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Eddie Rockets!



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I'm sorry about your grandad passing. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Sorry to hear about your Grandad. Good to have you back

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Thanks guys. It hasn't even really sunk in properly yet.

    This week so far:
    Monday 1st April
    Easy Run
    I was out late Sunday night/Monday morning and had been downing the €2.50 vodkas all night! I really didnt think id manage this but i just togged out straight from bed and went for it. Really glad i did. I figured the run would help clear the head but the first few steps hurt bad I warmed into it though and felt ok within 5mins. I had thought it was a 45min run rather than 30 for some reason so went over the planned time. Really enjoyed the run, beautiful route along the Bundoran coast. Went onto the beach for a bit too. Seriously windy out which had me almost walking at times!
    43mins, 9.2km, 4:39 min/km

    Tuesday 2nd April
    Bike with some work
    This had a prolonged rep at mid/high 280W's with surges. Good session. My bloody Power Meter battery died though only a few short mins into the rep. It ran put last week and the only place i found on route to Bundoran that sold the type only had expired ones. Needless to say it didnt last through the weeked! I stopped for 3/4 mins to try figure it out and then got on with it, judging the session by feel and HR. Aimed to stay around mid 140s and surge to low 150s. Surges felt good and i was mindful of keeping the pressure on when id stop and not revert to easy. Felt great. Surprised myself a bit. Was raging the power went as i was looking forward to seeing the profile.
    01:01:00, 33.76km, 33.0 km/hr, 287W NP (died 25mins into the hour)

    Wednesday 3rd April
    Ive only been getting two swims in a week the past few weeks so my swimming is struggling slightly. Id 5 200s on 03:45 mod hard which i hoped would be under 03:10 but I wasn't so confident. I surprised myself and clocked 03:01, 03:02, 03:01, 03:04, 03:05. Id a few fast 50s then on 60 and i was surprised to hit 40 for the lot as i was feeling fairly tired.

    Mainly an easy run with a short 15mins at steady. Good run. The legs felt fairly good. All morning i was rolling my feet with a sliotar at the desk to help with the tight plantar fascia's. Left calf did get tight by about 15/20mins though and remained that way but far better than previous days. The first easy rep was largely into a fairly strong wind so i was surprised to hold 04:21/km pace. I then had 4mins of the steady into it at its strongest and then 11mins with it as a tailwind so i hit 04:05/km pace there. Felt very comfortable. Enjoyed the run.
    47mins, 10.9km, 4:18 min/km

    It was a beautiful evening so i headed out with Leisha and two friends to the park on the bike. I was happy to spin away helping the legs a bit and chatting away. I like getting these sessions in now and then and i'm going to aim for at least one such spin a week where power is lower than easy and well and truly in recovery zone. I find it helps loosen out a bit and its a good opportunity to catch up.
    01:14:00, 29.4km, 23.9 km/hr, 175W NP

    And so i weighed myself today after a long damaging weekend. I was very surprised to find myself at 78.3kg as i expected to be >79.5. I want to keep it clean now to the weekend to keep that steady as i find it can take a few days sometimes for the weight to come up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Condolences on the passing of your grandfather Ed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Cheers P

    Thursday 4th April
    Went to the gym across from work at lunch to get some time with the roller and to do a short bit of core work. Mainly focused on the rolling, particularly the left calf. At least i was able to bare it this time and i felt i got some good work done. I stood on a sliotar too which really helped. My left calf was very tight, even when i woke this morning, and slightly sore but miles better afterwards. Core wise i had just a few short mins so did 2 x 60s plank, 30s side planks, 15 sit-ups, 20 bicycle and some Pilates moves too.

