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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    One of my brothers point blank refused a soother from mum: he was the only one of us to need braces: he sucked his thumb incessantly though (and even now as an adult and he would freak if anyone knew he still does in his sleep if he's stressed: I swear it is the funniest thing!!)

    What would worry me with angelcare is if it went off accidentally: there would be no sleep at all that night for us!

    The81gder you look great!!

    I feel enormous these days and I really don't like it... Kinda strange cuz I spent the first 20 weeks wishing for a bump!! Babs makes bump move theses days I get little hands poking out I think their hands it's deffo not a foot they're up under my ribs!!! She also has very definite ideas about me lying on my left side and puking: I lie on my right side but not much I can do about the vomiting!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Oh my god my daughter is baiting me from inside, wonder how she thinks of it..

    Zoe(looking at invisible watch): "hmmm, half one, late but im still not sleepy- i know my house probably doesn't contain the space i need but, seeing as i had a movie day today... Baby zumba woo hoo"

    Very sleepy mam: "Urgh zoe that really hurts"

    Zoe:"oh sorry mam,but it's too late now and im in the groove la la la"


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    Oh my god my daughter is baiting me from inside, wonder how she thinks of it..

    Zoe(looking at invisible watch): "hmmm, half one, late but im still not sleepy- i know my house probably doesn't contain the space i need but, seeing as i had a movie day today... Baby zumba woo hoo"

    Very sleepy mam: "Urgh zoe that really hurts"

    Zoe:"oh sorry mam,but it's too late now and im in the groove la la la"


    ha ha , thats gas!

    I was much the same last night, baby was doing some major moves! took me ages to get to sleep, and kept waking in the middle of the night.
    My hubby was watching my belly in awe..
    It struck me then, while i was trying to get comfy with hubby's arm and leg thrown over me (his favourite sleeping position), that the baby is just like daddy...constantly husband is constantly moving and wriggling, until he is comfy enough to fall asleep. Baby is exactly the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    javagal wrote: »
    Zoe:"oh sorry mam,but it's too late now and im in the groove la la la"


    baby zumba, ha! That was the same as my little one last night, I get weird dreams if I sleep while there's kicking so ended up staying up for ages watching a show about sandwiches...
    scan this evening now, can't wait to see the wriggler! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Right, quick one, how much weight have you guys gained so far? I'm 27 weeks and have now racked up a grand total of 24 pounds (nearly two stone). I've been keeping track of it on this spreadsheet thingy that I got off some pregnancy site (which already takes into account my height & starting weight) and I'm about 5 or 6 lbs above the "high end" of where my weight should be.

    I don't think I've porked out too much but I see a double chin starting, I look a bit moon faced & not in a bloaty way.

    I'm eating pretty healthily, just a lot :D, and lots of cake type things :D think I need to lay off the cake! I don't have to have dessert everyday, I don't think it's crucial to baby's development somehow.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Mink wrote: »
    Right, quick one, how much weight have you guys gained so far? I'm 27 weeks and have now racked up a grand total of 24 pounds (nearly two stone). I've been keeping track of it on this spreadsheet thingy that I got off some pregnancy site (which already takes into account my height & starting weight) and I'm about 5 or 6 lbs above the "high end" of where my weight should be.

    I don't think I've porked out too much but I see a double chin starting, I look a bit moon faced & not in a bloaty way.

    I'm eating pretty healthily, just a lot :D, and lots of cake type things :D think I need to lay off the cake! I don't have to have dessert everyday, I don't think it's crucial to baby's development somehow.

    I didnt know my starting weight, so i dont know if i have gained much..
    I feel as though i havent put on any unnessesary weight. i keep asking friends and family if they think my face has filled out etc...they say it hasnt but maybe they just dont want to upset a pregnant lady..

    i am still wearing my pre pregnancy knickers..and i am still wearing my pre pregnany jackets and cardigans (without closing them obviously).
    My problem area has always been my thighs...they are always HUGE! but i think they are still as huge as they always were.

    My hubby thinks that my boobs are after shrinking...?? but i think they just look small in comparison to my belly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Thanks Silly, yeah my knickers are more or less fitting as are cardies/jackets on my arms. The maternity trousers I was wearing from 11 weeks still fit. They're a little bit snugger on my thighs and bum but not uncomfortably so.

    I think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill here. Found another site and it's telling me I'm within the normal range (albeit in the high end). None of these sites are really accurate anyway, they're sort of guidelines.


