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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,076 ✭✭✭Eathrin

    You have a lot going for you friend.
    Honestly you need to visit your GP and get yourself back on track in terms of medication and Counselling if necessary.
    Once you are feeling a bit stronger you should find renewed motivation in getting on with your course and completing your exams.
    Best of luck!:)

    I don't think I need counselling anymore though. Is that normal to feel that you have gotten all the good you can get from it already?
    I have talked about my condition and it's no longer something I keep secret. Those close to me know of my condition and I have no problem talking if there was a need to.

    I have a medical card and can visit my GP, no problem. But is there any easier way to get prescriptions than visiting every two months (which would be very expensive if I were paying €50 a pop!) for a short prescription? (I never got longer than 3 months the first time around)
    It would be much handier to have a long term type repeat prescription.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Eathrin wrote: »
    I don't think I need counselling anymore though. Is that normal to feel that you have gotten all the good you can get from it already?
    I have talked about my condition and it's no longer something I keep secret. Those close to me know of my condition and I have no problem talking if there was a need to.

    I have a medical card and can visit my GP, no problem. But is there any easier way to get prescriptions than visiting every two months (which would be very expensive if I were paying €50 a pop!) for a short prescription? (I never got longer than 3 months the first time around)
    It would be much handier to have a long term type repeat prescription.

    Needs can change, whether that is Counselling or medications.
    Really the best person to discuss your needs with are your GP.
    The medications and their quantities vary to match your needs, both immediate and over a period of time.
    Take one day at a time and liaise with your GP.
    Kind Regards:):)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Had a couple of extremely stressful weeks recently culminating in a complete high. Having finalised business issues which were the cause of my illness over the last number of years ,I was flying high , but have now come back into landing on what appears to be a bumpy runway, head spinning.
    Tiredness , weakness, loss of interest in communicating are all the latest symptoms, lack of concentration in company or watching tv.
    Sure I have experienced these symptoms over the last few years, but now I feel completely numb. I am trying to do a few chores about the house which I have been unable or disinterested in doing like mowing the grass.
    Chatting with a friend this afternoon, I admitted that I no longer give a toss about my home as it will still exist long after I am gone.
    Yet on the outside people close to me tell me I am looking and sounding better than I have been in ages. Sure I have a smile on my face as always, despite feeling so low inside. Indeed very few people are actually aware that I am in fact suffering from depression or illness of any description.
    Yes I continue to get a couple of walks per day, with or without my borrowed doggy. I enjoy my walks on the beach despite the rather stormy April, May weather. Even played golf during the week for the first time this year.
    Yet this self of numbness and self of worthlessness continues.
    For the sake of my wife I am putting on a show for her sake, I don't want her to think that I am ungrateful for all the support she has given me,yet I don't have the energy to tell her how I really feel.
    We are planning a holiday in Spain later this month and in june are attending a friends wedding in Portugal. Yes I am looking forward to the sunshine and warmth which has been so absent from our Spring in Ireland.
    So, for me it is back to living in the Now, one day at a time and continuing to take my prescribed meds as directed by my Consultant to whom I am extremely grateful:)

    Please excuse me if I sound like I am just moaning, I just thought sharing my thoughts with my dear friends on this forum may give some insight as to how things are going in the land of Del:)

    Hope you are all doing well
    Best Regards,

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    Had a couple of extremely stressful weeks recently culminating in a complete high. Having finalised business issues which were the cause of my illness over the last number of years ,I was flying high , but have now come back into landing on what appears to be a bumpy runway, head spinning.
    Tiredness , weakness, loss of interest in communicating are all the latest symptoms, lack of concentration in company or watching tv.
    Sure I have experienced these symptoms over the last few years, but now I feel completely numb. I am trying to do a few chores about the house which I have been unable or disinterested in doing like mowing the grass.
    Chatting with a friend this afternoon, I admitted that I no longer give a toss about my home as it will still exist long after I am gone.
    Yet on the outside people close to me tell me I am looking and sounding better than I have been in ages. Sure I have a smile on my face as always, despite feeling so low inside. Indeed very few people are actually aware that I am in fact suffering from depression or illness of any description.
    Yes I continue to get a couple of walks per day, with or without my borrowed doggy. I enjoy my walks on the beach despite the rather stormy April, May weather. Even played golf during the week for the first time this year.
    Yet this self of numbness and self of worthlessness continues.
    For the sake of my wife I am putting on a show for her sake, I don't want her to think that I am ungrateful for all the support she has given me,yet I don't have the energy to tell her how I really feel.
    We are planning a holiday in Spain later this month and in june are attending a friends wedding in Portugal. Yes I am looking forward to the sunshine and warmth which has been so absent from our Spring in Ireland.
    So, for me it is back to living in the Now, one day at a time and continuing to take my prescribed meds as directed by my Consultant to whom I am extremely grateful:)

