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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    ah Laura, your really going through the wars at the moment aren't you, what did they say about the blood in your urine!

  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭laura.

    Don't know what it is coming from Betsie, they sent away a swab, and my urine sample for analysis, so probably won't hear till my next appointment what it is! Is anyone else really warm today?? I feel like I'm getting hot flushes lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    god hope its nothing Laura, Im roasting every day, is it wrong to pray for snow in the summer haha :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Hope you feel better Laura. Ya betsie i wouldn't mind a snow shower either!! So warm today!! Maybe we might get a summer after absolutely nothing done all day oh well!! feeling very uncomfortable today think the baby is just poking her arse out for the fun of it:-P

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Hope you are feeling better Laura, there is enough to deal with without Thrush too. Had hospital appointment today and baby is back in transverse position :/ I was thinking baby had moved yesterday because I got a big kick practically in my back. I thought I was imagining things lol. The Consultant wasn't concerned at all, she said she would worry at my next appointment in 3 weeks time.

    Lidl have the exercise balls coming in on Thursday, I'm getting one. Anyone else with a transverse baby at this stage and have you been given any advice?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    yeah totally agree about the heat girls, chronic! I too feel like a menopausal woman with all the hot flashes! And to make matters worse i hat antenatal class today, all day! Nearly keeled over up in delivery room with the heat, jesus ill have to bring a fan with me when i'm goin in! It was a good class but to be honest we didn't really find out anything we didn't already know as i've done a lot of research online n books etc.(i don't like goin into things blind ha ha) but was good seeing delivery suite i suppose!
    Laura, try not to worry about samples being taken, they tend not to tell u why they are doin these things n have u worrying like mad then when it might be absolutely nothing!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Oh what a day for ante natal classes Geeg ! Id have passed out, im on my third ice cream of the day fit to pass out with heat.
    Aw that's a pity Kinori Thst's baby is in transverse position but as the midwife said there's plenty of time to move. I heard people going on about spinning babies website for encouraging babys head down. Think ill get one of those balls in lidl they'd be good for back ache ?
    I m really worried about the extra fluid surrounding baby as they've ruled out diabetes its not that, hope the baby is ok :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Hugs Pushkii. Try not to worry. This is the start of your little one worrying you for ever more x I'm sure your baby is just fine.

    The ball should help the backache. Try going down on all fours and rock forward and back. You will look like a right dope lol but it helps. I haven't had any backache this time but I suppose thats due to the position of the baby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Thanks Kinori i should know better than looking up things on Google that will only worry me. Ill definitely try that get down on all fours the dogs and cats will think I've lost it;-) Do u find your tummy sore as babys in transverse?

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    I'm uncomfortable. The baby has only moved since yesterday I'm sure. Would you believe I am googling transverse positions at 33 weeks lol. Frightening the life out of myself lol The Doctor told me because this is my third pregnancy there is loads of room for the baby to move everything is stretched - charming!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    ah kiniori sorry to hear that baby has moved, fingers crossed that it moves again, still plenty of time (hopefully)

    i might get one of the balls in lidl myself they are great value too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    quick question regarding the balls in lidl, do they not have to be specific anti-burst balls and a specific height for the person? The proper birthing balls have all different heights when blown up? I have just seen a lot of talk about them on different forums etc. I haven't got mine yet so just wondering :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    yeah they say they need to be a certain height for your height i have to look into it more though coz i don't really know, and i would presume actually that they would need to be anti burst :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    yeah they say they need to be a certain height for your height i have to look into it more though coz i don't really know, and i would presume actually that they would need to be anti burst :-)

    They'd need to be anti burst with me anyway!!!:D:D
    Ye, I had been looking at them on Amazon, the one I was looking at was only bout €20 incl delivery so not too bad!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    yeah i will need the anti burst too :-) that's not too bad must look at then later, might look in argos too they might have something too

  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭laura.

    Ya, trying not to worry, and I'm putting the thrush down to stress from this past week, but my creams are starting to work and the doctor said if it doesn't clear up or get's any worse to go back into her, so that is good.

    Kin, that's a disaster about baby moving, they are wee bugger's and we don't realise but they, in their tiny little state, are dictating what is happening and how they are going to be born. Still plenty time for it to turn around the right way again though, so I would try not to worry to much.

    I got one of those balls last week, and I hear ya about the anti-burst. The way I feel these day's the effing ball would need to be made of stone lol. But in fairness to them, they are pretty resilient if they can take my weight, which they do, and at 5'8" I got the 65cm one when fully inflated and it fits just fine. I have noticed though (all 3 times I bounced on it lol) that when I sit on it my legs automatically drop open, and then with the bouncing my hip be's killing me for the rest of the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Im delighted with myself :-) got my wall painted a new light put up, did some washing, washed my hair and started packing the hospital bags:-)
    I am totally wrecked though and its only 2pm!! I didn't realise we'd need so much for the hospital bag I've only half the stuff needed put in and its almost full already!! Getting a load of pressure down "there"
    Laura i hope u feel better soon and Kinori fingers crossed for you.
    Does anyone have hospital apps this week ? :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    yeah the amount of stuff we need is crazy for a couple of days like :-) god you were busy so today pushki bet your glad it all done though :-)

