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Eddie Rockets!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    +1 on all the above dude! It's great having this log here and indeed all the other tri logs, keeps us all honest and pushing each other, striving for excellence and right now you are setting the standards :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Cheers all. That's some big talk there ElD. I dont know about going that far now. Ye guys put in some crazy long weeks! I think my longest ever is about 14.5/15hrs! I dont know how ye manage those 20hr+ ones!

    Sunday 8th April
    Long run
    This was always going to be a good test. I was slightly aprehensive going into it after having such a good day yesterday. I was slightly fearing a backlash. I dont always know how the body will react but i did get the recovery on immediately after yesterdays sessions knowing this tasty one was coming up. It was 45mins easy then 30mins at a pace 10seconds faster than race pace (i was hoping for a mid 03:40's/km pace) and then 30mins race pace (mid 03:50's) with 5 easy to finish. I started out very very easy to try conserve as much as was possible for the real work. I took along 1 citrus isogel, 1 berry and a bottle of Lucazade Sport (i was not going to repeat what happened a few weeks back on the hydration front!). I took a few swigs of the drink and dropped it at a passing point for later in the run. First 45easy flew by and i was feeling ok. I was a little tired alright but still clocked a 04:12/km pace average.

    Into the 30min 03:40's and i knew i was in for a nice bit of work. It was fairly windy out and i didnt push it enough in the first few k with it on my back as the pace went from low 03:40's to 03:50 after running back into the wind. I took the citrus gel about 10mins into this rep and had some minor stomach issues. It didnt slow me up though. I didnt worry too much about the flagging pace into the wind and just tried to push at a decent effort. HR was going between high steady into mod hard and i was rolling well enough. After turning back into the wind though and running across the trails in the park i began to struggle slightly. I picked up the Lucazade Sport about 5k into this rep and the slow down coupled with the wind and trail path really knocked me back for a few mins. I was really sytruggling but finally got it together and feel i finished that rep strong. The slow down to RP felt very comfortable at first but i was soon feeling it again. I took on the berry gel 10mins into this and drank about 200mls. Taking all this on brought on a slight stitch and my stmach went very iffy. I had to slow slightly but firtubately again it passed and i quickened up again to finish at a decent 03:56/km pace.

    I felt really strange in the final 5easy. I felt like i was barely moving, my legs just wanted to keep running the pace id been at and it almost felt like all i had to do was raise my knee and id move forward! Sort of like that feeling you get when you get off a treadmill. Happy with the run. I might not have hit quite the pace id have liked but i still ran both reps at a pace id be happy with. I know had i to push myself hard i could have also maintained sub 4min ks and i was delighted to go through a half marathon in 01:24:58 with only 35mins of work in that and would be close to a 02:50 marathon had i to keep going. Id love a crack at that kind of time someday.
    The splits ended up as follows:
    Time Distance Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Avg Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR
    00:45:00 10.71 58 49 04:12 03:12 136 162 - spikes
    00:30:00 7.86 53 36 03:49 03:10 153 162
    00:30:00 7.61 30 51 03:56 03:17 152 160
    00:05:42 1.31 5 11 04:22 03:36 144 158
    01:50:42 27.48 146 148 04:02 03:10 145 162
    Time: 01:50:42, Ave Pace: 04:02/km, Ave HR 145 , Distance: 27.48km

    Afterwards i was in a world of pain! I was doubled over with runners trots for 3.5 hours and couldn't even finish dinner! Fortunately i had been able to take on a recovery and a whey shake. I ran late as i had a nice morning of watching Paris Roubaix (what a race! I used some of the pain Tom Boonen went through as a motivator!)) and a trip to Farmleigh so i knew i could be in for trouble. I know its possible for this to happen after such a day. Thank god all i have today is a swim with a lot of pull work to give the legs a chance!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Monday 9th April
    Oh i was never so happy to see a lt of pull work in a session. Am quite tired today after the weekend's exploits. Session had 15 x 100p at race pace. I can push myself fairly well when i dont have the legs involved and as hard as i near try to push the arms i never seem to tire half as much as i do when legs are involved. All the reps went well,m very well in fact. I started out clocking the first 10 in the 01:36 - 01:39 but frm rep 10 i was hitting 01:32 (quickest) to 01:35. I even did 1 extra to make sure i was at 15 as i lost count slightly and felt great right to the end. And to top it off it has stopped raining! Ive nothing else planned for today but might do an ultra easy bike to get this legs setup for the most important week to Mallorca! Last biggie!
    Time: 51:20, Distance: 2600m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Epic weekend Eddie. Now come here for a moment...I can only speak for myself but I've done 1 20hr week and 6+ of that was stretching/rolling/strength! Now you are just going to have to get comfortable with the 'star athlete/performer' tag and the fact that we are all trying trying trying to catch you someday! But it is fantastic here on boards, plenty of lads to keep you pushing and on your toes. But it has to be said also, your humility is as impressive and admirable as your training/racing. :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Wow 10 days since an update!!! I've some catching up to do!

