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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭looking_around

    guitarzero wrote: »
    Hi DeVore

    I'm seeing a psychotherapist, second session this evening and putting a lot of faith in it. I have seen psychotherapists before but didnt find them very helpful, 2 who said in their own words 'I cant help you'. I have tried diet and exercise/the football team. Gave meditation and yoga a try to discover they made the symptoms worse. Admittedly I have pulled back from socializing but it's mostly from being completely uninterested and the difficulty I have mustering up any enthusiasm. I really dont relate to ppl generally and never really have which is a serious issue for me.

    I have seen so many recommendations for depression but barring anti depressants, which I think is an unavoidable inevitability at this point, I have given it my best go. I'm very weary of the idea of taking anti depressants. I've been told it's my attitude but I have had this depressed/lonely feeling for as long as I can remember. So I had to confront what I had been denying for so long as it wasnt paying off ignoring it.

    In relation to the home. My mother is letting me stay as long as I keep my job (amongst other 'bargains'). Trouble is the anxiety and depression are making it very hard to keep the job. There are some days where I simply cant work/concentrate and have been sent home on 2 occasions. The fact that I have a job is a sign that I am trying to get back on my feet. I am doing counselling and getting into exercise again but it's not enough.

    She believes my depression is entirely self induced therefore I am totally at fault. I dont know the origin of this depression as it feels so much a part of who I am and who I was to a large extent. I do feel hopeless and dont really have anywhere to go. I cant get a place because I could lose this job and I have nowhere to stay should worst come to worst.

    This depression has been going on for many years and everyone is just fed up.

    Find out about emergency welfare supplement. Even without rent allowance or any other benefit, it will just about get you through renting a room somewhere.
    Have some back up plan if your mother does kick you out. There's also the fact if you've been living at that house for x number of years.(you may want to contact citizens advice about this.) but she can't rightfully, make you homeless. That could be hassle you don't want. But no harm to find out what you're entitle to.

    Talk to your boss if work is being a struggle, you may be surprised. Many people have experienced depression or know someone who has, and these people want to help if they can.

    Lastly, I say to this to anyone wary of anti-depressants.
    Your mind is sick.

    If someone has(commonly women) anemia, they take iron supplements, they may take these for the rest of their lives. Or they may only take them while they need it, and then life situation changes and they come off.

    Your brain is ill. Depression IS a physical illness, and although therapy can be enough for some people, as diet changes can be enough for some anaemics, but some, no matter how they try, they need the supplement.
    Or the anti-d. It doesn't mean anything on your part. Doesn't mean you're weak, doesn't mean your lazy, you're just taking a supplement for your brain.

    I would speak to your doctor about it. In alot of cases therapy works best while a person is on meds, and then weans off them, while often still in therapy.

    Also about therapy, it took me 2-3 years.(and I;m still in therapy, to see noticeable differences in how I am now, to how I was.). That's quite a bit of time and quite a bit of work.

    Those 2 therapists btw, were not saying you can't be helped, but not all therapists can deal with all types of depression, you may not want to see a general one, but one who has more experience? Maybe even look into cbt?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,425 ✭✭✭guitarzero

    Find out about emergency welfare supplement. Even without rent allowance or any other benefit, it will just about get you through renting a room somewhere.
    Have some back up plan if your mother does kick you out. There's also the fact if you've been living at that house for x number of years.(you may want to contact citizens advice about this.) but she can't rightfully, make you homeless. That could be hassle you don't want. But no harm to find out what you're entitle to.

    Talk to your boss if work is being a struggle, you may be surprised. Many people have experienced depression or know someone who has, and these people want to help if they can.

    Lastly, I say to this to anyone wary of anti-depressants.
    Your mind is sick.

    If someone has(commonly women) anemia, they take iron supplements, they may take these for the rest of their lives. Or they may only take them while they need it, and then life situation changes and they come off.

    Your brain is ill. Depression IS a physical illness, and although therapy can be enough for some people, as diet changes can be enough for some anaemics, but some, no matter how they try, they need the supplement.
    Or the anti-d. It doesn't mean anything on your part. Doesn't mean you're weak, doesn't mean your lazy, you're just taking a supplement for your brain.

