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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    MrKingsley wrote: »

    Just reading your posts gives me a proper sense of optimism. If not in myself then definitely in others. Thank you for that

    Ive been an avid reader of this thread for months now but not sure if im in the right frame of mind to post.

    I hope that everyone who has posted here feels more at ease after writing down whats on their mind. Maybe I will too in the future

    Mr. Kingsley,

    Thank you most sincerely for your kind words.

    Please take great care of yourself.

    In time you too will feel confident about writing down your thoughts and post.

    Meanwhile take it easy , look after yourself.

    You have made the first step towards posting your thoughts, just give yourself a little more time.

    I look forward to seeing your post.

    On behalf of all the Boardsies here we wish you well.

    Please stay in contact.

    Live in the Now!

    Best Regards,

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    You don't always have to post what you write, or even write a post. I use something called Progoff Journaling to write down what you are thinking about whats bugging you. I've found it a big help when I want to purge something out of my head or figure out whats really bugging me about it.
    Give it a shot... just open Notepad and write into it. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,835 ✭✭✭✭cloud493

    Self harm awareness day today :)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I've been feeling quite rough over the last couple of weeks, and over the last 4-5 days or so I've been jumping between "average" and "absolutely rotten." The latter is me today. I stayed in bed for ages as I didn't want to get up, then when I did get up I decided to go out for a while, just to do something. However when I was on a bus earlier I suddenly felt like bursting into tears - I managed not to because I thought I'd cause a scene.

    A few days ago a shop assistant in a shop nearby (who would know me by name, but not really know me well) could see it in me and told me "look after yourself hun."

    Just a few weeks ago I was talking about how well things were going for me, now it feels like I'm back to square one. I need to tidy up my apartment but I don't even have the energy to do that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,449 ✭✭✭Call Me Jimmy

    Same for me Karsini, things were going well and now in the last couple of days back into feeling like I'm just waiting for death, without the liberating feeling that should come with a thought like that. Since I was younger I thought to myself 'baldness would be a death sentence for me' and it kind of is turning out that way.

    I'm aware of everything to do with it too, people may still find me attractive/just shave yer head (which I have) but living with body dysmorphic disorder it's just one push too far with the balding at 25. I hate to say this but I was a good looking chap growing up I think, cocky as fcuk all that but now I'm a shell of human, not even a man.

    I have in short bursts really applied myself mentally and managed to do things but for me it's all about how I feel. Yes, if I was disciplined enough mentally I could do well enough to find someone but I just think, if they like me for my personality then I have to keep up that personality all day every day as long as I know them because if I don't there's not much left.

    And it's been so many years now of trying to accept myself (and not trying - going with the flow). My main fear now is that the longer I live, seeing as there is no possibility of normality, the longer I live the more I will start to go down the psychotic/insane route :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭BrianG23

    Be glad you didn't start balding at 19/

    The other day I had to force myself out of bed and into college. The train ride was ridiculous...felt so I HAD to get off the train. I tried to take my mind off it which worked a little bit. Hate those morning though

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 66 ✭✭E.S.T.

    If going bald bothers you so much then why wouldn't you just take finasteride?

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭BrianG23

    I tried that. It worked! Too much! And I got very minor Gyno(which stopped immediately after stopping Finasteride so it was worth a shot in the end). Use Nizoral Shampoo and try Finasteride imo. Nizoral has slowed it down so much for me. I use Minoxidil as well which a tiny bit/ Ima retry a really low dosage of Finasteride soon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Folks ,
    I hope you don't mind, but I am doing a joint reply to recent posts.
    Ok you are in a bit of a dip at the moment, please no need to panic.
    These down days will pass too, it is a case of being kind to yourselves.
    A good cry in the comfort of your own home will do you the power of good.
    What is the expression, "bald is beautiful" as nature intended for you, don't underestimate the attractiveness to the ladies.
    If you are feeling exhausted , there is nothing wrong with recharging the batteries by staying in bed longer. Go with the flow, don't fight it.
    Finally the apartment can be tackled when you are in the mood. So what if it remains untidy, it is better that you mind your health than sweat over a bit of hoovering.
    The reason for the joint response by the way , yes I can fully empathise with the way you are feeling, because I too am experiencing a low session, I feel I could sleep forever during the day, energy levels are fluctuating between high and low and concentration almost nonexistent.
    So let us travel through this low session together, these tough days will pass, the fog will lift and things will get better. Folks please go with the flow, relax, take lots of rest and relaxation. A warm relaxing radox bath does wonders to relax the body and mind.
    Tomorrow is another day, the weather forecast is for dry weather, so after breakfast or brunch try a 20 min walk, have a good look around about you., yes Spring has sprung, life will get better, meanwhile enjoy the simple pleasures before you start running at full speed again.
    Be extremely kind to yourselves, remember we are not a machine, and machines also break and need oil and tender loving care.
    Best wishes,:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 650 ✭✭✭handbagmad