    Tuesday 10th April
    Went ok, felt fairly tired. I didnt run to HR at all but noticed it was fairly low despite PE feeling a bit more than id expect for the HR. Had a big tailwind along the coast and then a headwind for the way back so i picked it up slightly for the return. Legs felt ok but just slightly tired. First run with the new Garmin HRM premium strap. I didn't have the polar strap with me so just tried it out. Spiked for first 7 mins or so then settled. Using polar strap since still with mixed results.
    Time: 00:43:45, Ave Pace: 04:19/km, Ave HR 140 (actually lower) , Distance: 10.14km

    Not the best of sessions by me. Plan was for 3x(15 340, 5 easy) but i just wasn't able for it. Wasnt on top of the mental game for this either and struggled through just 11mins or so of rep one. Couldnt finish it. I was wrecked for some reason. Yawning since lunch despite sleeping fairly deeply the night before. 370W felt really bad in the builds so i knew i was going to struggle. I was not looking forward to the session either. I froze in shower cycling home and had originally intended doing this outdoors. Ended up doing nothing for the guts of 45mins before getting into it, just not wanting to get on the turbo. Head was a little wrecked at work mainly just because I was coming back after 5 days off! Spun it out for 15mins after a failed attempt to start the 2nd 15min rep and rolled the legs out after.
    Time: 00:47:40, Ave Power 235W, Ave HR 122BPM, Ave Cadance 85, Distance 26.09km, Ave speed 32.8km/hr

    Wednesday 11th April
    Went ok. First day with garmin HRM on polar strap. Still spiked a little but settled then. PE to HR was still a bit out of wack. Felt like i was running harder than the high 120's/low 130's HR. Pushed the builds towards the ends but HR was only climbing into 140s. Felt ok though and ran a bit faster than Tuesday, not as windy too though
    Time: 00:45:10, Ave Pace: 04:11/km, Ave HR 133 (actually lower, again) , Distance: 10.79km

    Thursday 12th April
    This was supposed to be a Wednesday swim but got stuck at work Wednesday. A nice distance swim with a pyramid of 100sw, 200B+B, 300sw, 400 B+B, 400sw, 300B+B, 200sw, 100B+B (all + 20sec, sw easy. B+B steady/mod). It went just ok, times went out a bit by the end but i was happy to do it and enjoyed the swim. I kept the sw's real easy and pushed the B+B's a bit. Session flew by. Form was just ok, didnt seem fluid at times but not awful. 50des were 49, 47, 44, 42. The times for the mainset parts were:
    100sw - 01:40
    200B+B - 03:19
    300sw - 05:04
    400B+B - 06:50
    400sw - 07:07
    300B+B - 05:15
    200sw - 03:30
    100B+B - 01:40
    Time: 00:58:57, Distance: 3000m

    Felt ok. I just spun away with no intention of putting any power down. No aches or pains but felt the chest slightly "cold" if that makes any sense. The polar/garmin combo was going berserk. I couldn't get HR to record right! Feel fine afterwards. Don't feel like the session took anything from me whatsoever. Also realise I'd only messed 1 session in a good while so I wasn't going to stress about Tuesdays and will just get on with it. Beautiful day out!
    Time: 00:44:16, Ave Power 214W, Ave HR UselessBPM, Ave Cadance 91, Distance 22.20km, Ave speed 30.1km/hr

    Friday 13th April
    Challenging enough swim with 4x50 fast on 50, 10x200sw race pace + 20sec, 4x50 fast on 50. Didnt go all that great. Opening fast 50s were ok on 38, 39, 40, 41. Started well in the RP but possibly too well clocking 02:57. This slowly drifted out to 03:20 by the end! Felt tired by the end and left shoulder was getting a little achey. No sharp pains in it though or anything to be too concerned about. Fast 40s at the end were hard. They were something like 42, 43, 44, 46 (cant remember exactly). After reading today's Swim Smooth email i might try looking slightly forward like i use to as i feel like im flat on the water and not as powerful when looking straight down. Im also finding it impossible to get the limp wrist thing down as described at B2R. I feel like im not catching anything when i go fully limp but any moderation and im back to feeling as though im pulling with the inside of the arm. The 10 reps were:
    02:57, 03:00, 03:05, 03:05, 03:07, 03:09, 03:11, 03:20, 03:20, 03:14
    Time: 00:58:58, Distance: 3100m

    Bit of work in this one with 20easy, 15 steady, 5 mod, 5 easy. It went well enough. I felt back to normal. HR seemed in line with PE which seemed off earlier in the week. First 20 easy and 1min of steady were into a slight headwind, then tailwind back for the remainder of the steady. Felt well in control and as though i had another gear by the end of the mod hard effort. A few minor spikes at the start on the HRM but it seemed fine after a while.
    Time: 00:47:09, Ave Pace: 03:58/km, Ave HR 144BPM, Distance: 11.88km