  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Mink if your medical people are concerned I would imagine they would mention it, you could always ask next time you are in if it's still worrying you :)
    As long as your baby is growing well that's most important & heck sometimes we just need cake :D icecream is my big thing at the moment :)
    I have gained about a stone but I had gained about a stone over my normal weight (which isn't skinny to begin with) before getting pregnant during our treatment cycles so I'm up something similar to you overall. In the early stages of pregnancy my weight stayed the same but I lost weight from face etc so I think my weight was redeployed around my body initially & then I started gaining :)
    Pregnancy is not a time to worry about your weight - like I said I'm sure they will mention it if they are concerned :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    I've heard of some people putting on three or four stone on their first pregnancy.

    I don't know what u weighed before I got pregnant, but I know I put on a stone in the 12 weeks between my two hospital appts.
    I think it was more my body shape changing than putting on weight before Xmas but none of my work trousers wld fit me then and my maternity trousers that I bought at the time still fit fine.

    I wasn't a size 12 before I got pregnant but I bought a size 12 jacket in penny's the other day. Ok, it won't even meet in the middle but it doesn't look too small on me from behind, and as they disnt have any bigger sizes, I'm going with it!

    You might find that you don't put on a whole lot more extra weight in the next few weeks, that it's just all baby. Don't worry tho, I've read in a few different places that some cake is essential for baby's development. Just don't ask me to back it up with scientific research ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    I've put on about 2 and a half stone, which is a chunk more than I am suposed to. My face is a bit fatter - but the rest of me is only marginally bigger, apart from the giant bump. I have a scan on the 11th, and hopefully they'll be able to tell me if I am having a giant baby.

    I started buying some bits and pieces for my hospital bag, so I now own a nightdress and a pyjamas - there's a first time for everything!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    actually now that i think of of my maternity pants dont fit me anymore..well they do , but they are very uncomfortable...they were fine at 12/14 weeks.
    so i must have put on weight on my arse and thighs..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Ray Darcy is doing some pregnancy talk with some women...
    One has had 4 home births..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    silly wrote: »
    Ray Darcy is doing some pregnancy talk with some women...
    One has had 4 home births..

    It must be pregnancy talk day. The guy who set up was just on Ireland AM

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Can i have a bit of a rant please??

    Ok, here it goes..

    i'm sick to DEATH of people making comments like - if i said i had a bad nights sleep i'm told - "oh get used to sleepless nights ha ha"
    or I met my sis in town on saturday and there was a baby crying in a shop - like hysterical and i got "you better start getting used to that sound now ha ha ha"..
    I just mentioned to someone about looking forward to buying regular clothes again and i get "ha! you wont even be thinking about normal clothes for the first few months"
    Or, my sister (who has three kids) went out with her hubby at the weekend, first night in months, and she was like "that'll be you now too, you and your hubby wont be going out anymore ha ha"
    Or she made some comment about me having to push a buggy around when she wont have to anymore (her youngest is 3) and she seemed to find it very amusing...

    Like, i have a daughter, i KNOW what its like to have a child...and i was a single mother (albiet - got alot of help from my mother when i moved home when my daughter was 2) but for the first 2 yrs everything was all done by if anything i know what its like at its worst - being alone.
    Whats with all the negative comments!! - especially from people that have kids! Like if it was that bad why did you do it yourself!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Thanks guys, feel a bit reassured. I'm not really worried vanity-wise (I can live with it as I know I can shift it after... I hope ;)) it's more I don't want to develop more back problems from excessive weight or produce a humongous baby!
    Kash wrote: »
    I started buying some bits and pieces for my hospital bag, so I now own a nightdress and a pyjamas - there's a first time for everything!

    Are you one of these that sleep in the nip? My sister is like that her whole life and my OH was until I turned him into a complete tenderfoot by buying him lots of comfy jammies! Now he's like an aul wan snuggled up in bed!
    silly wrote: »
    Ray Darcy is doing some pregnancy talk with some women...
    One has had 4 home births..

    I have three good friends who had all their babies at home with a midwife. One had 3, one had 2 and the other just the one. But the amazing thing is all three had their first at home, so this is giving me faith that I can do it too!

    Oh as RobinC mentioned somewhere earlier there is a show on RTE 1 tonight at 9pm re pregnancy/birth in Ireland. Have just sky plussed it remotely as won't get home till 11ish tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    silly wrote: »
    Can i have a bit of a rant please??

    Ok, here it goes..

    i'm sick to DEATH of people making comments like - if i said i had a bad nights sleep i'm told - "oh get used to sleepless nights ha ha"

    I'm already sick of this. My boss said to me this morning he was up all night with his 1yr old as she was teething & ah sure you have all that ahead of you.

    All it does is worry new mums! Unless you live under a rock, you are well aware that you could have a very unsettled baby or a baby who goes through phases of screaming through the night. We know this, please don't ruin our last three months in sleepy,nighty,dreamy,snoozy land by reminding us!

    I've found I'm pre-empting people saying it, like I say "ah sure it's all ahead of me" before they get a chance to get their little stab in. Grr

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Mink wrote: »
    Oh as RobinC mentioned somewhere earlier there is a show on RTE 1 tonight at 9pm re pregnancy/birth in Ireland. Have just sky plussed it remotely as won't get home till 11ish tonight.

    Yeah, the girls that were on ray darcy were from that show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭feest

    silly wrote: »
    i'm sick to DEATH of people making comments like - if i said i had a bad nights sleep i'm told - "oh get used to sleepless nights ha ha"

    Yeah, I sat with a classmate today during break who went on and on about how my life will be over once baby arrives and that I won't have a bit of freedom until baby leaves for college! I just sat there willing her to shut it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    silly wrote: »
    i'm sick to DEATH of people making comments like - if i said i had a bad nights sleep i'm told - "oh get used to sleepless nights ha ha"

    Totally agree with you, all this life is never going to be the same again I think we're more than aware that life is going to change a bit, but having a baby doesn't mean it has to stop.

    My sister's three girls slept through the night pretty much from day one...I'm considering asking her to move in and do whatever she did with them! So not all babies cry all night.

    We're lucky that we have a good few people we can ask to babysit when we need to. As it is we probably go out in Dublin, stay overnight in a hotel all that jazz, about 2/3 times a year and I don't see that changing.

    I sometimes think that it's people who let the baby change their lives dramatically rather than incorporating baby in to their lives that make comments like that.

    One thing that's really pissing me off, is people making comments about my OH's ability to look after his own child. He's a bit of a messer and jokes about different things he could do with the baby. One girl, even said she wouldn't leave the baby on its own with him. I was shocked and hurt. He's actually really good with kids, my 5yo nephew loves him to bits. I wouldn't mind but he works with young people too...I know that doesn't mean he's going to be a good dad but we were shocked that she could say such a thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    kildareash wrote: »
    I sometimes think that it's people who let the baby change their lives dramatically rather than incorporating baby in to their lives that make comments like that.

    I agree completely with this. I know more parents that still worked it out to enjoy the things in life that they did before, ie occasionally going out & also hobbies/excercise. I think it's a mindset and people tend to dramatise the bad things/phases that might happen, I sometimes do this being a drama queen pregnant princess :o

    There's always ways to figure something out, get around it etc. Probably better for baby if you're happier with your life as well as there's then no resentment building up. That's the way I'm going to try approach it.

    But either way I'm treating the first 3 months completely as "play it by ear" as I just need to get into the groove with my baby first and foremost.

    Kildareash that girl is a tw4t. How someone could say that about him to the mother of his unborn child is beyond me. Again, people can be so dense. I wouldn't listen to anything she has to say related to child care.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I'd also like to say that those nose sucky bulb things make me want to heave when I see them. Though I'll probably get one anyway.

    I know that supposedly when it's your child then you're not meant to mind snots etc. but I think I'm going to have to get the OH to do the snot extraction thing. I'd be afraid I'd suck his brains out or vomit in the process.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Mink wrote: »
    Are you one of these that sleep in the nip? My sister is like that her whole life and my OH was until I turned him into a complete tenderfoot by buying him lots of comfy jammies! Now he's like an aul wan snuggled up in bed!

    Yep - I might wear a t-shirt and socks in the winter if it's really cold, but normally not. I do however have a collection of snuggly dressing gowns for after I get up :)

    feest wrote: »
    Yeah, I sat with a classmate today during break who went on and on about how my life will be over once baby arrives and that I won't have a bit of freedom until baby leaves for college! I just sat there willing her to shut it.

    I would not have been willing her to shut it, I would have been telling her to. Politely, of course. Unless she had trouble taking the hint. ;)

    I find it hilarious that people think that a life is made up of going out, and getting drunk, and spontaneously flying off on adventure holidays and what have you - my life is made up of much more than that, and having a baby is only going to make it different - it's not going to make it stop!

    And it also means wonderful things (joy of motherhood notwithstanding) - like an excuse to go to Disney Land (they'll be celebrating their 25th anniversary when our kids are 5 - pretty perfect timing :)) and trampolines, and swing sets, and trips to the zoo, making rice-crispy buns and face painting - I can't wait!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I've put on 8 pounds: but you could also look at that as I've put on 29 pounds seen as I lost 21 to begin with!

