be taking iron?? I'm on pregnacar atm

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I would take iron if I were you. You can get a bottle of galfer in the chemist. Take a teaspoon every 2nd day and your pregnacare vit in between. That's what midwife in rotunda suggested to me without checking my iron levels. Have a bit of orange juice after the iron as it helps absorption and don't take any caffeine within an hour of it as that stops iron absorbing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Oh java, the decal is beautiful!

    On the iron, both the midwife and doc recommended taking iron from 18 weeks but I was buying it last wk and I was picking up pregnacare coz I was almost out and pharmacist advised to just stick with pregnacare unless the hospital advise otherwise.

    But having said that, Portlaoise still haven't contacted me about my urine sample that they sent to the lab. Docs surgery sent one to their lab a few days later and practice nurse rang straight away to say i needed an antibiotic, but I'd already started one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    portlaoise seem to do things a bit arse ways dont they? i May just call into my doctor next week, she's in a different town and i just dont have the time during the day.
    kildareash, when did they ask you to come back for your big scan? i went at 15weeks and they dont want me back till 26week

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 maeby

    hey girls just checking in. glad to see everyone is doing well. I'm 19 weeks tomorrow- can't believe that I'm nearly half way!! Still haven't felt any movement yet- hopefully soon!

    Javagal I was advised to take galfer aswell as pregnacare by nurses in the rotunda. I take a tab every 2nd day with orange juice.

    I went for my flu jab yesterday-got myself a bit worked up about the risks etc but overall I think I made the right decision. Has anyone else had it?

    Tinkerbell4484 we had a scan in babyscan in Swords before Christmas. It was amazing- you could see so much detail and the staff were so nice. Worth the money for sure. Good luck with it!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    I didn't gain anything. I lost almost 14 pounds.
    When I asked my gp he said I should talk to hospital during next appointment.
    I'm going to see consultant on 23.02 so I hope I will know more then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I had scan today... they're bringing me back for another one in 9 weeks, but to ring them straight away if I have any more bleeding: my placenta is high though (sorry tmi!) so at least its not that! They don't normally do more than one scan.

    They couldn't tell me if it was boy or girl either today :(

    It was booking appt and had really crap day at it: they told me i hadn't had antenatal screen/blood type done by my GP (i had they found it after), that I didn't have an underactive thyroid (and trust me I think I'd know) that I must have the wrong dose of tablets I'm on because they were so high... I just wanted to scream.

    Baby's healthy, thank god which is main thing. I have to go to specialist just to try and keep both of us healthy though!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    cyning wrote: »
    my placenta is high though (sorry tmi!)

    Lol is that a tmi :confused: I didn`t know placenta`s were dirty or whatever! Glad your getting sorted and bleeding didn`t equate to a problem, think you`ve been through enough!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    cyning wrote: »
    Baby's healthy, thank god which is main thing. I have to go to specialist just to try and keep both of us healthy though!

    Cyning that's great :) Fingers crossed for you two :)

    I have appointment with consultant next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    theg81der wrote: »
    Lol is that a tmi :confused: I didn`t know placenta`s were dirty or whatever! Glad your getting sorted and bleeding didn`t equate to a problem, think you`ve been through enough!
    Haha my poor husband thought so: he turned a bit green when they started talking about it :P

    Saurelin i know how worrying it is when you lose weight.. try not to worry too much: I lost more than you 19 pounds and my baby is fine (even if I feel abit tormented after today!).

    My docs have told me not to take iron: my iron levels are normal, so are my ferritin levels and iron tablets so they've said theres no need.

    Java I love the decal in the nursery :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    i.m other side of the spectrum !just caught a look at myself in the mirror i am huge! be interesting to see how we all measure up bump wise!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    javagal wrote: »
    portlaoise seem to do things a bit arse ways dont they? i May just call into my doctor next week, she's in a different town and i just dont have the time during the day.
    kildareash, when did they ask you to come back for your big scan? i went at 15weeks and they dont want me back till 26week

    I was in the hospital about three weeks ago, and at my next hospital appointment I will be 28 weeks.

