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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Thanks Cyning :) fair play to your mum! Funny that she had an epi for the smallest baby!

    I think it's more her size (head & shoulders) that he is concerned about rather than just the weight.
    I also think he was just putting it out there so that I can get used to the possibility (in case required) which as I said is fine with me if it's best for us both. The last thing I want is a really tough labour that puts us both in distress (esp the baby) the moment I'm happy that they are keeping a close eye on it & will go with what is best for our little one :)
    He warned me that if I had a sweet tooth she would be bigger again (weight wise) so have to watch that :eek: & although I am trying to be careful about it anyway...I so love orange juice at the moment! No glucose in my pee though so body is handling it all so far :)
    I have another appointment in 5 weeks so we will see then :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭Tinkerbell4484

    Girls will I still be able to do the GTT with my kidney infection ??(plz say no)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    I don't see why that would stop it, but doctors are fickle, so maybe!

    Girls, I had the GTT a couple of weeks ago - it was a breeze!
    So, please don't worry about it. The worst part was drinking the lucozade - it's just so fizzy. After the first couple of swallows, I shook the hell out of it to lose some fizz.

    My dad gave me a trick for dealing with injections when I was little, and it has worked for me since: take 3 deep breaths, relax your sholulders down from your ears, and start saying the alphabet backwards. It's usually over before I get halfway through. It might be worth a try?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    You're right kash, the worst part was drinking the lucozade on an empty stomach. It was repeating on me for ages and sent baby crazy. It was a really eye opener as to how what I'm eating effects baby.
    The hour between each test went quickly enough too...make sure you have something to read and I stuck one earphone in too and listened to some music.

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    For anyone looking for a car seat...we were shown the be safe izi go car seat yesterday! Probably going to get this one now :)
    With isofix it gives lots of extra room for a taller baby & gets a which? best buy for just the belted system (something many car seats fail to do with just seatbelt installation).
    It fits on several buggy systems via the maxi cosi adapters (list on their site) so your not stuck to buying a maxi cosi car seat which I thought we would be :) nice to know you can get an alternative!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    For anyone looking for a car seat...we were shown the be safe izi go car seat yesterday! Probably going to get this one now :)
    With isofix it gives lots of extra room for a taller baby & gets a which? best buy for just the belted system (something many car seats fail to do with just seatbelt installation).
    It fits on several buggy systems via the maxi cosi adapters (list on their site) so your not stuck to buying a maxi cosi car seat which I thought we would be :) nice to know you can get an alternative!

    Will look into it! Thanks! There is a possibility that we will have a tall baby too as hubby is very tall.

    Ginny you have a lovely neat bump! nice to see all the different sizes and shapes we are..

    For the people heading to the baby fair this weekend in dublin, i was told to "go early and bring a bag" as you will get loads of free samples!!
    Cant wait to hear all about it, its not in cork until the following weekend...but we are going to do buggy research this weekend, so hopefully we can finally make a decision on that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Thanks for that tip Silly...wouldn't have thought to bring a bag!

    Re the car seat...the isofix base can move away from the car allowing for the extra leg room. Looked really good & should fit our car - something the maxi cosi isofix didn't despite us having isofix! It's made by the Scandinavians - need I say more :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭March11

    God, it's scary how organised some of ye are! I feel very behind with stuff and getting a tad panicky!

    Fair play to those who put up pics, it reminded me that I hadn't taken any pics of myself to date, so must do that.

    Anyone else get a letter from the hospital saying their iron is low and to start taking Galfer twice a day, which I did, but it has only gone up to 10.5 in a month!

    I am also finding that I am getting very caught for breath. I am on a front reception desk at work and I have to keep standing up to stretch myself out to catch my breath - getting kind of embarassing in front of customers!

    And I also have that feeling like my pubic bone is completely bruised!!! So weird!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Nesting Nesting, must clean everything!!!

    Poor dog has been bathed and brushed twice the past week...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    javagal wrote: »
    Nesting Nesting, must clean everything!!!

    Poor dog has been bathed and brushed twice the past week...

    My two dogs are in desperate need of a bath...any chance you'd do them too? I think i may send them to the groomers for a once over before baby arrives.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    March11 wrote: »
    God, it's scary how organised some of ye are! I feel very behind with stuff and getting a tad panicky!
    me too!!
    March11 wrote: »

    Anyone else get a letter from the hospital saying their iron is low and to start taking Galfer twice a day, which I did, but it has only gone up to 10.5 in a month!

    I did, after my 20 week check up, i was told a galfer tablet once a day though. havent had it checked since, i take the tablet most days but its not great on the aul bowels if you know what i mean, so i take a break every few days, Dr said to eat liqorish as its full of iron.
    March11 wrote: »

    I am also finding that I am getting very caught for breath. I am on a front reception desk at work and I have to keep standing up to stretch myself out to catch my breath !

