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Due August 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Its not even the fact he's going out that's annoying me, its the fact that I'm going to be at home on my oWn. He's not going drinking or anything and as I said he is so so goOd and hasn't even been late home from work for last few weeks so he could be here with us, I'm just being a moan!
    I think if weather is in any way decent I am going to have to start getting out walking Mink, I know it will make me feel so much better!!just hard to get the motivation :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I hate being left on my own in evenings too!

    I couldn't believe how much better I felt after a brisk 1/2hr walk and listening to my iPod. First bit of excercise in 7 months I'd say. It's worth it to try get out

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    when im feeling better in myself i will make the effort to go out i think, it will do me some good, although its such an effort to go for a walk coz i live on a main road no hard shoulder on it so i have to get into the car and drive just to go for a walk, but i will make the effort, i have to fit into a wedding dress in april after all :)

    mink was your little man sleeping like that from the start, r is the same but only since we came home from hospital, every night in the hospital she slept for 5 hours straight every night and i though she was great now im lucky if she sleeps 2 hours

    i think i over done it a bit today, between no sleep last night, i cooked a big dinner today and done loads of washing etc and now im ****ed, was feeling light headed there a while ago and im roasting too :( i hate not being able to do normal things :( i know ill get better every day x

    when i get a chance i might try and write up my birth story x

    does anyone else miss being pregnant? i do, didnt think i would because i was so sick of being pregnant at the end, but i feel empty and i miss my bump :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Yeah I do miss it too sometimes betsie, I suppose its only natural to, it was such a huge thing for 9months of our liVes. When I was in the hospital I kept going to Rest things on my belly :)
    how many days old is your little lady now? I was getting light headed for a while after I got home, eVeryone just told me it was because of the blood loss at birth, dunno!!
    God i forgot you Were getting married so soon betsie. :) you'll have lots To keep you busy over next few months. You will wake up some day soon betsie and feel almost back to Yourself. D is 3 weeks on Tuesday and apart from all my little ailments I am feeling so much better wit pain etc. Although my back is still at me :(
    Anyone thought bout christening yet? We haven't! Suppose we'd wanna think of a date! !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    yeah i keep rubbing my belly and expecting to get a kick back, the 1st time that happened i bawled my eyes out and then i realised that she was lying in the cot next to me :)

    r is 9 days old now, i know its still early days and it will take ages to be back to normal,

    havent really thought of a christening yet, but will prob be end of october i would think all going well x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Ye I'd say ours will be around the same time alright. The thoughts Of trying to figure out dates to suit everyone and organising it all!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    I know what ye mean about suiting everyone-nightmare! We are looking at the end of October too. I drove a couple of miles today, it was great. I feel like a new woman after my hour in town by myself. PHN told me to drive when i felt ready if insurance company had no issue.
    Glad its not just me who hates when oh goes off. He trains a few nights a week and i dread it! I thought I was being weird lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    ya betsie i sometimes miss feeling pregnant, i know that empty feeling :-( but i don't think any of us will miss all that goes with it!! it will take time for all of us to feel normal again though won't it. actually you might want to keep an eye on your bp too, did it come down after R was born?
    Im meeting with the priest tomorrow about christening, i just want to do something small and simple for C. Although cant wait to go shopping for her dress!!
    Are you feeling any bit better gee g?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Ah yeah, I'm feeling bit better after all the tears. I think I needed that as it hadn't hit me at all since he Was born! I'm here lying on couch watching pure rubbish on tele! We are just havIng family at christening but even at that our list is at 40 people :-O my oh's immediate family is very big!!
    I booked us a table for dinner on friday night for oh's birthday and my mam is going to babysit so I'm going to go all out, hair, tan, nails, maybe even a dress(if anything fits me ha ha) so that is something to look forward to. It'll be interesting to see how i feel when I'm away from him for a few hours! I'll be mad to get home I'd say :):)
    Do any of Your babies giggle in their sleep? D takes into fits of giggles! Its so cute!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Oh gee g enjoy your meal it will be nice to get out,

    we will be just having a small christening too just family's

    Rachel will be wearing my dads christening robe, it is 72years old, it will be like dad will be there x

    kin i bet it was great to drive again x freedom haha

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    That is so special having your dads robe for R id say its beautiful :-)
    C didn't get to sleep until about 2 she was getting very frustrated i thinknk she might have been overtired . Also her bum is very red im putting sudocream on it. I think its because she's been napping a lot on her bouncer. :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 308 ✭✭SSFG

    Baby L is 4 weeks old now and it's just this last few days that I feel like I'm getting the hang of things. Was still dodgy with the hormones until recently you just don't know what you're going to do or say! Getting a bit braver for going out and about, would want to get walking but this stupid weather would drive you daft.

