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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭benny79

    Lads and ladies I dont want to hijack this thread but could someone point me in the direction of a good book on upstanding Depression/Anxiety.

    My story Ill try keep it short.. My mam has suffered with depression all her life I've seen things as a kid that no other kid should see.. I would have to dress myself get my own breakfast and head to school on my own at 8 years old. I'm an only child & my dad would be in work.. My dad always got angry with her and would drag her off to hospital literally!! As I got got older when my Mam got sick I would do the same be angry & shout etc..

    Thankfully since my dad passed and my son was born my mam has never looked back! My son totally changed her! The difference is night and day...but this is not the problem :(

    My partner of 11 years has struggled with depression & Anxiety the last few years mainly after are son was born. He's 6 now. But the last 2 she has been really bad and our relationship suffered, of course I didnt help matters been angry and shouting and not been there for her etc... look I but my hands up I know this was wrong but I didnt and dont understand it and totally regret it now (hindsight is a great thing)... She has had two long stints in hospital, we are still young mid 30's. During her last visit last OCT she split up with me saying I didnt support her (I didnt) She was in hospital for 3 months.. and was very bad... At the time I was very angry I suppose my past didnt help growing up with my mother and I didnt want that for my child..

    Now all I ever wanted was her to be happy and well! She's seems to be doing well now..she moved back to her mothers when she got out of hospital even do she hates it as her mother always runs her down and says nasty stuff to her (Id say this has a lot to do with her depression) and is on the verge of moving into a new place..
    I love this girl very much!! I want to be there for her and get back with her and was just wondering can anyone recommend a book on understanding Depression??

    I think it will really help me with dealing with this and my relationships with her and my mother..

    Mods: Please feel free to move this if its in the wrong place..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭benny79

    Smidge wrote: »
    Thanks Hugo :)
    I think one thing I was trying to get across is how people with different issues can feel and also how they feel others TREAT them when they hear of their issues.

    "Sure how could there be anything wrong with, you look great. What have you got to be anxious about???"

    "Depression?? What would have to be depressed about, with a great job and a house like yours??" (said to a friend of mine recently after she confided about suffering from depression on and off over the years :mad:)

    Thankfully, I have never suffered from depression or have ever needed to any medication as my anxiety comes and goes but maybe things are moving in the right direction and people are talking

    This was me for a long time which really hurts me looking back...

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Benny, I don't know of a good book off the top of my head but I wanted to say that I think this is very much ON topic. Depression and Anxiety affect more than the person suffering from them and there are a number of people on this thread who don't suffer *directly* from it but who have family who do, so you are in the right place.

    I cant really speak to your situation but the fact that you are looking to help is a great first step.

    The next question is a bit hard... Have you told this woman the things you wrote above? That you understand now, that you want to change, that you love her and want her to be well, that you're going to learn more about it and that your past baggage interfered before? Those are some tough things to say. Telling her those things will really help imho. And I'm afraid its mostly a case that she has been sick and you haven't been there or when you have.... you've made things worse. That... that takes a lot of courage to say.
    If you want her back in your life you're going to have to build trust because when she needed you, you weren't always there. If you're serious about changing then the first step is to accept the past wasn't right, because how can you change it if you think it was. You have to say "I was wrong and I want to be better".

    And don't beat yourself up, we're all struggling to understand this thing. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭benny79

    Cheers Devore! to be honest Her mother says a lot of hurtful things to her when she has a few drinks and is in bad form.. She has a heart condition and I thing she was always worried she'd die young etc and her mam would say she was a tore in her side all her life in and out of hospital etc now suffering with depression etc... which is very nasty stuff as you can imagine coming form the person you love ie parents..

    But have suffered all my life with my mother having depression and how my dad reacted didnt help. Yes I did tell her and she told me not to beat myself up that she knew it was because of my child hood. It took me a long time to get to where I am. And I thing because she is doing well she's afraid to go back in case I hurt her, but yet is living in her mothers (no choice really) until her house becomes available.. I would like to understand depression more so I can help and show her. I know there are loads of books out for people suffering with it just want to know a good one for the likes of me to help me understand and be able to help her and be there for her....

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭murria

    Hi Benny79, have you looked at the website? They have a section on supporting family members with depression and they are about to launch a programme for relatives. Might be some help.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    benny79 wrote: »
    Lads and ladies I dont want to hijack this thread but could someone point me in the direction of a good book on upstanding Depression/Anxiety.

