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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Yes im ok now gonna lie down for a bit those kind of incidents really knock it out of me.
    I definitely have realised who my friends are and arentt too. I wasn't invited to so called 'friends' birthday and an engagement party and that was a few months ago!! I really can only talk to two friends and a family member now they are the only ones i trust. I know it feels silly and im probably just being paranoid but i feel like my former friends are only delighted to hear how difficult my circumstances are hence i don't want to indulge them.
    Betsie good luck with your hospital app. Its great having them to look forward to see how babs is doing :-)
    that sounds like a lovely day of pampering Kinori enjoy and you'll feel a million euros :-)
    I hate that SSFG when the drs rush you, just keep asking your questions and insist they answer them!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Kiniori at least yours was a dream, I feel like im in a nightmare regarding this dude, I wish he would go away, think he may be getting the message now, regarding friends yes i feel some are just jealous or yes pushki they like to indulge in any misery that may be going on, like at the beginning of my pregnancy things were tough with my partner but now we are so excited, but my so called friends thrived with the drama, and now all is good, where are they!! anyway dont care, they are just jealous my life is actually going somewhere.

    Good luck with appts, they are great arent they, ye will an indication of how close you are according to babys position at this stage, even though I have heard of babies turning breech last minute. eekk

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    yes, about the whole friends thing! A lot of people i thought would step up... Didn't. Not even calling or testing to see how i am! Nothing! This is why i am now suiting myself all the time! I used to fly around visiting everyone, re-arranging my plans for them to cal etc. Not anymore! Its all about me ha ha. Wel, me and my soon to be family!
    Have gp app this afternoon, hoping blood pressure is ok. Although i think myself its high, feeling bit funny from time to time.
    Am here trying to blow up my ball with a hand pump, sweet jesus its gonna take all day :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Gee g you should call in to a garage or a mechanic see if they might help with the ball ;-)
    God rose it is dreadful that these "friends" are only interested when there's drama! Some people must have very little problems of their own. I really hope that ex of yours gets the message, that's all you need now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    back from gp appointment. Bp is v high, she said it was borderline, as in any higher i wouldn't have gotten home. I've been put on "rest", now the word bed was not mentioned ha ha but i'm presuming its the same as bed rest. I've to lie down feet up. Any headache's, swelling etc and have to go straight in. I'm so annoyed. But she did say that if it remains high, that they might not let me go to 40weeks. So will see at consultant app on monday what they say. I would quite happily be taken early to be section, or whatever but now i feel i'm not ready because i'm not allowed do anything, cleaning etc. Sorry about the big long moan of a post but am feeling a bit sorry for myself after it!
    Hope everyone else's apps went well x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    oh Gee G, i'm so sorry your Bp is high :( thats all you want now. you will really have to take it easy over the weekend and hopefully come Monday it will come down a bit. Do you have a BP monitor at home?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    no, i dont have one pushkii, i could be as Wel off without one, i'd prob be checking it every two mins :-)
    Ye, gonna take it v easy alright. Am lying with feet up as i type!
    On a lighter note, baby is head down, good to go! Good heartbeat.
    She did not give me anything for heartburn, she said just persevere with gaviscon. She said another option is they want to put me on bp tablets but i dont want that. I'd rather be induced orsectioned then take them. We'll see.
    Oh and got my ball pumped up eventually! Couldn't go to any of local garages as i know them all they would prob just take pure mick out of me ha ha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    gee g my bp was high today too, :( was jsut told to relax and take it easy, dont do anything unless i have too, all i can think about now is sunday when i have my mam, sister and 2 nieces coming up for dinner, cant tell them not to come coz they dont bother to come up often so when they agreed i cant change my mind, ah be grand ill just do something handy :eek: other then bp today everything else was great, baby heading in the right direction into the pelvis :)

    i sure have figured out who my real friends are alright, there is one girl who i would of classed as one of my best friends who only gets in touch when she wants something :( i kinda miss her chats but im not going chacing her any more......

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    You'll just have to think of yourself this weekend betsie and if you are feeling a bit stressed when they come retire to your room for a "nap"
    Great news about bab heading the right way though
    You are prob better off Gee G without the monitor but if you dont feel right at all over the weekend call dr or Mat. Was there a lot of adverse side effects wth the BP tablets gee g?
    I've to go to my gp again tomorr.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    what do the tabs do?? At that price i'd be hoping they give birth for u :-)
    She didn't say but after getting this far i dunno how i'd feel being put on the med myself pushkii.
    Betsie, is there a nice chinese near u for sunday???

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    :eek: €350 pushkii what are the tabs for??? thats really expensive :eek:

    yeah i was thinking i might just take them out to dinner alright, none of them like my dog either and when they come up to see me i have to lock her into another room, now she doesnt mind it coz she gets to sleep on a comfortable sofa bed but i still hate doing it to her,

    oh families who would have them eh haha :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    yeah you'd be right betsie, no cooking or cleaning!! And doggy can stay put :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Betsie i can't understand why they don't want the dog around some people are just not animal lovers though :-(
    Actually there's a lot of research out there about how beneficial pets are to humans healthwise . Stroking a dog or cat for even just 5 mins reduces your bp and heartrate !

