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Bye Bye Grants

  • 06-12-2011 8:42pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 252 ✭✭

    I'm actually delighted that there cutting the grants - Bout' time !

    For those of you who have been getting grants for the past few years need to realise what the grant is actually for; ie paying for your fees and accommodation and not for drinking and partying.

    For some people getting the grant they seem to think that they need in excess of €5000 a year to get through college. However of all the students I know getting the grant I can tell you exactly where the majority of this money goes: pubs, cars, clothes drink etc.. Not to getting your books, uniforms rent etc.

    The grant system needs a good look at anyway. It should not be possible to get the grant and back to education allowance.

    There's going to be another surge in students complaining about this without a doubt and many will go on about how there's nothing left in this country. You know what that "there's no jobs attitude" is absolute crap. There are people looking for staff in all areas in Ireland from barbers to cleaners.

    As a student myself I work every weekend so I can go to college, pay my rent etc. - and I live over 300kms away from home/work. People complain about the un-availability of work where they live. Commute! College is expensive and people need to get used to it, nothing is for free and no one is 'entitled' to anything in this life

    - What entitles us to a right free education?

    There are plenty of jobs out there we just need to look in the right places. Some of us, in particular my generation and the generations after ours have a terrible attitude to work anyway...Plenty of jobs available as cleaners ...But that attitude that "I'm not doin that", "the wages are too low" crap just shows how we are so used to things being handed to us.

    Oh and to anyone applying for college next year you might want to consider getting a job or two and really thinking if college is for you..'cause it ain't cheap if you're out on your own !

    /Rant over



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6 BBWebDesigns

    That is absoloute crap your talking :mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,041 ✭✭✭✭Witcher


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 252 ✭✭40040D

    That is absoloute crap your talking :mad:

    Ooh Mad faces ..tut could you not of had a more explanatory reply no?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 378 ✭✭Bigtoe107

    Your wrong, simple as. I personally work 3 days a week (Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday) and go to college. If I didn't get the grant I wouldn't be there.

    Not all of us have mammy and daddy to fall back on you know!

    Edit: Just too add I work for minimum wage in a job 30 minutes away from home and almost 2 hours away from college.
    If it was that easy to find a job I would have a better one

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    That is absoloute crap your talking :mad:

    In fairness I got grants all through college even though I had a part time job that earned me more than enough to live on. My grants usually bought me flights + some spending money to North America on 2 occasions, heavily financed an interrailing trip. I also remember getting my second instalment one January, went into college, picked up the cheue went to the bank, went to gamestop and bought a ps3 when they were very very expensive. Im happy I got it but no way did i need it, harsher conditions needed at least

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,041 ✭✭✭✭Witcher

    In fairness I got grants all through college even though I had a part time job that earned me more than enough to live on. My grants usually bought me flights + some spending money to North America on 2 occasions, heavily financed an interrailing trip. I also remember getting my second instalment one January, went into college, picked up the cheue went to the bank, went to gamestop and bought a ps3 when they were very very expensive. Im happy I got it but no way did i need it, harsher conditions needed at least

    Well then you shouldn't have taken the grant if your circumstances didn't warrant it. You can't punish everyone because of your own lack of morals, some people desperately depend on their grant.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6 BBWebDesigns

    40040D wrote: »
    Ooh Mad faces ..tut could you not of had a more explanatory reply no?
    As said above your wrong maybe things are all nice in your little world but some people could not go to college if they didn't get the grant simple as.Then there would be even more people at home with next to no education would that make ya happier

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Blay wrote: »
    Well then you shouldn't have taken the grant if your circumstances didn't warrant it. You can't punish everyone because of your own lack of morals, some people desperately depend on their grant.

    My point is I shouldn't have been given it hence my last statement "harsher conditions needed at least" nobody is going to turn down free money

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,076 ✭✭✭Eathrin

    Everyone is entitled to an education. Why anyone thinks the government should stop helping the less well off have an equal opportunity baffles me.