    Boyf bought me spa voucher for Lyrath for valentines. I was totally surprised, because he'd already bought me a charm for my pandora bracelet. Have a big stupid grin on my face all evening :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    kildareash wrote: »
    javagal wrote: »
    portlaoise seem to do things a bit arse ways dont they? i May just call into my doctor next week, she's in a different town and i just dont have the time during the day.
    kildareash, when did they ask you to come back for your big scan? i went at 15weeks and they dont want me back till 26week

    I was in the hospital about three weeks ago, and at my next hospital appointment I will be 28 weeks.

    Boyf bought me spa voucher for Lyrath for valentines. I was totally surprised, because he'd already bought me a charm for my pandora bracelet. Have a big stupid grin on my face all evening :)
    lucky girl! my bestie is getting married in lyrath in October- it is amazing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Cyning I'm trying, but almost everyone told me I should gain by now, even midwife when I was in hospital 2 weeks ago said it is not great,
    On the other hand I can again fit to size S (except bum and bubs: P)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Saurelin wrote: »
    Cyning I'm trying, but almost everyone told me I should gain by now, even midwife when I was in hospital 2 weeks ago said it is not great,
    On the other hand I can again fit to size S (except bum and bubs: P)

    I know. Unless their doctors or midwives ignore everyone else... everyones an expert when your pregnant! My consultant spent an age telling me my babs was a parasite and it was going to take what it needed: I clung to that for ages. Try not to worry too much untill you see consultant next week. Way easier said than done I know though...

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    I'm telling it to myself everyday.

    My hubby give nick name to baby that mean parasite but it is not translatable to English.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    I think I'm up about a stone lol!!

    But I'm reigning in my diet now so hope not to go too overboard

    Knacked after putting on that decal piece by piece, pic attached if anyone wants to see..

    Ladies, Should I be taking iron?? I'm on pregnacar atm
    Thats fab! Must get something like that. Our nursery is very big and I'm worried about it looking very bare, so hopefully something like that will make it look nice. Was it easy to put on? Are they stickers?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Java the decal is so nice, very tasteful. *must restrain self from stealing the idea*

    Cyning glad to hear all fine with babs & placenta up high. Show your man a liver next time in butchers, that's what it looks like kind of.

    Maeby I went to babyscan in Swords before Christmas as well and they were very nice. It felt a bit rushed but in fairness we were late getting there so it was more our fault.

    Well took hubby to see War Horse last night and sure wasn't the president of Ireland on a date with his missus two rows ahead of us! However... I lost the plot with my hormones and spent the last 45 mins of the film crying. It was all I could do to stop myself outright sobbing. My face was flooded with tears and snot. Then when the film was over I just wanted to get out of the cinema as I was so embarrassed so I was legging it out ahead of my hubby. He said all the other couples were giving him dirty looks as in "what a prick upsetting his missus on Valentines night". Ah it was funny!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    silly wrote: »
    javagal wrote: »
    I think I'm up about a stone lol!!

    But I'm reigning in my diet now so hope not to go too overboard

    Knacked after putting on that decal piece by piece, pic attached if anyone wants to see..

    Ladies, Should I be taking iron?? I'm on pregnacar atm
    Thats fab! Must get something like that. Our nursery is very big and I'm worried about it looking very bare, so hopefully something like that will make it look nice. Was it easy to put on? Are they stickers?
    yeah they are stickers silly! once you cut it all out its just transfer straight onto wall. there is some amazing ones on there is some big ones that would be great to take up wall space in a bigger room !

    woke up 2 hours late for college would hugely swollen glands and sore ears. day in bed well needed!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    silly wrote: »
    javagal wrote: »
    I think I'm up about a stone lol!!

    But I'm reigning in my diet now so hope not to go too overboard

    Knacked after putting on that decal piece by piece, pic attached if anyone wants to see..

    Ladies, Should I be taking iron?? I'm on pregnacar atm
    Thats fab! Must get something like that. Our nursery is very big and I'm worried about it looking very bare, so hopefully something like that will make it look nice. Was it easy to put on? Are they stickers?
    yeah they are stickers silly! once you cut it all out its just transfer straight onto wall. there is some amazing ones on there is some big ones that would be great to take up wall space in a bigger room !

    woke up 2 hours late for college would hugely swollen glands and sore ears. day in bed well needed!
    Cut it all out??? Aw man!
    Swollen glands, ouchies! Used to get it alot when I was younger...feel your pain.
    Stay in bed!
