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Eddie Rockets!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    I think id be guilty of it no matter if i spent 1 month or 6 months training for a race. Ill be much more focused this year. I think this log will help keep the mind focused!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Wednesday 7th MArch
    Just an easy run at lunch. Had panned to get 45mins in but had to cut it short with work dragging into lunch and a meeting at 2pm! Felt good. HRM was going crazy. First half was really easy, had a wind on my back so i was happy enough to run at about 4min/km and didnt push it whatsoever. Id guess HR was really about 132-135 but i was getting very bad spikes and it was hanging high for a lot of it. Serious wind for the way back so RPE increased slightly but still felt good. First day out in a new pair of Wave Riders and they felt much more supportive than the old ones i retired! They should have been retired long before now!
    Time: 00:34:14, Ave Pace: 04:11/km, Ave HR About 138 id say, Distance: 8.17km

    Im in a recovery week this week with a race Sunday so trying not to eat as usual! Easier said than done though

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Thursday 8th March
    Managed to get out at lunch for a planned hour easy. Didnt quite get the hour though. Flw out along the strand to Sutton area and had a killer wind that slowed things way down on the way back. Got chatting to a guy on the way back which made the 2nd half fly by. I wasnt concentrating as much then but still kept RPE easy and felt fine.
    Time: 00:49.54, Ave Power 223W, Ave HR 120, Ave Cadance 88 , Distance 23.74km, Ave speed 28.6km/hr

    Swam late and felt great! Breakdown of most of the swim was as follows:
    3 x 100sw 01:25 01:30 01:30
    3 x 100p 01:35 01:35 01:33
    50 des 1-4 on 60 00:43 00:41 00:38 00:36
    400p easy 06:32
    2 x 200sw steady 03:00 02:58
    2 x 100p mod 01:32 01:33
    4 x 50 fast on 50 00:37 00:39 00:39 00:38
    Best I've felt in a while. No issues whatsoever with the right shoulder pain i had experienced before. Finding bringing the right hand in slightly is easy to remember and thus i'm not having to focus too much on it. It seems to help a lot. Times were shocking me slightly. 4 x 50des were a big surprise! 400p easy was also well ahead of expectation at. 2x200's steady were good too. 100p's mod still felt good but i was slowly getting a little tired here. The fast 50s on 50 are a much greater challenge than on 60! I was dying by the 3rd but managed to dip to 38 on the last giving it my all!
    Time: 43:57, Distance 2400m

    Friday 9th March
    A complete day off in preparation for Sunday. Commuted on the bike (only 4 odd k each way) so i don't feel too guilty for doing nothing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Saturday 10th March
    After washing the bike and setting it up for the race I headed out for 30mins with a 1 mins reps of intended race power +20-30W's, 1 min easy. Felt good. Was pushing possibly a bit above what i should have though. The fast minute reps were 381, 394, 411, 412, 411. As i said a little high :)
    Time: 00:31.12, Ave Power 271W, Ave HR Spiking so not worth noting, Ave Cadance 91, Distance 17.62km, Ave speed 33.9km/hr

    Run off
    6 easy and then into 5 x 20s fast 40s easy and easy home. I had a nasty hill to go up on the 6 easy but i was still feeling good and reigned the HR back in the easy zone. The first 2 20s fast reps were on a gradual downhill which had me flying running 02:33 and 02:34 pace reps. I turned back uphill the gradual hill for the last 3 20s fast reps and was delighted to hold 2:41, 03:06 and 03:04 for them. What i was also happy with from the session was the fact that i was able to push HR up well above LTHR which to me was saying the legs were strong and capable of really working the HR. I could be wrong there though but thats what i get from it.
    Time: 00:15:32 , Ave Pace: 04:01/km, Ave HR 147, Distance: 3.86km

    Sunday 11th March
    Sportsman Duathlon, Dundalk
    Pre Race warmup

    As soon as I arrived over I registered and took the bike out to check gears etc. Did all pretty much easy bar a few tiny spurts to check if the wheel was flexing onto the break pad, which happened here last time! Came back and got racked up, headed to the jacks and back to the bike to do the proper warmup. Rode easy and then 5 x 45s race pace, 45s easy. Worked up a nice sweat and may have pushed these a little much but again I wanted to double check the wheel. It gave one or two rubs so I loosed out the lever and all was fine. I got back, racked up and headed for jacks round 2. I only managed a short run before the race start and did some fast feet, bum flicks and high knees with a few sprints. Back to transition for briefing and took 1 citrus caffenine isogel.

