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A Rebels Marathon/Duathlon/Triathlon Dream

  • 02-01-2012 6:34pm
    Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭

    Its the start of a New Year so I have decided to dream big and hopefully do at least one or hopefully all of the the above! I am in my 30s and only started running short races (4-5 Mile Ones) last year. I am fairly slow but like running a lot and managed to complete my first Half-Marathon last year even though I had a calf injury.It took me over 2 hours.It was annoying as I felt quite good but couldn't push hard and fast because of the calf injury.I was just glad I completed it!

    I have only just learned to swim last year so my swimming will need a lot of practice!

    I got a new road bike recently and a trainer so I am ready to go either indoors or outdoors!

    I do Kung Fu 3 times a week already so it will be tough trying to do everything but my main goal is to do the Cork City Marathon.Anything else will be a bonus! It will be nice to log all my training here and hopefully keep me motivated.

    All systems go for the coming year!! :D



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    All things going well, I'll be seeing you the start line for the marathon :) Good luck!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    I had a good night tonight. It was good to get back running after the Christmas break! I warmed up for 5 mins then ran a mile fast (well fast for me, crawling by other peoples standards!) and then jogged for quarter of a mile.I did this 3 times and then kept going until I did 4.5 Miles in all.It was tough as it was the first one of the year but a good thing is that I didn't stop at all.Then I went on to Kung Fu class for the best part of 2 hours so all in all it was a good start to the year.

    So I did 4.50 Miles in 47 Mins with Avg. Pace of 10.25 Min/Mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭KoemansCC

    Best of luck, you're opening post sounds very like me this time last year...except for the Kung fu, I'll be following this log...

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    I didn't get to go for any run tonight as I had a special class in Kung Fu where I had to do 500 Kicks and 1000 punches as well as regular class.So I think that will do well for leg strength anyway! I will normally go for a run before class but between late finishing work, tired from yesterday and a special class I decided to not do it. I don't want to push myself too much too soon after Christmas but tomorrow I will definitely be hitting the pavement!

    Thanks KoemansCC and Insinkerator for the encouragement by the way!

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    I went for a 6 Mile run tonight and feel great having done it! I decided to listen to my Ipod as I was running tonight as I find it good to have it sometimes and then not others.My legs were a bit heavy starting out but once I got into a flow they were ok, that is, until I finished !:D

    Theres nothing like when you are feeling tired and then Voodoo People comes on to give you a lift! The good thing is that I didn't have to stop but I won't be breaking any speed records. A guy flew past me and it felt like I was on a conveyor belt going backwards!!!

    So I did 6 Miles in 1hr 3 mins with Avg. Pace of 10.31

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  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    I was out for my run tonight just settling into it when a car pulls up and a guy hops out and runs at me.I was focused on beginning my run and as he was a skinhead running at me, I thought it was going to be fight ! Then he explained he was late for an indoor football game and was looking for a local gym.I managed to give him directions which is hard when you are totally focused on running! So this little incident cost me time and I tried to pick up the pace from then on.

    This seemed to make me go faster from my weird sense of injustice from being slowed up for a while so I ended up doing

    4 Miles in 40 minutes with an Avg. Pace of 10.07.

    Its good for my standards as I reckon I was about a minute maybe more talking to him.I "felt" better running tonight than the 2 previous times which I hope is a good sign.I was sprinting at the end and it was good to finish strong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Today was another day of Kung Fu with 500 Kicks and 1000 punches and regular clases which all took 3 hours so I decided today would be a rest day from running!

    I got my new bike out for its maiden spin to get used to it and just went for a quick 10k/6 mile ride which took 30mins and the bike is great! Tomorrow I will go out for a longer spin on it.

    I'm hoping to go for a run tomorrow too but it will depend on how I feel after the cycle. I hope to at least do a small bit of running even if I am tired to keep the great start to this week. I am finally going running more consistently and now I will be throwing in the cycling. It's been a good start so far to 2012!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    I went out today properly on my new bike and went for a long ride. It was the longest ride I have ever done so that was good! I did 25.3 Miles/41 K and I was surprised i was able to do it.It was very tough but at least the weather was okay and I just kept on going.

    I was hoping to do a run as I said yesterday but I thought I should quit while I am ahead as that cycle was very hard and I need time to recover for this week coming.