    Education is not only for the rich.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,041 ✭✭✭✭Witcher

    My point is I shouldn't have been given it hence my last statement "harsher conditions needed at least" nobody is going to turn down free money

    Apologies I missed the end bit, I'll agree with you that stricter qualification standards are needed but for the OP to gloat at grants being cut is ridiculous.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 252 ✭✭40040D

    Lads I have me own job, am also on minimum wage I just think the system needs to be looked at properly. As in people who get it when they clearly don't need it, as mentioned above.

    Oh and I don't have "mammy and daddy" to fall back on btw. Paying my own way as much as i can and have a fair bit of debt to pay back too.

    It rages me when I know of people who rob the system blind if they can get away with it. Part time job, grant , and back to edu.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 174 ✭✭achmairt

    The gravy train has stopped and not before time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 78 ✭✭pinkdiamond

    my parents are broke and i pay for everything myself. i work full time during the holidays, weekends and i teach music during the week to pay for everything. I'm constantly wrecked, but i think it's worth it because i understand the importance of education. my friend next door was in the same situation as me, and this year for the first time- she was able to get the grant. she quit her job straight away because the income was no longer needed. i have other friends who use their grant money to fund their cars and social lives. i can't afford either at the minute. there is a ridiculous amount of students on the grant, most of which definitely do not need it. i guarantee you if their grant was taken off them, they would work to pay for it themselves, or take out a student loan. lucky are those who have the government handing them out money.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 101 ✭✭Sparkie93

    i dont approve of people spending the money on their social lives and i think they should be a lot stricter on who gets it but i dont see the problem of using it to fund a car for some people its not possible to get a bus or train

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 135 ✭✭nessie911

    Well I for one can not afford to give up my grant, I wish I could afford to go to college with out my grant but I cant.

    I get 3100 euro, My rent alone is 2700, so it leaves me 400 euro. I cannot get a part time job because I spend my weekends catching up on all the stuff that needs to be done in my home, etc.

    So can anyone tell me why I dont deserve my grant. I dont spend my money on drinking, I have been out three times since September, and have not been on holidays in years etc. I dont waste my money. So why should I be punished for other people wasting their grants.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,127 ✭✭✭✭Leeg17

    I'm not totally agreeing with the OP, I don't like to see the grant get cut, but he does make a valid point.

    In my class a vast portion of people can be heard planning how they're going to use their grant, one lad went to Benicassim, another bought a new surfboard and wetsuit. IMO, it should be a loan which if not used on accomodation/books etc. should be made to be repaid after the course is over, not used to get smashed (which alot -not all- of students use it for, most namely first years).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭meoklmrk91

    Stop the grants, all students do is drink and party.

    What a load of bull, if the spoilt brats didnt have mammies and daddy's to fall back on everytime they wanted to go out this wouldn't be an issue.

    I pay all my own bills, including keeping my car on the road to get me up and down to college. If I didn't have the grant I would not be in college because I wouldn't be able to afford it simple as.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,127 ✭✭✭✭Leeg17

    meoklmrk91 wrote: »
    Stop the grants, all students do is drink and party.

    Woaaaah, hold up there buddy. Not all students do is drink and party, personally I've been in a pub/niteclub for a total of 4 hours since September what with our course load and I'm only in 3rd year, so don't go painting everyone with the same brush.

    What I'm saying is that if students want to waste their own/parents money let that be it, but they should be made use the now-cut grant on what it's intended for, assisting in college, books, accomodation etc.

    -Just to add:
    I don't get the grant in any form, yes I do depend on parents only because we're lucky enough not to need to get loans (we don't drive BMW's or anything like that :P) to put me through college. I intend fully to pay them back once I get a job.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,938 ✭✭✭mackg

    Leeg17 wrote: »
    Woaaaah, hold up there buddy. Not all students do is drink and party, personally I've been in a pub/niteclub for a total of 4 hours since September what with our course load and I'm only in 3rd year, so don't go painting everyone with the same brush.

    What I'm saying is that if students want to waste their own/parents money let that be it, but they should be made use the now-cut grant on what it's intended for, assisting in college, books, accomodation etc.

    -Just to add:
    I don't get the grant in any form, yes I do depend on parents only because we're lucky enough not to need to get loans (we don't drive BMW's or anything like that :P) to put me through college. I intend fully to pay them back once I get a job.

