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Eddie Rockets!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Sunday 18th March
    Long Bike
    This session was made up of 1hr easy, 2x(30 IM ,10 easy), 2x(30 HIM, 10 easy) and 20 easy to finsih with a run off planned as a tester to see how the legs would react. I planned to go 241W for the IM and this being at the top of my easy still felt very easy. I upped the HIM power slightly from what i worked towards before to see how it would feel and aimed for around 270W. The road conditions weremnt great for these two and the route bcame a bit of a roller but i still felt decent. What was not going well though, partcularly in the IM was holding consistent power. I comnstantly semed to be above or below the targets, too much for my liking. The 270 felt achievable for race day and ill be testing it more in the next long bike (50min reps). If i ride around that on race day i should be on for a decent bike split.

    Time: 03:52:25, Ave Power 242W, Ave HR 124BPM, Ave Cadance 86, Distance 127.42km, Ave speed 32.9km/hr, Elevation Gain 947 m

    Run off
    This was the 20min session i was really looking forward to. I was very keen to see how it would go. I wasn't in great shape following a hard few days and some nasty chaffing from yesterdays 25l+ run so was a little anxious. There's a bitch of a hill to contend with after about 800m that goes on for 550m or so. It doesnt climb massively but does go up about 30-35m and it slows it right down but over the other side i was bombing it. I wanted to hold HR top easy to start and was prepared to let it go as far as abut 150 by the end (mid/high steady). I'll be aiming to run steady on the day pushing to mod and ahrd by the end so i was delighted to post a 20:21 5.08k (4min/km) on legs that had a fair bit of work in them. A good sign for the race!
    Time: 00:20:21, Ave Pace: 04:00/km, Ave HR 145 bpm, Distance: 5.08km

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Monday 19th March
    Met up with Tunney, mloc and one of Tunney's clubmates for a jaunt to the mountains. Its the first cycle in a i cant remember how long that i ahd company and i was delighted. The time passes a hell of a lot quicker with people around. Tunney and I had a steady ride out to meet the lads into a nasty headwind out the N7. It really felyt like we were climbing already as my power touched HIM intensity a fair bit. It was a lsight bit more than i was hoping to ride seeing as this was to constitute the easy cycle for the week! After meeting the lads we headed up hills i havent done before. I didnt know how long they were and attacked the first a little harder than id have liked. I couldn't see how long it went on for but mistakenly thought each next bend was the end. I out in a good effort for the first few 100m but rode a little more mod to steady from there. I rode back down about 1/4 of it and came back up and my legs werent liking that extra bit of work! Garmin tells me i rode 370W for 5mins of that climb so it was a decent effort. HR didn't actually go above 150 though i that block which surprised me. My quads in particular weren't happy. I didnt go too hard on climbs after that and took it hand enough on the descents. I had a few near misses on some descents on a recent trip up the mpuntains due to a slow puncture so i was slightly hesistant. The wind was also crazy! I felt like i was going to be blown off the bike at some bends on the descents! I really enjoyed the trip out and it was great to start the week with a solid bit of work.
    Time: 03:09:00, Ave Power 221W, Ave HR 124BPM, Ave Cadance 77, Distance 78.62km, Ave speed 25.0km/hr, Elevation Gain 908m

    Tuesday 20th March
    Up bright and early for a decent swim. The mainset was 9x200 as (1,4,7 sw steady, 2,5,8 p mod, 3,6,9 B+B mod) + 20s and 8x25 fast on 25. I was fairly tired here and faded badly enough as the session went on. The 25 fast bits in particular were very poor with only 2-3s recoveries in the last 3! I wasn't so happy with that!
    Time 01:02:25, Distance 3200m

    I was expecting this to feel fairly labored after the poor enough show earlier. I went more to RPE than HR and ran very very easy to start holding HR down in low 130s (below easy). Legs felt a little sore, quads in particular. I had a slight tailwind out and hence i was expecting a much slower pace back but i upped the effort slightly from the half way bring HR to around 140 and i felt great from there. Far better than i expected to feel. Legs by the end were in good shape.
    Time: 00:42:28, Ave Pace: 04:09/km, Ave HR 136 bpm, Distance: 10.23km

    Wednesday 21st March
    Missed session! I was even off work but had a fair bit of college work to get done. I also had to bring my poor doggie to the vet. She's had an issue with her eye the past week that hasnt healed with the treatment she went on first so she was in for an operation! Thankfully she was out later in the day but i spent a lot longer than i expected there and doing college work so i missed the session, not finishing college work til around midnight!