    no hospital this week but have gp on Friday x

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Hey girls, having a nose in from the July thread (stuck to the couch today and my own thread's not moving fast enough to keep me entertained!) Kinori, my own little one is transverse the whole time too, I'm 38 weeks now and they have me scheduled for a section next week, but they reassured me that the baby has plenty of time yet to move, especially if this isn't your first it could still go the right way down for you up until delivery day. With me they are going to give a scan before the surgery to make sure he hasn't dropped properly just to be sure even, and up until 36 weeks they don't even worry about what position baby is in anyway. You will probably be offered a proceedure called an ECV about then or the following week, might be worth researching for yourself, I was caught on the hop yesterday not rightly knowing what they were asking me about, I declined it anyway but it might be something you'd consider at that stage, it basically involves the doctors trying to hand turn your baby by putting pressure from the outside.
    With regards the birthing balls, definitely anti burst ladies! that would be some land it one popped under you! I was with the physio in the maternity for a while over bad back and hips and we used one there, she had me doing hip circles (she seemed obsessed with doing the smallest circles with my hips that I could manage, apparantly I was a bit comical with my movements! - figure of 8 and general girating around the place) they say 65cm ball if youre under 5'5' / 5'6'or there abouts, and use the 75cm one if you're taller. the rule of thumb being when you sit up on it, with your feet flat on the ground and the knees bent to right angles, your knees should fall lower than your hips, otherwise you're going to actually be putting more strain on your poor hips! I was raging hearing this of course cos I'd been using one that was too small for me all along, the difference when I sized up though was well worth the few bucks :) Hope this helps!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Thanks nyquist i was just going to get any ol ball :-D. Betsie im delighted i got that much done, was at my gp there and she said that too much amniotic fluid could be a sign that the baby has digestive problems or a prob with her kidneys. :-( im just really worried now, i know there isn'tmuch i can do about it just wait and see what the consultant says nxt Tuesday

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Ye just wait and see pushkii, dont stress! Although easier said then done. Ya got good bit done today. It is crazy alright the amount of stuff for bags!
    We have a wedding thus weekend and that is it then, noting else on until junior arrives!
    Back with consultant next monday, dying to know what way baby is, although goin by movements n hiccups i think its breech again! Changing every week i have an app :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Try not to worry pushki, hopefully everything is just fine xxx

    Does anyone know are normal exercise balls ok (assuming they're anti burst?) OH's sister has one and was gonna borrow it. Back is killing me but I find the rocking on all fours is great, even if I do look a bit mad ha!

    Think I'm all set now with the hospital bag, does anyone know when you should get measured for a nursing bra? The midwife at the antenatal classes said get measured 2 weeks after baby is born because your milk will be in then, but surely you would need one before then?

    And kiniori I have my fingers crossed for you! Hopefully baby will turn, someone mentioned the spinning babies website - I've heard good things about it too, may be worth a look x

  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭tishandy

    Hey Girls, feels like baby is playing the drums . My mucus plug went earlier today, rang the maternity but they said dont worry unless I have a bleed or start getting contractions or no movement from baby then come into them.

    I googled it and some women were saying it can regenerate, so hopefully it will this baby needs to cook a few weeks longer.

    the heat has me bate, and too lazy to cook dinner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    oh tishandy fingers crossed that baby stays put for another while,

    im riddled with BH all day today and the heat is killing me yet everyone is on about how cold it is today and im fit to pass out :(

    pushki, try not to worry too much about baby, i know its difficult but just wait and see what the consultant says next week......

    EDIT another July baby here :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Tishandy hope you are ok x hope baby doesn't get too impatient ;-) i know what you mean about the heat betsie its just such heavy weather today. You don't seem to get any rest with the Bh and back pain :-( i don't know if its the stress or the weather or just being off work , but im feeling very pregnant today.back is killing me. Think ill go to bed soon! Must give a peek over to the July thread ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Oh ya, meant to say Pushkii, I was told twice by two different scan machine folk that I have a lot of fluid around baby too, was also ordered off for the gtt over it, but they haven't really expressed too much concern over it since, try not to worry yourself lady, google is not your friend! Mention next time you are in that you're worried so they can put your mind at ease though, peace of mind is worth its weight in gold coming toward the end like!
    October, ya any old exercise/yoga ball is grand as long as its anti-burst and is the right size for you! If in doubt go with the bigger size and just dont inflate it the whole way, nothing worse than a ball that's too small! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Its so good to hear someone else was told that. Im really not trying to worry and will stay away from Google its evil!! I hope all is well with your baby too nyquist x

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    I thought it was just a regular exercise ball. That's what I thought it was in the hospital last time, well I suppose I was in labour and not checking the ball out lol.

    NyquistFreak Thanks for that. I am dreading a section, I had 2 natural deliveries already, would hate a section. Its 6 weeks with no driving would kill me. I wouldn't be able to bring the boys to school and I would have the MIL on my case :eek: Thankfully the Doctor isn't too concerned.

    I cleaned out the jungle that was the spare room today. 5 Black sacks of old broken toys I threw out and there are still too many toys up there! I am wrecked after it, but I enjoyed it. Two wardrobes to clean out tomorrow bring it on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    god that was a big clean out kin, feels great to get it done though isnt it,

    pushki my back is def better since i giving up work :):) i knew work was bad for me haha :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Ha ha think ill have to follow in your footsteps betsie!! My gp was on to me to finish up work or at least cut down, im a bit of a workaholic u see but ill definitely be cutting down from now on . I just can see myself going into labour and not having anything ready for the baby. I haven't even looked at the baby stuff since i got them they're all heaped into the spare room!
    Wow Kinori that's a great days work, i think the nesting is kicking in;-)
    Does anyone else get a bit freaked when they are on their own now? I feel like i need company around me the whole time even if its just the cats!! Its great the July babies are on their way isn't it? :-)