    My story Ill try keep it short.. My mam has suffered with depression all her life I've seen things as a kid that no other kid should see.. I would have to dress myself get my own breakfast and head to school on my own at 8 years old. I'm an only child & my dad would be in work.. My dad always got angry with her and would drag her off to hospital literally!! As I got got older when my Mam got sick I would do the same be angry & shout etc..

    Thankfully since my dad passed and my son was born my mam has never looked back! My son totally changed her! The difference is night and day...but this is not the problem :(

    My partner of 11 years has struggled with depression & Anxiety the last few years mainly after are son was born. He's 6 now. But the last 2 she has been really bad and our relationship suffered, of course I didnt help matters been angry and shouting and not been there for her etc... look I but my hands up I know this was wrong but I didnt and dont understand it and totally regret it now (hindsight is a great thing)... She has had two long stints in hospital, we are still young mid 30's. During her last visit last OCT she split up with me saying I didnt support her (I didnt) She was in hospital for 3 months.. and was very bad... At the time I was very angry I suppose my past didnt help growing up with my mother and I didnt want that for my child..

    Now all I ever wanted was her to be happy and well! She's seems to be doing well now..she moved back to her mothers when she got out of hospital even do she hates it as her mother always runs her down and says nasty stuff to her (Id say this has a lot to do with her depression) and is on the verge of moving into a new place..
    I love this girl very much!! I want to be there for her and get back with her and was just wondering can anyone recommend a book on understanding Depression??

    I think it will really help me with dealing with this and my relationships with her and my mother..

    Mods: Please feel free to move this if its in the wrong place..

    Yes............the happiness trap by Russ harris

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    After 6 months of debilitating acute anxiety and depression i am out the other side....for now.

    A couple of things that helped me was:

    1. The headspace app - it is mindfulness based cbt you really need to check it out and do the foundation 30 days.
    2. I attend a mindfulness based cbt therapist.
    3. My medication
    4 Most importantly my family.

    Oh also look up russ harris talks with zara on you tube. its all about Acceptance behavioural therapy.

    I hope some of you find any of the above helpful as it has really helped me. Now im back in work and joinging the gym tomorrow. Every day is a battle its just a little easier.

    Be safe folks.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Ah Gleeso, that's great news!! Its a day at a time but what you say is bang on. Chuffed for you! :)

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Benny, she's right.... don't beat yourself up about it. You have your own history and your own issues to deal with. We all fight hard battles.

    Her mother isn't helping and when its someone that close to you reinforcing the depression its 10 times worse. Talking is still the best therapy, either to a loved one or a counsellor. Try to get her to talk to someone. Other than that, what you are doing is good. Read learn become aware of the nature of the enemy and that allows you to combat it better. Often the best thing for you to do might just be there for her to talk to and say/do nothing. Its really hard on the family of people with depression, as you well know... it can be very rough on those around them. Good luck and hope it all works out for you and please feel free to natter here and ask questions, this is a thread for everyone involved with this affliction. Even my first post tried to address those people too. Ask away...

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    Smidge wrote: »
    I've always read this thread but have never had any real input as technically, I don't suffer from depression. Actually, my problem is anxiety. And I know for a fact, that it can be as crippling and as debilitating as depression.
    i know a lot of other posters, who probably don't post here, suffer from the same thing but dont post as it is seemingly a different issue.

    Anxiety. Its horrific.
    The shakes, the sweats, the not sleeping. The feeling that at any minute your heart is going to come through your chest and have a bloody heart attack. And the muscle pain afterwards from the spasms!! The nightmares are vivid. No matter how rational and "normal" a person you are in day to day life.
    You can FEEL it building and feel powerless to defend against.
    Something people dont talk about.

    It changes you. I have recently had a bad bout(lasting over a month long) and tbh haven't slept more than an hour or two at night. Which I rationally know compounds the issue, but the rational me has no choice in the matter.
    I choose to take no medication for the issue, my choice.
    I was prescribed meds once YEARS ago and it made me worse tbh(just my own experience). so have gone with with breathing etc. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    What more can I say really?
    Except mental health has different facets and you may look like the most normal person walking the street, but inside?? That's a different story

    How awful for you. I've suffered some anxiety in the past but nothing on the scale of what you are dealing with. Would you try meds again? The reason I say it is that anxiety meds have come along in leaps and bounds in the last few years, so there might be something that could help you.