    I too work on a front desk, i do get a bit breathless, but not at work really, more at home. hubby notices when i lie down to sleep my breathing gets very heavy and very fast even before i fall asleep...
    March11 wrote: »
    And I also have that feeling like my pubic bone is completely bruised!!! So weird!

    YES!!! me too!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    March11 I get out of breath: its really irritating but normal apparently!!

    I didn't vomit doing GTT. Only barely I gagged and gagged and gagged some more but look positives :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Well done Cyning that must be a relief :)

    Silly be careful about eating lots of liquorice while pregnant...a google search will give you the details of a study done a few years ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »

    Silly be careful about eating lots of liquorice while pregnant...a google search will give you the details of a study done a few years ago.

    oh thanks! but i dont like it anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 124 ✭✭TRISHKA

    very intersting about the be safe izi go, how does it compare price wise with the maxi cosy? will defo have to look into it as reckon we might have a long/tall baby as we are both on the taller side

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Go you cyning! That's great :)

    I get the pubic bone pain too, especially if I'm turning over in the bed. Feels like the bone is separating.

    Boyfriend is having some tests in hospital today...ive been on the edge of my nerves all day :( he packed an overnight bag in case something shows up and they need to keep him. I'm praying so hard that won't happen, don't think I cld do a whole day in work then drive for an hour to the hospital and not get back home till 10pm again and be up for work the next morning. It was hard enough when I wasn't pregnant!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    In other news....I am growing a giant :eek: Had a scan yesterday (which was lovely) & when a man who looks at baby scans everyday goes "Oh that's a long leg!" you know you are in trouble :D Her (over 90% sure on that now) femur is two weeks ahead of schedule so she is going to be tall! He put her measurements on a little chart thing with small, average & big & her legs are above the big line :eek:
    Although they don't yet predict weight officially, if she was to stay on average (she's always been about a week ahead) she will be at least an 8lb baby but I got the impression with her long legs he is expecting her to be (a good bit) more than that & she might have to come out the window as I'm just 5' 4" ish!
    To be honest, I don't mind if that's how it needs to be as I just want to get her here safely :)

    My sis is quite tall (5' 9/10) as is the dad of her baby and the baby came out very long. He's been tall for his age ever since, always looks a yr or two older so I reckon he'll be tall too. Now you can tell me to feck off and mind my own business but do you know if the baby's dad is tall or was it anonymous, ie donor? If he's reasonably tall then yeah sounds like she's going to be a long babs. In that case I wouldn't bother with any newborn clothes, go straight to 0-3mths stuff and don;t even get much of that as she'll tear out of them - as happened with my nephew.

    My OH is not so tall (he's an inch or two shorter than me) and his family are all tiny. My family are all tall so I don't know what we're going to get!
    silly wrote: »
    For the people heading to the baby fair this weekend in dublin, i was told to "go early and bring a bag" as you will get loads of free samples!!
    Cant wait to hear all about it, its not in cork until the following weekend...but we are going to do buggy research this weekend, so hopefully we can finally make a decision on that!

    Thanks for the tip, I've been looking forward to it all week. Plan on having a big breakfast before we go so we don't succumb to queuing for hours for overpriced food at the venue.
    March11 wrote: »
    Anyone else get a letter from the hospital saying their iron is low and to start taking Galfer twice a day, which I did, but it has only gone up to 10.5 in a month!

    I am also finding that I am getting very caught for breath. I am on a front reception desk at work and I have to keep standing up to stretch myself out to catch my breath - getting kind of embarassing in front of customers!

    Haven't had the iron letter. I got galfer tablets off my own bat a month or so ago and was taking one every other day but it was making my number 2's black (sorry re tmi). There's some iron in the prenatal vits and I get it in my regular foods so midwife didn't seem concerned. However if you were told to take it then do obviously.

    I get really out of breath a lot. I feel like I sound like an elderly or seriously obese woman the way I huff and puff around the place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Well I'm at home with day off work cos of my back. Had a long soak in the bath and have a heat pack on my back. Seems to be improving slightly. I'm praying for a miracle that it will be much better tomorrow so I can enjoy the preg & baby fair.

    It's so strange being at home on a weekday on my own. It's definitely a novelty today but I think I'd get sick of it after a while - I know some of you who are on bed rest know this feeling. I'd enjoy it if could do some actual housework. But for now if I drop something I have to leave it on the floor as I can't bend over, OH will come home to a pigsty :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    Yep I hear ye on the wheeziness - happens mostly when I'm lying down, feels very odd! And the pubic bone hurts like hell - especially at night when trying to manoeuvre myself out of bed on my frequent loo trips. Getting increasingly harder to hop out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭March11

    I had been taking Spatone iron sachets with orange juice for 2 months prior to the letter I got from the hospital and it was still low. The getting caught for breath is making me feel a tad panicky today, feel at times like I am suffocating!!

