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Too much too soon



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Week 5 is going well, although as the training goes on I kinda find I am getting less interested in picking up the laptop at night after the kids are gone to bed but more interested in going to bed myself.

    Have a 1hr 45 min cycle to do in the avo and a 1 hour run in the morning and hey - week 5 is done.

    I have to admit that I am not following Don finks swim session but working with my own swim coach to try and inprove my swim stroke. He has a few IM's under his belt too and is confident that I will handle the swim. working hard in the pool, I will never be Michael Phelps but will hopefully make the swim in around the 2 hr mark on the day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Week 6 going well I have to say. always really hard to get out of bed on Tuesday mornings at 6am to go running but after about 30mins on the road it kinda feels ok.

    Tuesday was a 66 min run in zone 2, ave HR 146, max 160, Tramore is hilly after all. Swim for 50mins in the afternoon approx 800m

    Wednesday brick session in zone 2, 54 mins on the bike ave HR 124, distance 21KMs, ave speed 23.5kms, ave cadence 81 - quick change into runners and run 15mins ave HR 139. Swim 30mins approx 500-600m

    Thursday 69min run in zone 2 ave HR 141 max HR 156.

    Friday spinning in shed, zone 1 HR, 61mins ave HR 114 max 126 HR ave cadence 102. Swimming with Tri club, 60 mins 1350m.

    I have started to track my calorie usage for each discipline from this week on so I can work out my needs for the big day. So far it looks like 1 hour of running is buring 880cals and 1 hour of cycling is using about 680cals. I have not figured out how to measure calories used in swimming so that is the next thing to figure out. Anyway time to get on the bike for a few hours. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Just finished off week 12 yesterday with a steady zone 2 cycle of 2.5hrs and threw in a 45 min run in zone 2 also as I did not run on Saturday due to Waterford Duathlon being on (Marshalling) and family committments. Felt strong on the run which quite kinda took me by surprise as I felt that I could have run another 4 or 5 miles. All this training must be starting to pay off.

    I will be in Limerick for the Joey Hannan on Sunday, having a go at the sprint (olympic was sold out when I went to register) so if any of the other posters who are taking on the Hardman want to say hello, then look out for me, the fat lad in the Waterford Tri gear. You will know me as I will be last home. See ye all there and best of luck.:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Ok, week 15 over and done with. It is starting to get interesting to say the least on Saturday and Sunday now. To be honest I can't be arsed really writing down everything I do on this log as I keep a training diary seperatley but I can tell you that after half way through the 30 week (Don Fink) intermediate training program which I am kinda following except for the swim it is starting to get though, both mentally & Physically.

    The novelty of doing this event or the challenge of an Ironman distance triathlon has long since worn off and now I am faced with reality and pain. However, I still firmly believe in my ability to complete this challenge and learn from the journey.

    If anyone reading this is finding the going tough halfway through your training, then you are not alone, keep the head down and as some ironman veterans in the Waterford Tri Club have said " believe in your training program" and you will complete the race on the day.

    Trying to keep injury free, get enough rest and keep the family on side is a constant challenge but so far it seems to be going well, taking each day as it comes and taking it easy.

    Looking forward to the Olympic in Athy and then my half ironman training challenge on week 21-22, probably the 1st weekend in July. Keep het lit and happy training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    On Saturday last a neighbour of mine who is 6.5 weeks out from his second IM Austria called to my door and asked me if I wanted to do a LSR with him on sunday morning. According to Coach Fink, I was scheduled to do a nice 90 minute run in Zone 1-2. My Neighbour was looking for a LSR of approx 15 miles. I told my neighbour that I was only doing 90 minutes and he said no problem that he would go on for another bit after we returned home.

    I should also mention that this chap is younger than me by at least 7 years and has 20 odd years of racing with the Comeragh Cycling Club under his belt. Obviously he would be that bit stronger than me as I learned recently on a "slow" spin one Saturday morning when I had to tell him and his 2 Comeragh club mates to head on and leave me after about 15 miles into our proposed 3 hour cycle. That didn't bother me to be honest but I did say to myself that day that I would stick to training on my own from then on so I could always stay within my training HR zones. After all these are the same zones that I intend to get me through the Hardman on the 25th of August. But my memory must have had a lapse and I agreed to go for a run with my friend. Grand Job, time agreed and that was that.

