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UCD's Built Like a Badass Log

  • 01-12-2011 1:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭

    After piling on the wieght over my masters I decided it was time to stop the madness and get my ass into a gym.

    Came across the above programme and liked the variety it offered.

    Decided the only way Id stick to it ws to post up my results here after each session and give my thoughts.

    The programme can be found here:

    I need to take my measurements and weight next time im in the gym.

    Im a member in Raw Dublin. Would love to hear from ay other members doing this programme.

    Day 1:

    Estimated my max bench to be 60kgs

    Bench Press 8 Reps @ 72.5% = 42.5kg
    Bench Press 6 Reps @ 77.5% = 45kg (had to do 47.5kg)
    Bench Press 6 Reps @ 82.5% = 50

    The last set should have been 4 reps but found it light enough so continued to 6. Prob undersold myself with the 60 1 rep max.

    Flat Dumbell Press
    1 x 25 Reps 15kg (each hand)
    1 x 15 Reps 15kg (each hand)

    Seated Overhand Cable Row
    4 sets x 15 Reps 100kg
    Cable Triceps Pushdowns (Superset with the above)
    4 sets x 15 Reps Level 6 (No idea what weight this is)

    Dumbell Shrugs (2 second pause)
    3 sets x 15 Reps 15kg (each hand)
    Dumbell Lateral Raise(Superset with the above)
    3 sets x 15 Reps 8kg Dumbells (each hand)

    Barbell Complex
    2 sets x 10 each using 30kg.

    As mentioned before by other posters the barbell complex at the end is a real biatch and totally finished me off.

    Looking forward to the next day of this plan.

    Hope to get measurements up in the next post.

    Comments and criticisms welcome.


  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Day Two

    1. DB Squat Jumps 4x6 usng 8kg

    Plan says 5kgs but felt ridiculously light.

    2. Squat (Estimated Max @77.5kg)

    72.5% x 8 x 55kg
    77.5% x 6 x 60 kg
    82.5% x 6 x 65 kg

    Again have prob sold myself short on my 1 rep max, kinda conscious having being away from weights for so long. Will readdress this next week.

    3a. 45 Degree Back Raises (hold weight plate over chest)

    3x15 used a 15kg plate.

    3b. Seated MB Twists (feet off ground):

    3x20 each side used a 9kg medicine ball.

    4. Timed one-mile run

    7:21 - Very disappointed here, set out whay too slow, lots of gas left in the tank at the end. Looking for a dramatic improvement next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Day 3

    1. Chin-ups - Max plus 50%


    2a. Front Lat Pulldowns

    Level 5 (No idea what weight this is) x 20
    Level 5 x 15

    2b. Standing DB Military Press

    10kg x 23 (each hand)
    10kg x 15

    3a. Rolling tricep extensions

    7.5kg x 8 x 4

    3b. Hammer Curls

    15kg x 8 x 4

    4. Core Circuit x 2

    Toe touches x 20
    Bicycle x 30
    Side Plank x 30 secs each side

    5. 100 push ups



    Massively disappointed with my chin ups. Hadnt realised I had lost so many of these.

    After the hammer curls I felt like I had zero strength left in the arms so the 100 push ups were extremely tough.

    Had to do them in sets of 4 after I got to 60!

    Hoping for a big improvement in my time next week.

    Weighed myself also tonight - 86.5kg (no wonder the chin ups and press ups were pathetic!)

    As always, comments and criticisms welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Was feeling very pissed off last night so decided to hit the gym and attack day 2 of week 1 again.

    Day Two

    1. DB Squat Jumps 4x6 usng 10kg

    Plan says 5kgs but felt ridiculously light.

    2. Squat (Estimated Max @85kg)

    72.5% x 8 x 60kg
    77.5% x 6 x 65 kg
    82.5% x 4 x 70 kg

    3a. 45 Degree Back Raises (hold weight plate over chest)

    3x15 used a 15kg plate.

    3b. Seated MB Twists (feet off ground):

    3x20 each side used a 9kg medicine ball.

    4. Timed one-mile run



    Bumped up my 1 rep max to 85kg on the squats but after last night I wreckon its prob closer to 90 / 95kg.

    Going to get a PT session next week with one of the lads in RAW so as to ensure Im free lifting correctly.

    Was happy to knock 51 seconds of the timed mile run. Realised I needed to head out at a much faster pace.

    Will hope for slight improvement on this next week.

    PS Still dying from the 100 press ups yesterday.

    Onwards and upwards to week 2 tonight.

