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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    lol pushkii :):) a dryer would be fantastic when i get home :) i kinda hope he is reading this thread coz i cant lend any more hints haha :)

    ah kin that spa break sounds fantastic, i hope you enjoy every minute of it, x

    we have a name picked and it took us ages to agree on the name and now im not too sure either, im kinda saying to oh what if the name doesnt suit her when we see her, we might have to change it just incase i really dont like it haha

    oh gee g you poor thing did you get any sleep at all last night ??? i tried alot of pillows and they were great at the start but they all ended up on the floor during the night, :) i agree with you though I have had enough too, i would be happy enough to have the baby now

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Aww gee g and betsie i really feel for ye its terrible not being able to sleep :-( i slept ok myself just got up twice to pee.
    Had strange dreams again :-/
    Betsie definitely drop lots of hints about the drier like "look at the weather its impossible to get any drying done" ;-) or refuse to dry his fav top blaming the weather!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Hi girls, yes I agree the braxton hicks should not have lasted so long, 5am this morning i finally got some sleep and got up at 7 thinking yippee the pains are gone, i was in shower and then it started again, i bent down to put water in my dogs drinking bowl and ouch the pain around the top of the bump!!! At work now and all is well so far, have been pain free for past hour and a half, the women here think im going into a slow labour, the pains are only high up on bump, have no pains in pelvic area or back or am not having any pressure down below!!!
    I dont know what to think, now I did get awful stressed out yesterday morning and ended up having a crying fit, and the pains started after that so I dont know if it was the stress that brought it all on.
    have cut my hrs back to finishing at 1 o'clock every day up until wed when i start maternity leave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Rose you should definitely take it easy, maybe see your GP or ring the assessment unit at your hospital just to see what they think. It will give you peace of mind if nothing else x
    Yeah betsie I'm the same I'm just afraid that the 2 names we've chosen won't suit baby when we get to see him or her, so I've convinced OH we need a backup list just in case!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Yes rose id agree with Oct maybe you could see your gp after work or the mat just to put your mind at ease. I can't believe you are still working!! My god you are some woman !!! Xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    It has all stopped now, and my little man is moving about so that puts me at ease, but yes I will get it checked out just to be sure.

    We have picked his name too, we just could not agree on any and then he said a name and then i said yeah i like that so we agreed thats the one, because its the only one we agreed on and we had been through every name from A TO Z!!

    I think will be sticking with it because i actually call him that when im talking to the bump and he looks like it too, judging by the 3d photo, ha ha. He will have his daddys name as a middle name

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    very little sleep last night, was up on couch from 3-7 dozing , got into bed at 7 and slept for few hrs then. I was so annoyed that i couldn't sleep :-)
    rose look after yourself Xx
    we have a girls name and a boys name picked but also have few more we like if they dont suit :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Hi SSFG, the plan was to have him here in Limerick. However with himself finding out where i live etc i'm not sure, but need to decide fast :(

    Ah god help you, that's the last thing you should have to be fretting about. I'd explain to the hospital as well just for your peace of mind.

    Rose, would you not consider finishing up a bit early at work, sounds like you're having a tough time of it. I've been really cranky this week and there's not even anything for me to be complaining about :o

    We have 3/4 names for the little woman, but in my own head I keep referring to her as one name, but I'm afraid to get too attached to it in case I won't like it when she's here! We haven't told people except my sister, there's been enough comments about us finding out the sex, mind your own business like! So we decided people will find out the name when she's here and they can keep their opinions to themselves as well! It's hard enough picking a name without stupid people sticking their oar in.

    By the way, did you see your on Chantelle Houghton still hasn't picked a name for her baby yet :eek: the child must be a month at this stage, she's in Closer this week spouting on about how hard it is to pick a name. I know it's hard but it's worse to have the poor child nameless for so long!! What do they refer to the baby as now I wonder??

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Oh my god thats so weird, imagine your child not having a name! Yeah we're the same with not telling anyone our names til baby is here, I'd rather people keep their opinions to themselves!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    how could you do that not have a name for your child after a month whatever about a couple of days but come on now thats crazy,

    rose at last you have cut your hours down, i know its not easy not being in work, i miss my work but i just had enough i wasnt doing my work as well as i used to.

    belfastmedic you can make a request as to who can and can not be left into the hospital, it would be worth it for peace of mind anyway x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    I think that's madness too that she hasn't chosen a name ! Poor baby, i wonder if its all for publicity!!
    One good thing about being a single mum is i don't have to worry about what he thinks of the name. Im undecided whether to give her only one name for a middle one also. I think ill wait until she is born to decide that.
    Belfast medic if you have any worries that he will hassle you when you are admitted to the hospital to have baby talk to the social worker there. She is very nice and she completely put me at ease about restricting visitors etc . You have to remember that you will be a patient as well as your baby and you really don't need the added stress of wondering if he will turn up. You and your baby are
    number one.xx
    i went and did a bit of shopping today i finally picked up my nursing bras and tops all half price in mothercare. Im delighted with them. Also got a beautiful warm suit there reduced from 40 to 7 euro. I told myself no more baby clothes but at that price i couldn't leave it behind!! Actually pennys have nice little all in one suits at the moment and tesco have black pj bottoms. Ok i wentt a bit crazy with the shopping :O

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Was reading that about Chantelle yesterday. Any day now it will be on the front cover of a magazine " revealed" babies name! Them two would do anything for a few column inches.

