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  • Registered Users Posts: 18 marcanthony1

    Good on you De Vore

    You're one of the courageous ones!!

    glad you find the counseling helpful...

    Oranage2 wrote: »
    I think we may be all aware of depression but it's very hard to know what to say or do with a person with depression I think is the problem.

    Another thing is this exact time is very common for suicides (early monday mornings) and especially around the festive time, so ring the Samaritans even if it's just for a chat.

    So why did you post this now Devore, are you feeling particularly low tonight?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 marcanthony1

    Good on you DeVere

    You're one of the courageous ones!!!

    Glad the counseling is helping...

    DeVore wrote: »
    I suffer from depression.

    I was spurred to write this by a few things, but what put me over the top was the recent handling of Kate Fitzgerald's suicide by the Irish Times and The Communications Clinic along with SineadW's terrific photographical artwork for WhatStigma.

    I'm lucky. I don't get it as badly as other people I know. I want to explain about it though because either you suffer from it too and I want to share, or you don't and I want to explain a few things.

    Now, it's not traditionally the the lightest of topics but hey, I'm game let's see if I can't raise a few giggles along the way? I'm going to break this up into three sections. Firstly for people who dont have a full understanding of depression and its effects. Secondly for those who may get it. Thirdly my own personal experiences and things I wish people knew.


    Depression is not sadness.
    One of the biggest misunderstandings about depression is that its like being really sad. It's not. It's like being *nothing*. Not sad, not happy, nothing. No joy, no sorrow. Flat line. Sure it can be triggered, exacerbated or deepened by bad, sad news... But the feeling is not one of sadness, it's more a flat feeling of inertia.
    To give you an idea, there was a day, not years ago, I got up and made myself a coffee and discovered I had no milk and thought: Why do I even bother, the world is ****ed and I can't fix it and went back to bed for the rest of the day. Two days later I couldn't figure out why someone had left a cup of black coffee go cold in my kitchen... :)

    Walk it off!!
    Frequently I will look back on a period, weeks even months and notice the signs. Believe it or not it's not always easy to spot when you are depressed, it's an amazingly insidious thing. And worse, when someone has it bad, they won't even care they have it. Nothing seems worth bothering about, even getting themselves help seems fncking pointless.
    Depression isn't something you can just "snap out of". Vitamin C and a kick in the arse is, curiously, not a solution. :rolleyes:

    Mental health issues = keep him away from sharp things.
    Believe me, if I'm depressed the very last thing I could be bothered doing is chasing your dumb ass around with a carving knife. Mental health has this ludicrous perception in Ireland that somehow sufferers are a danger to themselves and others. Ok, in very severe cases the person might self harm either through omission of care or deliberately. Ironically if we didn't have this stigma many of those people would get help and that wouldn't become an issue and feed the stigma in the first place. Like so many things about depression, its ironically self-referential.

    The number of cases where someone hurts others due to mental health issues (particularly depression) is a tiny tiny fraction. Tiny. We aren't Norman Bates and people need to stop hearing that shower music when someone shares their mental health issues.

    People with mental health issues are intellectually sub-optimal

    Wrong. Just plain wrong. In fact, I would hazard a guess that it has some correlation with high intelligence myself.
    For my own part, last time I had it checked I had an iq above 150. (when I practised the tests I got that up to 180... so I wouldnt put too much stock in those tests :) ).
    I'm 41 and pretty much retired. By any possible yardstick I've been successful and I'm bright. I have 7 honours in the leaving cert, a degree in pure mathematics, I studied 6 languages and have 11 honours in O-Levels which I sat in a single year (my "gap" year). Dumb, I aint. Lots of the people I know who have depression have it because they see TOO clearly rather than that they have poor intellects.

    So, Wtf have you got to be depressed about??
    I have absolutely nothing to be depressed about. By anyone's standards I have lived a life less ordinary. With thanks to everyone on boards, I will probably never have to do a ****ty menial job again. My family are all thankfully healthy and I'm at the top of my game.
    If only depression worked that way. It doesn't, it's not rational, it's insidious, it's illogical. Rather bizarrely I'm much more susceptible to it when things are going really well for me. When everything is in chaos and banjaxed I'm like a pig in ****e! Don't think that because someone's life looks great that they can't suffer from this. Don't think that only losers or people down on their luck can be depressed.

