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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,578 ✭✭✭✭Turtwig


    Awesome name! It's brilliant that you're learning to manage your condition. A great deal of kudos is due to you on that one. Perhaps for stuff as important as medication you could key it into reminders e.g Google Calendar. They send text reminders to your phone for free. Very very handy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,080 ✭✭✭McChubbin

    Jernal wrote: »

    Awesome name! It's brilliant that you're learning to manage your condition. A great deal of kudos is due to you on that one. Perhaps for stuff as important as medication you could key it into reminders e.g Google Calendar. They send text reminders to your phone for free. Very very handy.
    Oooh, I might just try that. I do have an alarm function on my phone so perhaps I will utilize that. :)
    I find that when my thoughts go racing off at the speed of light (regardless of whether I'm manic or melancholy) a good thing to do is listen to music and focus on remembering all the lyrics. After a while, things slow down, I'm humming along and I forget whatever it is that's making my head swim.
    According to my doctor this is similar to using Mindfulness techniques but I've done classes on it and it involved rubbing a raisin on my cheek so I can't really take it seriously... :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭Drumpot

    wurzlitzer wrote: »
    Hey guys
    Happy birthday cloud

    Devore & drumpot thanks for the encouragement I really need it right now I feel this thread had helped me immensely

    Devore regarding decisions

    Well I may have decisions to make regarding work though..which I am not sure about. I will have to make a decision in the coming weeks.

    To stay in a permanent job with alright pay no challenge but a pension.


    Take a job that's a challenge more pay but only fixed term contract for a couple of years

    Not sure what to do, & the opportunity has arisen during this deep depression that I am trying to climb out of.

    Don't know if a challenging job without security will hinder my progress.

    Apart from this I feel good, feeling great, love this thread & the sun shone today.

    Thanks boardsies you give me hope

    Great to hear that you feel good/great. I PM'd Devore about this before to thank him for starting the thread and he said one of the most simple but important things back to me: "Now you know what the other side of the fence is like... thats not to say there arent dark days ahead... we all get them, but you've seen the alternative and you know how to get where you are. " . . This always stays with me when I feel down and I remember that quote from Devore. .

    When I am the depths of my depression , It is impossible for me to remember exactly how it FEELS to FEEL good but however hollow the words are when I am down, they remind me that "this shall pass". I dont necessarily FEEL much better, but get an odd sort of comfort from knowing that I have been having more ups recently which gives me hope that I will feel better at some stage. In the past, the only feelings I had were depression, not so depressed and a little depressed, following by a moment (second) of happiness/joy.

    This is how people can turn to drugs/alcohol to try and give them a differant feeling (anything but the same depression fog that has them drifting through life lonely).

    I read somebody else on this forum state that they thought having a girlfriend will help and correctly confirm that it doesnt. If you have a deep seeded depression like me, chances are that nobody or nothing around your life (money, family, children etc) can help you get well. It can make you feel better for a time but it does not solve your problem. I keep repeating this because I know that I spent so much of my life (Im 34 now) searching for things that would make me happy - partner, children, home, pets, until eventually I realised that the problem isnt the world I live in, its how I perceive things and how I react to things that happen in my life.

    I cant personally speak from the perspective of having a huge job decision to make as I always knew I would end up working with my father (taking over the one man company) and that has what has come to pass. However, what I have learned to do is put my job/profession into context of my life. I used to think that I will be in the same industry for life - well I have the qualifications so it would be mad to do anything else right ?. (Wrong!)

    I met a very interesting character when I moved to my current location. He was running a Cafe, but when I started befriending him he had some fascinating stories , there is pretty much nothing he hasnt tried - politics, door to door salesman, truck driver, financial services . . He had stories on every profession he worked in (last I heard he was trucking around Europe as he sold up the cafe). .

    I didnt think about it then, but realise it now, that I was placing so much emphasis on the importance of my job (that included limiting my LIFE options - travel, holidays, flexible life/work balance). . For me, my whole life has taken a huge change in outlook. . I no longer think of my job as something "I am stuck in", its something I do to get by. .

