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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    kinioiri wrote: »
    i thought i was the only one looking at the July thread :-)

    Im dreading the test as i have bad veins, i know my bp will be high coz it always is when getting blood taken :-(

    thanks for the tip too, i have my next appointment the .10th may, if the doppler is brought out ill be mad coz i live 30mins away and have to take time off work for it.

    do you know anything about anti natal classes in clonmel? i was hoping. they would be running them in tipp but not due to cut backs, cashel is the same, so going to have km look into clonmel i would say x

    Hi Betsie,

    Snap on the bad veins! Was delighted they took no blood on Monday lol. My cousin had white coat syndrome (think that's what it's called. Her BP went trough the roof when she went into the hospital. They gave her the 24 hour monitor a few times when she was pregnant and it was perfect at home!

    We are the same, we live nearly 40 mins away, I thought I was going to cry! You can be ready for them if they try and produce the doppler!
    We went to Ante Natal Classes in the Hospital in Clonmel. That was back in late 2007 before the recession hit badly! You could ask the nurses the next day, I'm sure they would know if they are on. You still have plenty of time to book them. They were helpful. The practical advice they gave was very good. One thing was to have the labour ward number in your phone and OH's phone to give them a buzz when you are on the way in. The other was the main hospital door is closed I think from around 9 or 10 p.m, so if you are going in during the night you have to use the A and E entrance.
    OH still has the number in his phone lol

    yeah ill ask them the next day Im there alright,

    suppose the number of the labour ward would be handy alright :-) your oh is prepared for this time so haha :-)

    even thinking about Friday raises my bp just can't wait till its over :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    pushki wrote: »
    i had an app yesterday. my blood pressure was really low so the gave a quick scan of the baby. i think ye should ask for a scan anyways the worst they can say is no! got my bloods done for iron but no gtt .

    24 weeks tomorrow can't believe how fast time is going!!

    the oh said i can choose the name if it is a girl (he was going to choose if it was a boy) so i have her name choose already not telling anyone not even himself because he can't keep it secret!

    i think the more you talk about names the more difficult it becomes and you are bound to have people to voice their opinion on the name you may choose.

    i must check this July thread seems July is a busy month:-)

    do pop over to July for a look it can be interesting there :-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 135 ✭✭LorraineMcFly

    Just traded in my micra and got a family car today! a Nissan tino. there be 2 kids now in the back in August, ah its mad!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 287 ✭✭pushki

    Just traded in my micra and got a family car today! a Nissan tino. there be 2 kids now in the back in August, ah its mad!

    well wear Lorraine my car is a four door but it has never been cleaned out since i got it :O its disgraceful, think ill wait another month or two and get it valleted , i hate cleaning out the car !!

    the last few days ivebeen sorting out my room . putting clothes and shoes for after the baby in storage. the whole clearing out is tough but wanna got sorted before i get too huge!!

    has anyone been thinking about having a 4d scan?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 135 ✭✭LorraineMcFly

    pushki wrote: »
    well wear Lorraine my car is a four door but it has never been cleaned out since i got it :O its disgraceful, think ill wait another month or two and get it valleted , i hate cleaning out the car !!

    the last few days ivebeen sorting out my room . putting clothes and shoes for after the baby in storage. the whole clearing out is tough but wanna got sorted before i get too huge!!

    has anyone been thinking about having a 4d scan?

    I had a 3d one on my first baby not a 4d.
    I have bought my pram, car seat, swinging crib, bouncer, cot mobile, winnie poo wallstickers, a teddy! all on boards second hand grand total i spend is 140. and everythings lovely exactly what i would want had i been buying new.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i had to sell my celica about a month ago for a family car, broke my heart so it did, but Im happy too, can't wait to look in the back and see my baby x

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Seems we are all doing and thinking the same things!

    Agree with Pushki, ask for the scan. We were having no scan until OH asked. I have also cleared away my clothes that wont fit me for a while:( I had bought loads of clothes coming up to Christmas last year. It will be like a whole new wardrobe:)

    Good luck with the new Car Lorraine. Looks like we will have to change ours. I will have 3 car seats, well the rock a tot and 2 boosters with backs on them. Don't really want a 7 seater but we might have no choice.