    Today i realised i am an adult not only that I am a person and my god damn opinion matters. I posted recently about a decision I had to make.

    I realised I was being put under massive pressure and was seriously thinking of doing something really stupid because of letting someone down. Now i realise if that someone in particualar really loves me he'll support me. And if he doesnt then well I can be strong. No job house, mortgage or relationship is worth feeling like **** or worthless or a failure.

    It is NOT MY FAULT I have depression.
    it is NOT MY FAULT I have crohns disease.

    It might sound childish but the banks can have the house if everything dosent work out I dont care cant get blood out of a stone.

    Its ME that needs to be top priority!!!

    Rant over

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    handbagmad wrote: »
    Today i realised i am an adult not only that I am a person and my god damn opinion matters. I posted recently about a decision I had to make.

    I realised I was being put under massive pressure and was seriously thinking of doing something really stupid because of letting someone down. Now i realise if that someone in particualar really loves me he'll support me. And if he doesnt then well I can be strong. No job house, mortgage or relationship is worth feeling like **** or worthless or a failure.

    It is NOT MY FAULT I have depression.
    it is NOT MY FAULT I have crohns disease.

    It might sound childish but the banks can have the house if everything dosent work out I dont care cant get blood out of a stone.

    Its ME that needs to be top priority!!!

    Rant over

    Well said!

    You are quite correct.

    Instead of putting everyone else first , it is time to put yourself first.

    It is not your fault that you have depression, nor is it your fault that you have Crohns Disease.

    You are precious , and you can deal with Depression And Crohns., with or without your Partners support.

    It would be nice to feel supported, but is not essential in dealing with your illness.

    It is one day at a time, live in the moment , and most important of all be Kind To Yourself!

    Best Wishes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 650 ✭✭✭handbagmad

    my partner is ten years my senior. My family(dad and sister) called me aside yesterday and said they were very worried about me.( and i thought i was good at hiding things)
    ive been living a miserable existance for really the last two years. I'm not a confrontational person so have been really walking on egg shells to try keep peace. I dont know who I am anymore.

    But im going to get to know who the real me is again. Another two years of this and I (not being an alarmist) dont think i'll be

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    handbagmad wrote: »
    my partner is ten years my senior. My family(dad and sister) called me aside yesterday and said they were very worried about me.( and i thought i was good at hiding things)
    ive been living a miserable existance for really the last two years. I'm not a confrontational person so have been really walking on egg shells to try keep peace. I dont know who I am anymore.

    But im going to get to know who the real me is again. Another two years of this and I (not being an alarmist) dont think i'll be
    If things dont change they will stay the same!

    It is time for change in your life, the first step is putting yourself first and looking after your health.

    Stay well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 374 ✭✭Cliona99

    I know some people here aren't feeling the best, and I can relate, but I thought I'd post about how good I'm feeling. Not to boast! But maybe it'll give you hope. I was very down up to the first week of February. Nothing I was doing was working, everything was a struggle, (I mean it, some days I couldn't even manage to brush my teeth), and I thought "what's the point?" and "how do all those normal people do it?" ("it" being life in general)

    After five days of a false start where I felt great and thought I was on my way to being 'cured' whatever that means, and then being dumped down to the bottom of the mountain again and feeling worse than before, I slowly started to turn the corner. I'm trying not to be too optimistic. I don't want to jinx it. But gradually things have started to get easier.

    The very first thing I noticed was driving. Driving home one day I realised that I wasn't hyperventilating, or sweating, or freaking out over tailgaters (who were actually *not* that close). I wasn't relaxed like a normal person driving but I wasn't a danger on the roads either. It was such a breakthrough. I felt like maybe I could get better.