    But in the future if a better alternative (that may not necessarily involve more money - possibly a better life/work balance) presents itself I will consider it. Maybe I will try working in a bar (late working hours), try working as a teacher (3 months off), working for a charity (satisfying job helping others) . . Im not stating these jobs because they are there and waiting for me and easy to get, what I am saying is that I know there are other things I would like to explore in the future. This takes a signifcant amount of pressure off my existing job because its not "the bee all and end all". . The thought of leaving or losing my job is not so scary and as such I can oddly enjoy the work more. .

    The only tips I can offer with regards to your job choice is try to step back and take a deep breath before making your decision. The grass can look greener when there are unresolved issues in your life or workplace that may not be as bad/upsetting as they feel. If there is one specific part of the job (eg salary) that will make you feel better, be sure to remember that there could be other aspects that may make you feel upset (longer working hours, annoying boss/coworkers etc) . . And most importantly, if/when you decide, dont look back at your decision, try to look forward at what lies ahead. You cant change your history but you can mould your future . .

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭Drumpot

    Gongoozler wrote: »
    I'm persevering because I want to finish the project I'm on, so that I've gotten something from my time there.
    The alternative is being at home all day by myself doing absolutely nothing, having nothing to focus on only finding a job. I can't afford to study something else unless it's funded by FAS. And the problem even if I could, is that I don't know what I would do. I wouldn't do another degree at this point.
    I've spoken with my boyfriend. Not so much my friend. I don't know what I need from them. I suppose I'm getting all I can from my bf. I haven't discussed with my GP, she'll just suggest counselling. I'm seeing a low cost counsellor. I'm working through some other stuff for now. I suppose it's kind of linked. it's confidence and assertion mostly.

    I can relate to some of what you say. .

    I know that I was and still am very worried at times , at the thought of having time to do nothing. Usually my mind goes nuts thinking about everything and anything, honing in on the negative things in my life now and in the past. Then if I have more time I start having conversationsi in my head with people who annoy me or have annoyed me in the past and "have it out" with them one by one. . I dont mind writing this down because I know, for a fact, an irrefutable fact, that there are many many people out there who do the exact same thing. Driving ourselves mad thinking about things. . I used to be so embarrassed at the thought of the amount of time I wasted doing this, but I have learned that not only am I not alone , but this is something that many people do regularly (whether they realise it or not).

    When I find myself not wanting to be alone or wanting to be constantly busy , then I usually know there is something bothering me that I dont want to face. Its not always the case, but moreoften then not its true. I used to also think if i didnt finish something I started that it reflected badly on me. Now I think I havent wasted my time doing something that will serve no purpose in the future.

    What I have learned over the last few years is that my partner and friends can only give me emotional support, they dont have the tools to help me get better. Using friends/family to help you along is like taking anti depressents to balance things out but not trying to fix the problem. Another problem with this, I found, was that I was wearing out (certainly my wife) people close to me because I would confide and trust them with information that would emotionally drain anybody. My poor old wife has been a rock and a huge support to me, but my relationship has taken a new wonderful turn now that I get outside help to try to get better. She helps me get balanced (to a degree) and the professional help looks to get to the root cause of my suffering (which it is doing) which means each day I might feel a little bit less bad and each day I might feel a little bit more capable of coping with the knockbacks (there will be knockbacks , but I try not to fear them - its just life and by embracing this thought, life is that bit less scary!).

    All I suggest is consider my story when you think of friends/family/boyfriend/councelling. . I have - my wife, my councellor, my GP, My friends and my family. . Each with the body of my story but not necessarily all the specifics. If I have an agurment/disagreement with any of these I have another to confide in. It means I have a network of support. While I know some people will look at this list and say "I dont have this or that" , all I can suggest is to try and focus on what support you can summon.

