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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    The pain was very bad last night and this morning i left half way through the breastfeeding class and went into admissions. I burst out crying then when i was there for about an hour i don't know why?! They checked everything, did a trace on the baby and a scan. I was literally going to the toilet every 10 mins and in really bad pain, the midwife said i prob have a kidney infection but my urine and everything came back clear so after the Dr saw me he basically said everything was ok and to take paracetemol!! But to come in again if i get any pains. I feel a bit better after a lie down with a pillow between my legs but i still don't know what happened! Have an app on Tuesday, it can't come quick enough! Hope everyone's well x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    god gee g def say it about the pain at your appointment,

    pushki at least you got checked and everything was ok, try and rest a bit, and take it easy x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    yeah i Wil def say it to doc.
    I can not move today, serious pressure everywhere, cant bloody breathe, cant sit or lie or do anything!! Doubt ill be sticking this out til the end judging by how i'm feeling i'd say Babs could come early! Everyone all packed now??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Im more or less packed now, still a few small bits to go in but it anything happened i could grab and run,

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    yeah, i'm the same betsie. I think all essentials are in anyway!
    Jesus i'm sick of feeling like this, cant move off couch!:-(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Are you feeling better gee g? Im getting horrible pains again today all the left hand side of me is really painful all the babys limbs are at this side so i think that's what's wrong. Im lying down at the moment which is helping. I think ill definitely try and finish packing today as im so scared what could happen.
    How is everyone else feeling?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i just dont have the energy to move off this couch, my house is a tipp i should give it a clean but i just cant summon up the energy at all, have awful heartburn and a headache too,

    is anyone else starting to get a bit scared??? any time i think of the birth or even after baby is here i kinda get freaked out thinking that i cant do it :(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    no,, no better pushkii, i just feel awful and we've a wedding tomorrow!!:-(
    by the sounds of things we're all goin thru the wars today! Ye betsie i am the same, the last few weeks breaking out a bit. But i'm sure everyone is the same, its only natural! But the way i'm trying to think is, our bodies were designed to do this and if it was that bad women wouldn't go on to have more kids :-) Thats my attempt at positive thinking anyway!ha ha x

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Ya it seems were all finding it tough at the min. Betsie don't be hard on yourself its really difficult to find the energy to do anything. I know how you feel about having the baby and after but as Gee g said were designed to do this , actually thinking that thought has gotten me through the past 7-8 months!!!
    I don't envy you going to the wedding tomorrow gee g!! Make sure you rest whenever you can:-) im not able for anything these days. Have unofficially gone off work , its just too difficult now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    i have warned everyone not to contact me r come near me on sunday, have told oh we are having a duvet day, veggin n watching dvds for the day n i'm looking forward to that more than anything!!ha ha x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    gee g enjoy your wedding tomorrow but take it easy, took me a few days to get over the wedding last week,

    i think its the not knowing that gets me a bit i think, but i know ill be ok i just tend to have a little freak out sometimes x

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Ya i totally get u there, the fear of the unknown, its pretty damn scary alright but everything will be ok.
    The pains have eased off a good bit now after paracetemol, moving around and hot water bottle :-) just looking around my room now, so much has to be done to make it into babys room too. Have ye girls got a changing table?

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Getting very tired alot easier now, 36 weeks and feeling it! Often need a sleep in the afternoon if I can grab one. Baby has me worn out as well with moving and squirming, I'd say I'm black and blue inside.
    Not nervous, just excited to meet the baby now, impatient more than anything.
    I haven't a changing table, just the cot top changer that can be put on the rails of the cot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    glad your pains are gone pushki can't beat a got water bottle :-)

    no i don't have a changing table and tbh unless someone buys me one i won't be getting one, and as i say this Im looking around the house and have not got a clue where i would put one

    ssfg i hear you on the whole black and blue inside thing Im getting bet up as we speak

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Pushkii hope you are feeling better. Girls, ye will be great Mammies. Everyone has the same worries before their first baby. It will all come naturally to ye I promise. I still have little worries if I will be ok 3rd time round!