    Please excuse me if I sound like I am just moaning, I just thought sharing my thoughts with my dear friends on this forum may give some insight as to how things are going in the land of Del:)

    Hope you are all doing well
    Best Regards,

    Del, you obviously have a high level of self awareness and experience when it comes to this, just wanted to respond.

    Congrats on getting the business stuff sorted!
    Any time I achieve something big there's usually a slump in the proceeding weeks. It's natural to normalise to new circumstances but unfortunately this makes the victories less sweet. A week or two after some achievement, it can be easy to start thinking, 'now that's over, what next?'.

    This is a low period for you but the mental discipline you have will see you through. You've been consistently doing the right things for the few months I've been reading your posts here and that **** pays off. I find when me equilibrium is upset, too low or too high, I have at least a couple of days of crazy thoughts.

    Is there anything you do besides the walks, just out of curiosity?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Del, you obviously have a high level of self awareness and experience when it comes to this, just wanted to respond.

    Congrats on getting the business stuff sorted!
    Any time I achieve something big there's usually a slump in the proceeding weeks. It's natural to normalise to new circumstances but unfortunately this makes the victories less sweet. A week or two after some achievement, it can be easy to start thinking, 'now that's over, what next?'.

    This is a low period for you but the mental discipline you have will see you through. You've been consistently doing the right things for the few months I've been reading your posts here and that **** pays off. I find when me equilibrium is upset, too low or too high, I have at least a couple of days of crazy thoughts.

    Is there anything you do besides the walks, just out of curiosity?

    Hi Jimmy,
    Many thanks for your reply.
    I have just returned to art classes after a break. Over the years I have always been interested in art. With a bit more free time these days, I am endeavouring to develop my skills and perhaps produce a masterpiece or two! Indeed today I took out my easel for the first time in ages and whiled away 4 hours dabbling my paints on a couple of canvasses. It took a huge effort on my part to motivate myself, yet the small sense of achievement has made my day somewhat special
    It is also my aim to improve my golf which has suffered over the years due to work pressures and more recently due to illness.
    I guess it is the small achievements each day will eventually link together in developing a sense of self worth.
    Communicating with the wonderful people on this forum is something I enjoy very much. I am always interested in people and how they are doing. Having encountered this life experience of Depression, I am always happy to express and share my thoughts or advice which I hope may assist readers on this forum to get through their day. If I can be of assistance to anyone, they may feel free to PM me if they wish to do so. I appreciate some people may not wish to discuss issues so openly on the forum
    As a non-drinker and non-smoker , I believe the absence of those crutches has helped me to get through each day with the aid of my medications and counselling.
    Apologies, I have continued on rambling, hope I have not caused anyone to nod off to sleep.
    How is life with you? I guess exam fever is approaching. Take it all in your stride, life is not all about exam results. Life is for living. To get out of bed every day , look around, breath , listen and enjoy the simple things in life are all wonderful experiences. Sorry again, beginning to ramble again.
    Your contributions to the forum have been invaluable. This journey with Depression is something we all have in common, perhaps some day we may all meet exchange our stories and learn from and support each other.
    Best wishes,

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  • Registered Users Posts: 233 ✭✭Boogietime

    I used to be down and out. Had to see a medic for it but it took a long long time as I couldn't be bothered to tell anyone about this... Apparently it was MDD that I was suffering from.
    And I've tried and went on with my life, as if the smile on my face would not collide with the sad empty void from within.
    And then, one day, it all came down on me and I couldn't hide it from my family anymore so there I was, dragging myself to the doctor.
    For a while I took pills. And they helped. The doc gave me anything she knew but benzos. Mirtazapyne seemed to be ok, combined with several others.

    Until I realised two simple key elements in climbing up the hole, which I started following more and more often until I could safely reduce the trips to the doc.