    So I did 25.3 Miles/41K in 1Hr 47 Mins.

    I am not sure if thats a good or bad time but I am happy as it was my first long ride and I feel good having completed it. I managed to do a top speed of 51km/h at one stage although that was on a downhill gradient!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Best of luck with your goal. Might be worth building in a few shorter races as stepping stones towards the marathon in July. For example do a 10k in Feb, 10 mile in March and half marathon in mid April or something like that (Cork is June Bank Hol IIRC?). You can check on your progress at those intervals and plan for Cork accordingly. It will help your motivation having something to aim at through the darker nights of late winter too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Thanks Killerz! Yes I def intend to do shorter races as I will always naturally go all out in a race compared to a training session.I am already looking forward to a few races and planning which to do.

    I didn't do any training tonight as I went for my cycle a bit late in the day yesterday and am still tired today.I plan to do it earlier in the day to give myself longer to recover in future.

    I realised also that I did something every day last week so I deserve a day off! Though If I feel OK, I will train away as I believe in as long as I am able, I should do something. Its only on days like this where I am a bit drained that I will take a day off.I think If I had gone for the cycle in the morning instead of late afternoon, I would have been fine today to go for a run so its all about just tweaking my training times.

    I should be ready to go at it again tomorrow night!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    I finished work very late today which was annoying so I didn't get to go on my run.I would normally not run tomorrow so I will do todays run then instead.I did manage to get to Kung fu class so at least I managed to do that!

    Mental note....Have to make sure I finish work earlier by making sure desk is cleared in future!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Today was a good day even though it started out bad as I had a slight twinge in my right hamstring so I was stretching it out all day at work.It felt better as the day went on so when I finished work, I was off out running.

    I would normally do this session yesterday and it was the one where I jog for a quarter of a mile then go as fast as I can for a mile and I repeated this twice more.I am pleased because it was one of those days where I wanted to stay on the couch!

    I was slow starting out as I was still not in the mood but then settled into my rhythm and just ran away. Its strange because every time I always start out slow and then seem to get more and more into my flow.My hamstring felt fine during it and I did 4 miles in all. Its a good feeling after completing the target and I was concentrating on going faster than I have been before on the mile section.I will only get better if I push myself hard each time.

    So I did 4 Miles in 39m 25s with Avg. Pace of 9.52.

    This is a 35s improvement on the 6/1 session and I am happy as I didn't even feel great starting out!

    Then I went onto Kung Fu class where I had regular class then another special one where this week we up the amount and I had to do 600 Kicks and 2000 punches.I think the running helps it and it helps the running as the cross training is good when you use different muscles in each.

    Today I was thinking about my swimmimg too and need to get that going soon so hopefully I will get that sorted out.The nights are getting brighter too which is good as it opens up the option of going for a cycle after or before the run although I will keep the main outdoor cycle for the weekend when I have more time. Putting lights on and making sure I am seen on the road seems like too much hassle and I have to start using my Cycle Trainer anyway. I am hoping to start using it tomorrow night or definitely next week.

    My twinge in my leg is still there but I think it will go away in its own time as I felt fine running and didnt even notice it. I am looking forward to tomorrow nights training so thats a good sign! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    I decided to take a rest day as I think yesterday was a very tough day and the good thing is that my hamstring twinge has virtually gone away. Hopefully tomorrow I can get some more running and maybe cycling in if I finish work early.

    Its weird as I got the runkeeper email saying a new record for running and its only when I think about it that I realised that its only now I am running consistently. Before I would go for a run up to 5 miles and then do nothing for a week or two and think I was doing great! I am only 12 days into the new year and barely done much yet I feel fitter already.

    I am still thinking of my swimming and have to get that going soon as I said yesterday. I could run and cycle now and get by but swimming would be extremely weak so I want to try and address that in the coming weeks. I need to be doing it a couple of times a week to get more relaxed doing it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Well, thankfully my hamstring twinge has completely disappeared so as it was Friday and work over for another week I prepared for a good run! I decided that tonight would be a hill run as I wanted to test myself and make a change from the usual gradients that I run. It usually has a slight gradient but tonight was going to be one that had steep hills.From runkeeper the elevation goes from 120 feet to 262 feet!!