    Saturday 14th April
    Long Bike
    A really good test on the HIM power in this one with 3 x 55mins HIM power and 5min easy between so a really good test. It went really well. Last week i felt like the HIM efforts, while manageable, where still a bit of work. Today felt easier. I really tried to focus on not letting myself sprint or put the hammer down and to reign in such efforts and maintain as steady a power as i could. I also got some nice smooth roads and a cadence in the low 80's felt effortless on them holding the power. I was fairly tired by the end and was a little anxious how the legs would eact on the run. Happy with the spin. Im thinking something around 270-275 for the race as that should give a fast split and leave plenty for the run. Nutrition was the same as last week but today i didnt feel any sickness at all, last week i had a minor amount so im happy to roll with it too as it is. This session felt easier than last week. The 3 x 55min reps came out at power/HR average 274W/130BPM, 275W/135BPM, 272W/139BPM. As just a point of interest those HR figures would ready easy zone last year which from memory went up to 140!
    Time: 04:03:24, Ave Power 259W, Ave HR 137 (lower really as spikes over 200 for first 12mins!)BPM, Ave Cadance 85, Distance 137.19km, Ave speed 33.8km/hr

    Race Pace Run Off Bike
    Again i seemed to push this slightly faster than what i thought originally id be able for but it felt great. My feet were fairly numb from cold but surprisingly the legs felt 100%, i felt like i was really running easy and the 15mins felt fairly effortless. I didnt have to push at all and was really shocked to see the pace. I surged slightly once but was able to bring the HR back down which was a good sign as before id noticed getting the HR down was an issue. Great run, quicker than last week and for less effort and well ahead of expectations
    Time: 00:15:11, Ave Pace: 03:44/km, Ave HR 149BPM, Distance: 4.06km

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Great brick session on the Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Great brick session on the Saturday.

    +1 Nice to have a session like that after the week started so iffy... great work as usual :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Wait for the update on Monday run(s). It brought iffy to a new a new level!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Ive neglected this badly the last few weeks.

    Well heres a run down on things since the last update:

    Sunday 15th April
    Long Run
    Moved this to Monday as i was caught up late at work, i still intended doing it and spent a good 10mins getting the gear on, setting a playlist and then went to put on the runners. Forgot the runners!! Was raging!

    Monday 16th April
    Long Run
    Started easy and was then supposed to do sub race pace and race pace efforts. Lets just say the least said about this runs the better. The Phoenix Park is a difficult place to find a discreet toilet, thats all ill say. Never have i needed the toilet as bad! Couldn't maintain running at all and had to walk 3k home!
    Time: 01:08:54, Ave Pace: 04:09/km, Ave HR 132BPM, Distance: 16.57km

    Tuesday 17th April
    A few 100's alternating between sw and pull on 2mins. Good swim. Tried to focus on rolling a bit more which was helping extend the arm etc. The sw's in the 6x100 were all around 01:28 - 01:31 and the pull's were 01:34 - 01:36 which was great considering i wasnt swimming too hard. Fast 50s at the end on 60 to finish were 38, 39, 40, 39.
    Time: 00:49:25, Distance 2300m

    Easy Bike
    Legs felt a bit tired. They didn't want to work much and thus i didn't really care too much on power and was happy enough it being at the lower end of easy. I was bloody starving too which probably didn't help. HRM worked for once too!
    Time: 01:07:38, Ave Power 210W, Ave HR 108BPM, Ave Cadance 87, Distance 33.56km, Ave speed 29.8km/hr

    Wednesday 18th April
    Easy Short Run
    Decent run, ran with the doggie for the first time in ages. Meant it was a tad slower than i could have managed alone but i didnt mind. I didnt manage to get out at lunch so it was late and after college. Lovely evening out for it though. Felt good and strong and actually surged at the end by mistake, hadnt realised id done it til i saw HR tip 150!
    Time: 00:27:53, Ave Pace: 04:07/km, Ave HR 137BPM, Distance: 6.77km

    Thursday 19th April
    On the turbo for this one. Some steady and mod efforts to keep things ticking over. It went fine. The steady i rode just above HIM power and it felt comfortable. The mod was very manageable too just over 300. Legs felt ok, no burning or aches going on which is always a good thing.
    Time: 00:45:00, Ave Power 255W, Ave HR 130BPM, Ave Cadance 88, Distance 27.13km, Ave speed 36.2km/hr

    Friday 20th April
    Off work so a nice lazy morning before heading in. Had 400's, 200's pull and swim work and fast 100p's to finish. It went ok. Had a busy lane to start and clocked 01:20 for the opening 100 to get space. Cooled the jets after that and it was a good way of getting the HR down over the next 200sw while getting back on normal pace. Did 4 des on 50 and they were 43, 40, 40, 40. RPE rose through the 40s but just couldn't get it to descend. Probably went a little hard but i didnt want to come in on 47/48 and leave on 50 for the first. Still swam that 43 easy but should have gone even easier. I seemed to pace the 400s well, starting out quite easy and building into steady as opposed to what i normally seem to do - start at what i feel is steady but then fade. The 400s were 06:20 and 06:30. The mod 200s were just ok. The sw's were 03:02 and 03:08 and the p's were 03:18 and 03:21. The fast 100s at the end were 01:36, 01:38, 01:38 and 01:37.
    Time: 1:01:16, Distance 3150m