    Just had an easy bike after work. Bloody flatted literally 2 mins from the start which wrecked the head! I was constantly worrying i didn't fix it right but fortunately it help up. From about 25/30mins i focused on trying to maintain a steady mid/high easy pace. Legs felt fairly good. Not 100% but i am coming to the end of a 3 week build. Legs are feeling surprisingly good for that
    01:15:00, 5km, 27.9 km/hr, 217W NP

    On the race front i've signed up to do the Sportsman Duathlon on Sunday 14th April. Not expecting much but it should be good to get a hit out. I'll need to build up the P2C this weekend and get some sessions done on it next week before the day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Sorry to hear about your Grandad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Friday 5th April
    A few balancing drills, some work with the PTs and then 5 200s alt swim and pull and mod 100s. The swim went well enough. Three of the 200s were slightly disturbed by a fecking egit who wouldnt let me through. They came in on normal enough times (sw's - 3:12, 03:15, 03:16, p's - 03:20, 03:20) the 100s went ok too (01:31, 01:34, 01:32, 01:33, 01:29). I found i was dipping my head now and then, not all that often but ill monitor it next week. Balance drills seemed to help a bit and i tried to focus on it through the whole session, particularly when breathing - ensuring i wasn't dipping the legs
    01:04:00, 3000m, 1:39min/100m

    A tasty one with 5min mod and short 1 min recoveries. First rep was a bit laboured and the body was a bit shocked but i warmed into it and the final 4 went well. the running legs are coming around but left calf is a bit of a conern. It has been fairly tight all week but ive been massaging here and there with the sliotar on the ball of the foot and its managing it.
    11k, 46mins

    Saturday 6th April
    Long bike with 30min reps at 85%
    Waht a beautiful day! I was high as a kite with positive thoughts and was really looking forward to the spin as it was a beautiful day. I went a little hard though at the start. I have a tendency to do this and i need to stop it! So techno on, head in the zone and a big smile and then after nailing a tight corner, maintaining around 30km/hr and standing with pressure well and truly on to go up the climb in the park.... BAM! Snapped chain!! I dont know how but somehow i managed to save myself from a very very nasty head over handlbars incident! I somehow kept a good hold of the hoods and miraculously both feet planted almost flat on the ground as i slid up the hill abou 20-30m with both cleats just sliding along! End of cycle though and i was raging, 45min walk home where i picked up a new friend, Oscar from Italy. He had a puncture so at least i had company for the walk back (he's a puncture). Wifey also joined us when she met us on her way back from her cycle.
    10mins (not 3hrs!), 4.7k
    Heres the file - seems i was around 600W when it snapped, it wasnt an old chain either!

    So with time getting tight i knew i wasnt going to get 3 hours in so instead i switched days and did the long run. I had intended on spending Sunday afternoon getting the TT bike built for next week's race. I had to collect my Zipps from B2R and noticed i needed a new BB (found the interior all orange and rust all over the BB!) so that was all sorted but not before the long run

    Long run
    What a day Saturday was. I even wore shades on the run. Before heading out I made Leisha dig into the left calf as i was really worried it would just seize! It did the trick thankfully. Leisha cycled along side for the 1.5 hours so the session flew by. I had a steady effort to finish and was happy to hold 04:10/km for that.
    01:30:00, 20.4km, 04:25/km

    Sunday 7th April
    Long bike round 2
    I had a few bits to finish on the bike so I wasn't out until around 10:30. I went in full race kit to check everything was ok. Zipps with wheelcovers and a nice new BB. Because i was on the race wheels i didnt want to risk dodgy glass ridden roads so struck to the Phoenix Park for the full 3hours. The session hurt a lot more than I expected! This was to be the last big session of a 3 week block. I had been thinking i was still in good shape but obviously not! The 30's really hurt. I have held harder for longer in the last few weeks but this one hurt more than any of those other sessions. By 15mins into the 2nd one I was wiped out. I had to really focus and dig deep to get through it. I was helped slightly by suddenly having Gavin Noble chasing me though! No better motivator! I spotted, who i thought was possibly him at the end of Kyber as I came down the hill going up Military Rd and around the S-bends. I could see he was holding the distance between us and slightly gaining so I knew it had to be him. I was hurting a fair bit and he was ever so slightly closing. It kept me good and focused up to the Castleknock roundabout. Well apart from having to stop dead for about 20s on the gradual climb towards Strawberry Beds as a herd of deer rushed across the road! I was quietly hoping Gavin would be doing another loop as it was a good buzz having an Olympian hanging on my wheel but he went off so i was left to my own devices again. I doubted myself for the third rep but really dug deep. I kept wanting to hit lap and end the pain but battled the demons away by reminding myself that these sessions are those which matter most! I was pretty spent by the end! Details for the three reps:
    1) 35.1km/hr, 138 ave HR, 274W NP, 270W ave
    2) 33.9km/hr, 140 ave HR, 272W NP, 269W ave
    3) 34.3km/hr, 140 ave HR, 260W NP, 258W ave
    3:02:16, 98.42km, 32.4km/hr, 244W NP