    I think people seem incapable of saying anything positive about new borns at times! Noone would ever have a baby if they listened to all the horror stories... like aagh!

    Kildareash how you didn't smack her is beyond me: I would have! I bet she's the kind that would constantly go on about how men "babysit" their own children too.... nothing makes my blood boil more!

    I feel really really sad today for absolutely no reason... I've cried three times this morning... I think I'm losing my mind :rolleyes: well either that or I must be pregnant :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    kildareash wrote: »
    I sometimes think that it's people who let the baby change their lives dramatically rather than incorporating baby in to their lives that make comments like that.

    One thing that's really pissing me off, is people making comments about my OH's ability to look after his own child. He's a bit of a messer and jokes about different things he could do with the baby. One girl, even said she wouldn't leave the baby on its own with him. I was shocked and hurt. He's actually really good with kids, my 5yo nephew loves him to bits. I wouldn't mind but he works with young people too...I know that doesn't mean he's going to be a good dad but we were shocked that she could say such a thing.

    I think you have a great point there!

    That girl was out of place Ash, that was uncalled for. I had a similar comment from a friend of his when out for dinner the other day, saying that my OH wouldn't be able to look after a baby, to which the table went into stunned silence. The tone was worse than the comment. All I said was "well, you're wrong. Anyone who knows him can see he'll be an excellent Dad". The rest of the table fell over themselves to agree, and she took it back pretty sharpish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Kildareash, that girl sounds like a complete bitch. How dare she judge your oh.

    My oh does sound a lot like yours tho.sometimes i do worry he'll forget to feed himself lol but he Will be a great father,otherwise i wouldn't of planned a baby with him. His cousin made the comment once "you dont seem like the paternal type"-we just laughed as she has two au pairs and only has two kids and doesn't work lol

    With himself seven years in two weeks, really hoping we can get a deal on a hotel or something

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    BTW Mink at 30 weeks I have gone just over two stone,

    I posted a very similar post to yours a few weeks ago, but Im kinda just enjoying it now and lost 3 stone in WW in 3 months earlier this year so I will and have to do it again before my friends wedding at halloween.

    I've gained so much because I was on a strict diet with WW and then I got pregnant I stopped straight away so it's obvious, but my widwife said I'm tall and broad and healthy so it's all good!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Yeah those nose bulb things freak me out too...

    I wasn't great friends with that girl to start, but I certainly don't go out of my way to talk to her anymore. She's the girlfriend of one of OH's friends.

    Totally agree with you Kash...I can't wait to do all those lovely things with my child. Playdates (aka tea and cake) with other mammies and daddies, it's going to add a whole new dimension to our lives, which I can't wait for.

    Cyning, let yourself have a good cry. I've only been home for a week, but I was climbing the walls by Tuesday of last week. Don't know how you've done it. Feckin' hormones!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    OH just txt so say he'll be late home again...might have a little cry myself :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    kildareash wrote: »
    OH just txt so say he'll be late home again...might have a little cry myself :(

    That sucks Ash - i know how you feel.
    Can you ask someone around for company?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    I think I have come to a decision about breastfeeding/bottlefeeding.
    I think i am going to bottlefeed.
    I really don't feel comfortable breast feeding - I am terrified of it.
    I feel pressured to want to do it, i have a friend who is a midwife/PHN and she pressures me a bit.
    I want to enjoy the first few weeks/months of my baby without getting stressed about feeding/latching/bleeding nipples/milk not coming in/breasts being engorged etc.
    I want my husband to be involved as much as possible, he has hardly even held a baby, never mind feed one, but i want him to be able to do it because i know he will be happy to stand back and not get involved in the feeding part of it, which i know will only cause problems with us if i feel he isnt doing enough to bond.
    I have an 11 yr old, who is already feeling left out in my life. It was always me & her, and then when i met my husband, we built a house and moved in with him. Then it was all wedding talk and now baby talk. and i try my best to do things with her and have our own time, but i know once baby arrives i will really need to treat her will a little more special attention, and show her that this baby is not MORE important, but equally as. So i want to be able to leave baby with my mom, so me and my girl can spend the day together, and not have to worry about expressing enough milk etc..

    I have not made up my mind 100% but that is where i am right now.
    Please tell me i am not being selfish by not wanting to breastfeed....or do tell me! maybe its what i need to hear to decide fully what i want to do.