    I would speak to your doctor about it. In alot of cases therapy works best while a person is on meds, and then weans off them, while often still in therapy.

    Also about therapy, it took me 2-3 years.(and I;m still in therapy, to see noticeable differences in how I am now, to how I was.). That's quite a bit of time and quite a bit of work.

    Those 2 therapists btw, were not saying you can't be helped, but not all therapists can deal with all types of depression, you may not want to see a general one, but one who has more experience? Maybe even look into cbt?

    Thanks man, that was really helpful. :):)

    My back up plan was to go live with my dad, who's an abusive alcoholic living in a dingy bungalow in a pretty rough area. From the frying pan to the fire in this case. I have a few friends but they are'nt the type who would let me stay for any longer than a few days despite having spare rooms, they're not the type who would have your back on anything to be honest. I have been looking at places but if you arent working the tenant is generally not interested in having you, they probably see you as a liability in the long run.

    I did speak to my boss about this, which was pretty hard considering some of the stigmas associated with depression - weakness in this context. He said he would do anything to accommodate me within reason i.e reduce the hours/days/another department/different shifts which was I was pretty impressed by. With depression you can never know which days are gonna be tough and which are gonna be extra tough so I'm not sure what way to approach his suggestion on this.

    On the part of anti-depressants, I would admit to having paranoia about them, this idea of something tinkering with my brain chemistry doesnt sit well with me at all. I've read some of the potential side effects I was pretty deterred. But, considering just how long and how bad this has gotten, I have been more and more open to the idea of taking them. :)

    My mam has made her ultimatums, I can stay as long as I'm working and that I'm getting better. If I'm not getting better or working, or both, I have to go. She is fed up with my depression, my anxiety and inability to be consistently functional (as am I :) ). I appreciate that but her perception around this is whats the major issue, in that she thinks I am the author of it all. She your traditional hard assed dictator Irish mammy type, having both great and awful qualities equally.

    I was to discuss the approach of CBT with my therapist but totally slipped my mind. He seems quite assured and able so I'm hopeful that with some long term persistence some kind of change will come about, all I can do is hope at this point.

    I dont know where this is gona go, theres a groundhog day feeling about my life and this issue. Thanks for the response.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,284 ✭✭✭✭Esel

    guitarzero wrote: »
    DeVore wrote: »
    Well... that sounded a little rough Esel. :)
    Yeah, sorry about that, guitarzero - reading it back it was a bit strong.

    Don't be too afraid of anti-depressants though. If you have a good GP, discuss your concerns with them. Otherwise, your therapist might be able to recommend a doctor.

    If you do decide to take an AD, give them time to work - sometimes it can take up to eight weeks before you notice a benefit. Keep in touch with your doctor, and also know that pharmacists are usually very knowledgeable and willing to answer any questions you might have.

    Side-effects - these often recede fairly rapidly. Some ADs have a very short half-life, so missing a dose or two can make things difficult. These ADs can also be difficult to taper off, as the body has to reregulate at fairly short notice. Don't think of stopping any AD without medical advice, even if you think you don't need them anymore.

    Prozac (fluoxetine) has a fairly long half-life, so is a lot more forgiving if you miss a dose or two. This is not a recommendation, of course - just some information.

    Sounds like you have a good handle on things and it's great that your boss is in the loop and supportive.

