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Should we start the relationship up again or not?

  • 28-12-2011 2:09am
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    I've been on & off with my ex for just over 2 years now and a lot has happened inbetween our seperations. We got back together in September and broke up again just at the end of October but recently we've been talking more and more and meeting up and want to get back together but:

    -his friends think i'm bad news and that i'm just ****ing him around basically, because i've always been the one to break it off
    -my friends don't think were good together and would get annoyed if i even mentioned we'd been meeting up
    -his family , I presume , don't approve and think we need to be apart for longer.

    I honestly think that we've both matured from when we first started things up and we've discussed the flaws of our previous relationships and wan't to try again but he's concerned about all these boundaries and also is scared that I'm going to change my mind and break it off again.

    I broke it off with him before because the relationship was getting so serious and the thought of being with one person for possibly the rest of my life scared me but I've had a lot of time to think and I've realised exactly what I want now.

    Any opinions on what we should do would be greatly appreciated !
