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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,017 ✭✭✭SharpshooterTom

    Guys, I just want to ask a question, do you think depression for a lot of people is incurable?

    I honestly don't ever think I can ever be cured, I've lived with depression (in a lot of cases severe depression) for nearly all my adult life.

    I'm 32 now and I think its a miracle I even made to 30 because I thought I would have blown my brains out by now. I was diagnosed with severe depression back in 2012 after multiple suicide attempts, I have posts in this thread dating back that long ago.

    But I look back on my life I don't think I've enjoyed it, rather its been one big struggle, just getting through it, on every new years day its the same, will this be my last year on earth?

    Everyone talks about the times of their lives they've enjoyed, their best years etc. There are no best years for me, my best years are just somehow avoiding suicide. That's it. Just getting through one sh1t year after the next.

    I have absolutely no idea whether or not I will see my 35th birthday, my 40th birthday, because my depression doesn't appear its curable. I don't ever enjoy life, I survive life, if I can.

    I honestly don't know how I'm going to make to 80, I have nothing to live for, life's a complete waste of time. At the worst of times going to bed is the best part of the day because then at least the pain temporarily stops for 8 hours.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭Drumpot

    Guys, I just want to ask a question, do you think depression for a lot of people is incurable?

    I honestly don't ever think I can ever be cured, I've lived with depression (in a lot of cases severe depression) for nearly all my adult life.

    I'm 32 now and I think its a miracle I even made to 30 because I thought I would have blown my brains out by now. I was diagnosed with severe depression back in 2012 after multiple suicide attempts, I have posts in this thread dating back that long ago.

    But I look back on my life I don't think I've enjoyed it, rather its been one big struggle, just getting through it, on every new years day its the same, will this be my last year on earth?

    Everyone talks about the times of their lives they've enjoyed, their best years etc. There are no best years for me, my best years are just somehow avoiding suicide. That's it. Just getting through one sh1t year after the next.

    I have absolutely no idea whether or not I will see my 35th birthday, my 40th birthday, because my depression doesn't appear its curable. I don't ever enjoy life, I survive life, if I can.

    I honestly don't know how I'm going to make to 80, I have nothing to live for, life's a complete waste of time. At the worst of times going to bed is the best part of the day because then at least the pain temporarily stops for 8 hours.

    Hi Thomas,

    It’s great to see a post here from you, even if you are feeling awfully low. I’m a quarter of your age your senior, been struggling on for decades but I’ve been finding it tough lately aswell and your post prompted me to share. I have a tendency to stew in my own head but got a call from a friend asking if I would Like to chat. I didn’t want to but knew it would prob be good for me. We chatted for 2 hours about similar things you mentioned. I feel like my life is just cycles of feeling ok to feeling really low and hollow.

    After talking with my friend I was reminded that how I feel isn’t really a representation of how my life is unfolding. I Am really really tired of late, for multiple reasons. I have a tendency to beat myself up but I do have a health condition that makes it hard for me to get good sleep. This in turn adds stress to my job (I’m self employed) and Ramps up my anxiety. I’ve a wife and children and extended family who depend on me and sometimes I find it all so overwhelming.

    Quite often I have to try and reset my brain, which can be infuriating and depressing in itself. What I’m thinking or lamenting isn’t important, I try to get back in the now and focus on simple things. Even thinking of something next week can be too far into the future for me. I spoke with my friend tonight about all things but one of them, music, is something I always come back to. I find music can inspire emotion in me that few things can, particularly when I feel numb to any excitement in a low period.

    I tried singing lessons last year and I’m actually pretty good but I didn’t follow them up. My friend tonight asked me if I ever thought of learning how to play an instrument and says to me that he has a guitar he bought but never used and asked if I would like it. I was only looking at a website on guitar lessons the other night. Now this might mean nothing to anybody but I didn’t tell him anything about being interested in learning the guitar and yet that’s where our conversation went. I’m not a superstitious person but some things feel like they were meant to happen. Feeling as low as I was I wasn’t sure I wanted to comit to anything and my instinct is to close myself off from everything, but I have sort of committed in my head to giving it a go and feel better for it.

    I do this from time to time, trying out new things. For me, dealing with how I can get “allergic to life” , its not just about therapy, meditation and talking with people, it’s about trying out new things aswell. I’ve tried out many things that I always wanted to do (acting , singing , losing weight , different excercises, going back to Gaelic football).

