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Run Fat Boy Run - The lazy mans guide to Ironman and Marathon training.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    What a glorious day, a fantastic run in the evening sun full of pity for the guys stuck in their cars in some monumental traffic jams in south Dublin.

    9 miles over some hilly ground. It seems like a while since I hit some hills.

    Average 8.07 pace over quite a bit of climbing. Avg HR was a surprisingly low (for me) at 161bpm.

    That's essentially 26 miles at PMP or thereabouts between Sunday's run and today. Given that the HM is on in a few days I think I'll take it easy before then, 2 x 6-7 mile gentle runs just to keep the legs loose I think. The weather forecast for Sunday aint great though, I don't think a strong headwind is going to do me any favours :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Best of luck with the 1/2 - looks like a fistful of PBs for you in 2012!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Good luck Griffin, I too smell a rift of PBs drawing your way this summer...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Swim 2,320m
    1,000 wu (just under 21 mins)
    200 drills (one arm)
    100 x 4 off 2.10 (in on 2-2.03 for all)
    200 drills (one arm and fist)
    100 x 4 off 2.15 (in on 2.05-2.07 for all)
    120 cd

    Really working on trying to keep my arms wide and avoid crossing over. I think this is one of my biggest flaws, I tend to bring my arms across the front of my body which slows me down and also means that when I catch and pull my hand position is poor giving less of a paddle......but then again what do I know?

    Cheers for the well wishes. Looking forward to Sunday. Like I said above if I feel ok I'll target 7.20 mile pace and see what happens. I am due to do a few slow miles today but I've a sore throat and the chest feels a bit tight so I may take a rain check on that and do a short run tomorrow. Weather for Sunday seems to be improving so hopefully no big headwinds :)

    I reread MCOS's Conn report from last year yesterday to get a taste of the course (great read!) and I also looked at the the results for the last few years. This might have been a bit of mistake as 3.30hrs last year would have put me in the top 100 and in 2010 would have put me in the top 50 :eek: Makes me think that maybe I'm being a bit optimistic as the top 50-100 of a marathon is not really my usual hunting ground :D Oh well, we'll know in a few weeks....but I am felling good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Meath Half Marathon
    I was nervous coming into this race. It was only ever going to be a 'B' race but it started to become increasingly important in my mind as an indication of overall fitness and training effort. At the start of this training plan the hope was to get a sub 1.40 HM as this would be an indication of 3.30 marathon shape but after a good 10km TT recently I was hoping to get closer to 1.37. The plan was to try for 7.20 mile pace and see how it went. The last couple of days however weren't great prep for this race, a sore throat and tight chest limited the last couple of days to a 4 mile run on Saturday, when 7.20 pace felt hard.

    Arrived in plenty of time this morning, got a hard standing parking space (very important after last nights rain) and got registered. The morning was cold (5 degrees) but sunny with little wind. As I waited in the car for the start I began to notice that almost everyone else was carrying gels - are gels really needed for a HM? Panic sets in so I stuff a handful of wine gums up my arm warmers :) In the end I never used them.

    Approx. 2 mile warm up and off to the start. Find myself half way down the field when the race starts and end up getting stuck behind loads of slower runners on a very narrow road. Spend the first mile running slowly with short sprints every now and then to get past another runner. First mile in 7.29 - ****e. After the first mile I settled into a nice rhythm. It was quite crowded until around mile 5 when the field begins to open out and split. The first lap was comfortable enough, a couple of drags and one short steep hill at approx. 5.5 miles. I noticed that on the drags I was holding pace and was dropping people. In fact after about mile 5 I reckon no more than 5-6 people passed me during the rest of the race, whereas I passed dozens. Onto second lap and still feeling ok, then at mile 7 started to feel the pace and my hamstring started to tighten. At this stage there were few runners around me but I managed to latch onto the back of a small group and concentrated on sitting on the back of a runner who was running a nice pace. His pace helped me get through miles 7-8 (my slowest miles after mile 1) and then I pushed on past him. At around mile 10 another lad came rocketing past me and I decided to try and stick with him (which I did until the finish when he beat me by a few seconds). Through miles 10 and 11 I passed loads of groups, pacing myself off this other runner. At 12 miles he increased the pace again and so did I. Looking at the Garmin I thought a sub 1.35 might be on..........During miles 12 and 13 I passed at least 30-40 people. I wasn't sprinting, but I was concentrating on inceasing the pace and for the last two miles went close to 7 minute mile pace. The last half mile was a sprint to pass a few more. Heart rate started to climb and I started to hyperventilate but almost there. Crossed the line in a chip time of 1.34.42 for 13.2 miles (AVG HR 173 bpm) - absolutely delighted

    Splits were 7.29/7.16/7.03/7.12/7.10/7.12/7.17/7.16/7.08/7.07/7.11/7.00/6.57

    I'm over the moon with that time, I never thought I'd ever go sub 1.35 and I'm surprised at how comfortable I felt. That puts me according to McMillan in sub 3.20 marathon shape. Time will tell :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Great stuff griffin...just reward for a super training program!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You should be totally over the moon!! Woo hoo! And yes, well deserved. Look at those splits - 6:57? For your last mile? Really? Well done!! You are gonna kill that marathon coming up. So excited for you. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 660 ✭✭✭Git101

    Great result...Well done.