    The Boy's have Irish names so we will more than likely stick with Irish again.

    Is this the longest day ever or what. Hope the next month wont be as long going :/

    Hope you get the drier Betsie. Tell OH you will need it coming into the winter to get babies clothes dry, or I like the tip don't dry his favorite top lol.

    We are gone demented looking at cars. We wont fit the car seats in our car or any car for that matter. Looks like we will have to get a 7 seater because they have 3 full seats in the back and huge boot space when the 2 rear seats aren't being used. They sound great, the downer is they are so expensive:/ I never knew most cars only have 2 and half seats in the back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    The mothercare sale is fantastic pushkii isn't it, I couldn't get over all the reductions.
    Really fed up today between the weather, my sister and all my friends being away travelling and just being cooped up indoors all day, I feel like I'm going mad. I'm starting to avoid going on facebook now cos all I see is updates and pictures about everyones holidays and mad nights out. I know it'll be worth it in the end, but kinda missing my old care free life! :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    dishwasher is home and oh fitting it at the minute...wahoo!
    I am lying down, not fit to move all day. Back with gp tomorrow, gonna beg her for something for heartburn... Need something as will have to start takin my iron again properly cos i'm wrecked!!
    How is everyone else today?? Tis v v warm here today, real dead heat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 77 ✭✭new look

    Hey ladies! Had visit with consultant today. All went grand. 34 weeks today! Section is 3 weeks tomorrow, unless there's any change between now and then :) Everything clear and babies looking good. They are both breech which I was kinda surprised at but it doesn't matter coz of the section. Scan tomorrow in fetal assessment unit so we'll get a good look at them and see what size they are. I feel like they're a stone each!!! Can't believe I'll be going in this day 3 weeks to get my babies the next day!!!! Excitement, much :D
    Betsie I couldn't function without my drier, def hint hint hint all the way! You need one especially with a wee baby and the ridiculous weather! It just makes life so much easier :)
    The heartburn was so bad last night! I'd had two nights of it not being the worst and I thought maybe it was easing. Oh my God I nearly got sick last night, it was terrible. I think I'm immune to Gaviscon at this stage so trying to drink milk instead and sometimes it works great and sometimes it has no effect whatsoever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Very cranky this week. Think it's a combination of the heat, being tired yesterday and this baby is really killing me today with kicks, it's really sore :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭laura.

    Hurray, I'm getting my c-section. Absolutely DELIGHTED. Was in for a scan today and just told the doctor before I had even sat down that I wanted a section lol, was very adamant, and she told me that I would get a date when I was at the hospital for my growth scan on the 7th August. Was out visiting my mam and at 3 o clock, who rang me....the hospital, with a date. Thursday 23 August, and I will be meeting my little princess. I am so over the moon today. Off to Belfast tomorrow as hubby organised a little babymoon for us :) the sweetheart. Hope ye are all well girls, I'm on cloud nine :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    new look thats brilliant 3 weeks and you will have you 2 little bundles in your arms :) i cant wait to see what they are :):)

    ssfg im with you on the cranky thing, and im really emotional too :(

    Laura thats brilliant news that your getting you section :) enjoy your weekend away, relax and take it easy and enjoy it.

    im so sick of this rain, its like a monsoon outside at the moment im fair sick of it, had a row with oh last night, basically i just feel like im doing all the work in the house at the moment coz im home all day now and there is things that i have been asking him to do for weeks and they were still not done, well guess what he is doing them as we speak haha, kinda feel a bit guilty for shouting at him, at least they are being done now :):):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    That is so exciting about having a date :) Wow. Going to have a look on the Mothercare website now.

    I have been cranky for weeks, have to say my humor has improved the past few days. Maybe its couple of hours to myself in the mornings. Have to day my 4 year old told me I was a grumpy old goat this morning lol charming!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    ya wont find those 3 weeks flying in new look! So exciting!

    laura, great news bout section and Thats a great date ya have...your little woman will be sharing my b-day :-) with me due on 19th my own Babs could be sharing it too ha. I would quite happily at this stage go for section, i think having a def date at this stage would be kind of something to work towards. I'm just so fed up and i know in general i have been blessed with the whole pregnancy apart from discomfort really so shouldn't be complaining.

