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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Congrats on your baby boy x x x
    girls i am a hormonal wreck, oh is gone to bed cause i keep picking fights and then crying, he doesn't understand and takes it personally, haven't seen him in 36 hours and now fighting :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Kildareash I wouldn't feel bad about only wanting to breastfeed for 6 weeks. My hubbie doesn't want me to breastfeed at all: its the only thing we argue about really! And I wouldn't mind but unless health improves I won't be allowed breastfeed so at the moment it's a bit of a non issue! The way I'm looking at it is if I manage for 6 days it would be better than nothing!

    The81gder Woohoo a boy! Did you go out and buy boy-y stuff?!

    Java tell him its just the hormones: I've been a wreck for the last 2 weeks: real proper laughing at nothing highs and then sobbing at nothing lows: its part of being pregnant: and it sucks. Men are so thick at times: they need little things to be explained to them sometimes...

    I think I'm going to try knit a blanket or something: I am so bored its gone past funny! Tried to buy needles and wool today but she wasn't there the two times I went down... gonna try again in morn! She's a bit erratic with the hours she's open so fingers crossed I can get it: having a Harry Potter dvd marathon tomorrow: sick of daytime tv too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Fri.Day

    g81der congrats on finding out
    We`ll give these princesses a run for their money!!!
    I bought this....
    It`s so cute

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Aw java, you poor thing. The hormones are a bi*ch, it's like an outer body experience sometimes. Go up and give your OH a cuddle.

    Thanks cyning, hope your able to feed yourself. My oh is a very traditional kinda guy and i know it wld be important for him to be able to feed baby, and feel like he's providing for the baby.

    I just think its really bad, the way the midwives give you the chat about breast is best, but we're totally impartial. It's your decision, but powder is only a replica blah blah blah.
    A friend of mine who had a baby recently said breast feeding wasn't working out for her so she decided to bottle feed rather than stress her and the baby out. She was still in the hospital, and the nurse came back
    With the bottle sat down on her bed and said ate you sure you want to do this, like she was giving the baby something harmful. There shldnt be any pressure to do it one way or another.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    cyning wrote: »
    Kildareash I wouldn't feel bad about only wanting to breastfeed for 6 weeks. My hubbie doesn't want me to breastfeed at all: its the only thing we argue about really! And I wouldn't mind but unless health improves I won't be allowed breastfeed so at the moment it's a bit of a non issue! The way I'm looking at it is if I manage for 6 days it would be better than nothing!

    The81gder Woohoo a boy! Did you go out and buy boy-y stuff?!

    Java tell him its just the hormones: I've been a wreck for the last 2 weeks: real proper laughing at nothing highs and then sobbing at nothing lows: its part of being pregnant: and it sucks. Men are so thick at times: they need little things to be explained to them sometimes...

    I think I'm going to try knit a blanket or something: I am so bored its gone past funny! Tried to buy needles and wool today but she wasn't there the two times I went down... gonna try again in morn! She's a bit erratic with the hours she's open so fingers crossed I can get it: having a Harry Potter dvd marathon tomorrow: sick of daytime tv too!

    Your a woman after my own heart! I adore harry potter! Got the baby a muggle born t shirt!
    Made up with the oh! Bed and movie!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Where did u get the muggle born tshirt?? That's so cute!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    cyning wrote: »
    Where did u get the muggle born tshirt?? That's so cute!
    I think it was! The dog has a half blood one!
    How did i ever get anyone to put up with me lol!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Congrats theg81der, delighted for you!

    I'm deliberately not worrying about the breastfeeding - I'm hoping to do it, and planning to do it at least until the baby grows teeth, but it's not set in stone. All we can do is our best, right?

    And that breast feeding support thread should have a Mod Warning at the beginning saying that it might scare the hell out of you. It totally freaked me out when I read it. But it does seem that if you get through the first few weeks, it gets way easier - so that's encouraging.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Javagal the hormones are the worst! I can't even describe the feeling like, but plagued I am! I hope it doesn't get too much worse or I might have to sign myself in to a padded cell someplace!