    I can also say to you that I havent much money and used to say to my GP "I cant afford this councelling or that councelling". . Looking back I should of been thinking "I cant not find the money to get myself fixed or I dont know where I might end up". . If you dont feel your GP understands you or will be empathetic or helpful, consider what I did - I asked one of my Aunty's (who is a nurse) if she could recommend a doctor and I moved doctors. It has led me to where I am now. He didnt have all the answers, but he helped me put in place the network of "assistance" in my life. I used to think "I must be an awful patient to look after" instead of thinking "this relationship with my doctor is not working". It doesnt have to be that your doctor is muck or you are a bad patient, it could be that you are just not compatible or able to open up to your doctor for one reason or another. If in doubt, get a second opinion, it has literally changed my life.

    If you have no money, no friends, no family then medical and charitable support is an option. The state will look after your medical side (especially if you have no money) to a significant degree. In short, what I have learned is that there is always somebody to help, even its hard to see it now or when I am down. But I learned that you have to want to be helped and you have to want to feel better and NOTHING should be allowed get in your way - not money, not a relationship, not a job, not family . . Nothing . .I found after accepting and committing to this, I had taken a monumental step towards my recovery and the road to "peace" seemed alot more achievable.. .

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    When I have a low mood or get hit by depression I cant remember how it felt to feel good about things (myself included) but I try to remember the *fact* that I *DID* feel good and not long ago. I also try to remember the fact that the last time I felt down , a few days later I looked back and thought "what was all that about?!".

    I don't feel the emotion but I can remember facts and from facts I draw hope and patience. I also know some physical things I can kinda force myself to do even though I dont want to and my head is saying it will make no difference. Eating well, exercising, being gentle with myself, trying something new. These things work for me. Even when I dont want to try them, I consciously know that they will set me on the right path.

    Its like the guy in Memento who forgets every day and tattooes things to himself to make him remember. I write stuff down and try to remember these sorts of "facts" and it helps, it works for me.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,263 ✭✭✭Gongoozler

    I assume my good moods were me being stupid and ignoring the misery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,578 ✭✭✭✭Turtwig

    Gongoozler wrote: »
    I assume my good moods were me being stupid and ignoring the misery.

    You can't assume without first being an "ass". :)

    Some of your good moods might just have been caused by brief distractions of pleasure. Pleasure isn't happiness, but I'd wager that some of your good moods were moments of general contentment and satisfaction. I know, you probably think I'm speaking crap here, but you're under the fog of depression at the moment and at times like this nothing seems positive or optimistic. It's all dullness, lifeless, greyness. There is some positivity there you just need to find that place inside your mind where it resides and it will help burn away all the negative. I know that's hard, but you're not alone in this fight, this thread is here for you.

    So hang in there, the weather patterns will eventually change and the fog and mist will begin to lift. Someday, I hope, you'll be able to read this post and understand fully what I mean and know how utterly misguided your assumption was. I often like to think of depression as that trap of self loathing where we don't think we deserve to be happy or, worse, that we never were happy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,576 ✭✭✭Paddy Cow

    I have known for a long time that there is something "wrong" with me but I never took steps to address it. I used to think that if I could see a problem in intellectual terms, then I should be able to deal with it. Now I understand the importance of emotions and that they are simply too intricate to have logical solutions. We think thoughts and feel emotions and try as I might, I can't think my emotions into being what I want them to be.

    I don't know if that makes sense. Maybe I'm still trying to make sense of it myself. Give me a logical problem and I will solve it. Give me an emotional problem and I will try to solve it in logical terms, without taking proper consideration of the emotions involved. When it doesn't work out the way I think it should and I feel differently to how I think I should, I feel like a failure/loser etc. I accept now that my "problem" is an emotional one and I am not equipped to deal with it on my own.

    I went to the doctor today. It was to a GP I had never seen before (my old GP ended his practice and I got transferred) so I was very nervous. I had rehearsed in my head over a hundred times what I was going to say but when it came to it, I just started crying. The gp was very supportive and I was able to pull myself together enough to explain somewhat coherently what was wrong.