    Instead my depression manifests as my own criticism of me. While I'll cut lots of people lots of slack, I get none. Nothing I ever do is good enough and when the black dog is barking hard I can take every achievement I've notched up and trash it. Boards? I rode on Clouds coat tails. Gaelcon? The rest of the team carried me. SSF, I can do more. My degree? Should have been good enough to be a post grad.

    I'm available for bar mitzvahs and parties you know. Just sayin'...

    How can I help
    If you suffer from depression you can help yourself by talking about it. You can also be honest with yourself and try to see what might be a trigger for you. For me, exercise seems to help. If I allow myself to mope about things like the economy or exactly how ****ing retarded our government is, I can feel the downward spiral coming on and I have learned to head that off at the pass. Diet I'm told, is important. My diet is a wreck but I'm working on it. (Yesterday's dinner was made entirely by Rowntrees I noticed... bold DeV!)

    If you dont suffer from it then you can help by understanding it better. You can help by not making a big deal out of something that probably wouldnt be a big deal if we didn't make one out of it. :) Be supportive, listen and for God's sake dont say something like "yeah, when my cat died I was totally bummed out". I know you mean it well, but its like consoling a cancer suffer with the tale of how you once cut your finger. :)


    "I'm a basketcase, ****ed up and if I tell people they will try to kill me with fire."
    1 in 4 suffer depression. At those odds if you tell two people, you are almost 50/50 to be talking to another sufferer. It's means almost every family has a member who is hit by it. It means everyone knows someone who has a mental health problem, probably several people.
    You aren't frankenstein's monster, they aren't going to chase you out of the village with torches.
    You aren't a freak. Ok maybe you ARE a freak, I dunno. :) but if you are, its not because of your mental health issue.

    What should you do?
    Talk to someone. Anyone. Either in person or on the phone/email if you feel you can't face someone just yet. It wasn't easy for me either. Some people find it easier to talk to a complete stranger, others find it easier to talk to a family member or best mate.
    Me? Well people have this strange image of me and who I am because of Boards and other things I do and telling people that I am not perfect was really hard at first. I'm a ridiculous over achiever. I wanted to preserve that public image because I thought people will treat me like a leper. Worse, they'll pity me. I don't need anyone's ****ing pity! :)
    Talking really helped. REALLY helped. Waay more than I thought it would. In fact once I started, I couldnt stop and you know what, it felt goooooooooood.


    My breakthrough came when my sister (a pharmacist) once said to me, "Tom, you know it sounds like you might have a touch of depression". She said it like it was nothing, like I might have a bit of a head cold. A touch of depression?? WTF?? To me that was like saying "Hey, you might have a touch of Ebola!". How could she be so nonchalant about this huge massive overwhelming secret I've been hiding?!

    For some reason we find it perfectly fine to talk about physical illness. People will more then readily tell you they are dying from flu or that they sprained their ankle but a touch of depression and it's like the third secret of Fatima. Why? Because the belief is that mental health means you aren't rational, reasonable, predictable.

    The vast majority of people with mental health issues are not "mad". They haven't lost their moral compass. When I'm depressed I'm the same person I always am, indeed on many many occasions since I was 9 I have successfully fooled people perfectly well that I'm "normal", whatever that is. Well, normal for me. Ok maybe I'm not a great example :) but lots and lots of people do it, they maintain a facade of normality while being depressed. If someone tells you they suffer from depression, don't start backing away. You've probably met them a dozen times when they *actually* were depressed, now isnt the time to stop believing they are who they are.

    Depression isnt a joke. Untreated it can lead people to very dark places. But its not a death sentence either. I've lived with it all my life and it hasnt held me back because I deal with it as best I can. If you suffer from it, please please please, from someone who knows where you are, talk. You wont believe how much better you will feel, its ****ing awesome. Talking about things put it in perspective for me, made me see that I *could* cope, that life could be good. I listed the top ten most important things about me, in my opinion. I was shocked when I reaslised I hadnt listed depression.