    Not your ornery onager

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭looking_around

    guitarzero wrote: »
    Thanks man, that was really helpful. :):)

    My back up plan was to go live with my dad, who's an abusive alcoholic living in a dingy bungalow in a pretty rough area. From the frying pan to the fire in this case. I have a few friends but they are'nt the type who would let me stay for any longer than a few days despite having spare rooms, they're not the type who would have your back on anything to be honest. I have been looking at places but if you arent working the tenant is generally not interested in having you, they probably see you as a liability in the long run.
    Bad idea on the going to your father then.
    As to work/landlord... unless you need to ask for rent allowance, what right does the landlord have to know whether you are working or not?
    I've looked, check out rooms to rent, they can't see through you, they don't know if you're on welfare. Landlord doesn't need to what you are earning.. Lie through your teeth. When you have welfare sorted, look then for a place that accepts rent allowance. There are alot out there.
    I did speak to my boss about this, which was pretty hard considering some of the stigmas associated with depression - weakness in this context. He said he would do anything to accommodate me within reason i.e reduce the hours/days/another department/different shifts which was I was pretty impressed by. With depression you can never know which days are gonna be tough and which are gonna be extra tough so I'm not sure what way to approach his suggestion on this.
    You will actually learn habits for your depression, and triggers. When it;s hard to deal with than others. Generally less stress areas are best. But this will somewhat depend on you and the work you do in therapy as you understand your depression better.
    On the part of anti-depressants, I would admit to having paranoia about them, this idea of something tinkering with my brain chemistry doesnt sit well with me at all. I've read some of the potential side effects I was pretty deterred. But, considering just how long and how bad this has gotten, I have been more and more open to the idea of taking them. :)
    honestly there's ALOT of scare-mongering online. Seriously ALOT. Every medication side effects. You have to take statistics into account here. if 1 in a 1000 people are suffering serious side effects..or often 1 in 10,000 people, that's pretty darn minor.

    For me, meds were like this:
    Depression is being stuck in the bottom of a well, no wait out.
    Meds, - suddenly there's a ladder. A possible way out.
    Therapy the encouragement and strength to climb out.

    But without meds, I'd never have had that ladder, and I'd still be stuck in the bottom of the well.
    btw, I'm now off anti-depressants, they don't have to be for life.
    My mam has made her ultimatums, I can stay as long as I'm working and that I'm getting better. If I'm not getting better or working, or both, I have to go. She is fed up with my depression, my anxiety and inability to be consistently functional (as am I :) ). I appreciate that but her perception around this is whats the major issue, in that she thinks I am the author of it all. She your traditional hard assed dictator Irish mammy type, having both great and awful qualities equally.
    perhaps suggest your doctor/therapist to have a chat with her about depression. And ways she can help? People seem to take more heed from a professional when it comes to this.
    She clearly doesn't understand that depression is very physical. And you may need time off work etc to get better.
    I was to discuss the approach of CBT with my therapist but totally slipped my mind. He seems quite assured and able so I'm hopeful that with some long term persistence some kind of change will come about, all I can do is hope at this point.

    I dont know where this is gona go, theres a groundhog day feeling about my life and this issue. Thanks for the response.:)

    It does take work, alot of work, but it's worth it in the end. I took 5 years out of school/work to get my head straight.
    I'm now back studying, and applying for work experience! Do the work, and you'll see the results. But ask for support too. It's ok/normal to need support.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    I don't know you or your dad, but going to live with an abusive alcoholic doesn't sound like a great idea for a person with depression.
    Your mam seems to have the most common misconception about depression, one I referred to in the OP and that that its all in your head and a good kick in the arse and some vitamin C is all you need.

    That's bollox.

    But you *CAN* do something to help yourself... and by the sounds of it you are. (But ffs, you are only going to your second session LOL... give the counsellor a chance!) Its going to take 6 months most likely before you see real improvement.

    The fact that you sound frustrated and annoyed about this going on and on in your life... that's good. Get angry about it, get determined, get this fncking monkey off your back and get stuck into your life because 6 months from now there is a terrific life waiting for you to step up and grab it. Get thick, get stubborn, get out of the bed, fnck the voice in your head telling you lies and get a hold of you life by the scruff of the neck and get better. This is the time you beat this thing. Do whatever it takes. Bawl your eyes out to your counsellor, confront your past if you have to, take the meds if you are told its the best thing to do by the doc and do whatever it takes.

    Trust me, you can get a handle on this.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,425 ✭✭✭guitarzero

    Thanks a lot for the interest and input lads, really appreciate it.

