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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Oh and I have circled wednesday to go into Mothercare and look at their own brand buggies. They have a sale on them at the moment online so wanted to get a look at them in the shop and wheel them round, Maybe even buy one as they are quite cheap. But we would have to buy the car seat seperately. But not the end of the world if we're both happy with the purchase.

    I think we are going to get the cot bad from Ikea too and get a mattress there.

    Does anyone know what the story is with the midwife coming out to visit you in the house? I am planning to bring baby back to OH's rather than my Dad's apartment, more room there at his than at the apartment and want OH to be involved with baby for the first few weeks as much as possible.

    I am a bit worried though that moving in with him just as the baby is born might put a strain on us, it will just make life easier until I get into a routine with baby and I can get back to work asap!

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭mmmn..chicken

    my friend was 7 months b4 we all told her she was 90% certain she didnt know.she had all the pains and her doc was giving her painkillers for her"backpain"(never offered or mentioned a preg test) it was fairly obvious to all of us though.....guess its down to power of the mind/denial/fear? b4 i got my 13 week scan i found it hard to believe even with 4 pos tests.
    by the way i have hospital appointment next week(28 weeks)does any1 kniw if this is scan or just check wondering whether i need to bring hubbie along

    mink i got thebelly support band thing from mothercare,just for work at first but now i wear it while out walking too ..its a godsend. i was a bit mean about spending 20 euros on elastic at first but im so glad i did now.
    so far so good on the belly stretchmarks too,both my sisters had them by this stage so im giving the extra support the credit for that one too.....possible im totally wrong on that one but something is working:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    mmm.....chicken I had the 28 week appointment last week and they didn't do a scan. Just a quick hallo how are you? feeling well etc etc. They did check the heartbeat though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Seriously though???!!! She didn't know she was pregnant?!?!? I was 5 weeks before I realised that I was pregnant, how could you not know?!?! Even before I took the test I was 90% certain!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Scan tomorrow... hopefully. Well at least at my last appt they said they were scanning me tomorrow to see how baby growing: and hopefully I'll find out boy or girl! Hubbie can't make it though :(

    I got my baby changing table from Ikea: it's sitting in a box to be put together!!

    The problem with gestational diabetes and symptoms is that so many of the symptoms mimic each other: tiredness, thirsty, hungry! I should know tomorrow the results of my GTT, but because I didn't get a phonecall today I'm assuming I'm in the clear :D

    Notsobusy is it not the PHN that comes around? I think it all depends on your support system, how nervous you seem, how your baby's doing etc... Normally here its at least 3 or 4 visits... that could have changed with all the early retirements though!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Yes Cyning I meant the PHN! Ah sure it'll be fine I'm sure :) I looked it up and it says that usually she comes out just the once and the other visits are optional, like you have to make appointments. But I'd say you're right about the early retirements. That's a bit worrying though say you did have a problem and there was no one to come out and help you because of early retirements!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    I know in some areas those early retirees are now doing the same job as agency staff so I wouldn't worry too much :)
    Re your visits can't you just tell them where you will be living?

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    notsobusy, I had the same worry about moving in with SO around baby time too, we only just moved in together in the last month, all going well so far, really glad to have him around the whole time actually, was living alone before! Maybe move over a little early to get used to each other before babs arrives?
    Also, its my 28 week appointment next Monday and was really hoping for a scan too! I'll be so disappointed if they don't do one now, its been months since I got to see baby!

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    cyning - best of luck tomorrow, hope all goes well..

    A friend of mine sent me on this list of baby essentials for home, hospital and delivery. Warning: it's very long and a bit scary!

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    Hi ladies,

    About the GTT test - I had sugar in my urine at my last appointment & the midwife just told me to repeat the test 30 minutes later and it was ok again. It was weird because I had only had Special K and coffee about an hour before hand for breakfast. Made me worry though and cannot wait for my next GP appointment in two weeks to see if it's still there. I've almost completely cut out unnecessary sugar now but not sure what else to do. I wasn't offered the GTT even after that test.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Also, its my 28 week appointment next Monday and was really hoping for a scan too! I'll be so disappointed if they don't do one now, its been months since I got to see baby!