    My biggest fear going in was that the gp would be dismissive and/or judgmental and I am very glad to say that I was wrong. The more she listened, the easier it got to open up and not be upset/embarrassed. She was absolutely brilliant and I only wish I had found her sooner. She is going to try and get me assessed and I am going back in a week to discuss options.

    If there is anyone reading who wants to visit their GP but are too embarrassed/afraid of not being taken seriously, my advice is to go anyway. The sooner you take action, the better. Just speaking to my GP today has lifted some of the weight off my shoulder. I know I have a long way to go but at least now I have a starting point.

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    I had clicked "thanks" after reading only the first two paragraphs which nail my problem in a nutshell. I have tried to "think" my emotions (nice phrase!).

    So, I was delighted to read the next few paragraphs because I know that road, I've just set off on it and its good, so good, to hear you made that breakthrough today! You took the hardest step on that road today, believe me there are still hard steps to go but... thats the hardest one over.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,075 ✭✭✭Wattle

    At my worst I used to be a kind of a prisoner of my thoughts. Over-thinking everything led to a kind of a paralysis that was depression. I find just throwing myself into things these days is best for me. The most crucial five minutes of my day is after my alarm goes off in the morning. A powerful part of me does not want to get out of bed. Does not want to go to the gym later on. Does not want to interact with the world. I've learned to try and ignore the pessimist in my head and most of the time now I win. Nobody will give you the whole answer. That has to come from you. You have to work out the balancing act of being gentle with yourself and being in the world and fighting your corner.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,263 ✭✭✭Gongoozler

    Jernal wrote: »
    You can't assume without first being an "ass". :)

    Some of your good moods might just have been caused by brief distractions of pleasure. Pleasure isn't happiness, but I'd wager that some of your good moods were moments of general contentment and satisfaction. I know, you probably think I'm speaking crap here, but you're under the fog of depression at the moment and at times like this nothing seems positive or optimistic. It's all dullness, lifeless, greyness. There is some positivity there you just need to find that place inside your mind where it resides and it will help burn away all the negative. I know that's hard, but you're not alone in this fight, this thread is here for you.

    So hang in there, the weather patterns will eventually change and the fog and mist will begin to lift. Someday, I hope, you'll be able to read this post and understand fully what I mean and know how utterly misguided your assumption was. I often like to think of depression as that trap of self loathing where we don't think we deserve to be happy or, worse, that we never were happy.

    I don't think I'll ever be happy though. I think being better seems possible, but happy is a whole other thing. Can't picture myself being like that at all. All positive and stuff.

    I had a little bit of a clicky moment earlier with my counsellor. It's something that just makes sense to me. which is what I've been looking for. it's learning to look at a situation and say what have I done wrong here? the answer, most of the time, being nothing. So I can stop living in fear, being afraid to confront people, being afraid of someone having a bad opinion of me etc etc. It's the first time in all these years that something has clicked with me about this. something that is (hopefully) going to sink in and let me not hold on to things.
    It's kind of hard to explain, but it all made sense. and still does, to me. I just have to look at things and say it's not my fault.

  • Registered Users Posts: 346 ✭✭Big Bottom

    I get really depressed after a night out.

    Im not sure if its depression caused by drinking or what but I feel totally depressed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,576 ✭✭✭Paddy Cow

    I am back studying. I am doing it for me. I know I can do it. That's what positive thinking is all about.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,628 ✭✭✭Ando's Saggy Bottom

    Big Bottom wrote: »
    I get really depressed after a night out.

