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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    hey everyone, hope we are all well, Im still here waiting patiently x

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Congrats Kiniori!!

    Pushkii hope you are getting sleep when baby is sleeping, esp if you are BFing. Have you someone staying with you for support?

    Hope we get some more news soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    hi girls im absolutely shattered :-( i didn't get any sleep at all. baby has been asleep a few hrs but ive had to make a few calls. the public health nurse is calling soon. ya SSFG ive support but its really hard when im b.feeding . hopefully when she goes to sleep again ill get some sleep. Im still feeling weak but not as bad as yesterday. when i lied down last night i felt the room spinning . took my bp and it was quite high. it has been high since i gave birth, im going to say it to the ph. nurse.
    I started taking my iron tablets again too and am trying to eat a lot.
    my god this is hard work!
    how are ye betsie and SSFG?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    def say it to the nurse about your bp pushki, better to keep on top of it and mention how weak your feeling,

    im ok still hanging on in there :)

    I wonder how Gee G is doing ??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    October- 3rd August, born 13th August Girl 8lb 8oz first baby!!

    Minxy Moo - born 6th August Girl 7lb 10oz

    SSFG- 3rd August, born 4th August, first baby! * A girl!* 7lb 12oz:)

    Betsie- 5th August, 1st baby *a girl!*

    New Look- 9th August, C-section, 2nd and 3rd babies, 2 for the price of 1 !! BORN 24TH JULY, EMERGENCY C-SECTION, TWO BOYS :)

    Rose- 9th August, first baby *a boy!*

    Pushki- 16th August, first baby Born 11th August weight ??? *a girl!*

    Kiniori- 18th August,born 10th August A little Girl, 7lbs third baby!

    Gee_G -19th August, first baby!!

    Tishandy- 20th August, C-section, 2nd baby, *a girl!*

    Laura- 28th August, 2nd baby, *a girl!*

    Belfastmedic, 29th August, first baby, *a boy!*

    Excited_FTM , 30th August, first baby!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    it was good to have the nurse visit, she made me feel a little bit better about things telling me that my body has been through a huge change it really is a shock to the system and the change in hormones have a huge effect on the body (and mind) she checked my bp it was quite high alright so ive a gp app tomorrow.
    baby p was fantastic she is fine and healthy and not losing too much weight. she cried for the heel pricked but was ok shortly afterwards im so proud of my tough little nut.
    Then the parish priest came to give her a blessing. i managed a quick nap also! i cannot believe how quick the days are , they are just flying! im on bed rest for the rest of the night because of the bp.
    are you looking forward to your app tomorrow betsie? :-)
    SSFG how are you getting on ? are you breastfeeding too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Pushkii def keep an eye on your bp, and get as much rest as you can when baby p is asleep. I'm ashamed to say I gave up bfing after a week. I hated the whole experience if I'm honest. Really didn't enjoy it at all, felt I wasn't bonding with my girl. I was so anxious and unhappy all the time, watching the clock to see how long I had left until I 'had' to feed her again. Was terrified it would turn into full blown post natal depression, I cried and cried over it and my husband and family were very worried. So I gave it up, I didn't even enjoy the pumping I felt so drained emotionally and physically after it. I spoke to 2 public health nurses, went back to hospital for a bfing class, and even paid for a lactation consultant and I still wasn't happy to breast feed. I felt ashamed and embarrassed that I didn't keep it up longer, I was able to do it, and so was baby, but I just couldn't do it. I wanted to be a happy mammy for my baby.
    Sorry that turned into such an essay I'm still very upset and embarrassed over it, and I do still struggle with guilt but I felt it was right for me.