    I watched a movie called “a monster calls” with the kids last night. It was such a lovely movie with a heart wrenchingly powerful message. Again, it was a message I needed to hear and I actually used it to help me show a bit of compassion for myself. I can find life so hard Thomas , but even when I don’t feel it, I know that there is good in the world worth waiting for and seeking out.

    Yesterday I put my chair to the back door , threw some bread out the back and just watched birds fly down and off with their feast. My youngest grabbed a little chair and sat down beside me to enjoy the show. There are so many wonderful moments I have with my wife and children. And yet, when the low hits me, I can’t remember what it was like to feel happy or if I have even had any good moments in ages....

    Stay safe Thomas, I hope you can find the pockets of Beauty that I have learned to see, even if for a moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭lighthouse

    Thomas, did you ever try any psychological remedies such as psychotherapy?
    Have you heard of Professor Ivor Browne? He has helped a lot of people over the years including myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    The "I have nothing to live for " thoughts are a symptom of depression. They are an illusion in that sense and I am not trivialising them by the way.

    See them as measle spots! Pesky and itchy!

    There are always "small joys" that are in fact true and great.

    Looking here at a fragrant white hyacinth I forced for just that reason. My cats too.

    Treat yourself to something YOU enjoy. For me is can be chocolate, or reading, or knitting for sale. a film on youtube, or standing at the back, watching the ocean and sky .

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    These thoughts can become habitual.

    I tell myslef off even now re that idea re New Year as i am nearly 80. I got that way last month. For about a minute

    Life is too precious. It really is; find somethin you enjoy and hold on to that

    Guys, I just want to ask a question, do you think depression for a lot of people is incurable?

    I honestly don't ever think I can ever be cured, I've lived with depression (in a lot of cases severe depression) for nearly all my adult life.

    I'm 32 now and I think its a miracle I even made to 30 because I thought I would have blown my brains out by now. I was diagnosed with severe depression back in 2012 after multiple suicide attempts, I have posts in this thread dating back that long ago.

    But I look back on my life I don't think I've enjoyed it, rather its been one big struggle, just getting through it, on every new years day its the same, will this be my last year on earth?

    Everyone talks about the times of their lives they've enjoyed, their best years etc. There are no best years for me, my best years are just somehow avoiding suicide. That's it. Just getting through one sh1t year after the next.

    I have absolutely no idea whether or not I will see my 35th birthday, my 40th birthday, because my depression doesn't appear its curable. I don't ever enjoy life, I survive life, if I can.

    I honestly don't know how I'm going to make to 80, I have nothing to live for, life's a complete waste of time. At the worst of times going to bed is the best part of the day because then at least the pain temporarily stops for 8 hours.

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  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    In my experience things always change and definitely depression can be overcome and at worst, managed into a cocked hat.

    Remember this time of year is the worst time for us.

    There are lots of things that can impact on depression, exercise for some people works great (for some it doesnt), novelty of a new activity works great for others. Repetition and boredom for me are killers, so I try to avoid them.

    My mantra is "Get up, get out, get on". Get up out of the chair or bed. Get out of the house or the office. Get on to my mates and make something happen, a night out or a drink or even a coffee.

    Often we need to be normalised , we need other people to tell us we're off kilter. I produce wood turnings for a hobby for example. I've literally won awards for them and in 4 years from starting have been named Novice of the Year, twice. But when I'm depressed I cant face going into the work shop because everything I produce is sh*t and this will be sh*t and I dont know why I bother and I'm a fraud.

    I need other people to smack me around the head and go "would you ever shut up". :)

    I dont know you and I dont know your situation, I can only speak about my own experience. I do know that I'm in a place where I could never have foreseen me be 15 years ago. The only thing I know for sure is that depression can be beaten and the fight is definitely worth it.

    Depression lies to you, in fact thats its primary weapon. It lies through its teeth and tells you you are worthless, that nothing will ever get better, that its all sh*t. The first step in beating it, is to stop listening to its f*cking lies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭Drumpot

    Drumpot wrote: »
    This is a superb post and with a bit of humour has helped bring depression to the attention of a larger audience without it being too taboo.