    And are any of ye finding that the dreaded tiredness is coming back again??? I am 26 + 3 today and have spent all this week on the couch after work. Am hoping it's not back already as have so much to do yet!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭Tinkerbell4484

    After me ringing them all day the gp finally rang back with my results of my sample and nothing showed up,no infection or anything so I duno!!! They want to repeat it again next Thursday

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    March I am wrecked the last 2 days! According to Newry I am 29 weeks today :D, Drogheda reckon I'm 28+4.....

    Quite scary to think I only have 11 weeks left......and I've nothing bought!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Tinkerbell I was convinced that I had a kidney infection earlier on in the pregnancy... but mine were all clear too. Baby lies "blocking" me from going to the loo if you know what I mean but when I lie down it helps. Try a hot water bottle on your back and plenty of cranberry juice etc: there is nothing worse than a kidney infection if your not pregnant let alone if you are pregnant.

    Babs is lying straight across my belly today so I'm getting punches on one side and kicks on the other.

    My hubby 6 foot and I'm 5"3... I don't know I'm just convinced I'll have a big baby!

    Kildareash hope your boyf is okay... esp when ye've been in and out of hosp so much in the past :mad:

    My hubby has to go back working Saturdays for awhile and I am gutted. He's a chef he only has his current job for 15 months: before that he worked every evening and weekend so it feels like such a step backwards for him to have to go work Saturdays. But our savings were decimated thanks to me (okay i know i couldn't help been sick but that is not the point), and we just need it for a little while. And I know we are so lucky that he has the option to do that, and that he has a secure job, and that work are keeping my job for me, but right now all I see is him working 6 days a week :mad:

    I've got to say my iron levels have gone up so much since I got pregnant: lack of horrendous pms my doc thinks :p Actually wahoo there's another big positive in being pregnant!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Cyning , well done on the GTT!

    KildareAsh,Hope your hubby's ok!

    Mink, hope your back gets better, have you got one of the wedge pillows for it, they're great!

  • Registered Users Posts: 45 Kiwi2011

    javagal wrote: »
    Nesting Nesting, must clean everything!!!

    Poor dog has been bathed and brushed twice the past week...

    one of my dogs the hairy knotted one going for the works tomorrow!!!

    think Im going to start putting together a list of things i need to get for mtg hospital bag this weekend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Yeah, Boyf wasn't kept in :) might just have to go back on meds, so it's the best result we cld have hoped for. Although he's grumpy as hell after the sedation, he will be lucky if I don't bring him back and just leave him at the hospit door tonight!!!!

    Mink, hope the rest helps ur back. Nothing worse than feeling so helpless.

    Cyning, I feel so bad for you. It'll be hard on both of ye only having one day a week off together. Try and make plans with ur friends to call over for the first few Saturdays for "girlie days" face masks and chick flicks might take the edge off it. I know how u feel tho, and it must be even more difficult when ur not well and can't fill that time with other stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    kildareash wrote: »
    Yeah, Boyf wasn't kept in :) might just have to go back on meds, so it's the best result we cld have hoped for. Although he's grumpy as hell after the sedation, he will be lucky if I don't bring him back and just leave him at the hospit door tonight!!!!

    My husband swears point blank the next time they bring me in for a test there is no way I'm coming home if they've sedated me: apparently I'm intolerable!!! Ear plugs :p:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Starting on my hospital list.. Anyone care to join me?
    First(of many) Draft:
    Hospital Bag!!
    Labour Bag
    Light Dressing Gown
    2 nightdresses
    Make up wipes
    Newborn Nappies x 2

    Phone Charger
    Bra's x 3
    Breast Pads
    Maternity Pads
    Undies x 5
    Button Up Pajamas(for bf)
    Flip Flops for Shower
    Arnica Tabs
    5 vests
    5 baby grows
    Scratch Mitts
    Blanket for baby
    5 bibs

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭Tinkerbell4484

    My hospital bag
    2 Jammie bottoms
    2 Jammie tops
    Light dressing gown
    Knickers (disposable ones too.v.handy)
    Phone charger
    Labour bag (plastic bag in my hospital bag)
    T-shirt for Dh
    Baby grow
    Baby vest
    Baby hat
    Nightshirt I will never wear again

    Babys bag
    5x baby grows
    5x vests
    1 pk nappies
    Baby's towel

    At home then I do leave,baby's going home outfit,my going home outfit,and spare vests, baby grows ect!!!
    I've proberbly forgot loads

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Thanks Java and Tink - i was just about to start my list!

    Twiddling my thumbs until hubby gets home now!

    One of my apps tells me I am in the 3rd trimester - the other still says 2nd (I'm 27+1), so I'm a bit confused. But I saw my belly move for the first time today - and spent the next 30 minutes staring at my bump :)