    Im not sure if its depression caused by drinking or what but I feel totally depressed.
    Well alcohol is a depressant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 208 ✭✭candycock

    i go to bed every nite hoping i dont wake up..this is not living anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 311 ✭✭sensormatic

    candycock wrote: »
    i go to bed every nite hoping i dont wake up..this is not living anymore.

    well i hope you can get through whatever is causing you to feel this way i had a brother who felt the same way and when he passed away aged 32 it tore my whole family apart to the point of us not talking any more simply because we could not save him and now were still broken hearted 3 years on,,,,,,lost my brother and my family,,,,lucky i have my own family to keep me going on a good path and head strong too,,,,hope you get better soon,,,i mean that

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    candycock wrote: »
    i go to bed every nite hoping i dont wake up..this is not living anymore.

    Thank you for your brave post.
    You have made the first step towards improving your life
    Please, you need to make contact with your GP and have a chat about whatever is making you feel this way. Many people go thro phases of low mood like this.
    Trust me, these low mood feelings will pass, however you need to take action by talking with your GP. Be kind to yourself, try and get some rest.
    Please keep us posted on your progress:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 208 ✭✭candycock

    Thank you for your brave post.
    You have made the first step towards improving your life
    Please, you need to make contact with your GP and have a chat about whatever is making you feel this way. Many people go thro phases of low mood like this.
    Trust me, these low mood feelings will pass, however you need to take action by talking with your GP. Be kind to yourself, try and get some rest.
    Please keep us posted on your progress:)

    thanks for all your comments,i have attended my gp but things have'nt improved,i also went to two different councillors,i tried reiki and yoga to give my mind some peace,in the past 5 years i have struggled through my life with a dull outlook in life,if u knew me u would'nt think i had any problems,im approaching my 30th birthday soon an i dread to think wat lays ahead for me in the coming years,somtimes i think im goin mad with the voices inside my head draining my confidence and energy.i feel i am existing but not living my life,i've had afew relationship breakdowns,and i turned to drink to black everything out, that phase has passed but the drink would occasionally reared its head,just to add im not an aggressive drunk.Somtimes i feel incredibly lonely and that im surrounded by an oasis of pessimisim.To put my feelings into context if u seen an animal suffer u would put it down,i feel like i am that animal.

  • Posts: 25,611 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I got absolutely twisted last night. Think this is the first time it's happened that I actually feel the next day like I don't want to do it again. I was in a city I'd never been in before, wandered away from my mates and have very little memory of about 3 hours. I don't see me doing it again for a while at least.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,075 ✭✭✭Wattle

    candycock wrote: »
    thanks for all your comments,i have attended my gp but things have'nt improved,i also went to two different councillors,i tried reiki and yoga to give my mind some peace,in the past 5 years i have struggled through my life with a dull outlook in life,if u knew me u would'nt think i had any problems,im approaching my 30th birthday soon an i dread to think wat lays ahead for me in the coming years,somtimes i think im goin mad with the voices inside my head draining my confidence and energy.i feel i am existing but not living my life,i've had afew relationship breakdowns,and i turned to drink to black everything out, that phase has passed but the drink would occasionally reared its head,just to add im not an aggressive drunk.Somtimes i feel incredibly lonely and that im surrounded by an oasis of pessimisim.To put my feelings into context if u seen an animal suffer u would put it down,i feel like i am that animal.

    Some people here find Cognitive Behavioural Therapy good for persistent negative thoughts. I also find exercise an invaluable tonic. It blows away stress and negative emotions. You don't have to run a marathon straight away. It can be as simple as going for a walk. If you can get yourself on a slightly more even keel for now you can tackle whatever life changes you need to make later. Keep trying :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    candycock wrote: »
    thanks for all your comments,i have attended my gp but things have'nt improved,i also went to two different councillors,i tried reiki and yoga to give my mind some peace,in the past 5 years i have struggled through my life with a dull outlook in life,if u knew me u would'nt think i had any problems,im approaching my 30th birthday soon an i dread to think wat lays ahead for me in the coming years,somtimes i think im goin mad with the voices inside my head draining my confidence and energy.i feel i am existing but not living my life,i've had afew relationship breakdowns,and i turned to drink to black everything out, that phase has passed but the drink would occasionally reared its head,just to add im not an aggressive drunk.Somtimes i feel incredibly lonely and that im surrounded by an oasis of pessimisim.To put my feelings into context if u seen an animal suffer u would put it down,i feel like i am that animal.