    I don't even want to think about breastfeeding anymore, I had to stop reading that breastfeeding support thread after freaking out about it! My mother has been non stop trying to put me off too! So I bought a set of bottles the other day to have there just in case...really thinking I don't even want to try now though! Does the thought of it really freak anyone else out at all? Feeling a bit unnatural here thinking this way, eek!

    Ladies, I've been experiencing all sorts of weird things lately, like random dizziness and shortness of breath, pounding heart, waves of general weakness...been to the doctor about it on Wednesday and she doesn't seem too worried only for the fact that it sounds like I might fall over and hurt myself. I have to go back in two weeks again for blood pressure (was a bit on the low side) and things, any of you know what I'm talking about maybe? Between this now and the hormones I'm starting to feel a bit like I'm crumbling away from the inside! </dramatic!>

    Obviously if doctor is not too worried I won't be either, its just rather uncomfortable and I could do without it! Keeping an eye on things like blood sugar and standing up too fast (actually a killer like!) and drinking plenty of water, does anyone know any other tricks that might help? Can not wait til all this moving house lark is over and I can settle a bit, might help!

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭Tinkerbell4484

    I'm going to ruin the whole thread now but I never breastfed. I did think about it,I was only 18 when I had ds1 so the thought didn't even cross my mind then. I was going to do it on ds3& 4 but when they came out and I had to have the placenta manually removed dh had given them bottles when I got back to the ward so I just didnt then.
    My dads retirement party tonight I'm not really in the mood for going but I have to.dh is minding the boys so I'm not planning on staying long.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 528 ✭✭✭fitzcoff

    I'm due in June, but just wanted to reply to you about the dizziness etc.

    I have gotten this on all my pregnancies, On my first I just thought it was part and parcel of being pregnant, but on my second I said it to my GP and sent me back to the hosp for checks etc. In the hosp they took bloods and discovered that I had low vit B12.

    All I needed was an injection of this and life became semi-normal again, well as normal as it is when you are pregnant.

    This time around I was feeling dizzy, no taste for food, light headed, if I was standing for a while I felt I was about to pass out, headache, no form to do anything and no motivation. I thought myself it was blood sugar or blood pressure but these were all normal. So went to the GP to get my B12 levels checked ( the bloods test takes over a week to come back) and yes they were low again this time round.

    The GP gave me an injection of B12 and said that normally I would feel in the benefits within 24/48 hours. If not come back the following week and get another one. I got a second one as it is a water soluble vit and you can not over dose on it as such. I felt a lot more normal and actual wanted to cook dinners and eat them again!!

    This was about 5 weeks ago, normally the injections of the type I got last for 3 months but I haven't been feeling right so got my bloods checked again last week. I had my check up this week with the GP this week (combined care) and mentioned that I had had a couple of dizzy spells this week and was feeling out of sorts so he gave me another one, even though the blood results weren't back he said there was no point in risking me fainting for the sake of the injection.

    If the bloods are normal when the results come back I have to go back again.

    It might be worth you're while mentioning it to your GP as feeling like you are going to faint is not a nice feeling. If it is not your B12 it will have only have been a blood test. Hope it helps you

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Nyquist: I'm the same with constant dizziness and have palipitations etc: keep your fluid levels up: even mild dehydration wil make them worse. 7up/coke to bring up sugar levels if you get a bit dizzy (just watch the caffeine intake on the coke: i dont drink tea or coffee so not really an issue for me!). Salty foods for the blood pressure: quick fix I know but salt and vinegar taytos are great esp if your out and about! Keep something like a time out with you too: esp if you find the dizziness is helped by eating! For the palipitations and shortness of breath there's feck all I can do with them: try and breath deeply and rest alot is all I do.

    Did your doc do a blood test? Because like Fitzcoff said it might be something as simple as low in B12/ anaemia etc!

    I'm half way through my first square of blanket for babs :D Kinda hard though: I forgot having tremors in my hands would make it slightly more difficult to knit! It's going to be yellow and a pastelly green: my first baby related item! And who knew they made wooden knitting needles: they are so much easier to knit with!

    Also Harry Potter is making me cry. You would swear I had never seen it before and that I didn't know what was going to happen :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    I'm now afraid to look at the breastfeeding thread. I had planned to breastfeed but this might be an issue for me as I have to get back to work as soon as possible after the baby is born, so now liking the idea of breastfeeding for the first few weeks and then weaning onto a bottle......