    Gonna revisit the AD's. I've always held them as being a last resort but I think I'm at that point now. On my mothers part she is a lost cause and has her own strict, stubborn beliefs on this issue which is a real shame as it has caused a lot of lingering resentment. She's claimed to have gone through her own 'dark night' etc and what has 'worked' for her should work for everyone else, as though it's some standardized path :o . It's like chipping at marble stone with her.
    As for rent allowance, it's a non runner. Everywhere I've checked it's been 'no rent allowance accepted' and 300euro/monthly is the lowest rent out there at the minute. I could probably just wing it financially on the welfare, if it came to that, but I'm sure my housemates would become a little curious about what I do, or claim to do even.

    Anyway, I have hope which for now is enough.

    Thanks again for the feedback lads :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭looking_around

    guitarzero wrote: »
    Thanks a lot for the interest and input lads, really appreciate it.

    Gonna revisit the AD's. I've always held them as being a last resort but I think I'm at that point now. On my mothers part she is a lost cause and has her own strict, stubborn beliefs on this issue which is a real shame as it has caused a lot of lingering resentment. She's claimed to have gone through her own 'dark night' etc and what has 'worked' for her should work for everyone else, as though it's some standardized path :o . It's like chipping at marble stone with her.
    As for rent allowance, it's a non runner. Everywhere I've checked it's been 'no rent allowance accepted' and 300euro/monthly is the lowest rent out there at the minute. I could probably just wing it financially on the welfare, if it came to that, but I'm sure my housemates would become a little curious about what I do, or claim to do even.

    Anyway, I have hope which for now is enough.

    Thanks again for the feedback lads :)

    Have you checked into renting rooms?
    And I don't know what area you are in, but look further out, small towns/country etc, tend to be more accepting for rent allowance.
    Old looking houses/flats. also tend to be open to rent allowance.

    Mind, depending on the welfare you get. (the full lot, more so then supplementary.) you could managed renting a place with it, do 6 months, and then ask landlord about rent allowance. Full welfare is ok, you may have to cut back on some things, but you won't be starving or freezing.

    Supplementary, should just about cover renting a room + food. Depending on the place, you may or may not have to worry about bills. But again, after a few months, chances are whoever you are renting from will be open to rent allowance.

    But is quite possible to manage without it. Don't feel like you're going to end up homeless or in extreme poverty. Look into places further out, check all the sites for renting.

    Be safe, things will work out.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 3,130 ✭✭✭Roquentin

    Have you checked into renting rooms?
    And I don't know what area you are in, but look further out, small towns/country etc, tend to be more accepting for rent allowance.
    Old looking houses/flats. also tend to be open to rent allowance.

    Mind, depending on the welfare you get. (the full lot, more so then supplementary.) you could managed renting a place with it, do 6 months, and then ask landlord about rent allowance. Full welfare is ok, you may have to cut back on some things, but you won't be starving or freezing.

    Supplementary, should just about cover renting a room + food. Depending on the place, you may or may not have to worry about bills. But again, after a few months, chances are whoever you are renting from will be open to rent allowance.

    But is quite possible to manage without it. Don't feel like you're going to end up homeless or in extreme poverty. Look into places further out, check all the sites for renting.

    Be safe, things will work out.

    i am a big fan of living on the bare minimum, not for ever for for maybe a week. You begin to appreciate the cups of coffee and food you eat. Its as if the mind goes into survival mode and tries to stay alive.

    One of my friends goes off camping in the winter for two nights or so. And so he basically has nothing to eat and is freezing. But when he gets back to the real world, he says it is like nirvana. You really start to appreciate that warm shower and nice cup of coffee

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,425 ✭✭✭guitarzero

    Have you checked into renting rooms?
    And I don't know what area you are in, but look further out, small towns/country etc, tend to be more accepting for rent allowance.
    Old looking houses/flats. also tend to be open to rent allowance.

    Mind, depending on the welfare you get. (the full lot, more so then supplementary.) you could managed renting a place with it, do 6 months, and then ask landlord about rent allowance. Full welfare is ok, you may have to cut back on some things, but you won't be starving or freezing.