    Hey there,
    Well done for talking about your issues here. Personally I find by writing about depression helps me focus on what this illness is all about, it's causes, and side effects.

    I can certainly empathise with your feelings, the cause of my depression being different, nonetheless has had similar outcomes and feelings like yours.
    Like you I have struggled with this illness for quite a while, the good days and those times when I did not get out of bed for days.

    Now unlike me you have age on your side, you have a huge amount of living to do, so I recommend that firstly you be extremely kind to yourself. Take as much rest as you can, forget the alcohol because it only makes the depression worse.

    You have already started a course of action, GP, Counselling, Reiki, however I would recommend revisiting your GP and explain how you are feeling as you outlined above.

    Without the care of my Psychiatrist, Psychologist, GP, and Counsellor, I honestly don't know how I would have coped with my ongoing illness and that awful sense of isolation and loneliness.

    Again like you , people would be totally unaware of my debilitating illness. Yes I have been successful in many aspects of my life , on the outside to friends and acquaintances I look perfectly fine, can even mange a smile even on the dark days,meanwhile on the inside is like a plane crash!

    The symptoms as well as being emotional become physical on the inside, which can be a pretty horrendous experience. Do not allow that to happen.

    I assure you however that life is worth living, one thing I often do when even on my darkest days is revert to nature, it may be watching rain drops running down the window pane, the feeling of the wind in my hair, or the warmth of the sun on my face, and pull things into perspective and realise that often the best things that make me happy are free.

    I am confident if you can get your psychological health back on track, with time life will improve for you.

    Time changes everything, and from someone who is middle aged, may I suggest spending quality time on yourself, introduce some exercise to your day,maybe a holiday,even a break from routine ,and most important of all revisit your GP to ensure that every avenue is explored in helping getting you back on track.

    Enjoy Life. Life is for Living.

    I look forward to seeing your progress reports here

    Best wishes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭hollster2

    I suffered in silence for over a year with depression thinking about taking my life was my lowest point it started after my son was born I felt if I told any1 they would think I was crazy.

    How I was wrong went to my gp was put on antidepressants but I felt like a zombie like i was in my own bubble and couldnt get out eventually came off them after 9months and started councelling it was the best thing I ever did feel great now have down days but living my life for my beautiful children.

    never be afraid to tell someone how your feeling it will be ok!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    I got absolutely twisted last night. Think this is the first time it's happened that I actually feel the next day like I don't want to do it again. I was in a city I'd never been in before, wandered away from my mates and have very little memory of about 3 hours. I don't see me doing it again for a while at least.

    Take it easy for a while. Be kind to yourself.

    What was the cause of you getting twisted? Why did you wander off from your mates?

    I guess you are in a safer place tonight

    Chill out !

    Best wishes:)

  • Posts: 25,611 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Take it easy for a while. Be kind to yourself.

    What was the cause of you getting twisted? Why did you wander off from your mates?

    I guess you are in a safer place tonight

    Chill out !

    Best wishes:)

    I just love getting drunk. I have a habit of sort of wandering off though. It was just a silly thing to do. I still intend to get drunk in other environments though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭BrianG23

    Big Bottom wrote: »
    I get really depressed after a night out.

    Im not sure if its depression caused by drinking or what but I feel totally depressed.
    Happens to me all the time. Feels dreadful but I know when the alcohol wares off i'll feel back to normal again(mildly depressed)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,048 ✭✭✭✭Snowie

    candycock wrote: »
    thanks for all your comments,i have attended my gp but things have'nt improved,i also went to two different councillors,i tried reiki and yoga to give my mind some peace,in the past 5 years i have struggled through my life with a dull outlook in life,if u knew me u would'nt think i had any problems,im approaching my 30th birthday soon an i dread to think wat lays ahead for me in the coming years,somtimes i think im goin mad with the voices inside my head draining my confidence and energy.i feel i am existing but not living my life,i've had afew relationship breakdowns,and i turned to drink to black everything out, that phase has passed but the drink would occasionally reared its head,just to add im not an aggressive drunk.Somtimes i feel incredibly lonely and that im surrounded by an oasis of pessimisim.To put my feelings into context if u seen an animal suffer u would put it down,i feel like i am that animal.

