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Run Fat Boy Run - The lazy mans guide to Ironman and Marathon training.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Best of luck with it - was all geared up to do it, until they changed the date :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Someone just posted this on the main forum:
    Just cycled the run course. Different to previous years. Not going to sugar coat it. Very very tough. Would be a hard bike course for a sprint!

    That's not what I wanted to hear :( I may have to reassess my proposed run pace down a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    A good day out today. Managed to get a 32min 1900m swim and a 1.44 half marathon. Delighted with both of those. Especially happy with that run on what was a very tough hilly course and how comfortable I found that pace after a long swim and bike (hopefully a good sign for the marathon). My bike was long and slow, which was to be expected, 3.11 for a tough 80km. Transitions were a feckin disaster as usual - 10 mins total!!!! Overall 5.38. I'll stick up a report later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Lost Sheep Race Report

    I only entered this a couple of weeks ago with a cheap entry from a workmate. I planned to use it to test my run fitness for the Dublin Marathon. I reckoned if I could hold 5 min / km pace off the bike then I might have a go at running with the 3.30 pacers in Dublin.

    My best case scenario was 33min swim / 3.10 bike / 1.45 run. The swim I was unsure off as I haven't been swimming much lately and this is 1.45ish per 100m pace; the bike time was based on an average speed of about 25kph over 80kms, very slow I know but I've done no bike training this year and I based this on my IMUK bike speed from 2010 which was a similar type course; run time was based on 21kms at PMP and I have to say this made me nervous - my fastest ever HIM run is around 2hrs. I allowed 6-7 mins for transitions to give a 5.35 overall. If I got close to that I'd be happy.

    Friday and long drive to Kerry. Nice Italian in Kenmare and a bit of banter with the three club mates - a first time HIM'er and a couple of one race veterans. Register and get a nice sleeveless wind break in the goody bag along with some nice cookies. Briefing was late enough so I was late to bed.

    Set up on morning of race and the weather looks sh1te. It's raining a bit and the temperature is down. Water looked flat calm though so I was itching to get in.

    At the swim start I positioned myself about 3-4 rows back from the front. Hooter goes and straight into a hard effort. The tide was behind us for the first 700m and I wanted to make best use of it, hence the hard effort. At the first buoy I got battered when turning, my wetsuit zip was pulled a few inches down so I had the open zip rubbing my neck for the rest of the swim. The next 400m was across the current and then the final turn for the last 800m to shore which was against the tide. For most of the swim I managed to stay close to other swimmers and get some sort of a draft. I pushed really hard for the last few hundred meters and managed to get into the back of a large group for the final bit. My stroke felt ok, not great but ok. I did think I was covering the ground quickly though as I passed swimmers regularly for the whole 1900m and the shore seemed to be passing by quickly. That said I was still delighted to see 32.xx on the watch as I stood up. Final time was 32.19 - 76th fastest overall and 8th in AG. I finished within 10 secs of one of the Phoenix Tri Club guys I was swimming with earlier this year in Tango's sessions and who was much faster than me then so that was a nice validation of my swim progress this year.

    T1 was my usual slow affair. It's my own fault, for long distance races I always put on bib shorts over my tri suit and socks on the bike. I also put on a long sleeve cycling top. I was 5mins in T1 :rolleyes: I was the first one from the club out of the water which was expected but as I was leaving a club mate came into transition.

