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The Blueprint



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    tunguska wrote: »
    Lock if you were planning on running back to back 5:20s you'll need to be running mile repeats at a pace at least that fast. Looking through your log and you had nothing like that done. At the very least you'll need mile repeats but preferably sets of 2milers, maybe something like 3 x 2mile with 3mins recovery between sets. The 400s and 800s are great for running economy but for raw strength and mental confidence in longer races you gotta be knocking out the longer intervals.

    Yeah you said it man, I'm lacking strength big time. That sounds like a good session. I'd say I'd struggle to do 3 x 2 mile in 11 minutes each so 5:20 splits on Sunday was an optimistic goal. Thought I might get away with it with 4 miles but it wasn't to be. Back on the horse now and hoping to knock out some long strength sessions like the one you mentioned above in the coming weeks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Monday: 10 miles in 67:36 (6:45/mile)

    I was blowing off steam with this run so I went a tad too fast. Running steady and comfortable but I was working up any hills I came across. Trying to make up for a poor race which is not a very good idea!

    Tuesday: So I planned to do some sort of session today. I couldn't make up my mind what to do and I still didn't know what to do when I was warming up. I laced up the spikes after deciding on 6 x 4 mins with 2 mins recovery might test me. My head wasn't in it at all. Doing it alone around the polo grounds at lunchtime with the sun beating down didn't help so after the 2nd rep I just said feck it and pulled the session. I hate cutting sessions short but I just didn't care.

    Wednesday: Easy 8.08 miles in 59:36 (7:22/mile)

    Thursday: 16 x 400m, 1 minute rest.


    2 mins recovery


    So this was a great confidence booster. I have never done this many reps ever. I just tried to ignore the fact that there were 16 to tackle. I kind of zoned out and before I knew it we had already done 10 and I was feeling alright. I took the first one conservatively as I didn't know how to pace it but from then on I went with the front group and after that there were three of us, each leading every 3rd rep. Having the lads to hold on to was a huge help. 400's aren't an issue. If this was 800's I would have had to let them go so that extra strength needs to be addressed.

    Friday: 8.71 miles in 61:11 (7:01/mile)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Last week: Sat - rest

    Sun - 14 mile long run. Forgot the Garmin but I was really rolling. (59 miles for the week)

    Mon - 8 miles in 53:36 (6:41/mile)

    Tue - 10 miles in 69:27 (6:56/mile)

    Wed - 11 miles in 73:26 (6:40/mile)

    Thurs - 4 x 1 mile, 75 sec recovery

    Fri - 6 miles in 42:40 (7:06/mile)

    Sat - 5 x 3 minutes, 90 sec recovery

    Sun - 13.2 miles in 1:23:58 (6:22/mile)

    60 miles total for the week.

    I was up glued to the golf so just updating this now at the end of a good week á la Steve Way. So this was quite a good week's training that I'm proud to post here. Running steady has gradually creeped under the 7 minute barrier which isn't too important but nice all the same. On Tuesday, I had planned to do some fartlek but the wind was ridiculous so I just ran steady. Thursday's session was 4 x 1 mile in 5:13, 5:13, 5:19, 5:16. I really needed this session as I'm still lacking this kind of strength. I was hanging off the back of the group just grinding it out but got through it in one piece.

    On Saturday I had planned to do 8 by 3 minutes. Laced up the spikes on some freshly cut grass and set off. I was feeling GREAT. Like really comfortable. To the point that I thought I was going too slow, but that wasn't the case. On the 4th rep I had some sudden sharp pain deep in my gut and I honestly thought I was going to vomit. 90 seconds later I felt okish so tried the next rep. Same stomach pain so packed in the session. I think it was just related to what I ate but I was so put off that I just walked home rather than jogging a cooldown. Didn't get out for a run until after 7 o'clock today but once I started I seemed to be in 5th gear. I held back for the first 4 miles but still felt great so put the foot down and despite rolling hills and a HUGE rain shower I finished soaked to the skin and feeling fantastic. Just one of those days I suppose but happy for it. I would have gone farther but it was starting to get dark coming home. No race next week so I'm going to plan to run 15 or 16 miles as the last 2 weeks I have felt really smooth on my Sunday runs.