    Thursday 22nd March
    Today was supposed to be an early swim and lunchtime run but while i was up early i was up to get at college work again! I also didnt get a chance to get out at lunch so a quick chat with coach and i moved things around.

    Wednesday's session moved to today and i was glad to do this as it was a key session for the week with 10mins @ 350W, 10mins @340W and 10mins at 330W with 5mins between each. 10mins is a manageable amount of pain, just. I wasnt in great spirits in it and was having some issues with the saddle. I was getting what felt like an electric shock to the balls! I had taken the saddle off to bring to B2R yesterday (didnt have the one in stock so returned home witht he trial for another few days) and i was sure id set it up the same but had to get off a few times to make some adjustments. One time during the 350W section which wasnt ideal! That pissed me off a little, to have to stop in the key part and as a consequence i upped it an lot in the last 30seconds to 1 minute of the last rep as a way of hurting myself for having to stop! In the end i was happy to get it done. Felt good by the end.
    Time: 01:05:00, Ave Power 274W, Ave HR 135BPM, Ave Cadance 86, Distance 38.19km, Ave speed 35.3km/hr

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    By chance was that you I passed on the bike on Sunday heading back into Slane? No helmet on, tut tut :) You were moving well, that N2 spin back into Slane from Ardee can sometimes be a drag especially when the wind is out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Yup that was me ;) Id left my helmet behind me in work by mistake! Yeah Ardee to Slane is a roller of a route! Nothing big but plenty of little climbs to disrupt the rhythm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    The numbers look great Bambatta! It makes for very impressive reading. Like you I can't remember last time I had company on a spin...probably with you and Fran actually.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Friday 23rd March
    Plan was for 30mins @ 3:45 per km (wind adjusted). Felt ok to finish it, never thought i wouldnt make it but HR was up a fair bit on last weeks session for a slightly slower pace. I had a headwind for the first 8-10mins and possibly went a bit hard (was at about 03:48 ave to there). Was happy though to get through it though. The last 7 to 8 mins were hard enough going. I have a thing were i constantly count to 100 and repeat when doing anything slightly uncomfortable. It seems to work as it takes my mind off things and it helped today a lot, particularly at the end. I walked for 10s or so in the final easy and managed to slightly stitch 2mins into it. It wasnt so bad as to slow me though but it was strange. Right foot was slightly sore on the toe next to the big toe! It really didnt feel like the toe was rubbing but maybe these new Waveriders need some breaking in! HRM was going mental up until the 30mins and seems to have been correct from there. HR ave was 162 (1BPM below LTHR!) for the 30min rep and pace was 03:47/km.

    Time: 00:51:24, Ave Pace: 04:00/km, Ave HR 159 (junk HR data for first 15mins so 162 for the rep was the only interesting part), Distance: 12.86km