    Betsie, just watched weather forecast, its on the up! There doesn't look to be too much rain from now till wknd, hopefully. It'd be nice to get some sun before we're all housebound for a while :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    That's fantastic news Laura and new look $:-) and you'll get to see your little ones at the scan tomorrow too, i wonder what weight they are now.?
    Im not too bothered with regards the weather as i was asleep most of the day, working tonight.
    I did find myself really edgy shopping today i HATE when people come up really close to you when you are waiting in the queue! I found myself taking a few steps back on top of one woman and giving her a shove with a bag full of shopping STILL. She didn't get the message. Some people just don't get the concept of respecting others personal space!! Yep i was cranky :-P
    Laura i hope you and your oh have a wonderful time on your babymoon enjoy the time ye have left together just the two of ye :-)
    October i know how you feel re Facebook it can get really depressing. I don't ever use it now and i find i just don't even care what other people are up to :-)
    hope everyone sleeps well xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Oh pushkii that is one of my pet hates! Especially when you can hear/feel them breathing on you....bleuuugghh!!
    Feeling a bit better than I did earlier, decided to pamper myself and put on some tan and paint my toenails (somehow I can still reach them, I do look very awkward doing it though!). Fed up feeling like a big lump so it's nice to feel a little bit glam again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Hi all, well update is I rang the maternity unit in my hospital yesterday afternoon and spoke to a really nice midwife, I explained my pains and the length of time i had been having them, she said they sound like practice contractions, my body's way of getting me prepared for the labour, she said as long as im having movement which I am and feel well besides then i shouldnt worry, and the pains are gone!!!!! could really feel my little man moving down into my pelvic area last night :) I feel i really will go before the 9th of aug, feeling better i have cut back my hours at work, have only till next wed to work anyway.

    Stress is an abolute no no at this stage, have to change my phone number today, getting harrassment from an ex whom I said goodbye to 3 years ago, isn't it strange how some people still think they have a right to be in your life even when you tell them to F OFF.
    No wonder I have pains:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Aw so jealous of you all with your sections, not that I want one, but it must be so nice to know when you will see your babies!!
    im so sick of this rain, its like a monsoon outside at the moment im fair sick of it, had a row with oh last night, basically i just feel like im doing all the work in the house at the moment coz im home all day now and there is things that i have been asking him to do for weeks and they were still not done, well guess what he is doing them as we speak haha, kinda feel a bit guilty for shouting at him, at least they are being done now :):):)

    This too happened to me, one row with him and it was sorted, he does what I ask him now, but he did forget to put out the bins last week! We were away so I let him off!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    That's good rose at least you know what they are now. You definitely don't need any more stress at this point in time. The cheek of your ex!!
    Id say i won't be going back to work anymore after last night i had an emergency and had to call the ambulance and go into a and e with my patient :-( second time it has happened in the last month and in my condition it is just too risky. So im officially on maternity leave :-)
    I am going to miss work though but at least ill have time for my nesting!!!

    Rose it definitely sounds like you will go before the 9th your little man seems impatient. And wants to see the world ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Glad everything is ok rose xxx are you alright now pushkii? Ya poor thing, its good you've finished up work I don't know how you kept up working nights for so long, I had to give that up ages ago! Look after yourself xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Pushki you sound like you have a stressful job, my job is office based so im sitting on me behind all day but I think yes we have had enough of work now at this stage.

    This is the best thing that has ever happened me but there is always one ass that'll try and ruin things eh!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    ssfg i hope he keeps it up now, i think he got the message, rose Im glad you rang the hospital for peace of mind anyway, pushki you must have a very tough job, enjoy the break now and relax :-)

    i have hospital appointment today, hope all goes ok x

    hope ye all have a lovely day x x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Good luck with the hospital appointments girls! Can't wait for mine on Monday. October, I have everything ready to paint my toenails too! Going to stick a colour in my hair tonight too.

    Anyone else figuring out who their friends are and are not more to the point during pregnancy?

    My God Rose an ex after 3 years. I had a dream about an ex from my college days the other night, its only 13 years ago lol. He was kinda scrummy ;)

    Think we might have a car sorted too, I hope so :)

    Baby was in full swing last night. I swear I have an acrobat of some description! Convinced at one stage the head was right up under my ribs and I could feel dancing low down at another stage. I think the little one is moving around all the time. I suppose its a good sign it has plenty of fluid and room to move. My tummy muscles must be beyond repair at this stage lol

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  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    kinioiri wrote: »
    Good luck with the hospital appointments girls! Can't wait for mine on Monday. October, I have everything ready to paint my toenails too! Going to stick a colour in my hair tonight too.

    Anyone else figuring out who their friends are and are not more to the point during pregnancy?

    Baby was in full swing last night. I swear I have an acrobat of some description! Convinced at one stage the head was right up under my ribs and I could feel dancing low down at another stage. I think the little one is moving around all the time. I suppose its a good sign it has plenty of fluid and room to move. My tummy muscles must be beyond repair at this stage lol

    I have GP tomorrow, and hospital on Tuesday. Looking forward to all updates on Baby, but GP isn't very good she rushes you out the door.
    I want my toenails painted but I can't reach them anymore, and hair is very badly in need of some help!

    Nothing like a wedding/pregnancy/life event to help you realise who your friends are. Fell out with a 'friend' very early in pregnancy she was telling people I was pregnant after I asked her not to, before my 12 weeks. Lesson learned about trusting that witch. Then when my Nana died she never contacted me, but FBed my sister who she's met a handful of times. Weirdo, people like that are no loss.

    Baby kicked the crap out of me yesterday, I was sitting on the couch literally holding my belly trying to push her back in she was kicking that hard! If she wants to come out she can come out but please go easy on my tummy it won't stretch much more!!!:eek:
