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Things will come to those who wait...



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    pconn, I always find that the first longish run when the temperature rises in Spring is always tough. You've been training all year in temps probably under 10 degrees. Add 5 to that, and a longer run and that'll always make it seem hard. I read an article somewhere that the ideal temperature for running a marathon is 8 degrees and that every degree over that adds a few seconds a mile. I can't remember the exact figures but I've certainly always found the first long run in March/April sunshine a toughie. Don't stress it..

    I take it you didn't do Dunboyne?

    Cheers RFR, no didn't head up to Dunboyne, there was talk of heading up to support it as a club race but nothing materialised, everyone is saving themselves for a good lash at the Patsy Kelly 5k in Dundalk next week. What you're saying about the temperatures in interesting, it was just the 3 miles at half marathon pace that were a bit tough, tough but manageable which I suppose is good. Brendan was suffering a bit as well so I don't feel so bad! :D

    Any sessions yourself recently? Time for one or two more long runs before the taper?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Training is still pretty rubbish for me, but not too bothered. Did a 20 mile run on Friday evening which felt grand. For the month of March, I've done 1 half marathon, a 7 mile run, 12, 14 and 17 and that is literally the height of it. Unlikely to get much more done in next month but sure I'll enjoy it all the same.. must try and catch up with ye lot sometime over the next few weeks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    2.5 miles

    Just a very easy run with the OH this morning, she is also running the Patsy Kelly 5k in Dundalk this weekend that I'm doing, as her first (and probably last!) race so some last minute training was needed!

    MYTD: 448

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    10.2 miles including 7x1 mile @ 10k pace (6.35) off 500m recovery

    Bit of a monster of a session this evening but it went well. I felt fairly comfortable throughout the first five and just got through the last 2 repeats. To be honest I think my 10k pace is quicker than this now as they first few felt very easy and even the last two weren't a real struggle, but it's the pace from my last 10k so that's what I went by. Saying that my legs are a bit tired now and I've just finished eating the entire contents of the house including most of the condiments! :D

    MYTD: 458

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    6.5 miles, 51:23, 7:54 avg. pace

    Nice easy run this evening, and what an evening it was, amazing weather and it as just gorgeous by the sea. Have a race on Saturday evening so hope this weather holds up till then. Have another session planned for tomorrow, looking forward to it.

    MYTD: 464.5

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    6 mile session

    Run 2 x 400/800/2400 meter supersets. Run 400 meters at 20 seconds per mile faster than 5K pace, 800 meters at 5K pace and 2400 meters at goal half marathon pace. Do not rest between the distances. Recover between the sets with 800 meters at an easy pace. Cool down with 800 meters at an easy pace.

    Due to the fact that I'm racing on Saturday I decided to soften the paces a little bit for this one as I didn't want to flatten myself. So I aimed for 5.55 pace for the 400's, 6.10 pace for the 800's and 6.55 pace for the 2400's. The first went good, struggled to keep the half marathon paces as slow as I needed. The one thing that caused problems was the heat, I was really suffering with it. Anyway recovered well and launched into the second set. Struggled to hit the 5.55 pace and ended up with 6.04 for the 400, the legs just weren't responding. Recovered a bit for the 800's and hit 6.10 pace but again was ahead of target for the half marathon pace, averaged 6.50 pace. Cooled down with a super easy jog. This was a tough day and the legs are feeling it now, going to do a very slow recovery tomorrow to give the legs a chance for Saturday. But a good session in the bag.

    MYTD: 470.5

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    4 mile easy, 35:12, 8.50 avg. pace

    Nice easy recovery run this morning, felt a lot better after it. Not too optimistic about the race tomorrow, I think the two hard sessions this week have took their toll and could come back to bite me. To be honest I'd be delighted with another sub 19 but it's my OH's first race so I just hope she enjoys it, not too worried about my time, will just line up and see what happens!