    Did plenty of swims and B+B work starting at 400sw, 2x200B+B down to 100sw 2 x 50B+B. I started fairly poorly but for once felt better as it went on. The 4des on 50 were 47, 45, 43, 40. I kept arching my body again and only copped it when doing the first B+B. I swam fairly easy to steady throughout the session and felt fairly comfortable. As mentioned i felt crap at first but picked up. Times were a bit slower than usual though. Legs just didn't seem to have anything to contribute and all propulsion seemed to be from the arms. I died a death in the fast 50s on 50 though. I got cramping in my left achilles on the 3rd and on the base of my right foot on the 4th. They were 42, 42, 44, 45. 50 on 50 is hard going for me!!
    Time: 1:02:28, Distance: 3250m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Saturday 24th March
    Long Bike
    Savage day for the spin. I plotted a route on mapmyride out to Edenderry. Id never been on many of the roads so wasnt sure what to expect. I had 1hr easy then 2x(50 HIM, 20 easy) and 20 easy to finish.
    What stated out really really well completely tuned around into the 2nd HIM rep. I was feeling great up to that. I rode the first 20mins of rep 1 without looking at average power for it and was surprised to see it in the 280s. While i was giving it a good go i wasnt in any trouble and was feeling great. The 2nd rep though was a completely different story. I really struggled with it. Average was waaay down and i was sore! I had a side/tailwind in rep 1 but a nasty side/head wind in rep 2. I was also feeling a little dizzy. Chain dropped with 10mins to go in that 2nd rep and when i got off i had to steady myself i was that dizzy! I laboured on from there. I also noticed i was very thirsty by 02:30:00 eventhough i was drinking well! I was drinking every 5mins rotating between 2:1 and water. I did feel a little sick though so i was possibly taking too much on. I had a berry isogel at 01:20, a snickers at 02:00, a citrus isogel at 02:40 and a berry isogel at 03:10. Maybe the snickers played havoc there. In the end the reps went as follows:
    Split Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Avg HR Max HR Avg Bike Cadence Avg Power Max Power
    1 00:00.0 32.67 181 141 32.7 122 173 86 225 615
    2 50:00.0 31.52 104 73 37.8 143 151 86 280 605
    3 20:00.0 11.42 31 53 34.3 131 149 84 219 455
    4 50:00.0 26.88 82 97 32.3 144 155 82 256 557
    5 20:00.0 10.11 29 35 30.3 133 154 81 220 522
    6 19:02.5 10.08 38 68 31.8 131 145 81 227 599
    Summary 39:02.5 122.67 465 467 33.6 134 173 84 244 615
    Time: 03:39:02, Ave Power 244W, Ave HR 134BPM, Ave Cadance 84, Distance 122.67km, Ave speed 33.6km/hr, Elevation Gain 465m

    Run off
    I wasn't feeling good getting off the bike, slightly dizzy and slightly sick. Effort was a fair bit more than last weeks and HR rose fairly sharpish. I felt worse from 2.5k and think id have considerably slowed up by about 6 or 7k. I was feeling really bad when i got in from the run and lay on the couch for a few mins to get myself together. Long two weeks up to this so theres a slight satisfaction in feeling that bad if that makes sense!
    Time: 00:15:03, Ave Pace: 04:04/km, Ave HR 149, Distance: 3.70km

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Sunday 25th March
    Long run
    Plan was for 2 hours with the last 30 at HIM pace (low to mid 03:50's/km). I learnt a valuabkle lesson in hydration on thgis one. I knew my body was tired but i didnt help it by not carrying any fluids on what was the warmest day of the year and when the sun was at its highest! I started really well clocking 5k in in about 20:05 and was feeling good. I could see warnings signs though coming towards the hour mark as my mouth felt quite dry. I was also sweating a lot. I took a berry isogel around the hour mark and battled on close to what id expect (about 14.2k for 60mins) but that even was a little outside what i know i can hit. From there though i began suffering a bit and the ace started to suffer. I was also having an issue with one of my toes. I really didnt think my runner was touching it but the toe next to the right big toe was killing me now and then. I stopped 2 or 3 times to let it settle. Decided i wont be running in elixirs again (although i also got the pain the other day in the new waveriders!). I knew the 30 at HIM was going to be a big ask as by 01:20 my mouth was completely dry! As i came up a hill around that 01:20 i knew i was in for pain as i near slowed to a walk! I took on a citrus isogel and got on with it. I gave the HIM rep a good go running around the 4min/km mark for 10mins before having to stop. I had a few words with myself and got on with it again, determined to just run all the way home and not walk and i somehow made it! I was 04:30mins short of the target and outside the pace but i was also into a slight breeze and in agony! In the end i only ran 04:02/km pace for the 25mins but i can take some comfort in knowing i suffered on and still ran okish.
    Time: 01:55:33, Ave Pace: 04:17/km, Ave HR 143, Distance: 26.97km

    Ive had a solid 2 weeks and really pushed myself so the weekends "disappointments" are a kind of reward for the work ive done. Ive a recovery week this week (full day off today!!) and a race this weekend which im really looking forward to. The standard should be fairly high (higher than the Sportsman one id guess) so itll be good to battle it out with a few of them. Im not sure who will be there but im confident i can take a scalp or two.

  • Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭littlemsfickle

    Bambaata wrote: »
    Friday 23rd March
    I have a thing were i constantly count to 100 and repeat when doing anything slightly uncomfortable. It seems to work as it takes my mind off things and it helped today a lot, particularly at the end.

    I do that too! I got into the habit when doing work on the treadmill to make the time pass but now I use it towards the end of a hard run. Nice to see I'm not the only one:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    I do that too! I got into the habit when doing work on the treadmill to make the time pass but now I use it towards the end of a hard run. Nice to see I'm not the only one:)

    I count to 8 over and over again :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Thats a lot of 1-8's!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Bambaata wrote: »
    Thats a lot of 1-8's!!

    +1. I generally pick a number and count down. I never count anything until the session is half done.

    I felt the same on my long run last weekend Bambaata. It was warm out and my mouth was dry after a half hour making it a tough session.

    Its as much about keeping the skin cool as it is about drinking water I've since learned...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Last Sat I left my LER until 6 and just ran in the cool of the evening as the sun went down...I was hungover a bit though and it was more about trying to re-hydrate :)

    Fingal duathlon is it Bambaata?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Yup it is indeed. Praying the weather holds somewhat but not counting on it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    A bit of catchup to do!

    Monday 26th March
    Full day off! Recovery week

    Tuesday 27th March
    Main body of work involved 10x50p as 25fist, 25sw, 200p steady, 100sw mod, 200p steady and finished with 4x50 fast on 75. I started out real easy clocking 03:19 for the opening 200sw to make sure i was holding form. I was focusing a lot of not arching the back and balancing better in the water. At times i felt like i was flying for minimal effort but it wasnt holding all the time. Still form wasnt too bad. I didnt find i was losing it. Fast 50s were all good, all coming in on 37. 50p's fist/sw all came in between 48-53s. The two 200p steady were 03:18, 03:16 and 100sw mod was 01:26 so decent enough
    Time: 00:40:49, Distance: 2000m

    Easy Bike
    Was on the turbo for this one. My legs were still feeling a bit tired and screamed at me for the first few seconds. I kept power very low on easy to start to let them come around and quickly i felt very comfortable. I did a few high easy spurts near the end and it felt fine. Session flew by.
    Time: 00:45:01, Ave Power 206W, Ave HR 112BPM, Ave Cadance 89, Distance 23.65km, Ave speed 31.5km/hr

    Wednesday 28th March
    Felt good, really good. HRM was acting the magot so ave HR is off but i do think i may have pushed into steady at times. I had to hold myself back once or twice too as i was suddenly going fast and it wasnt sustainable but it all felt good. No aches, pain nor niggles too which was good and an enjoyable run in god weather!
    Time: 00:30:49, Ave Pace: 04:05/km, Ave HR 144 (really it was lower, prob 140), Distance: 7.55km

    Thursday 29th March
    Got out at lunchtime for this. Nice to get it in then as i had a busy day ahead. I was exhausted as the poor dog is very sick and was up the whole night coughing, keeping us awake in the process. The ride went well. It was all easy bar 5 x 20s pickups and I was able to give the pick ups a good go. Didnt feel any stiffness or aches whatsoever which was a good sign.
    Time: 00:59:12, Ave Power 227W, Ave HR 116BPM, Ave Cadance 85, Distance 30.51km, Ave speed 30.9km/hr

    Missed, i had planned on getting this in before work but having been up the majority of the night i wasnt able to leave the bed! The evening was then a write off as i was at the vets with her and had to do a few things around town.