    I have suffered since my mid teens and now in my mid thirties. My only goal in life was to have a family of my own , which I have thankfully achieved. Yes, a very modest goal/dream, but none the less something that people can take for granted.

    In my earlier years I used to feel numb. The only feelings I felt were of pain, suffering, the kind of stuff that Yoda said about those who follow the dark side would feel.

    I always thought there was something wrong with me, but didnt think that anybody could help. Partially because of my insecurity (I loved everybody liking me, I was the joker of my group) and partially because I didnt think anybody would care. There was and always is an element of fear with me that friends/family will not want to be around me if I talk to much about it.

    I reckon what has helped me over the years has been -
    • Wanting to feel better
    • Exploring differant ways - Excercise, education, talking etc
    • Learning to understand myself better - triggers,
    • Giving myself a break - I still tend to beat myself up if I dont meet certain goals that I set myself, including trivial things that arent important
    • giving myself a mental high 5 or pat on the back when I achieve even basic tasks - I am trying to be more positive, by putting more emphasis on positive feedback to myself as opposed to negative feedback
    • try to be more constructive in my self criticism - I didnt get up this morning, dont worry about it, I will get more rest and goto gym, afterwhich I will get more productive work done in less time (rather then have my hands in my head for twice the time and get nothing done!).
    • I will talk more to my partner and family to let them know how I feel. How can they help or understand if I dont say how I feel. It doesnt matter if they dont understand, only that they know that I dont feel right. Sometimes I feel like a broken record, but my wife prefers to listen to me speak some of the time, as opposed to when I just shut down and cant speak for days!
    • Understanding my issues with drink. I have some bad habits (used to be worse when I was younger) that I am still trying to iron out. I see the connection between my moods and drink. Spotting this is only half the battle, but I am at least getting there.
    • Trying to come to terms with the fact that I cannot control things outside of my own life. I get extremely upset with the hypocrisy and downright corruption that exists in western civilistion. Particularly when its excused as "part and parcel of life" as if this makes immoral/unethical acts exceptable. EG - Politicians breaking pre election promises, laws that protect the rich corporations against small people ( I have personal reason to be particularly upset on this one!) etc.
    I was called a lazy bum, useless and all sorts of other things when I was younger by friends and family who thought a kick up the jollies would somehow motivate me to become the person they knew I could be.

    Not everybodys depression is same and people do suffer on differant levels. I have a friend who suffers serious bouts and some days he cant even leave his house. Other days he can get up and speak on front of hundreds of people , extremely confidently and challenge educated people on certain issues, with no bother on him.

    I tend to just go into myself, look to stay at home as much as possible , like a hermit. I used to feel sorry for myself, but now I just feel like I want to get better. I used to think money (financial troubles) would solve my problems, but I now know it wont. I achieved the one thing I have always wanted in life (my own family) and while it has given me strength it hasnt sorted me out completely.

    Somedays I wake up feeling nervous and sick for no particular reason. What is worse is when you dont even know why you feel this way. I generally feel most peaceful in the wee hours of the AM. One morning I walked with my dogs to the beach to watch the sunrise, it was a true Karma moment.

    I personally judge my life on the family I am bringing up and the friends I have around me. These are how I judge my successes. I never put an importance on educational achievements or work achievements because they do not define the person I am. I would class myself of average intelligence (wouldnt throw that out to the floor at a pokergame with my friends).

    Depression is in no way a funny thing to live with, but if comedy could be used to educate people, I would be all for it. I used to be much funnier and wittier, but cant think of anything remotely interesting to write.

    It is the hope that can kill save you

    That post above was over 7 years ago. At the time I was really struggling badly (certainly in comparison to now) but you would think reading it that I was somewhat together. I dont remember that being a positive time in my life, quite the opposite in fact.

    I think sometime that year I took medication that you shouldn’t mix, while drinking heavily. I didn’t want to wake up. The pain of life was just too much and I didn’t know what to do and saw no hope. That “true Karma” moment I mentioned in the above post was actually a morning I walked the dog to the beach after a night of drinking on my own. I imagined it like a Hallmark card, pissed as a fart, with my dog sitting beside me on the beach as the sun was coming up. I had at least 3 cans of beer and staggered home later on before my wife woke up. It was actually a very beautiful memory in a weird sense. I was able to enjoy that brief moment with my dog but now I have these great moments for longer and its a cheaper buzz without the hangover or cost of a few cans! :D

    The insidious nature of depression, anxiety and self medicating is something I am only now realising. I haven’t had a drink in over 6 years. I have slowly weaned myself off all mind altering medications and use them sparingly and in close consultation with my doctor. I used to be on zanax, sleeping tablets (started buying them online at one stage!), anti depressants to try and numb the horrible pain of daily life I used to endure. There is a role for these medications and I always suggest people are guided by the professionals on these things.