    Betsie, my OH will be deleting the labour ward number come August lol

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 287 ✭✭pushki

    wow! Lorraine that was really good value! haven't even thought about all that stuff yet! I've only got a few little bits and pieces and some clothes.

    aw i really feel for you betsie having to sell your celica what a lovely car:-( but on wards and upwards:-)

    kinorii ya its gas were all doing the same things it all feels so natural ! kind of a good feeling though putting all the clothes i won't fit into away, like a good ol spring clean!

    oops i meant 3d scan! i don't know about it, was it worth it Lorraine?

    finally getting a bit of a bump this week :-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 135 ✭✭LorraineMcFly

    pushki wrote: »
    wow! Lorraine that was really good value! haven't even thought about all that stuff yet! I've only got a few little bits and pieces and some clothes.

    aw i really feel for you betsie having to sell your celica what a lovely car:-( but on wards and upwards:-)

    kinorii ya its gas were all doing the same things it all feels so natural ! kind of a good feeling though putting all the clothes i won't fit into away, like a good ol spring clean!

    oops i meant 3d scan! i don't know about it, was it worth it Lorraine?

    finally getting a bit of a bump this week :-)
    About the scan! my hubby said it was a huge waste of money. But I really like it. If anything it put my mind at ease the baby was developing properly. The pictures were very good and they can tell the sex of the baby too. You can also get a cd of your baby moving in the womb which is amazing keepsake.
    Its my second baby now and im not going to get one as im more sensible about money!
    But id say to anyone if you want it have it done! Any little luxury that makes you feel better during pregnancy is ok in my book!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i would love to get one done but when you work 6days a week and the only person doing your job its very hard to get the time off,

    Im getting the G T T test tomorrow and was a hassle to get the day off work :-(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    do pop over to July for a look it can be interesting there :-)

    Lol I come and see you gals too!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 287 ✭✭pushki

    ya Lorraine i think ill get it done, as its my first baby and i want to double check the sex. a littletreat for me:-) porridge you betsie, you must find it tough working so much, i myself work 4/5 nights a week and I've no one to cover for me yet. it is really tough going but i need the money! how many weeks is the third trimester? feel like im not as lively now, im 24 weeks this week , is that classed as 3rd trimester?

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Hey Pushki, just checked it says the 3rd trimester starts from week 28.

    Good luck with the GTT test tomorrow Betsie.

    Has anyone had a look at Maria of Kilkennys website. Have a look in the new born Galleries. Oh my God! That is going to be my treat! She takes the pictures before the babies are 10 days old. Its worth a look. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    kinioiri wrote: »
    Hey Pushki, just checked it says the 3rd trimester starts from week 28.

    Good luck with the GTT test tomorrow Betsie.

    Has anyone had a look at Maria of Kilkennys website. Have a look in the new born Galleries. Oh my God! That is going to be my treat! She takes the pictures before the babies are 10 days old. Its worth a look. :)

    must have a look at that site in a while, sounds nice,

    thanking for the best wishes, Im fasting as we speak, nothing to eat or drink now till my lucozade in the hospital,

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Oh my god just looked at that website, I MUST have pics like that!!!!!! Sooo lovely, pity I'm nowhere near Kilkenny, will suss out similar photographers in Dublin. Thanks for sharing that, made me all warm and fuzzy inside, August cannot come quick enough!

    Good to hear everyone is still keeping well. Finished up in college today, the countdown to exams begins now... :eek: yuck!

    Anyone else having problems with their back? Mine is in bits the last few days. Went swimming last night which usually helps but seems to have made it worse this time. Hot water bottle helps but only for a short time. Any tips?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Im the same back at me the last couple of weeks, Im just using hot water bottle and i have an electric blanket that kinda relieves it enough for me to go asleep

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    You will enjoy that lucozade in the morning Betsie.