    Friday 30th March
    Easy run - inc 5x30sec build, 30sec easy
    I got a new set of enormous Saucony Fastwitch Grid 5's the night before in B2R. They had to order them in. First pair of runners/shoes i've ever had to get in 13's :( Still they feel great. This was their maiden voyage. I find them better than the Elixirs. Im landing bang on the midfoot where id like to be and they feel nice and light. I felt like i had loads of energy and had to reign it in sometimes. Builds went well enough. I went out too hard on the first but cooled the jets a bit for the rest.
    Time: 00:30:45, Ave Pace: 04:01/km, Ave HR 140, Distance: 7.66km

    Final tune up to Saturday's race. Twas a short one with just 5x1 at RP + 20 watts, 1 easy. I was aiming for around 340W's for those and the reps felt good and comfortable. 1minute though is very easy to withstand any effort.
    Time: 00:24:34, Ave Power 265W, Ave HR 128BPM, Ave Cadance 85, Distance 13.41km, Ave speed 32.7km/hr

    Saturday 31st March
    Fingal Duathlon - Worlds Qualifier
    Nice to have a race fairly closeby and the cloud that was there early disappeared as i began the warmup. I didn't know what to really expect from the race but seeing as it was a qualifier for the world duathlon champs i knew there'd have to be at least a few fast guys so i hoped a top 8 would be achievable.

    Warmup Bike
    I got there nice and early as I like to do, registered and took the bike out. I forgot to bloody set the 45s race pace/easy to 5 reps so i just counted out four more after the first. Felt good. Made some minor adjustments to make sure i was getting into the 12 cog. Got back, racked up, headed to the jacks and went for a short run.

    Warmup Run
    I knew the race wasnt going to start on time but didnt have a clue how late so i didnt quite get the run in i had hoped. Still i felt decent. Had some tightness on the calfs though. Did 1k easy, high knees, bum flicks, fast feet for 3 mins or so and 2 10s sprints to finish

    I didn't have transitions on the watch so the run splits are possibly a little slower on paper than they were as i hit lap each time at the end of transition.

    Run 1 -
    I didnt go too hard seeing as this run was slightly longer than the last but was with the leaders until we hit the climb. Its a savage climb! I had been in 3rd/4th into it but fell back to 7th/8th. I just wasnt able to hold them. Onto the top i took back a few spots and was motoring on the downhill sections. On the way back i stitched from the sprint down the hill. I was pegging it there, just about in control but not having to put in too much effort. I passed 1 or 2 there but on the final 500m with the stitch i had to pull back slightly. 1 guy passed but i stuck with him, just about on the pain threshold with the stitch. It didnt build enough to wreck the run though and i was confident id make ground on the bike.

    Bike -
    I got out very well in transition and got to work trying to reel in 3rd/4th. I was very slowly gaining but it was slow work. There are some short climbs that i worked a little out of the saddle but i was slightly concerned that i might fade seeing as i was near the limit. Still though what seemed to be about 25-30s to the two guys was down to about 15-18s coming to the end of lap 1 (i was timing it to spots to see how i was going on making up the gap). I was happy to be able to hold good power on lap two and finally reeled in 4th place guy with 1k to go. I stayed about 20m off him and increased cadence slightly to freshen the legs for the run as we came into transition. I lost a small few seconds behind him in the last few 100m as he got out of the shoes to soon but i was mindful not to be up his arse/drafting into T2.

    Run 2 -
    I passed 4th place guy in transition and was out on 3rd's heels (well about 50m back). I felt good but was mindful not to peg it just yet. HR was fairly low but i wasnt prepared to hurt too much just yet. By about 600m i got to within 20m off him but then we hit the climb. He was far smaller/lighter and pegged it up the hill and i lost a good 50m to him there and he was gone. I was now running alone and i was anxious to see how the guy behind was going as he had beaten me in run 1. Fortunately he wasnt making headway so i didnt kill myself for the remainder of the run. I stitched again on the hill but had enough to not have to hurt to the finish and finished fairly comfortably.

    Overall im happy with 4th. Id have loved 3rd alright but he was just too strong today. I dont think i ran fully to potential and would definitely need some hill work/weight loss if i was to be competitive on that climb! The bike was good. I felt at the edge but not beyond it the whole way and i feel i paced it very well. Ave power is up a few W's on the Sportsman duathlon and i felt far better than i did there. I got a massage in after and the calfs were very tight. Unfortunately she didnt really go for them but ill have a go myself later. Right heel is sore from the amount of running on the stoney area. While it was matted its still sore to run on. Good day at the office overall.