    I'm not cured. But I'm managing. I'm setting small goals liking eating three meals a day, limiting screentime, and getting washed and dressed. I'm trying to get into an 'appropriate' sleep routine and smoke a bit less. I pretty much never hit all five targets in one day, but I'm trying and I really believe I'll get there eventually.

    Don't set bigger goals than you can handle. (I have possibly done this already). Because not accomplishing a single one, or taking five days to do a job that takes five minutes - me, cutting my nails - might make you feel worse. Like you've put in 100% effort and done 2% as much as a normal person would. Try not to compare yourself to other people. (I know, I do it *all* the time). They've got their own issues/problems. Compare yourself to yourself. And have faith that things will change, change is the only constant :)

    Sorry for going on and on, once I start waffling, I can't stop.


  • Registered Users Posts: 988 ✭✭✭wurzlitzer

    I'm not cured. But I'm managing. I'm setting small goals liking eating three meals a day, limiting screentime, and getting washed and dressed. I'm trying to get into an 'appropriate' sleep routine and smoke a bit less. I pretty much never hit all five targets in one day, but I'm trying and I really believe I'll get there eventually.

    Don't set bigger goals than you can handle. (I have possibly done this already). Because not accomplishing a single one, or taking five days to do a job that takes five minutes - me, cutting my nails - might make you feel worse. Like you've put in 100% effort and done 2% as much as a normal person would. Try not to compare yourself to other people. (I know, I do it *all* the time). They've got their own issues/problems. Compare yourself to yourself. And have faith that things will change, change is the only constant :)

    Sorry for going on and on, once I start waffling, I can't stop.


    Thanks Cliona for your post, so glad you are feeling better. I too have been setting goals for myself but not putting myself under pressure either.

    I am feeling down today, had a cry miss my ex terribly, today all I want is for someone to hold me & tell me it will all be okay.

    But your post made my spirits lift coz I knew you had been in sad place, but it sounds like you are making progress & I am so pleased for you, coz you have been so brave & resilient, I really admire your courage.

    Take care hon. Keep us updated on your progress xxx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,676 ✭✭✭✭herisson

    I must admit, compared with this time last year, even at the start of this year, it is like i am a different person. I have been doing fairly well. I rarely have a down day and if i do i dont wallow in self pity and curl up into bed just being depressed. Instead i force myself out to do things, like going on walks or meeting up with friends. Or i treat myself to small little pick me ups.

    Counselling is going great. I didnt get along with her at the start but i think thats because i was still a little hesitant. I have had 2 breakthroughs so far and i am feeling so much better about myself now. It is one of the best decisions i have ever made tbh. At the rate im going i should only have a few more sessions left. My friends have noticed the difference in me too. Im nearly back to who i was before i had depression. Im out more and talking loads. They told me that they havent seen me this happy(as in real happiness not when i used to pretend to be happy) in so long and it cheers them up to no end.

    I am the happiest i have been in a long time and if anyone were to ask me about counselling i would recommend it 100% because it has had such a profound effect for me. Seriously one of the nest decisions i have ever made and i am so much more happier. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 988 ✭✭✭wurzlitzer

    Glad to hear you are doing well pixie fairy. It's encouraging to know that counselling is working. That your friends have noticed a difference in you, which is always nice to hear coz it means you are making progress. ;D

    This weekend I have being lying in bed feeling very low. Crying, I was feeling fine during the week. But now I just feel sorry for myself. I have eaten very little just had a pizza today. I had noodles & crisps yesterday. I went to the cinema yesterday & had a few drinks, although it was only a few, it has made so mopey just watching TV

    I wish I could feel normal again, I have work tomorrow normally I would be welcoming it but I just feel despair. I can't figure our what's wrong with me? I have no energy to go to the shops to buy milk? The thoughts of it is freaking me out a little.