    Did some steady and mod hard efforts in the afternoon. Felt fine. I had eaten a salad at 1pm and it still wasnt going anywhere! I left it as long as was possibly but had to head out by 4:30 as id a sports massage for 6. Stomach was sloshing around a bit but it didnt disturb anything. Felt fairly comfortable.
    Time: 00:34:37, Ave Pace: 03:58/km, Ave HR 149BPM, Distance: 8.72km

    Saturday 21st April
    3 hours on the bike with not too much focus as its recovery week. I met my sister just after leaving he house who was cycling into meet our mother in the park so the first 15mins were extremely slow pace and low power. I also forgot 0's are included in the average so the power is well down. HRM spiking for the first while. Enjoyed the spin, just headed along whatever roads seemed decent, some id never been on. Serious wind out! It seemed to be a sidewind for the majority of the ride. Legs felt good, they felt good in the few pushes here and there with no burning sensations etc.
    Time: 02:59:22, Ave Power 210W, Ave HR 133BPM, Ave Cadance 80, Distance 92.08km, Ave speed 30.8km/hr

    Run off
    Just a short one to remind the legs what will be expected of them fairly soon. Felt good too. First half slightly downhill and then back up it. HR in 140's felt 100%.
    Time: 00:06:47, Ave Pace: 03:45/km, Ave HR 142BPM, Distance: 1.81km

    Sunday 22nd April
    Enjoyable run. I was up and out within 20mins of waking and not on the longest sleep so i only took on a tiny bit of hot oat cereal and some water. Beautiful morning out, enjoyed running on some trail to vary things a bit. Enjoyed having no real focus other than keeping it easy. Had a few euphoria moments when i was really on a high and enjoying things, although i believe these can be linked to the body running low on stores. Still though, great feeling. No aches or niggles afterwards. Far cry from last year when stresses at work were effecting the final lead in to Austria, fortunately coach spotted it and salvaged things!
    Time: 01:14:59, Ave Pace: 04:12/km, Ave HR 140BPM, Distance: 17.85km

    OW Swim
    Ive had panics in the past in the OW so i was anxious to get in and check how that was. Feet were very cold getting in (actually red raw getting out!) but no other part felt too cold. Stayed in for just 12mins or so and felt great. I did however have the new blue seventy neoprene hat on and it made a hell of a difference. Head was grand and warm. It will also help with horrible ear aches i get as it covers up the ears just enough. Bloody lashed while i was getting changed! That was the coldest part. I even tried to bring on minor panic attacks in the swim to learn to deal with them but full on short sprints werent brewing anything! Great swim. Really enjoyed it.
    Time: 00:11:29, Distance 640m

    Monday 23rd April
    Some 300sw and pull work on a steady to mod hard effort. Decent swim. Felt i gauged the 300's efforts fairly evenly. The sw's were 04:41, 04:36, 04:37 and the pulls were 04:55, 04:53. Was holding concentration well and enjoyed it. Session flew by and i couldnt believe it was already over at the end.
    Time: 0:48:07, Distance 2500m

    Good enough run. HRM wasnt working for first 5 mins. Nice evening out and i seemed to be going well. Had to hold back once or twice as i found pace picking up but it didnt go long. Did some builds and these were ok, let it rip for the final 5seconds in each and seemed to build to that point well so that it wasnt just a sudden change in pace. Love these Saucony's. Been running about 50/50 in these and the Waveriders and really liking them.
    Time: 00:40:51, Ave Pace: 04:01/km, Ave HR 134BPM, Distance: 10.07km

    Tuesday 24th April
    A 1/2hr of power just to remind the legs to hold all the work done to date! In peak phase now so the volume is down with some nice short bits of intensity. The ride went ok. The 85% efforts were no issue but i found it difficult enough to sustain 400 for the full short durations, especially when seated. I was ok for 3/4 of these efforts but that final few seconds were a killer. Initially coming back to the 85% felt like big enough effort but after 15-20s it felt good again.
    Time: 00:47:23, Ave Power 287W, Ave HR 130BPM, Ave Cadance 80, Distance 26.92km, Ave speed 34.1km/hr

    Wednesday 25th April
    Had an easy run at lunchtime. I wimped out of running in the gales and rain as i knew it would feel horrible along Clontarf Strand and instead headed for the heated gym across the road from work (Croke Park hotel). I did remember why i hate treadmills after just 10mins though. That said i remembered Chrissie Wellington in her book talking about the mental game and how some team mates were sent to do full marathons in an empty tiny room on a treadmill to build that mental part of the game! I didnt quite have that long but just zoned out and put the fact that i hate treadmills to aside. I started out a bit quick but eased back. By 15/20mins i was pumping sweat (the gym is roasting with no fans!) I had to slow right down to maintain the easy zone. First 20mins dragged on but the second 20 flew by!
    Time: 00:40:57, Ave Pace: 04:19/km, Ave HR 145BPM, Distance: 9.50km

