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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Oops sorry baby brain! Thanks for all the support girls xx
    Yes gee g i thought they'd be seeing us more often toward the end and i don't have a hospital app til Aug 7 not that im too bothered id hate the waiting around in the mat now. The weather is luck alright betsie, raining and so humid!! Horrible ! Must pull up the list ive almost forgotten when everyone's due

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    new look wrote: »
    October - 3rd August, first baby

    SSFG - 3rd August, first baby, a girl

    Betsie - 5th August, first baby, a girl

    New Look - 9th August, c section, second & third babies, 2 for the price of 1!!!

    Pushkii - 16th August, first baby, *girl*

    Kinioiri - 18th August, third baby

    Gee_G- 19th August, first baby!!

    tishandy - 20th August c section , second baby *girl*

    laura. - 28th August, second baby *girl*

    Belfastmedic - 29th August, first baby!

    Oh my god theres only 9 of us but 10 babies!!
    Perfect ten :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    for 9 of us we surely can talk haha :) we have a fine long thread going :)

    cant wait though to start meeting out august babies and hearing all the stories x wont be long now at all. nothing has been mentioned to me about a sweep, maybe when i go back next week?

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Ha ha we sure can betsie we've a great little group :-) im so excited for the first Aug baby to arrive or babies if its new look!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    i think we may have lost some along the way again pushkii, people keep falling off the list :-)
    i might surprise ya's all and be the first ha ha ha... I wish! Would love to have it over and done with and be home settling in with baby :-)
    i am in the process of making meatball marinara sub's with mozarella cheese for dinner... Just fancied something nice and bold for dinner. Drooling at the thoughts ha ha.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    gee g that sound savage enjoy x and your not being bold :-)

    id give anything to have it all over with now too, its a race to the starting line now, although new look i kinda hope your 1st x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    yeah we'll allow new look to go first seen as she's having it twice as hard as rest of us! After that... Its on :-) ha ha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Betsie, they did a sweep on me with the first baby two days before my due date. I was back in that night my waters broke around 3 in the morning. No pain until the following morning. He was born at 2.30 that day. They did a sweep withe the second as well and that didn't work. I think they did 2.

    I was getting loads of BH this evening. I was walking around doing my shopping and I had to stop a few times. Got home and they didn't stop. I was going to phone the labour ward, but they just stopped. Maybe it was babies head moving down more, lets hope its not on the spin again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Ha ha competition is rising!! Gee g u are right making something bold ! I haven't stopped eating since i finished work . Guilt free piggery :-P. Im not as sore today thank god baby is giving me s break from the internal beatings :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    please god they might start up again Kin,be nice to go on your own! Get running up and down the stairs :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭tishandy

    Evening girls, just came up to bed to rest for half hour and had to come in here instead of resting. We r all pretty uncomfortable now with the heat . Went to clinic last week baby still measuring small but they haven't told me why or If I should be worried. Spoke to a doc who was drilling me about why I was having a section and told me I could come back in six weeks, I was like " I'm due in 4 1/2 weeks sigh.
    I'm trying to stop all the baby talk so much think my hobby is sick of it, sometimes it feels like it's all I ever go on about.
    Looking forward to my mint Cornetto in front of the tv later.
    Started knitting a baby hat. I did this when preg with my daughter and never completed anything, prob be the same with this bit its nice and relaxing. My SIS in law had a baby girl last week, has made me so broody I can't wait to see my littleun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    fair play trish, my mother done all my knitting :-)

    i hope i get offered a sweep at my next appointment. it must be the heat giving us braxton hicks, i was getting them this afternoon too even started to time them but they have stopped now

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Gee_G wrote: »
    please god they might start up again Kin,be nice to go on your own! Get running up and down the stairs :-)

    I would only I haven't the energy lol! I'm just wrecked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Oooo tishandy a mint cornetto would be unreal right now, must bribe someone to go out and get me one! Yeah I'm the same with the knitting, working on a little cardigan but at the rate I'm going baby will be starting school by the time its done. I must say I look ridiculous when I'm knitting cos I do it when I'm bouncing on my ball haha!
    All the talk about how close it is has me so excited :) just watching bump wriggle and squirm at the mo, I'm so in love already, can't wait to meet him/her!
    Although I agree that new look should be first, don't know how you're managing so well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 69 ✭✭Belfastmedic

    pushkii wrote: »
    Oh god :-( now the ex wants to take the baby on weekends as soon as she is a month Old !!! Like what?! I said ill be breastfeeding and he said you don't have to do that!!! Im just so angry. He has the cheek to ask all this of me now after everything he has done to me.grrr:-(

    Absolute cheek :mad:

    I haven't heard from himself since our meeting apart from calls from different
    Numbers up to 1am on sunday :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    pushkii wrote: »
    Oh god :-( now the ex wants to take the baby on weekends as soon as she is a month Old !!! Like what?! I said ill be breastfeeding and he said you don't have to do that!!! Im just so angry. He has the cheek to ask all this of me now after everything he has done to me.grrr:-(