    On the more natural end of the scale l-theanine has some clinical trials on it for anxiety, I'm not sure if it would be sufficient in a case as severe as yours but it might help as a stepping stone to other therapies. It's anti-anxiety without any sedating side effects so you can take it during the day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    I think the worst of the episode is behind me but i still have to battle from the time i wake up until the time i go to bed. Mornings are my worst so mixed with my work is a pox. Literally have to take it one step, one thought, one feeling and one day at a time. I would not wish it upon anyone.

    I hope everyone has a content long weekend coming up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 Mr Diggler

    Just came across this thread and thought i would post. I recently have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety so am on anti-depressants and the like at the minute. I work full time and have never suffered from anything like this before- i am getting married later in the year and also am best man for my friend this year, found myself becoming totally stressed out and then as the OP says began to feel nothing, not happy or sad and even at work found myself pacing around with all sorts of thoughts going on in my head. I lost my Granda last year and we were extremely close and I have probably not dealt with it properly either.

    I have begun to feel a bit better recently but i realise theres a long way to go. Ive lost over a stone in about 2 months and the family and fiancee etc were desperately worried about me. I couldnt attend my friends stag do as i was taking panic attacks before it and was freaking out about going away from home. I was best man. Cant tell how guilty i felt about that but i just went to bed for 2 days and cried.

    I was having really mad thoughts about death and what happens and then was convinced i was going to die young and that i had something seriously wrong as i was getting serious muscle pain and spasms in my back with severe headaches. Thankfully that has eased now but i wouldnt wish it on anyone, hopefully with the support of everyone i can get back to myself. I always enjoyed going to football matches, having a drink with the boys, going away with my fiancee for the day or night, playing fifa on playstation but i take no joy in these things now.

    Just wanted to share these feelings, i find it hard to communicate in person sometimes.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭benny79

    DeVore wrote: »
    Benny, she's right.... don't beat yourself up about it. You have your own history and your own issues to deal with. We all fight hard battles.

    Her mother isn't helping and when its someone that close to you reinforcing the depression its 10 times worse. Talking is still the best therapy, either to a loved one or a counsellor. Try to get her to talk to someone. Other than that, what you are doing is good. Read learn become aware of the nature of the enemy and that allows you to combat it better. Often the best thing for you to do might just be there for her to talk to and say/do nothing. Its really hard on the family of people with depression, as you well know... it can be very rough on those around them. Good luck and hope it all works out for you and please feel free to natter here and ask questions, this is a thread for everyone involved with this affliction. Even my first post tried to address those people too. Ask away...

    I called to her aunty yesterday who is very close to her! She told me that we nearly lost her yesterday. That her mother let rip telling her to get the F out of the house she was a useless C**T and to do every one a favour and go kill herself! this might I add was all in front of my little fella! Her aunty told me her mother is a very cruel women just because shes not well (she fell & smashed her hip before xmas & is waiting on a hip replacement & is more or less bed ridden and has walker)

    She's going to send her to an early grave! listen I love this girl to bits and poured my heart out to her to get back last weekend but she was having none of me.. Which killed me.

    She wont let me in or help its like she has her guard up against me. She told her friends if she got back with me it be just out of pity and she cant go back for her health!! She told me there's to much water under the bridge shes moved on etc even though she wanted to get back at xmas... I think she is meeting someone in Dublin that she met in hospital before xmas but her friend told me its not serious its just an escape for her to get out of are (small) town for the day/night when I have are little fella at weekend, but this tears me apart!! I said it to her but she denied it saying she just has friends in Dublin but I know she's lying cause her friend let it slip & told me she's just messed up and give her time. That she doesn't want to go out with anyone at the minute.

    In a way I think she blames me for her illness but I was there for her, but it was hard cause I didnt understand and at times didnt always bite my lip... Her sister paid for flights for her to go to her to london with are son to her till Weds & get out away from her mother for a while.. I taught it was a great Idea and give her some money last night and she snapped & wouldnt take it so I threw it on the ground & left. Its like she wont let me in keeps shutting me out and doesnt care about me. Look I know she has a lot to deal with and its tearing me apart.. Lots of people close to me are telling me to walk away I have to think of my health. But its not that easy...