    Run off
    I was in ribbons for this! Both eyes were droopy and i knew it would hurt! Got throguh it though but i was suffering. Still ran well though which was pleasing (3:53/km for opening steady - but had a elevation loss and 03:48/km for the mod). Was happy to get it finished though. Was wrecked for the evening and ate my bodyweight in food.
    15mins, 3.5km

    Monday 8th April
    Day off today and boy do i need it. Im delighted to have gotten a decent 3 weeks in though.

    The weeks went like this:
    Swim Bike Run Total time
    Week 1 2hrs - 5500 5.5hrs - 147.76km 4hrs - 54.56 11:56:00 Missed 1 swim, 1 bike (was down home with no bike, no pool)
    Week 2 2hrs - 5400 6hrs - 170km 3.75hrs - 50.41km 11:39:00 No access to a pool for a 3rd swim (again), missed 1 run as meeting went into lunch
    Week 3 2hrs - 5500 6.5hrs - 201.31km 4hrs - 56.24km 13:06:00 No access to pool on Monday, tired by end of week

    Im not doing crazy hours and i cant comprehend how guys get 20hrs in week in week out! I had thought i was ok last Thursday but the sessions since showed me the body needs this week. Fair play to the 15-20hour+ /week guys!

    Im going to focus more on getting that 3rd swim in each week in the coming few weeks. I need to get some consistency going there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Nice weekend of work put down especially the bike. Enjoy the rare day off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,119 ✭✭✭El Director

    Calling for the Sportsman report....:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Tuesday 9th April
    Easy Run
    Good run, legs felt great. No stiffness anywhere somehow! I kept it real easy. HRM was spiking but id guess i was in high 120's to low 130s. It finally settled near the end and was about 130. Upped it ever so slightly at the end. No aches after either
    7km, 31mins, 4:29 min/km

    Wednesday 10th April
    This was supposed to be Tuesday but I was later than planned in work so I didn't manage to do it then. Just had some 150 pulls and 100s as 50fist, 50swim. An easy session to kick off the recovery week! Felt fairly good. Pulls were a bit quicker than swims at times for once so i must have been dipping slightly but i was taking it real easy on the legs which might somewhat explain that. Had some 50s fast/easy at the end which were 40/46/39/47/40/48. Enjoyed the swim.
    30mins, 1500m, 1:37 min/100m

    An easy hour with some short sprints to reawaken the legs a little. Went great. A day off seems to have seriously bolstered the reserves cos i was flying! I actually did 8 sprints by accident but felt good throughout. Was surprised to see a 31.6km/hr average. Was on the crappy training wheels on the P2C. Felt nice and comfortable on it.
    01:00:38, 31.89km, 242W NP

    Thursday 11th April
    An easy run with some short builds thrown in. Felt good. No real tightness of note which ive had a little recently. Kept HR well down for a 131 average which is slightly below easy.
    47mins, 10.76km, 4:27 min/km