    I'm sure there are Photographers in Dublin that so similar pictures October. You could contact Maria she might be able to recommend one. They are amazing aren't they. :)

    I havent been having back pain yet but I have a dreadful pain in my groin. It's like a nerve or something. The baby is lying low and across the way so I am hoping it will be relieved when baby decides to move.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 287 ✭✭pushki

    thanks kinori , another 4 weeks so and ill really be banjaxed , back pain not too bad for me at the moment for me just uncomfortable when im driving, must get a little pillow or rolled up towel for slower back as i drive a lot, mmm ... maybe the back pain is causing my road rage.. do other drivers know not to tailgate a hormonal pregnant woman!! should get a little sign for the back window just to warn them ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i like the idea of the sign for the cars, all drivers seem to bug me at the moment :-)

    Im half way done with the GTT at the moment, its not too bad apart from the room we are in is freezing, can't wait for a pot of tea after this :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    I'm the same, had serious road rage in the early months have calmed down a bit since haha!

    Hope the GTT went well Betsie x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    yeah test went ok, was a bit dizzy and tummy was a bit upset too but Im grand now,

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Girls I am laughing at the driving bit. Wait until ye go driving for the first time with the new babies in the car. That's when I developed serious road rage lol! I suppose when you are responsible for a tiny little person you realise there are serious morons on the road! I was like a tiger with a cub.

    When will you have the results of the GTT Betsie?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i asked the nurse that question and she didn't give me a time but she said i would only find out the results if there was something wrong

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 287 ✭✭pushki

    ha ha road rage is like a maternal instinct i guess, god help anyone that crosses me when my little bab is in the back!!

    do we all have to get a gtt test? i haven't got one yet .

    does anyone else have difficulty eating? i find that my appetite has disappeared in the last 2 weeks, just forcing myself to eat for the baby . and don't get me started on the heartburn, i need to carry a little everywhere with me, not the most glamorous accessory to pull out of ones handbag!! and the price of it!! ten euro for a big bottle! :O

    hope all mums to be are well this weekend

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    no not everyone will get the GTT test, if there is a history of diabetes in your family or if you are over weight then they will test you x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    hey ladies...Hope you are all well!
    Just to let you all know that I went to Asda yesterday in Enniskillen as they are having a baby and toddler event at the mo! If you live anywhere near it I would recommend taking a spin! We stocked up a bit on boxes of nappies(£15) boxes of baby wipes(£4.00 for 5 packs I think) Avent bottles, few packs of Babygro's etc. and I found it great value! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    ah i love asda but its just a bit far away from tipp :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    pushki- regarding the heartburn, I got a pack of 48 Rennie tablets for about 3.50 euro in the chemist, might be cheaper than what you have? Then again some people finding the liquid stuff works better. Just thought I'd let you know! My heart burn has improved the last week or two, I had been popping the Rennie like they were going out of fashion before that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    I find Rennie do the trick for me so far, haven't used Gaviscon.

    Was at Cirque du Soleil on Friday night, baby absolutely loved it, she went cracked kicking the daylights out of me!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 287 ✭✭pushki

    thanks October ya i have the rennies too when im stuck but find the relief from gaviscon lasts longer but they're great to have:-)
    that's so funny about the baby kicking SSFG like mad at clique de soliel !! i find bab kicks when im around my boyfriend as he never stops talking and is very loud! i had to tell him to shut up to stop the kicking!!!! already she's a daddys girl!! :-)
    i was in mothercare today and was talking to the sales advisor apparently they are having a bog sale in June and are getting bug a boo buggy in the next few weeks.
    my head easy wrecked about the amount of travel systems and trying to choose one but i think i like the graco one best :-)
    i went into heatons afterwards for a snoop and saw these baby's first year books there! i got so emotional i had to go over to a corner so people would'nt see me in tears!!
    The books were just beautiful with little parts you fill in along the way, i got 3 different ones , as they were so cheap 3/4 & 7 euro! they would make beautiful gifts too, ill probably keep them all for myself though!!! ;-)
    hope everyone had a lovely weekend x