    Her friend and her aunty told me to give her time wait till she's in her own house but dont get my hopes up!! Which I can do but like last week if I hear or see a post of her on fb heading to Dublin for the day. I fall apart take panic attacks cant sleep etc...As I think shes going up to this fella(which she more then likely is)

    Sorry for the rant just needed to let it out..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,298 ✭✭✭DareGod

    Mr Diggler wrote: »
    Just came across this thread and thought i would post. I recently have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety so am on anti-depressants and the like at the minute. I work full time and have never suffered from anything like this before- i am getting married later in the year and also am best man for my friend this year, found myself becoming totally stressed out and then as the OP says began to feel nothing, not happy or sad and even at work found myself pacing around with all sorts of thoughts going on in my head. I lost my Granda last year and we were extremely close and I have probably not dealt with it properly either.

    I have begun to feel a bit better recently but i realise theres a long way to go. Ive lost over a stone in about 2 months and the family and fiancee etc were desperately worried about me. I couldnt attend my friends stag do as i was taking panic attacks before it and was freaking out about going away from home. I was best man. Cant tell how guilty i felt about that but i just went to bed for 2 days and cried.

    I was having really mad thoughts about death and what happens and then was convinced i was going to die young and that i had something seriously wrong as i was getting serious muscle pain and spasms in my back with severe headaches. Thankfully that has eased now but i wouldnt wish it on anyone, hopefully with the support of everyone i can get back to myself. I always enjoyed going to football matches, having a drink with the boys, going away with my fiancee for the day or night, playing fifa on playstation but i take no joy in these things now.

    Just wanted to share these feelings, i find it hard to communicate in person sometimes.....

    Your experience sounds almost exactly like mine, when it all began for me. The first few weeks when you start taking those tablets can be miserable. And that flat feeling, not happy not sad just flat, is so unpleasant and unnerving. Anyway long story short, all that unpleasantness did go away after a short while, you just have to wait and hold strong in the meantime. It will get better and you will feel back to your normal self.

    (Obviously if you ever fear for your own safety seek help straight away.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    Mr Diggler wrote: »
    Just came across this thread and thought i would post. I recently have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety so am on anti-depressants and the like at the minute. I work full time and have never suffered from anything like this before- i am getting married later in the year and also am best man for my friend this year, found myself becoming totally stressed out and then as the OP says began to feel nothing, not happy or sad and even at work found myself pacing around with all sorts of thoughts going on in my head. I lost my Granda last year and we were extremely close and I have probably not dealt with it properly either.

    I have begun to feel a bit better recently but i realise theres a long way to go. Ive lost over a stone in about 2 months and the family and fiancee etc were desperately worried about me. I couldnt attend my friends stag do as i was taking panic attacks before it and was freaking out about going away from home. I was best man. Cant tell how guilty i felt about that but i just went to bed for 2 days and cried.

    I was having really mad thoughts about death and what happens and then was convinced i was going to die young and that i had something seriously wrong as i was getting serious muscle pain and spasms in my back with severe headaches. Thankfully that has eased now but i wouldnt wish it on anyone, hopefully with the support of everyone i can get back to myself. I always enjoyed going to football matches, having a drink with the boys, going away with my fiancee for the day or night, playing fifa on playstation but i take no joy in these things now.

    Just wanted to share these feelings, i find it hard to communicate in person sometimes.....

    Mr Diggler I can completley relate to you on this...i am the exact same. One thing you said is you felt nothing at one point from my experience with medication this is a sign that the meds are starting to work its way into your system. You should start noticing one or 2 positive thoughts soon and from there you will climb out. It is horrible when the little things you used to enjoy like playing fifa etc gives you no enjoyment and everything seems pointless. This will pass and the little things slowly start to come back over time. The more you rush it the worse you will feel. Unfortunately it takes time and a fcuk load of effort just to do the simplest of things.

    I am not going to give advice I am going to suggest what has helped a tiny bit for me. Keep taking the meds, download the headspace app on your phone and do the intro 30 days. Get a little note pad and put in it 1 thing that you can do that day that is different to other days like put the bins out, shower etc but only do one at a time and when it stops becoming an effort add in something else and coming to think of it I need to take my own advice too. if you ever need an in depth chat drop me a pm. Remember I am you just about an hour ahead :) small steps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 Mr Diggler

    Mr Diggler I can completley relate to you on this...i am the exact same. One thing you said is you felt nothing at one point from my experience with medication this is a sign that the meds are starting to work its way into your system. You should start noticing one or 2 positive thoughts soon and from there you will climb out. It is horrible when the little things you used to enjoy like playing fifa etc gives you no enjoyment and everything seems pointless. This will pass and the little things slowly start to come back over time. The more you rush it the worse you will feel. Unfortunately it takes time and a fcuk load of effort just to do the simplest of things.