    I'm back on Friday, and I'm pretty sure they told me at my first appt that I would get a scan at every visit (but this will only be my second time with the hospital!). I know they told me that they will only print pictures the first time and you have to ask if you want them after that. So that implies there will be other scans....hopefully.
    my friend was 7 months b4 we all told her she was 90% certain she didnt know.she had all the pains and her doc was giving her painkillers for her"backpain"(never offered or mentioned a preg test) it was fairly obvious to all of us though.....guess its down to power of the mind/denial/fear? b4 i got my 13 week scan i found it hard to believe even with 4 pos tests.
    by the way i have hospital appointment next week(28 weeks)does any1 kniw if this is scan or just check wondering whether i need to bring hubbie along

    mink i got thebelly support band thing from mothercare,just for work at first but now i wear it while out walking too ..its a godsend. i was a bit mean about spending 20 euros on elastic at first but im so glad i did now.
    so far so good on the belly stretchmarks too,both my sisters had them by this stage so im giving the extra support the credit for that one too.....possible im totally wrong on that one but something is working:)

    That's mad about your friend. Was she not feeling movement?

    Was it hard to get used to the support band. I think I could do with something, I'm starting to get an ache in my lower back, don't want it to get worse.
    cyning wrote: »
    Scan tomorrow... hopefully. Well at least at my last appt they said they were scanning me tomorrow to see how baby growing: and hopefully I'll find out boy or girl! Hubbie can't make it though :(

    I got my baby changing table from Ikea: it's sitting in a box to be put together!!

    The problem with gestational diabetes and symptoms is that so many of the symptoms mimic each other: tiredness, thirsty, hungry! I should know tomorrow the results of my GTT, but because I didn't get a phonecall today I'm assuming I'm in the clear :D

    Notsobusy is it not the PHN that comes around? I think it all depends on your support system, how nervous you seem, how your baby's doing etc... Normally here its at least 3 or 4 visits... that could have changed with all the early retirements though!

    Do you think they would ring you if there was a positive result? Fingers crossed, I'm in the clear so.

    Which changing table did you get in Ikea? I was looking at a basic wooden one for the bathroom for bathtime. It was only about €30. OH's parents were thinking about getting the one that folds up for their house.

    Good luck tomorrow, hope you get to see baby :)
    notsobusy wrote: »
    Yes Cyning I meant the PHN! Ah sure it'll be fine I'm sure :) I looked it up and it says that usually she comes out just the once and the other visits are optional, like you have to make appointments. But I'd say you're right about the early retirements. That's a bit worrying though say you did have a problem and there was no one to come out and help you because of early retirements!!!

    I think the PHN comes out a few times if you're breastfeeding to make sure baby is gaining weight etc, but only once if your bottle feeding. Sounds ridic, really hope I'm wrong on that, but I'm sure that's what a friend told me.
    But, you're right, god only knows what it's like with all the retirements.
    Don't worry though, you can always pop into the health centre if you have concerns or questions or I'm sure they would call out again if you were that worried.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    my oh had to pick me up from work.
    i was feeling dizzy and my bump was sore and I wasnt able to move almost at.
    i think that was my boss influance ;-)

    anyway i feel better now.

    I discovered today that work pants I had are not comfy anymore and I need to get new one with over belly part (smart pants) soon.

    Re travel systems.
    we get mothercare my choice 4. it is great. my friend had as well and it was easy to use, comfy for baby, good value and nice green apple color :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    What they told me about gtt was diabetic nurse would be looking at results Monday and they'd contact me then if there was a need to either repeat the test or if I had it, but that if it was clear id hear at my next appt. which is tomorrow so fingers crossed the diabetic nurse looked at them today! New a&e opened in Tralee today though so that could have messed everything up!!

    Phn definitely came more than once to friends who'd had babies and they were bottle feeding: I don't know anyone who breasted except aunts and mum! I know some ppl hate them but I know I'll have 1001 questions!!

    Saurelin hope your feeling better x

    I read the first book since I got pregnant today: I was so delighted. Im an avid (and fast!) reader so it's been torture not having the concentration for it! Admittedly it was the hunger games but I'd tried rereading some of my fave books and was getting nowhere! So so happy :) off to buy second one in morning now!!

    It was the gulliver changing table I think: it was 66 euro! I'll post a link tomorrow on my phone now. I saw the one for 30 too: but I didn't know how sturdy it was and it's going to be in my sitting room so I wanted something that wouldn't drive me loopy!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Cyning we have this same changing table :-)

    I feel ok today. wake up at 4 thinking about food ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    bloody nose bleeds are wrecking my head!

    to the ladies who were saying about scans, i think Kildareash, if you are with portlaoise, they scan you every time, I've had 3 so far, first time i got 3 pics , then none , then 1 of her foot because the doctor thought it was cute lol!

    Cyning, enjoy your scan today x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Hiubby finally felt the kicks, he is absolutely gobsmacked by them :)

    I have a hospital appointment on Thursday, but I don't think they will do the scan, as I have an appointment next month in the scanning department. Hope so though!