    So anyway away we went on sunday morning for our LSR. After 2 miles I looked at my Garmin to see that we were averaging a pace of 9.44, now before you say that we must have been going backwards, my normal pace is a 10 min mile going out to maybe 10.20 on my LSR. If I can hold a 10 or 10.20 pace for the Hardman I will be thrilled. Ok, I thought, its only 9 miles and it might not be any harm to be a little out of my comfort zone. :rolleyes:

    So on we go. Normally I plan my routes so I know exactly where I am going, when I will turn back and all that as per the plan. So when it was time for my planned turn at 4.5 miles my friend suggested that we go on the the next junction which was only a mile up the road, ok I said sure what harm could it do. However at the next turn it was to pass that one and continue on to the next roundabout, left and across the outer ring road and left again and back to Tramore. While I drive the road quite a bit, I never measured the distances between the junctions so I reckon that it must have been 1.5 -2 miles further than my proposed turning point. The pace at this stage will still hovering under the 10 mark so as we got up near the 9 mile mark I was starting to hurt a bit.

    To cut to the chase, we returned to the outskirts of Tramore with 12 miles run, at this stage I told my friend that I had enough and would walk for a bit to get me up the hills and he was going to continue for another few miles to get his target of 15 miles in. So I walked the bones of 1km to get me up over the dirty hills that go from the bottom of Tramore town to the Top. Once up there I thought ok, I will run again but after a half mile of slow shuffling my legs said no and stopped:o. So I walked for another km to get me to the start of a gentle downhill to take me to my house. At this point I started a very slow jog that took me all the way to my door and had a total of 13 miles run when I got there (I stopped the Garmin while I walked). I fell in the front door, well not really but you know what I mean!!:o

    So, onto today, alarm went at 6am, up for my 60 minutes of Zone 2 running which normally gets me 6.5 miles no problem before shower, breakfast and off to work. Not this morning, struggled to get under an 11 minute mile pace and ended up doing 5.5 miles in my 60 minutes :eek:. Legs felt sore still, but not injured. So yes, I have learned that for the remaining 15 weeks of my training, I will continue to train on my own. Will politely decline any offers of company or invitations to join anyone else on their training. At the end of the day, there will be no one holding my hand, swimming my swim, cycling my bike or running any of the 140.6 journey for me on the 25th of August.

    Like it is said, we learn something new everyday.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    After my escapade on Sunday last as detailed above my week went to pot to be honest. I struggled with an hour run on Tuesday morning but was feeling comfortable for a 2k swim later in the day.

    Alarm went off at 6am Wednesday morning only to be turned off and 2 days rest were on the cards. Went back out this morning with my good wife and did a nice 90 minute run, 9 miles for those who are counting. My better half is over her injury and is aiming to give the Waterford Half Marathon a blast on the 30th of June. She is on track and even talking about doing Dublin a blast again this Oct.

    A 3k swim is on the cards tonight so I need to get off this laptop and get meself in gear. :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    So week 20 started this morning with renewed vigor. The past few weeks have been mostly evening training and lunchtime swims so I had to get the plan back in the early mornings again. Alarm went off at 5.30 and then a 10 minute debate took place in my head as to whether it was the bed or the runners that was going to win. After much looking out the window I decided to go for it. Had the toast with honey, pint of dilute orange and out the door, only after going to the toilet twice. :o

    Leaving the estate where I live at 6.10 and seeing all the curtains firmly closed and driveways full of cars my right ankle told me to go back to bed. It took the bones of 1k before it woke up so I kept going. Did the usual Tuesday 1 hour run as presribed by Mr Fink (inter plan) and covered about 6.5 miles so happy with that. No matter how much I try my pace never goes up but I am more concerned with finishing this IM distance than qualifying for Kona so I am not bothered.