    Talk to someone.


    (just not the Irish Times).


    Edit: Other resources online:
    Our own Long Term Illness forum has a thread on it:
    Pieta House has been mentioned a few times on the site:
    The Clearsil & Hormones forum has a thread on it specifically for younger people (teens and 20s I guess):

    Reading Material:
    Royal College of Psychiatrist: Readable info on all mental health topics aimed at patients and caregivers.

    Psychology Today on Mindfulness: Readable and essential non-medication treatment ideas. All stuff that can improve your life with no side effects. Does not negate the need for meds in many cases but it can improve your quality of life.

    NIMH booklets on mental health topics: Good reading. Again aimed at patients.

    Over the Xmas 2011, there is a Twitter account named: @121depression which will be manned by some cool peeps. You can talk to them or you can just have a natter.

    This video was released by the people behind #depressionhurts

    FAMILY SUPPORT: Aware run relatives groups, twice a month in Cork anyway, for peer support and similar. Console have a helpline for people bereaved by suicide. The Samaritans accept calls (as far as I know) from people whose source of stress and worry is the mental illness of a loved one or friend.

    Group support:

    DepressionHurts Ireland: great website and a great read for sufferers and supporters alike!

    Blog about Mental health and dealing with it from a personal point of view.

    Aware run meetings, with trained facilitators.

    They also run separate support groups for family and partner of people living with depression.

    GROW is a group therapy org for mental health... more about them here:

    I'll edit in any more that people post, if you think of any, please let me know.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    pinkstars wrote: »
    Well my panic and severe anxiety have upped in the last few days. I could not even make a 30 min walk earlier, I stopped as wham bam a panic attack starting. Held onto the wall for a bit, lit a fag, and breathed heavily for a bit. I thought I would have to ring my father to collect me.

    Severe anxiety for 2 years after having my baby. Could not leave the house. Finally got back to work last Oct and doing ok since, ups and downs alright.

    Just dunno when is time to let the doctor know anxiety is creeping back.
    Have been drinking some lattes - maybe I need to cut back on caffeine.

    Cut back on your caffeine intake. Replace the coffee with water, keep your system well hydrated. As well as the effects of caffeine , coffee can have a dehydrating effect on the body A visit to you Doctor would be no harm at all, if even just to talk, and update on progress.

    Keep up the progress Stay well.

    Best wishes.

    Ps . Throw away the cigs ,they are not helping your breathing exercises, when you most need to breath properly during a panic attack

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Jernal wrote: »
    Glad to hear you got your appointment. Maybe if you feel like you can't talk have stuff written down on a page before hand and just show your GP that. Or read it to them.

    Excellent advice Jernal.

    I used this method of writing down things and showing my notes to my GP, then we could discuss the issues. It makes efficient use of the time allocated to the meeting with the Gp. I found I was less likely to forget some issue, or worse arrive home and then remember the issue in the middle of the night. It also helps the Gp get a greater understanding of what you are going through.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    I've been lurking around the thread for a while now, but my head's been in a bad place for the past while and after something of a crisis I got myself into the doctors and talked about how I've been feeling.

    I've been prescribed medication, and I had my first counselling session today. I didn't expect it to be so tiring though. Haven't told any of my friends yet, but seeing as they've suggested that I get some help I'm not expecting any problems there.

    Reading through the posts here helped a lot, thanks to all of ye!

    Well done! You have made significant steps on the road towards your recovery.
    Keep up the great work. Stay well.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Itzy wrote: »
    The medication I'm on seems to be doing the trick in handling Bipolar Disorder, but there seems to be very little I can do to shake the feelings of anxiety and paranoia. I was let go from my previous job due to poor performance while I was not receiving treatment, despite the concerns I raised while seeing a Psychiatrist and a request for an extension to my probationary period.

    I'm currently waiting on the results of an investigation into whether the termination of my contract was unfair, but I don't wish to proceed as I feel the decision could be upheld. I also have the feeling I could be in trouble, but it's unfounded as I did not do anything to warrant further action.