    I'm an inconsistent trainer and sometimes let laziness get the better of me but since the calendar has rolled over into April, I am determined to run every day this month as the Summer is looming large and I want to run FAST. Sunday and Tuesday I didn't really feel like heading out but I just got on with it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Monday: 8 miles in 55:00 (6:52/mile)

    Getting tired of these wet and windy runs. I've never checked the weather forecast so much in my life.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Tuesday: 8 x 3 mins, 90 sec recovery.

    pace per kilometre according to Garmin:


    So this was a huge success but I had to work really hard for it. Started off way too fast and it took until the 4th rep to settle into a groove. I panicked a bit as I thought I may have ruined the session but instead it spurred me on to maintain the pace and keep them consistent. Weather wasn't kind either but at least the wind stayed calm. Normally when I do a session like this, I do it around a few GAA pitches which means I'm turning 5 or 6 times per rep. Today however I only had to make one u-turn which really helped. This was a great session for me as I did it solo, and a lot faster than normal.

    Really excited about my training at the moment.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Way to go, Lock!! Well done, and love your enthusiasm! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Wednesday: 11 miles in 71:38 (6:30/mile)

    Had my Dad with me for company on the bike. Managed to fit this in between rain showers. Faster than intended so I think I'll go for a jog tomorrow morning as I don't want to be stale for tomorrow night's track session.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Thursday: Pyramid session on grass tonight. The session was 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 4 min, 3 min, 2 min, 1 min.

    We had 1 minute recovery between each effort and 30 seconds between the 1 and 2 minute reps. I didn't bother doing any splits or checking the watch too much as we were going off time and not a set distance. I just listened for the whistle and kept the head down, or up rather. I do this group session every Thursday but this is the first time I've done it with a session already in the bag from Tuesday. I had some fatigue in the legs so I felt great after as I'm getting better at running fast when tired.

    I have a hill session planned for Saturday too so if I nail that it will be my best week of the year. Probably why I'm posting daily here!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Friday: 4 miles in 29:42 (7:24/mile)

    Saturday: 6 x 1 mile uphill

    This was my first time trying this session. My Dad used to do this session years ago and has been saying for ages we should try it. The road he picked gets gradually more and more steep as I run up it. The last 400m is extremely steep and also quite exposed so the wind can blow you back a bit.

    The only thing about this road is that there are quite a few turns and blind corners so for safety reasons (and to get a lift back down to allow for a shorter recovery) I had my Dad in the car shadowing me the whole way up. Fortunately there weren't too many drivers we got in the way of. It allowed us to get back down in between 3:30-4 rest, by which time I was fully recovered. This was mainly to save my legs from a steep downhill though.

    The hill was exactly one mile, even though we weren't exactly sure of the length. Reps averaged between 6:10 and 6:15. There was a 6:20 on the first rep as I was just feeling the length out. The second one was a 6:07, after that they calmed down. I was nearly an hour on that hill but the last rep felt shorter than the rest, as I got used to the length. Legs were heavy starting this session but got through it great.

    Sunday I have a Garmin 610 which will freeze on me every few weeks for whatever reason. This was the case on Saturday evening when I was checking my splits from the hill session. So a no watch long run it was!

    15 miles, started slow and as a result felt I could run all day.

    62 miles total for the week.

    Monday: Watch still frozen but got out for a 72 minute run on a new route so don't know the distance. I'm taking it as 10 miles as again I intentionally ran well within myself.