    I am not going to give advice I am going to suggest what has helped a tiny bit for me. Keep taking the meds, download the headspace app on your phone and do the intro 30 days. Get a little note pad and put in it 1 thing that you can do that day that is different to other days like put the bins out, shower etc but only do one at a time and when it stops becoming an effort add in something else and coming to think of it I need to take my own advice too. if you ever need an in depth chat drop me a pm. Remember I am you just about an hour ahead :) small steps.

    Thanks for this appreciate it, its probably been the hardest time i have put in over these last 8 weeks. Ive felt hopeless, worthless, a failure, scared, anxious and apprehensive. The meds are helping me for sure now, im on them about 3 weeks but have been prescribed them for 6 months on an ongoing basis. I should also add that im a massive history buff, anything from WW1, WW2, American civil war, the troubles, the war of independence, victorian london- i would read everything i could but again no pleasure or interest in these things now. Im going to try the headspace app tonight and as you say keep taking the meds. I have begun to shower and shave again everyday which is a slight improvement as few weeks ago i couldnt even muster the energy to wash and to be fair I didnt care. Reading peoples experiences on here though lets me see there is light and i just got to stay strong and i will get there.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    benny79 wrote: »
    I called to her aunty yesterday who is very close to her! She told me that we nearly lost her yesterday. That her mother let rip telling her to get the F out of the house she was a useless C**T and to do every one a favour and go kill herself! this might I add was all in front of my little fella! Her aunty told me her mother is a very cruel women just because shes not well (she fell & smashed her hip before xmas & is waiting on a hip replacement & is more or less bed ridden and has walker)

    She's going to send her to an early grave! listen I love this girl to bits and poured my heart out to her to get back last weekend but she was having none of me.. Which killed me.

    She wont let me in or help its like she has her guard up against me. She told her friends if she got back with me it be just out of pity and she cant go back for her health!! She told me there's to much water under the bridge shes moved on etc even though she wanted to get back at xmas... I think she is meeting someone in Dublin that she met in hospital before xmas but her friend told me its not serious its just an escape for her to get out of are (small) town for the day/night when I have are little fella at weekend, but this tears me apart!! I said it to her but she denied it saying she just has friends in Dublin but I know she's lying cause her friend let it slip & told me she's just messed up and give her time. That she doesn't want to go out with anyone at the minute.

    In a way I think she blames me for her illness but I was there for her, but it was hard cause I didnt understand and at times didnt always bite my lip... Her sister paid for flights for her to go to her to london with are son to her till Weds & get out away from her mother for a while.. I taught it was a great Idea and give her some money last night and she snapped & wouldnt take it so I threw it on the ground & left. Its like she wont let me in keeps shutting me out and doesnt care about me. Look I know she has a lot to deal with and its tearing me apart.. Lots of people close to me are telling me to walk away I have to think of my health. But its not that easy...

    Her friend and her aunty told me to give her time wait till she's in her own house but dont get my hopes up!! Which I can do but like last week if I hear or see a post of her on fb heading to Dublin for the day. I fall apart take panic attacks cant sleep etc...As I think shes going up to this fella(which she more then likely is)

    Sorry for the rant just needed to let it out..
    It may be that the reason she shuts you out is to protect herself. She may not trust you not to say something like "aww pull yerself together, its all in your head" etc... and people who have depression really don't want to hear that. Her mother sounds like a right battleaxe but we all have our issues. I would recommend she not go back with her mother again from the sounds of it. You also need to give her time and let her know you are there, not just one night or one week or one month... there whenever she needs you. I don't think I, or anyone else here, can really advise you on what to do in the situation and yeah, I know sometimes its just good to vent (and that's fine).

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    Not having the best of days...dont feel well i think im coming down with something, mood is low and anxiety is increasing. feeling tired and pissed off. Could very well be an early night for me. Supposed to do photography at the ireland game tonight but i passed on it. Just not feeling up to it right now. Ill watch it on tv maybe. hoes everyone else doing today? who fancies a general chat?

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 60,073 Mod ✭✭✭✭Gremlinertia

    Howdy Gleeso, just on my way to work here.. There will be a lot of tea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    Howdy Gleeso, just on my way to work here.. There will be a lot of tea.