    Is it a case of paranoia that I need to discuss with my Doctor or let it settle and see what happens?

    Please stay in regular contact with your Doctor. I can assure you that your Doctor has your very best interests at heart. Keep well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,207 ✭✭✭jaffacakesyum

    Has anyone found any non-prescription medication useful? Or light therapy? Basically anything but therapy or anti-depressants?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,924 ✭✭✭wonderfullife

    Been slipping somewhat in recent months.

    Made a series of "non-decisions" that have affected my physical and mental health.

    Had a really bad patch recently where i wasn't washing, eating or sleeping. Didn't drag myself out of bed even though i knew my Lexapro was running out. Been off it over a week after a long period on it and have been really suffering some bad discontinuation symptoms.

    It's tough. Sometimes you can see and feel yourself worsening, know you need to do something about it but translating what you need to do into doing it can be harder than it seems.

    I suffer from anxiety related vertigo which at times feels debilitating but i managed to drag myself out of bed yesterday to get to the doctors. Beautiful day out, got my prescription so am starting the journey all over again.

    Positive thoughts to all on the thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,578 ✭✭✭✭Turtwig

    Hate to thread the medical advice terrority. Did you just stop taking the Lexapro in the space of a week, or were you tapering off it before then? In my experience with more potent medications, I've spent more time on them at incredibly weak doses than I have at more active doses. This is just to give my body the best chance it has at avoiding possible side effects from withdrawal. So I'm tapered off them very gradually.

    If I were you, I'd see your GP straight away and tell them what withdrawals symptoms you're having. Regardless of whatever the case may be, they may still be able to help you.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 12,748 Mod ✭✭✭✭JupiterKid

    My anxiety has been pretty bad during the past few days - it really drains me of all energy and motivation. Spending a lot of time cocooned in my bed.:(

    But I am blessed with the people in my life who love and support me and help me.:)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,924 ✭✭✭wonderfullife

    Jernal wrote: »
    Hate to thread the medical advice terrority. Did you just stop taking the Lexapro in the space of a week, or were you tapering off it before then? In my experience with more potent medications, I've spent more time on them at incredibly weak doses than I have at more active doses. This is just to give my body the best chance it has at avoiding possible side effects from withdrawal. So I'm tapered off them very gradually.

    If I were you, I'd see your GP straight away and tell them what withdrawals symptoms you're having. Regardless of whatever the case may be, they may still be able to help you.

    i stopped cold turkey and been having chest tightness, electric shock type feelings in my head, weakness and dizziness.

    I knew it was silly to stop like that but was in a bad place at time and sadly i didn't really consider the consequences too much. Been a Hell ish week though. This might not be a great description but i haven't felt human all week. All sorts of scary sensations happening. When i try go down the stairs my legs wobble underneath me.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    So, my counselor and I have agreed more or less a monthly schedule now, basically for maintenance. I've had one serious bout in the last year and thankfully it was short lived. I wouldnt say I was cured or anything but things are very much looking up. I struggle with what he calls "low mood" which isnt exactly depression but is more like just feeling regular old "down" but for no clear reason.

    There are good days and bad days, but the difference now is that I can recognise things in advance and have the tools and skills to deal with it before it spirals into something serious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    DeVore wrote: »
    So, my counselor and I have agreed more or less a monthly schedule now, basically for maintenance. I've had one serious bout in the last year and thankfully it was short lived. I wouldnt say I was cured or anything but things are very much looking up. I struggle with what he calls "low mood" which isnt exactly depression but is more like just feeling regular old "down" but for no clear reason.

    There are good days and bad days, but the difference now is that I can recognise things in advance and have the tools and skills to deal with it before it spirals into something serious.

    Did speaking openly about this cause any problems, professionally or otherwise? Any negative fallout?

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Walls wrote: »
    Did speaking openly about this cause any problems, professionally or otherwise? Any negative fallout?
    No, but then I am my own boss mostly so that makes it easier. There have been a couple of times when I have worried that it would follow me, or that people who dont like me might use it as a weapon but so far nothing like that. I went on Newstalk to talk about my thoughts on the issue and that kinda brought it home to me that people would hear/know but the more I have talked about it the more it has helped.