    I won't be updating every single thing I do as it is mostly repetitive while following the Fink plan (Monday to Friday) but I am still happy with progress especially in the pool and open water (1 open water swim in Athy). Trying to swim 3 times per week if I can, normally 2.5k on Tuesday, 1.5k on Wednesday night and 3k on Friday nights. Have a couple of 3ks now under my belt in 90 minutes each time. Happy out as last year I could not swim a length. Hope to do the swim in 1.45 but will be happy to be out of the water before cut off.

    The bike is going along nicely, averaging 4 hour spins without any issues and the LSR is approx 12-13 miles at present so still in line there.

    I kinda would like it to be over at this stage but August 25th will not be long coming around and then what will I do with my time? :confused:

    DCM :eek::eek::eek: (Don't tell the boss)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Youre still on for Hardman so, good luck with the training for the next 2 months

    see you on the start line (hopefully:o)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Youre still on for Hardman so, good luck with the training for the next 2 months

    see you on the start line (hopefully:o)

    Yeah BennyMul, still on track, at the back of it all I am enjoying it to be honest, especially the stone and a half of weight gone off me is an added bonus. Although when I take up my new extreme sport of pizza eating and beer drinking in September that may come back again.

    We will have to blow the froth off a few coca colas after the big one! How is your training going?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    The training is going ok and like you enjoying it, I never thought I would enjoy training twice a day but I love them days, The next few weeks will tell how we get on,
    You planning a spin around the ring before D day?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Not planning a spin round the ring, did it in 2010 so have an idea what to expect even if it is in reverse. Going to take on a half IM in training on the 7th July so will have a fairly good guage of where I am at then. Looking forward to that actually in a bizarre way. Looking forward to pain is not normal is it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Right week 22 called for a Half Ironman training run so today was the day. 1900metres swim to start in slashworld followed by a 56 mile round trip cycle to Dungarvan, again my friend the wind was blowing in every direction to keep me company. Off the bike in 3.30hrs and on the runners and 13.1 miles into Superquinn Roundabout and back to Splashworld. 7 hours in total and as my son Alex said as I crossed the finish line " now Dad you only have to do all that again and you will have your Ironman done" Just what I needed to hear! I might have a can or two of Arthurs finest to replenish lost Iron.

    The demons came out to play with me on the run, questioning if I really wanted to continue with the whole IM thing but I made them go away and I learned a little too on my journey yesterday. You can never have enough water with you. I had just emptied my last bottle on my drinks belt and had four miles still to run when my wife and kids appeared in the oncoming traffic with a bottle of water and a gel. My saviours!!!

    After I composed myself at the finish, I went to the beach and walked out waist high in the tide which did my legs the world of good. Bath of Epsom Salts last night and legs are good today.

    I have to say, I have a lot of respect for the challenge that lies ahead and the utmost admiration for each and every person who achieves their goal of crossing the finish line of an Ironman.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Fair play sir, that was an epic day and should stand to you next month,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    @ bennymul, hopefully it will, although looking at what the lads went through in Austria it is going to be fun (not) when the time comes around.

    Hows your training going? Have you a log up here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    the training is going well, paranoid im not doing enough, but thats normal I suspect.
    your training is on track, that type of day with no company could not have been easy mentally again fair play.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    I think that seems to be definitely normal to think that we don't have enough done. no doubt we will feel the same come 3rd week in August.

    Apart from an odd day detailed earlier in my log I do all of my training on my own. I prefer it that way to be honest. On the day it will be all solo so I have trained my mind for that. After all the excitement of tracking the lads last Sunday I just want to tear into it now. Or maybe that should be that I just want it over now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    I think that seems to be definitely normal to think that we don't have enough done. no doubt we will feel the same come 3rd week in August.
    as long as we are not right come the first week of September :D,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    BennyMul wrote: »
    as long as we are not right come the first week of September :D,

    I hear you on that. Ah we will be grand.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    So week 24 has come and gone, thank God. :rolleyes:

    The stuff in the middle of the week according to Don Finks intermediate plan is fairly good and is not an issue to be honest but I tell you what I know I am alive now. Five hours on the bike yesterday was not too bad, legs were cold to be honest in the mid afternoon sunshine, sorry I didn't wear leggings. Legs were not too bad last night but my left shoulder is giving me some grief lately when resting, could not lift it off the pillow this morning so will have to get the physio to concentrate on that next visit. It does not hurt during swimming but is hard to get comfortable on the bike.

