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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Kildareash have you tried heat pads or anything like that for your back?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    I agree Mink, haven't left the house all week and OH has a really busy week in work and has worked late every night so I feel like I'm going mad. I'm really teary today. It's also looking at all the jobs That need to be done, but I can't!

    I said last night that the baby was doing back spins, like u wld on the dance floor because I was feeling the movement all over. The only good thing about being off is being able to feel so much more movement than I normally wld during the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Yeah the not being able to do anything is a real killer. I've lost probably 3-4 weekends of potential house-project-work and am now sort of indebted to my OH for all the stuff he has done. But more than that, it just makes me feel so useless, grrr.

    Even though I'm feeling better, I'm so so so careful now with what I do so I don't trigger another spasm.

    As notsobusy said, maybe try the heatwraps, I found them good for relief & baths too (not too hot though)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Yeah I've been heatwraps and taking long showers as opposed to baths. Don't think I'd be able to get out on my own!

    I have back problems since I was a teenager and fell off a horse, so I was minding myself. It was the two hours sitting in the car in Saturday and Sunday that did it for me. Car seats are the worse for bad backs.
    If u do alot of driving mink or sit in a car for a long time, it's worth getting a wedge cushion. Helps elevate your hips because all car seats slope down at the back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Ladies with back pain and discomfort, I got a memory foam pillow for a tenner in Guineys recently and have been throwing it in behind my lower back sitting on the couch of an evening (and using exercise ball purely as a foot rest, ha!) unreal! Some support like, haven't found a better cushion for easing the discomfort anyway. Fallen in love with my bath lately, its massive too, which helps! Also, not sure if this is even a thing, but I was thrown down on couch the other night lying on my side after walking from the maternity to dooradoyle after that appointment the other day, was in bits like, OH eventually fell asleep on me too and whatever way he had his weight thrown down on my left hip (i was lying on my right) the relief was savage! no idea why, but must lure him into falling asleep on me again haha!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Mink wrote: »
    Baby is very active yesterday and today. Think I felt a big lumpy head slide across my belly the other evening, I keep getting a fright when he does big freaky movements.

    I jumped about a foot in bed last night! I actually yelped!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    notsobusy wrote: »
    I jumped about a foot in bed last night! I actually yelped!!!

    aparently i moan in my sleep when baby moves..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    silly wrote: »
    notsobusy wrote: »
    I jumped about a foot in bed last night! I actually yelped!!!

    aparently i moan in my sleep when baby moves..

    Isn't it going to be wierd not having those movements when baby arrives. Some of those kicks and punches are so strong tho, I can't believe it.

    Have to stop watching Portland babies on discovery...I'm addicted and considering moving to London so one of those midwives can deliver my baby. But you definately won't see me on my own version of 19 kids and counting, as easy as the duggars make it look, I just watch wondering how she carried and have birth to all those kids!
    I need to change the channel!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    another long day in college where nothin was going right,
    go to tesco on way home and found a giant lindt bunny for a euro woo hoo nom

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Had second antenatal class this eveing: fire alarm went off and we all had to go and stand out in the cold :mad: and i was not feeling well as it was.

    I am officially in a foul foul mood :mad:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Robinc

    One Born Every Minute on More 4 now if anyone is interested!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    first day in about a month im not up early and baby zoe seems to have done the full routine to fame, then found it a bit winding and got the hic ups for half an hour !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    first day in about a month im not up early and baby zoe seems to have done the full routine to fame, then found it a bit winding and got the hic ups for half an hour !