    I know that putting my trust in doctors and trusted therapists allowed me to get the support to heal properly, although I didn't always want to listen!. I believe the mantra “you cant heal a sick mind with a sick mind”. So often in the past I would give up on something or a new method because it wasn’t giving me the desired results. Finding the right supports , trusting in those supports and resigning myself to their guidance was integral to my growth.

    Back then Life was bleak, was dark, was miserable, was hopeless and I saw no benefit for my constant cloud to remain in my family's future. I used to be so afraid of being alone with my own thoughts. I couldn't quieten my mind and so many things used to rush in and out. I had some quite dark and intrusive thoughts that I didn't feel i could share with anybody and filled me with fear and shame. In therapy I learned that most people have the same thoughts at different times in their lives.

    As I write this I am taking time to enjoy my 3 beautiful little boys playing in the kitchen. One of them is captain underpants. 7 years ago I couldn’t enjoy this moment. 7 Years ago I would be lamenting the fact that I couldn’t enjoy this moment and knew that pain would be even harder when I was older and reflecting back on this missed happiness.

    I’ve been making great personal gains over the years. Sometimes it felt like 2 steps forward, infinite steps backwards. Quite often it felt like life would be slog until the end. But right now my life has never been better, never been more clear and I have never felt this positive about the future. I have an idea to completely change the way my company provides its service and I feel confident to make it work. I have always thought of myself as an inherently negative person expecting the worst in life so I will not be disappointed. Right now I feel like the world is my playground and anything is possible.

    I have been reading bits of Philosophy over the years and I always felt it was something that I might be interested in. But I think I might of actually found something I can really be passionate about in a progressive way where I can chat with a tribe of people who are deep thinkers just like me. I used to suppress who I was because I always valued myself on how much I could “entertain”.

    Now I see that I had a passion and didn’t know where to put it. Many people don’t like to chat to “deep Drumpot”. You need only look at my posts on the man united soccer forum to see how out of place I am with the general fanbase who absolutely despise my long winded posts. This is important because United have been a huge part of my life and I used to have a much greater passion for them. I lost some of that when I lost my passion for life.

    I can feel out of place a lot in day to day stuff but I learned to blend in like everybody else with relatively shallow conversations. That was fine but it made me feel like a weirdo who enjoyed getting in deep, anal cavity deep, into conversations. So I felt very lonely on this aspect and pretended to give a sh*t about stuff that was actually not really something that was particularly interesting to me. I then got angry with people which disconnected me even further and in my view society got uglier and more stupid the more rejected I felt.

    I have so much I want to write down, so much to say to people who are in that dark room. Who are lonely even in a room of people they know love them. Who have nobody they feel they can talk to and see no end to the pain. THERE IS HOPE . . Not hope that you can survive, there is hope you can live a life you cannot imagine. I have tried many many things to try and get to where I am and to me that was the key. I tried singing, listening to music, meditation, pilates, acting, counselling, exercise, therapy, medication, resting, taking time to do nothing (watching birds eat out of bird feeder in back garden), holidays, working, not working, reading, eating healthy, eating crap, drinking, going to cinema (figured out that I love going on my own), philosophy but as my wife says to me I always kept on trying. Not because I am stronger or wiser then anybody reading this but because I found hope and I worked hard to see if that hope could lead somewhere. I still do pretty much most of these things at different times or another, no one thing is a panacea but collectively they provide me with a more meaningful and nourished life.

    I know if I was reading this post a few years ago I might scoff a bit or even feel a bit worse. Look at that post , gloating about how great things are but that would have been a lie that I was telling myself. I haven’t shared a fraction of the pain and sad things that have happened in my life in this thread but that’s not as important as my reaction to it. The specifics of how I got to such a low point in my life is not important. Other people might have been fine had they led my life but it was because of my “allergic reaction to things that happened in my life” (as I put it) that meant I was handicapped for a long long time.