    Run 1
    I was a little out of line and had a cone just a few m's ahead of me so I made sure I went fast enough to get into the right line. I didn't feel like I went too hard but somehow ended up leading! I immediately copped on and let a guy lead so I could use him to break any wind there may have been (there wasnt really any but better to be sure). First km went fast in 03:06 but I felt comfortable so wasnt worried seeing HR in 170s (thats high for me!). Into km 2 and Bryan McCrystal and a guy who ran run1 fastest came through. I ran behind them for about 500m but by the end of km 2 they were bridging off. It was still fast at 03:15 so I wasnt going to try follow. I had Aileen Morrison right behind me coming towards the end of run 1 and wasnt going to let her lead me in. I cant remember who mentioned it here about some race but I remember they mentioned they wouldnt let a girl lead and look like a pansey sitting in behind so I was determined to lead into T1 doing 03:45 for km 3 (some uphill spots) and 03:34 pace for the 210m to the transition
    Time: 00:10:51, Ave Pace: 03:23/km, Ave HR 172, Distance: 3.21km

    No messing in and out

    I almost had a disaster heading out onto the bike. In trying to get my right foot into the shoe I accidently twisted the foot and the shoe came out of the cleat!! I just about saved having to get off the bike and somehow wriggled my foot into it. Got going and could only see Bryan McCrytstal and the lead runner ahead. I knew I'd never catch Bryan but had hoped to catch the strong runner. Came around the first roundabout and started the long drag back dowards transition. Suddenly two guys came around me. I hadnt noticed them at the roundabout so was a bit caught out! I wasnt going to let them go far ahead and paced off them for a while to suss out how they'd ride. By transition area (about 4km) we'd all bridged to the lead runner and slowly all passed him as we went around roundabout 2. I had hoped to ride about 340/350W's ave but i was feeling it around FTP so just rode to RPE. I was easily staying with the two lads who passed me and found they had started to slow slightly so i passed them. Not long later one passed me again and we yoyo'd like this right the way to end of the bike. I was a little disappoibnted to ride 318W's ave but it was still ok at 37.2km/hr ave. The course is two laps with roundabouts at either end. Rounding the first roundabout theres a long drag where high power was only getting slightly over 30km/hr. The other roundabout has a really sharp steep climb. Its not long but i was pushing 600/700+ there (file says 833 was max which id bet was on that climb. I never killed myself on it though and could have pushed it a lot harder but i didnt think that would do the legs any favours, particularly coming to T2 not long after rounding it the second time.
    Time: 00:27.10 (27:20 on results - pressed lap button when safely on bike), Ave Power 318W, Ave HR 157, Ave Cadance 87, Distance 16.81km, Ave speed 37.2km/hr

    I was 3rd back into T2 and was confident i'd run better than these two guys. I was also fairly confident we had put enough time into the runner. T2 was ok but one of the guys got a lead out.

    Run 2
    As i left i felt good and had JB remind me 2nd was mine ;) I was confident enough too seeing as i was quicker in run 1 but still had 15m or so to bridge to 2nd place to deal with first! I gradually made my way up to him before the end of run 1 and was about to pass but we were still on the open area so i thought better of it and dropped in behind again. Km1 went fast enough agaiun in but HR was a fair bit down and i was going fairely comfortable. Into km2 i decided to test the guy a biut and rounded him going downhill. He was smaller than me so i figured he'd cope running up hills better than me so i decided to try burn him a little seeing as the last 1.5 has 1 little sharp climb and the finish is uphill. I got about 5m or so id say (didnt look back - didnt want to give him anything positive). At the turn with about 1k to go i met the short uphill and tried to push it when out of sight a little to try gain another few metres. By the top i was sore though and he gradually pulled back to me with 700m to go or so. I wasnt going to give up though and didnt let him go anymore than 2m ahead. Knowing we'd an uphill finish i decided i was pushing hard on the final downhill with 200m to go before hitting the 50m up to the line. I was still pushing though but waited and gathered myself. I looked back to see the lead run 1 runner going strong and that upped the urgency a little. So coming to the turn to run the downhill before the uphill finish i ran around him and got the inside line through the corner. I sprinted and got a gap running 2:35 min/km pace! I was at my limit but was not looking back and somehow got another gear at the start of the uphill finish getting that goose bumply type feeling ive only ever felt a few times when past my all. I was flat out there but had a glance and saw i had pulled enough ahead and came through for 2nd. I love runs like this and really enjoy putting some tactics into play. I am always confident in a sprint but you never know and i never had it til i had it! I was straight on the ground gasping after it!! Being honest i was never going to be near Bryan McCrystal so 2nd was as good as i could honestly race for today.
    Time: 00:11:16, Ave Pace: 03:31/km, Ave HR 160, Distance: 3.20km