    Try reading the second line of his post:P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,127 ✭✭✭✭Leeg17

    mackg wrote: »
    Try reading the second line of his post:P

    The spoilt brat comment?

    Few of those in my course, they dropped out in first year no surprise really.

    Depending on your parents isn't being spoilt, taking advantage of them is. Two totally different stories imo.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 720 ✭✭✭MarcusFenix

    my parents are broke and i pay for everything myself. i work full time during the holidays, weekends and i teach music during the week to pay for everything. I'm constantly wrecked, but i think it's worth it because i understand the importance of education. my friend next door was in the same situation as me, and this year for the first time- she was able to get the grant. she quit her job straight away because the income was no longer needed. i have other friends who use their grant money to fund their cars and social lives. i can't afford either at the minute. there is a ridiculous amount of students on the grant, most of which definitely do not need it. i guarantee you if their grant was taken off them, they would work to pay for it themselves, or take out a student loan. lucky are those who have the government handing them out money.

    If your parents are in fact broke and not "broke" then you should be entitled to a grant. And to the OP, wtf is wrong with spending grant money on clothes? Spud sacks are soooooo last century hunay! I had a grant for 5 of my years in college and for the first 2 it was helpful as I had a part time job, but after 2008 I couldn't get a job, no way, no effing jobs in west cork that I could do with my college hours, so after 2008 if I didn't get my grant I would have had to drop out. I went out all of 5 times over the 5 years I think:o so don't paint everyone with the same brush as you obviously haven't a clue:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,938 ✭✭✭mackg

    @Leeg17 you disagreed with his first line, he called it bull himself in his second line.

    I agree that things will have to get stricter in terms of grants and full grants should not be awarded to people who do not need them, I don't think anyone will disagree with that really. Have to say I didn't come across any spoiled brats in my time in college so far but I am in a fairly small course which wouldn't exactly be the kind of thing people would apply for just for the sake of going to college.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,172 ✭✭✭NaiveMelodies

    Knew a lad( a farmers son), was fairly well off, had money anyway to go out on the lash every week etc etc. Anyway he got a grant, I think it was around the 2 grand mark.
    Everytime he got one of his cheques, he'd cash it as soon as he could, straight down to the bookies, and backed a horse, the whole lot on a horse!
    When he won, he'd spend it on himself and his mates on a 3 or 4 day bender, when he lost, didn't seem to care atall atall.
    Just a big example of someone abusing the system..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,127 ✭✭✭✭Leeg17

    mackg wrote: »
    @Leeg17 you disagreed with his first line, he called it bull himself in his second line..

    Ah, misread it, sorry :p

    It makes sense now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 chattycatty

    Hi All..
    As a former student in 2010/2011, I believe each student in receipt of a grant should have to pay it back when they start working. This would stop certain families not declaring their means when applying for a grant. The grant has not been cut , as the increase in fees is been covered while the student who as to pay it all is being penalised by another 250 euro. So students who receive grants should appreciate it that the taxpayer is funding them as it stands. It is these honest taxpayers children who don't receive a grant. If a student really wants to go to college they would be more willing to pay it back at the end of college.This would stop students wasting money in college when they don't even want to do the course.
    I am not saying every student parents is not declaring their means,just their a rather large proportion of the self employed and farming community children who are in receipt of grants that do not deserve it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 720 ✭✭✭MarcusFenix

    Hi All..
    As a former student in 2010/2011, I believe each student in receipt of a grant should have to pay it back when they start working. This would stop certain families not declaring their means when applying for a grant. The grant has not been cut , as the increase in fees is been covered while the student who as to pay it all is being penalised by another 250 euro. So students who receive grants should appreciate it that the taxpayer is funding them as it stands. It is these honest taxpayers children who don't receive a grant. If a student really wants to go to college they would be more willing to pay it back at the end of college.This would stop students wasting money in college when they don't even want to do the course.
    I am not saying every student parents is not declaring their means,just their a rather large proportion of the self employed and farming community children who are in receipt of grants that do not deserve it.