    I have no changing table. I had for the first but it took up too much room.

    Is everyone taking their iron. I am still taking the ferrograd c and sanatogen vitamins too. I am like the duracell bunny. I can't stop going. The cleaning and sorting out presses is not even funny. I was so tired before I started taking the iron properly a few weeks ago.

    34 Weeks tomorrow :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    This is getting tight goin isn't it girls!!!
    Pains everywhere and sooooo uncomfortable. Going to physio on Monday to see about the pain in my pelvis. Dunno if there's gonna be much they can do though, I'm not too hopeful! Having reflexology on Monday night. It's supposed to be great for sleeping and I've had loads of people raving about it so I'm gonna give it a go, even if I only get it 2 or 3 times between now and D Day!
    Had scan in hospital on Tuesday and one baby is 3lb13 and the other is 4lb6! I dread to think what they will be if they hang on in there for 5 more weeks!!! The bigger one is up in my ribs constantly and the smaller one ir wriggling away down into my pelvis. So uncomfortable to lie, sit, stand, walk, talk, eat, laugh, cry, pee!!!! :(
    Bags ready to go now and kinda feel like I'm on alert all the time because I really could go any time. Scary!
    We got a changing unit in Ikea. I hadn't planned on getting one as I like changing on my knee as early on as I can but hubbie suggested because we will have so many nappies and wipes and bits n pieces that it might be good for storage as well as a help to me because I'm having a section. Also we don't have a bath in the bathroom so it will hold the baby bath and we can use it for that too. It's a lovely white one, very plain but nice and was only 50something euro. It will be good storage for us now that I see it filled with stuff already! And my dad suggested that we could sleep each of the babies on each of the shelves if we got stuck for space :D
    Wrecked this evening but don't think I could sleep yet. Grrrr :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Gosh New Look, I cant imagine being pregnant with twins. My babs was around 4.8 pounds on Monday and that feels cramped lol. It could literally be any day now for you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    kinioiri i am still taking those iron tabs but had to stop taking them every day, they are crippling me with heartburn during the night no matter what time of day i take them so do it every 2nd day or so!
    I don't have a changing unit pushkii, have the top unit for the cot tho. New look Thats great weight for your babies. Are u very uncomfortable? I feel like it could happen at any time and i've stil 6 weeks left, i feel horrific!
    Am all groomed and ready for the wedding!although ain't got the interest that i usually would have when it comes to getting ready for these things :-) would quite happily wear my leggings and uggs ha ha x

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    Aw GeeG I don't envy you going to the wedding tomorrow. I'm sure you'll have a great day, it's just the effort at this stage isn't it :) This must be the first year in ages when we haven't had weddings. The past three summers we have had 6 and 7 weddings. I wouldn't be fir for one now.
    Kiniori I was put back on to one iron tablet a day three weeks ago by consultant just for a week to give me relief coz I was on two a day and couldn't go to the toilet at all. I took one a day for about ten days and I was fairly back to normal. Back on to two a day now and I have to say I'm not as bad as before but I was told because of the bleeding that could come with a section and twins that I have to take the two so I'm really trying. Not nice though and it's still Galfer I'm taking.
    Heartburn is horrific no matter what I eat or drink. I'd say I've gone through nearly three bottles of Gaviscon this week!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    You will enjoy the wedding when you get there Gee G. I know what you mean with the comfy clothes. I only feel comfy in my PJ's now.

    I am the same with the heartburn at night time, even when I wake in the morning. I never connected it with the Iron tabs! It must be the vitamin C in them, I think it's an acid. Feck sake, we can't win can we lol.

    Looking forward to OH being off for the weekend. very hard to entertain two active little men with this weather :/

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    so uncomfortable today, im awake since 4.30 and have aches and pains all over,

    new look babies are a fine weight already arent they, thats brilliant, i have no idea what weight my baby is yet i must find out at my next appointment in 2 weeks.