    I was really looking forward to seeing how this one would go. Plan was to do 19x100's around 01:35 on 02:00 and holding the 01:35, beating it slightly if feeling ok. The swim went well. Slowest 100 was 01:34 with average around 01:32 right to the end. No drop off whatsoever. The break was allowing a total rest and each rep felt very very comfortable. Felt like a easy to very marginally steady effort. Enjoyed the 19. I had some 50's on 50 at the start which were 44, 42, 42, 42, 41, 41, 41 (first 4 descending and then fast). Had to cut the swim slightly short as i was late for college.
    Time: 1:02:24, Distance: 3000m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Thursday 26th April
    Was up and early to do this as i have a busy day ahead and didnyt want to be facing it at 8/9pm! I dont like training late! Had a few mod hard and steady efforts but they were short enough to not really get into any pain. Steady is my HIM zone so well use to it by now
    Time: 00:42:01, Ave Power 240W, Ave HR 127BPM, Ave Cadance 86, Distance 23.91km, Ave speed 34.1km/hr

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Good stuff Eddie, I hear you on not liking late training, I'm the same. So only 2 weeks or so now, you must be looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the report as it's a race I'd like to do someday myself. Enjoy the taper/peak phase :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Cracking stuff Eddie.

    Late training isn't ideal but needs must sometimes. I often wonder is it better to train late or get up at 5:30 instead. Is it a personal thing or is there any science over which is the best for return on investment?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Thanks lads. My take on it is i dont like to eat too late as i feel it sits in the stomach all night doing nothing and more likely to turn to fat. I also dont like not eating after a session so its a bit of a dilemma. Id prefer getting up early. I also feel wrecked by the end of the day after work etc and am more likely to not enjoy the session or even shelve it if im really really tired/not in the humour. Theres also no better way to wake up in the morning. I dont know if science backs this up but thats my take on it

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Makes sense Eddie. I guess whatever works for the individual. I'd like to try a few early morning sessions but have been told that if I plan a 05:30 or so start I can stay in the spare room! :D OH is a really light sleeper. So for the time being I'll be sticking with my 22:30 sessions

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    @pgibbo she'll get used of it P! Linda has and actually likes when I get up at 5:30 - cos she can turn over for another hour or so, especially on mornings like this morning.

    @bam re eating after a late session and it sitting in the stomach. I may be wrong but if you eat the appropriate meal with carbs and protein it should be used up during the night to refill your carb stores and shouldgo straight to the desired cells. I have trained late, a lot last year when running with the club, so eating took place after 9 and by the morning I would be starving again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Friday 27th April
    Had some nice tasty fast 3mins reps in this one to keep the engines firing. Ran fairly well, was feeling comfortable. Bit of a wind out which made it hard to keep the reps consistent but i think i managed it fairly well. It was an out and back and the watch seemed to momentarily lose sats as pace went way out for the start of rep 4. Rep pace/km were as follows - 03:26, 03:29, 03:24, 03:31, 03:28.
    Recorded part (in the tunnel at work for about 800m, unrecorded) Time: 00:40:48, Ave Pace: 03:52/km, Ave HR 147BPM, Distance: 10.56km

    Would have liked to have done this in the morning but i was up until 01:30 doing college work. I haven't been getting my usual 7-8 hours all week (plenty of overdue projects :P) and it was beginning to drag on me. I felt very tired and wasnt very motivated about heading top this. I figured jumping in would wake me up. It didnt fully but i didnt seem to be too effected by it. The swim actually went well. I had 400's at RP and i had to try get them consistent. The 400's were 06:22 06:22 06:22 06:20. I went what felt like easy for the first 50's but they did all still come in on 43-44. From there the 50s were virtually identicle. The first 200 of them were 3:09 3:10 3:10 3:10. To close out i had some of my favourite (not!) - 50's on 50. They went well actually coming in on 36 38 39 38 and I was gasping by the last one. Good swim. I felt like those 400s were bang on the money for a pace i can hold for a long time. With wetsuit, draft, rest and adrenaline i think i can get slightly faster and im confident i can go sub 30mins after doing that, particularly as i wasn't kicking hard and felt like i could maintain it. Pacing has been an issue for me but this was bang on target.
    Time: 59:00 Distance: 3100m

    Saturday 28th April
    Some race pacer and then some spicier bits after this to fire those engines again. Went well. I used the race nutrition plan and it was fine. RP felt as usual, nice bit of bite but not too taxing. I then had reps of the short spicy bits and these were lot more effort but i managed to hit them all fine. Nearly got creamed out of it in rep 2 when a car went across me in Sunmmerhill! I literally missed him by 1 inch as i jammed on the breaks! I skidded and the skid flipped me around the back of the arse of the car! That ruined that rep slightly as i was fairly shook. Last rep was probably the best of them all. I felt like i held the power a lot more steady. Serious wind out today. It was prodomiantly a side wind and I had to fight it at times. Was rolling well though. Ran over the set time a little by accident.
    Time: 02:47:50, Ave Power 247W, Ave HR 127BPM, Ave Cadance 85, Distance 93.59km, Ave speed 33.5km/hr

