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Ready for IVF with ICSI....



  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭TeresaM

    Hi girls...
    Smellycat, I'm with you on the waiting, its it a killer! We definately have to do something to keep our minds occupied! so how did your appt go with your clinic today? I hope they told you that you were able to start in May, let us know what they told ya :)
    MiaMc hope everything goes well for you at your clinic on Wednesday... I have eat some chocolate all right, well everything that I could get my hands on yesterday!!! LOLLLLL I was just so hungry! Thank god today wasn't the same! I hope your good feeling for me comes real!!! Fingers crossed...
    Have any of you taken progesterone? I'm sure you have.... did you have any side effects from it? this is my first time, and my boobs are sooooooo sore with it!!! :eek: even my arms hitting off them kills.... also I could kill my poor husband :eek: not that he's doing anything wrong, other than EVERYTHING!!! LOLLL :D:p I'm sure I'll get over it!

    So how is everyone else?? Happy tuesday lol...

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Hey everyone
    Hope all is going well for everyone waiting to start or half way through or on 2 ww
    Like yourself Teresa m hope your not completely demented though I would say you are xxx movies I would recommend -- bridesmaids, the sweetest thing , breakfast at tiffanys and basically any oldie classic!! Xx keep your mind off it huns xx
    And I think thats normal for the progesterone? Similar to period symptoms?? Judging from other forums what they say I can't remember?
    AFM I was at clinic yest will be having cyst drained under sedation:( then start antagonist protocol ... No nasal .. Different meds. So all can go ahead as soon as AF arrives . So I wait ... Mmmmmmmm
    Have to run I'm knackered best of luck everyone xxxxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭TeresaM

    Hey MiaM
    Oh wow, almost ready to start honey!!! Its exciting isn't it... Ok so I am not up to scratch with protocalls.. which is the antagonist protocol? is it the short protocol? thats the one i've done too if it is. I didn't do nasal either, but took Puregon and Cetrotide.. then trigger shot and Er.. I am excited for you. When do you have to get the cyst drained? and when is af due for you?

    I am feeling so sick today.. :( its like morning sickness.. yuck.. putting it down to progesterone too... god is tight stuff. Only 1 more week to wait and boy I can't wait...
    Look after you xx
    How is everyone else?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15 eiddas

    Hi all , I'm new to all this , just came across this thread and wished I could have shared my time of having IVF with similar people, Delighted things are going well for ye all and the very best of luck, and my heart truly goes out for the not so lucky ones, its a very tough and stressful time in your life and seriously its the stress that gets you,but try to stay positive !! I had 3 goes of ivf which all failed, a couple of months after my last Ivf , i discovered i was pregnant, Unbelievable !!! as i was told we could never have kids due to my Husbands very very low sperm count, but I never listened , I was determined I was going to have a baby . In 03 my daughter was born, My miracle... Then, in 06 I decided I wanted to give IVF one last chance, we actually done icsi, it was a success , my baby son was born in 07... The hardest part(ITS ALL HARD) of ivf is the waiting , the last 16 days , but i knew in 06 that it worked only a couple of days into it, as i had lots of signs, funny metal taste in my mouth, sick feeling every night in bed and waking up sweating, the feelings were oh so different than my failed attempts... I'm so happy & lucky to have my two beautiful babies and never give up , I taught it would never happen for us but it has and it can for ye too, eat healthy , while your in the waiting stage, carry on as you normally would have remembering not to over do it, getting a little more rest , but don't sit at home wondering , I'll be thinking of ye all xxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 15 eiddas

