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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    ooh its quiet here today .... looking good :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭laura.

    Congrats rose on ur little boy, u must be delighted. 6 days left for me, but i think im loosing my plug in bits and pieces, will stay put though until i know something is gonna happen. No pains or anything so i'm grand where i'm at. Betsie not been on today yet, lets hope the sweep worked :D

    Pushkii i hope ur minding urself pet xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    evening ladies Im still here, i have lost my plug but that's about it, no pains nothing, bp is gone down a small bit but they don't seem too worried. they are busy here today anyway x

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Betsie that's good that you've lost the plug, you never know what will happen in the next few hours . Are they going to offer you an induction to speed things along?
    Laura any signs of labour other than losing bits of the mp ? would they have to do an emergency section if you did go into labour yourself?
    Ya i am looking after myself today just going for a nap now. Trying to eat loads too. its difficult though with the heat!
    brought baby p for her first walk today. She was very good didn't even wake even being pushed over loads of bumps ! i was grateful of the fresh air too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    got home today, Yey! So glad to be home, to find my feet and get back to a bit of normality!
    Donnacha is doing great, had to cut his feeds down a little bit as was v pukey but been great since yest eve in regards to spitting up. Going bout every 4 hours but doesn't take long to feed, wind and change so its great. I am just doting on him i have to say! I'm quite sore today. Had to have episiotimy so hoping its a matter of getting worse before it gets better! Got my arnica tabs today anyway so will see!
    Betsie hopefully you'll go soon or they start u off. How's everyone else?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Congrats Gee G and Rose on the boys!

    Pushkii hope you are minding yourself and getting loads of rest when baby P is sleeping.

    Not much to report, newborns are boring just sleeping and eating!! My lady went to sleep at 10.30 last night until 2.40, then down again until 6.50! Hope she keeps this up!

    Daddy goes back to work Monday I am dreading it, I don't know many people where we live I think I will be very lonely, not like I'd be calling to the MIL!!
    Hope I'll be ok :o

    How are all the mammies healing? Did many get episiotomies?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    No they on about letting me home tomorrow and bringing me back Monday if nothing happens, they are now questioning my due date :-( i just have enough now

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Im delighted you and baby D are home. its a great feeling isn't it?
    i cant believe the amount of nappies im going through!! :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Ye its great, i just realised how exhausted i am tho. Think i might take iron for few days see how it goes!
    Betsiu, u poor thing. I'd say ur raging. Would u not just say u dont wanna go? See what they say x

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Oh Betsie what a nightmare!

    Gee g, am a bit tired myself, and the midwife in hospital mentioned to me about taking iron, but I'm a bit wary I don't want to end up constipated, especially with stitches :(

    Re the nappies, am finding the Huggies are bad for leaking, don't think I'd buy them again.

    And for the formula mammies, the Actimel is two for €18 in Boots at the minute.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Ye, wouldn't fancy being constipated either cos am afraid of getting piles now to add to pain. Have to take a good dose of the arnica tabs tonight, two every 6 hrs for first day so hoping that will speed headin up. Have to say i'm finding the pampers great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭laura.

    Hope ur not giving the baby yoghurt drinks SSFG lol, sorry couldn't resist. On the other hand that's a class offer cuz they are almost €12 for one! Ah ffs betsie, tell them ur goin nowhere, in and out there, if ur soft with them they are f**kers, i learned that last time. No pushkii no other ailments lol, lots of pressure diwn there, but i had a scan on wednesday and her scan wasn't engaged or anything so im guessing it's starting now. They also told me that baby was really small still and would i not try go myself, i was like eh naw, i have my date now, thanks b**ch, she seemed so disgusted with me for choosing a section over VBAC, ugh some people sicken me. She might be the doctor, but it's my baby and my body, i win. Not many of us left now girls :( even though i wasn't an everyday poster, i will miss you all, getting a bit emotional :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭laura.

    Her head wasn't engaged, not her scan lol my head is like a balloon these days

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Betsie you poor thing I don't know how you are keeping your patience, and to be questioning your due date feck sake how dare they!!
    Im back at the Dr again this morning , still not feeling right at all :-(
    Regards the nappies i think there's no beating pampers although the aldi ones are a good substitute, i have a pack of huggies too haven't opened them yet. Im taking two iron tablets a day for the tiredness so exhausted!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    ur bp still high pushkii? In what way u still not feeling good?

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Ha Laura I had to read my post back twice before I got that, duh!