    Absolute cheek :mad:

    I haven't heard from himself since our meeting apart from calls from different
    Numbers up to 1am on sunday :rolleyes:

    That's so immature Belfast medic. :-(are u enjoying your time off work?
    Ha ha Oct you are just like me knit and bounce!! Oh the heat is dreadful might go for a coldish shower!
    That's crazy Tishandy about they waning u back in 6 weeks!! You should demand an earlier app and if ye are worried about the size of the baby the Dr should explain why and reassure you xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    just finished dinner, i am about to burst but it was delish :-)
    jesus Ye i'd be insisting on an app before due date, feck them, trying to make their lives easier! The doc that i saw yesterday just keptsaying that mine is a big baby, when i asked how big the answer i got was "big". You'd imagine if it is nothing to worry out or nothing wrong they might just learn to keep their mouths shut. We've enough to be worrying about and thinking about other than what size junior is! My sis was told just before she had her first that he was gonna be 10lb+ , frightening the ****e out of her, he was 9lb 1, i know tis only lb difference but they shouldn't say it! Rant over ha ha. (dont know where that came from ha ha)

    Sorry posted that twice somehow, dont know how to remove!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    just finished dinner, i am about to burst but it was delish :-)
    jesus Ye i'd be insisting on an app before due date, feck them, trying to make their lives easier! The doc that i saw yesterday just keptsaying that mine is a big baby, when i asked how big the answer i got was "big". You'd imagine if it is nothing to worry out or nothing wrong they might just learn to keep their mouths shut. We've enough to be worrying about and thinking about other than what size junior is! My sis was told just before she had her first that he was gonna be 10lb+ , frightening the ****e out of her, he was 9lb 1, i know tis only lb difference but they shouldn't say it! Rant over ha ha. (dont know where that came from ha ha)

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Had hospital today, the plan is back in 2 weeks for a sweep and if that doesn't work they will give me a date for induction. BP was a bit high though they want me to see GP this week and twice next week to keep an eye on it. Is it wrong that I wouldn't mind if it stayed elevated in the hopes that they would induce me a bit earlier?!! :D

    Pushkii and Belfast Medic I'd be changing numbers if I were ye ladies ye just don't need this so close to the end, pathetic men :mad: wish I could do more to help ye.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    glad you enjoyed your dinner gee g,

    i foot know can they ever tell for sure the size of the baby its alot of guess work i think,

    braxton hicks have started up again in the last half am hour, Im just going to go for a shower and to bed i think, i can't put up with much more of this heat

    ssfg you need to take it easy now to bring down that bp

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    You poor thing betsie you seem to be getting a lot of baton hicks :-( SSFG yes definitely put your feet up never know though they might decide to induce u:-) ill definitely be changing my number if he hassles me again . I can't believe we are talking sweeps and induction ladies!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Tomorrow I'll be in single digit days, it's mad!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Oh my god SSFG !! Tat makes it so real are you excited !?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    its mad that we are down to days now instead of weeks or months :)

    have to go to gp today fingers crossed bp is ok

    hope everyone slept well last night, i was awake a few times with heartburn :( but thats nothing new at this stage

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    pushkii wrote: »
    new look wrote: »
    October - 3rd August, first baby

    SSFG - 3rd August, first baby, a girl

    Betsie - 5th August, first baby, a girl

    New Look - 9th August, c section, second & third babies, 2 for the price of 1!!!

    Pushkii - 16th August, first baby, *girl*

    Kinioiri - 18th August, third baby

    Gee_G- 19th August, first baby!!

    tishandy - 20th August c section , second baby *girl*

    laura. - 28th August, second baby *girl*

    Belfastmedic - 29th August, first baby!

    Oh my god theres only 9 of us but 10 babies!!
    Perfect ten :)

    Dont forget me:) I should be in there 9th august:) boy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Starting maternity leave today and im 38 weeks tomorrow, getting all so real now.
    bring it on..............................

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    fingers crossed your bp is fine betsie Xx
    rose, cant believe ur only starting your leave now, some woman :-)
    Wel i didn't sleep at all last night, between heartburn, needing the loo and the bloody heat(and can i jus say it aint that bloody warm here) i was ready to flip!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    i meant to ask before, is anyone attending the same hospital to have baby??
    That'd be funny if we were and didn't know :-) but i think we're all dotted round the country! I'm going to cavan

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    rose i don't know how you done it tbh, make sure you relax now over the next few days and enjoy it

    thanks gee g i hope it is too.

    fecking electricity is gone here since 9.20 Im starting to crack up with no radio or telly :-(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Gee_G wrote: »
    i meant to ask before, is anyone attending the same hospital to have baby??
    That'd be funny if we were and didn't know :-) but i think we're all dotted round the country! I'm going to cavan

    Im attending mayo general, think im the only one this side of the country :)