    Gee G i felt the very same about the wedding last week and i think if it hadnt of been my best friend id say i might not of went but i had a great day once i got there, i was wrecked after it and it was tue or wed i would say before i was fully right after it. so relax and enjoy your day and sit down and rest, dont be running around too much,

    kin im not taking iron at all my iron levels are better then they have ever been, 13.5, im just taking the pregnacare tablets every day with my dinner and thats it. id say its very hard now with 2 very active little boys and with the weather being as bad as it is you cant do anything with them at all.

    hope everyone has a good weekend, x x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Hope you feel better now betsie. I woke with the same pains as yesterday , all along my left side again and baby kicking like a maniac!!
    Gee g i hope you have a lovely day at the wedding and just think of a lovely day relaxing tomorrow :-)
    New look you sound like you are doing great! The babies are a great size :-) don't know how you are doing it!!
    At the scan last week my bab weighed 4lb 12 oz im delighted! Seems she has been packing on the weight since the last scan.
    Kinori hope there's a break in the weather for the boys, they must be climbing the walls!!
    Don't know what ill do for the day. Probably a good idea to get out of bed first!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    Aw Betsie and Pushki so uncomfortable too! Me ribs on the right are def broken at this stage :( Doesn't matter what way I move to there's a big backside digging into them!!! I was having a bit of cramps last night but nothing else so maybe they're thinking on moving out to the big bad world! Dying to see them now and they are a great size if they did decide to come a wee bit early now.
    GeeG hope you have a great day at the wedding. I remember going to a family wedding two weeks before I was due with my first, only decided to go the night before because my aunt persuaded me. I spent the whole night on the dancefloor to see if it would help things move along and my cousin came over at one stage to tell me to sit down coz he hadn't flown in from the states to deliever a baby at his sister's wedding! Very funny but everyone kept me going all day which was great!
    Hubbie working today so thinking of taking mini me to the cinema. She's dying to see the Katy Perry movie so think I'll pass the day at that. Also a very good excuse to eat loads of rubbish :)
    Had a read through the July thread last night, they're all flat out! Loads seem to have come early and there seems to be a good few inductions happening too. God it's hard to believe that it will be us soon girlies! God I'm getting excited now just thinking about it (and seriously impatient and let's not forget uncomortable and sore ;) )

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Uncomfortable is not the word new look!! Those cramps sound promising tho :-) silly question but do you have to get two off everything for the twins?
    Had a bit of a panic earlier on because i realised i didn't have enough baby grows so i hit pennys , got lovely neutral ones. And a few blue ones Im just so sick of pink!! also got a few bits in the chemist, feel less anxious now I've got almost everything although must stock up on nappies.
    Still haven't gone near my bedroom for getting it ready tho.oh well.
    Does everyone else have their room/ nursery ready? :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    still all uncomfortable but oh brought me out for lunch today to try and cheer me up a bit :)

    walls in the room is painted but still not finished and i dont know will it be finished before baby comes :)

    im panned out on the couch now thought i might sleep but no not yet :( SIL birthday drinks tonight so not looking forward to it, when her and her friends are all together they are so loud, normally with a few drinks myself i can handle them but not so sure about tonight,

    new look hope your ok x

    pushkii you were busy shopping today, im starting to realise that i dont have everything either, but i have the main things i think :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Girls, Tesco are having a baby event, nappies, J&J and wipes are on offer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Oh betsie those sort of people are grand in small doses but when you're 8 moths pregnant and sobs they can be really trying .at easy you have a good excuse if you want to leave early :-)
    warm weather and being pregnant are not a good combination, esp when there's no ice cream in the fridge

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i would highly recommend that you go and get some ice cream pushki, i can't handle the heat at all, have all the windows open in the house, might just go for a hour tonight oh doesn't even want to go so i might even manage to give it a miss altogether :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    You're right to give it a miss if u want to betsie. I can't stop eating!!!! Must be because im not working nights now or else its the baby. Can't wait to see what weight she measures on Tuesday :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    we didn't go thank god :-) instead i put clean sheets on the bed and just went bed, still can't sleep but Im in bed,

    wonder how gee g is getting on at the wedding?

    are you finished work pushki or are you just off for a few nights?