    Tuesday 8 x 3 mins, 90 seconds recovery.

    pace per 1km:


    Legs did not feel fresh at all starting this session. Hamstrings and glutes were still feeling the long hill session and long run weekend. Once I got going I was fine though which is a great confidence booster. It seems I feel crap before every session but once I start I'm rolling. Wind slowed me down a little so pace on the watch surprised me a little. Happy enough with it.

    Wednesday: 9.49 miles in 64:31 (6:47/mile)

    Once again I'm running really easy at the beginning of every run and without any effort I gradually pick it up as I go on. I'll be doing this from now on. I used to go steady from the start if I felt good but now I'm taking the first 4-5 miles really easy and taking it from there and its working well for me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Thursday: Session tonight was 1 x mile followed by 5 x 800m off 1:45 recovery. Splits:

    1 mile: 5:05



    Felt really good on this session. I was the one overtaking the others after every 400m to try maintain the pace for the second lap so I'm definitely getting fitter. The last time I did 800s was some 7 or 8 weeks ago and I remember I was going through in around 75 and then struggling to run 80 for the second lap. Tonight we were cruising through in 73 or 74 and holding it there at that pace till the end. The first one was slow as stuck to the back but realised there were only 4 to go with plenty of recovery so I had a go at it. There were only 5 of them but with the mile at the start, we still did 14 laps at pace so happy with this.

    Stepping on the track to race for the first time in about a year next Wednesday night in the first graded meet. Plan is to sit in and try hit 9 minutes. Looking forward to it tonight. Especially when all my training is in flats on a gravel track.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Friday: 4 miles in 29:34 (7:21/mile)

    Saturday: 12 x 300m uphill, jog back recovery.

    So this was the prescribed session, and I completed it in a roundabout way but my it was tough going. I have no splits but I timed the first and last rep out of curiosity. I was going up in a little over 60 seconds and taking a little over 2 minutes to get down.

    Warming up my legs felt asleep which isn't good when you need to focus on knee lift tearing up a huge hill. I started with gusto and the first one came in at 63 seconds. I don't know the exact distance of the hill but I took that anyway and didn't look at the watch again until the final effort. Running up for the 12th time, I went flat out and clocked a 59 which I was delighted with. A really tough session but got through it ok. As it's only a minute running you always think you can go one more. Every time I hit the top I felt like cutting the session short but by the time I reached the bottom my thoughts turned to my race on Wednesday and my goal of getting under 9 minutes for 3k. I just kept saying "sub 9, sub 9" over and over in my head.

    The interesting thing about today's session is this though. It was a mental battle the whole way for me. I ran the first 4 reps way too fast and when I got to the top of the hill I knew I couldn't keep that pace going. After the 4th I almost stopped the watch and sat down. Instead, I took a 6 minute break while I changed into racers having started the session with trainers and convinced myself to try some more.

    Even as I got up for next one, I had decided that this was my break between 2 sets of 4. This was the halfway point and there were only 4 to go. Well I got to the top after the 5th at a more comfortable pace but still with burning legs and lungs. I said I'd only do 6.

    After the 6th I felt I could do 2 more. After the 8th I thought I could get to 10 at a push. Standing at the bottom of that hill going into my 10th rep I just said feck it I'll do the 12.

    I can't remember the last time I've trained and wanted to quit so early. It might be just the nature of hill sprints but MY GOD there was just this crazy inner monologue going on my head the whole time. Two voices arguing. Wanting to stop at the next even number and the other saying to pull through.

    2 things brought me through to the end:

    1. The race on Wednesday
    2. Knowing that I'll be doing this session again soon and not wanting to fail my first time at it.

    I'll run long tomorrow and hit around 60 miles for the week again. Plan is to return to this bitch of a hill for 8 reps on Monday and then an easy run Tuesday that will bring me to Wednesday night's race. I haven't raced since bonking in Dunboyne at the end of March so looking for redemption.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Time to update this getting a little lazy with logging runs lately.