    I know what ye mean about OH's going out, was away with L Thurs night went visiting family all day Friday and got home late, then OH had to work late on Fri jesus I was exhausted!

    Booked the christening last week for November, so hard to suit everyone, and we're just having immediate family and godfather there! You just can't please everyone though so no point worrying about them. Have to get my christening gown and see if it will fit her, she's getting so big!

    My back is still very sore, anyone else feel like this after the epidural? Blasted thing wish I'd never got it but had no choice :( I also feel very light headed sometimes I'd say I should be taking iron but I'm half afraid it will make me constipated :eek:. Still feel very tired at times.

    As for the MIL's jesus I can't stand mine and it's worse I'm getting. I try to avoid her, if I know she's coming I try to get out of the house if I can, mean I know but it's better than me listening to her crap and losing my temper. She hasn't been near us in 2 weeks, rings Sat when we were on our way out grocery shopping. She was moaning she hadn't seen L in ages, so OH said why didn't she call for 2 weeks, she was busy at a wedding. Priorities, eh? She visited yesterday evening and we had friends here for the day, L's godfather was feeding her and MIL stood in front of him pulling off L, pulling her arms and trying to kiss her. Then she was giving out that L is 'always asleep', so me and OH at the same time said, sure that's what babies do?!! And she said, not all babies, L is always asleep when I call. Had to leave the room then my blood was boiling, don't know how in the name of god I'll stomach her for the christening she's such a holy Mary. Sickener.

    Plenty of barrier cream on the bums in the nappies it stops the wee getting on their skin so it won't be red or irritated. I'm going through Vaseline like it's going out of fashion! Got some Aldi nappies at the weekend, see how we get on with them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    all mil must be the same so, i always feel my bp rise whewe are around each other :(

    yeah my dads christening robe is beautiful, cant wait to see her in it :)

    oh gone to work today, its a bit emotional really but i know will be ok :)

    my back is still sore too where i got the epi, and i have been told that it could last a while too,

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭0ctober

    SSFG you've some patience, I would have ended up screaming at her!

    GeeG dont worry about the emotions, I still have a little cry at least once a day, the hormones are still settling down.

    The last few days have been much better. We started giving H her bath at bed time and it just seems to settle her so much, no more 4 hour marathon feeds! She'll take 2-3 feeds then drop off to sleep. The last 2 nights she slept 10-3.30 woke for 2 hours to feed and then back to sleep from 5.30-10. Feeling a lot better now I'm getting some decent sleep :)

    It sounds like theres a different process for registering the birth depending on where you are in the country? I never had to fill out anything in hospital for it. I have to go into the city to the birth registry office and since oh cant be there cos they only open Mon-Fri we both have to fill out forms declaring he's the father. Only problem is I cant find these forms anywhere online, gonna ring today! It seems very awkward, the last thing I feel like doing when I have a new baby is trekking into the city centre on the bus and queuing in some office!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Aw betsie ye will have a great day, you Never know seen as your oh has been home since you got home you might even enjoy the few hours on your own with her x
    D had an alright night again but his contrary time seems to be first thing in morn n late evening wheRe he actually needs to be rocked off to sleep cos he gets that over tired he starts pulling the face off himself the poor pet. But apart from that he is sleeping good. He's here asleep in his basket listening to classic fm on the TV. He loves a bit of it in the morn's :) it seems to help settle him.
    God girls ye seem to have an awful time wit your MIL's. Mine does not live near us but it Wouldn't botHer me too much if she did as she does give her advice but then steps back and lets you paddle your own canoe!!
    Have a busy few days ahead with friends calling and lunches and stuff so am kind of glad about that. Might keep my emotions at bay :) I'm also back smoking which I'm raging about. When I start getting out And about walking etc I am going to faZe them out again. I showed myself when pregnant that I am well capable of staying off them, its all in the head!
    Now that's my life story over ha ha x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Gee g maybe when your feeling better and getting out more you can try stop x you showed yourself that you can do it over the past 9months

    getting on great today actually, enjoying just being me and r and the dog of course :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Ah that's good betsie, nice to have bit of time to yourselves. Ye I'm adamant that i want to give up again and I know I will. Sure obviously I'm not smoking in house or car so it's nearly more hassle going outside :)
    Just had a friend over for lunch and feeling great today now I have to say! :)
    how's the pain betsie?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Pain is not too bad today actually, Im used to the stitches now still annoying though, would be lost without t tree oil :-) my back where get the epi
    is at me every now and then but ill get over it x