    As usual I started out not wanting to do it which is the way I seem to start evey run I do!! Then I got going and off I went.It turned out out to be a great run as I felt very good throughout it.It might have been that I did nothing yesterday as I only meant to do 6 miles but ended up doing 6.5 miles.I felt like I could have kept going which is great as I was doing these hills and didn't have to stop at all going up them.

    I had to will myself to stop as last year in preparing for the half marathon I over did it one day and did way more than planned.Then I had to rest for a few days and it threw all my plans out.I realised that its vital to stick to the plan that you have and not over do it.

    So I did 6.5 Miles in 1hr 10 mins with Avg. Pace of 10.47 which I am very happy with as it was all hills.Roll on the weekend now! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Another good day today!

    I started out with Kung Fu class where I had to do 600 Kicks and 2000 punches yet again and then regular class after that.It will be going up in amount again next week.......Uh oh!

    Then later on I went for another run. My legs felt very tired before I started and I think it was a combination of all the kicks from class and the hilly run the day before. It was very windy and cold and made me want to go back to a warm fire! This was a different route to the ones I have used this year and I thought it might be good to change up the routine and I wanted to try and do a fast time.

    So off I went and I don't know why but there were a lot of cyclists around. Not all together but all individually riding along which is always nice to see.I was thinking that when halfway through the run, a cyclist stopped and asked me for directions.This is the second time this year its happened ....I must have that kind of friendly face!! :D

    My goal today was to do 6 miles in under an hour. I know this is very slow for most(if not all!!) people but I am normally just over an hour if I do 6 miles.I think I am getting into the habit of running now as I feel a lot fitter than I have been before and its only been 2 weeks! I am happy to say that I did the run in under an hour so its a little win for me!

    So I did 6 Miles in 59m 36s with Avg. Pace of 9.55

    On 5/1, I did 6 miles in 1h 3 mins so it means I knocked off 3 and a half mins since then which is a good improvement. Its good as well as I felt tired doing it but still improved!

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    As today was a sunday and I had the whole day to use, I decided to try and test myself a bit more.I had a lovely lie in as it beats getting up at 5.30 in the morning for work! So I was rested, ready to get going and felt good.I got out my bike that I love riding and decided to ride out as far as I could get in 30 mins and then ride back home.It was still very cold and I made sure I was ready to venture out in it.

    This time though the wind was against me going out but I think thats better as I was fresh.It felt nice to get out on the bike again as even though it was cold and windy it was nice to be outside.I was surprised how far I got in 30 mins and then immediately turned around to go back.The good thing is that the wind was with me going back but the route seemed steeper.There was a hill that I had to stop on while going up last week and I was determined not to let it beat me so I managed to keep going! It took me a little longer going back too from the hills.

    So I did 14.04 Miles/22.6Km in 1hr 6 mins.

    When I got back home I got ready to go out running.I wasn't rushing as I didn't have everything ready but I didn't delay in the transition either.I might start having everything ready in future so I can go straight away but this was only to test me in cycling and running outdoors on the same day.

    I went off running and again it was bitterly cold with a strong wind.It was very tough as I was tired already but I kept going without stopping and ended up running 4 miles/6.4km and it felt good to finish!

    So I did 4 miles/6.4km in 42m 34s with Avg. Pace of 10.38

    All in all a great day in my own mini-duathlon biggrin.gif It was good to push myself and do both in the same day.I had a good weekend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 690 ✭✭✭bobster453

    Hi CorkonianRebel,
    What style of Kung Fu are you doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Hi Bobster453,
    We do a bit of everything really.Animal styles,Empty hand,internal and weapons.Its tough training in it as well as doing all the running and cycling!

    I had yesterday off due to various issues such as work and stuff I had to take care of! Maybe it was just as well because I was tired after sunday.Today I went for a run where I tried to run as quick as I could for 3 Miles to see if I am improving my speed.It felt like i had never ran before and I think it was due to my unscheduled day off and it was also wet and windy (like a baby! :D) It was very tough but I was glad when i had done it and ended up doing 3.25 miles so I was very happy. I had meant to do a system of jogging for 0.25miles then running for a mile like I did last week but I decided to see how I would do, going all out.

    I was hoping to get my pace down under 10mins a mile and I did! Again once I got going it felt like I could have continued if I wanted to.

