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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    You're dead right betsie. And nothing like getting into a bed with fresh sheets.
    Well I've been telling work i can't come in the last few nights because of the pains. My gp told me to stop work last week. I could still do a night here and there if i feel able for it. The boredom is already starting to get to me but ill see how i am next week. Its such a change not working. Feels weird, but when i can't even drive the car i shouldn't be working. Hopefully ill feel more comfortable when the baby 'drops'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Wel i live to tell the tale anyway ha ha. Actually had a great day at the wedding, could not dance tho as my back was crippled after sitting so long for meal but good fun! I feel severely severely hungover today, horrendous! Must have been the coke i had earlier on in the day that tipped me over the edge!! All i can say is helllllooooo duvet day :-)
    How is all today?? Heat killing everyone? Ki nearly passed out in salon yest morn, heat is unreal!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    ah glad you had a good day yesterday Gee G, i was the same last week its all the sugar i think :) have a nice relaxing day now today :)

    pushki if the doc says to stop work you might be better off maybe?? i have to do some driving for my boss next week, the eldest of her kids that i mind is doing a summer camp but its a bit away from her house so she just asked me would i do it and tbh im broke so i said yeah :)

    heat is unreal even today im killed from it

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    ok so ladies, this mucous plug... Anyone lost there's yet??
    I'm a bit confused as to wither i have or not! Think i might!
    Obviously not panicking cos still might take week's if it did! Sorry horrible question to be asking!

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    I have become the ultimate lazy person today! Lay on the couch all day and literally haven't moved! Slept a good bit on the couch, actually better than I have been doing in bed recently! Although when I woke up my daughter and hubbie told me I had been snoring my head off! Nice!
    Gee G I have been wondering that too. Seem to be having a bit more in the last few days so things may be starting to move. Had terrible pains yesterday evening, started about 7 o'clock and were coming every ten minutes and were really bad all over my bump and back and bump was tightening and all. Even had to do the breathing to get through them! Said I would keep an eye for a few hours before rushing to the hospital but they stopped again around half 8. Madness! It's hard to know when you should run and when you should hold out for a bit before going to the hospital. Although as my mum said, because I'm having a section I shouldn't wait for too long in case they decide to come out!!!!! Aaaaaaggggghhhhhhh
    Pushki I'd be finishing work and just taking the time for yourself now. I was put off in April and thought I'd be bored off my tree but it's been ok and I know I would never have lasted. I had to go in for two days in May and it nearly killed me. I'm glad I've had the time to rest, coz I know I'll never to get to sit down again for about 4 years!!!! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    yeah its hard to know new look, i think i maybe lost plug earlier but hard to know. Back in hospital tomor so will chat to them then also about pains i have been getting down below!
    You are dead right, Thats what sundays are for! Ye i hear ya about not sleeping in bed. I used to look forward Ta going to bed, now i hate it. Its always so interrupted and it just stresses me out trying to sleep and get comfy!! When are u back with doc new look?

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    I'm in with physio tomorrow to see what the story is with my poor wee pelvis! Then in with doc on Wednesday. I feel like every time I go in I have some pain to complain about and I feel like a big complainer but he's so nice and keeps saying that with twins everything is exagerated! I wonder if he's referring to me being exagerated though :)
    Getting reflexology tomorrow evening so I'm hoping that will help with the sleep. The bed has about 20 pillows and cushions in it at this stage to try to help me but I find I'm firing them out in the middle of the night and hubbie is lying on what ever is left by the morning!!! I keep thinking I'll be grand after the babies come coz at least I'll be able to move about in bed again but I keep forgetting about the section and that I'll still not be fit to move!!!
    GeeG how long have you left officially? I'm 33 full weeks on Wednesday and section at 37 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    you'll be surprised how quick you'll be back to sleeping normally new look, i had surgery on my stomach last year(same incision as section), the pillow to stick under ur side when ur lying on it will do wonders for you! :-)
    I'm 34wk's today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Not long at all for ye gee g and new look! Ya i thought i felt better the first half of the day but im flattened now! I got a ball and i find it does help, when i go on it. Don't think i will be able to go back to work now tho ive been off a week now and it just gets harder every day.
    Getting a bit unsettled at home thinking about things :-( just so annoyed at the ex, the way he can just up and leave and get on with his life. And still want a part in his child's life , it just isn't fair :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Gee G not really sure about the plug, dont really know what to expect with it really, but i am on the look out alright

    today i have been getting period stile cramps on and off all day, i got ball today today too def sit up straighter on it, do feel better on it alright,

    my hands and wrists are very sore and stiff too, i cant make a full fist at all, and they are a bit swoolen too

    pushki have you heard anything from your ex lately? try not to worry too much x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    I have a cuppa, a big bar of Cadbury Bubbles waiting for From Here to Maternity! OH out tonight. Seems like I am here on my own a lot lately! Well I'm not really, its just a little bit of support wouldn't go astray :/ Moan over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    oh forgot about from here to maternity thanks :):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    What did ye think of From Here to Maternity. It was so emotional. That will be us in a few weeks time :) That couple who lost 5 babies were so brave. Please God it will all work out for them.