    Delighted with 2nd. I saw online yesterday that Paul Carrol wasnt going to be racing so i was hoping for a top 3. You never know who's going to turn up though and all i could do was race my race. I cant say i was happy to see Bryan McCrystal roll in ;) but i still had my own race and was hoping to push hard. I was also delighted to not have any stitch issues as i knew it wouldnt matter how good of shape i was in, if i stitched it would be race over.

    I managed a short run in after but was anxious to not stray too far from the finish as i was looking forward to some food! Ran very very very easy but legs still felt good.
    Time: 00:08:51, Ave Pace: 04:38/km, Ave HR 129, Distance: 1.91km

    Extended cooldown
    When we got home i was feeling a bit stiff so decided id go out for a short easy bike. Legs definitely felt achey and HR was rising very very easily so i went as easy as i could. Theres some sharp hills on the route for granny ring had me pushing over 250Ws at times despite not wanting to go there. Still though i felt ok.
    Time: 00:35:48, Ave Power 217W, Ave HR 128, Ave Cadance 91, Distance 17.79km, Ave speed 29.8km/hr

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Congrats on a great result. It's always nice to see what it's like the pointy end of the field :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Great racing Ed really enjoyed watching the race unfold, nice to be at the pointy end of the race. You were certainly giving it your all rounding that last corner and so was i shouting drop him push it:p
    Great to get that confidence boost to show you the training over Winter is working. Just have the belief and carry that confidence into Mallorca, seriously impressive stuff!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Excellent race well done.
    And what a day for it too!

    Savage result, nice improvement on Oct also. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Savage stuff Eddie.....this is only the start of great things to come this year :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Nice work Eddie!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    snack_ie wrote: »
    Nice work Eddie!
    Great result and great sign the legs are in shape coming into race season. well done Eddie

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Fantastic work! Way to dig in and get the job done. Silver is certainly pure gold! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Thats a bloody impressive display Eddie. Congrats. A podium finish is but a dream for us mere mortals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 251 ✭✭handangeo

    Wow - Super result

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Great read and well done on the second place. All this talk of race tactics and the likes leaves me feeling pretty insignificant with my "just try and finish" strategy :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Chartsengrafs

    Well done Bambaata, great going!

    Didn't make this one but seemed like a good day for it. Sounds like hard work at the business end of things! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Thanks everyone, sorry for late reply, been off-air all day! It was a great race for me. Perfect day too.

    And now back to work

    Monday 12th March
    I couldnt manage a run earlier today as i had to head to a family funeral, gran-aunt, so I just managed a late swim of 4x50 des 1-4 on 60 which again were seriously ahead of expectations especially a day after a race at 43, 41, 40, 38. Then i did some front and mid sculls before a 5 x 100 alternating between sw and pull before a cooldown. Times were decent but the last two 100's were 150s as the lane was getting a bit messy with a variety of levels joining in! Times were: 01:29, 01:36, 01:30, 02:36 (150 & delayed) and 02:16 (150). I went better than i had expected. Im a little stiff in small parts today, particularly the hip flexors and the top of my left calf but legs don't feel fatigued which is great. I did all i could to make sure they'd be ok yesterday doing the easy short sopin, rolling with the stick, lashing in the protein through eggs, turkey etc and wearing the skins recovery tights all day so it seems to have helped.
    Time: 00:41:37, Distance: 2100m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    What's your next race planned?

    Sportsman in a few weeks or anything in between?

    Man I've gotta blow off some cobwebs soon with all these pb/great reports! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Doing the next Fingal duathlon 31/3. Competition will be a lot stiffer at that so it'll be fun to see where i am against guys i've raced before. Nice and close to town too so not much travelling. After that it will be Mallorca! Ive bought a neoprene blue seventy hat (should be delivered today/tomorrow) as ill be hitting the sea swims from this/next week! Not long now.