    Run off
    Had a short run off at race pace after this. I ran into work which is downhill in the last 1k. The legs felt fine. I took it slightly easier than before and aimed for about 03:50/km. Was running into a hefty wind and the final km being slightly downhill probably evened the run out. Took a berry isogel when getting changed off the bike and i had no issues with this. No stomach issues whatsoever and felt 100%. Actually felt like i was running fairly easy. HR climbed right at the end as i ran up steps but i was well in control the whole way and didnt have to push at all.
    Time: 00:13:32, Ave Pace: 03:50/km, Ave HR 144BPM, Distance: 3.53km

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Saturday 28th April Continued
    Recovery Run
    Seeing as i had ran into work i then had to run home. I bloody forgot to at least try and dry the thermal i had been wearing but managed to get it somewhat comfortable before putting it on again! Ran very very very easy. Didnt even go into easy zone, felt good bar a bit of a niggle in the right hip.
    Time: 00:15:35, Ave Pace: 04:20/km, Ave HR 118BPM, Distance: 3.60km

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Sunday 29th April
    Just an hours run with a progression into race pace and beyond by the end. Felt a little tired after Saturday's work but it didnt seem to effect the run. Serious wind out, mostly sidewind. Felt like i ran well. First easy bit flew by! The race pace part (aiming for 03:50) had a bit of bite but once i got up to speed it was fairly comfortable. I had some draggy hills and i tried to keep pace on side so effort was marginally up and down here and there but well within the effort range. The last bit of around pace 03:40-45 was great. Running up by the zoo was hard going, slightly uphill and into the savage wind! The effort felt like what id feel like towards the 3/4 point of a race knowing there was still a small reserve. Good run and glad i missed the brutal rain that came not long after!
    Time: 01:00:17, Ave Pace: 03:51/km, Ave HR 149BPM, Distance: 15.63km

    Monday 30th April
    Not much to report on this one. Swam ok, not particularly well or fast but at least i wasnt tiring by the end. Not that i should have been, it was onyk a short one at 2200m with the only real work some 300's sw and pull. Last 300p was probably the best of the lot. Tired to get myself rolling more. Felt a little tired this morning after a decent weekend (eventhough it was exactly a taxing weekend)
    Time: 00:42:00, Distance: 2200m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Tuesday 1st May
    Missed session!! Was only a 35min session but i hate hate hate missing sessions. I had the usual "im going to regret this/thats a few mins off the bike now/im going to peak too soon as i havent taxed myself at all/im going to put on weight" negative thoughts which were quickly preceeded by "Shut the fcuk up you egit, works done, relax!!" :)

    Wednesday 2nd May
    Just 30mins easy at lunch and i was running real well. Ran sub 4min pace at an easy HR which is always good. Felt tired waking this morning and legs a little achy but the run loosened them out. Felt good th whle way. Recorded part was just over 28mins (remainder of run in tunnel - crane on pitch this week so no access to pitchside)
    Time: 00:31:18, Ave Pace: 03:59/km, Ave HR 139BPM, Distance: 7.83km

    Great swim again. Similar to last week's race pace fine tuning but the 100's were on a time this week with only about 10-15s recoveries. 50 des to start were 44, 42, 42, 41, 41, 42, 41. All 100s came in on 01:30 - 01:34 with the average again being 01:32. It was slightly more effort but still fairly comfortable and i held it consistent right to the end. The opening 50s were more like 44/45 rather and 42/3 which i did last week but i wasnt fading. Had some fast 25s at the end were done more on about 30-35s and i was swimming them well coming in around 16/17s and feeling good. Enjoyed the swim.
    Time: 00:58:20, Distance: 3050m

    Getting excited now. Two busy days at work coming up but im deliberately trying to keep stress as low as is possible! Mind is good as is body! Mind being the most important part this week! Once i get to Saturday all stress will be gone (i hope!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Thursday 3rd May
    Little bits of work in this one with some mod hard and steady efforts. Went well. I possibly didn't hold myself back enough at times in the reps but i was feeling good. Bit of a burn in the quads on the mod efforts but wasnt in any trouble and I didnt have to dig in at all to hold it up there. Session flew by.
    Time: 00:43:36, Ave Power 257W, Ave HR 124BPM, Ave Cadance 86, Distance 24.46km, Ave speed 33.7km/hr

    Friday 3rd May
    Missed! Slept it. My phone's alarm didnt go off!! I was raging. WOke yup at 07:30 but it was too late t head in. Particularly raging as i was to have a chat afterwards with the coach and i was looking forward to a swim with company for once!! Oh well. Didnt get a chance to do it after work as i wasnt out til after 9 and the pool was then closed! Needless to say ive ought an alarm clock for this week! The phone has done this once before, i think it goes to go off and vibrates itself off, i copped it once before but i had just about heard it but not this time.

