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New Year...New Body

  • 04-01-2012 4:06am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,428 ✭✭✭

    Hey all,

    I'm just looking for advice on my training program...

    Basically, I really want to get myself into shape(and a 6 pack), after many months of saying I'll do it tomorrow, I'm going to do it today...

    So at the start I want to get myself down to 12 and a half stone(175 lbs) I am currently 198 23 lbs to go. I'm standing at 5ft 11", and at 175lbs my BMI will normal as opposed to overweight (yes I know BMI isn't the most accurate, but in my case its not totally wrong either)

    So I have started to look at my diet and have started to cut down on my carbs and try and fit more vegetables into my diet on top of cutting the junk, now its very early days but I've started strongly...

    I've read everywhere, for weight lose...Cardio,Cardio, Cardio...and wait for it...more Cardio.

    Yes I understand Cardio is important, but so is building up my muscle mass...

    So my weight program is as follows,

    10reps x 3sets

    Monday: Arms & Shoulders

    Hammers Curls(seated)
    Tricep Extension
    Preacher Curl
    Tricep Kick Backs

    Upright Barbell Deltoid Rows
    Dumbbell Rear Delts Raise
    Arny Press

    Wednesday: Legs & Abs

    Calf Raises
    Goblet Squats

    Plank 30sec x3
    Side Plank(Right & left) 30sec x3
    Air Bike 30sec x3

    Friday: Back & Chest

    Flys Dumbbell, Bench Flat
    Lats Puldown Machine
    Bench Press
    One Armed Bend Over Row

    Back Extensions
    Back Bridge

    With Cardio on Tuesdays & Thursday...and maybe a little on Saturdays:D

    My cardio, will be either stationary bike at the gym, or a road cycle(very much depends on the weather and time of day I get to it)...

    Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated

    I also take Whey protein after my weights sessions, but I have accounted for that in terms of calculating my total calorie needs and intake.