    I have no solution or answer to other peoples riddle in life, I believe the answer is in everybody, but unlocking that truth is the achievement of a lifetime. I learned that how I feel at any given time is not necessarily a reflection of the truth of my life. Like a short sighted person who has lost their glasses, sometimes I just cant see with clarity and it can make me scared, lonely and sad. I cant see where my life is going. I cant share these feelings with others. I cant enjoy my life.

    I prioritised my life, my health and getting well over everything else. I dont have anymore money then I had a decade ago and I would consider myself working class on the lower end of the scale. But thats ok because I am ok. Many many times I prioritized trying to be ok with feeling unwell, with working on not beating myself up for being so useless and depressed. At times it felt like wasted time and just prolonging my life, instead of improving it. And i felt great pressure at times because my family really relies on me which just compounded my sense of failure.

    I wish I could bottle up how I feel right now and give everybody a piece of it. All that pain, all that suffering is worth it if this is how my life will continue. I know I will have ups and downs and I wont always feel this good but thats life. I hope I can read back on this post when I am feeling low and remember that Life is not a straight line and that sometimes I feel pain to remind me I am alive. Sometimes my pain is an opportunity to care for myself and learn to appreciate what I already have.

    Music . . Music always inspires strong feelings in me. I love beautiful music. . I have been listening to my chill out list (now listening to "creep" - Kolacny Brothers & Scala version) which is very apt. I sung this song in a band in college , pretty well if i remember. But thats how I felt, like a creep. Some of these songs used to make me sad but now they make me feel happy sad. I realise that music is just one of the ways I enjoy feeling and thats ok. Thats how my feelings can express themselves and thats ok.......

    I think I should leave it at that for now . . Take care everybody . .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,096 ✭✭✭Reiketsu

    Currently going through another period of depression. Off work as I just can't face it -
    I like my job but I put all of the very little energy I have into it and couldn't keep going. House is a mess, I'm a mess, I just want to stay in bed all day and not be annoyed by anything. Only meal I eat in a day is dinner as I need to cook for my daughter and even then it's as handy as I can make it. If she wasn't here Id not bother at all. I have been to see my GP, going back tomorrow.

    I am 31 and it's been coming and going since I was around 13. I'm so sick of it, I just want to be able to manage like everyone else around me.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    If you can, try to see a counselor. I hated the idea but it did work for me. I felt like someone was finally giving me the tool-set to fight back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭vargoo

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  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    I'm not going to snip that because I believe its offered in good faith but that article is reeeeeally click baity and the science is dubiously framed at best. Lots of "there are scientists who believe" etc... What they are talking about there is allowing people to experience and go through depression UNDER SUPERVISION in order to achieve some insight with the goal of ultimately stopping a repeat period. The other arguments made about genetics are *incredibly* suspect and poorly supported.

    Genuine depression is an abnormality in the strictest sense of the word. It is NOT how you are meant to be. Therapy, counseling, mindfulness, gratitude, physical exercise and if needed, prescribed drugs are elements of the solution. If you are suffering, these are what you need. There are people on this thread who will tell you that its worth fighting back. I'm one of them. From a time when I could not see ANY way to a normal life, I can tell you it definitely does get better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,298 ✭✭✭DareGod

    When I'm under the weather with a physical illness, what little strength I had been using to keep my head above water vanishes.

    Anyone else experience same?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭Drumpot

    DeVore wrote: »
    I'm not going to snip that because I believe its offered in good faith but that article is reeeeeally click baity and the science is dubiously framed at best. Lots of "there are scientists who believe" etc... What they are talking about there is allowing people to experience and go through depression UNDER SUPERVISION in order to achieve some insight with the goal of ultimately stopping a repeat period. The other arguments made about genetics are *incredibly* suspect and poorly supported.

    Genuine depression is an abnormality in the strictest sense of the word. It is NOT how you are meant to be. Therapy, counseling, mindfulness, gratitude, physical exercise (soccer , Gaelic, yoga , Pilates, tennis) , other interests (singing, acting)and if needed, prescribed drugs are elements of the solution. If you are suffering, these are what you need. There are people on this thread who will tell you that its worth fighting back. I'm one of them. From a time when I could not see ANY way to a normal life, I can tell you it definitely does get better.

    100% DeVore, I totally agree.