    Looks like they are looking at someone with a baby in a strange position. I am gone demented reading about the Transverse Lie. I am freaking myself out. Thinking about acupuncture seriously because babs is still lying sideways :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Yikes i can not watch that ! Im bad enough :-D
    ya betsie i collected my stuff from his place last week, he hasn't changed one bit and he's not going to, he is just too wrapped up in his own life to care. In a way im glad that i took the time away from him and only met him last week because now i really can see what he is made of. Its just hitting me now though that i will be on my own completely with the baby and it is a scary thought, but its better im prepared now
    Has everyone decided on formula? Im hoping to bf but got a box of aptimel today just in case. Went into tesco as nappies were on offer but there was so many different sizes and brands i ended up buying none. I already have 4/5 small packs of newborn pampers. Surely that will do me the first week or two or should i stock up on bigger ones too?
    Ok now im freaked out by mucous plugs!! If we lose it it doesn't mean baby is coming does it?!
    Hopennys everyone is well x
    fingers crossed Kinori baby will move. How many weeks are you now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i though it was so emotional, i really hope everything works out well for that couple after all the miscarriages they have had,

    pushki Im glad that you feel good about the decision to take time for yourself, clearly the best thing youcould of done for both yourself and your baby,

    kin stop reading about transverse cause baby won't move, have you a ball, do some bouncing on it :-) try not to worry too much still a bit to go yet still a chance it will move again

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    Mornin ladies!!! Been awake for an hour so decided to get up and am now engrossed in teleshopping :) Imagine in a few weeks time I'll be sitting here feeding two babas :S
    Watched From Here To Maternity and thought the poor hubbie who was trying to figure out the vests and babygros was so funny and she was like "I'll get out of the bed meself and find them"!!! Ha ha I thought, that's me!!!
    Pushki you will be absolutley fine and you have done the right thing for you and your wee baby x
    Kiniori hope your wee one decides to make a move but you still have time yet. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts :)
    I'd love to go out for a walk just to get some fresh air but would probably collapse 40 seconds down the road. Can't wait to get out and about when they come. I know I won't be up to much for a few weeks and then the weather will be getting colder but just to be able to go for a walk again will be great :)
    I think the mucous plug can take a bit of time to come away and doesn't mean that labour is gonna start straight away. It's the browny or bloody show that means labour is coming. You'll def know when you loose that and then some people don't loose it at all. When I thought my waters were leaking last week I said to my mum that I didn't think waters would go until the show would and she said she didn't have a show with any of hers, eeek! I had it with my first so I'm gonna go with keeping an eye out for it over the next 4 weeks. Oh my God, 4 weeks on Thursday!!!!!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    morning new look! You are definitely getting into the swing of things with your early start this morn :-)
    i am raging i missed from here to maternity last night, will try get it on rte playerbecause i'm absolutely addicted to programmes like that and one born every minute :-)
    imagine, four weeks new look, you are going to have so much fun with twins!
    Wel, i'm off to consultant this morn, hoping baby is making its way to the exit at this stage! :-)
    hope everyone has a good day!x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    yeah i thought that was funny too new look :) i asked my oh would he know what to get out of the bag and he said yeah then 2 mins later asked me which one was the vest haha :)

    id love to go for a walk too, just for some fresh air

    i had a dream last night that my waters went today and now im paroniod, that it will happen now, i didnt even want oh to go to work today, but he went anyway, i know its silly, but still

    Gee G best of luck today fingers crossed all is ok :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Hey looks like were all up early today :-) i know hat you mean new look about just wanting to go for a long walk although its prob best none of us goes too far;-) it will be so nice to take bab for a long walk just the two of us ( and prob a few dogs and cats!!) yes the cats think they're dogs too :-D and i think autumn is the nicest season we'll just have to wrap up ourselves and babies well!!
    Best of luck gee g for your app today, lets hope bab has moved fingers and toes crossed x

  • Registered Users Posts: 69 ✭✭Belfastmedic

    Morning ladies, hope ye are well. Not long to go now :eek:

    I finished up work myself and damn i will miss my job :(

    I'm in a similar position pushki, the guy i was seeing was getting on with his own life and family and bits on the side all year, now he thinks he can just come back into my life, make demands and we have to be nice to each other. Me ass lol :mad:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i love autumn too, love going for walks in the evenings ,

    my dog is not impressed with the ball, she keeps having arguments with it

    bags are fully ready, all that needs to go in is the camera and phone charger

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Ha belfast medic they have some nerve alright! This fella thinks he will be at the birth or soon afterwards, ya right after what he did to me?! They have no idea do they¿ i know how you feel about missing your job, i think it was the only thing keeping me sane! Well ill have a full time job when baby arrives :-D
    That's so funny betsie about the ball and your dog. He mustnt know what it is!! Make sure he doesn't nip it :-) you must feel relieved having your bags packed now ready for road!! Don't forget lipbalm and sweets for gas and air. A midwife told me that your mouth gets Soo dry from it and they're really mean wit the sweets inside :-)
    I have half packed and have 3 bags already one for labour ward one for baby and one for me!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    never thought of sweets pushki, will have water with us alright but never though of sweets good woman :-) i have lip balm in alright,

    dog won't bit it she is just pushing it around with her nose and when it rolls back to her she gets freaked out haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Hi Girls, trying to catch up with the posts, was down with a head and chest cold past week and a half so spent most of time lying on couch feeling sorry for myself, oh god pains and aches and all seem to be starting for all of us and what is with the pains in the hands, mainly fingers, they are crippling me! 36 weeks this thurs!!! OMG. i'll be a while catching up with yer posts, seems so much has happened. At least got my bags packed while i was off work, can just about close the maternity ward bag!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    Aw girls so nice to come on here and hear everybody is going through the same! It's so nice we can all understand what eachother is going through :)
    Gee G hope your appointment goes well and that babs is being cooperative :)
    Betsie when I was in the hospital last Monday night I had a dream that the anaesthetist came and said I was gonna have the section on Tuesday when I woke up coz he might as well do it when I was there and I had everything ready at home!!! I woke up on Tuesday morning wondering was I really heading for theatre!!!
    Pushki that's great about the sweets. I know I won't need them this time but I wish I had known about them with my first, mouth very dry alright with the gas. I was horsing the gas into me, a wee sucky sweet would have been nice :)
    Betsie that sounds so funny about your dog and thanks for reminding me, I need to charge my camera :)
    Rose hope you're feeling better x
    Went back to bed at 7 and slept til half 10! I feel a lot better now although these two babies are not in a comfortable position at all today. They just feel massive and that there's no room for anything else in there. They're digging into every available space I have. Nearly there, nearly there!!!!!!
    Almost forgot, my hands are killing me too!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    whats the story with the sore fingers and wrists, i feel like my mother complaining about the aches and pains :)

    Rose hope you are feeling better now, im the same with my ward bag, im convinced that the zip will pop one of these days :)

    at least you got back to sleep for a while new look, do you some good anyway :)

    i went into town this morning just to get some spuds for the dinner(ended up getting more then spud but that nothing new) and im wrecked after it, im just not able for anything, will be on the couch now for the next while i would say

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    Dunno what's the cause of the sore hands and wrists. I'm puttin mine down to swelling and lack of proper use! Dunno how I'll cope when I've to go back to work and the real world :)
    Went to physio and I have a disorder of the pelvic girdle (if you don't mind!!!). I've to wear a very attractive belt to give a bit of support when I'm moving around and rest the rest of the time! She also suggested physio after the babies are born to make sure everything recovers ok which I would be quite happy to do :)
    Ah sure it's another day done and another day closer to the end :)
    Getting a bit excited about this reflexology tonight, hoping it will relax me/knock me out! Will let ye know how it goes ladies. Has anyone else tried it yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i have heard those belts are very attractive new look :-)

    enjoy your reflexology tonight, id love to try it never thought about it much though, let us know how it goes,

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Welcome back rose none of us had any baby yet anyway :-D
    New look that sounds painful about your pelvis, do u find the belt helps and you definitely should go to physio after babies too. I did a course on reflexology a few years ago and i thought it was great, wouldn't have a clue now though not as it would make a difference i can barely put on my shoes!!
    I know betsie shopping is becoming fairly stressful now i went to get a bit of food today and now my back is in bits again!
    At least the weather isn't so heavy today. I don't have that pain in my hand sounds nasty tho :-(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    aw girls, worst day ever! Went in for my app this morn at 10 and i'm only after getting home now! High bp, so had to have bloods done and i wasn't allowed home until they came back clear so i had to sit in maternity all day. Eventually got results back, all is fine with bp but they also found a trace of something in urine, possibly a kidney infection! I'm just raging about bp. But on a lighter note, Bab's is doing well, head down from what i could make out but to be honest was so hyped up i couldnt take anything in! So, literally just in door,, absolutely shattered! Goin to take it handy next few days.
    How is everyone now?? (after my big rant) x