    Told you 1.40 was too soft ;) You're on target for well below sub 3.30.

  • Registered Users Posts: 270 ✭✭Lex Luther

    What Git said ! Well done, great confidence boost and well deserved given how consistent your training has been !

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Git101 wrote: »
    Great result...Well done.

    Told you 1.40 was too soft ;) You're on target for well below sub 3.30.

    Ha, Val said you were preaching that line at the track last week ;)

    Ok, maybe PMP might drop to 7.50ish / 3.25hrs pace :D. On my long PMP runs to date I've averaged around this time. I'm still hesitant about increasing PMP given the absolute disaster that was DCM 2011 but on the other hand I do seem to be progressing well.

    A big week this week, the last one before taper. I want to hit two key sessions this week, 12 miles over the very hilly course I use in South Dublin (which would involve as much climbing as the full Conn course) and a 20-22 mile LSR at around 8.20-8.30 pace this weekend.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 210 ✭✭alitoast

    wow, well done on the time. I'm pretty sure you passed me at some stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Well done griffin!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Nice running - i better be careful about taking you on this year, my probable lead from the swim will be cut into big time with that running pace. The head will drop when I see the self proclaimed fat lad storming by me. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    catweazle wrote: »
    Nice running - i better be careful about taking you on this year, my probable lead from the swim will be cut into big time with that running pace. The head will drop when I see the self proclaimed fat lad storming by me. :D

    Speaking of swimming and biking I got a place on the Tri An Mhi HM in May. I have until tomorrow evening to take it. Thing is, I wont be getting on a bike until after Conn probably and that gives me only 5-6 weeks of bike training. I'd love to do it but don't want to be almost last like last year when I had less than 1,000km in the legs (although stopping to check my phone every 20 minutes to make sure the wife wasn't gone into labour also slowed me down:D)

  • Registered Users Posts: 660 ✭✭✭Git101

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Ha, Val said you were preaching that line at the track last week ;)

    I intended to give you a shout last week but things just went mental, didn't even get a training session in.
    griffin100 wrote: »
    Ok, maybe PMP might drop to 7.50ish / 3.25hrs pace :D. On my long PMP runs to date I've averaged around this time. I'm still hesitant about increasing PMP given the absolute disaster that was DCM 2011 but on the other hand I do seem to be progressing well.

    You really need to put 2011 out of your head, don't sell yourself short because of it.
    Your training is better quality and you've put in the miles, stop worrying...

    Your training times are faster than mine were for Dublin 2010 and Edinburgh 2011, both well sub 3.30 and your training is way more consistent.
    PMP miles run on your own always feel hard - certainly do to me anyway - but in a race situation usually feel easier. I was struggling with anything near PMP in training but was happily chatting away at pace during the Dublin marathon (not for the last 6 or 8 miles though :eek:)
    I realise Connemara is a hilly course but the Meath half proves that you are well capable of dealing with hills....3.1x.xx ...... A tough but achievable target....

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Rest day. Legs felt fine after Sundays exertions.

    6 hilly miles. Average pace 8.30. Started off well and after a couple of miles legs really started to feel fatigued so took it easy for rest of run. Was really sore afterwards. I'm going to have to get off my ass and buy new runners, there's pretty much no support left in my current ones and that's what's causing some of the fatigue / soreness I think.

    Legs really sore today so gave it a miss :rolleyes:

    10km today at lunch which was composed of 2km wu / 1,200 @5km race pace + 800m cd x 4

    The 1,200m intervals came in on:
    5.02 (4.12 min / km)
    5.12 (4.21 min / km)
    5.14 (4.22 min / km)
    5.27 (4.33 min / km)

    As you can see I started off poorly and died as the intervals progressed. Disappointed with this, I should have been hitting around 5 mins for the 1,200m interval, but I only got close to this on the first repeat. Perhaps the legs are tired from Sunday.

    Against my better judgement I took a place on the Tri An Mhi HM for early May. If should be interesting trying to get around the swim and bike course off so little training :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    The last of my medium hilly runs in this plan and the hilliest to date:D. 10 miles / Avg pace 8.12 / Avg HR 159 / 780 ft climbing.