    MYTD: 474.5

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Best of luck in the race this evening Pconn.. Not venturing up the road. It'd interrupt with my very well-planned 6 month taper for London!!! :-) I've a funny feeling I'm going to have to up my game considerably in the summer to keep up with you in the shorter-distance races. You're having a great season. Chat to ya soon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Best of luck in the race this evening Pconn.. Not venturing up the road. It'd interrupt with my very well-planned 6 month taper for London!!! :-) I've a funny feeling I'm going to have to up my game considerably in the summer to keep up with you in the shorter-distance races. You're having a great season. Chat to ya soon.

    Cheers RFR and I don't think you have to worry about competition just yet! As regards to London, you're in the enviable position of being able to miss a lot of training but still turn up in London and run a brilliant time that many people would be jealous of! Chat to you soon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Patsy Kelly 5k
    Chip time: 18:40, 31st overall

    This was a great race, and overall I'm delighted with the result. Very fast course especially the first mile which was mostly downhill, covered in 5:50. Lots of people got carried away here and we spent most of the race overtaking people. The second mile had a few sneaky hills in one of the parks in town and was a bit slower 6.08. Course then loops back to the start so down the same hill again, third mile in 5.58 and I was hurting a bit at this stage but gritted the teeth and tried not to get passed, 5.33 pace for the last 0.13 miles. Great race and a great turn out, over 500 ran and plenty of tea and sandwiches after to top it all off. Hope this becomes a yearly event.

    MYTD: 479.5

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    4 mile easy recovery run

    No Garmin for this, just jogged around in the glorious weather. Legs felt grand. Heading away for a few days tomorrow so hoping to get todays long run in the morning before I go, aiming for 14 miles or so.

    MYTD: 483

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    14 miles including 10 mile in 1:22:37 8:16 avg. pace, 4 mile 27:26 6:54 avg. pace

    Heading away for a day or two so squeezed this in this morning. Glad I got it done, good confidence booster. Half marathon pace miles felt tough but manageable, also longest run since DCM last year. Now I'm off to the west of Ireland for a few days!

    MYTD: 497

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    4 miles, 31:20, 7:50 avg. pace

    ...And that run brings me over 500 miles for the year. I meant to get out for longer but was tight for time. The purpose of this run was to clear away the "over indulgences" of the last two days! :) It was a toughie, very windy and I kept getting stitches, proof that alcohol and running don't mix! Anyway, back on the wagon, session planned for tomorrow.

    MYTD: 501

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    8 miles including 2@ 10k pace (6.35) and 5@ 1/2 marathon pace (6.57)

    Into the track for another session today, was quite warm in the middle of the day. This looked like a tough session on paper, 7 mile at 1/2 marathon pace or quicker. The idea was to run the 2 miles @10k pace and then slow down for the 5 at half marathon pace with no gap between the miles. The two miles @10k pace were tough, breathing was a bit out. When I was away for a few days, there was something in the place we were staying that aggravated my asthma and still seems to be affecting me a bit today. I had bad asthma as a child but hasn't bothered me for years, something seemed to have triggered it over there though. Anyway, the HMP miles went better, still took a mile or two to settle the breathing but felt good at the end, happy with that session. Just an easy run tomorrow.

    MYTD: 509

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    10 miles in 1:25:03, 8.30 avg. pace

    This was a longer run that I intended on doing. Only planned to do about 6 easy but a friend on mine wanted to do his longest run of the year and wanted a bit of company, and the sneaky git didn't tell me how far we were going until we were on the road! Anyway, the pace was fairly leisurely but the course we ran was tough enough, lots of up and downs. Legs feel a bit tired now so definitely going to take it easy for the next few days, I'm possibly racing a 5k on Monday but will play it be ear over the weekend.

    MYTD: 519

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    5 mile

    Recovery run today as the legs felt a bit sore after yesterdays 10 miler. Didn't bother with the Garmin, did the first two miles with the mother and then trotted around for another three on my own. The plan calls for a 10k time trial or race tomorrow but there's no race on near me and I never perform well in time trials on my own, so I think I'm gonna race a 5k on Monday instead and do a 10k race (possibly at the K club) in two weeks time. Decisions decisions!