    Hi all , I'm new to all this , just came across this thread and wished I could have shared my time of having IVF with similar people, Delighted things are going well for ye all and the very best of luck, and my heart truly goes out for the not so lucky ones, its a very tough and stressful time in your life and seriously its the stress that gets you,but try to stay positive !! I had 3 goes of ivf which all failed, a couple of months after my last Ivf , i discovered i was pregnant, Unbelievable !!! as i was told we could never have kids due to my Husbands very very low sperm count, but I never listened , I was determined I was going to have a baby . In 03 my daughter was born, My miracle... Then, in 06 I decided I wanted to give IVF one last chance, we actually done icsi, it was a success , my baby son was born in 07... The hardest part(ITS ALL HARD) of ivf is the waiting , the last 16 days , but i knew in 06 that it worked only a couple of days into it, as i had lots of signs, funny metal taste in my mouth, sick feeling every night in bed and waking up sweating, the feelings were oh so different than my failed attempts... I'm so happy & lucky to have my two beautiful babies and never give up , I taught it would never happen for us but it has and it can for ye too, eat healthy , while your in the waiting stage, carry on as you normally would have remembering not to over do it, getting a little more rest , but don't sit at home wondering , I'll be thinking of ye all xxxx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Hey just a quickie message today
    Teresa m i am praying for ya ... That sure seems like a good sign! Dnt think progest.. Makes ya sick??? Good feelings Hun !! Xxx
    Eiddias hope I spelt that right thank you for your post it really gives me hope I know we have to keep trying! I have never had a pregnancy so no idea on signs I pray that I will eventually!! I sometimes think i will never experience a pregnancy and get so down sometimes but I do think your right that you have to keep trying!! Even when it is sooooo hard!! ( my hubby has low count too was yours taking anything to build it up? Any tips?? )
    So I thank you again for giving us hope and you too Teresa m good luck!!
    Afm If my cycle is as normal I m due in about a week or so ?? And I'm gonna be on puregon and oragultron? Xxx bring it on!!
    Happy Easter all xxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 15 eiddas

    Hi MiaMc, just a quick reply, Aw I just hope everything works out for you, will be thinking of you, honestly i was in the same position as you are now, and to think what i have now is so hard to believe at times,,, Watching a documentary on tv one night, we discovered after searching there wasnt much for men with a low sperm count but eating lots of fruit would help so we took to the market, bought every kind of fruit and would make a smoothie, which my husband would take every morning and evening, just before we began the ivf , he went for another test which showed his count had increased by a small %, Now to me everything was worth a try even though he hated taking them, sorry have to rush off here..............

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭TeresaM

    Hi all..
    miaMc, oh wow, its due in a week.. I am so excited for you and here all the way!!! I'll be right here and check in ever day in case you are having a bad day and just want to talk to someone, its quite an emotional journey isn't it, so its good to have someone that you can talk to.. Oh I have my fingers crossed for you sweetie...xxxx
    Eiddas, it is sooo good to hear from you. I love to hear success stories in all this, I think it is inevitable that every success story here will have a heartbreaking chapter or two at the beginning of it... I am delighted that you have two beautiful children, they really are the best in the world arent' they :) Are you happy with your two or would you like to try again for another? I know you probably have everyone ask you that question.... If so, we are here with you hun :)
    I am pretty much the same, feeling sick as a dog at times and I can't even walk fast cause my boobs hurt so much... I find I get quite bloated in the evenings/night... all positive so I have my fingers crossed but I'm cautious too as I have thought it worked before when it hasn't!!! I am back to work now, I worked on Saturday and I'm in work Mon-Friday with Sat off next week...I actually have sore muscles from work yesterday after having a week off :eek: Hope I get back into it quick!!
    Chat to you all soon, Happy Easter xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭TeresaM

    hey MiaMc how are you keeping honey? You getting yourself prepared?! I can't wait for you... lol
    I just can't believe it but I've been getting positive tests for a couple of days now... they are faint as I am only 12dpo but at the same time they are very much there... I am just so nervous to really believe that this is it. So we are keeping our optisim to ourselves jjust until the weekend....