    Supplementary, should just about cover renting a room + food. Depending on the place, you may or may not have to worry about bills. But again, after a few months, chances are whoever you are renting from will be open to rent allowance.

    But is quite possible to manage without it. Don't feel like you're going to end up homeless or in extreme poverty. Look into places further out, check all the sites for renting.

    Be safe, things will work out.

    I've been looking mostly around my area for the simple reason that I do need some form of interaction regardless of how spare it is. To exile myself off at this point would be a very bad move, I do need some form of support. Being alone with this is at times excruciating, especially when dealing with some of these symptoms of anxiety, some of which are pretty awful. Also, for the sake of the therapy, staying in the dublin area suits me best. I cant imagine it would come to homelessness though. :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    Yo Guitarzero to Hero :) I just read through your posts and the feedback from everyone so heres my 2 cence.

    There is almost a path you need to take when you suffering with a mental illness. The steps I found from trial and error is as follows.

    I spent 7 years with my head up my hole trying everything, hypnotherapy,counscilling,pyschotherapy, hypnosis and nothing helped. It was only on my recent bout that i finally got the right help.

    1.I went to my doc and got a referal letter for the hospital and when i got there i was advised that there was no beds and that they didnt know if they would have one anytime soon. So the nurse refered me to a day hospital which i attended mon-fri for 6 weeks in which they monitored my meds and changed them if needs be and we did classes every day with coping and managing the illness. I can honestly say these people saved my life!!! and it was completley free as it was the HSE. So maybe look into the day hospital and claim illness from the social to get you by.

    2. I signed up for the AWARE Life skills programme which is free too and it is amazing for teaching you how to cope and challenge your thoughts. You can sign up on their site so look it up

    3. Get the medication right as others have mentioned its an illness and like every ilness you need the right care. Meds, relaxation, Mindfullness. Look after yourself. Remember that when you smile the world smiles with you so what i mean is forget everything else and focus on you and when you start feeling somewhat better eveything else will fall back into place. Trust me i know this all too well look over my posts in this thread and you will see how bad i was.

    4. Attend the aware support groups it is amazing the support you will get from there. free too.

    Lastly Eat right and exercise but only when you are ready. When the day comes very soon where you are able to go about your business get eating right and join a club...I found soccer wasnt doing if for me anymore so I joined crossfit :) tough but amazing. Healthy body healthy mind. I find losing weight impossible but i do feel alot better after a session.

    Do not be afraid of anti depressants but again trust me it takes at least 6-8 weeks to take effect and in this time period the side effects can make you feel worse so just bare with them.

    Im doing ok nowadays its not something that you cure but something you learn to manage on time and you need the skills to do that and the above will help you. CBT the aware life skills is all CBT Based :)

    My cousin was in the same situation as yourself with his mam etc... and he went to pieta house and saw a therapist every week and they also helped him get his own place. They do amazing work and their therapists are highly trained.

    Sorry for the rant but i want to see you get better........... PS I still struggle every day :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,425 ✭✭✭guitarzero

    Yo Guitarzero to Hero :) I just read through your posts and the feedback from everyone so heres my 2 cence.

    There is almost a path you need to take when you suffering with a mental illness. The steps I found from trial and error is as follows.

    I spent 7 years with my head up my hole trying everything, hypnotherapy,counscilling,pyschotherapy, hypnosis and nothing helped. It was only on my recent bout that i finally got the right help.

    1.I went to my doc and got a referal letter for the hospital and when i got there i was advised that there was no beds and that they didnt know if they would have one anytime soon. So the nurse refered me to a day hospital which i attended mon-fri for 6 weeks in which they monitored my meds and changed them if needs be and we did classes every day with coping and managing the illness. I can honestly say these people saved my life!!! and it was completley free as it was the HSE. So maybe look into the day hospital and claim illness from the social to get you by.