    The plan on the bike was to take it handy. No point in pushing too hard; I was going to be bluffing my way around a tough course as it was. Lots of drafting in the first 20km or so. One Dublin club seemed to have someone in every group that went past :mad: Was passed by the first clubmate at 10km. The spin up the Healy pass was grand, I stayed in the saddle until the last few meters when it got steep. Given my lack of bike time this year my bike handling skills are crap so I descended off the mountain like a 2 year old girl. I was going ok until about 50kms when I started to tire and started to slow down a lot. At 53kms the next club mate passed me and he was motoring. At the start of the climb to the Caha pass a fat bloke passed me huffing and puffing on a road bike :o When this happened I just wanted to get off and cry :D (I didn't manage to catch the fecker until about 3km into the run). Getting up this mountain was a lot tougher that the first one. The heavy rain didn't help either. I was glad to see the tunnel at the top and it was an eerie experience cycling in the pitch black towards the light. Again I descended off the mountain like a baby. On the way down the rain got very heavy and the winds picked up. I was freezing. I got so cold I had difficulty judging how hard I was pulling the brakes. It was not nice, and then my left quad went into cramp - jesus the pain. The last 10kms into Kenmare were very tough. I just had no power in the legs - this is not a bike course you can bluff your way around and I was learning that the hard way. I actually contemplated not doing the run, that's how bad I felt. Bike done in 3.11.45 - 225th slowest and 35th out of 44 in AG.

    Finally into T2 and again a 5min I did stop in a portaloo for a wee (I refuse to pee on the bike and I didn't want to start the run bursting :P). According to my Garmin my wee took 75secs, dehydration not a problem today then :D At this stage knew I was 7-8 mins down on the two club mates ahead and me catching them required them to blow up on the run.

    Ok the run, the real reason I was here. Could I hold 1.45 HM pace for the full distance. I didn't think so but I'd give it a go. First 2km I sat in behind a very attractive lady who was running 4.50 km pace. At about 3km she blew up, it was funny to watch, she was running smoothly and then bang - she just dropped right off and her pace slowed right down. There were a lot of drags on the run for the first 12kms, but for every up there was a down, so I slowed down for the ups and picked up the pace on the downs. Every time I ran up a hill my left quad threatened cramp, but thankfully it didn't materialise. At 6km I started to feel a bit queasy so I took half a gel and kept going. Funnily enough the legs were feeling great, the pace felt fine and the breathing was very easy. At this stage the rain was torrential. After about 10km the course seemed to empty out and I only passed about another 10-12 runners over the last 10km. At 16km I knew a big hill was coming and I was prepared for it. This km slowed out to 6min pace but I ran every step of that hill. In fact I ran every step of the run, a first for me in a HIM. The last 3-4kms were all flat or downhill so I pushed on a little bit. I crossed the line in 1.44.21; which was 81st fastest and 11th in AG. I was delighted with that run. Not one person passed me on the run, a first for me in a long distance race. I finished with some huge blisters having done the entire run in wet shoes and socks.

    Overall time was 5.38. 157th overall and 21st in AG out of 44. That was close to my original best case scenario but I was a bit disappointed at how bad my bike was, even though I cant expect much more given that I haven't done any bike training. My transitions were also brutal, if I had been faster in transition I would have caught one of my club mates who came in 3 mins ahead of me (the other one came in 8 mins ahead but he is 10 years younger :D). Overall delighted with that swim and run. I feel I could have pushed the run a bit more and run closer to a 1.40 but I was conservative on the day as I knew the course was going to be a tough one. What that means for the Dublin Marathon I don't know but I'm leaning towards running with the 3.30 pacers on the day depending on how my remaining LSR's go.

    Quick thanks to Cork Tri Club. It was a great event with a really well marshaled bike and run course. The location is fantastic and if you are a decent descender you'll have a ball at this race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Awesome job, Griffin!! Well done indeed. :) I say, you'll certainly be under 3:30 at DCM with that half at the end of a HIM, don't you think??

    And for completeness and clarity,when exactly did you start and stop your watch for the timed wee? Before you entered the portaloo or after? And did you wash your hands? ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Well done Griff - its a race I must do...........perhaps one year I might try to race past early July :o

    I have yet to hear anyone say a bad word about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 103 ✭✭j0hn1

    Great running, 3:30 will be no bother to you in Dublin and you know that
    1:45 on a very tough course is one thing, but at the end of a HIM, pfft, you should be aiming closer to 3:15 :) (no pressure)

    And thanks for the compliment old man, but it's 6 years not 10 ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    And for completeness and clarity,when exactly did you start and stop your watch for the timed wee? Before you entered the portaloo or after? And did you wash your hands?