    Night shift? cant beat a nice cuppa

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 60,073 Mod ✭✭✭✭Gremlinertia

    Night shift? cant beat a nice cuppa

    Yup. I'm a nocturnal kinda creature.. Fairly attached to my tea alright. I reckon it's part of my self soothe strategy when things are tough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭failinis

    The reactions of people to the Adam Johnston thread remind me why I hid things and never brought legal action. Do people not think before they speak about such serious things?
    I feel a great heaviness coming back over me now. I seriously hope it only lasts a short week.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 60,073 Mod ✭✭✭✭Gremlinertia

    I'm sorry it's doing this to you, a combination of media over exposure and people saying things to spark a reaction is toxic in my opinion. Some subjects also touch a nerve with me and I've been hurt on occasion by words rashly typed by others.. They will stop reporting about this pretty quickly, i hope you can limit your exposure to it for a few days, take good care of yourself..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭failinis

    I'm sorry it's doing this to you, a combination of media over exposure and people saying things to spark a reaction is toxic in my opinion. Some subjects also touch a nerve with me and I've been hurt on occasion by words rashly typed by others.. They will stop reporting about this pretty quickly, i hope you can limit your exposure to it for a few days, take good care of yourself..

    I should be embarassed of being effected by words of people on it but its the under laying thought process and blaming. If it was their child/friends child maybe they would think differently.
    I think I will stay off boards for a few days.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 60,073 Mod ✭✭✭✭Gremlinertia

    failinis wrote: »
    I should be embarassed of being effected by words of people on it but its the under laying thought process and blaming. If it was their child/friends child maybe they would think differently.
    I think I will stay off boards for a few days.

    Lots of places have these sh1tty comments, i refuse to go near the comments sections in all sites pretty much.. Like i said earlier take good care of yourself, a break from the Internet entire might be just the job for you until the next crap gets attention.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭failinis

    Lots of places have these sh1tty comments, i refuse to go near the comments sections in all sites pretty much.. Like i said earlier take good care of yourself, a break from the Internet entire might be just the job for you until the next crap gets attention.

    Research for a book and an essay means I will be online, but just trawling through papers and journals.
    I am home now for a few weeks, being back in my home city brings back bad memories so I am aways bitter sweet about visiting.
    Soon I will realise and enjoy the full fridge and fully working shower :pac:
    Thanks - comment sections tend to be a bit toxic, I will avoid certain comments in future. Happy Easter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,111 ✭✭✭PMBC

    Happy Easter to all of you on here.
    Remember, it will get better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    I dont really know what to say.... I come across at times as someone who is in control of their mental health but I am not. All my life i have had my family or my wife fighting my battles so much that I cling to them when i go through an episode begging them to help me. I have never learned to get through an episode by my self and now my doctors etc have pointed this out so my family are giving me space to try fight it.I am told i am like a child and my wife feels like she has 2 kids so I have to try and learn to be an adult and "get on with things". It seems like when I am making a small bit of progress i get a set back like this week i was feeling somewhat ok and planned to join the gym and start getting a grip on my physical health but i have felt a little dose coming on like a headcold and it really has set me back. I had a cry this morning i feel down,disorientated and anxious and my wife is completley pissed off.

    I feel disconnected, disorientated and unwell. i DONT WANT TO WATCH, LISTEN OR DO ANYTHING and its really getting to me.

    2 steps forward 5 fcuking steps back.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    The temptation when we start to feel good is to rush into everything we've been putting off...that can load us up with anxiety and stress which can set back a recovery. But its not a reversal, its a set back and they are to be expected. Gleeso, you are getting there... it doesn't seem like it to you maybe but you are. Mindfulness is the key.... stay ruthlessly in the Now. Focus on the things you have to do and pick one. Just one, and do it completely. big hugs.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    my anxiety was starting to settle. The shakes had stooped and being anxious about every little thing was just about bang its back. Im anxious about everything its a set back i just hope i get back on track asap as i was making progress. My mindfulness therapist told me that the work we are doing now my future self will thank me for it. its so hard and so different that at times im like "this is horse ****" but when i start to feel good i am like "there is something in this mindfulness lark" very hard to see at times. Re-programming your mind is exhausting!!

    I was just wondering folks. How old are you? and how long have you suffered wit anxiety and depression?