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Hi everyone been trying to get back on for days but just never get round to it, the little one is keeping me busy! Congrats to GeeG, rose and kin!
    Well we got home on wednesday and all settled in now. Few issues with latching on and she wasnt feeding often enough. But now my milk has come in shes constantly feeding, its very demanding but I dont mind as she had me worried before that she wasnt getting enough. Shes on the boob as I'm typing!
    My labour was very quick, only 4 hours in total and only pushing for 20 mins. I had 2nd degree tears and I really am still in agony with it :( anyone else in the same boat? Doing a wee has me in tears, haven't had a number 2 yet, I'm nervous for that :(
    Apart from the pain from the stitches I'm getting on great. H is such a good baby, only wakes 2-3 times in the night and shes just so chilled out! Hows everyone getting on with their babies/pregnancy? Hopefully betsie has news soon :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    NO no news :( apparently my new due date is the 14th my date that i had in my head so im only over since tuesday, im so pissed off right now :( i have been left home for the weekend, have to go back to be assesed on monday and a plan will be drawn up then :(

    hope everyone is doing well x x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 123 ✭✭Excited_FTM

    Awh betsie you must be really fed up now at this stage. How are you feeling otherwise? Weather is so nice today, but I'm wrecked and have very little motivation to do anything!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Betsie you have the patience of a saint, when your little girl arrives it will be worth the wait believe me xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    gee g bp is still a little high but not too bad, will be going back on Monday. i didn't see the Dr as much when i was pregnant!!
    i got 4 1/2 hrs sleep there it was like gold :-) feel much better now :-)
    October im delighted you and baby H are home:-) you had a fairly quick labour in the end didn't you? i think mine had to be a record or something labour was just over an hr and about 10 inside of pushing! still cant believe i did it!
    I got 2nd degree tears too Oct like you id have tears in my eyes when i pee . i find that pouring water down there when i pee helps.
    As for the number two, just make sure you are drinking gallons of water and eating plenty of fruit and Veg. the thoughts of going are worse than actually going. Baby H sounds lovely pure placid. it is great when the milk does come in isn't it? are you finding it hard to eat plenty?
    Excited you should take it easy as much as you can!! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    yeah im fed up and exhausted, just slept on the couch there for about an hour, was well needed :) went to the loo after and had a small bit of a show which is a start, i would just love to go into labour now tonight and get it over and done with, i just want to meet my little lady now, i have enough waiting x

    the girl in the bed across from me went into labour last night at 12 and was back in the ward an all with baby at 2.20, i couldnt believe it, was so quick. she had a 2nd degree tear too and i heard the midwife say to her this morning to put vaseline around the wound and it would ease the stinging, might be of some help to some of ye :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Oh Betsie you poor thing you must be just fed up at this stage.

    I've no idea how big the cut was down there, I'm afraid to look. Try to take something to soften the stool October and it should ease it for you plus you'll be a bit more relaxed if you know the stool is softened.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Thanks for that tip betsie :-) please god let the show be the beginning of something for you xx i think we are almost as anxious as you are for baby betsie to come :-)
    wow ! that was a quick labour and delivery for the girl across from you. Id say she was too late for the epidural !! :-(
    SSFG im too scared to look down there too!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    yeah the poor girl didnt have anything she tried the gas and air and it made her sick so she done it all natural, fair play to her is what i say :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    wow! fair play to her is right. i found the gas and air good it did help with the breathing but didn't really give any pain relief. it just goes to show you cant really plan for the birth, i wanted to get all the pain relief possible and it didn't happen:-( although im not thinking of the birth as much as i was think immediately finally getting over the trauma of it.
    I cant believe how overwhelming my love for baby p is. she was sleeping in the Moses basket beside me and i missed her!! so put her in the bed beside me :-). love every tiny bit of her

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Betsie, I hope you go yourself over the weekend. Fingers crossed for you. Make sure you get a plan from them on Monday. You will be going to Vijay's clinic. She can be very fast, be ready for her! Like someone else said, you have to be assertive.

    Re the nappies, I am finding the huggies great. I always used pampers with the boys and I had no problems. The little woman was wetting the pampers right up her back! She doesn't leak through the Huggies at all. I vaguely remember someone telling me Huggies are better for girls.

    Herself is so settled and good. She is feeding really well, latches on and is usually all done in half an hour. She will sleep through a marching band, the noise in the house with the boys is crazy!

    X-Factor tonight, take away would be nice too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    Thanks girls yeah I sent oh out to get me some lactulose earlier, haha I think he was a bit lost looking around the chemist for nipple cream and maternity pads! Pushkii I just discovered tea tree oil this afternoon and its has been a GODSEND. I put 2 or 3 drops in my water bottle for when I'm peeing and then a few drops on my pad. Its so soothing and is antiseptic too. I feel soooo much better now.
    Yeah the breast feeding is much easier now. Used my pump today for the first time so oh got to feed her, he was chuffed :) she ended up spitting half it up again though, I think she swallowed too much air with the bottle teat. She was straight back to the boob again after!
    I know what you mean about the love pushkii, I miss her when I wake up after sleeping a few hours or if I go for a shower. Shes just so perfect :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    And betsie I'm thinking of you, you've had an awful hard time of it :( I cant wait to hear the good news when she arrives, it'll all be worth it I promise xxx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    I'm so excited bout the x factor kiniori and I had planned since yesterday to get a big dirty chinese :) must try tea tree too.
    Betsie, I have everything crossed for you that you will go over weekend x x x
    what pain relief is any one taking? Not Finding paracetamol any good. Think I'm just used to them now
    ha ha just read that back. Not trying tea tree with chinese ha ha x