    So I did 3.25 Miles in 32 mins with Avg. Pace of 9.53.

    Then I went on to Kung Fu class which took around 2 hours so a good day again.I still ran fast (for me!) when I felt very tired/lethargic starting out so its a good sign that I am used to running even when not in the mood!! A good tuesday session done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 690 ✭✭✭bobster453

    Good stuff
    Is it a Club you go to in Cork for the kungfu and if so where is it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Today was my regular rest day from running so its good to recover.I will get back into it tomorrow.I did make it to Kung Fu class and then there was another special class where I had to do 750 Kicks and 3000 punches.These were done as quickly as I could and I think my endurance is going up! As I said before I think the running helps it and it helps my running.I am looking forward to running tomorrow already so its a good sign that I have the bug!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    I was still tired today from yesterdays kicking and punching but I am happy to say I got out and went running! It was really cold,windy and wet and I had to really "will" myself out the door.I have decided that one run a week should include hills so tonight was this weeks hill run.I find the worst thing about the bad weather is getting out and starting off because once I am running I couldn't care less about the bad weather.I got going and settled in nicely to the usual groove of running.

    My goal doing hill work is to not stop as I am doing them, no matter how hard it is so I keep pushing myself on.I was on my last mile when a guy ran past me and I could see he was clearly a better runner than me.He was going along at a rate faster than me so I decided to try to keep up with him.It was my last mile and I thought it would me good for me.He ended up like a pacemaker for me and I kept behind him.Not close enough to hassle him but just to track him along.

    Its amazing how my ego wouldn't let me give up as I was determined to keep up! I went way faster than I have ever done just by having him kind of "pull" me along.He eventually turned off a different direction and I started sprinting to the finish of my run.Just having someone else ahead made me feel like race situation and I am glad that I finished going very fast (for me!) It was a great end to my run as I pushed myself as hard as I could!

    So I did 6.50 Miles in 1hr 7 mins with Avg. Pace of 10.18

    This is a very good time for me as I was doing steep hills where it goes from 120ft to 262ft and I kept the Average pace just over 10 mins a mile.I feel a lot quicker already and I have only been running properly since the start of the year.I felt good at the finish so my endurance is definitely improving.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Great to see you're making progress :) Did you compare your last mile/sprint with the other runner, to your average?

    I totally get what you are saying about your ego not letting get left behind. I remember a time maybe around September last year, where any running I did was sporadic at best. I went out with a friend of mine, who was infinitely fitter than me. Set off at an easy enough pace, and he kept increasing the speed, and I stayed with him until I had cramps in both sides and my back was spasming :rolleyes: (of course he still continued to speed up, and tore off :o :P )

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Hi Insinkerator, I think the guy was going about 8 mins per mile which was probably a slow cruise for him but very quick for me.I was happy I managed to keep up even for the small while!

    I didn't do any running today and I was in two minds about going out.I wanted to but I decided that I needed time to recover and I have Kung Fu classes in the morning anyway. Hopefully I will do more running tomorrow afternoon once the load of Punches and kicks are out of the way! They really took a lot out of me on wednesday and I am preparing for another tough few days tomorrow and sunday.Sunday I hope to go for a cycle in the morning so we will see what happens!

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Today I started out with 750 Kicks and 3000 punches in Kung Fu class again and was extremely tired after it again.My legs were like jelly!

    I was at home after it trying to summon up the energy to go out running.I felt fine but my legs felt dead! I said lets do it and off out I went.I decided to make it a bit different and do a different route than I normally do.This was to just try and "fool" my legs as I thought they might give up early on the regular route! :rolleyes: I was also doing "deals" with myself as I just started the run.I was telling myself to just do 2 or 3 miles and leave it at that.My legs were fighting the rest of my body.They were screaming to give up and go home!

    I ran off out and just kept going as long as I could and between all the "deals" with myself I suddenly decided to do 6 miles in total and ploughed on.I had to stop halfway through for a few secs as my legs felt like they were going to collapse under me but then got going again determined to finish.I had the 6 miles done and then my ego kicked in again and decided I had to do another half a mile as penance for not training yesterday!