    The two things that worked for me are:

    1. I started trusting my own feelings again and stopped "drilling" inside of me to check how I feel during any given moment of the day.
    2. Stopped judging myself so hard. If I'm not my own support as a person, who else would be?

    Yes, I didn't think I was great. Well I didn't care much either, really... And Yes, still I don't think that of myself. But I realised that I'm okay. Not perfect but perfectly human and hey, you know what? That's Alright!
    I, like many others here, have been raised in a world of tales of Indiana Jones, Spiderman, Superman and you name'em! So many outstanding characters who achieve amazing goals...
    And every time I walked out of the cinema door I knew I had to be one of them. That's the effect all these movies had on me, as I was growing up. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    And I started to frown more and empty myself more every time I realised that the goals that I had to achieve to see myself as my own hero were getting harder to take on. Until I stopped asking myself of great achievements in short time and started doing baby steps in bringing myself down lesser and lesser. And that worked for me. I started having faith in what I feel, again.

    I may not be my own hero now. But at least I have more of myself than I did and that's what matters most for me in this moment. It will all be alright.

    "Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Boogietime wrote: »
    I used to be down and out. Had to see a medic for it but it took a long long time as I couldn't be bothered to tell anyone about this... Apparently it was MDD that I was suffering from.
    And I've tried and went on with my life, as if the smile on my face would not collide with the sad empty void from within.
    And then, one day, it all came down on me and I couldn't hide it from my family anymore so there I was, dragging myself to the doctor.
    For a while I took pills. And they helped. The doc gave me anything she knew but benzos. Mirtazapyne seemed to be ok, combined with several others.

    Until I realised two simple key elements in climbing up the hole, which I started following more and more often until I could safely reduce the trips to the doc.

    The two things that worked for me are:

    1. I started trusting my own feelings again and stopped "drilling" inside of me to check how I feel during any given moment of the day.
    2. Stopped judging myself so hard. If I'm not my own support as a person, who else would be?

    Yes, I didn't think I was great. Well I didn't care much either, really... And Yes, still I don't think that of myself. But I realised that I'm okay. Not perfect but perfectly human and hey, you know what? That's Alright!
    I, like many others here, have been raised in a world of tales of Indiana Jones, Spiderman, Superman and you name'em! So many outstanding characters who achieve amazing goals...
    And every time I walked out of the cinema door I knew I had to be one of them. That's the effect all these movies had on me, as I was growing up. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    And I started to frown more and empty myself more every time I realised that the goals that I had to achieve to see myself as my own hero were getting harder to take on. Until I stopped asking myself of great achievements in short time and started doing baby steps in bringing myself down lesser and lesser. And that worked for me. I started having faith in what I feel, again.

    I may not be my own hero now. But at least I have more of myself than I did and that's what matters most for me in this moment. It will all be alright.

    "Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face"

    Boogie time,
    Well done! There is very sound advice for everyone on this forum. Thank you sincerely for sharing your advice and experiences with us.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Just back from my second walk of the day with my four legged friend.
    Gosh it is a wonderful day out there, warm south westerly breeze rolling in some Atlantic breakers. The salty sea air is great in the nostrils and lungs. The beach strewn with seaweed or in the eyes of my foster dog, bounty ,which she sniffs through with great curiosity.
    A good long walk is invaluable in helping clearing my head and assist in refocusing on what I want to achieve for the rest of Bank Holiday Monday.
    Hope you are all making the most of your Bank Holiday.
    Best Regards,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭KingOfFairview

    I've had a bout of depression which started about two months ago relatively mild but has got worse until getting a bit overwhelming recently. This is the second major one in my life.

    I think it will pass and it's not crippling, but given that exercise doesn't help, anyone got any non-medical tips on how to pull myself out?

  • Registered Users Posts: 233 ✭✭Boogietime

    Boogie time,
    Well done! There is very sound advice for everyone on this forum. Thank you sincerely for sharing your advice and experiences with us.

    No problem, maybe I can help a little bit...

    Also praying has helped me. That's the most important part. But I didn't want to over impose. I couldn't pray much since I was in bits and pieces. But just a little bit of talk with Him got me through.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    I've had a bout of depression which started about two months ago relatively mild but has got worse until getting a bit overwhelming recently. This is the second major one in my life.

    I think it will pass and it's not crippling, but given that exercise doesn't help, anyone got any non-medical tips on how to pull myself out?