    On the other hand, this thread has really returned its "karma" to me in spades. So many people writing to say thank you and to share stories and who have said it helped them in some way. Thats been like... wow. Really humbling and touching. On more than one occasion I've been in tears reading my PM box.
    Thats given me a great sense of worth and its something I wasnt expecting.

    Feeling that someone trusts you enough to open up to you is a powerfully positive feeling and I would say if you are reading this and thinking about confiding in family or friends but dont want "to be a 'drag'" then you are looking at it wrong. You are giving them a gift of "worth". Dont under estimate that...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7 KiwiBanana

    Sounds good, glad to hear you feel you've made some headway.
    Hope everyone's doing well these days - a bit more sunshine and all that. I'm a bit like a yo yo but I know what's causing it so when I figure out how to tackle the conversation I'll hopefully feel a bit better. Being friends with people is hard work sometimes :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 750 ✭✭✭playedalive

    Atm I'm trying to study for my finals in college. It's so difficult for me to keep my focus on the subject matter. I've come to be very disillusioned by the bulls**t nature of my arts degree (languages) I just want to make myself feel a lot better, rather than worry about pointless knowledge that I'll forget minutes after an exam. At least my meds are at the right doseage than the last time. I just don't deal with stress/anxiety very well. I panic, do a bit of work. Then procrastinate. Or the other way round.

    The problem is succeeding at this degree means a lot to me and my confidence (which tends to be quite low). I've invested whatever mental energy I have into this degree and to academics for a long time. I just want to be able to focus more on me and my wellbeing as soon as these exams finish in May.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    Got college finals and assignments, projects too. Waiting for death and ready to die (nothing to do with college) but it seems there is a further quotient of pain I must experience before that happens.

    Things are so bad my mind can't cope with the reality of it all, it's as if it is rejecting it. I feel like I don't exist. I don't mean in relation to others, just at all. Suffering every waking moment, for example, there hasn't been a good minute in a day in weeks because there isn't a second I'm not really thinking my appearance and how far I've gone. I know life is what you make of it but my configuration of brain cells combined with the body I've been given are simply not compatible. So pain, pain, pain and more pain every day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,207 ✭✭✭jaffacakesyum

    Got college finals and assignments, projects too. Waiting for death and ready to die (nothing to do with college) but it seems there is a further quotient of pain I must experience before that happens.

    Things are so bad my mind can't cope with the reality of it all, it's as if it is rejecting it. I feel like I don't exist. I don't mean in relation to others, just at all. Suffering every waking moment, for example, there hasn't been a good minute in a day in weeks because there isn't a second I'm not really thinking my appearance and how far I've gone. I know life is what you make of it but my configuration of brain cells combined with the body I've been given are simply not compatible. So pain, pain, pain and more pain every day.

    I know how you feel in terms of the "waiting to die" thing as horrible as it sounds it describes me perfectly but I know there are things to live for. You're going through your finals at the moment, think of what an achievement it will be to have a 3/4 year degree under your belt, that's pretty impressive. (Or at least so I tell myself, as I'm going through finals myself at the moment!).

    Are you getting any help or seeing a counseller or anything? Sounds like there's a lot of stuff you could do with talking through.

    Hang in there :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 262 ✭✭Bench Press

    Got college finals and assignments, projects too. Waiting for death and ready to die (nothing to do with college) but it seems there is a further quotient of pain I must experience before that happens.

    Things are so bad my mind can't cope with the reality of it all, it's as if it is rejecting it. I feel like I don't exist. I don't mean in relation to others, just at all. Suffering every waking moment, for example, there hasn't been a good minute in a day in weeks because there isn't a second I'm not really thinking my appearance and how far I've gone. I know life is what you make of it but my configuration of brain cells combined with the body I've been given are simply not compatible. So pain, pain, pain and more pain every day.
    don't know what to say except try and focus on your exams and getting a good result if you can, deal with the other stuff then when you are finished and ready, I was in a similar situation last year at this time, if you can't in the meantime, try and defer and talk to someone and get medical help, all the best, I know what you are going through, even trying to figure out what to do will fry your brain even more sometimes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Got college finals and assignments, projects too. Waiting for death and ready to die (nothing to do with college) but it seems there is a further quotient of pain I must experience before that happens.