    Cyning, delighted you got your reading on, I'm lost whenever I can't read for whatever reason - it's my reset button. And I really enjoyed the Hunger Games :)

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one with trouble staying asleep despite being wrecked - i'm up and down like a yoyo to pee, and rolling over is getting harder and harder. My back and hips are starting to really hurt!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Thanks java, I thought that's what they told me but I remember the midwife saying you had to ask for pictures after the first visit. It's crazy how every hospital is different.

    I'm not liking the third trimester at all. Turning in the bed is so uncomfortable and I can't lie anyway for too long. My hips ache, my lower back and between my shoulders...probably caused by the weight of my boobs!!!!

    Was dreaming about baby last night, it was lovely :) roll on Friday till I get to see this little trouble maker again...OH says he is going to be on the lookout to see if it's a boy or a girl, hopefully he won't get a clear enough view!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    mamaheidi wrote: »
    I had sugar in my urine at my last appointment & the midwife just told me to repeat the test 30 minutes later and it was ok again. It was weird because I had only had Special K and coffee about an hour before hand for breakfast.

    Special K along with most cereals is fairly high in sugar. Also it's pure carbs which convert to sugar and then you've all the sugar in the milk. Best bet is porridge if you're a cereal eater or eggs on toast or something like that. (Having said all that, I LOVE my sugary cereals since getting preg)
    cyning wrote: »
    I read the first book since I got pregnant today: I was so delighted. Im an avid (and fast!) reader so it's been torture not having the concentration for it! Admittedly it was the hunger games but I'd tried rereading some of my fave books and was getting nowhere! So so happy :) off to buy second one in morning now!!

    Hunger games books are great. Very easy to read but addictive. My OH is reading them at the moment and he loves them. My sister was a big reader and when she got preg all she read was occasional baby magazines. She got terrible baby brain. It was around the time the Twilight books came out and I'd just finished them. They weren't exactly literary tomes but they got her reading again!
    Kash wrote: »
    Hiubby finally felt the kicks, he is absolutely gobsmacked by them :)

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one with trouble staying asleep despite being wrecked - i'm up and down like a yoyo to pee, and rolling over is getting harder and harder. My back and hips are starting to really hurt!

    Yay re your hubby feeling the kicks too!

    My back is slightly better today but I really feel it in my hips.
    I went to get more heat patches yesterday and I said to the pharmacist re me being preg and she said "well just take them off if you notice any bleeding" :eek: so I'm going to call my midwife before I put one on again, they don't seem so hot that they could do any damage!

    What the hell are we going to do when we're 8mths, 9mths. I had a coniption (sp?) fit last night as I was so frustrated with not being able to do anything with my back. OH cooked a big dinner, did all the washing up and hoovered the whole house last night and I just felt like the most useless thing ever sitting on my hole!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    kildareash wrote: »
    Turning in the bed is so uncomfortable and I can't lie anyway for too long. My hips ache, my lower back and between my shoulders...probably caused by the weight of my boobs!!!!

    This! This exactly! I used to love curling up with hubby and watching a movie in the bed, and now the idea of lying down for any longer than strictly necessary makes me want to cry.

    Best of luck to all the lucky ducks with scans happening this week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    my hubby is a major snuggler in bed, he throws an arm and a leg over me always and lately its too much. He's not allowed to do it anymore...poor guy is feeling very left out.

    Its very uncomfortable alright getting to sleep, i dont have one of those fancy pillows so at the moment i am just stuffing the duvet between my legs and under my bump. Which means major hogging of the duvet..

    If we see anyone selling those pillows at the fair we will get one.

    Did any of the stalls at the fair take laser?? or was it mostly cash?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Tony Kealys took our deposit via card. We paid cash to the others but they might have had card facilities. There was a cash machine on site in Dublin but it would be a good idea to bring some cash with you just in case :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    silly wrote: »
    my hubby is a major snuggler in bed, he throws an arm and a leg over me always and lately its too much. He's not allowed to do it anymore...poor guy is feeling very left out.

    Its very uncomfortable alright getting to sleep, i dont have one of those fancy pillows so at the moment i am just stuffing the duvet between my legs and under my bump. Which means major hogging of the duvet..

    If we see anyone selling those pillows at the fair we will get one.

    Did any of the stalls at the fair take laser?? or was it mostly cash?

    I have one of the fancy maternity pillows and think it's just too big because I wake up during the night with horrible pressure in my side and bump from where i lie on it and don't get it when I go without.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    I have the dream genii, and i have found it great for stopping me rolling over onto my back, and for helping me to sit up in bed now that leaning back is so damn uncomfortable.