    I managed to do it and couldn't believe I managed to do 6.5 miles as I nearly didn't go out at all.It feels like a little win for me and hopefully todays tough day will stand to me in the future.I have been on a running high since I got back although I have been slumped on the couch! :D

    So I did 6.51 Miles in 1hr 10mins with Avg. Pace of 10.44

    The route was what I call fairly hilly too.Not totally hilly but not totally flat either so I am happy with my days work.I am hoping to have another good day tomorrow too but I will have to see after a good nights rest! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    After a good nights rest I hoped to do a long run today to keep the momentum from yesterday going.I did 6.5miles yesterday and wanted to do a bit better as its a sunday and I have a bit more time. I went out to a different route that I usually use just for weekends and got going.I wanted to go fairly fast for me but not all out and just kept going and going. I ran out of footpath eventually but I turned into a football pitch and ran around that around 4 times to make up half my distance. It was nice to run on grass for a while!

    Once I hit my half distance, it was just a case of doing everything in reverse! So 4 times back around the pitch and then back the way I came.Once I hit halfway I seemed to get quicker and I have noticed that I tend to run better the further I do which hopefully is a good thing.I just tend to get in a rhythm and just keep going.I have noticed from runkeeper that I was slowing way down just before I finish and today I was determined to keep going until I actually finish because of that.

    I felt very strong finishing and thats a good thing! This was the furthest I have ran this year and it felt good to complete it.

    So I did 8.02 Miles in 1hr 27 mins with Avg. Pace of 10.10

    A good end to this week where I have ran 24.25 miles in this week alone :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Unfortunately personal stuff made me unable to go out running until tonight since last week.I did manage to get to Kung Fu class last night where I did 1000 kicks and 5000 punches.Thank god its the last week of it!

    I knew I had to get things going again tonight because the longer I left it, I was worried the dream may end! I said I would do a simple 3 miles as having 3 days off I knew it would be tough.I think the anticipation of a hard run is worse than the run itself!

    I set off a lot later than I wanted to and my legs felt very heavy.Between the days of no running and all the kicks last night I thought I was barely moving.One of those nights!

    I wasn't worried about speed but I wanted to make sure I did the 3 miles and then my phone froze up.It got going eventually and I was able to do 3.25 miles.The timer seemed to reset somehow so I am not sure how long it was.It was just as well as it was a slow run!

    So I did 3.25 miles and actually felt better near the end.I think everything was getting going again after the small break.Hopefully I can will be able to run the rest of this week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Ok, I had another tough week where I couldn't go running.This was due to unforeseen personal issues that hopefully are finished now.I am getting back on track as from now on.

    Today I got out and wanted to have a good run and wanted to do at least 3 miles to get back in the swing of things.At least I felt very fresh and full of energy for a friday! I got going and was running very well (for me!!) There was another runner on the opposite side of the road and it seemed like we were in a duel to see who got to the end of the road first!

    My determination to keep training has not ended even though I have had a hard week and it was good to get out on the road again.I am glad to report that I ended up doing 5 Miles!

    So I did 5.01 Miles in 47 mins with Avg. pace of 9.20

    This was one of the quickest runs that I have done so its good to get back to running and then do one of the fastest runs so far! I can see that I am improving!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Well, I am back! I had a long break due to being sick for around 2 weeks then up the walls at work after that.Then its hard getting going again after losing the bit of momentum.Then whats worse, I have to travel away for a week for work just when the Cork Marathon is on! So I have decided to do the Waterford one on 30th June instead and as well it gives me a little more time to train.I wont be able to train when I am away at the start of June but theres nothing I can do about that.

    Tonight I finally got out running and it felt good to get out.I managed to do 5 miles and after such a break I am happy with that.I was only going at jogging pace as I didn't want to go too hard too soon. I ended up being 6 min slower than the last time I did 5 miles on 3/2/12.

    So I did 5.01 Miles in 53 mins with Avg. Pace of 10.39

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭CorkonianRebel

    Today I was out again running and just did 3 miles. I am trying to get used to running most days again and as long as I do something most days then I will be happy.I tried to go quicker than yesterday and it always seems harder the second day I run!

    The good news is that I have joined a pool so I can start swimming again and trying to practice it more.

    So I did 3 Miles in 28 mins with Avg. Pace of 9.22

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Good to get back into it! Which pool did you join? Did you end up getting lessons in the end?