    Things are so bad my mind can't cope with the reality of it all, it's as if it is rejecting it. I feel like I don't exist. I don't mean in relation to others, just at all. Suffering every waking moment, for example, there hasn't been a good minute in a day in weeks because there isn't a second I'm not really thinking my appearance and how far I've gone. I know life is what you make of it but my configuration of brain cells combined with the body I've been given are simply not compatible. So pain, pain, pain and more pain every day.


    Take it easy. Remember one day at a time

    Best Wishes


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 750 ✭✭✭playedalive

    Take it easy. Remember one day at a time

    I think for all of us doing finals and depressed, baby steps is the way to go. :)...Good things will come out of this eventually. I keep telling myself that.

    Good Luck!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 611 ✭✭✭Strawberry Fields

    Hi my story,

    I've been on meds for 5 years, in the last 6 months I was at the gym a lot losing over 2 stone getting in good shape. The Psych doctor took me off my meds because I was becoming elated with a mix of exercise and tablets.

    So moral is exercise is great for depression.

    Also interested in anyones stories after they stopped taking meds.
    Heads a bit mangled and racing couldn't sleep last night. Giving it a few weeks to get used.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Hi my story,

    I've been on meds for 5 years, in the last 6 months I was at the gym a lot losing over 2 stone getting in good shape. The Psych doctor took me off my meds because I was becoming elated with a mix of exercise and tablets.

    So moral is exercise is great for depression.

    Also interested in anyones stories after they stopped taking meds.
    Heads a bit mangled and racing couldn't sleep last night. Giving it a few weeks to get used.

    Take it easy. I am not an expert, however I think meds need to be reduced over a period of time. I think it would be unwise to simply stop taking meds altogether , say on a Monday. However your doctor and pharmacist would be better placed to advise you professionally. You still need to get your sleep.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    A thought occurred to me on depression, it reminds me of the old board game called Snakes and Ladders. Now many of you may be too young to have even heard of it being children of the computer age:)
    For what it is worth if we were to compare our Lives to the board, the dice to the speed at which we advance, the snakes to our lows and the ladders to our highs.
    I know I may be making it all sound very trivial, however if we were to compare our depression to this simple board game, perhaps it would help us realise that our lives are not as complicated as they seem and our depression even less to be afraid of.
    Perhaps you may think that Del has finally lost his marbles altogether, however I would be interested in getting your thoughts? Indeed you may be better able to explain what this board game may indicate.
    If my memory serves me correctly, the game was made by Waddingtons, though I am sure there were numerous versions out there. I am not sure if there was a moral behind the game, I just remember playing the game as a child and learning to deal with the disappointment of landing on the snake and having to recover and continue on with the game. If you are not familiar with the game it may be worth tracking down one and compare the game to what is going on in your life?
    Apologies for the long winded post, just thought I would share this with you for what it is worth:)

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 12,748 Mod ✭✭✭✭JupiterKid

    A thought occurred to me on depression, it reminds me of the old board game called Snakes and Ladders. Now many of you may be too young to have even heard of it being children of the computer age:)
    For what it is worth if we were to compare our Lives to the board, the dice to the speed at which we advance, the snakes to our lows and the ladders to our highs.
    I know I may be making it all sound very trivial, however if we were to compare our depression to this simple board game, perhaps it would help us realise that our lives are not as complicated as they seem and our depression even less to be afraid of.
    Perhaps you may think that Del has finally lost his marbles altogether, however I would be interested in getting your thoughts? Indeed you may be better able to explain what this board game may indicate.
    If my memory serves me correctly, the game was made by Waddingtons, though I am sure there were numerous versions out there. I am not sure if there was a moral behind the game, I just remember playing the game as a child and learning to deal with the disappointment of landing on the snake and having to recover and continue on with the game. If you are not familiar with the game it may be worth tracking down one and compare the game to what is going on in your life?
    Apologies for the long winded post, just thought I would share this with you for what it is worth:)

    That's a very good analogy Dellthedriver.