    (Incidentally I now have a breast pump for sale if anyone is interested, just looking at it in the press makes me feel bad :()

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    SSFG. breastfeeding is definitely not for everybody you shouldn't feel bad baby needs a happy mommy. Now you can really concentrate on bonding with baby. i think some people hype it up too much everybody is individual . you did so well though and you got as much advice as you possibly could. it just wasn't for you don't beat yourself up over it. baby is happy. when mumm is :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    ssfg don't worry about not breast feeding any more, it has to be comfortable for you and baby,its not for everyone, my eldest sister was great at it but my other sister couldn't handle it at all only lasted 5days and started bottle and she was happier and so was baby x

    pushki mind yourself for the night try and get some rest x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    just up feeding baby p. she's so good and a right little guzzler too. i got some rest thankfully could not keep my eyes open any longer and we both went to sleep for 3hrs. my books were so sore earlier never seen them so full up with milk needless to say baby p got a great feed :-) ive been waiting since for the inevitable dirty nappy:-)
    for such a small baby she has some appetite!!
    its so funny i have her all dressed in blue and she still looks like a little lady! hope everyone is getting a good nights sleep. hope to get another few hrs now :-) x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    god pushki its great she has such a good appetite isn't it :-) is she good to sleep between feeds too?glad you got some rest too x

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Ya Betsie she's good to sleep in between feeds too. She is a night owl though was awake most of the last 2 nights.
    when we woke up there a while ago i was dizzy again. glad im going to the Dr soon
    Betsie best of luck with your app. it won't be long now :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    hope you get on ok at the doc today pushki, did you find that when you were pregnant that she was very active at night?

    appointment is not till 3.30 today time is so going to drag, hopefully i will know more then,

    i wonder how Gee G is :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    girls for some reason my phone would not let me on this all week and i was mad to post!!
    Baby Donnacha was born on tuesday weighing a lovely 7lb 5oz(and everyone telling me baby was huge!)
    to cut a long story short, i wasn't let home monday cos of bp, monday night was given gel, tues morn at 7 my waters were broken and at 2.50pm baby arrived after a surprisingly ok time!
    I have to say girls who have to go yet, the epidural is fantastic. I have v low pain threshold, like even getting eyebrows done i cry and i just thought it made it great for me.
    Anyway, baby is doing fantastic, i am head over heels in luv with him :-) he is feeding every 4 or more hours, great at getting his wind up, nappies etc. He's just class! Not being biased at all ha ha.
    So come on, what news is there?? I cant catch up properly as phone just about letting me on this to post! Betsie, when ru back in??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Ah Gee G delighted to hear from you and a massive congratulations x glad to hear that you and your little baby are doing well x nice weight too after all they were telling you

    im back in this afternoon, hoping to know more then, im getting more and more convinced to have an epi now haha, did it hurt getting it in ?

    you havent missed that much on here thread is gone a bit quite :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Ah Gee G delighted to hear from you and a massive congratulations x glad to hear that you and your little baby are doing well x nice weight too after all they were telling you

    im back in this afternoon, hoping to know more then, im getting more and more convinced to have an epi now haha, did it hurt getting it in ?

    you havent missed that much on here thread is gone a bit quite :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭laura.

    GeeG congratulations, brill news, been wondering away about you all week. Delighted for you.

    SSFG, dont be feeling bad about the bf, they say the best of it is in the first week's feeding anyway (colustrum??sp). I'll tell you girl, if I dont like it I won't be doing it either, our bodies haven't been our own for a long time and although that might sound selfish, it's true. If there was no good in aptimal, C&G or SMA, it wouldn't be on sale, so keep ur head up girl, and for def's dont be feeling ashamed or guilty about anything.

    Pushkii, ur little un sounds like my first girl, she slept all day and was up all night, i thought i was gonna die of exhaustion, jaysus i was wrecked, 6 weeks that lasted. At the time i was livin in my mam's and I never got to sleep during the day, i felt guilty sleepin and not entertaining people that called, foolish i know. Make sure and get ur rest and f**k everyone else, u and ur little pushkii is all that matters. Always remember that.

    And FINALLY Betsie, jaysus girl I can't believe ur still here, u must be ready to choke someone at this stage. Have they any intentions of pushing things along a wee bit for you? I'd be gettin cross now at this stage. Good luck in doc's today, hope they do somethibg for you, or give you a date to be induced.

    Sorry if i missed out on people :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭tishandy

    Best of luck today Betsie, you must be withered at this rate.

    Geeg Congratulations , delighted to hear your news hope you and baby Donnacha are doing well. xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    oh i am just fed up now at this stage but i kinda don't want to get cross with the doc and midwifes as i need them soon, hopefully ill get a date today x

    thanks girls for all the support, it has been great over the last few months x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Congratulations on your Baby Boy GeeG. Enjoy every minute if it.