    On another note... hows about this if you get 1st class honors at end of your course, it's all free, otherwise you pay for it, results orientated much?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 chattycatty

    Hi I was just expressing my opinion which everyone is entitled to it,
    yes a first class is a good way to encourage students ,however it may be unfair as every student as a different ability..

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 720 ✭✭✭MarcusFenix

    Ya your right, sorry like:cool:

    I see what you mean about it being unfair but really and truly we're talking here about people going to an 3rd institute, performing very well and not having to pay, we're not talking about school or something that you have to do the same ole, if you really want to go to college then pick something you can achieve in, it would probably have a positive effect in two ways,

    1) People will be less likely to cost extra tax payers money on dropping out after 1st as they would be in a course they actually thought about doing

    2) People would probably in general achieve higher and that can only be a good thing for everyone

    One problem is the people going to college would need to make a very well informed decision as opposed to crap we got from the careers guy in school..."oh, your a fella, any uncles in a trade? no?...right you should do engineering" and all girls were to be nurses!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭areyawell

    This post had me fuming after I read it. Not all people can get part time jobs to support there way through college. Around 60,000 people in college or more(not sure the exact number) The grant is generally 3000 with fees paid and this basically covers accomadation,bills but no more and works out around 85 euro a week. I would not have been able to afford to go to college if I hadnt recieved the grant so your statement is very offensive and highly insulting.

    Only people on very low incomes get the 6000 grant, generally households with less than 350 euro a week income I think and how would a household like that pay for a child to go to college???? This works out generraly at 180 euro and they have every entitlement to it. They need clothes,books,bus fairs,

    From my expierence students have every right to go and have a few drinks with friends and why not? They usually pre drink which is cheap and only buy one drink when there out because they cannot afford anymore. College is supposed to be the best years of your lives and you go out and have fun which is all part of it. What part of college life would you have if ya stayed home and studied all year? I for one would find it boring.

    I also had an intensive workload heavy course. I was in college 9 to 5 Monday to thurday and 9 to 2 on Friday. I was up most nights till all hours some weeks and also had to work weekends. Programming is a pain!

    Wow fair play to you for working and getting a job(note the sarcasm). If people could get jobs they could. Do you not know that we are in a recession?

    I think you are bitter of people that go out in college cause maybe you don't and think you are better than people for working to get yourself through college(who cares).

    IF PEOPLE ARE WORKING PART TIME AND STILL GETTING THE GRANT, THEY ARE DEFINITELY ENTITLED TO IT AND SHOULD NOT BE CUT IN ANY WAY. IT HELPS EASE THE FINANCIAL PRESSURE ON THE PARENTS. If there grant was cut it would increase the financial strain on the parents immensely. Students have every right to spend the grant however they want on clothes, cars whatevers. I do agree there parents finances need to be more throughly assesed not the studentsthemselves because if they worked previously and are working its there money they suffered and should not be cut at all because good on em for working and they paid there PRSI,tax etc.


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,401 ✭✭✭✭rainbowtrout

    areyawell wrote: »
    Students have every right to spend the grant however they want on clothes, cars whatevers.


    Really? A car is an absolute student necessity?

    The grant is there to support a student in getting an education, not to fund their social life. Cars are a luxury and the grant should not be funding cars for students who are too bone lazy to walk to college or get the bus etc.

    If a student is using their grant to buy a car, they don't need the grant. They are clearly able to afford rent, bills and other college expenses.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭areyawell

    Really? A car is an absolute student necessity?

    The grant is there to support a student in getting an education, not to fund their social life. Cars are a luxury and the grant should not be funding cars for students who are too bone lazy to walk to college or get the bus etc.

    If a student is using their grant to buy a car, they don't need the grant. They are clearly able to afford rent, bills and other college expenses.

    Look my final comment on the matter.

    Ive a close friends who has a car and had a 2000 euro loan to pay including insurance and pays 40 a weeks for the car. He works 18 hours on the weekend and 6 hours on a weekday and recieves a grant of 3000 for the year in three installments which covers accomadation. He also recieves 50 a week from his parents to help him along with college. Is there anything wrong with this?

    Also I know people with "nice" parents who have just given there children a car after the leaving cert and they recieve a grant. Is there anything wrong with this as well? Parents just nicer than other parents.