    Some fast 100s and fast 50s and i felt great. Swam late and almost didnt do it but really glad i did as i was flying and really enjoying it! I focused on gliding out and getting on my sides with a strong pull after an initial glide and stretch out. Was flying from the get go with the opening 200p's - 03:07, 03:12. I went a hit hard in the opening 100 of the 100s. I swam it mod but came in on 01:24! I cooled it slightly from there aiming for just under the 01:30 and the rest were - 01:25, 01:25, 01:27, 01:27, 01:27, 01:28, 01:28. Fast 50s were 37, 37, 39, 38. Really happy with the session.
    52mins, 2500m, 1:32 min/100m

    Friday 12th April
    Bike/Run Brick
    Had some short 1min efforts on a short 20min bike and then a short 10min run off with short near fast efforts in preparation for Sunday's Sportsman Duathlon. Both went fairly well
    Bike - 21mins, 10.95km, 254W NP
    Run - 10mins, 2.35km, 4:15 min/km

    Saturday 13th April
    Had some efforts at 85% FTP and then 95% but the legs didnt feel great. Struggled to get the power up and never really got settled! Just felt like id no power there to get it going and i found it hard to keep it smooth. Was glad to just get it done.
    2:03:18, 67km, 239W NP

    Sunday 14th April
    Sportsman Duathlon
    I knew i was a bit tired coming into this after struggling through Saturdays two hour bike so i didn't know what might happen. I was also fully aware that i cannot compare this time of the year now to previously as i was peaking in May the past two years. With that i mind i wasn't expecting too much and just wanted to enjoy myself. I was mindful not to take off in the first km at 3min pace trying to hold with the leaders and just wanted to run evenly (effort wise).

    I had the pre-race ritual home-made pizza and wedges the night before and got to bed for about 11:30. I got possibly the best sleep all week and was up for 07:10. The doggie had been to the vet for a minor operation the previous Monday and had been in a cone all week so sleeping was difficult all week with her clattering around the place! I had the usual porridge, honey and a strong coffee with about 500mls water.

    I arrived nice and early (08:45) and wasn't sure what to do as registration wasn't open yet. I was anxious to get a good warm up in so as soon as registration did open i got it sorted and headed out on the bike

    Warmup Bike
    I kept it easy and threw in 30-60s high cadence reps after about 9mins. I then did 30s on/60s off above race pace and finished with some easy cycling

    Warmup Run
    I racked up and headed out for a short run. Id have liked some more time but it was getting close to start now. I did 4mins easy and then some high knees, bum flicks, fast feet and the in 3 or 4 fast 10s reps. As soon as i got back i had a citrus isogel and we were off about 5mins later

    Run 1 00:11:04 - 5th/104
    I wanted to make sure i wasn't caught up in traffic so after an initial opening minute of sub 3 min pace i settled down and let whoever wanted to go go. I felt fairly comfortable, was in control of breathing and got through the first km in 03:13 (slight downhill section). Km2 went into a slight side/headwind so i sought a little cover. The group that came around me at about 750m seemed to be slowing so i edged to the back of that group and then slowly started passing them as they slowed further. Another downhill part helped me along to a 03:24 2nd km. The third km has a nasty little kicker at a turn and is a lot tougher than the opening 2k. I was running solid enough here and still in full control. I was pushing but not all-out. Finished the run in 5th spot.

    T1 00:00:38 - 4th/104
    Id an uneventful T1 and got straight out. Didnt mount so well though as i wasn't sure where the invisible mount line was!

    Bike 00:28:10 - 10th/104
    I got going well enough, head down and started chasing down 4th spot. After the first roundabout i could see a lot in close pursuit I hate this next section. Long slightly uphill! I was hurting and finally got 4th spot. I didn't have it for too long though and was a bit bemused at such a low power output! I felt like id little strength and just couldn't force it. I was mindful of not sprinting for the sake of forcing it up and just tried to put it out of my mind. Into the second lap of the bike i was hurting and was shocked to have a stream of guys roll past me! I lost some time getting out of the draft zone as typically the guys seemed to give an extra effort to pass and then backed off ever so slightly. After making sure i wasn't drafting i found i just couldn't hold them and just tried to minimise the damage for the run. Some rolled past like i was standing still! I tried to use them to get going but it just wasn't happening. Id one guy i know pass me and that was the last straw. I knew he had just about managed to pass me and hence i took him back immediately. I didn't see him again. Finished the bike not knowing where i was but still hopeful of a AG prize

    T2 00:00:30 - 7th/103
    A decent T2, fairly uneventful.