    Betsie, I hope you know more today, you will have your baby very soon. Dr. Haq is a dote. He got things moving for me. If you want to ask anything about Clonmel feel free.

    My little woman is good as gold. She is feeding really well far better than the boys. Maybe that's because I am more relaxed. She is sleeping for 4 hours give or take at night. We are besotted with her.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    evening ladies just a quick one, got a sweep today, babys head is still quite high has no intention on going anywhere so the nurse said, but they kept me in coz my bp was through the roof

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Hi girls, havent been on because guess what.......................
    My little boy was born yesterday 15th of Aug weighing in at 8lbs 11oz !!!!!!!

    I am so inlove with him, had a difficult long labour, went in but wasnt even dilated so had to walk corriders and bounce
    on ball which did the trick for me, had a lot of back pain.
    I took the epidural because I went in at 7am and wasnt in labour room dilated to 3cm till 7pm so had twelve hours of agony at this stage!!!!

    Glad I took epi because I needed help towards end, my little man was coming ear out first so consultant had to be called and it was kiwi vacuum plus forceps and a lot of pushing, but having put in the work I didnt want it to end in a section, so he was born at 3.53 yesterday morn after 28hrs of hard work, all bloody worth it, congrats to the other girls on yer news to and to whoever is waiting, I hope it all goes so well for ye. Lots of Love, I will be dipping in and out to check up on ye, just cant stop holding and cuddling my gorgeous boy. xxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭Rose35

    Bounce on the ball betsie, it works it will get the head down and dilate youxxxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Congrats Rose. Sounds like you had a tough time, but at least you avoided surgery. You will be back to yourself in no time x

    I had a C-section because of the unstable lie. There was a risk of cord prolapse and I had extra fluid also. I opted for the planned section, I wasn't risking me or my baby if my waters broke. I'm on the right side of recovery now and the little lady is perfect.

    Betsie, I only missed you by a couple of days! Is it busy in there? There were a lot of admissions on Monday after the Clinic. One bit of advice, use your bell in there, don't wait for them to come to you. I am so excited for you, it won't be long now x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    no its very quite in here, i have a ward all to myself :-) god i want my own bed thoug,

    rose i am so delighted for you massive congratulations x x

    i have been bouncing on a call for the last 6weeks and it hasn't worked so far :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Rose and gee g huge massive Congrats on the birth of your boys :-) Gee G im so happy you had a fairly good time for the labour i would second your recommendation to go for the epi. i didn't have time for it and nobody should have to go through the pain i went through and my little lady was only 6lb 12oz!

    Rose im delighted your son is here enjoy these early moments with him looks like your other edd was right! fair play to you for. going through such a long labour it must have been exhausting!

    I haven't been on here much today because i went to Dr today and my bp is really high 170/105. She put me on meds and they have to keep a close eye on it . I felt awful after coming home from the Dr. So i rested a good bit today. i have also lost an awful lot of weight since i had baby p. so i really have to look after myself. thankfully i have help tonight and the meds will start to work.
    Baby p is doing so well, really thriving and im mad about her :-)
    Betsie i hope you get some rest tonight and hopefully you will have some news tomorrow. Did they offer you a section?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    betsie, i've been trying to get back to u all day about epi n girls CongratsHUGE Congrats n well done!
    Betsie, no, it aint sore, its lik getting bloods done, little nick, you've to keep stil n BOOM Ya cant feel jack **** :-D stil not home, have to watch bp, it started goin too low! Cant win!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    looks like were all having problems with our bp. gee g hope yours gets stable soon so you can go home and enjoy your little man :-)
    baby p seems to like to be awake at night but she's no bother really. just put her down now, the little pudding :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    god pushki mind yourself and try rest up as much as you can,

    had the worst nights sleep ever and i only dozed off about 5 the nurse came in at half 6 and woke me by checking my bp i got some fright, Im fecking broke up from the bed too i might as well be sleeping on nothing :-(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    The nurses used to shock the living day lights out ofme too!! i hope you got some kind of rest anyway betsie x