    Also other people I know with cars come from wealthy familys and they do not recieve a grant at all.

    If people work during college fair play to them for getting a job and should not be cut. Remember can get a nice car today for 1200 and parents usually help pay for it

    Theres a lot more to it than you think and some people are just lucky i guess

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,629 ✭✭✭Hunchback

    My personal opinion is that going out is not a "right".

    I suspect that those students who go out every week or more than once a week have absolutely no groceries in their cupboards, toiletries in their bathrooms, washing powder for the washing machine, don't buy christmas presents, don't have dependents, neglect their dental issues, substitute food for alcohol, struggle with rent, run out of oil in winter, circumvent bin charges, and do not acquire any new personal possessions (unless they work)

    I understand generalisation. It expresses a frustration I frequently feel myself . But it's a lazy way out and never reflects complexities.

    Basically I know where you are coming from OP, but the "apparent" quality of life of those in receipt of a grant who go out all the time is prolly greater than the ACTUAL quality of life.

    P.S. you cannot receive a maintenance grant at the same time as being in receipt of a back to education allowance, that was done away with in budget 2011 ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,629 ✭✭✭Hunchback

    My personal opinion is that going out is not a "right".

    I suspect that those students who go out every week or more than once a week have absolutely no groceries in their cupboards, toiletries in their bathrooms, washing powder for the washing machine, don't buy christmas presents, don't have dependents, neglect their dental issues, substitute food for alcohol, struggle with rent, run out of oil in winter, circumvent bin charges, and do not acquire any new personal possessions (unless they work)

    I understand generalisation. It expresses a frustration I frequently feel myself . But it's a lazy way out and never reflects complexities.

    Basically I know where you are coming from OP, but the "apparent" quality of life of those in receipt of a grant who go out all the time is prolly greater than the ACTUAL quality of life.

    P.S. you cannot receive a maintenance grant at the same time as being in receipt of a back to education allowance, that was done away with in budget 2011 ;)

    To qualify this, I work to pay my mortgage (and the several associated expenses), travel 200 kms a week to and from college, and make the most of the 1250 per year ( approx 25? euro per week, pre-budget 2011/2012) I receive.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭areyawell

    Every student does not get a grant. I lived in a house in college with 4 others. I was the only one to get the grant of 3000. Two got a grant of roughly 900 and another didnt get a grant at all.

    Please remember every student does not get a grant and only get the 6000 one if you come from a very very poor background.

    I did go out drinking but a night out for me was 15 euro. A heap of cheap cans, go out at 12Am and a pint when I was out while some other students were in the student bar or another bar all day. Maybe there parents had money aside for there childs education or just very wealthy who give there child 200 a week or sumtin I dunno

    People here are branding every student under the same bracket which fustrates me. 90% of people who recieved the grant actually needed it that I knew because they wouldnt have been able to afford college.

    3000 grant just covers accomadation, other money I got came from parents as i could not get a job. No one in hell I could of affording college if i didnt get it. Some students are just better off than others.

    I feel for you situation Sir and should be docked tax on your wages if you apply to the revenue? The amount you are recieving is not right and should be recieving the 3000 mark

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,401 ✭✭✭✭rainbowtrout

    areyawell wrote: »
    Look my final comment on the matter.

    Ive a close friends who has a car and had a 2000 euro loan to pay including insurance and pays 40 a weeks for the car. He works 18 hours on the weekend and 6 hours on a weekday and recieves a grant of 3000 for the year in three installments which covers accomadation. He also recieves 50 a week from his parents to help him along with college. Is there anything wrong with this?

    Also I know people with "nice" parents who have just given there children a car after the leaving cert and they recieve a grant. Is there anything wrong with this as well? Parents just nicer than other parents.

    Also other people I know with cars come from wealthy familys and they do not recieve a grant at all.

    If people work during college fair play to them for getting a job and should not be cut. Remember can get a nice car today for 1200 and parents usually help pay for it

    Theres a lot more to it than you think and some people are just lucky i guess

    You're assuming that I mean no student should have a car. I don't. If you've worked for it or got it as a present fair enough. But there are students who are getting the grant and don't need it and using the grant to buy a car. They clearly don't need the grant to pay for rent, bills, food, which is what the grant is for. They are spending it on luxuries when it's meant for necessities.