    Found the last couple of hills tough but not surprising, that's a lot of climbing for me squeezed into 9 miles (10th mile was flat).

    Final LSR of the plan on Sunday, up to 22 miles at around 8.20-30 pace. After that it's 3 weeks of taper madness.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Just catching up Grif super stuff with the half time, making great progress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Did a really nice slow 7kms with the sister in law who was home in Ireland for the weekend and is just starting to train again after a long break. Average pace was 5.45 min / km so it felt like I was walking but it was a recovery run after all :)

    My last big run of the plan. I had hoped to get to 22 miles (my longest run of this training cycle) at a decent pace. I was hoping to hold 8.20 pace for as long as possible. I'm leaning towards 7.50 pace on the big day itself after the last couple of weeks training having gone so well so that would be PMP + 30 secs.

    Run went well and was holding a decent pace easily with a comfortable HR. Whilst it wasn't a hilly run as such I didn't avoid any hills and did one hill which is half a mile long and steep 4 times. It started to hurt a little bit at around 19 miles but it was a case of gritting the teeth and pushing on. I'd made sure that I when I hit mile 19 I was 3 miles from home meaning I couldn't take the chicken option and end the run early:D Mile 21 was uphill and I did crash a bit on this slowing right down, but I picked the pace back up for the last mile.

    22 miles / 3hrs 22 secs / Avg Pace. 8.12 / Avg HR 159 / 640 ft climbing (about half of Connemara).

    Mile splits where 8.14/7.56/8.12/8.15/8.19/8.11/8.11/8.09/8.09/8.16/8.08/8.06/8.07/8.08/8.08/8.19/8.07/8.04/8.09/8.07/8.45:(/8.12

    Its easy to see where the big hill was - miles 5 / 10 / 16 / 21. The big slowdown at mile 21 is a worry as at this stage in Conn I'll be fighting my way uphill.

    Overall I'm very happy with that and I'm almost certain now I'll try and hold 7.50 pace on the big day - well for the flat miles anyway, the couple of big hills at miles 14, 15, 23 and 24 I'll run on 'feel' but I don't intend killing myself to hold this pace on them.

    Three week taper now, although the P&D taper looks like a typical run week for me before I started this training plan ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Taper Week - take 1
    At last I'm into a taper week. Body is starting to get tired so I probably need it :)

    Took Monday as a rest day after the 22 miles on Sunday.

    Tuesday did 6 miles at 8.23 pace. Flat route and nice and slow. After 1 mile my left leg from the knee down to the front of my foot was in agony.......I turned toward home but after 3 miles it loosened out and I finished the 6 miles.

    Took Wednesday off as I was worried about the leg.

    Thursday did 5 miles which included 5 x 600m @ 5km pace.

    Friday I managed a very rare swim. Did 400m wu / 400 drills / 100 x 6 off 2.20 in on 2.00 / 200 drills / 100 x 4 off 2.20 in on 1.55 - total 2,000m. Actually really happy with that considering its two weeks since I swam last. I've been trying to address the big flaws in my stroke so I hope it's working.

    Saturday in the P&D plan called for a race of around 10km so as per a few weeks ago I decided to do a 10km TT. 2.5km to warm up and then into the TT. Straight away I knew it wasn't there - legs were heavy and sore (from the swim ?). I decided to cut my losses and change to a 5km TT. Finished in 20.38. Slightly disappointed with that, McMillan says I should be closer to 20.20 based on my recent HM time but you can't hit your peak every TT - and it is almost a minute under my previous PB. Total of 8 miles including cool down.

    Today Sunday and a 16 mile LSR called for. Bearing in mind that whilst a taper calls for shorter runs intensity needs to be maintained so the plan was 10 miles @ PMP + 30 secs (8.20 mile) + 6 miles @ PMP (7.50). First 10 miles averaged 8.17 and felt very easy, moved into PMP miles and did 5 @ 5-10 secs below PMP. 15 miles in 2hrs and a few seconds averaging 8.03 per mile overall. Did one more slow recovery mile to hit the 16. A bit worried about how tired I was on the last PMP miles (hence not doing the planned for 6), I'm hoping it's a holdover from the TT yesterday.

    Two weeks to the day to I'm nervous.........

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You'll be grand. The work is done, and you're ready. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Donelson

    You'll do grand in this race, all the talk of hills is over rated, the only thing I'd check is the weather, it's a very exposed race so wind makes a real difference, particular out by the fjord. Hopefully you'll get a calm sunny day and you'll have a blast.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Taper Week - Take 2
    The second week of my taper and I'm starting to fall apart. Everything hurts - hips, knees, feet - everything. I'm hoping this is all in the mind and is not real :)

    Monday - off
    Tuesday - 5.5 miles on a hilly route at around 8.10 pace.
    Wednesday and Thursday - nothing, far too busy in work.
    Friday - 7 miles with 3 @ 5km pace - tough.
    Saturday - 5.5 miles recovery with some strides
    Sunday - 12 miles - 8 @8.30 pace / 4 @ PMP (7.50). Felt tough but the HR suggested otherwise, 8.30 pace was at close to recovery HR.