    How is everyone doing anyone else due to start shortly? xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Hiya everyone
    Hope all you girls out there waiting or in the middle are doing okay this can get very nerve wrecking and it's so good to get some support up here!!
    Thanks to you eiddias for the advice and the encouragement!! I think I will def try get the hubby on the smoothies!! I will try anything!!
    Teresa m ah huns your a pet thanks for your warm wishes ... It means a lot and I am doing good bit better was feeling a little down so I do what I do best there and go out on the razz! Had a good night but felt so guilty yest for drinking etc but that's it now ... Healthy eating from now on and no more wine!! So waiting , waiting ,waiting on period!!
    And oh my god i am sooo excited for ya all the symptoms are there aren't they and wow it must be amazing to get that positive test!!! I knew I had a good feeling for ya girl!! BFP on the way!!! Whoop :):) when did you start testing?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭TeresaM

    Ah sorry you felt a bit down in the dumps honey, but you know what you can't beat a good night out on the town!! :D I had a HUGE night out before this cycle cause I didn't think we were starting for another month! So I guess that shows that it doesn't do any harm...
    I done the first test at 8dpo but I only do it cause I wanted to see a line from the trigger... I figured, hell, it might be the last time I see a line.. but it was stark white so I missed the trigger.. then 2 days later I thought hmmmmm.... (they were all taken in the evening too) so I done another, just to see.. and there was a REALLY faint line on it.. then I got addicted LOLLLL so I done another test on the following evening (yesterday) and it was a little darker. And I showed my hubby. So he said to do a test this am and it was def there... I tested again this evening to see and I think its a little darker than even this mornings test.. So I will test again in the morning, I'll be 13dpo.. 10days past my 3dt.... might take the digital one that I bought today... ;):rolleyes:
    Wishing you sooooo much luck with next month. do you get many side effects from Clomid? what dose do you take a month? I used to take 100mg a day and OMG I had horrible horrible side effects with it.. horrible stuff altogether :eek:
    Look after you honey xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 smellycat2010

    Wow TeresaM - that's such great news! Soooo exciting.
    Eiddas - thanks for posting, always helps to hear positive stories.
    MiaMc - hope AF arrives soon and you can get started.

    We had a consult last week. Nothing much to report - we have our pre-ivf meeting in a couple of weeks. We will be doing the short protocol with puregon. Roll on May!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭TeresaM

    Well done a digital this morning along with a cheapie test, both positive! :D we are delighted.. that has been a long 6.5years of trying!! please god everything will go to plan and we will have a perfect baba at the end of it all...
    MiaMc, how are you today sweetie?
    Smellycat, it was the short protocol that we done with puregon too.. I hope it works the same for you hun!! :) I hope the time goes really quick for you so you can get started.. xx fingers crossed for you all the way...

    How is everyone doing? Hope you all had a good day today?x

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Hi girlies
    Teresa m I am so happy for you a BFP aw that really is so great... And 6.5 years trying wow pet congrats .. Big time !!! Now take it easy too !!! ... Another success story it keeps us all going and positive!!
    And thanks for minding me hehe I am feeling much better wanna get started... Let's hope the puregon works for me too!!
    Good luck smelly cat !! That's great your starting soon will this be your first cycle?
    Keep us posted!!
    Hi to everyone else wondering if you's are still checking in?.. Merry lady ? Molly08? BW? And Neyite? How are all of you?

    Teresa M hunny again hunny your news is GREAT !!!!! ......Delighted!!!
    Be well xxxxxxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 15 eiddas

    Teresa M , I'm delighted for you, wonderful news , i knew by your signs you'd have good news, is nt it such a wonderful feeling, especially after trying for so long , miind yourself now .... I'm just laughing to myself over the amount of tests you done, I actually was much the same, think I'm done now with two, I wouldn say no to if it happened naturally but i simply cant put myself through another ivf, time is against me i'm afraid,,
    MiaMc, wishing you the very best of luck, yes everything is worth a try , and never feel quilty , we all deserve a good time to cheer us up.....:)
    Best of luck to everyone else.....
    once again so happy for you Teresa M.:) :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Hi everyone
    Just a quick message to say AF arrived sat had scan Monday and started injections mon night 300 puregon they are not draining the cyst in the end??? They don't seem worried about it now ... Said its smaller ?? Ah well I'm really tired though... Did any one else feel compl knackered taking puregon??
    Teresa m how are you getting on ... How many tests have you done xxx it's great news hunny!!! Whoop whoop xxx
    My eyes are closing here so night night all hope all you girls are well xxx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Lyanna2012

    Hi Ladies,

    I hope you don't mind me gate crashing. Could really do with some cycle buddies.

