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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Thank god its not as warm today im still roasting though :)

    getting lots of dull period pains the last 2 hours on and off :(

    id say your wrecked Gee G are you? at least your bp went down, they wouldnt keep you in unless it wasnt necessary, do you have to go on an antibiotic or anything for the kidney infection? take it easy now and relax,

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    no, they said if it does come back to be kidney infection because i am not experiencing and symptoms they prob wont treat it as such. Jus drink cranberry juice, more water.
    Do you think the pains are anything?? Any consistency to them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Ah god gee g that was a long day :-( at least they let you go home and your bp is down and bab seems to be head down :-)
    Do you think that anything is happening betsie? Are the cramps very bad?
    Im so tired ive headded for the bed, hospital app tomorrow eeekk!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i dont know tbh, the pain was more of less constant for a while there but gone now, im sitting down with a cuppa, i will keep an eye though, might get on the ball for a while maybe,

    relax for the evening ladies :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    how many weeks have u left betsie, 4 is it?
    Yep, i am taking it easy, stretched out on couch being waited on hand and foot :-)
    yeah, thank god its not as heavy outside today, might just make our last few weeks easier if it stays cool :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    Aw Gee G I'd be raging too! At least everything came back ok though.
    Betsie hopefully the period pains will lead to something for you. I'm finding the dull cramping is coming and then going again. But hopefully it's all heading in the right direction!
    So I had my reflexology and it was heaven! I nearly dosed off a couple of times during it but I will def get it done again next week! Gonna head to bed now and see of it helps with the sleeping tonight.
    Pushki dunno if the belt has done much so far, I'll prob know better tomorrow when I'm moving around during the day. Still pain down there and taking panadol but even if I got a wee bit of relief I'd be happy :)
    Hope everyone sleeps tonight x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    i'd say you will sleep like a log after reflex new look, i know i do after massages and relaxing treatments not that i get many of them done lately. People feel the need not to buy u vouchers or bring u for treatments when ur a therapist, its awful!!
    I am going to start my yoga dvd tomorrow, see will it relax me a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Agh i woke up because of pains down my back pelvis and legs. Feel awful :-( also baby decided to do a little jig, i just know she's gonna be a night owl.
    Im just wondering if my mattress is the problem it is very soft ?
    New look its great the reflexology helped you could do with some of that now. I think its amazing the way we are all going through more or less the same thing.
    Think i might get on my ball take panadol and get a hot water bottle.
    Hope everyone else is sleeping sound :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    well pushki Im awake here with you, pains went about ten last night so i decided while getting a bit of relief i would go to bed, woke up having to pee and now can't sleep coz baby is wide awake :-( looks like all be up with you doing those night feeds :-)

    new look delighted you enjoyed your reflexology, hope your sleeping well after it x

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Perfect opportunity for a night time snack ;-) im craving cheese now so toasted and tea it is . Hope you can get back to sleep x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    oh ill be awake for a while, Im wide awake, might get up myself and have a cuppa, might bring my pillow and blanket down and watch a dvd maybe

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Morning, had a bad nights sleep too, twisting and turning, i have this feeling things are changing, like iv moved onto another phase and it might not be too long at all, like the babs could be here before august, maybe I'll just eat my words after saying that, but you know when things are different like baby is getting ready to make an appearance, still have two weeks left at work, so exhausted by the time 5 comes around every eve and then can't sleep at night!!! oh the joys!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    I have the very same feeling Rose, if i do go before august that will me my oh will be right yet again :) he was right about it being a girl, could he be right about her coming in july too ???

    awful nights sleep too i woke at 2.30 back asleep around 5.30 and woke again at 8,

    have to go to a meeting in the hotel we are getting married in today at 3.30 hotel is an hour and a half away not looking forward to the drive, although i am looking forward to my mammys dinner after it haha :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Oh and meant to say, my little man is great during the night, a live wire during the day but seems to sleep when i sleep, is that a good sign for whats to come, hopefully he will be a good night sleeper, enjoy the dinner betsie, nothing like mammys dinner!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭tishandy

    Morning girls, My feet are swelling sooo bad last few weeks. I have a wedding on Sat and cant wear the lovely heels that match my dress cos I know I will have swelled fat spilling out over the shoes after an hour.
    Think I'll take a trip to pennys and get a gold flat sandal.

    I weighed myself and have put on half a stone in a week! my whole preg I only put on 1 stone and stayed that way for ages. Prob half a stone of fluid. Nothing is helping the swelling, I sleep on my left side and still wake up with puffy feet :confused:

    Does anyone else feel the last few weeks are taking ages. Im so over being preg now and just want to see my baby, but of course I dont want to go too early either.
    For all those who feel they will go early, I felt the EXACT same with my first baby. I was 100% positive I would go 4 wks early, I was huge could barely walk and felt fit to burst, I was like "there is no way i can carry this baby to full term" I ended up going overdue! Its frustrating when people who are due after you are going before you.
    New look I dont know how you are carrying two, Its hard enough having one rolling around inside, do u notice them moving separetly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    dont even think of wearing heals to the wedding def take a trip to pennys without a doubt,

    i find since i hit 30 weeks that time has more or less stopped :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    tishandy wrote: »
    Morning girls, My feet are swelling sooo bad last few weeks. I have a wedding on Sat and cant wear the lovely heels that match my dress cos I know I will have swelled fat spilling out over the shoes after an hour.
    Think I'll take a trip to pennys and get a gold flat sandal.

    I weighed myself and have put on half a stone in a week! my whole preg I only put on 1 stone and stayed that way for ages. Prob half a stone of fluid. Nothing is helping the swelling, I sleep on my left side and still wake up with puffy feet :confused:

    Does anyone else feel the last few weeks are taking ages. Im so over being preg now and just want to see my baby, but of course I dont want to go too early either.
    For all those who feel they will go early, I felt the EXACT same with my first baby. I was 100% positive I would go 4 wks early, I was huge could barely walk and felt fit to burst, I was like "there is no way i can carry this baby to full term" I ended up going overdue! Its frustrating when people who are due after you are going before you.
    New look I dont know how you are carrying two, Its hard enough having one rolling around inside, do u notice them moving separetly?

    Oh no really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    morning ladies, betsie what way are u feeling this morn?? Pains gone altogether since last night??
    Wel after my day yest i went into a semi coma in bed last night, i passed out as soon as i lay down i was that wrecked. not doin anything major today, have to catch up on washing but apart from that n yoga i'm taking it easy.
    Anyone up to anything exciting?
    Tishandy i hear ya, i have had enough now too. I'm done! I just want my baby now, :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    That's interesting rose the way you feel things are changing, i think one knows their body the best and you and betsie might go before august, ye are due early august after all :-)
    terrible sleep altogether between pains baby moving and nightmares :-( i had a dream my car was in a river and there was a little boy drowning but i couldn't saw him because i had to fix my own baby into the car seat ?!
    Tishandy did you mention the weight gain and swelling to your Dr? When my feet swelled i slept with them up on two pillows and the swelling was gone the next morning.
    Rose i don't know how you keep going with work fair play to you.
    Betsie make sure ye stop for a stretch on the journey an hr and a half is a long time to be in a car, and enjoy the dinner :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    Tishandy totally with you on the swelling and the being over pregnancy! My feet, ankles and legs are massive today and it's not really making a difference how long I have them up for! As for having two in me, yea they are busy bees although I do notice in the last week coz they have less room they are not jumping around as much. But it's funny sometimes coz I will be sitting and look down at my bump and I will see two bigs lumps! One about half way down the left side, the other on the right side right up at my ribs. It's a bit mad looking!!! I've gotten huge over the past weeks too! Oh my god up until last week everyone was telling me how neat I was for twins, this week everyone is like "Yea you're pretty big now!!!" The shape of me!!! :D
    Pushki, the two of everything is a bit funny. The buggy is double with two car seats and two bases for the car and we've bought double amount of vest and babygros and blankets and towels, 2 bouncers, 2 highchairs when the time comes, and about a million nappies and bottles, but there's other stuff we've bought one of. One cot for as long as we can anyway, one bath, one changer, one steriliser, that kind of stuff by 1. I'm dying to see now how it's all gonna work, coz I know how one baby works but dunno how two will work. Also dying to see is it one of each or two girls/boys coz that will make a difference too probably. Oh my God as I'm typing this I'm feeling the reality hit me!!!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    i find since i hit 30 weeks that time has more or less stopped :(

    Could not agree more!

    I've been having period like cramping the last few days too, along with some lovely nausea :( Went to my GP yesterday and asked her about the cramps, she said its most likely due to the baby's head engaging and things getting ready. Hopefully things aren't too far off now, nearly 37 weeks.

    Have to say I'm absolutely shattered. I got up at 10.30 this morning and was ready for bed again by 12.30! Don't know how I'll manage with the sleep deprivation once baby is here cos I'm averaging about 10-12 hours sleep at the moment haha. Had a dream last night I had a little girl, was 100% convinced I'm having a boy but now I'm not so sure!

    Ah new look I'm so excited for you, fair play to you as well I don't know how you're managing so well carrying two!

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    I agree, think you are fantastic carrying twins new look and you dont complain that much, you must be wrecked!!!!
    I think I feel a bum moving back and forth on top part of bump all day, its round and soft, has to be a bum me thinks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Wow new look that's a lot of twos:-) ye are fantastic the way ye are waiting to find out the sexes!! And its gas that you can make out two bumps!! How are ye going to sleep them in the cot side by side? How cute!!
    Wow October you are nearly there now :-D:-D you have a reason to be so tired!
    Got on well at my hospital app today, hope it will be my last one though so sick of that place now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    what a day Im fecking exhausted, pains still coming and going on and off all day, say the bridal suit in the hotel today WOW is all i can say, can't wait now,

    ankles are all swollen now from all the going today,

    how's everyone is keeping well this evening x

    glad you got on well pushki is baby right way around?

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Delighted you love the bridal suite betsie! You'll have your own little flower girl at the wedding :-D
    yep baby is head down all the limbs are to my right side that's why i was getting those pains, feel a lot better now tho. Im so excited to meet the little one although im more than happy for to stay put for a few weeks anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    so you're good to go pushkii! :-)
    Was just looking at the july thread there, they're flying over there!!
    Some of us may get the ball rolling here soon ha ha.
    I'm back to getting all the hot flushes... My god, its mortifying! I'd be sitting talking to someone n all of udder... Boom!i'm nearly purple ha ha!
    Betsie its so exciting for u to have the wedding to look forward to after baby arrives! I would like to get married but its just not financially possible for a few years i'd say!
    Geordie shore on now... I am so addicted, i love it! Its a disgrace but they are hilarious, anyone watch it??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    gee g we were the same saving about 5years for the wedding, still saving mad but some for the baby too, don't know how Im going to organise everything but be ok :-)

    pushki delighted everything is right way and that you have a reason for the pain too x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    all the august mummies are very quiet today :-)
    How is everybody today??
    I spelt the day out shopping with my mam, and i am now officially pooped!
    Am lying back watching tele, waiting for oh to come home for dinner. The days are just flying in but seem to be getting nothing done at same time!! Hope all are well Xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭laura.

    Hey girls, been another wee while...After my last post, as soon as I finished typing it my gallbladder pain came back with a VENGEANCE. Couldn't even get in the car to get to hospital, I was out in my back yard roaring with pain, and my poor wee daughter in bed. She had to get up and go to my mam's and she was bawling crying watching me. Girls I have never experienced pain like that in my entire life. Had to get an ambulance to hospital which had to stop halfway up the road cuz my bp dropped to 53/63. Thought I was going to collapse/throw up. Got to the hospital and pain didn't go this time. Got my anomolys (I think that's what they are called) and they came back as 40 (normal range for them is 75 a doctor told me) and 9 hours later when they took them again they had gone from 40 to a staggering 895, the midwife informed me on monday that they almost all had heart-attacks in their station when they seen it! Was told to fast from the Wednesday night, and was only allowed to eat again at 2pm on FRIDAY, holy ****, I was STARVING. Waited for the surgical team to come round to see me, and they came at 12am on Friday night/Saturday morn. He wasn't the best idea. He told me I had to have an MRI, as they were worried that one of my gallstones had moved from my gallbladder to my liver/pancreas. He told me how dangerous it was, and if the stone had gone to my liver my blood wouldn't clot and I could basically bleed to death. Needless to say I didn't sleep much that night, I have never been so frightened in my entire life. I had to get the steroid shots for the baby's lungs because they were talking about delivering the baby on Friday. Had a real emotional time in the hospital, was crying all the time, and hated being apart from my husband and daughter. Was so tough. But, I got out on Monday evening, without an MRI, as it seems they are a bit unsure as to weather it is safe to get one whilst pregnant (husbands aunt was a midwife for 36 years and she had never heard of a pregnant woman getting one, so I'm glad I didn't get one, just to be on the safe side.) I have now decided that I want to have my C-Section so have to change my birthplan when I am at my scan next Wednesday, doctor told me that I will be having my gallbladder removed 8 weeks after baby get's here, and I have to live on a, not a low-fat, but NO fat diet till I get it out. Still recovering a little bit, and feeling slightly sorry for myself, but I am delighted my little girl is a tough cookie, she hasn't stopped moving since I went into the hospital, just as if to say don't worry mammy, we will be ok :)

    That's all the news I have :D

    Hope ye are all well ladies xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    jesus laura, you poor poor thing. Such an ordeal!
    So do u have a date yet for section?? Wel thank god you're home and well. Hope you're taking it easy and looking after yourself Xx