    A 30 mile week as part of a taper, things have certainly changed. At the start of this plan 30 miles was a normal running week.

    So that's it really. A few short runs this week in the lead in to Sunday. At this stage I'm pretty sure I'll struggle to get around, I can't imagine running 26 miles at any pace let alone at sub 8 min/mile pace - maybe this is what they mean by taper madness............I need to keep reminding myself about my key sessions:
    19 miles with 17 @ PMP
    13.1 miles in 1.34
    22 miles at 8.12 pace (PMP + 20 secs approx)
    Two 10 mile plus runs over a very very hilly route
    A couple of 50 mile plus weeks
    A 43.10 10km

    Just want to get it started now.

    I have a rough plan for pacing and to help break the race up:
    -first half at 7.50ish pace with halfway at 1.42.30-1.43
    -2 hilly miles out of Leanne at comfortable pace without getting the HR too high, if needed allow myself to slow down to 8.15-20 pace but no slower
    -miles 16 - Hell Of The West, try and get back to sub 8 pace
    -HOTW - expecting 2 miles of torture, allow myself to slow to 9 min pace if needed but hopefully I won't need to slow down that much.
    -HOTW to finish...........pray and stagger at whatever pace I can

    Sounds easy when you read it like that :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You've put in the is done. Your training has been honest and solid, so trust in that. Enjoy the rest of this week, and come race day, run smart and you'll do grand. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭DustyBin

    No bother to you griff
    I had the same taper madness coming up to Cork 2010 with countless phantom injuries aches & pains
    Suffered a complete loss of mojo as well thinking, 'why bother?'
    Revised my target back and forth and back again before finally sticking with the original plan
    It aint called taper madness for nothing!!
    You've put in the miles and listed some great training sessions there, 3:30 will be hard work but you're well able for it
    I got my target in the end and had done less and more patchy training than what you've been through
    I'll say best of luck to you now, cos you'll be the last thing on my mind as I'm suffering around the hinterland of Enniscorthy :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    A nice 5.5 miles around the grounds of UCD. It was conformable but I did have trouble keeping the pace under control. The HR was high as well but that could have been due to the 1,000's of halk naked students lolling around in the sun :D
    No bother to you griff
    I had the same taper madness coming up to Cork 2010 with countless phantom injuries aches & pains
    Suffered a complete loss of mojo as well thinking, 'why bother?'
    Revised my target back and forth and back again before finally sticking with the original plan
    It aint called taper madness for nothing!!
    You've put in the miles and listed some great training sessions there, 3:30 will be hard work but you're well able for it
    I got my target in the end and had done less and more patchy training than what you've been through
    I'll say best of luck to you now, cos you'll be the last thing on my mind as I'm suffering around the hinterland of Enniscorthy

    Cheers John. When I started this I never thought for a moment 3.30 was feasible, in some ways I still don't, but I'll give it a good go.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,100 ✭✭✭DustyBin

    griffin100 wrote: »
    The HR was high as well but that could have been due to the 1,000's of halk naked students lolling around in the sun :D

    Dirty old man

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    6 miles today - 2 @ LSR pace / 2 @ PMP / 2 LSR pace. P&D referred to this run as a dress rehearsal for Sunday. I hope not, it was so hot today at lunchtime I could barely breath and my slow pace was giving me a MP HR and my PMP pace was givin me HM HR. I hope it's not this hot on Sunday or else I'm fecked. Forcast is for 12 degrees or so with no wind so hopefully it'll be no hotter. Fat, hairy and pasty is not a good combination in the heat :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Less than 2 days to go. Legs feel good, hint of a cold but I'm ignoring that, and body nicely bloated from guilt free carb loading.

    Yesterday was my birthday, the first day of the final year of my 30's, spent it eating gallons of home made pavlova thanks to my kids (are there many carbs in sugar and cream?).

    I've lost around 5kg in this training cycle so happy with that. The wife reckons I'm almost skinny, for the first time in ever she's known me. I was however brought back to earth by my 3 year old today who asked me why my belly wobbles when I shave :)

    Just need to get through a school concert tonight without catching something off the dozens of snotty kids who I'll be sharing a cramped hot hall with and I'll be ready to head off to Galway tomorrow morning. Roll on Sunday..........

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    griffin100 wrote: »
    I've lost around 5kg in this training cycle...

    So, how will I recognize you as I sail past?:)

    All the best with it, sounds like you are in the run shape of your life!