    Have you decided on Zoe over Zoey Java?
    Its a gorgeous name!!
    I'm trying to convinve hubby on a name for a boy, but he reckons its too "out there"...i dont think it is...
    We have Olivia for a girl (my dads is Oliver aka Ollie - so she will be known as Ollie too) I am liking Jonah for a boy....what do ye think?

    oh i'm having a "will i, won't i, burst out of my pants today" day...

    i'm taking bets ladies!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Names are so hard to agree on :) Javagal knows that Zoe is also top of our list but we are waiting to see if she feels like a Zoe when she arrives or the other names on our list :) and that she is def a girl :D

    Jonah is a nice name :) I like it! Our boys name generally made people laugh or look at us funny when we told them but after an hour or so grew on them :D It still remained top of our list & if we manage to have another & it's a will go nicely with Zoe if we stick to that & the others on the girls name list :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Oh & silly I'm going with you won't :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Jonah is a lovely name. We have Devin picked for a boys name and Twomums we get silly looks too.

    So far everyone loves our Girls name Ismay apart from my mum :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    kildareash wrote: »
    Have to stop watching Portland babies on discovery...I'm addicted and considering moving to London so one of those midwives can deliver my baby.

    I am addicted to this also, it's quite a good show, better than that really American show Birth Stories anyway!!
    I actually set my Sky box to record them. I don't watch any TV apart from this and our Sopranos boxset (odd mix!).
    I was left a bit bereft now that One Born & True Blood are off the air for a while (again an odd mix).
    javagal wrote: »
    first day in about a month im not up early and baby zoe seems to have done the full routine to fame, then found it a bit winding and got the hic ups for half an hour !

    Haha, fame routine! I say to my OH that baby is having a rummage around my womb or mooching around.
    Feels like he's lost something and can't see in the dark and so is feeling around for whatever it is. Then sometimes he gets frustrated that he can't find it and throws a strop & kicks a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I like Jonah!
    I'm afraid I won't be sharing any potential names, OH & I are sworn to secrecy to not say them. Only reason for this is we had a couple of favourite names & then I got really put off by people pulling faces or saying "Oh I knew a "insert name" but they were such a twat etc".

    It shouldn't put me off at all but it does for some reason.

    My problem is that I have only one name that appeals and I can't think of any others and we had wanted to have at least 3 names that we both agreed on so we could see what fits when baby comes. I've been through baby name books etc and I always come back to the same name.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Fed up of names! OH and I can't seem to agree on anything! I have a girls name stuck in the head now and have a mental block on boys names completely, OH keeps suggesting stupid frumpy old fashioned things that I hate, but kinda feel like I should let him choose the boys name anyway since I put my foot down on girls name pretty much. Our surnames are going to be the problem though I think, he wants just his name, I want both at least, cos I don't want my child having a different surname to me! Anyone else in the same spot? What way are ye settling it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Mink I completely understand & I only outed our Zoe as I didn't want Javagal thinking we nicked it from her :) its been on our list from early on!
    If we were to be put off names by people's reactions our boys name would be long gone...not one person has said they like it :rolleyes: but we do & I thats what matters :) One friend literally burst out laughing but a few days later really liked the name!
    I find it strange how people feel so at ease with dissing a potential name & there seems no subtlety is required! Some people who haven't liked our names have named their children names I wouldn't pick in a million years but they have no idea I don't like them :) because it's their child not mine.

    We are the same re wanting a selection of names to choose from but it's hard to move past a name you love :) you will know if it feels right when he is born & if not you can look at alternatives then! Boys names felt easier for us to pick than girls names so it was handy finding out the gender to give us a shift on girls names :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    we are not telling anyone our names either! just you girls..

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    NyquistFreak we are double barrelling our surnames by deed poll so that our baby will carry both our names. They are not - don't they go lovely together - surnames but are not terrible either & in our situation it will mean my partner shares the same surname as our child which will help with school, travel etc! I can't give our child her surname (along with mine) unless I deed poll mine first so that's another job for May :)

    In contrast my brothers wife didn't take our surname but their kids have. She is just assumed & goes by our surname at the school etc. doesn't seem to bother her that they assume she is mrs .... :) I think she finds it easier than explaining it over & over!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Anyone think about middle names. We're using my dad's name as the middle name and he had a good name and it goes very well with our surname - sounds stately or presidential or something.