    2. I signed up for the AWARE Life skills programme which is free too and it is amazing for teaching you how to cope and challenge your thoughts. You can sign up on their site so look it up

    3. Get the medication right as others have mentioned its an illness and like every ilness you need the right care. Meds, relaxation, Mindfullness. Look after yourself. Remember that when you smile the world smiles with you so what i mean is forget everything else and focus on you and when you start feeling somewhat better eveything else will fall back into place. Trust me i know this all too well look over my posts in this thread and you will see how bad i was.

    4. Attend the aware support groups it is amazing the support you will get from there. free too.

    Lastly Eat right and exercise but only when you are ready. When the day comes very soon where you are able to go about your business get eating right and join a club...I found soccer wasnt doing if for me anymore so I joined crossfit :) tough but amazing. Healthy body healthy mind. I find losing weight impossible but i do feel alot better after a session.

    Do not be afraid of anti depressants but again trust me it takes at least 6-8 weeks to take effect and in this time period the side effects can make you feel worse so just bare with them.

    Im doing ok nowadays its not something that you cure but something you learn to manage on time and you need the skills to do that and the above will help you. CBT the aware life skills is all CBT Based :)

    My cousin was in the same situation as yourself with his mam etc... and he went to pieta house and saw a therapist every week and they also helped him get his own place. They do amazing work and their therapists are highly trained.

    Sorry for the rant but i want to see you get better........... PS I still struggle every day :)

    Thanks a lot for the interest man, very flattered. Honestly, I dont know what to do. I dont know about day hospitals, could have a look into it if the domestic turbulence kicks off again :-). I have done recovery support meetings and pieta house and didnt find them of any use. Practically speaking, happiness has always been elusive. I cant relate to ppl and I think this is will always be an issue for me. I live life from a vicarious, disengaged manner. Before I used to play the part to fit in or maintain relationships and friendships but came a point where it stopped paying off and the acting just became a constant head trip.

    I dont know how anti depressants, CBT, 8 step plans etc will change that. Not trying to sound defeatist but I cant actually conceive of how I could be happy, its not something I've known despite having ticked most of the boxes of the human experience :-). Even a child I was pretty miserable and it's always been there :-/. I'm continuing with CBT but nothing seems to give me much hope other than sitting it out for a magic pill. Thanks for the response Gleeso.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭looking_around

    guitarzero wrote: »
    Thanks a lot for the interest man, very flattered. Honestly, I dont know what to do. I dont know about day hospitals, could have a look into it if the domestic turbulence kicks off again :-). I have done recovery support meetings and pieta house and didnt find them of any use. Practically speaking, happiness has always been elusive. I cant relate to ppl and I think this is will always be an issue for me. I live life from a vicarious, disengaged manner. Before I used to play the part to fit in or maintain relationships and friendships but came a point where it stopped paying off and the acting just became a constant head trip.

    I dont know how anti depressants, CBT, 8 step plans etc will change that. Not trying to sound defeatist but I cant actually conceive of how I could be happy, its not something I've known despite having ticked most of the boxes of the human experience :-). Even a child I was pretty miserable and it's always been there :-/. I'm continuing with CBT but nothing seems to give me much hope other than sitting it out for a magic pill. Thanks for the response Gleeso.

    I didn't genuinely feel happy til about 2-3 years ago. When I had done a bit of work for my depression, and moved in with my partner. That day was the first day I felt actually happy, but it is fleeting. It's only more recently that it's become a more stable thing.

    I was on anti-d's for 2 years before that moment. Anti-d's won't instantly make you happy, but they make the sadness less, and it's easier to find what could make you happy.

    Remember though happiness, like all emotions, is not permanent, it will come and go, as will sadness and pain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,425 ✭✭✭guitarzero

    I didn't genuinely feel happy til about 2-3 years ago. When I had done a bit of work for my depression, and moved in with my partner. That day was the first day I felt actually happy, but it is fleeting. It's only more recently that it's become a more stable thing.

    I was on anti-d's for 2 years before that moment. Anti-d's won't instantly make you happy, but they make the sadness less, and it's easier to find what could make you happy.

    Remember though happiness, like all emotions, is not permanent, it will come and go, as will sadness and pain.