    Run 2 00:11:34 - 3rd/103
    Out of T2 in hot pursuit of two ahead. I also had some behind. I didn't look back to check but definitely knew i had 1 gaining ground already inside the opening km. I was ever so slightly catching one ahead and fast catching another ahead of him. I couldn't see anyone beyond that. I was hurting but surprised to see HR quite low (high140s/low 150s). I had Peter Savage catch me and i used him to pace off. I could hear be was breathing heavy and i knew i wasn't in much trouble so i used him to take us past the two ahead just after Km1. The opening KM was 03:37 so a lot slower than earlier. KM 2 saw one guy bridge up to Peter and I and we ran side by side down the hill to the sharp turn/hill. I find im good at running downhill so edged ever so slightly ahead as i lifted the effort. I reckoned id have the legs of both of the guys but wanted some breathing room for when we hit the sharp climb and the horrible 3rd km. KM2 passed in 03:33. Peter was dropped as the other guy joined me as we edged over the hill. He tried to surge but i wasn't letting him go and i went ahead again. I was stitching slightly though which was a concern so i didnt go full gas. He then went ahead as the road leveled out and we could barely see 4th spot ahead. He began to open the gap and i just couldn't go. I was hurting a lot and if i raised it much further i was putting the run in jeopardy with the stitch ever present. I didn't think id catch that guy we saw in 4th but ever so slightly i bridged up towards him as we finished the 3rd km. I was also worried Peter Savage behind would come back at me but managed to maintain a 10/15m gap. I ran hard from the final corner down the hill before the climb and passed the guy who was now 5th here. He never tried to come with me but i was never going to catch the one guy who had passed me on the run. With 400m to go i didn't know if i had it in me to catch that guy who had been in 4th and i had a "if i don't go after him why am i bothering racing at all" kind of moment and i was happy to still have the fight to go. I knew with just 200m to the finish i could stitch and almost just hold my breadth so i went for it. Happy to know i still wanted that one more spot! I was surprised with the run 2 time as i didn't feel i ran too well with the stitch and even more surprised to find it was 3rd fastest.

    Overall - 5th!

    Post Thoughts
    Happy to have had a race, run seemed good. Happy enough only being 30s between the two but i was beginning to stitch so more core work needed! Not so happy with the bike, felt like i was going backwards when the load of guys passed me! I felt weak, no strength there to push and dig into it and i was horrified hurting at only 270W's! I hadnt realised id be so flat after a 3 week build, 1 week rest and the lack of sleep really didnt help things during the week. Still happy though, would have been happier had i got the €30 for 4th!

    I'll leave it at that for now as im up early tomorrow for a swim and had a nightmare day at work ahead after that!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    So with first triathlon of the year for me happening this Saturday i thought id reflect on how im feeling

    I find it hard to really know where i am here without doing a 400TT but coach seems confident that i am in decent nick. Looking back over the last few weeks i can see why he might think so. Ive been doing a few 100s off long rests and am confortably enough hitting 01:20 and lower at times. I dont think id have managed that so easily before. I did have a near panic attack a few weeks back though in a 400 and it worried me a little. Fortunately i have managed some 400s mod since coming in around the 6min mark so i think (hope) thats out of the system!! I am mindful though i havent been in the OW yet so im heading for a quick dip tomorrow to hydrate the suit!