    Ok i can kinda relate to you.

    Some time i feel so small due to what my own head thinks that i honestly feel like I'm being crushed, bye my own thoughts they way in top of me I withdraw and do nothing I hide away.

    Yes it does drain your confidence, but think of this place as a place where you can leave those voices which is more or less cognitive crap, your not mad your just some one who's had a lot of crap get to them and fallen in a negative thought pattern.

    you can breake them but its also important to talk them out with a counselor/therapist it makes dealing with them that little bit easier.

    There's tons of ways to make your life easier. But honestly you need to work with some one who's on your side who's going to help you. Honestly the drink makes it worse.

    Devores spoke about it im going to echo it I get depressed from alcahol its as bad as marajuna or any other drug my head cant deal with the after effects. Honestly what lays ahead of you is this...

    You can go on living your life with your dull out look on life be depressed or you can grab it bye the horns, find your self a therapist and deal with whats in your life, it will be hard it will be pain full there will be tears.Honestly if you do you wont regret it... :)

    Im just giveing you the options there loads of people just like you ... Every single person who posts in this and every single person who lacks the ability to post in this beacuse of there own reasons... :)

    Your never alone. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭BrianG23

    neemish wrote: »
    God, ya. At one stage I lost the ability to reverse park. Can't read a novel anymore- the words float on the page and by the time I finish a paragraph, i've forgotten what the first sentence was. I'm told it improves again though

    Was wondering about this. Brain fog I call it. It's one of the most annoying things i've ever encountered. I feel like my brain isn't working properly...and I can't remember simple words and stuff. It's like memory hides behind a curtain for the day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    BrianG23 wrote: »
    Was wondering about this. Brain fog I call it. It's one of the most annoying things i've ever encountered. I feel like my brain isn't working properly...and I can't remember simple words and stuff. It's like memory hides behind a curtain for the day.

    Half the battle is realising you may have a problem

    What do you plan on doing about it?

    Have you spoken with your GP?


  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭BrianG23

    Don't know yet. My College year head ask me why I was missing days. I didn't want to say and didn't by the end. After about 40 minutes and taking about **** he said I he feels I should definitely go to the Councillor. I've already considered getting on meds as i've been this way for years now. To me feels like the longer I had it the more of these random effects come up, such as the brain fog....I actually think that's how it works. If you stay sad for too effects come in besides feeling down such as the suppressed emotions suppressed and carelessness etc. I don't know what I Councillor would do for me. I feel like I know myself and my problem. I just cannot get rid of it which makes me frustrated about it. I would say that meditation on releasing emotions whatever it's called would be by far the biggest benefit to me. But I can't seem to meditate well anymore either. So yeah I may just go to the GP and get meds for 3 months - 6 months and see if I can break away from it. I'm wouldn't say i'm as badly depressed as some people in this thread. Some days are bad and I would get into a rut for some weeks at a time..but I never feel like self harm or as if life is worthless or anything.

    Oh also..i've known this for quite a long time, I had/have social anxiety which was bad in the past but not nearly as bad now. Now i'm just depressed and the lack of emotions and 'stupid' mind affect my social life more than social anxiety did.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,428 ✭✭✭MrKingsley


    Just reading your posts gives me a proper sense of optimism. If not in myself then definitely in others. Thank you for that

    Ive been an avid reader of this thread for months now but not sure if im in the right frame of mind to post.

    I hope that everyone who has posted here feels more at ease after writing down whats on their mind. Maybe I will too in the future