    Sunday 22nd April: 14.7 miles in 1:40:39 (6:50/mile)

    Monday 23rd April: 8 miles, no watch

    Tuesday 24th April: 4 x 3:15 mins w. 75 sec recovery

    Wednesday 25th: 6 miles in 44:39 (7:26/mile)

    Thursday 26th: 8 mins, 7 mins, 6 mins, off about 2 mins recovery.

    Friday 27th: 6 miles no watch

    Saturday: 12 x 300m uphill, jog back recovery (same as last Saturday)

    Sunday: 8 miles in 59:34 (7:25/mile)

    Monday: 8 miles in 57:57 (7:14/mile)

    Tuesday: 6 miles in 40:48 (6:47/mile)

    Wednesday: 10 miles in 69:30 including 5 long fartlek efforts.

    Juicy Details

    So last Wednesday I as supposed to race a 3k on the track but the weather forecast for that evening was not conducive to fast times so my coach and I decided to give it a miss. I'm not one to skip a run/race when the weather doesn't cooperate but I was going for a time and I think struggling in the wind and rain for 9 minutes or so wasn't worth the effort.

    Last week I knew I had a solid month of training behind me, and I was due a bit of a break or down week. So I've been taking it a little easier recently. When we decided not to do the 3k, I headed out to do a session Tuesday evening of 8 x 3:15 mins with 75 seconds recovery. I just felt a little too tired for my liking. I felt like I wasn't getting any benefit from the session and that stopping and resting would be better for me, so I just cut the session short. On Thursday I did the club session of 8 mins, 7 mins, 6 mins. Pace was 5:25 on the first rep, 5:19 on the second and 5:18 on the final one. I was a bit cautious running this as I was feeling tired but it went well overall.

    On Saturday I did my second hill session of the season and it went really really well. With only 300m to run, fatigue wasn't an issue. Concentrated on leg lift, posture and form. It went much better than last week. The session comes to less than 4k so that's why I felt OK.

    Yesterday I ran 10 miles with a few pickups within the run. I did two mile efforts within the first 4 miles (5:37, 5:39) as the ground is reasonably flat there. I felt I was running harder than the pace showed but obviously not. As the route got a little hillier I did two hard efforts uphill that came to around 3 minutes each. Then on the way back I decided to do one last fast mile and clocked a 5:07. I then ran the last 2 miles home easy. I was surprised by the final effort as it felt the same as the slower miles but I had warmed up properly and been on my feet for almost an hour.

    I managed to run every day in April which was a big goal for me. Bit of a silly goal really but there were loads of days I didn't want to run and I wouldn't have made the effort to get out the door if I hadn't set this target of 30 runs in 30 days for myself. I didn't race once which to be honest is catching up with me. I'm getting restless and I haven't really enjoyed the last week's training. I'm racing the Leixlip 5k on Saturday so hopefully my enthusiasm for getting out the door will be renewed after a PB, maybe even dipping under 16 minutes for the first time. This is a long update so I'll stop rambling.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Thursday: 7.94 miles in 54:29 (6:51/mile)

    Friday: 4.06 miles in 30:06 (7:24/mile)

    Feeling good. Hoping to be near the front of the field tomorrow morning. Waiting to unleash a month worth of training in 3.1 miles. Good luck to anyone else running in Leixlip.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    Well done on the win lock.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    yeah congrats man, you had to dig in those last 300 metres :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    +1. Super time. Well done!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    So I don't really know where to start with reviewing today's race as it's a bit of a blur but I'll give it a go as today was an important race for me for a few reasons.

    My last race before today was the Dunboyne 4. It didn't go well and my training was to blame. I remember going for an angry run the day after saying to myself there's no point turning up to race if you're not putting the effort in in training. So I decided to try harder, push myself a bit more, and that's exactly what I did for the month of April.

    I warmed up by running a lap of the course to get a feel for it. It was quite windy from 1 to 2 miles. I noted all the k markers and got to the start-line with a plan to sit in and avoid that wind. Then try my best in the final kilometre.