    Some fast bits a around 5k pace in this. Short reps though and i felt good. Ran the first 2 reps into slight breeze, last with it on my back. Nice and controlled the whole way. Legs felt good. About 2.5mins not recorded (in tunnel at work)
    Recorded part - Time: 00:40:37, Ave Pace: 03:59/km, Ave HR 142BPM, Distance: 10.2km

    Saturday 5th May
    An hour easy and then into 30mins of race pace and some short mod/hard efforts to finish. Short one too at only 02:15 planned as its one week to race day! Headed out to Dundalk and back from home (beside Slane). Felt good. I wasnt expecting to feel as good as i did for some reason. Legs seemed to take a little while to settle into it. HIM pace felt good, bit of bite and burn in quads but not anything major. 320-330W 2 min reps were good, controlled them pretty well. I actually thought id finished them after 4 and only copped it about 15/20s into the last rep. Pushed them slightly beyond target as i was not coming in lower!
    Time: 02:10:34, Ave Power 252W, Ave HR 139BPM (really lower, HRM going mental for 20mins or so), Ave Cadance 86, Distance 72.61km, Ave speed 33.4km/hr

    Run off
    Ran really well.wanted to control pace bang on race pace here to start rather than flying out. Did so and opened up around the pace but had a slight uphill. I thought pace to HR would go out further but didnt. Felt like i was running fairly easy. Ran two laps of the route to avoid the bigger climbs. Put a little it of effort in for a short while but still felt comfortable but took it back and surprised to see the pace as it felt easy
    Time: 00:15:09, Ave Pace: 03:45/km, Ave HR 144BPM, Distance: 4.04km

    Sunday 6th May
    Headed back up from the folks and spent some time in Dundrum getting some bits together. Ran much later than id hoped i would but it was only a short one at 45mins planned with some easy into race pace and then a bit beyond. Good run, felt comfortable. Even the faster part was ok, got into a nice pace and was well able to hold it. The 3 reps were pace/km - 03:56, 03:51, 03:38
    Time: 00:44:28, Ave Pace: 03:48/km, Ave HR 146BPM, Distance: 11.69km

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Monday 7th May
    RACE WEEK!!!
    After spending far too long packing last night i flew out this morning and arrived without a hitch. Im bloody glad i booked a checked bag at the last minute online as originally id stuff everything in with the bike! I was slightly over Ryanair's weights (30kg for bike, 15kg for bag) in both bags and had about 12kg on my carry-on (which was also far too big!). Anyway i was glad to meet a very friendly member ofn Ryanair who didnt pay any remarks to either and i managed to evade the bag check at the boarding gate somehow! So i arrived at the hotel around 2pm and got shown to the room. I asked for a room away from the main road and to my surprise she actually upgraded me to a far nicer room!! Sweet! Place is savage. ITs a cyclists dream. Km after km of bike lanes, across the road is the sea (its beautifully calm!), a 25m laned pool and a bike mechanic/shop onsite! So to get the legs in order after the flight id an hour easy on the bike and a short run off. Was hoping to get an OW swim in but didnt but did manage a short swim in the pool (ive always wanted ti swim outdoors! Weather is nice, fairly wiondy but nice and warm (low 20's id say). Anyway heres the sessions:

    The roads here are unbelievable! Wind was fairly strong out but i was still rolling into it over 30km/hr!! I couldn't believe it. Absolutely beautiful to cycle on. Felt comfortable and was loving short sleeves, shorts and a nice warm wind! Legs felt good although my left hamstring is feeling iffy. Same feeling as when i flew to Austria last year despite wearing the tights on the way over. Fortunately i brought "The Stick" with me so im going to have to look after it. Its ot right down the middle of the left hammy, more to the inside but it didnt trouble me in either bike nor run. I kept a nice fresh cadence and held back but still managed a 33.7km/hr average speed for piss all effort! Crazy.
    Time: 01:01:45, Ave Power 226W, Ave HR 116BPM, Ave Cadance 93, Distance 34.7km, Ave speed 33.7km/hr

    Ran for just under 15mins off the bike. I tried to hold it to easy but HR was rising into steady a little, i felt great though. Felt very comfortable. Bit of a tail/sidewind out and then head/sidewind back. Legs felt good and not a dicky out of the hamstring (although it is feeling tender).

    Managed to get just a quick 10mins or so in the outdoor laned pool before they closed it. Iv always wanted to swim like that doutdoors and it was lovely and fresh to help cooldown after the bike and run. Felt fine, forgot to bring the watch poolside so i dont have anotion what pace was like. Kept it comfortable for the duration