    How is everyone else feeling x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    OH went to the local district hospital, there is an office there to register births. He got her birth cert and a week 10 days later we got her PPSN and a letter re child benefit.

    Ah Betsie, that is so special to have your Dad's Christening Robe. I bought one for my oldest, second little man wore it too and now herself! We're only having family too. The thought's of it between the domineering MIL and Brother in law who loves the sound of his own voice. Ah well it the little woman's day :)

    Gee G my little one giggles in her sleep, it is so cute. I think she is smiling too, so does OH. I googled it and it is possible some babies smile in the first month.

    I use a sprinkle of caldesene powder and so far no redness. Used it for the boys too and they only had a red bottom when teething. I find it great.

    I'm lucky no backache at all and I had epidural this time. Had backache the other times and no epidural. Could yere backache be down to the pushing and natural delivery and not the epidural.

    Just been for a walk with all 3, all I can say is who needs a gym lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Yeah The giggles are very cute. I think D is smiling, he does it when I'm talking to him.
    About the back pain, that's what I think it is. Just kind of delayed trauma or something ha.
    I'm doing good pain wise too if I could just shift this kidney infection now! Think it's the majority of the pain I'm having now!!
    I called registry Office, I'v to wait for a letter in post which should be here in day or two she said then the two of us haVe to head in.
    Just got D's appointment for his bcg for friday morn :( not looking forward to that :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Never though the back pain could be from the pushing, i was only pushing for 16mins though, still long enough haha :-)

    Im dreading when r has to get the bcg or any of her vaccinations really x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    16 mins?! Good woman :):)
    think I was about 45mins x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Yeah that's all she flew out in the end facing the side hence all the stitches i got :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    She was keen :) D was in no panic, he was quite comfortable wHeRe He was only his heartbeat kept dropping so the doctor had to come and use the vontouse(or however u spell that ha ha) I haven't a clue If I got many stitches after episiotomy, didn't wanna know. All I know is that i have them!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Yeah she didn't move with the 1st few pushes and the doc wanted to use a vacuum the midwife was totally against it, they moved my legs into a higher position and she just flew out then, i was in shock when she came out it was so quick in the end x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    God i can only imagine, I don't think I was even expecting him to be out after 45mins as it didn't feel that long at all!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭kinioiri

    Oh Gee G, I could murder a fag! I haven't gone back on them yet and hoping I wont. They didn't bother me until the past day or two. I need to read the last chapter of Alan Carr again. I'm hoping when I stop breastfeeding I won't go back. Actually not sure I could hand over nearly €10 for a box of cigs. That's what I keep telling myself

    Taking baby for the BCG on Thursday. Hoping OH can take an hour off. He took the two boys for the BCG. I am useless for needles :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Oh Im dreading the bcg :-( i know it has to be done but just hate the thought of someone hurting my little baby, i was a wreck when she getting the heal prick done,

    well i just drove into Tesco its a ten minute drive Im wrecked after it though but glad i done it,

    i have to drive to waterford next week, i have to bring Rachel down to the hospital there to get her hearing checked, so i need to start back driving again x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Yeah dreading the injections too. Going to postpone our Meal for oh's birthday until next weekend just in case Donnacha is unsettled or not in good form after bcg. Its a pity it had to be the saMe day but I might make a nice dinner at home for him over the Weekend. I also have a bottle of champagne in the fridge that oh bought for me(seen as I was craving it the whole way through)he bought it the weekend I came home from hospital the pet, but hadn't been fit to drink it til now :)
    Can't believe how dark it is in the eVenings now!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Yeah he night be a bit off alright, god that bottle me champagne sound nice :-) enjoy start last drop of it :-)

    It was really dark this evening, i went up for a shower there a while ago and it was dark when i came down couldn't get over it, its really warm tonight too does anyone else find that