    About 800m into the race we were climbing a steep incline to get over the M4 motorway. I had done 3 really solid hill sessions recently as part of my 'HTFU April training' so instead of sitting in behind the group I decided to take off. I knew there was a long stretch coming up with a headwind I might have to face alone but I didn't care. I knew I could get over this hill fast and stride down the other side faster than the rest. I thought if I could gap the group behind me maybe I could hold on for a fast time. I expected one or two lads to slot in behind me but I got a gap and was running on my own until the final 300m.

    My first mile was 4:55. I was running the tangents as best I could. I didn't look over my shoulder once. I just focused on the lead car and running the shortest possible route. A marshall said I had about 30 yards on 2nd which was all I needed to know. They were close enough to catch me so I kept pushing. I felt really good and knew if I could get to 4k and push it down the hill at the train station I could actually win the race!

    Passed 3k in 9:28, the only time I checked my watch. I realised I could break 16 minutes. Yet another incentive to keep pushing. Legs still felt OKish. 2nd mile was a 5:14. I just kept pushing like there was a man on my shoulder. Still hadn't looked back once. I came into the grass field with 600m to go with a 30 yard gap according to another marshall. The uneven surface found me out a bit and I knew I wasn't as steady on my feet as I thought I was. With 200m to go I looked back for the first time and saw Dave Byrne close enough to catch me. I didn't want to lead the whole race only to be pipped in the finishing straight. Gathered what energy I had left and crossed the line with one second to spare in 15:54. 3rd mile was a 5:09. A 45 second PB. My first career win and legs full of lactic acid. Couldn't be happier. It took me ages to recover as I had really given it everything. The final 300m really pushed me over the edge but I recovered in time for the handshake and photo.

    The main thing I took from today was how I won the race. I like how I ran it solo from the front. I didn't know I had that in me to be honest. I knew I could break 16 minutes so it's great to have finally done it. With a little less wind and hills and a few weeks more training I'd like a crack at breaking 15:30. Well done to everyone today and my thanks to Le Cheile AC on a great race.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Well done Lock super stuff.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Thanks Woddle, breaking barriers the two of us! Well done on another sub 20 performance.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Sunday: 12 miles in 1:21:54 (6:49/mile)

    Really nice run in the Phoenix Park today to cap off a 55 mile week with a PB in there too. I expected to feel sluggish today but was clipping along nicely without effort. I even slowed down in parts as I thought it was the excitement of having ran a PB yesterday but I was just feeling good so went with it.

    The plan for the next 10-12 weeks is to focus on the track, specifically the 1500m. I won't be doing any more road races. I have marked the races I want to do, the first two being the Meath county T&F meets this day week on Sunday the 13th (1500m) and the week after that on the 20th (3000m). They should both be PBs. I really can't wait to get cracking on some REAL track sessions to get me ready for the summer.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Monday: 10.30 miles in 1:08:38 (6:39/mile)

    This was supposed to be slower with a track session tomorrow but after 5 miles I was naturally picking it up down to 6:30 pace. Felt fine so went with it. Might pay for it tomorrow I don't know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 SamAllardyce

    How long ago did you buy the Garmin 610? Did you manage to get that with the heart rate monitor as i cannot seem to find it anywhere? And finally would you highly recommend?? :) Well done on the training buddy keep up the hard work, long summer ahead where the real training gets done!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 617 ✭✭✭pa4

    just found this today, great to see another track log! your goals seem to be similar to mine so it'll be interesting to watch your progress

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    How long ago did you buy the Garmin 610? Did you manage to get that with the heart rate monitor as i cannot seem to find it anywhere? And finally would you highly recommend?? :) Well done on the training buddy keep up the hard work, long summer ahead where the real training gets done!!