    Will have the files uploaded later

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Holy crap: 47kg of stuff - what are you bringing with you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    ha it seems a lot but i dont have anything i wont use. basically - bike + bike box is about 20kg, then ive a host of tools as i need to put the wheelcovers on and i always bring things in case i need to do some work to it. Bike, pump, wetsuit and tools were about 30.5kg. Then i just have 3 bib shorts, 3 jerseys, 2 shorts, 2 t-shirts, race runners, warmup runners, 5 t-shirts, 2 trousers, 2 shorts, 1 jumper and so on. its amazing how quickly it piles up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Right I will see if I can beat that going to Lanzarate...
    Go smash it up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Best of luck (this/next?) week Eddie. Have kept half an eye on this log, well written and a seriously positive outlook and attitude throughout! Have fun.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    thanks all. sitting here in my room now with 1 day to go! just finished the short bike and run wit some small efforts to remind the body it isnt to give up just yet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Tuesday 8th May
    Did this early in the outdoor pool (man i love this pool!). Had some 400's at race pace and these went very well, so well that i was doubting the length of the pool but ive been assured it is indeed 25m. They came in on 06:00, 06:03 and 06:05. Some fast 50s on 60 to finish were 50s were 35, 38, 38, 37. Good session.
    Time: 00:42:03, Distance: 2300m

    I had some race pace efforts today and i decided id cut across inland and head for the climb. The intention was to see the descent as its supposed to be very technical and scary with barrierless hairpins off cliffs etc! Plan was only for an hour but i knew it would take slightly longer and decided id go for it nd just roll home. Before the climb proper theres about 10k of a slight uphill drag. No mistaking when you hit the climb proper! Unlike Austria where you are 2 or 3k into it before it really starts this one ramps up and just keeps going. The race pace efforts started bang on at the climb so it was inetresting to see how much extra effort would be needed. The reps came in just slightly over race pace and were up around 300+W's in the 39/25 at times! Some of the hairpins ramped right up. The easy parts between werent quite as easy as id have liked. If i brought power right down i was mashing so i just kept it as comfortable as possible. Felt good though. The surface is amazing, as good as you could hope for. Theres a few little more drags just before the top proper which could surprise you as you think you are there a few times! I didnt quite get to descend as i was already at the hour and to comer back up would have meant another 30+mins so i just turned for home and rolled down.
    Time: 01:44:37, Ave Power 243W, Ave HR 131BPM, Ave Cadance 86, Distance 53.84km, Ave speed 30.9km/hr

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Some quality sessions there to rev the engine up. Give it socks Eddie and best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Wednesday 9th May
    Headed across the road from the hotel before brekkie for an OW swim. Water was lovely. Just had some fast stroke and practised some sighting. Was swimming straight enough. Water is really clear. Not so sure Garmin was all that correct as i felt i was swimming better than it said.
    Time: 00:25:01 Distance: 1230m

    After brekkie i went ot the pool to relax and read some of the Chrissie Wellington book. To cool off i just dunked in the pool here and there and only did aboiut 250m or so.

    Met up with some guys then and headed to the race venue. Hadnt intended on but when they mentioned they were going to swim at the course i couldnt resist. I was anxious to see it. It was even nicer than across the road. So bloody clear!! The buoys were out and it was great to see the first turn is about 900m out! It'll be a beautiful swim, i was swimming very well too. Its a beach start and gets deep about 40m in so there'll be a bit of a run before starting to swim. The buoys are actually easy to see with some intermediate ones out to the first turn and the same the way back.
    Time: 00:13:58, Distance: 750m

    Later that day i went out for a 45min run with some short mod hard efforts. I started well but i was really getting effected by the heat and sun. Pace really dropped off and HR was climbing. Not too concerned as it was after a long enough day. I also didnt have water with me which would have helped. I had to keep reminding myself that this was the race and to cool the jets and forget about the pace. I was drenched in sweat by the time i finished!
    Time: 00:43:09, Ave Pace: 04:11/km, Ave HR 142BPM, Distance: 10.31km

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Thursday 10th May
    Day off! Just went and got registered and went off the other side of the island to play some mini golf to take tyhe mind off erverything and relax.

    Friday 11th May
    Got up early and had the brekkie before getting back and checking all gears, brakes and that the bike is ready. Then did a short 30mins with some efforts just beyond race pace. Used it to check part of the route. Felt good, was actually pushing a little too far. No aches or anything in the legs.
    Time: 00:34:53, Ave Power 239W, Ave HR 127BPM, Ave Cadance 90, Distance 19.79km, Ave speed 34km/hr

    After getting a bottle of water i headed out for a short 20min run with some mod efforts. Felt great. Started out 10mins just under 4min pace and the efforts at 10k pace felt 100%, probably ran them slightly harder based on the pace the watch says but i was not in anyway running hard, barley mod id say. Sweated a bit but took on small amounts of water and poured some down the back to simulate tomorrow.
    Time: 00:20:28, Ave Pace: 04:01/km, Ave HR 142BPM, Distance: 5.09km

    Well its almost upon me now. Really looking forward to it. Little anxious alright on the heat but i know i can deal with that. Im confident i can go well, sub 04:30:00, i duno. The transition is massive! I hadnt counted on it being so long. Its gona be a good race and i just hope i give it everything. I want to hurt like never before and by that finish line i want to be at least one of puking, hallucinating, in need of medical attention or at the very least sub 04:30 ;) Really excited about the race and the pain itll bring. I wont start really hurting til a good bit into the run and wont make any move until at least 10k but by the closing few k i want to be giving it everything!