    Tuesday 13th March
    Easy Bike
    Got up early this morning to get an easy bike in to freshen the legs. Had hoped to get 60mins but took a bit longer than expected to get out of bed and setup! Still managed 45mins. At first my legs stung a little. That only lasted 4 to 5 mins. I started with very low power, in and around the bottom of easy zone and slowly worked it up. By the end i was flying and feeling very comfortable. Great start to the day. Im sure the legs will thank me for it. Niggles from Sunday are better again today. I dont feel anything much bar a slight tightness still on top of the left calf.

    Time: 00:45:29, Ave Power 203W, Ave HR 119BPM, Ave Cadance 91, Distance 24.21km, Ave speed 31.9km/hr

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Bambaata wrote: »
    After that it will be Mallorca! Ive bought a neoprene blue seventy hat (should be delivered today/tomorrow) as ill be hitting the sea swims from this/next week! Not long now.

    Fair play - I like to get in early too but not in mid march :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    I haven't got much choice unfortunately. I'll need to stop picking these early summer events! With the hat im hoping decent time in it will be easier. I've struggled in the past with minor panic attacks so I'll need to make sure im comfortable before Mallorca.

    So who wants to join me ;) ??

    Actually seriously is anyone interested in meeting up for group OW swims? I normally swim around the Bull Wall but its very much tide dependent. When it suits ill be there but ill need to head somewhere else too when the tide is out. Im trying to find a few to simulate drafting, bumping and its generally easier to get into the water with others around.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I just turned the heating up in my office with the thoughts of OW swimming. I am still mentally scarred from those freezing cold swims i done early last year down in Lahinch and up in Lough Neagh brrrrrrrr. I too suffer with mild panic attacks if the water is freezing cold.

    Not in time for Mallorca but there does be a good group meet up in Clogherhead on Sundays the next time you are up home. Mad lunatics have been swimming during winter up there, now thats hardcore!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    I'll keep an eye here to see when you're heading out to the bull wall. Doing the tri an mhi half the same weekend as Mallorca (at least I think its the same weekend) so I'll need to get back in the water from early April I suppose. Dreading the thoughts of it though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    I'll keep an eye here to see when you're heading out to the bull wall. Doing the tri an mhi half the same weekend as Mallorca (at least I think its the same weekend) so I'll need to get back in the water from early April I suppose. Dreading the thoughts of it though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Cracking result Eddie and a very good report. Congrats.

    Condolences on the passing of your gran-aunt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Cheers Paul! Glad you enjoyed the report. Im not the best at putting structure on them at times and generally just write whatever comes into my head so hopefully it all made sense!

    Wednesday 14th March
    Up bright and early to get to the pool early. My car is in the garage getting work done so i was on the fixie. Its a horrible cycle first thing as its mainly uphill. Its a great way of waking up though and the 25mins it took me had me bright eyed and well warmed up. Hence the first dip into the water wasnt quite the same shock to the system which was a bonus! Main work consisted of 50pulls as 25 fist, 25 pull, 200 on 3:50 mod hard and 4x50 fast on 50. I was flagging alightly on the last 1 or 2 50p's. The 200s were ok at 03:04, 03:01, 03:05, 03:03, 03:06. I died in the last 2 fast 50s. They came in on 38, 40, 42, 43 and i was in bits, gasping for air after them!
    Time: 00:49:40, Distance: 2500m

    Good run. At first i was expecting it to be a slog! RPE was way up from what HR was saying. Low 130's felt like 140 and i just wasnt firing as usual. I just ran to RPE and ignored it. It was spiking at times too. From about 4k though i perked up a bit and felt better. The fast bits were really good. All came in under 03:00/km pace (02:51/02:59/02:55/02:58:02:53/02:50). I was able to really push them out. Felt good by the end.
    Time: 00:45:07, Ave Pace: 04:14/km, Ave HR 141 (probably lower), Distance: 10.66km

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Great result - keeping BMC honest!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Cheers Izoard. I don't know about that now. I was happy to be close to his 2nd run until my OH informed me he stopped short to run across with his son :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Thursday 15th March
    Tonight had a nice bit of work in the session! 10mins @ 350W, 5 easy, 10mins @ 330, 5 easy and 10mins more at 330W. Bloody sore! I half doubted myself at some points in the first 2 reps but knew i just had to put up with the pain and push on just aiming to get another few mins in. In the end i finished strong and pushed it out a bit in the last minute of the 3rd rep. The reps went as follows:
    Time Distance Avg HR Max HR Avg Cadence Avg Power Max Power
    10:00.0 7.57 148 160 94 351 380
    10:00.0 7.13 151 158 89 330 363
    10:00.0 7.21 153 161 89 334 365