    Of the 3 discliplines I am probably least confident in my biking at the moment. That is most likely due to a few missed long bikes. I missed last weekends and the one before and im not happy with that! I also need to find the love for them as for some reason i dread them slightly these days. I have been on and off the TT bike a bit here and there lately and havent quite warmed to it again yet. I just cant seem to find a copmfy spot and i am finding i am pretty tender on the undercarriage after sessions on the TT while im fine on the roadie. Power wise though last nights session gave me some confidence as i was hitting and holding over 300W fairly easily (only short enough reops though) and i would say my FTP is up on the 319. If i was guessing id say its around 325/330 now which is where it was when i was near peak last year. That should hopefully see me ok for the summer months and give enough time to get FTP up and weight down for Lanza in October as those hills will crucify me at the 78kg im at!

    Im really beginning to feel confident in the run again. Im holding low 4min pace for easy now which is where i like to be! Im holding decent pace too for longish steady and mod efforts and have got a ice few weeks of 45k+ in me. Running has probably been my most consistent across the 3.

    Saturday - Rosses Point
    I would really like to do well here, if i was peaking id be hoping for nothing less than a top 3, especially considering it seems to be missing a few guys ill never beat but with 2013 all about an October focus its hard to know how this will go. Im still hopeful of a good day out and anything less than at least an AG prize is a failure so aim is still for a top 5. Id be happy with that. We'll see though. I think ill swim fairly well (i have some feet earmarked to follow who is likely to go 22mins). I dont have any OW or drafting practise done though so i have to take that into account. I find i sometimes dont like sitting in a draft as not seeing much can make me get panicky! Bike wise its a hard one to know as it seems to have a lot of twists and turns and short sharp rises. Anyone care to comment on disc v no-disc on what seems like a technical enough course? Run wise this looks like a killer of a route, on beach, off beach, short sharp rises! Excellent! Just what i want ;-) Theres a little bit of pressure on this race though so it will be good to race under those conditions. I know a few doing it who i am sure are looking for a scalp! One of which i know will swim faster, can most likelyu match me run wise but is a fair bit weaker bike wise so im hoping i see him before we get to the run!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Not sure on the disc Ed but I think it would be a runner. IIRC there are 3 hills - one when you turn on to the country road circuit, one a mile or so after and then the hill up to the bike turnaround. There are really only 3 turns that I would class as technical and other than those you can give it stick. Nice straight stretch of road back to the turnaround that would benefit with a disc and you cover half of it I'd say on the way back to the turn to the country road.

    I'm sure @AKW can correct me if my memory is wrong.

    See you on Saturday and the best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Cheers P. Think ill go with it so. Really looking forward to it now. Nice start time too.

    What's the road surface like? I think someone mentioned to me that its that typically coarse Irish road type surface - not too pot-holey but shakes you out of it a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    You've described it well. Akin to the Galway 70.3 surface without those smooth bits that were added before the race. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Hello old (failed) log!

    With lent about to kick off and with the weight not really shifting ive decided that im going to rekindle this log for the duration of lent in a bid to publicly state my lent goals with the hope of keeping to them!

    The past while i've gotten too used to my daily cappuccinos! Ive been a coffee fiend for a good while but have become too used to the cappuccinos and i see them as one of many factors in why i'm not losing any weight despite being back training!

    So for the duration of lent i am kicking that habit and going back to plain old black stuff (with no sugar). On top of that im giving up the sweets, chocolate, crisps and that general crap in the hope that all that combined shall help me lose the 3/4kg i need to lose! I'll also start logging again with a brief summary of sessions but more importantly the confirmation that i've lasted another day each day!!