    I started the watch as I started the flow; and no I didn't wash my hands :D
    I have yet to hear anyone say a bad word about it.

    If there was one negative it was the state of the roads in parts, I thoughT that one section of road around Bonane at the end of the descent of the Caha pass was bordering on dangerous for racing...but you're well warned about this.
    Great running, 3:30 will be no bother to you in Dublin and you know that
    1:45 on a very tough course is one thing, but at the end of a HIM, pfft, you should be aiming closer to 3:15 (no pressure)

    And thanks for the compliment old man, but it's 6 years not 10

    You have two kids, I have four, in dog years that makes you 10 years younger than me :P 3.15 might be taking the p1ss a bit. My PB is 3.37, 3.36.59 would do me fine, believe me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Took Sunday off and ended up doing nothing on Monday either as my feet were in bits - I have two huge blisters.

    Tuesday: Run 8km @ 5.20 km pace
    Wednesday: Swim 1,000m mixed
    Thursday: 9km @ 4.30 km pace - blisters are now in bits :rolleyes:

    Had a bit of breakthrough in swimming this week. I modified my head position slightly by lifting it a a bit and this lead to better body position and a better catch. I've always had a tendency to drop my head but I thought I had fixed that but obviously not. I managed to knock out a few 50m repeats around the 40-42 sec mark which is a big improvement. If I can string a few (8!) of those together I'll be very happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Long run today with DCM in mind. This was my last chance to do a proper LSR - if I didn't get one done today I'd forget about the marathon. Plan was for 30k
    @ around 5.30-40min/km pace.

    Started off in torrential rain. My feet are still in bits from last weeks race and every step hurt. Having my shoes and socks soaked from the rain made the pain worse. After a few km I got used to the pain in my feet and pushed on. The rain made my shorts wet so I had some serious chaffing going on in a place where chaffing is always unwelcome but I'd lost a nipple plaster so the feel of blood running down my chest took my mind off my feet and other bits :).

    It all felt very easy otherwise until 28kms. The last two kms really hurt and it was only then that the body wanted to stop. Finished in 2.40hrs for 30kms / 18.6 miles which averages at 5.20 per km / 8.36 per mile. I managed to run the first and last 15kms in the same time so I didn't slow over the second half like I thought.

    Dublin still on the cards but I've a lot of work to do and not much time left.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Just catching up on blogs...well done in LOst Sheep..It was an extremely tough course alright!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Just catching up on blogs...well done in LOst Sheep..It was an extremely tough course alright!

    Cheers Trig. I must have been one of the people you passed early on in the bike on your way to a great result, well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    No running this week until today. Feet were in a really bad way with blisters, one of which looked infected so I avoided running. Did a couple of swims.

    Today I tried to get an LSR in. Probably shouldn't have given it was my first run in a week but hindsight is a great thing.

    Plan was for 30-32kms. Did the first 20 at 5.30 per km pace. It felt very laboured. My feet hurt but were holding up but the body felt very tired. I should have stopped at 20km but pushed on. Tried to do the next 10km at 5min km pace and managed to get 6 done when the body imploded. I was done in and ended up walking the last 4km home. It wasn't a nutrition thing, it was due to trying to force the pace and distance. Worse of all my left ankle is extremely sore to the touch and a bit swollen - I think my gait has been thrown off by the blisters causing the problem.

    I think that's the end of any plans for DCM now. I've been pretty much injury free for the last 5 years and don't wont to jeopardise that. I'll have to find something else to keep me occupied over the next few weeks.

    Total 30km, averaging 5.53 per km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Yikes sorry to hear. Fyord swim on Oct 12 in Mayo instead?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Yes, very sorry to hear DCM has been scratched. Hopefully I'll still get to meet up with you while I'm over. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    @MCOS: I'd love to do the Killary swim but it's a bit far from home for me.