    I have no one to talk to

    Usually there is someone around

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Cliona99 wrote: »
    I know some people here aren't feeling the best, and I can relate, but I thought I'd post about how good I'm feeling. Not to boast! But maybe it'll give you hope. I was very down up to the first week of February. Nothing I was doing was working, everything was a struggle, (I mean it, some days I couldn't even manage to brush my teeth), and I thought "what's the point?" and "how do all those normal people do it?" ("it" being life in general)

    After five days of a false start where I felt great and thought I was on my way to being 'cured' whatever that means, and then being dumped down to the bottom of the mountain again and feeling worse than before, I slowly started to turn the corner. I'm trying not to be too optimistic. I don't want to jinx it. But gradually things have started to get easier.

    The very first thing I noticed was driving. Driving home one day I realised that I wasn't hyperventilating, or sweating, or freaking out over tailgaters (who were actually *not* that close). I wasn't relaxed like a normal person driving but I wasn't a danger on the roads either. It was such a breakthrough. I felt like maybe I could get better.

    I'm not cured. But I'm managing. I'm setting small goals liking eating three meals a day, limiting screentime, and getting washed and dressed. I'm trying to get into an 'appropriate' sleep routine and smoke a bit less. I pretty much never hit all five targets in one day, but I'm trying and I really believe I'll get there eventually.

    Don't set bigger goals than you can handle. (I have possibly done this already). Because not accomplishing a single one, or taking five days to do a job that takes five minutes - me, cutting my nails - might make you feel worse. Like you've put in 100% effort and done 2% as much as a normal person would. Try not to compare yourself to other people. (I know, I do it *all* the time). They've got their own issues/problems. Compare yourself to yourself. And have faith that things will change, change is the only constant :)

    Sorry for going on and on, once I start waffling, I can't stop.


    Delighted to hear you are doing well. Keep up the great work.
    Best wishes:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    The fog has lifted!
    After weeks of interrupted sleep, I finally got 8 hours sleep last night for the first time in what feels like years .Hopefully this will continue. Heading to the beach for a walk to get some fresh air.
    Folks have a good day and remember be kind to yourselves.:)

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    I think its just as important to talk about feeling good as it is about feeling down. I used to feel like "I dont want to post if I'm feeling ok, because I dont want others to feel like I'm bragging or make them feel worse" but the truth is that we've all been there and we all need to know that there is hope and that this isnt something which is permanent, it can be managed and handled and ultimately beaten or contained.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Hi Folks,

    I have been out walking since I posted earlier.

    Gosh it is great to feel alive.

    My friends dog has just had her little legs walked off her.

    For what it is worth, I noticed my attention was on the dog, not myself.

    Sure the wind was cold and the waves were choppy and the ropes were clinking like wind chimes against the masts on the yachts in the marina.

    Anyhow, the point I wish to make is for anyone feeling lonely, if you don't have a pet , to borrow one from a friend, particularly someone who is working all day and would welcome their dog getting some exercise.

    This morning I did not notice the hours pass, my mind was definitely in a better place and the dog is now fully exercised and now fast asleep in her basket.

    I read an article recently about cats , and the positive effect they can have on people suffering from stress and depression. Stroking a cat can have a positive effect on reducing blood pressure.

    As a rule I am not a pet lover, but I am certainly promoting the benefits of either acquiring one or borrowing one. Personally for me owning a dog would not fit into my life, but borrowing my friends dog is beneficial to both parties.

    I feel like I am buzzing after my adventures this morning, I think today is going to be a good day:)

    Come on folks if you are having a bad day today, wrap up warm, and get out of the house for a 30 min walk. You will feel better for it.

    Best wishes

  • Registered Users Posts: 83 ✭✭Mucky.Bucky

    It's been ages since I posted here. How's everybody doing?

    Last time I posted I was all ready and geared up to go to counselling but it never happened. Money is a huge problem. I don't have a medical card. My wage is low, circulating at 200 a week, and a counselling session would dig into a good 100 of that. So that leaves 100 for living expenses. Also something else is that most weeks I like to do something small as a pick me up or to take my mind of things. Even if it's just a cinema trip or something else like my favourite restaurant.

    I've come a little way since I last post. All the doubt and confusion and false hope in my sitution which I'd had a lot to do with me falling, has been removed. So I'm still somewhat on a crooked path but it's a lot straighter. What I mean by crooked path is that sometimes I still feel low and down.

    It's all been one big emotional rollercoaster with plenty of ups and downs for the past 16 months now at this stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 83 ✭✭Mucky.Bucky

    They say time is a great healer and it is. I'm not as deep into the pits as I was.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    It's been ages since I posted here. How's everybody doing?