    But, I have also found it a pain in the ass, it is not at all comfy under the bump as it is way too solid, and I miss being able to roll over and snuggle up to my hubby when I am using it correctly. He calls it the 'cock-blocker' :D

    I've taken to turning it upside down and keeping the whole thing on the outside of the bed to rest my knee on. So, to be fair - a normal pillow would do!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    I have one of the fancy maternity pillows and think it's just too big because I wake up during the night with horrible pressure in my side and bump from where i lie on it and don't get it when I go without.

    hmmmm...i'll have to get something, maybe just an ordinary extra pillow..

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    Thanks Mink, that's what I thought afterwards. I've been on weetabix since - a lot less sugar.

    I'm with Java on the pregnancy pillow. OH got me a belly wedge, really nice idea but when I use it I wake up with a sore back. Maybe it's for when the belly is bigger but I find that a normal pillow works better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Urghh sometimes I hate college,

    I'm already known as billy no mates cause I'm the only mature student in my class, but I came in after Easter break and my belly has gotten big, but jesus, the looks I get is unreal.

    I try to avoid my classmates because I can't conversate with them, I know I'm only 23 but I feel sooo much older than 5 years over them, I have a house, mortgage, car etc and one of them is living in his van on campus.

    Then one of the lads just asked me "how's your little parasite," I very nearly screamed at him...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    mamaheidi wrote: »
    Thanks Mink, that's what I thought afterwards. I've been on weetabix since - a lot less sugar.

    I'm with Java on the pregnancy pillow. OH got me a belly wedge, really nice idea but when I use it I wake up with a sore back. Maybe it's for when the belly is bigger but I find that a normal pillow works better.

    It might just have been because you had only eaten an hour beforehand, that's why she repeated the test and it was normal.

    javagal wrote: »
    Then one of the lads just asked me "how's your little parasite," I very nearly screamed at him...

    What an a**hole! Some people just mature quicker than others. Try not to let it upset you!
    silly wrote: »
    my hubby is a major snuggler in bed, he throws an arm and a leg over me always and lately its too much. He's not allowed to do it anymore...poor guy is feeling very left out.

    My OH is the same, but the other morning he put his arm across me the other morning and baby gave him a swift PFO! I thought OH was asleep and didn't feel it, but I think it woke him!
    Mink wrote: »
    What the hell are we going to do when we're 8mths, 9mths. I had a coniption (sp?) fit last night as I was so frustrated with not being able to do anything with my back. OH cooked a big dinner, did all the washing up and hoovered the whole house last night and I just felt like the most useless thing ever sitting on my hole!

    Aw Mink, try to relax and let him help. I know it's hard when you feel totally useless, but you're working 24/7 lately so take the time to rest.

    I feel older than my 82-year-old dad who has dodgy hips right noW. Just made a call in work that I make every week and speak to the same person, but I couldn't remember his name to ask for him when the phone was answered. All my colleagues collapsed in fits of giggles. I was mortified!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    javagal wrote: »
    Urghh sometimes I hate college,

    I'm already known as billy no mates cause I'm the only mature student in my class, but I came in after Easter break and my belly has gotten big, but jesus, the looks I get is unreal.

    I try to avoid my classmates because I can't conversate with them, I know I'm only 23 but I feel sooo much older than 5 years over them, I have a house, mortgage, car etc and one of them is living in his van on campus.

    Then one of the lads just asked me "how's your little parasite," I very nearly screamed at him...

    Did you not punch him? I'll punch him for you if you want!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Javagal don't worry re the's a shame you are the only mature student! When I was a wee 17 year old in college most of my class were mature students & it made for a fabulous learning environment :) I'd pick a class of mature over straight from school any day as would my partner who is a lecturer :D

    Re your nose bleeds - according to my other half orange juice helps strenghten the nose vessels & the only nosebleed I have had was after 4 days of no juice! I think she read it in what to expect :) I'm adoring orange juice at the moment - I know it's packed with sugar but ooohhhh it's so yummy :D

    I also gather you are a Harry Potter fan - my partner is reading The Tales Of Beedle The Bard to my bump :) she would be reading the books if she thought I would put up with it ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Did you not punch him? I'll punch him for you if you want!!!

    I think he just said that because I showed him my website project and he nearly puked at the difference between his and mine!! And I might be his boss one day lol!!
    Re your nose bleeds - according to my other half orange juice helps strenghten the nose vessels & the only nosebleed I have had was after 4 days of no juice! I think she read it in what to expect I'm adoring orange juice at the moment - I know it's packed with sugar but ooohhhh it's so yummy

    I also gather you are a Harry Potter fan - my partner is reading The Tales Of Beedle The Bard to my bump she would be reading the books if she thought I would put up with it

    Your OH is the sweetest!!-You're very lucky to have her!!
    My OH bought go the F*** to sleep to read to Zoe lol!!