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Morning girls, jeez pushki 350 euro for tablets, gee g i had to laugh, yes if only they could give birth for you!!! Re the high blood pressure girls, i often think i feel funny from time to time and then when i get it checked its always fine, could it be its just fine at that moment its been checked, funny isnt it, its like my head goes really light and the blood is just draining from my body, then after a while im ok again, looks like all our babies are heading in the pelvis direction which is great, going for dinner tonight with two friends, i hope there isn't a hundred questions waiting for me sometimes I just dont want to discuss inlaws and all that, i feel thats between me and himself, would love to say that but then i would be perceived as being rude. anyway on a lighter note, its the weekend and this time next week im on maternity leave!!!!!!!!! finally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    pushkii i know i dont understand it either, even my nieces who always say they want a dog freak out now bear in mind they are 20 and 15, not as if they are small children, but hay thats ok, they will only be a here a few hours. at least the drug payment scheme will cover some of the price of the tablets, i always think its crazy the price of some of the tablets on the market,

    rose i bet you cant wait now to finish up next week, enjoy your dinner out tonight

    i had a good nights sleep last night, got up this morning at 7.30 with oh had breakfast done some washing, sat down on the couch at about 9 and fell straight back askeep only woke there a few mins ago, i dont even remember being tired or falling asleep :)

    anyway i hope everyone has a lovely weekend, weather is supposed to be ok, i might even bbq :):):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    I would give anything for the weather to be nice i just want to go to the beach before little bab comes. I didn't have the best sleep kept waking every hr or so with strange dreams
    i knowvthhis sounds mad but in the last few days ive being missing my ex. I. Miss not waking up beside hmm and the cuddles . Crazy i know after all he did to me. Im going to blame hormones

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i know pushkii i would love to go to the beach too even just for the fresh sea air :)

    i can understand you missing your ex too pushkii, i even notice when im on my own during the day, i just want a hug and company, i have to say i would be totally lost without my dog :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Ya the pets are a great help alright at least one can trust them. I just don't want to even get up today im so upset. :-( i think the reality. Of what has happened is only hitting me now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    aw pushkii, ya poor thing. Just think in a few more weeks you are going to have a beautiful little bundle to give u endless amounts of cuddles. yes blame the hormones for now and in a while when things calm down see how u feel. I know Thats easy for me to say. Is it a nice day where u are?? Why not hit the road and head for the beach. It'd be nice if it wasn't too warm for u anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Pushki you poor thing, yes I get you completely, i dont live with babys dad, as we werent living together before i got pregnant and were on a break, we certainly didnt want to make the show of moving in together, some people see this as us not being united in this but we are, i moved home and am living with my parents, i know things will work out the way they are supposed to be in the long run but I go to bed at night and wish I had him to put my arms around or wake up with him, i so need him now more than ever, unfortunately I dont get to see him as often as i like and with all this drama with the ex it really strained us, because he thinks i always take to much notice of what other people say about us and that I doubt that he is there for me. But I know how you feel I think, we are carrying a child that we made with someone else and emotions are saying cuddle us please. xxx. try and have a nice weekend, weather is supposed to be good, even though it looks cloudy here in the west as always.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    ah pushkii *big hug* Gee g is right get some fresh air and some you time or go out for some lunch or a coffee maybe,

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Thanks girls im determined to go to the beach this weekend. Also gonna spoil myself with a lovely dinner. Can't wait to have my little girl in my arms to cuddle. If any man ever treats her bad he'll have me to answer to!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    do, spoil yourself with a nice dinner, have a bath and pamper yourself. I intend to do that over wknd!:-)
    jesus i am shattered today. Lying on couch with feet up! I had to give in n go back on my iron tabs, i presume its a bit low now cos i am so tired! Have my bottle of gaviscon on standby :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Rose your situation sounds pretty tough too. Its amazing the way other people think they can shove their ideals on you. If it works better ye not living together that's great and its great ye are still together . But i can understand the whole sleeping alone thing :-(
    Ha gee g i will definitely take your advice all of us should pamper ourselves this weekend. There's only a few more left until the babies make their appearance xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i think i might see if SIL is around over the weekend and get her to do my hair, i need a colour badly and could also do with a cut,

    i think baby has joined riverdance today she just has not stopped moving around,

    oh just text me too and told me not to bother cooking tonight that he was going to bring home a chinese :) something spicy maybe ;);)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Nice one betsie baby will be delighted with that :-) were meant to be eating 2500 calories from now on so its definitely the time to indulge :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    I'm so jealous Betsie! My hair is in need of a cut and colour too. I'm going to wait another week or two so it will last a few weeks after the baby comes.

    I feel for you Pushki, we all need a cuddle every now and then and to be told we are doing ok. Hugs to you. x In a few weeks you will have your little baby and they will give you all the love you need and more :)

    I live 5 minutes from the beech and I could count on two hands the amount of times I have been there since I moved here. Sometimes we don't appreciate what is on our doorsteps.

    Have a great weekend everyone. x

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Thinking of you pushkii, go easy on yourself and definitely have a treat this evening :)

    Haha betsie a spicy curry is definitely in order to try get things moving! I'm the same with my hair kin, trying to leave it til the last minute so might get it done next week, it certainly needs it anyway.

    Two weeks today til D-day, wooooo! Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    i dont know how spicy i will go tonight, or even if i should eat it, heartburn all day :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    aw i know its a balls betsie, it'll just take the good out of it if it cripples u then afterwards!
    U taking it easy today betsie? I am n i'm so bored!!
