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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    oh my god Laura, you have really been through the mill god love you, i hope your taking it easy now for the next few weeks and we get baby here safe and sound

    gee g hope you enjoyed your day today even if your wrecked, sit down for the evening now and relax

    oh came infection from work today asking me did i feel like going for a spin on Saturday i asked to where, and he says newry, we live in tipp, he has to get a part for his brothers car, if i wasn't due in the next couple of weeks id be there but i really could not even think about it,

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    jesus that'd be an awful long way from home for u betsie, you're right! You'd be more comfotable at home! I was meant to be goin to dublin for a night this weekend to a dinner party, but i had cancelled it as wasnt fully comfortable with being away from home and with bp and stuff.
    I for once have decided that i am going to suit myself for next couple of months! Everyone else does it so i'm just out to please me for next while :-) selfish i know ha ha x

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Oh you poor thing Laura, the pain must have been excruciating, thank god you feel a bit better. It must have been some shock you must have been really worried about the baby. And my god your bp went really low :O
    At least you know what is wrong now. It must be a real downer that you will have to get the section and another op 8 weeks later. You'll really have to take care of yourself now. Great that baby is bouncing around inside of you :-)
    You're best off not to go on such a long journey betsie , just put your feet up and enjoy some time to yourself :-) and Geeg you're dead right too we can all afford to be selfish for the next few weeks!
    Hope everyone is well xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    oh there is no way am i going as much as i would love to, after he suggested it i may have had a bit of a hissy fit and may have done a bit of shouting, could his brother not drive up himself to get it and the answer was no coz he wouldn't be able to go for pints Friday night, i got so angry :-(
    anyway rant over x x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    now come on betsie, be fair. God forbid he would miss his pints friday night!! Ha ha :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Men eh? I really don't think they would be able for pregnancy and childbirth. Man flu is bad enough but imagine man pregnancy!! Plus how would they cope without their beers for a whole 9 moths!?!
    I wouldn't blame you for shouting the head off him, blaming the hormones can be quite useful at times ! :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    oh god could you imagine man pregnancy oh no thanks no way could i go through that haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭laura.

    Thank you ladies xx. Feeling way better now, even went for a walk this evening :) Husband and daughter is waiting on me hand and foot, they are so good. Resting as much as I can get with this little one hopping mad haha. I would LOVE a big bar of chocolate and cuppa tae, jesus even writing that my mouth is watering. I wouldn't be doing that trip betsie, be kinda ok if ye were staying overnight or something but to go up and down in one day you would be wrecked. HA imagine a man being pregnant...the thought of it, our ears would be bleeding by the time they had the baby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Laura you poor thing, thinking of ya xxx

    Haha did anyone else see the male midwife on from here to maternity when he said if it were the men who had to have the babies then the worlds population would be very small, so true!

    I swear I've never been so uncomfortable in my life, pain in back and hips and loads of pressure down low. I'm ready to go asap! Treated myself and made some raspberry scones earlier after picking raspberries in my nana's garden... the raspberry picking probably didn't do my back and hips any favours but it was worth it! Hope everyone is well, will be strange not coming on here and catching up everyday once babies are here!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    yeah and he was telling the truth too october :)

    i agree with you too, im just ready to have this baby now, them scones sound yummy, and fresh picked too,

    i am going to miss coming on every day to see how everyone is keeping x x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Oh god poor you laura, look after yourself and your little babs, hopefully all will go well from here on in, I will keep my fingers crossed for you.xx

    Have very swollen ankles past few days, can't wait to finish work now, its this sitting down office job, it aint good for me ankles!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    when are you finished work rose ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    my last day is wednesday the 25th, two weeks before due date, I will try and stick it out until then Betsie but its tough going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    yeah it is tough alright but just remember to take it easy :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Hi everyone,

    I have managed to tear myself away from the constant nesting for 10 minutes. I am seriously like something possessed lol I have every press and drawer in the house tidied out at this stage.