    Last time I posted I was all ready and geared up to go to counselling but it never happened. Money is a huge problem. I don't have a medical card. My wage is low, circulating at 200 a week, and a counselling session would dig into a good 100 of that. So that leaves 100 for living expenses. Also something else is that most weeks I like to do something small as a pick me up or to take my mind of things. Even if it's just a cinema trip or something else like my favourite restaurant.

    I've come a little way since I last post. All the doubt and confusion and false hope in my sitution which I'd had a lot to do with me falling, has been removed. So I'm still somewhat on a crooked path but it's a lot straighter. What I mean by crooked path is that sometimes I still feel low and down.

    It's all been one big emotional rollercoaster with plenty of ups and downs for the past 16 months now at this stage.

    Well done!
    Delighted to hear you are making some progress.
    I often say to people , be kind to yourself. You are proof that you are doing something to treat yourself occasionally, cinema trip, favourite restaurant. This is fantastic, it is so positive, indeed inspirational.
    You appear to have a great handle on this issue, despite its ups and downs.
    However if you feel some Counselling would help you further, don't deprive yourself ,contact who may be able to give you further advice on Counselling Services.
    Please keep up the great work. You are correct time can be a great healer,so take it in your stride. Again spoil yourself occasionally, because you are worth it!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,958 ✭✭✭delthedriver

    Hi Guys ,
    The energy surge continues!
    Dog woke up at 1.15pm and headed for the entrance door
    Picked up her lead , she was practically dancing on her hind legs with excitement
    Just walked the dog for another hour.
    Have not had this amount of energy in ages.
    Ok , it is now time to relax and take it easy for the evening.
    Don't wish to overdo it either.
    Have a nice evening

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 30,890 Mod ✭✭✭✭Insect Overlord

    DeVore wrote: »
    I think its just as important to talk about feeling good as it is about feeling down. I used to feel like "I dont want to post if I'm feeling ok, because I dont want others to feel like I'm bragging or make them feel worse" but the truth is that we've all been there and we all need to know that there is hope and that this isnt something which is permanent, it can be managed and handled and ultimately beaten or contained.

    This +1

    I go through spells where I do a lot of blogging, then ages where I write nothing. I always try to emphasise the good things when I do write.

    At least that way, when things aren't feeling so great, I can read back over essays that remind me of all the positives, the successes, the adventures.

    It's nice to have something I can access easily that reinforces the fact that I can and do feel great happiness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 988 ✭✭✭wurzlitzer

    It's been ages since I posted here. How's everybody doing?

    Last time I posted I was all ready and geared up to go to counselling but it never happened. Money is a huge problem. I don't have a medical card. My wage is low, circulating at 200 a week, and a counselling session would dig into a good 100 of that. So that leaves 100 for living expenses. Also something else is that most weeks I like to do something small as a pick me up or to take my mind of things. Even if it's just a cinema trip or something else like my favourite restaurant.

    I've come a little way since I last post. All the doubt and confusion and false hope in my sitution which I'd had a lot to do with me falling, has been removed. So I'm still somewhat on a crooked path but it's a lot straighter. What I mean by crooked path is that sometimes I still feel low and down.

    It's all been one big emotional rollercoaster with plenty of ups and downs for the past 16 months now at this stage.

    I too am in a similar situation, I am on a very very low wage. I googled looking for an affordable counselling service & there was a few, so one of them I contacted was able to see me within a week. after one advisory session & I will get 6-8 sessions at a very low price.

    If you want I can PM you with details. it's certainly helped me alot, it is based in dublin.

    Like you I was not able to afford 50/60 quid a week. But this amount I manage

    Just had my session I feel better for it, I know I only have had four sessions but I feel it has help me immensely.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,925 ✭✭✭RainyDay

    These guys specialize in affordable, accessible counselling;

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,263 ✭✭✭Gongoozler

    alone again

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭hollster2

    RainyDay wrote: »
    These guys specialize in affordable, accessible counselling;
    Yes there good, I go to a place Living Life Centre they have them In Dublin too I think, Mines in Bray max they ask for voluntary is 25 euro It was best thing I ever did.