    @DD: I'm sure we'll catch up when you are over :)

    Did nothing on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Feeling pretty down about the marathon tbh. Managed a swim yesterday and a short run today - feet fully recovered. The plan is to do a half marathon in late November / early December and to aim for a PB. Current PB is 1.34.xx so I hopefully with some dedication I can take a couple of minutes off that - sub 90 might be a stretch too far though. I'll probably do Clontarf HM which is flat so a good PB course. Training for this starts Monday :)

    Yesterdays swim was 200m wu / 100 x 3 off 1.55 / 1 min rest / 100 x 3 off 1.50 / 1 min rest / 100 x 2 off 1.45. Had hoped to get a third repeat in here but I was dead this stage. Swim fitness is down a lot, but I was bringing all repeats in on around 1.40 so not too bad.

    Today was a short 8km at 5.10 km pace along the sea front. Warm and humid. Enjoyed it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Short swim today - had planned on doing a 1,000m straight swim but felt good on the first 100m so pushed on for a 400m TT :rolleyes: Came in in 6.37, the same as the last time I did a 400TT in August and 10secs off my PB. That's not too bad considering my recent lack of swimming. I paced it well too, 1.35 / 1.41 / 1.39 / 1.42.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Another short swim today. 1000m straight in on 18.05 - paced well - first 500m in 8.59 / second 500m in 9.06. Did a few 100m to finish concentrating on form.

    HM training starts tomorrow. I'm going to use Hal Higdons advanced plan and drop into week 5. TBH the weekly run volume looks a bit low but maybe that's because I've never followed a HM plan. I'll be working off a race pace of 4.25 per km, lets see where that gets me :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    The first proper structured run session I've done in a long time.

    8km with the main part being (400m hill / 400m recovery) x 8. Ran the 400m uphills at average 4.20km pace. I've forgotten how much I enjoy these types of sessions :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Plan called for a tempo run today, with a gradual increase in pace towards 10km pace in the middle and then a drop off again. Was supposed to be 45mins but I was really pushed for time so shortened it :rolleyes:

    8kms @ 5.17 / 5.07 / 4.31 / 4.16 / 4.22 / 4.58 / 5.14 / 4.58; 39 mins @ 4.51km avg.

    The bit in the middle hurt, all the recently acquired flab is starting to have an impact :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Enjoyable 10km this evening at a nice pace - 48mins. Can't believe we're into October and its still hot and humid when running - a nice complaint.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I'm reading Born To Run at the minute, I've had it a while but only getting around to it now. It got me thinking about my running form. When I was training for my last marathon in 2012 I spent a lot of time thinking about form and trying to adopt a good running style. Before this I had a tendency to slouch and lean forward when running. On last nights run I realised that I'd gotten back into all those bad habits. I concentrated on trying to keep good form last night and today - head up, no slouching, shoulders back / hip slightly forward - and it felt a lot smoother. It's funny that I allowed all my old bad habits to creep back in in my running when I've spent hours and hours in the pool this year trying to get rid of swimming bad habits.

    Nice gentle 8km @ 5.20 pace today in the glorious sunshine (in October!!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I'm liking this shorter half marathon stuff :) Sunday did 12km @ 5.15km pace. Today I did 600m x 6 @ 5km race pace. Pace was well down on where I would have liked it to be, 4 of the 600's were run @ 4.05km pace and the other two at 3.55km pace. The slower ones were run on hilly ground but still not great. The plan calls for a 10km race this Sunday so I'll substitute a 10km TT instead, will be a good indication of where I'm at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I LOVE the half marathon distance!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I LOVE the half marathon distance!! :D

    I'm liking it to, especially as the shorter runs are fitting in with my lack of spare time at the minute due work stuff. I'm not liking the weight increase that comes with eating like I'm still training for a marathon but only running 40-50km a week :rolleyes:

    Nice session again today. 8km over a very hilly course at 5.05km pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    A short 30min tempo run yesterday. The plan is light on mileage this week as it has a 10km race in for Sunday. I dont have a 10km race so I'll do a TT instead. When training for Connemara last year I did a 10km TT in 43.10 - my fastest ever for a 10km. I need to possibly better that On Sunday if a 1.34 HM is the target, by a whole minute according to McMillan.