    As always comments and criticisms welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Week 2 - Day 1

    1. Bench Press
    7 Reps @ 75% = 52.5kg
    5 Reps @ 80% = 55kg
    3 Reps @ 85% = 60kg

    2. Flat Dumbell Press
    1 x 22 Reps 15kg (each hand)
    1 x 15 Reps 15kg (each hand)

    3a.Seated Overhand Cable Row
    4 sets x 12 Reps 100kg

    3b.Cable Triceps Pushdowns
    4 sets x 12 Reps Peg 6 (No idea what weight this is)

    4a. Dumbell Shrugs (2 second pause)
    3 sets x 15 Reps 15kg (each hand)

    4b. Dumbell Lateral Raise
    3 sets x 15 Reps 8kg Dumbells (each hand)

    5. Barbell Complex
    2 sets x 10 each using 30kg.


    As mentioned in week one, I reckoned that I had sold myself short on the bench press so I brought my 1 rep max up to 70.

    As a result the Flat Dumbell Press took a bit of a hit, really struggled to get to 22 never mind last weeks 25.

    Barbell complex at the end was once again an absolute biatch of a thing.

    Feeling much better this week physically. Much less tired and certainly have a bounce in my step.

    I know 90% of losing weight is about what you eat but I find working out really helps in that, when I work out Im less likely to reach for the chocolate bar etc as I feel Ill just undo all the recent hard work in the gym.

    Many thanks to the gentleman in Raw who spotted me on last set of bench.

    As always, comments and criticisms welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Week Two - Day Two

    1. DB Squat Jumps

    4x6 using 10kg

    2. Squat (Estimated Max @85kg)

    75% x 7 x 62.5kg
    80% x 5 x 67.5kg
    85% x 3 x 72.5kg

    3a. 45 Degree Back Raises (hold weight plate over chest)

    3x12 used a 15kg plate.

    3b. Seated MB Twists (feet off ground):

    3x15 each side used a 9kg medicine ball.

    4. Timed one-mile run



    Heavy drinking was a bad idea last night. Really felt the after effects today.

    Def need to bump up my one rep max. Was not struggling at all on final set of squat.

    Was happy that 1 mile run only slightly increased. Will try for sub 6:30 next time out.

    Seriously dreading the 100 press ups in the next work out.

    As always comments and criticisms welcome.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭Pavel66

    Welcome to the forum.

    I wouldn't worry too much about the % at the moment, you haven't lifted in a while so just concentrate on getting your groove back

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Thanks Pavel.

    Great to get some feedback.

    Dreading the 100 pressups tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Week Two - Day Three

    1. Chin-ups - Max plus 50%


    2a. Front Lat Pulldowns

    Level 5 (No idea what weight this is) x 22
    Level 5 x 18

    2b. Standing DB Military Press

    10kg x 25 (each hand)
    10kg x 25

    3a. Rolling tricep extensions

    10kg x 8 x 5

    3b. Hammer Curls

    15kg x 8 x 5

    4. Core Circuit x 2

    Toe touches x 20
    Bicycle x 30
    Side Plank x 30 secs each side

    5. 100 push ups



    Still struggling with the chin ups. Would love to be able to knock out 7/8 by the end of this.

    Other than that I managed to squeeze out a few more reps of the max reps sets with the same weight as last week.

    100 press up time also came down a bit, not a whole lot but my form was much better on the press ups than last week.

    Really enjoying the programme and I see lots more variety next week.

    Onwards and upwards to week 3.

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Week Three Day One: Upper Body

    1. Bench Press: 77.5% x 6, 82.5% x 4, 90% x 2 or more


    2. Incline DB Press: 2 x Max Reps using the same weight (Choose a weight that you can get around 20-25 reps with on the 1st set.)

    3a. Bent-over 1-Arm DB Rows:

    3b. Triceps Rope Pushdowns
    Peg 8x10x4 (No idea what weight this is)

    4a. BB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds)
    No BB free so just grabbed two 20kg plates.

    4b. Incline rear dealt flyes, pinkies up: 3x12

    5. Barbell Complex (deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat)

    Felt my benching was going really well until I hit the final set @ 90% and I asked someone to spot me. The second the bar slowed down the chap started assisting! Was abolsutely raging, shouldnt even count the 5 reps. Next time Im going to tell my spotter not to touch the thing unless it is back down on my chest. Put me in a bad mood for rest of workout unfortunately.

    As previously mentioned in Setantas BLBA thread and other threads, Found the rear delt flyes tough. I never did these before, and I dont think I ever got the form right, even with the light weight. I couldnt seem to get my arms shot back far enough.

    The barbell complex never fails to kick my ass. Given that the sets were upped for 2-4 sets this week I thought it would be smart to drop the weight by 5kg considering I barely struggled through with 2 sets.

    Seriously struggled through again today and had to take a break halfway through sets 3 and 4. Next week will hope to get 3 full sets and 4 the following. Its the bent rows that seem to be doing the most damage here.

    As always, comments and crticisms welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 104 ✭✭Diddlydoubt

    I started this program this evening. I found it a good session. Like you say above, the barbell complex at the end is a real killer, I was wrecked by the end of it. Going to give it a go for the 12 weeks and see how it goes.

    How have you been finding it?