    To hopefully get back logging here's this season's plan:

    A races - Tri an Mhi Middle Distance - 7th June
    World 70.3 champs, Canada - 7th September

    Other than that i haven't thought much more about racing. What i am doing differently this year though is cycling, ive joined Dubin Wheelers in a bid to 1) have some company on the long bikes and 2) enjoy the suffering on the bike in the form of bike races. Its easier to suffer when its competitive. I dont see myself trying to peak for bike races and if a hard hitout is called for in a race ill flog myself from the off rather than sitting in. Ive had my first bike race (23rd Feb - a club practise race) and thoroughly enjoyed it finishing 7th. I made many many mistakes but wasn't afraid to get out there. I did a good bit of work (too much if i was hoping for a result) and enjoyed the feeling of emptying myself by the end. It was just 47k but a frantic 47k from the off and im hoping for more of that. Im obviously starting as an A4 but hope to be A3 by season end for next year.

    "A" race wise the plan is -
    1) Tri an Mhi - beat Fazz :P Not beyond me but it is a stretch. Ian's a very disciplined (much moreso than me!) and top athlete so im not underestimating what that will take!! Im just going to go and have fun and execute the race to the best of my ability on race day. Im not a high volume guy. Last year i averaged about 8.5-9hrs a week and i dont see myself doing much more than 13-14hrs this year. If i did even 13/14hrs a week id come on a serious amount so hopefully i can keep to even that!

    2) Canada World 70.3's - basically give a good account of myself. I don't want to be a backender but know i haven't got front packer ability so closer to it (probably in June) ill look more closely at it and set some targets. It'll be a time goal as opposed to a place goal but ill have to analyse the course before coming to that. On an honest 1.9/90/21k course id hope to be able to do - 00:28/02:25/<01:25 but ill have to check the course first and adjust accordingly.

    The hope with reopening this log again is also to be held more accountable for getting it done and to possibly give a bit more info back to the coach. By talking in more general terms i find my mood etc can sometimes come across better which has a big impact on training.

    Right now i'm in far better shape than i should be! I'm not long back and am biking and running better than i thought by this stage. FTP is 329 with not too much work done and running wise i've started running 04:1x-low20's at easy! I wasn't expecting that quick of a turnaround as i had a good 2-3 months off at the end of last year and am only back structured since late December/January. The period also has some hols and other bits effecting it so i hope to get a good unobstructed block in to Tri an Mhi.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    A target on my back!
    Hilarious you're the one with the target!
    I recall a faster time prediction in the HIM thread... :D

    It's on.... ;)

    Thanks for the extra motivation.... :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Ha i set that time goal as a bit of craic but i'll hopefully run you close :P

    Main focus for Tri an Mhi for me is to enjoy it and leave everything ive got out there (thats easier said than done!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Glad to hear you enjoyed the club race, didn't get to make it out myself but looks like you were only one place off having your name on the message board ;).

    Bike racing season has started, got your eye on any races? I'm looking at Lucan GP for my first one, flat and safe enough course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Yeah would have been nice to get that 6th spot. I was 6th up til the last 3/4k but let the 7th place guy tag back on in the hope of rejoining the leading bunch. I was hoping they'd start playing cat and mouse but it didnt seem that way. I lost the wheel of a group of 3 after doing too much on the front and then hitting the foot of a short climb, i just couldn't go with those 2 who then tagged onto the leading few. I thought i was playing the run in well but i was shagged. I didn't time it right. I don't see myself as having a good kick and should probably have piled on the pressure a long way out to shake the guy with me. By the foot of the hill i had no climbing power! It was great fun though, i buried myself out there and attached off the front a few times in the last 15k hoping someone would join me. Again that was timed poorly as just after a series of them one of the clubs top cyclists attached, i went with him but didn't commit in time and by the time i reached him id nothing! I did 1 turn in front of him but was gone by then.

    I'll have to take a look at the race calendar now. I also have to get team kit yet so i better get on that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    4th March
    Easy run with some 30s builds
    Running well these days. I had some days off there as i had some lingering fatigue after the Dublin Wheelers practise race. I wasn't hitting the numbers last week and coupled with marshalling at a 24hr race over the weekend i was pretty tired come Monday! So Monday was OFF and Tuesday was just a 45min run. I ran well which was good but without the HRM strap. I know i was in easy though and didn't dig at all (bar the builds). Ave pace for the run was nice at 04:14/km and a good 10.84 clocked in what was a lovely lunchtime weather wise. Good to get out in the fresh air!