    There are posts in this thread of examples of people buying games consoles, gambling with the grant who clearly don't need it. They shouldn't be getting it.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 720 ✭✭✭MarcusFenix

    Really? A car is an absolute student necessity?

    The grant is there to support a student in getting an education, not to fund their social life. Cars are a luxury and the grant should not be funding cars for students who are too bone lazy to walk to college or get the bus etc.

    If a student is using their grant to buy a car, they don't need the grant. They are clearly able to afford rent, bills and other college expenses.[/Quote]

    Ffs, your assuming that every student in the country lives away from home to go to college. I drove around 400km a week to college and if I didn't get the 3000 grant there's no way I could have afforded insurance And fuel. I think it's a very typical Irish view that a car for a young person is a luxury, watching too much tv?

    We live in Ireland not somewhere with proper public transport! Most of my class drove to college bar maybe 5, because that was the cheapest option

    I think my grant supported me getting my education, in the form of providing Transport.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,132 ✭✭✭Killer Pigeon

    40040D wrote: »
    There are plenty of jobs out there we just need to look in the right places. Some of us, in particular my generation and the generations after ours have a terrible attitude to work anyway...Plenty of jobs available as cleaners ...But that attitude that "I'm not doin that", "the wages are too low" crap just shows how we are so used to things being handed to us.

    Stop the bull****...

    I've applied for everything, kitchen porter, call centres, barman, waiter, etc., but they don't get back to me. I send on average about 15 CVs off a week. Even then they're looking for experience. Many people I know are working in various places because of connections they have. And I live in Dublin where most of the jobs are supposed to be.

    And I'm doing a degree with loads of hours. An employer would sooner employ someone who can work during the week and not merely at weekends.

    I don't waste any money that I have either. I only went out twice last year and I don't drink much either.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 28 lady365

    people need these grants... not all ppl spend money on drink etc!!!
    not everyone has parents to fall back on...
    think before u speak!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,401 ✭✭✭✭rainbowtrout

    Ffs, your assuming that every student in the country lives away from home to go to college. I drove around 400km a week to college and if I didn't get the 3000 grant there's no way I could have afforded insurance And fuel. I think it's a very typical Irish view that a car for a young person is a luxury, watching too much tv?

    We live in Ireland not somewhere with proper public transport! Most of my class drove to college bar maybe 5, because that was the cheapest option

    I think my grant supported me getting my education, in the form of providing Transport.[/QUOTE]

    No, far from it. I lived at home when I was in college and I don't watch too much tv. There were plenty of students when I was in college driving from their student accommodation to campus which was no more than a 10 minute walk and they were receiving a grant.

    Again you're missing the point of my post. You used your grant for a car for transport and I would assume that this was a cheaper way for you to go to college than rent away from home. Fair enough. There are many students getting grants who do live away from home, and some who live at home and buy cars when they are not necessary like the ones I mentioned above.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,379 ✭✭✭hefferboi

    When I was in college I had 50 euro for the week. Spent 20 on groceries and went out once a week most weeks and twice a week some weeks. Going out in college isn't that pricey if you're not a full fool.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 AnswerMe!

    you're clearly just a very ignorant person to generalise all students like that! I'm in my first year of college and by god am I thankful for that grant. I get the full 6000 but not 1cent is wasted I'v been out 3 times since i started in Sept and without it there would be absolutely no hope of getting a college education. And before you start on about getting a job I did have one and they let me go but the money I was making wouldn't come anywhere close to covering everything anyway.
    so really all you want is for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to have no chance of a career but to repeat the cycle of social welfare and council houses, would that not cost the government more? No?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 fries

    So why isn't everyone getting out onto the streets more often? People Must protest frequently and more loudly.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,091 ✭✭✭hattoncracker

    I work 20 hours a week, and have college 24 hours a week, I earn approx €1,100 a month, I go to college in Limerick and I am from Ulster.. Living at home is Not an option, I'm a mature with rent, bills, and a car to pay for... I pay for everything myself.