    MYTD: 524

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    4 mile with 4 acceleration strides, 31:15

    You guessed it, just another easy run before the race tomorrow. Threw in a few strides to loosen out the legs, felt good on this run, 7:50 pace felt like jogging. This is a good race tomorrow with a good course but it's a fair bit tougher than last weeks 5k with a tough hill around 3k. It's also giving a bad day weather wise, rain and wind (Oh yes, getting my excuses in early! :P). Not really a goal race for me, just good training and supporting a local (ish) club race. Would love another sub 19 so make it three in less than a month but sure we'll see what happens!

    MYTD: 528

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Mountpleasent AC 5k
    Time: 18:42

    Happy enough with this. It's a tough enough course this and it lashed rain for the duration. Only a relatively small field of about 160 but very high standard with at least 50% decent club runners. First mile was slightly downhill and the plan was to bank a bit of time here as the second half of the course is slower. first mile 5:45 (OK, too fast! :D). Slowed a bit in the second mile and we hit the hills at 3k. They are not too steep but you're climbing steadily for over 1k. I made up a few places on this section, passing about 4 people, but naturally the pace suffered a bit at this point . Into the last 5k which is mostly downhill and I'm hurting but one of the runners I passed is back along side me and we race to the line, me winning out by about 3 seconds but about two seconds off my PB which I'm very happy with on a much tougher course. 22nd second overall I think so not a bad days work.
    So one of my aims for the year was a sub 19 5k and that's three 18:xx 5ks in less than a month so I'm happy! Next race is possibly in two weeks at the K club 10k, I want a good 10k and then it will be the big one at the Dundalk 1/2 marathon!

    MYTD: 532

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 711 ✭✭✭cwgatling

    Nice one pconn, well done.
    K club is meant to be dead flat, should be a good blow out.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    cwgatling wrote: »
    Nice one pconn, well done.
    K club is meant to be dead flat, should be a good blow out.

    Cheers cwgatling!

    Yeah it's meant to be pancake flat so there will be no excuses that day! :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    3.5 miles

    So today was meant to be an rest day buy but my mother and OH seem to think I'm a personal trainer and they both wanted to go out for a run but and I quote "don't want to go on my own! :(". They usually run together but didn't suit today so I did 2 miles with the mother and 1.5 miles with the OH. It was easy running, around 11 minutes a mile, so might as well have been a rest day! Session at the track tomorrow.

    MYTD: 535.5

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Meant to add this a week ago but completely forgot.

    Month|No. of Runs|Miles Run

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    7 miles including 4x 1.5 miles @ 10k pace (6.35)

    Well that was the plan but it didn't go as smoothly as that. Had to bail out half a mile early in the last repeat because my stomach was in ribbons. Overall though I was happy with the session. The pace felt tough from the start and I really thought I was going to have to stop after the second repeat, but for the first two I managed 6.35 and 6.36. I took a large dose of HTFU and jumped into the third one, got it done but the pace suffered a bit, 6.42. Felt better somehow on the fourth one but when the stomach started acting up I really had no choice to stop. So not perfect but happy I kept going after the first two repeats.

    The only thing that's worrying me is that 6.35 pace felt harder than it should. I intend to have a crack at sub 40 at the K club 10k in two weeks and that requires at least 6.26 pace. maybe it will come right on the day though. Before my last 5k I only managed 6.13 pace in training but then ran 5.58 avg pace in the race so all hope is not lost yet! Maybe there is still some tiredness from the race on Monday. Easy run tomorrow.

    MYTD: 542.5

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    AM: 2 miles easy with the mother

    PM: 4 miles easy, 31:39, 7:54 avg. pace

    So this was meant to be a 6 mile easy run but I split it for a reason. Yesterday evening I got a familiar twinge in my knee. I have suffered in the past with patellar tendonitis in both my knees and I felt I recognised the twinge straight away. So with the 1/2 marathon less than a month away I took precautionary measures and did a bit foam rolling and put on ice. Felt better this morning so I tested the waters with an easy run with the mother and it felt fine. Chanced the longer run this evening and again it felt fine, a few twinges but nothing serious. Also wore a Patellar strap which I used to always wear. Have a session planned for tomorrow but I'll play it by ear and maybe just do an easy run instead. Don't want to risk the whole race for one session. Annoying as fuck the whole thing though.