    Sunday 1st April
    April already! I hit the park for an easy hour late in the afternoon. Was feeling far better than i expected. No real issues after yesterdays race. I had been a bit tight in spots heading out but fine after. Had no lingering burning or aches in the legs. Put on a bit of power here and there to test them and they were 100%. Felt strong. HRM spiking but HR was really at max in 120's with a small bit to low 130s when i pushed about 400-450W up a climb for 30s or so.
    Time: 01:00:32, Ave Power 240W, Ave Cadance 89, Distance 32.23km, Ave speed 31.9km/hr

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Nice job Eddie, going great guns right now. Also nice to see you are still identifying areas that need working on.

    Now, you have had the Q ring for a few months, your thoughts? Worth the 150/160euro in your opinion?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Cheer ElD. Now to just cash in on the big one in just 6 weeks!! eek!!! Ive loads of room for improvement. I can pick plenty of flaws but this year ive slowly started chipping at a few of them. The pain and staying in good health goals for the year are definitely on track.

    I dont really know what benefit the Q-Rings give. I do know my biking has definitely come along and i know it will go further but what part the Q-Rings play in that i don't know. I never really think of them. To me the pitch behind them makes sense but its hard to really know. I am glad i got them but am more happy to have the power meter. It really helps training and serves as a good guide in races. I actually just had cadence and power displaying on Saturday, everything else was turned off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Nice going Ed. Cracking average power output! :cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    4th is a great result considering who was ahead of you. Going great guns and all positive feedback from your training/racing with your A race just around the corner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Monday 2nd April
    Session consisted of 8 x (100sw, 100 fist, 100p) and 4 x 50 fast on 50. I wasn't feeling great in this swim. I felt like my legs were dragging and felt like i wasn't pushing the chest down well. Times weren't too bad but i just wasn't feeling comfortable. I only had 1 swim last week (missed 1) so i out this one down to lack of feel for the water. I got interrupted during the fast 50s. I did the 4 but only 2 were on 50. They were 37 (big break after this one), 37, 41, last one only managed 25m fast and got held up.
    Time: 00:59:00, Distance 3000m

    Tuesday 3rd April
    I got the gear together and was out the door by 7:15 this morning. I wanted to wake up the best possible way as i find im more productive when i do early sessions. I could have done it at lunch but luckily i didn't leave it til then as a meeting dragged on until 13:30 so i would have missed it. I normally run well fuelled and so this was a bit strange. I started well enough holding a few sub 4:10's but they then drifted. I wasn't bothered though. While it was drizzling and windy i really enjoyed the conditions and the session was over before i knew it. Lovely brekkie after! 2 sausages, mushrooms fried with 2 garlic cloves, white/black pudding and 2 fried eggs in a nice white baguette roll! Very unlike me but i was dying for a fry on Sunday so this was the remains of that. Back to old reliable, porridge, tomorrow.
    To upload details yet

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Tuesday Evening
    Easy Bike
    Plan was for 75mins easdy spinning >90 to sort out the legs. I cycled into wotrk so i could get straight into it and was anxiously tracking the weather all afternoon. I forgot my winter gloves and hadnt shoe covers so expected to be a little uncomfortable. In the end i really enjoyed the spin. Yes the weather was mental but i didnt mind. I had to sit up out of the bars at times as the side wind was proving damngerous at spots. It was blowing me right across the road. I kept aq good crisp cadence and didnt force anything. I did maintain the candence in the granny gear on some short hills that had power >250 but i felt fine doing so. I wasnt going so far as to have to put much effort into it. It was definitely one of the more enjoyable spins of the last while. I felt comfortable and felt like bnothing had been taken out of me by thend which was the aim. Legs are good today too so it did its job.
    Time: 01:19:46, Ave Power 236W, Ave Cadance 91, Ave HR 121BPM, Distance 39.97km, Ave speed 30.1km/hr