    Haven’t had a proper night sleep in awhile for numerous reasons. Been up and down a lot but I can handle it today. I’m enjoying a cup of coffee , with my dog , sitting out in the back garden. I’ve loads of work to do and am under some pressure. Less then 10 years ago I wouldn’t of handled these parts of my life well. I’m actually looking forward to the challange.

    If people think this just happens look back through my journey on this thread. I’ve invested ALOT of TIME into my mental health. Therapy, doctor, meditation, excercise, medication and gratitude as you said are all vital cogs in me living a more meaningful and content life.

    I still get lost in anxiety and savage low moods but I can now manage them and get out of the slumps very quickly. Life is not a slog and I have learned to be empathetic to myself when others are not and that’s ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭lighthouse

    I have written a blog writing about my journey through life from psychiatric hospitalizations at the age of 20 through discovering through psychotherapy that my father had sexually abused me as a young child as well as dealing with the sexual abuse I suffered from a scout leader as a young adult. Read it here:

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    Dam...............its been a while. I dont know where to start. The past 5 years are a blur for me, Ive been in and out of st vincents in fairview (horrible place). This place is like something out of a movie its a small hospital at the back of and old psychiatric hospital. Some staff were lovely, some were ass holes. Their rules are poxy too. Any way the mental health help is this country continues to fall apart , its a revolving door with no sign of trying to cure an illness but more trying to treat the symptoms.

    in the past 5 years i have been on all types of pills of GAD including anti psychotics (mood stablizers) the left me like a zombie. i am now back on my original meds that have helped somewhat but i am left with this constant burning/pins and needles feeling on my brain. i am now also back in fulltime employment and trying to do normal things.

    but its a struggle all day every day. im feeling like **** today so i said id come on here and vent a bit. sick of it all.


    same **** all the time.

    Has anyone ever tried DMT?

  • Registered Users Posts: 379 ✭✭Leilak

    Dam...............its been a while. I dont know where to start. The past 5 years are a blur for me, Ive been in and out of st vincents in fairview (horrible place). This place is like something out of a movie its a small hospital at the back of and old psychiatric hospital. Some staff were lovely, some were ass holes. Their rules are poxy too. Any way the mental health help is this country continues to fall apart , its a revolving door with no sign of trying to cure an illness but more trying to treat the symptoms.

    in the past 5 years i have been on all types of pills of GAD including anti psychotics (mood stablizers) the left me like a zombie. i am now back on my original meds that have helped somewhat but i am left with this constant burning/pins and needles feeling on my brain. i am now also back in fulltime employment and trying to do normal things.

    but its a struggle all day every day. im feeling like **** today so i said id come on here and vent a bit. sick of it all.


    same **** all the time.

    Has anyone ever tried DMT?

    A lot of it is up to you, you must learn to stop feeling hopeless and take back control of your life. You can try a peer led group like Recovery.Irl which is fantastic

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Gleeso_Finglas

    Tried everything.

    CBT (only thing thats has helped a bit)
    Recovery Ireland
    Aware Groups
    Aware lifeskills
    Eating healthy
    Day hospitals.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 12,730 Mod ✭✭✭✭JupiterKid

    As somebody that has struggled over the years with acute anxiety, I get the distinct impression that those who suffer mental health difficulties who don’t have access to private health insurance are at a massive disadvantage in our grossly under-funded and under-resourced public health service.

    For shame...:(:mad:

  • Posts: 21,679 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    JupiterKid wrote: »
    As somebody that has struggled over the years with acute anxiety, I get the distinct impression that those who suffer mental health difficulties who don’t have access to private health insurance are at a massive disadvantage in our grossly under-funded and under-resourced public health service.

    For shame...:(:mad:

    This is mostly true I believe. When it comes to mental health issues that are most prevalent such as clinical depression and GAD then its difficult to get a referral. There is the CIPC program which is offered at primary care level but as far as I know six sessions are the max. There is the option for more if the therapist decides that you need it. That isn't good enough though because we need to be able to access it ourselves.

    If God forbid you have schizophrenia, or one of the more serious forms of depression and need hospitalisation then you will get the care that's needed. The problem starts again on discharge. The public patient sees a different psychiatrist every three months, the private patient whenever they need to.