    Counselling, exercise, exercise and more exercise. Walking , swimming jogging and cycling, help get the positive juices flowing in the brain.

    I would also contemplate prayer as suggested by another Poster. Other options may be meditation and acupuncture.

    Don't spend too long thinking about it just get out there and do it. Half an hours walk 3 times per day will lift the mood and fitness levels.

    Be kind to yourself:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭KingOfFairview

    Counselling, exercise, exercise and more exercise. Walking , swimming jogging and cycling, help get the positive juices flowing in the brain.

    I would also contemplate prayer as suggested by another Poster. Other options may be meditation and acupuncture.

    Don't spend too long thinking about it just get out there and do it. Half Ann hours walk 3 crimes oer day will lift the mood and fitness levels.

    Be kind to yoursel:)

    Thank you. Some gentle exercise may be a good idea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 233 ✭✭Boogietime

    Be kind to yourself:)

    How true indeed... I totally agree.

    Well put, del!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Looking forward to art class tomorrow, opportunity to get out of the house and meet some aspiring Leonardos. Spent more time dabbling with paints on a canvass. Did not notice 4 hours had whiz zed by. For the first time in ages my mind was on what I was actually doing rather than living in the past.
    Golf was cancelled today due to the storm and heavy rain, hoping to replay on Friday, weather permitting. A lot of things are presently , weather permitting.
    Went for a walk with foster dog on the beach early this morning, unfortunately due to the inclement weather my second walk this afternoon was abandoned after 10 mins. Much to the disgust of doggy who sulked in her bed for the rest of the afternoon!
    Took a nap in the evening to recharge the batteries, being kind to myself.
    Need to arrange meeting with my Counsellor for next week if possible. It is three weeks since we last met and I feel it is important to maintain the contact.
    The extended winter is pissing me off. My chores in the gardens are still on my to do list, carried over since last year and the year before......... Owing to the rather unseasonal weather, a number of shrubs have died, the lawn is in poor health, completely overrun with dandelions. Yes, Del has quite a bit of catching up to do, is it important, only if I allow it.
    What is important to me is that I manage to get through another day!
    Be kind to yourselves:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07

    Thank you. Some gentle exercise may be a good idea.
    no such thing, if its gentle then its not exercise. it should be tough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    I feel completely gone. I've never felt this far gone before. Was going to talk to my mam but there's nothing she can do, I've talked to her before but it is pointless. Nobody can help me (and I'm saying that from an experienced standpoint) because I am not happy with circumstances and these circumstances can't change. Sure, my attitude to them could but it won't. It's strange thinking that my younger years were actually me, experienced by me, the exact same person now as then. Feels like I just watched it my childhood on tv and it wasn't me.

    Basically I'm ****ed and hopeless and have no way out as cliched as that sounds. I can't talk my way out of this, medication can't change it (that is a fact) and I'm left as an expiring body and nothing else.

    Wish I was young again but I won't be. I'm just not interested in being here as me anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,578 ✭✭✭✭Turtwig

    I feel completely gone. I've never felt this far gone before. Was going to talk to my mam but there's nothing she can do, I've talked to her before but it is pointless. Nobody can help me (and I'm saying that from an experienced standpoint) because I am not happy with circumstances and these circumstances can't change. Sure, my attitude to them could but it won't. It's strange thinking that my younger years were actually me, experienced by me, the exact same person now as then. Feels like I just watched it my childhood on tv and it wasn't me.

    Basically I'm ****ed and hopeless and have no way out as cliched as that sounds. I can't talk my way out of this, medication can't change it (that is a fact) and I'm left as an expiring body and nothing else.

    Wish I was young again but I won't be. I'm just not interested in being here as me anymore.


    This may sound cold and aloof. Unless you're in the back of beyonds in a famine stricken or war impoverished country there'll always be potential ways to change your circumstances. Always! They're never easy and they're only potentialities but they do exist. I realise this may sound arrogant but you're probably not f**ked. It's probably the fog that's talking to you telling you there are no possible solutions when past you may be seen plenty. I'd try to get in touch with your counsellor or GP and tell them how you are feeling.
    In the meantime keep posting here or in the LTI forum thread.
    Even if you are constrained by circumstances there is always stuff, little things, you can do to make managing those circumstances better. Always.

    Hang in there,

  • Registered Users Posts: 233 ✭✭Boogietime

    Wish I was young again but I won't be.

