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Unfair, perm ban from after hours wait to read this...

  • 29-12-2011 6:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭

    Just about 2 months ago now i was Permanently banned from after hours basically because i was "not contributing enough"

    i was disgusted when i got a perm ban just for that, i always contributed and posted updates about news me or other's post.

    i never swore caused offense or made a scene i was always nice to others and just doing the thing i liked not all time acourse i had time to post.

    The mod's were being very strict to me because they didn't like me posting informative updates i waited 2 months to see if the situation calmed down.

    I know the mod's have to do their jobs but in my case it just wasn't handled correctly, and i dont think a permanent ban was acceptable for something so small and not that serious.

    I Waited 2 months thats long enough, i would like this to be sorted things have moved on now and i would like to be unbanned in my opinion it just wasnt fair, The mods need to remember that this is a discussion forum with 100's of subjects i was unfairly banned for discussing stuff that caused no offence or harm to other's in a discussion forum.

    I Posted posts that didn't have swearing offence or racism,that's clearly enough said i didn't break any laws here, this is a discussion forum people also have rights to share their opinion and talk about worldwide subjects that may lead a fair and interesting discussion.

    Also people need to take into account that i waited a whole 2 months before bringing this matter to the dispute forum, some people wouldn't wait a few minutes. Iv'e waited been fair about it all and followed orders within 2 months. I atleast deserve that fairness back from the mods or whoever is in charge ,fair is fair.

    The mods are strict fair enough, but im not going to let this go on when i was treated unfairly. i would just like to be unbanned and we all can move on. :)

    Or atleast we can come to a fair agreement everyone can live by.


  • Registered Users Posts: 29,509 ✭✭✭✭randylonghorn


    RobitTV wrote: »
    ... i was unfairly banned for discussing stuff ...
    seems to be at the root of the problem.

    In short, you didn't "discuss stuff".

    You constantly used AH as some kind of blog or twitter or as a platform for "breaking news", posting brief summaries of news stories as the OPs of threads, without discussion or an effort to actually engage in the forum.

    There are other sites which provide you with an opportunity to blog.

    There's twitter if you want to use it.

    There are loads of "breaking news" sites.

    AH / Boards is none of the above.

    The AH charter says:
    AH Charter wrote: »
    Not every news story needs a thread on After Hours. Don't just post up a link to a news article just because nobody else has. Add something to it. Your own point of view.
    If you do start a thread, be prepared to contribute to it yourself, especially if you expect others to do so.

    Now, if you got permabanned from AH after running foul of this once or twice I would have a fair bit of sympathy, and would be happy to lift the ban.

    But that's not the case, is it?

    Looking back on the record, I see a DRP thread almost a year ago revolving round the same issue.

    I see a record of various on-thread warnings and PMs from the AH mods attempting to get the point through to you.

    I see plenty of reported posts from AH users complaining about you using AH as some type of alternate twitter / blog site.

    I see no less than 6 previous short bans from AH, most if not all seem to revolve around the same issue. Not to mention bans from other forums for the same reason.

    For example, as far back as last January, your third ban from AH I think, I note the following ban message:

    You have been warned, asked nicely to stop posting threads without an opinion etc. Your bans will just get longer and longer until they are permanent.

    Clear enough, surely?

    And yet it continued, and the warnings / PMs / short bans continued, and still you refused to take the message on board.

    Tbh, I can only conclude that you decided that you knew better than the people who have been appointed by the admins of Boards to moderate the After Hours forum, and that you were going to do exactly what you chose to do regardless of anything they said.

    I'm not surprised therefore that eventually they decided that enough was enough and that they permabanned you from the forum. I am quite impressed, in fact, that their patience lasted as long as it did.

    Indeed, your OP in this thread gives no indication whatsoever that you have even now attempted to understand what the mods have been trying to get through to you for over a year.

    Therefore I see no reason whatsoever to overturn this ban.

    You may of course ask an Admin to review this decision if you wish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭RobitTV

    The issue is not even serious the mods never ban the people that actually cause serious trouble.

    The mods ban me because they dont agree with what i post and i say, if that's what mods do they should turn into communist dictatorship

    Im not a troll im not a person that causes trouble, the mods think there gods and you step one bit out of place and your gone.

    I post my opinions, but lately i haven't got to do that because i was banned from after hours.

    This is clearly not fair and i was told to stop posting for no reason, while other people posted news in after hours and got away with it no bother.

    Its like a law not to post NEWS in a DISCUSSION forum the mods make up those laws, i posted the sources and i contributed aswell.

    I Dont understand who is in charge of this forum really? the mods seem to make up laws and the admins seem to stay quiet and take no notice.

    Dont get me wrong there's mods out their who are helpful, but there's just the majority who think everything is in their hands they make up the rules.

    We all have different opinions and the mods use that to their advantage when they ban people for no legal reason.

    im still angry about how the mods have taken aggresive action against me like a military mission, i post a post in someone else's thread they come hunting for me even though i done nothing wrong but share my opinion on the matter.

    I DO follow what they say, but sometimes what they tell you is abit rediclious and unfair.

    I Always waited for people to post first THEN i would contribute with my opinion, but the mods dont even seem satisfied with that.

    Iv'e changed my ways now, if mods still think im wrong ok then fair enough. but i still have my rights.

    I Haven't posted news without SHARING MY opinion in a long time, by the mods ignore that fact and go ahead and ban me for the simplest thing they can locate.

    Im willing to enter hard and long discussions to sort this out for good and follow the mods rules, despite the difference's i may have with them.

    Is their any possible agreement we can come to? any rules or sanctions you can impose on me if i step out of place again? any agreement? there must be something! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    At this stage RobitTV I have to revert to the experiences and knowledge of the local forum Mods and CMods. This number of bans, with most of them for the same reason, suggests to me that no amount of back and forth discussions is going to change your habits in AH.

    The agreement previously put forward was that you didn't keep linking to news/media sites without making a valid contribution yourself and you could not keep to this.

    At this time I see no reason to overturn the local Mods ruling, it seems to have been done in the best interest of the forum.

This discussion has been closed.