    Wednesday 4th April
    One of my fav sessions, well a variance of it - 4 x 100sw easy, 4 x 100B+B steady down to 100sw, 100B+B (the 2x100sw combined to a 200) with some fast 50s to finish. It went well. Felt far better in the water than i did Monday. I forgot my buoy so I used the kick board between the legs which went fine. About 5 of the 8 100sw's easy came in on 01:31 - 01:36, the other 3 around 01:38 - 01:40. B+B's were between 01:38 - 01:42. Fast 50s at the end were 40, 41, 41, 39. The hour was over in jig time.
    Time: 01:05:00, Distance 3300m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Your swim this morning makes for depressing reading....see my latest entry :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Still a good session put down! I tried having something light before the swim this morning and will be keeping it up as i felt better at the end than i normally would. I just made a smoothie with 3 heaped table spoons organic natural yoghurt, 300mls organic whole milk, 3 large strawberries, big fist of red grapes and 3/4 soup of protein powder. Had half before and half after. bloody gorgeous!

    Had that and the usual espresso shot and cup of vit-c drink with the multi-vit and lysine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Bambaata wrote: »
    Still a good session put down! I tried having something light before the swim this morning and will be keeping it up as i felt better at the end than i normally would. I just made a smoothie with 3 heaped table spoons organic natural yoghurt, 300mls organic whole milk, 3 large strawberries, big fist of red grapes and 3/4 soup of protein powder. Had half before and half after. bloody gorgeous!

    Had that and the usual espresso shot and cup of vit-c drink with the multi-vit and lysine.

    Interesting. I might start doing something similar. Although the half banana usually does it for me. I do pre-fuel for my other sessions so might not be a bad idea.

    Very windy out there today...looking forward to 800's and 400's at a certain pace later :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Wednesday 4th April
    Good enough run. All easy bar 5 x 30s build, 30s easy. It was a lot nicer out than i expected. Only issue was the wind! It was crazy and never seemed to be favoring me despite and out and back route! Felt very comfortable. Pushed the builds out and felt good, focused on getting on top of the toes by the last few seconds of the builds. Twas nice to get it done at lunch and to see some daylight (no windows in the office!).
    Time: 00:41:06, Ave Pace: 04:09/km, Ave HR 144 bpm, Distance: 9.92km

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Thursday 5th April
    A bit of work to this session with 3 x 10mins sprint distance efforts, 5 easy. I sent a target of 320W's for the sprint efforts. I was feeling a lot better than expected and rather than looking at the average power as th reps went on i just made sure i was holding more than 320. In the end the reps went as follows:
    Time Distance Avg Speed Cadence Avg Power Max Power
    10:00.0 6.53 39.2 89 335 594
    10:00.0 6.47 38.8 89 353 599
    10:00.0 6.27 37.6 84 346 582
    They ended up a lot more than expected and i never felt in any trouble during them. For my sins i see im at 3 x 15mins at 340 next week :o
    Time: 01:01:47, Ave Power 298W, Ave Cadance 88, Ave HR SPIKING!, Distance 35.72km, Ave speed 34.7km/hr

    Friday 6th April
    A decent swim today with 5 x 400m race pace efforts but not before 4 fast 50's on 50 (39, 39, 41, 42)! I started too hard clocking the first two RP efforts at 05:57 and 06:02 and then suffered clocking 06:19, 06:22 and 06:17! Decent times but i was annoyed at the drop off. Another 4 fast 50s at the end were hard and were 41, 43, 42, 43.
    Time: 00:57:17, Distance: 3100m

    I got a nice deep tissue massage in later today. Going to geta god few of these in the build up to Mallorca. Ive a sports massage booked for Fridat 21st April and ill probably get another one in each of the following weeks as i enter taper.

    Fecking great run. On a high after it. I was not in the humour for it this evening for some reason. I felt cold (have a very mild cold at the moment!) and wasnt looking forward to donning shorts! In the end i was roasting! Wore slightly too much! Session was 20 easy, 15 steady, 5 mod and then 5 easy. The 20 easy felt good. Felt good and up on the toes (loving these Sauconys!). 15 steady felt really good, didnt feel like i had to push too much, first 3/4 mins were with a wind on the back and 8-12mins or so were into a headwind. Mod effort felt great, was pegging it and felt like id bags of energy. HRM was giving minor spikes here and there but i also did find myself getting a bit carried away here and there and had to pull back. Really really enjoyed the run. Went through 10k in about 38:40 which was interesting. Breakdown was as follows:
    20min easy - 03:59/km 137BPM ave
    15min steady - 03:49/km 149BPM ave
    5min mod - 03:32/km 156BPM ave
    Easy finish - 04:06/km