    I got the Garmin 610 last July. After 2 or 3 weeks of using it, it froze on me and wouldn't turn on again so I got it replaced. I was injured at the time so was in no rush to get it replaced but the one I've had since November has been grand. As it's a touchscreen model, it has a tendency to freeze sometimes. To save a run, you have to hold the lap button for 3 seconds and out of maybe 200 times using it it's only frozen 3 or 4 times so not a big issue. I used to flick through my activities out of interest but I know better now and only use it when I run as I don't want to drive it too hard! I got it through in Bray and they had ones with the HR monitor so give them a shot.

    Thanks a lot for the well wishes, had a wake up call yesterday as I tried my first session faster than 5k pace but there's still time to improve my speed endurance which was really found wanting!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Tuesday: Track session. 6 x 600m, 4 x 300m (2 mins recovery)

    6 x 600 1.41.45

    (10 minutes recovery)

    4 x 300 46.1

    This was a real test of my speed endurance, which is not much to write home about going by my 600m splits. The plan was to go through 400m in 66 to 67 and hold on to there and try to keep them at around 1.40 or as close to it as possible. I was able to get to 400m on pace but the last 200m, I would just fall apart completely and slow down. Even on the slowest ones, I was coming through in 68, but then the last 200m I could only manage a 37 to make 1.45. I thought we were going straight into the 300s and didn't have much hope for going faster but with 10 minutes rest I regrouped and they went better than expected.

    I have a lot to improve upon here but this is a start at least. I felt like packing the session in as I went on but stuck with it as I have to start somewhere. This is new territory, faster than 5k pace so it will take getting used to.


    8 miles easy in 56:22 (7:02/mile) Felt stiff as hell.

    Got some new racers today. Saucony Fastwitch 5. Solid pair of flats with a bit of support for my large frame. I'll give them a spin tomorrow night and report back. I've retired the pair I raced in at the weekend. They served me well and their last day out was a PB. I had them for 5 or 6 years so they had to go as I'm taking this running lark a little more seriously now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Thursday: Track session.

    2k, 1200, 1k, 800, 600, 400. Around 90 seconds recovery between each.

    2k: 6:15 (5:01 at 1600)

    1200: 3:48

    1k: 3:10

    800: 2:29

    600: 1:51

    400: 67

    Tough session this evening. I could have done with a shakeout this morning, still felt some stiffness from Tuesday's session. Happy with all the times but the 800 and 600 were slower than I would like. I latched onto the lead guy for the first rep and while it felt great to be motoring together, I knew he was able to last the whole session at that intensity whereas I would probably suffer in the latter reps. Which is what happened. I was covered in muck afterwards as the gravel track had a lot of surface water in parts. New runners are properly christened now. They felt great, excellent support and long overdue really. I'm going to try two short runs tomorrow as I need to start getting into the habit of getting out twice on recovery days when I can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 SamAllardyce

    Wow clear to see your training is really taking a step forward now well done, you seem to be flying at the minute be careful not to overdo it so early in the summer!!
    You still keeping up them core sessions you said you were going to start doing?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 711 ✭✭✭cwgatling

    Well done in Leixlip Lock. Good work on beating those 2 Tallaght AC b@stards :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    cwgatling wrote: »
    Well done in Leixlip Lock. Good work on beating those 2 Tallaght AC b@stards :)

    Haha thanks, are you a tallaght man cwgatling?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 115 ✭✭Lock

    Wow clear to see your training is really taking a step forward now well done, you seem to be flying at the minute be careful not to overdo it so early in the summer!!
    You still keeping up them core sessions you said you were going to start doing?

    Thank you, trying not to overdo it as I've never been in this kind of shape before so some days I don't know what to do. Just trying to be smart and hit it hard on the track and take it easy the rest of the week. I've been lazy on the core front but I am doing a bit more stretching as I'm training well. I'm going to start doing some core soon but I'll probably be too embarrassed to post details on this as it will only be 20 minute sessions to start off with.

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