    In the evening i necked back 5 pancakes covered in sugar, butter and nutella :) Last hit out before lent!

    5th March
    Early Swim
    2.8 covered in just under the hour which consisted of some fists, 200ps steady, 100s as 25 fast, 75 steady and fast 50s (25 fast, 25 easy) to finish. Felt i was swimming fairly well. Tried to keep on top of the water with the leading hand staying high before engaging. Ive had a pinching pain across the top of my left shoulder into the tip of arm the past while but i seem to have gotten to the bottom of it. I could sense it was slightly sore but never got that pinching pain i had been getting. Good to see its on the mend.

    Still holding to lent! a good 10.5 hrs in :D I will clarify though that i will have sugary goodness as required in training & races (i normally just bring water and banana etc on ling rides but would have high5 2:1 and potentially gels in harder sessions and races). Yazoo is my staple after sessions that call for a recovery drink or if i wont get anything eaten before meetings/work etc. Had a yazoo on the way to work after the swim as i wasnt sure if id have time for brekkie. In the end i'd a tiny amount of muesli. I'll weigh in tomorrow and see how it goes.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,424 ✭✭✭joey100

    Think the fella who came in 6th cycles with the group I'd usually be in, used to be a very high level rower, would usually lead the sprint along the back of the airport.

    I've contacted them around the gear too, they don't have any in stock and aren't ordering any until mid to late summer so I think I'll just be wearing my plain gear to races.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Only 5 pancakes? Lightweight!!!! :D :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    I would have had more only thats the amount of batter i made and i wasnt bothered making more! I could have eaten 15!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Only 5 pancakes? Lightweight!!!! :D :pac:

    You took the words right out of my mouth!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    5th March Evening
    Bike with 4min reps around 350ish!
    I failed miserably at this last week (longer reps) so was anxious to see if i was recovered for this one. The 4min reps really stung and i think id have struggled if the reps were 6mins +, 5 mins i reckon i could have managed but 6+ would have meant serious pain! The 5 reps were (AP/NP/AHR)
    1) 348/343/145
    2) 351/344/145
    3) 350/344/147
    4) 351/345/151
    5) 351/344/150

    HR was in the 160s by the end of some of them which meant 1) i am recovered as i wouldnt have been able to get it there if i wasnt and 2) i was working!!

    On the pancakes, I was just being too lazy, i did wish i had 5 more immediately after finishing those 5!

    So weight in this morning came in at 78.9kg and 14.1% BF. Thats lighter than i thought but BF is a bit of a concern. I was hoping to be in 13's region. Not going to be too fussed on it though. If i keep to lent that will plummet as i got too used to a bit of ice-cream or other sweet after dinner the past while. I had a sizeable dinner last night after the bike but no desert and was actually peckish going to bed which is exactly what i wanted! If i can maintain feeling slightly peckish going to bed the weight will fall off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I think the pancake award goes to Green&Red with a tally of 17. :eek: That boy knows how to eat some pancakes!!!!

    Out of curiosity, do you know your resting heart rate?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    17! Im jealous, ill know for next year.

    Im not fully sure but i would see 48/49 sometimes when sitting at the desk. While im waiting for GPS i sometimes see low/mid 50s so id guess early morning on waking its probably mid 40s. My HR zones seem generally lower than most.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    ^^^ Similar to mine then. Never bothered checking it at rest, but this weekend I did.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    ^^^ Similar to mine then. Never bothered checking it at rest, but this weekend I did.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgibbo wrote: »

    Results?? I took the reading after having been at work all morning but before I hopped on the trainer for 3.5 hours. I sat down for a minute or two before I got on the bike, relaxed, and it bounced between 48 and 49. I don't know what it would be first thing in the morning before I hop out of bed, but I think I may have a go at that tomorrow!!!