    Quads were aching in the first minute of each but settled after that. In the end i was delighted to last the distance and still feel "ok". Could have done another 330. Weird satisfaction in the pain i went through! I know every minute of the next 4 to 5 weeks is all i can do to improve so im using that as the motivation in every session (seeing as gains cant really be made in final 4-5weeks).

    Time: 01:05:00, Ave Power 272W, Ave HR 136BPM, Ave Cadance 91, Distance 40.43km, Ave speed 37.3km/hr

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Friday 16th March
    This one went just ok. I started well but fast tired out. I didnt actually feel too tired but i was going slower for same effort as the mainset reps went on. Going easy i felt good but the more i tried to up it the worse i felt i was swimming. Even in the 60des 1-3, 4-6 fast the effort involved bringing each 1 second faster was much more. They came in on 45, 44, 43, 41, 41, 40. The mainset reps were
    1) 03:17, 03:15, 41
    2) 03:21, 03:22, 42
    3) 03:27, 03:26, 42
    4) 03:27, 03:21, 40
    Time: 00:58:48, Distance: 3000m

    I was on a late shift at work but managed to get the run in just before total darkness fell. I was fairly wrecked from work so i was a little aprehensive starting out as i had to run 25mins at 03:45/km pace! Normally i wouldnt flinch at that but im quite tired at the moment. Ive done some good work thsi week and will have a rest week the week after next. Im trying to hit every target and surpass them slightly if possible to maker sure im pushing myself for these key few weeks. The 25mins, while they were hardish, weren't too bad. Felt like it would be my flat HM type pace. It seemed like a pace that was just on the limit of being comfortable if that makes sense, any harder and id would have been in trouble fairly soon etc. I had to keep focus and not let pace drop though but i felt i ran consistently. The trees in Fairview Park always make signal go iffy and speed goes way down despite that not actually happening but it seems to catch up when i get into clear line of sight. Happy with the run. I ran slightly faster than supposed to but felt good (03:43/km ave pace). HRM spiked two or three times into 160s but i got it right back down. Never touched 160's in the 25mins rep. Ave HR fort he rep was just touching the steady into mod hard zone. The 25min rep went as follows:
    Time Distance Avg Pace Avg HR
    25:00.0 6.72 03:43 154

    Time: 00:43:33, Ave Pace: 03:48/km, Ave HR 146 bpm, Distance: 11.44km

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Saturday 17th March
    Long Run
    Up early again and into work. Got things setup for the match and legged it out for my run. Savage day out. Very mild breeze and nice and cool. Sun even came out and it was beautiful. The run went well enough. Body was fairly tired as yesterday's run was later than id have liked leaving not so much recovery time. I didnt force anything for the first 1:15 easy and turned off HR alerts so i was solely running to RPE in easy. Felt good enough. I didnt have usual zip which i expected. I was a bit concerned about the pace i had intended to run the HIM section at (03:50/km) during the easy as i didnt know how the body would react. It went ok. First few mins felt good but by the end i was hurting! I completey blocked HR out of it though and ran to pace. It felt a little harder in the last 10mins than the one last night did but i was happy to be able to hold it close enough. In the end i averaged 03:52 pace (watch was displaying 03:52 but exported file says 03:53?!) which i was happy with but that for another 50mins wouldnt have been sustainable based on how deep i had to go to keep it going. I know though that im wrecked so to run that at all for 30mins was very satisfying. With a taper and all the rest i would hope to run 03:50 pace on the day for a while anyway and aim to keep all below 4min/km pace. Im very happy with how im dealing with pain the past few weeks as i feel im dealing with it better than i ever have. That 30min prob felt like i should in the middle of the HIM HM, the 10-15/17k area with pushing harder again from there although i was sore in the last 5mins! Had it been a race and i had people around i know i could have gone 1 more gear. I had to stop a few times to answer work calls, 2 of which were quick 30s stops in the 30mins HIM unfortunately.
    Time: 01:46:20, Ave Pace: 04:10/km, Ave HR 141 bpm, Distance: 25.58km