    I didn't get to the pool at all since I did my half IM on the 29th of June until Wednesday of this week and it showed. I managed a slowish 1600m and called it a night. Same again on Friday night, had enough after 1600m so for sure my swim fitness was down after the 11 day break. Should be ok as I will be building back up again over the next 5 weeks until race week.

    Today then, after the struggle to get my head and neck off the pillow I was really tempted to take the day off and have an extra rest day but the boss hunted me out the door at 12.30 for my 2 hour run. I felt so bad that I even brought Nurofen plus tablets with me but thankfully did not need them and managed a nice LSR for 2 hours.

    So now that week 24 is over I am going to enjoy my day off tomorrow and I am really looking forward to week 25. :(:(:(

    Is it just me or is this when it gets really hard to keep going? Both mentally and physically.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Its not just you. Youre heading into the heaviest workload and your head knows it, I found that a mental strain. But you are able for it. From now on sleep as much as you can but allow that you will be tired anyway. Its all normal and doable. And youre nearly there.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Having a little trouble sleeping lately. Got some Calms in the Chemist on Monday, they did the trick Monday night but had no effect last night.

    I did an hours running yesterday morning and 3k in the pool last night leaving the pool at 9.40pm and hit the sack at 11.15pm. Had four cream crackers with butter and a glass of cranberry juice which I don't think had any ill effects. Was still awake way after 1am even after heading into the spare room and reading for a while. Could this be as a result of over training? Do I need an extra days rest perhaps? It only seems to be happening now on week 24-25 of my training.

    Any thoughts?

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I had that happen from time to time. Most notably the night before Joey Hannan when I didnt sleep at all. I had to stop drinking caffeine drinks in the evening. But to be honest, mostly I was knackered and slept ok.

    Years ago when I overtrained in a gym doing weights I ended up with insomnia for six months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    do you have any other signs over-training (increased resting hr, slower recovery from sessions, sessions feel harder, you don't care and could not be bothered training)

    personally I do sleep badly when I train too much, or when I know i have to get up early for a session, a bit of a pig really

    I would consider not training as late, your body is still in an active state when you're hitting the bed, you need some down time to allow your body to relax.
    a rest day(s) may not be a bad idea if you are tired, especially if you are starting to show sigh's of overtraining better to catch it now before it becomes chronic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    I think it may be a combination of a few things there Bennymul.

    The training late plus the early alarm clock. Hard to find time for work, home, kids and the real boss who also runs 3 days a week.

    I am going to give todays brick session and swim a miss and see how I feel tomorrow. I feel really bolli*d at the minute and just want to lie down for the evening. In fact I was nearly going to ring in sick today and stay in bed for the day and I dont do sick days. Just feel so tired lately but yet can't sleep.:confused:

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Take a day off training. Take two even. Sounds needed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    if your bolli*d then rest. There is no fitness gain to be had training tired. in fact it could lead to illness or injury.

    Look at taking it easy this week, take a recovery week and recharge; then 3 hard weeks and its taper time,

    I was very tired from last week and had planned to keep that up for 4 more weeks but a few comments from others on here, made me realise the error of my ways and now resting and I have realised how tired I am.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    I think I will join you in that, might take today and tomorrow off and try and use the time to get a rub down and be back fighting on Friday morning. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    the right decision, and make sure you relax. mentally as well as physically.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Aaaaaaggghhhhh, this is grand, feet up, mug of tea, 3 digestives and watching the tour. ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    So I took 2 days off and swithed off the brain and body. The break did the trick and I was back in action for a 7 mile run before firing up the BBQ.

    A good nights sleep on Friday night and off on the bike on Saturday afternoon for 5.5 hours, 140k covered, felt good and have the nutrition nailed at this stage I reckon. Fired up the BBQ again and 2 cans of cider to wash down the grub. :D

    Sunday after another good nights kip, a bowl of porridge, slice of toast and a mug of green tea it was on with the runners for the LSR. Legs felt good from the start. 15.5 miles covered in 2.45, happy with that after the bike yesterday. If I can do that on the day then I will be happy out.

    Now more cider and a rest day tomorrow. :D