    My God Laura, hope you are feeling better. I promise I will not complain again, you are going through do much.

    Have to agree 100% about the men and pregnancy. There is a good reason they are wired up the way they are :) I would love if there was some way they could feel what it was like even for an hour or so! No let them feel what it is like trying to sleep too. My little one is still transverse so I am conscious at night that I will lie on it's little head :eek: God I hate calling the baby it, I am so ready to find out what the baby is :D

    This weather is gone beyond a joke. I hope it picks up for the boys sake. Just fine weather not heat!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Wow Kinori im so excited to find out whether your bab is boy or girl:-)
    You poor thing rose with your ankles and feet is there a step you could put them on at work or something?
    Im so bold, i went to work last night and prob will go tonight too but i feel ok to do it because i think baby has dropped or moved position so im not feeling the pains i was last week :-)
    I agree with you betsie im really going to miss logging on here in Aug and everyone will have had their babies, it seems like a graduation from school or something :-) but im sure we'll be making an appearance in the newborn group.
    Uh oh getting emotional now :-P but i really am grateful for the little group we had goin, ye're support really helped me through tough times xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i keep saying that to oh kin that they should be able to feel what its like even for a day x

    pushki if you feel up to work then i don't see why not go once you feel up to it x and we will always be hanging around here somewhere :-) x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    we will start a thread in the newborn forum! :-)
    kinioiri ya could come to my house and nest here if ya like ha ha. I get up every day with great intentions but after doing a bit i'm too tired to do anything else!!
    Tis a nice day here today, no rain so its good. Getting few little bits sorted, bought new chest of drawers for babies room yesterday so am now busy filling it :-) i also now have a little pink baby gro and a blue one so i'm organised for whichever way it goes :-) everything else is neutral!
    How's everyone? Any hospital appointments today or tomor?

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    I have a foot stool pushki but its just not high enough so have turned the bin upside down and have them propped up on that but nothing is helping, they look awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaagggghh, im going shopping after work, going to buy myself something nice clothes wise, something that will do after I give birth too, with plenty of room, dont really want to be buying maternity clothes at this stage, anyway I am growing out of my maternity clothes, iv definetly gone up about two if not three sizes. didnt know it was possible to even grow out of maternity clothes, eeekkk, I agree with betsie if you are up to getting out and working then do pushki, Im on my last legs here though literally, they are so puffy, i look like the Michelin man(tyre guy)!!!