    Mental health providers who are working in private practice see a different side to this however, even when they offer affordable help. There are an awful lot of people out there who take up valuable appointment space by either not attending or being late. A psychologist or psychotherapist may offer a session and the person doesn't show. This is the nature of humans though. The problem in the mental health sector is it creates a somewhat unbalanced view of the services.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,259 ✭✭✭donkeykong5

    lighthouse wrote: »
    I have written a blog writing about my journey through life from psychiatric hospitalizations at the age of 20 through discovering through psychotherapy that my father had sexually abused me as a young child as well as dealing with the sexual abuse I suffered from a scout leader as a young adult. Read it here:
    Excellent read. Hope you are ok now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭lighthouse

    Excellent read. Hope you are ok now.

    Yes I am in a good place now but it took a long time as you can see from my blog. Thanks for your kind wishes. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    DareGod wrote: »
    When I'm under the weather with a physical illness, what little strength I had been using to keep my head above water vanishes.

    Anyone else experience same?

    There you have a great truth.. story of my life with CFS/ME. So now I just hide away when it is at its worst, like for 15 hours in the 24

  • Registered Users Posts: 294 ✭✭Misty Moon

    Haven't been on here for a very long time but just needed some place to write this. I started a new job at the end of May and have been loving it. Such a change from where I was before, I was looking forward to coming to work every day, even though I have to start at half-seven. A very big part of the reason why I took the job and have been loving it so much was my boss. One of three, really, but the one I worked most closely with. And on Sunday he killed himself. I'm so sad and confused and having twenty million different feelings all at the same time. He was such a lovely man and we got on so well together and even though I only knew him well for a relatively short time, it feels like a huge loss.
    I've managed to get an extra appointment with my therapist tomorrow and I know I can get through this. Just needed to write it down somewhere. Thanks again so much for this thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,420 ✭✭✭Lollipops23

    I've been on Sertraline for a year now and honestly it's one of the best decisions I've ever made.

    Even when I was having a rough time a few months ago, everything just seemed that little bit more manageable. I was so scared I'd be a zombie or not be able to feel anything anymore, but it's not the case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭Iseedeadpixels

    I've been on Sertraline for a year now and honestly it's one of the best decisions I've ever made.

    Even when I was having a rough time a few months ago, everything just seemed that little bit more manageable. I was so scared I'd be a zombie or not be able to feel anything anymore, but it's not the case.

    I'm on that too and its brill really does make you feel like a "normal person"

  • Registered Users Posts: 572 ✭✭✭R11

    First time poster. A week ago, I felt my brain broke a little. Couldn't think straight. Have been feeling stressed for a while. Went to doctor, who said I'm suffering from depression (didn't surprise me as I've had more bad days than good lately). Put me on duloxetine /cymbalta. Felt crap for most of past week, headaches, nausea, couldn't sleep properly. Is that the side effects? Little bit better today but might be go back to doctor if it persists.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 60,065 Mod ✭✭✭✭Gremlinertia

    The medications can take a few weeks to settle and weirdly can make you feel worse temporarily :rolleyes: However stick with it, doc should have asked to see you again in the next few weeks. By the way, well done on going to the doc so quickly, i took fecking years :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 572 ✭✭✭R11

    The medications can take a few weeks to settle and weirdly can make you feel worse temporarily :rolleyes: However stick with it, doc should have asked to see you again in the next few weeks. By the way, well done on going to the doc so quickly, i took fecking years :o

    Thanks. My doc said nothing about seeing me, maybe he'll ring in a few weeks. Still feel raw and a bit lost, hopeless and a failure. Anyone try those peer group meetings? GROW have one in my area, might go along if it's useful.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 60,065 Mod ✭✭✭✭Gremlinertia

    R11 wrote: »
    Thanks. My doc said nothing about seeing me, maybe he'll ring in a few weeks. Still feel raw and a bit lost, hopeless and a failure. Anyone try those peer group meetings? GROW have one in my area, might go along if it's useful.

    Yes they can indeed be useful, perhaps some counselling to see if you can figure out what's going on with you? Do follow up with your doc in the next few weeks, often meds need to be adjusted to suit the individual or others tried out.

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 60,065 Mod ✭✭✭✭Gremlinertia

    Anyway the likelihood is that dose would be adjusted, if needed, first. Yes it can take a few weeks to settle in the system, have you anyone close you are talking to about this?.