    Hey. Yeah, I'm putting a lot of faith into the therapy. AD's could well be the best option though. I'm really at a point where I dont really know what to do. The paranoia around AD's is my main hurdle but I think I may have to bite the bullet and try them. Gotta be more decisive on that matter. Thanks :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,284 ✭✭✭✭Esel

    guitarzero wrote: »
    Hey. Yeah, I'm putting a lot of faith into the therapy. AD's could well be the best option though. I'm really at a point where I dont really know what to do. The paranoia around AD's is my main hurdle but I think I may have to bite the bullet and try them. Gotta be more decisive on that matter. Thanks :-)
    What follows is not a question, therefore please don't answer it. Just think about it, if it is applicable.

    You said ".. this idea of something tinkering with my brain chemistry doesnt sit well with me at all.."

    Is there anything tinkering with (possibly fupping up) your brain chemistry at present? Don't answer that , just consider that if you are using any non-prescription drug, it might well be a part of the problem.

    tl/dr Don't answer my 'question' above - it's too private, so please don't reveal.

    Not your ornery onager

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,284 ✭✭✭✭Esel

    guitarzero wrote: »
    ... The paranoia around AD's is my main hurdle...
    To change key, you can use a capo at the start. Later, you know how to do it with different finger placements.

    When your guitar is out of tune, you can easily retune. Same goes for a broken string.

    Flat fret(s) you can probably do yourself (carefully; you need tools); don't try it first on your favourite guitar.

    If the neck is badly warped, soon you can't play right. It hurts too much. Do you just screw it in a vice and hope for the best? Hopefully not! You go to a (recommended) luthier who knows how to sort it.

    You could just buy a new straight neck and fit it yourself - but it won't feel the same for a good while.

    tl/dr Find a great GP/luthier who is prepared to listen to you. Park your fear (paranoia). Work with them and go back again and again for more and more fine adjustments. Don't rush yourself, or them.

    Learn to read music and you can play anything. < Sorry about that last sentence if you can read music already! :)

    Not your ornery onager

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I was on anti-d's for 2 years before that moment. Anti-d's won't instantly make you happy, but they make the sadness less, and it's easier to find what could make you happy.

    That's a very good way of summing it up. I've been on anti-depressants on and off for almost five years - with them I don't feel noticeably happier but definitely feel less prone to intense bouts of sadness. One month ago I went from 225 mg of Efexor down to 150 mg, and that's gone ok so far. Being able to go down a dosage without any major hiccups is definitely a confidence boost, which makes day to day life that bit easier. :)

    To guitarzero, it's perfectly anxious to have worries about anti-depressants but they're definitely worth a try. They're not a magic pill that will cure everything but they can (and do) help people deal with depression better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,425 ✭✭✭guitarzero

    Thanks, it's really encouraging to hear some real opinions on anti depressants. I guess when you read things like heart failure or stroke, alarms bells go off. Before the weekend is over I'll have made my mind up. This depression is getting worse, every day is a real struggle and I cant seem to manage any more. It would seem like a no brainer it this stage, cheers lads.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07

    I met someone very interesting last week who has awakened something inside me, Ive been able to fall asleep every night within 30mins without taking my seroquel, this is the first time in 5 years Ive slept naturally and woken up without the heavy groggy feeling. I also dropped my effexor down but am being careful to notice any mood changes

    it's strange because I dont feel alot happier, just more at ease and probably some extra confidence as Ive done well in sport recently which Im excited about for next year.

    the world is still a ****ty place but there are some good people out there. this is my least favorite time of the year like alot of people so hopefully its different this time

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07

    guitarzero wrote: »
    Thanks, it's really encouraging to hear some real opinions on anti depressants. I guess when you read things like heart failure or stroke, alarms bells go off. Before the weekend is over I'll have made my mind up. This depression is getting worse, every day is a real struggle and I cant seem to manage any more. It would seem like a no brainer it this stage, cheers lads.
    every medication has its side effects, some are very rare and most of the common effects are manageable.