    Have hospital appt monday morning, will get scan to see if placenta has moved up, if not will have to have a section, i wonder will they let me know the date then on monday, probably not I suppose but imagine if I had an actual definite date, scary and exciting all rolled into one!!!! 36 weeks today!!!!!!!!! yippee!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    rose wouldn't it be great to have a definite date, how do u feel about possibility of section?? Ur poor feet and ankles, it only happens me the odd evening but not too bad. I'd say it will hit eventually. Ur also right going to buy yourself something. Maybe next week i am going to treat myself to a dishwasher ha ha. How sad is that?? :-):-)
    Baby hasn't stopped wriggling all day, it seems to drain me when i have a day like this, anyone else find this??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Ya i may as well work when i feel up to it because come the end of July / start of august i won't be able to wag as my mother says!!
    Rose that would be sureal if they gave you a date for the section! You don't mind having one do you?
    Its so exciting getting all the little clothes for bab organised gee g. I have my chest of drawers all set up and i can't wait to start filling them!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Yeah gee g I find the wriggling exhausting too, the little feet dancing on my ribs! Although its a nice feeling too :)
    Rose that would be so nice if you had a definite date, its the not knowing that is driving me insane!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    it is a lovely feeling october but this little one is in a very awkward and sore spot right under my ribs n awful pain! Wel i just made a bit of mad burst there n got another few bits marked off my list of things to do! Now i'm pooped again ha ha. Pushkii fair play to ya going working nights, Thats when i'm most tired is in the eve/night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    Hey ladies! Home from hospital stay AGAIN!!! Ended up in at 12 on Tuesday night with mad shaking and nausea and pains! They did a trace and said contractions were showing up and that if I was dilated at all I'd be away for the section!!! OH MY GOD!!! They did internal and all ok. Hubbie nearly killed himself driving home from work to get to the hospital! Got a sleeping tablet but didn't sleep. Noticed on my chart they had put me down for pethedine and difene postnatal! Nearly s**t myself coz I was like oh my god are they not telling me something here!!! Put on a drip for fluids. Told on Wed morning I probably had a viral thing. Had a miserable day of pain every time I moved coz of this pelvis thing! Hubbie was ready to string consultant up coz I was so miserable. He went looking for him and I thought he was gonna beg him to deliver the babies. He was so nice when he came up to the ward though and said he would really try to leave me for the 4 weeks but if I get really bad He would look at things again. Last night was getting appetite back and feeling not too bad and then got a serious stabbing pain for ten mins, called a nurse who put me back on the monitor to watch for contractions and another doc came in and said if they kept going she would be taking me to theatre to deliver me!!! Again OH MY GOD!!!!!! Thankfully they settled and I had the best sleep! Didn't wake til 7 and felt great. Doc was happy to let me home on the condition that I really do nothing for the next 4 weeks and walk as little as possible. Holy moly what mentalness!!!
    Laura I totally know what you're going through with the running in and out of hospital! It's just awful :(
    So spent the evening on the couch wearing the very attractive socks for blood clots :)
    I can't even get at me nesting now!!!! I've to watch everyone else nest for me :D
    Aw yea male midwife was so right on From Here To Maternity! The population would be tiny if men had the babies! No way could they handle all this s**t!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Jesus're also having hard time of it!! How are u feeling now you are home??
    I know it'll be hard doing nothing for next few wks but feck it, be worth it!:D
    And enjoy watching everyone else nesting for you...doesn't happen too often!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Oh wow new look, dramatic stuff! Hope you're a bit more comfortable now x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    new look you poor thing sounds awful, make sure you do take it easy now and relax, lets keep those babies where they are for another while x

    hope everyone is well this evening, really hope i sleep tonight x

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    God new look you really were through the mill this week, i was just thinking that you hadn't been on here in a while and maybe the babies had arrived! That virus sounds really nasty and along with the pelvic pain AND worring that the babies might come early,, you poor thing. I really hope you feel better now and feet up for the next few weeks :-)
    gee g I know the pain you are feeling it is horrible! Baby up under the ribs ouch ! I thou bab had moved out from under mine but she is back again :-( so uncomfortable .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    moring ladies, hope all is well this morning, i slept well enough last night, only woke twice to pee and went straight back to sleep after which was very strange :) i wont complain though.

    i had a dream last night that at my check up in the hospital next week, they done a sweep and i had my baby next weekend :)

    im fecking sick of this weather, i have a mountain of washing here to be done but cant, i think im going to have to invest in a tumble dryer :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Morning, oh god poor you new look, it must be so emotional, one minute you might be meeting your little ones and the next they are going to leave you for 4 more weeks, poor you.

    I dont know how I feel about the section gee gee, part of me is like yeah bring it on, a definite date etc and then I have people saying oh poor you the recovery is awful!!! whatever is best for babs then its good for me.

    pushki you mentioned a while back too that you may have to have a section???

    The shopping went ok, got a few nice bits but had to give up because the feet were so swollen, thank god they have gone down overnight, slept with them propped on the body pillow.
    Yes have days where baby is kicking and squirming, even though I find now as time has gone on baby is definitely sleeping more in the womb, as i type this I feel he is waking up, yes there is his little bum I think having a squirm around.
    Have a good day ladies, nearly weekend thankfully!! xxx