    MYTD: 548.5

  • Registered Users Posts: 143 ✭✭caseyjones1

    Hi can I ask you what patellar strap you use? I have had the same problem in the past and just recently noticed a slight twinge on longer runs.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Hi can I ask you what patellar strap you use? I have had the same problem in the past and just recently noticed a slight twinge on longer runs.

    No problemo, this is the one I use:

    Have to say I find it very good. I wore it yesterday and today and had no problems so hopefully the twinge was just a twinge! Hope it's the same for you, I know how frustrating it can be!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    5.5 mile, 46.05, 8.34 avg pace

    So unusually for me, I decided to do the clever thing and give the session miss and just run easy for another day to see how the knee was. Did this run with a friend of mine so the pace was nice and relaxed and it was a gorgeous morning. Happy to report that the knee felt fine, no pain. Still going to be cautious and keep ice on it for a few days but fingers crossed, things are looking OK. Have a 16 mile run planned for Sunday so just another easy run tomorrow.

    MYTD: 554

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    4 mile, 31:14

    Another easy run this morning, a bit faster that expected but I felt good and the knee was fine. Have a big run tomorrow, 16 mile with the last 5 at half marathon pace. It's the longest run of the schedule and I'm slightly worried about it. I'm meeting up with a friend of mine to do it so that should help, I'll be happy to have it done though. Good luck to all those running the GIR and the national 10k championships tomorrow, I'm glad it's not me! :D Just trip Keninisea Bekele at the start and you'll be grand!

    MYTD: 558

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    16.2 miles, 2:13:16, 8.14 avg pace

    Holy shit, this was sufferfest 2012. I got approximately 0 of my 5 planned miles at half marathon pace done. I never once felt comfortable on this run, right from the start I just didn't feel right. Stomach was not great, my core felt tight, breathing was a bit laboured and the legs had no bounce. I stopped for a wizz after 8 miles and really though it would never end after that. Slogged and dragged my ass for the next 8 miles. Maybe it was the heat, it was quite warm and I think I was dehydrated. I had a layer of salt on my face when I was done although I drank a bottle of water while I was out, maybe it was not enough. Definitely one of the hardest long runs I've ever done. Still don't feel right now, tired and sore.
    I don't understand it, less than two weeks ago I did 14 miles with 4 @ 1/2 mp and it felt like jogging, today I died a death. The one good thing was I didn't throw in the towel, and got the miles done but all the same it was a bit of a confidence knocker. My running buddy also suffered neatly as much as me so maybe there was just something in the air. One of the bad days so hopefully it's only onwards and upwards from here!

    MYTD: 574

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Monday: Rest Day

    Tuesday: 10 miles including 2 mile easy, 7 mile @ 1/2 marathon pace (6.54), 1 mile easy

    So back on the horse again after Sunday's disaster and into the track for this session. Really needed this to go well as I've had a few bad days recently.
    First two easy miles were grand (about 7.52 pace) and then into the 1/2 marathon pace miles. Settled in early on and was aiming for between 6:55-7:00 pace. Took the first one easy like I intend to do on the day. Rest of the miles went smoothly enough, effort never felt too hard and the pace was manageable, definitely had more left in the tank at the end. Nice easy mile at the end to cool down. Happy with this session, needed a good confidence booster. The plan has another session for Thursday but going give it a miss for the race on Saturday at the K club and just run easy until then.

    Also got a nice surprise when I went into the club, apparently my club won second team at the Mountpleasent 5k and I was third member home so I got prize money, Booyah! Feel like a professional! :D

    1/2 marathon pace splits: 7:00, 6:55, 6:51, 6:57, 6:51, 6:55, 6:51

    MYTD: 584