    Ok... I'm going to crack... the name I like for my wee boy is Leon.

    I know none of you would do this anyway, but just in case... please don't comment on it if your comment is in anyway "meh" or don't like it etc.

    Don't really know where we got it but I think from that film about the French assassin :rolleyes: not cos we are rearing a trained killer, just like the name for some reason.

    Only saying this to you guys, literally no one else will know the name until he is actually named & birth certed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    I really like Leon - I had thought of it, but it doesnt sound right with our surname.

    Our new arrival will have my husbands surname, I have my husbands surname..kinda - havent officially changed it - not sure how to, only got married in september.

    But my 11 yr old has my surname, so when it comes to anything to do with her, school etc..i use my maiden name so i'm the same as her.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Mink I really like Leon... It's a lovely name!

    I totally agree with not telling anyone. Once you've named your baby noone would dream of telling you they didn't like it but before hand they have no such qualms :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Fed up of names! OH and I can't seem to agree on anything! I have a girls name stuck in the head now and have a mental block on boys names completely, OH keeps suggesting stupid frumpy old fashioned things that I hate, but kinda feel like I should let him choose the boys name anyway since I put my foot down on girls name pretty much. Our surnames are going to be the problem though I think, he wants just his name, I want both at least, cos I don't want my child having a different surname to me! Anyone else in the same spot? What way are ye settling it?

    Yeah we are but I'm not really fussed to be honest if I were really pushed I would put my surname in as a second name if you know what I mean! Friends of mine have done that aswell. We do plan to get married at some stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Mink - I like Leon :) will you be in trouble now for cracking ;) On middle names we are using one of my partners nans name (top ten girls name these days) & possibly one of my grannies name but might leave that out as she will have two surnames so it might be a bit much :D

    Cyning - believe me after a child is named some people will still happily comment on a name!

    Notsobusy - I like Devin too :) don't let people put you off just because it's not a name they would pick!

    Silly - you just start using it & can change bank accounts etc by bringing in your marriage cert. In your case there is no need to deed poll the change. If you, your husband & your daughter wanted to you could change her surname to match the rest of you by either deed poll (you can complete the process yourself fairly easily) or by common usage which basically means you just change her name with schools, doctors etc & after 2 years its accepted as her new name...personally I would deed poll as its more official :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    End of next week is my 30th but OH is gigging the whole weekend :(

    I realised a few days ago that I really really don't want to be working on my 30th and I don't want to be alone until Sunday afternoon! It's not his fault, it's better we get the money in.

    So I booked a cheap flight to go over to my sister in UK and hang out with her & my nieces for a couple days. So she'll probably pamper me a little (a cake at least) and then I come back Sun & OH will pamper me all day too :D

    Have to go to doc tonight to get him to sign off the "Fit to Fly" letter. Once you're into your 28th week you have to get a letter. They probably won't even ask me for anything but there's no way I'm getting grounded in an airport.

    I'm a little nervous re travelling on my own though with my back and everything. Hopefully there will be some gallant gentleman (or woman) who will put my carry on into the overhead bin!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    silly set on spelling it zoe now, much more lady like for when she.s older!

    twomums, i wouldn't think you robbed zoe lol, its a classic name and i dont think it Will go out of style!

    i loved olivia,elena and Eliza for girls too but oh loves zoe so well go with that!

    for boys we had, elijah,rueben and Jonah!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Mink I love the name Leon, it was on our list, and may still join the family if we have a boy in the future. Hubby is french, so we need names that can be pronounced properly by both sides of the family!

    We had a lot of friends laughing their ass off at 'Melody' but at teh same time, they love it. There have already been lots of jokes about what we will do if she is tone deaf :) Our surnname begins with B, so there have been quite a few Mel B/Spice Girl jokes too. To be honest, I don't care - we both love it, and we're pretty sure she won't hate us in 15 years because of it.

    We chose Rose for the middle name because they go nicely together, and I have an Aunt called Rose too, so it's in the family.