    My grant is €130 a month... And I need it. And I had to fight to get it.
    OP I don't know when or where you went to college but times have changed.. I don't know one person in my course who can get a job. Times are tough. Look at the real world.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,615 ✭✭✭Mr.Plough

    Ridiculous first post.

    I'm doing a masters atm with no grant, took out a loan with the credit union to pay for the fees. Work friday nights, all day and night saturday, and sunday nights, meaning no study on weekends i.e. in college until 10pm most nights. Zero social life, can't afford a car and theres no direct bus route to college so I cycle in and out which is 15km each way. Add in rent/esb/heating/phone bill/loan repayments and I'm barely able to eat. If I got a grant it most definitely would not be spent on gargle.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,984 ✭✭✭✭Lump

    They should make it a student loan, like the system in the UK. Have a low interest loan that you need to pay back a percentage once you start earning a certain amount. I'm not saying it's better for the student, as I have friends that are still paying off their student loans (10 years after leaving uni!) but atleast it gives you the ability to go to uni and you can take the money or leave it, the choice is with the student.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭Groinshot

    Student loan is right.
    I don't get a grant, and pay for myself. I had a part time job up until two weeks ago, and quit so I can pass my exams. I've got 20-25 hours a week lectures, and had a job on top of that, paying minimum wage.
    I came out of both first and second year with 2:1 grades, and pitching higher this year, all with a job on top of that.
    I can live just fine on it, although most of my money goes on paying off the loan that I took out to go in the first place. So people who get the grant, who didn't work through college will come out better off than me...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,540 ✭✭✭freeze4real

    Absolutely frickinn delighted that there's no grant, it should be scrapped totally, as it contributes to inefficiency in the economy.

    Grants should be based on a system on results and depending n what an individual gets a portion of the grants get allocated to them.

    I do know that its not everybody that uses the grant to fund their petrol for their cars etc, but they're some idiots as well who dont give a flipping ****, take the money and do nothing and mess about.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,048 ✭✭✭✭callaway92

    Absolutely frickinn delighted that there's no grant, it should be scrapped totally, as it contributes to inefficiency in the economy.

    Grants should be based on a system on results and depending n what an individual gets a portion of the grants get allocated to them.

    I do know that its not everybody that uses the grant to fund their petrol for their cars etc, but they're some idiots as well who dont give a flipping ****, take the money and do nothing and mess about.

    Fúck this post. I don't drink and don't smoke, but still only got by. I wasn't able to receive a grant in college but still ended up spending a lot of money on books, food, essentials in the house at college.

    Some people do need to have fun. The thoughts of people not receiving a grant not being able to pay for internet, travel, heating etc in college is horrible.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 33 fordey101

    Hi All..
    As a former student in 2010/2011, I believe each student in receipt of a grant should have to pay it back when they start working. This would stop certain families not declaring their means when applying for a grant. The grant has not been cut , as the increase in fees is been covered while the student who as to pay it all is being penalised by another 250 euro. So students who receive grants should appreciate it that the taxpayer is funding them as it stands. It is these honest taxpayers children who don't receive a grant. If a student really wants to go to college they would be more willing to pay it back at the end of college.This would stop students wasting money in college when they don't even want to do the course.
    I am not saying every student parents is not declaring their means,just their a rather large proportion of the self employed and farming community children who are in receipt of grants that do not deserve it.

    What exactly does that mean??

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭areyawell

    This thread is absolute bollox. If a person has a part time job why should they not get the grant? Fair play to them for getting the job and working through college. They pay taxes, and should be entitled to it. All this high and mighty talk about scrapping grants alltogether by some posters is an utter disgrace and get off your high horse. Most students dont get the full grant, I did and doesnt even cover living expenses. Maybe these people who have cars worked full time during the summer? took a year off and saved for college? came from wealthy families. From the sounds of the first post are you sure that they are all getting grants? Maybe there parents bought them for them? U Sir are an idiot and is people like you that I cannot stand - RANT OVER! I agree with the moderator above though that a certain percentage should be taken out of your wages when you start working to stop some of the time wasters living it up for a year!

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