    Don't worry man, it's never too late for anything. Trust me, these days you can do almost anything you want, provided you want it bad enough!

    Chin up, soldier. Everything will work out. Have a little faith.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭KingOfFairview

    no such thing, if its gentle then its not exercise. it should be tough.

    I know, normally I lift a lot of weights and so on, just not up to it at the moment. In any case there is a such thing as gentle exercise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Hi jimmy,
    Sorry to hear that you are feeling below par.
    From someone who has experienced much of what you are feeling right now, trust me there are always options. Firstly you must contact your GP and seek medical assistance. Have faith in your GP to explore with you the correct course of action.
    Soldier, I am fighting the same war, each stage is just another battle. Having fought many battles with the aid of my medical advisors , comrades like you on Boards, I am still in the game, so too are you.
    Come on Jimmy, you are not a quitter, I need you reporting back fit and ready to fight along side me in the War. We are all in this together, fighting for each other. You have provided inspiration when I have been injured, it is my turn to be there for you.
    I wish you to keep us posted on your progress.
    Best regards always
    Ps please confirm ASAP that you have reported in to the Medical Officer.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    I know, normally I lift a lot of weights and so on, just not up to it at the moment. In any case there is a such thing as gentle exercise.

    Agreed, some exercise is better than no exercise. I have been in the situation where getting out of bed has been a major achievement.
    Start with the gentle exercise and build up as you start to feel a bit better.
    There is no point in trying to lift weights, if your energy level is just enough to get out of bed and go to the corner shop for some basic provisions.
    Everything in moderation.
    Start with walking 10, 20, 30 , 60 mins. Build up gradually, no point in running a marathon if you can only run. 100 yards.
    After that when you start building up the walking distance , you can pick up the pace, perhaps leading onto jogging, exercising at a quicker more challenging pace.
    Whatever you do, do it at a pace you feel comfortable and enjoy.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07

    I know, normally I lift a lot of weights and so on, just not up to it at the moment. In any case there is a such thing as gentle exercise.
    do you cycle? the weather can be a problem but a few hours on the bike thru the countryside or along the coast is great for body&mind. once you have a your bike set up so that its comfortable it can feel effortless

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07

    Ill share this because it might be of help/hope to some people. a few years ago I was severly depressed and on alot of medication, stayed at a day hospital where I was like a zombie, waiting for dinner than counting down the hours till the bus brought me home. some mornings I couldnt get out of bed to get that bus. a few weeks before that I spent all my days in bed, broken, thinking I couldnt be fixed.

    since then Ive used sport to give me a purpose. over the past 3 years Ive been racing and now Ive reached A class. last year I had a period where I lost my confidence and my training fell apart. its not easy, but having something to look forward to, to plan for, it keeps me going. the challenge and the competition. training and pushing myself further.

    there are so many different sports/activities out there, everyone doing them was once a beginner. try different ones, find something you like, you dont even have to be good at it as long as you enjoy it.

    as a species we arent supposed to sit at a desk or in a sofa all day, you have to make the effort to give your body what modern times have taken away, physical stimulation, its designed for running,sprinting,jumping,lifting,kicking,punching

    a journey of 1000miles starts with 1 step

    "Mens sana in corpore sano"

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    Jernal wrote: »

    This may sound cold and aloof. Unless you're in the back of beyonds in a famine stricken or war impoverished country there'll always be potential ways to change your circumstances. Always! They're never easy and they're only potentialities but they do exist. I realise this may sound arrogant but you're probably not f**ked. It's probably the fog that's talking to you telling you there are no possible solutions when past you may be seen plenty. I'd try to get in touch with your counsellor or GP and tell them how you are feeling.
    In the meantime keep posting here or in the LTI forum thread.
    Even if you are constrained by circumstances there is always stuff, little things, you can do to make managing those circumstances better. Always.

    Hang in there,

    Understand where you're coming from, but my particular obsession is an unchangeable circumstance, I may be able to lose the obsession about it, but the circumstance won't change. As I said, my attitude is the only thing that can change and I have no faith that will ever happen. I've already been living like a monk, trying to carve out sanity on my own, meditating doing yoga and all this other mental work, but at the end of it all I will still have to be almost completely alone and inhibited my whole life. And a lot of times, like last night and today I stop and think, 'what is it that I am continuing for? is it really just a fear of dying?'.