    Any tips?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Hi Diddly,

    Many thanks for commenting

    I'm finding it's very good. Lots of variety and the finishers at the end of each workout make you leave the gym feeling you have really worked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 104 ✭✭Diddlydoubt

    ucd.1985 wrote: »
    Hi Diddly,

    Many thanks for commenting

    I'm finding it's very good. Lots of variety and the finishers at the end of each workout make you leave the gym feeling you have really worked.

    Yes I had read about 'finishers' before but had never really bothered to incorporate them into my workouts. I am looking forward to doing more of them in the coming workouts.

    What is your overall goal for the program?

    I guess mine is really just to further develop my core strength and add some lean muscle. I don't really intend to pack on loads of muscle as I play GAA so it would be counterproductive for me. Do you play any sport or just doing it to improve how you feel/look?

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Hoping to get back into Rugby after two years out.

    Still play tag rugby once or twice a week but it would be nice to get abck into full contact.

    But yes mainly to improve overall health, look and feel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Week 3 Day 2

    1. Squat: 77.5% x 6, 82.5% x 4, 90% x 2
    Set 1: 70kgx 6
    Set 2: 75kgx4
    Set 3: 82.5kgx5

    2. Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps:
    4x5 ea leg (BW only)
    Never did these before. Loved them. Great exercise

    3a. Stability Ball Hamstring Curls (keep hips up):

    3b. Weighted Spread Eagle Sit-ups:
    3x15 with 15kg plate

    4. Alternating Forward Lunge, holding DB’s:
    2x45 seconds 15kg Dumbells.

    5. Timed 1 mile sprint:


    Bumped 1 rep max squat up to 90kg but am still underselling self as the 5 reps at 82.5kg shot up. Will bump to 100kg next week.

    Bulgarian squat jumps are an excellent exercise after the squats.

    Still failed to get under the 6.30 mark in the mile sprint. Was absolutely shattered after. In my defense the weights have been increasing while still maintaining the circa 6.30 mark. The day i first set it I wasn't lifting anywhere near as heavy.

    As always comments and criticisms welcome.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    Would it not be worthwhile to take a session to check your actual 1rms instead of guesstimating?

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    G86 wrote: »
    Would it not be worthwhile to take a session to check your actual 1rms instead of guesstimating?

    Yes would have been at the start but I'm only getting back into weights so didnt want to over do it. Happy I know my bench and I reckon 100kgs will be close for squat.

    Thanks for the comment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    ucd.1985 wrote: »
    G86 wrote: »
    Would it not be worthwhile to take a session to check your actual 1rms instead of guesstimating?

    Yes would have been at the start but I'm only getting back into weights so didnt want to over do it. Happy I know my bench and I reckon 100kgs will be close for squat.

    Thanks for the comment.
    Ah fair enough so, just an idea :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    G86 wrote: »
    Ah fair enough so, just an idea :)

    Sorry my last comment came across a bit smart assy :rolleyes:

    I genuinely do appreciate the comment!

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Week 3 Day 3

    1. Chin-ups (total reps) = chin-up max + 60%
    4 + 3 + 3 + 2

    2a. Front Lat Pulldowns (Neutral Grip)
    Peg 5x25
    Peg 5x18

    2b. Standing DB Military Press (Neutral Grip)

    3. 1-Arm Cable Rear Delt Flyes

    4. “Run the rack” DB curls, palms up
    15kg, 12.5kg, 10kg, 7kg

    5. Core Circuit: x2
    A) Sprinter Sit-ups x 20
    B) V-ups x 15
    C) Toe Touches x 15
    D) Hip-ups x 15

    6. 100 Push-ups:


    Good session today. Felt much stronger through the chin ups. Core circuit is an absolute killer. Had to take a few breaks through it. Happy to see the push up time come down. Hoping to break 8 minute mark next week.

    Comments and criticisms welcome as always.

  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Back into the swing of this program after serious hangovers kept me away.

    Looking forward to getting in Raw tomorrow.

    Might pick up some workout gear in sales after.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 860 ✭✭✭ucd.1985

    Week Four Day One: Upper Body

    1. Bench Press: 80% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1 or more

    2. Incline DB Press: 2 x Max Reps using the same weight (Choose a weight that you can get around 20-25 reps with on the 1st set.)

    3a. Bent-over 1-Arm DB Rows:

    3b. Triceps Rope Pushdowns

    4a. BB Shrugs (2 Sec Holds)
    No BB free so just grabbed two 20kg plates.

    4b. Incline rear dealt flyes, pinkies up: 3x12

    5. Barbell Complex (deadlifts, bent rows, hang cleans, push press, back squat)


    Well better late than never! First full session since the Xmas break.

    Bench felt really good, however once again people fail to understand the request not to touch the bar until it is back sitting on my chest and as such was assisted for my third rep.

    Found the rear delt flyes tough again despite the low weight.

    The barbell complex was much improved this week and knocked out all four sets without a break.

    Glad to be back in the gym anyway!

    As always comments and criticisms welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 crumlin j

    hows things mate,what do you think of this routine,im starting it tonight,have you seen much difference in muscle mass.