    The problem is that when there are lots of snakes encountered and not enough ladders, things can seem hopeless.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    JupiterKid wrote: »
    That's a very good analogy Dellthedriver.

    The problem is that when there are lots of snakes encountered and not enough ladders, things can seem hopeless.


    Thank you for your post.

    My memory of playing the board game was the thrill of never giving up. Sure the snakes were like the episodes of depression. The ladders were the bonus feature, perhaps like happy moments in our lives. However the constant challenge and perseverance encouraged us to remain playing.

    Best Wishes,


  • Registered Users Posts: 656 ✭✭✭pinkstars

    I have had a hard week. My brother is very ill now and is ringing me a lot about his situation as a result I had to get an increase in my medication.
    To top it all off he went to take his own life too, and rang to tell me he bought a rope yesterday but then showed them in the hospital.
    It is all a cry for help.
    As a result my weight has gone up lbs in the past week, I am shoving food into my mouth - comfort eating.
    I really need to take care of myself too at the moment, I had to be carried out of work last week when I got the call.

    I can't seem to deal with much more, or cope even. I just think its one thing after another.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    pinkstars wrote: »
    I have had a hard week. My brother is very ill now and is ringing me a lot about his situation as a result I had to get an increase in my medication.
    To top it all off he went to take his own life too, and rang to tell me he bought a rope yesterday but then showed them in the hospital.
    It is all a cry for help.
    As a result my weight has gone up lbs in the past week, I am shoving food into my mouth - comfort eating.
    I really need to take care of myself too at the moment, I had to be carried out of work last week when I got the call.

    I can't seem to deal with much more, or cope even. I just think its one thing after another.

    Pink stars,
    Really sorry to hear your news.
    Firstly you need to take great care of yourself. Hopefully you have consulted with your GP.
    Your brother is in hospital and is in safe hands.
    Please, please get the necessary medical advice and support you need to help you get through these difficult days.
    Believe me , these dark days will pass, be kind to yourself.
    Best wishes

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,076 ✭✭✭Eathrin

    Guys, this isn't the first time I've posted here, but I haven't for a while.
    It's been a good while since I've felt so depressed.

    I've a lot to be happy about; girlfriend who loves me, good college course, etc. but obviously that has nothing to do with depression.
    I lost the urge to even go to college anymore a couple of months ago and studying for end of year exams is beyond me. Lost any sort of motivation or drive I once had, which is odd because I'm ambitious.
    I've fallen into such a 'nothingness' again. I do nothing with my day; sleeping in, going to bed late, eating little, lounging around.

    It's been a while since I've been on meds and IIRC they helped a lot but I felt I could get by on my own when I weened myself off them around 18 months ago. I think it would be a good idea to try and get a new prescription and sort myself out. Would my old counsellor be of any help if I were to send him an e-mail? Considering at the time I went to him it was a clinic for adolescents..

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Eathrin wrote: »
    Guys, this isn't the first time I've posted here, but I haven't for a while.
    It's been a good while since I've felt so depressed.

    I've a lot to be happy about; girlfriend who loves me, good college course, etc. but obviously that has nothing to do with depression.
    I lost the urge to even go to college anymore a couple of months ago and studying for end of year exams is beyond me. Lost any sort of motivation or drive I once had, which is odd because I'm ambitious.
    I've fallen into such a 'nothingness' again. I do nothing with my day; sleeping in, going to bed late, eating little, lounging around.

    It's been a while since I've been on meds and IIRC they helped a lot but I felt I could get by on my own when I weened myself off them around 18 months ago. I think it would be a good idea to try and get a new prescription and sort myself out. Would my old counsellor be of any help if I were to send him an e-mail? Considering at the time I went to him it was a clinic for adolescents..

    You have a lot going for you friend.
    Honestly you need to visit your GP and get yourself back on track in terms of medication and Counselling if necessary.
    Once you are feeling a bit stronger you should find renewed motivation in getting on with your course and completing your exams.
    Best of luck!:)