    Hubby and I have been trying to conceive for 2 years. Went for initial consultation in Sims fertility clinic (our GP was too relaxed -kept telling us 'come back in another 6 months', every time we saw him), so we took matters into our own hands. I'm 29, hubby is 28. My AMH is normal but on the low end of normal. Hubby has low motility. SIS was normal. We initially had planned on IUI x 3, but with the low motility best course of action is to go down the ICSI road.

    Just after having phone consultation with my doctor who talked me through high level plan for ICSI - sniffers for 2 weeks, then Gonal F injections and plenty of scans! It'll be blast transfer on day 5 if they get plenty of embryos, day 3 transfer if there are few.

    I'm excited and nervous about starting into this. Glad to be that little step closer to having a baby, but apprehensive about the whole process at the same time. It's really overwhelming at times. Talk about information overload!

    I've been reading the threads in this forum, but decided to officially sign up and start posting myself today. I'd love to chat with someone else in the same boat, as you nearly learn more from each other than you do from most of the doctors :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Hi all
    Welcome lyanna2012 it is good to chat here you are right it's great suppport because we are all going through the same thing! As much as family and friends try to understand.... The best of luck with everything I hope we will be chatting more xxx
    Teresa m how you getting on? Have you gone back to clinic/ doctor?
    Eiddias thanks for your wise words! We need to do what we can to stay happy xxx
    As for me girls well had scan fri which was day 5 of stimms and a poor response again.. :( v upset cyst that was on right is gone now on left ??? Confused. com ?!! Anyway they didn't up my meds but started me on the orgalutron and back in the morn but they might cancel me again I'm head wrecked!!! There has to be significant improvement the nurse said!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 clip82

    Hi Girls,

    new to this too, im 29 and DH is 30, so far we have Male only problems,I am doing the SIS test this week and DH is doing his DNA frag, I got the TEG results which the doctor wants to speak with me further on, in short i will be put on asprin.I have already started the pill to regulate my cycle and when all results are in. i.e dna frag and AMH results we will be meeting with Consultant to see what road to go down. ICSI for sure..however partners SA was terrible and motility was bad. so may need IMSI..will have to wait and see. its so drawn out, all the tests all the waiting its so emotional and stressfull.
    but its nice to know we are not alone in this, fertility problems is more common than I thought. Just bad luck we are having this problem.

    hope we all will share some happy stories in the future :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Hi girls
    Having difficulty getting a post up here

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Hi all
    Welcome clip 82 this journey is so difficult and all the tests so daunting aren't they - it's all the waiting. At least your clinic are being thorough .. I've been to two diff clinics and we have sperm issues too and I never heard of DNA frag test until I joined forums. What is TEG and IMSI ? Well sounds like your in good hands - the very best of luck with everything keep us posted!!
    What a week girls - so since the last scan where I was so upset I was more or less told my follies were no good and I would be cancelled again.....(only 2 follies looked good ) they continued me on puregon 300 and I had two more scans and they actually came on!! So I finally went to egg collection last sat and we got 10 eggs which we were v happy with considering. At last so yesterday we had two embies put in day 3 transfer ...they said they were two 8 cell one was top quality and the other just behind ... They were v happy with this and I am too but soo nervous and then a little dissapointed because we prob won't have any to freeze? ( out of the 10 eggs only 4 fertilised )
    And just to say hubby has had low count .. 6 mill &10 mill so last year we both gave up ciggies and he was taking zinc and selenium tablets also L carnitine and L arginine altho he only took the last two for a few weeks in jan of this year and well his count on sat was 35 mill!! Which I think is a major jump! He is shocked and of course delighted! Ha ha he's telling everyone!!
    I hope you are all well and any tips for the dreaded TWW gladly accepted!!
    It's been a bit quiet up here ?? Tersea m how are you doing hunny? I do hope you are ok?
    Smelly cat have you started?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 smellycat2010