    Boogietime wrote: »
    Don't worry man, it's never too late for anything. Trust me, these days you can do almost anything you want, provided you want it bad enough!

    Chin up, soldier. Everything will work out. Have a little faith.

    I appreciate the sentiment, and I'd often agree with you, even now I might begrudgingly agree. I feel absolutely beaten though. I don't say these things lightly, it's been ~10 years, I know the score with myself by now. Spirit is gone.
    Hi jimmy,
    Sorry to hear that you are feeling below par.
    From someone who has experienced much of what you are feeling right now, trust me there are always options. Firstly you must contact your GP and seek medical assistance. Have faith in your GP to explore with you the correct course of action.
    Soldier, I am fighting the same war, each stage is just another battle. Having fought many battles with the aid of my medical advisors , comrades like you on Boards, I am still in the game, so too are you.
    Come on Jimmy, you are not a quitter, I need you reporting back fit and ready to fight along side me in the War. We are all in this together, fighting for each other. You have provided inspiration when I have been injured, it is my turn to be there for you.
    I wish you to keep us posted on your progress.
    Best regards always
    Ps please confirm ASAP that you have reported in to the Medical Officer.

    Del I was in on tuesday with the psychiatrist, usually just do it to make sure college has a record of when I'm extra bad. Today I feel on the edge of life, completely in my own mental world, and yet because I don't have the gumption to do anything serious, I will be trying to study using this brain... I am just avoiding disaster at home basically. I amn't interested anymore. To use your analogy, gimme the morphine! Actually, that would be bliss... miss drugs so much.

    I suppose if I'm posting about it I can't be that bad... I appreciate the responses guys. Just not in a good place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 233 ✭✭Boogietime

    Actually, that would be bliss... miss drugs so much.

    That'll make things a bit harder if you had a drug addiction. But you keep on fighting there, you'll be out of the hole in no time. Just gotta give your body the right signals that you're off that ****. And the fastest way to eliminate the craving is doing exercise. Start by a little and grow as much as you like, you'll see it do wonders!

    Congrats that you were able to quit them, that's the biggest step. Now it's gonna be baby steps 'til you get fully recovered.

    It will be okay, not to worry! There's much ahead so keep up the good work!:)

    PS: No joke, hot showers seemed to help me when I was down. Might not work for everyone but for me it still is one of the best moment of the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭RossFixxxed

    Boogietime wrote: »
    PS: No joke, hot showers seemed to help me when I was down. Might not work for everyone but for me it still is one of the best moment of the day.

    It's the little pleasures in life that something like depression really robs you of. Finding the joy in the little things is a wonderful thing, and a real sign things are getting better.

    Warning: Crow quote ahead! (sorry)
    Little things used to mean so much to Shelly- I used to think they were kind of trivial. Believe me, nothing is trivial.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 35,514 ✭✭✭✭efb

    Feeling down today and yesterday

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭KingOfFairview

    Agreed, some exercise is better than no exercise. I have been in the situation where getting out of bed has been a major achievement.
    Start with the gentle exercise and build up as you start to feel a bit better.
    There is no point in trying to lift weights, if your energy level is just enough to get out of bed and go to the corner shop for some basic provisions.
    Everything in moderation.
    Start with walking 10, 20, 30 , 60 mins. Build up gradually, no point in running a marathon if you can only run. 100 yards.
    After that when you start building up the walking distance , you can pick up the pace, perhaps leading onto jogging, exercising at a quicker more challenging pace.
    Whatever you do, do it at a pace you feel comfortable and enjoy.:)

    do you cycle? the weather can be a problem but a few hours on the bike thru the countryside or along the coast is great for body&mind. once you have a your bike set up so that its comfortable it can feel effortless

    I don't, but I am feeling a fair bit better today. Heading in the right direction. I'm taking it slowly, but i think the end is in sight (this is a recurring thing for me, just a lot worse than usual this time).

    Hope everyone else feels better, the clouds will part.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07


    I don't, but I am feeling a fair bit better today. Heading in the right direction. I'm taking it slowly, but i think the end is in sight (this is a recurring thing for me, just a lot worse than usual this time).

    Hope everyone else feels better, the clouds will part.

    same with me. Stephen Fry put it well:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    efb wrote: »
    Feeling down today and yesterday

    Just take it easy & be kind to yourself. These rough days will pass.:)