    A few people told me to feed once a day with a bottle right from the beginning....which sounds good. But what I want to know is do you express the milk and then give it to baby in a bottle or do you give formulae from day 1 of your not going to breast feed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Was just writing something in my diary for a few months time and realised I've only 15 weeks left in work...eek! This is all happening so fast!

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Fitzcoff, thanks for that reply! The doctor didn't actually take any blood the last day, but I'll be sure to mention this to her when I'm back for my follow up appointment!

    Cyning, I love th wooden knitting needles! I started making a scarf there last year, but got carried away and now it's super going to make one of those moby wraps out of it instead! So after deciding its new fate, didn't I lose one of the pair of needles! I went to the knitting shop the other day to replace it and they only have the same thickness ones but shorter and the same length ones but narrower! Very annoying!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend, i have a date with Ben and jerry, my German shepherd and crufts, he loves it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    javagal wrote: »
    Hope everyone has a nice weekend, i have a date with Ben and jerry, my German shepherd and crufts, he loves it!

    I was watching a little bit of it earlier. A trainer told me once one of my dogs wld be perfect for agility...only problem is he's literally afraid of his own shadow!

    Cooked dinner for OH's family tonight. Just waiting in them to arrive now. I'm exhausted tho cld nod off here :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    javagal wrote: »
    Hope everyone has a nice weekend, i have a date with Ben and jerry, my German shepherd and crufts, he loves it!

    Similar here except Hagen Daas & our golden retriever :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    Lovin the kicks ladies, I reckon I`ve got a footballer in here! All of you feeling babs now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Definitely feeling our little lady now, but not every day.
    Haven't felt her from the outside, if you know what I mean - hubby is really impatient for it :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    My little fella was kickin the probe at the scan - the nurse couldn`t get over it! I`m feeling it from the outside since last week. Starting to get a bit of a bump now too :).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    My lady kicks about thirty times a day, its a lot less intense now cause she.s not as far down so she must be delighted she has space to move around! At certain points of the day i have a lopsided belly and i.m pretty sure i can feel an arse or head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Thirty times a day?!! Do you ever stop feeling her!! Can't imagine that!

    I feel babs maybe at night still not every day and very few real "kicks"... felt it once from outside I think!!

    Theg81der: delighted your finally getting your bump!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    I feel baby every few days, but last night I get kick at 4 am that waked me up :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    cyning wrote: »
    Thirty times a day?!! Do you ever stop feeling her!! Can't imagine that!

    I feel babs maybe at night still not every day and very few real "kicks"... felt it once from outside I think!!

    Theg81der: delighted your finally getting your bump!

    Sorry, she wouldn't kick kick as in i.d feel it from outside, but at about 8 in the morning i.d feel her kick about ten times, then the same at about 4 and then bed time, she goes nuts when i eat anything, hungry cow like her mam!

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    I'm feeling the little one now the whole time too, sometimes faintly, and sometimes really strong, guess it depends where he/she is hiding! SO got a kick in the face the other night talking to my belly, I thought it was hilarious! I think he's a bit odd about it though haha! Getting the lopsided belly the whole time too, its freaky!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    I feel baby all the time too. Basically when I'm not moving - baby is. Constant moving. All through the night. I hope baby sleeps more when he/she is out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Just realised, this time 4 months i Will either be a Mammy or 1 day over due!
    Hopefully a Mammy but omg where is the time going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    Just realised, this time 4 months i Will either be a Mammy or 1 day over due!
    Hopefully a Mammy but omg where is the time going.
    It's crazy how fast things are going alright. I'm already looking forward to baby's first Christmas!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    silly wrote: »
    javagal wrote: »
    Just realised, this time 4 months i Will either be a Mammy or 1 day over due!
    Hopefully a Mammy but omg where is the time going.
    It's crazy how fast things are going alright. I'm already looking forward to baby's first Christmas!!

    And Halloween! Even though i have a wedding that day my mam Will bring her trick or treating with my 6 and 7 year old brother and sister!