    Ended the run to this track which had me really pumped! -
    Time: 00:44:03, Ave Pace: 03:53/km, Ave HR 144 , Distance: 11.36km

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Those 3 sessions shows what its really like at the higher end of things :cool:

    Great Stuff Eddie. What stands out are those powerful bike reps :eek: and the 20 mins easy running at sub 4 pace... I wouldn't be too hasty looking at Kenmare ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Cheers Mike. Not gona get carried away now! A podium at Kenmare would be amazing but unfortunately that race attracts the top long distance boys and some of those darn pro's! That said id another good day today

    Saturday 7th April
    Tasty one today dialing in the HIM bike. Had an hour easy and then 3 x 45min HIM, 15easy. Again i didnt look too much at power, rather maintaining it over 260 as much as was possible. I had originally been thinking 260W for the race but have been feeling good up to and over 270W's in the last while. Next weeks 3 x 55mins HIM, 5 easy will answer that!! The first two reps flew by, in fact the entire 4 hrs did! The third HIM rep was a bit stop/start with minor pushes out from the stops so i think the power is a bit inflated but i still felt good. I was fairly wrecked though by the end. I was also practising race nutrition today. I didn't really start it til 30mins in and just had water to then but from there it was 50mls High5 2:1 and repeating that every 10 mins from there and 30mls water on 35mins and also repeating that every 10mins. Gels started at 45mins with a citrus and then repeated every half hour rotating citrus/berry/citrus etc. Hope that makes sense lol! I continued right through skipping the last citrus on the 03:45 (i plan on not taking a gel too close to the end but having one in T2 as i jog through. Good to report i didnt feel too sick and it went down ok. The reps went as follows:

    Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Avg Bike Cadence Avg Power Max Power
    01:00:00 29.11 152 106 29.1 48.5 161 250 89 224 641
    00:45:00 24.92 109 118 33.2 49.1 128 138 89 275 454
    00:15:00 8.76 62 46 35 54.1 123 133 89 231 409
    00:45:00 28.37 124 159 37.8 59.5 134 142 86 276 623
    00:15:00 8.57 25 57 34.3 50.8 124 134 85 231 578
    00:45:00 23.99 215 199 32 51.4 136 147 80 284 761
    00:09:39 5.18 41 41 32.2 46.9 133 144 84 244 609

    HRM was acting up until about 50mins! Should have a replacement by Tuesday! Ive enough of this crappy garmin unit!

    Only thing that was a little iffy was the HR was about 10BPM below where i thought it would be. Ive a very tiny cold at the moment and I have been coughing up little bits of phlegm so im putting it down to that.
    Time: 03:54:39, Ave Power 257W, Ave Cadance 86, Ave HR 139BPM (includes 50mins of spiking!), Distance 128.90km, Ave speed 33km/hr

    Run off
    Next up was 15mins race pace. So different this time as in i was holding a pace and not caring about HR. In the end i went a little beyond what i thought ill be capable of! Actually really surprised myself as i was fairly tired after the bike. If i could hold this in the race id some in under 01:20 HM! Scary! I felt good though which was the crazy thing and HR was only in top of steady as a max (tiny bit into mod for a few seconds but i took it back out but the cold could also have been playing here). Was buzzing after. I had been a bit stuff and lower back was slightly tight but as soon as i started running i was 100% and could have held that at least for another 15/20mins. Im going to go more aggressive this year than i was last year so i'm hoping this pace rings through on the day!
    Time: 00:15:02, Ave Pace: 03:45/km, Ave HR 150 , Distance: 04.01km

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    You should change the name of the thread Eddie to 'Boom Boom Bambatta'

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    snack_ie wrote: »
    You should change the name of the thread Eddie to 'Boom Boom Bambatta'

    just when I think I had a stonking two days I come in here and read your sessions:) impressive stuff Ed and great work ethic.