    side effects of depression are misery, apathy and sometimes death, I think medication is a better choice! good luck to you

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    Great to hear! But very intriguing when you say awakened something inside you. Care to elaborate? (If you don't that's fine, just curious)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07

    Great to hear! But very intriguing when you say awakened something inside you. Care to elaborate? (If you don't that's fine, just curious)
    maybe spiritually(nothing to do with 'god' or religion)

    we did some mediation, Ive done a small bit before and plan to do yoga asap. Ive also cut down on sugar alot which has helped my mood in the past but not really my sleep

    its also the beginning of a 'romantic' relationship but Ive had problems sleeping previously.

    basically when I didnt have seroquel I would be awake for 6-8 hours after going to bed, then maybe drift away for 20-30min half awake/asleep periods until I could get to the chemist when it opened for an emergency supply, then sleep for 12hrs!

    now when I go to bed I can clear my mind and instead of thoughts&ideas I let visual imagery flow until it morphs into my dream, its a nice feeling.

    previously it was memories that were the problem, reliving them. lately it was ideas, which is not good for sleeping. I just accept its time to switch off and tomorrow is another day, today is finished.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,012 ✭✭✭stop animal cruelty

    being feeling very low this week - the weather doesnt help, sick of being up and down the whole time so made an appointment with my doctor, scared what she will say. Just know the next few weeks are gonna be tough.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Don't think of them as tough... think of them as the time you fought back and beat this thing up.

    Yes, you'll take a smack or two but you're fighting back whereas before you've let it bully you... when it comes to it, you might find that like most bullies it doesn't want any part of actual resistance. Get angry, get thick, get better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 588 ✭✭✭cometogether

    I'm sick. Jesus Christ I'm ill. Had it not been for the Samaritans tonight I'd be in the liffey

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,425 ✭✭✭guitarzero

    I'm sick. Jesus Christ I'm ill. Had it not been for the Samaritans tonight I'd be in the liffey

    Whats up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 588 ✭✭✭cometogether

    What the hell did I do to deserve this. I'm literally not a bad guy

  • Registered Users Posts: 588 ✭✭✭cometogether

    guitarzero wrote: »
    Whats up?

    It just seems like I can't live like everyone else. Why can't I just be content like other people?

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    1. Other people aren't content and happy all the time. That's just a myth that people put out there, a façade. When they are happy they tell you all about it and when they aren't they either disappear or they fake it. Just look at the response to this thread.... don't try and reach mythical levels of nirvana.

    2. Happiness is an inside job. That's what I was told by a good friend 3 years ago and its true. Its a state of mind and before you tell me "but I cant *make* myself happy" answer me this, can you make yourself unhappy? Sure you can, we all do it. We revel in a perverse pleasure of torturing ourselves. Old memories, regrets, bad relationships, mistakes etc. If you can think yourself unhappy you can think yourself happy.
    Or at the very least you can stop thinking yourself unhappy :) ... learn not to go down that negative spiral path. Forgive yourself those old histories and get to like yourself again.
    As soon as you start to mope and wallow, kick yourself out of it. Go do something. Grit your teeth and go do that chore you have been putting off. You have to be really disciplined about this. The very second your thoughts start to wander that way, get your mind back to here and now.

    You aren't "not a bad guy" you're a nice guy, you are lovely. As a friend of mine quite angrily said to me once "would you stop beating yourself up, you're bullying someone I happen to really like." :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,012 ✭✭✭stop animal cruelty

    Started on lexapro 5mg friday....making me v sleepy, lm here waiting for love/hate to start ld love nothing more than to hop into bed lm wrecked off them....anyone else had the same side effect?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 650 ✭✭✭handbagmad

    Started on lexapro 5mg friday....making me v sleepy, lm here waiting for love/hate to start ld love nothing more than to hop into bed lm wrecked off them....anyone else had the same side effect?

    my experience, the sleepyness was very short term like for a week or so maybe two at a stretch untill your system gets used to it.

    found lexapro excellent I have to say. Bare with it a while.

    If you are worried about it contact your gp or pharmacist.