    Hi everyone,
    Wow MiaMc - 10 eggs!!! That's fantastic news. It just goes to show we should never write ourselves off. It's sounds really promising that they transferred two good embryos. We were told at the clinic not to expect anything to freeze, that if we got anything it would be a bonus. Fingers crossed you will be able to freeze your other two though. That's great about your DH's sperm count, mine is on a concoction of pills aswell so hopefully his will improve too. Best of luck on the 2ww, mind yourself and make sure you get plenty of rest.
    As for us, we couldn't get booked in for May as the estimated the dates of collection and transfer and were already booked up. But we are in for June so it gives me a chance to de-stress (as I have been crazy busy in work lately), get healthier and rest a little so it has worked out for the best.
    Welcome to clip82, wishing you the very best on this journey.
    I've been wondering how TeresaM is too - hopefully she's ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc


  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Hey girls
    Smellycat glad you will have time to get yourself organised you are right you can de stress and get your head round it too xxxx you will be grand!
    Clinic rang to say we have no frosties I'm not that surprised but dissapointed I suppose but she said its no reflection on two I have on board that they wer v good embies I hav to keep telling myself that and that hopef they are implanting away!! Oh god tho this is truly terrible I am analysing every twitch or non twitch don't know what I am feeling half the time. Arghhhhhh I will go bananas!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Lyanna2012

    MiaMc, I know only too well all about analysing every twinge during the 2 week wait. Your mind really can play tricks on you. It's hard enough every other month going through it, can't imagine what I'm gonna be like after transfer!

    I hope the 2 weeks go quickly for you! Fingers crossed you'll be smiling at the end of it!!! I'll be thinking of you :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Thanks girls
    lyanna a week done already and I really did take it easy .. The hard bit now is slipping back into work trying to pretend to people that everything Is normal ... I feel like everything hangs on this for me I'm a bit emotional at moment think I'm loosing my mind! I'm so hoping for a positive and so afraid of not getting it xxx thanks for listening girls xxxxx
    I have no idea either way --- i think I hav imagined every symptom but they all come and go ... cramps ,excess saliva, dreams,headache, sickness , and well the boobs are killers but I know that's the progesterone... Xxxxxxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 clip82

    Hi Girls,

    I have finished all my investigative tests, my SIS was good, lots of follicles no cysts or anything unusual, My AMH test came back at 17.8 which is the lower end of normal for my age, however in the normal range!!:rolleyes: The doctor called me last friday for a phone consult, he said i will be on the short long is the short protocol???...was a bit perplexed that he even said this without having the DH dna frag results in yet..what if there terrible :confused:
    MiaMc the TEG test is to check if you are prone to clotting or sticky blood, if you have sticky or clotting in your blood, this can lead to miscarriage..but its just a precautionary test doesnt mean it would lead to this. however better to be prepared for this.
    The DH has his DNA frag test on Monday will be waiting a very long 3 weeks for results...if they even get to Denmark that is...they said if the DH sperm count is less than a million they cant test for this..the DH SA the last time was bang on the button 1 million so its nearly been 3 months since that sa, he has been living like a monk since not a drop of drink and he doesnt smoke the odd one anymore and has been taking hoping its good, if his DNA frag comes back will be difficult to get the BFP and even if we do there is higher risk of fretting so much about this. MiaMc the difference in your partners SA was huge thats fantastic news! hope we have a similar story :) how is everybody else, if anybody has opinion on DNA frag would love to hear our success is riding on this test it seems..

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 MiaMc

    Hi girls just a quick message of bad news for me this day last week got confirmation of a negative from the clinic but I knew because I had started to bleed I just can't believe it's all over for me! I am pretty devastated don't know where we go from here I will be in touch girls but I prob will take a break from ivf for a while I wish you all well with all your different stages and investigations etc I will prob have to go back to drawing board regarding tests and all myself.
    Take care girls xxx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 smellycat2010

    Oh Mia, I had been checking to see how you were getting on and I'm so sorry to hear your bad news. Don't really now what to say but make sure to look after yourself and your DP.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3 Millymoon

    Hi I would love to no how u got on in Simms as I am just starting icsi with them in August and am so confused as I have heard mixed reports..