    In the pool today for one of MY increasingly rare swims. A 200wu followed by 100x 5 off 2.00 in on 1.45 for each of them and then 3 x 200m in on 3.30 for each. Endurance and stamina is way down, I was resorting to breathing every stroke on most of the session even though it wasn't a hard pace. I need to start doing more again in the pool.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    So my 10km TT on Sunday didn't quite work out :rolleyes: Set off with the intention of holding 4.15 per km pace. First km was a bit fast but the second km I settled and was very conformable. Then into the 3rd km I had some dog issues and had to divert onto a hilly route :mad: Kms 3 and 4 ended up being uphill and steep uphill at that. I never recovered from these 2kms and at 6kms was struggling and was looking at a 44ish 10km so I knocked it on the head; a 44min 10km was not going to do me much good. New plan is to do a local 10km race next Sunday and swap next weekends long run into early this week.....

    ....which is what I did today. Plan called for a long run of 1.45hrs; with the first 3/4's at a easy pace and the last 1/4 at close to race pace. According to HH I should be finishing the run 'refreshed' and not 'exhausted'. I did 15kms @ 5.20 pace and it felt very easy. I switched to race pace for the last 6kms and averaged 4.27 per km, except it wasn't that straightforward, I had to throw a couple of walk breaks into the last 3km as I was hanging. Not counting the walking breaks I did 21kms in 1.47ish. I certainly didn't feel refreshed at the end, exhausted yes, refreshed no :pac: There's a bit of work to be done here yet!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Managed a couple of swims this week. Did a drill heavy set earlier in the week with some flat out 50's and 100's mixed in. 50's were coming in on 42ish and the 100's on 1.31ish. That's some slowdown between the 50m and 100m, shows a real lack of fitness. Did another swim today and after a short wu did a 400m TT in 6.50; a real drop off in performance but I've only been averaging 1 swim a week since August so no real surprise.

    Did a short set of 800m intervals at 10km pace last night. Never has 10km pace felt so labored :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Did the local 10km yesterday. Had been planning on trying to hold 4.15-20KM pace. It was a small field (~50) but it had a few club mates running it so a bit of pre-race banter. I ended up running most of the race on the shoulder of a club mate. I was holding 4.20 pace steady enough. The route was undulating with a couple of decent hills. I really should have tried to push the pace out a bit but my mind was more concentrated on beating my mate rather than overall time, probably a mistake. In the last 1,500m we each had a few surges trying to loose each other until with about 500m to go I dropped him. Crossed the line in 41.50 for 9th place I think........but the course was a wee bit short with 9.7kms showing on the Garmin. I reckon that time equates to somewhere around 43.10-20 for the full 10km.

    That's around my 10km PB time but a minute slower than McMillan says I need to get a PB in the half. I've 4 weeks of solid training left and the plan has a lot of speed work over the next couple of weeks so hopefully speed will improve. I checked back in the log and I ran a 43.10 10km about 3 weeks before I ran a 1.34 half in early 2012, so maybe I'm not in too bad a state.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    The training plan is speed heavy this week - 10km race Sunday, 1600m repeats at 10km pace Tuesday, 10k temp run Thursday, 8km HM race pace run Saturday, with a slow 2hr run to finish on Sunday. Legs are sore :) I'm even tempted by a local 5km on Monday, but I might be courting injury with all that hard running.

    Managed two swims this week. I think I'm starting to get a feel for the water back but a long ways to go to get back to my mediocre best. As part of todays set I did 100 x 3 off 1.55 / 1 min rest / 100 x 3 off 1.50 / 1 min rest / 100m x 3 off 1.45 - all 100's were sub 1.40 so paced nicely and held on till the end. Was happy with this.

    Best to luck to all doing DCM this weekend.
