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Run Fat Boy Run - The lazy mans guide to Ironman and Marathon training.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100


    Yeah I had considered Humbert. It's a bit far but feck it I'll keep it in mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Got a chance to try out the new 50m pool in UCD today - a whole 50m lane to myself is a new experience for me. I've never swam in a 50m before and boy is it long :) 99% of my swimming for the last 4 years has been in a 20m pool, there's a big difference between swimming 100m with one turn versus 100m with 4 turns. You certainly work much harder in the 50m pool, I never realised how much the frequent turns in the shorter pool allow you to rest. I think anyone who trains in a 50m pool has an advantage over those who use a smaller pool. Hopefully the fact that this pool is on my doorstep will encourage me to get back swimming regularly, it really is a magnificent facility and I think the plan is to always have two 50m lanes open at all times.

    Did some 5km race pace intervals this evening and I swear I almost died in the heat. I held a good pace for the repeats (avg. 4 min km pace for 600m repeats) but I almost died every time I came to a hill. We won't wish the good weather away just yet though. Hopefully it'll last long enough for me to get some biking in, at the moment work and home life is too busy to allow anything other than running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    16 mile sufferfest today at lunch time in some serious heat. Avg. pace 8.40 mile / AHR 158. At least the heat made me run at a proper LSR pace. Rewarded myself afterwards with an enourmas mountain of stuffed olives on a bed of Parma ham with a nice glass of Chilean Cab Sav. Now that's what I call carb replenishment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Need to start updating this a bit ore frequently :)

    Still plugging away with lots of running but zero bike and swim.

    A couple of 50 mile run weeks has be back in reasonable condition I think. I did an 18 mile LSR last weekend with the first 12 miles at 8.40 pace and the last 6 at 7.45 pace (average 8.20 pace overall) and was very very comfortable. Did some 1k intervals last week as held all 5 intervals at between 3.55-4.05 km pace which is very good for me. Yesterday I did a 19 mile run with the first 17 miles at average 7.52 pace / AHR 160 plus two miles cool down. Very pleased with that but did have to work hard over miles 13-17. The plan this week is to again aim for around 50 miles but to try for a 22 mile LSR this weekend at around 8.20 pace. If I can hold this pace for 22 miles then I'll consider doing the Waterford Marathon off a two week taper and trying to stick with the 3.30 pacers (although I won't have done many long runs in the lead up - 18, 19 and hopefully 22 miles only).

    I'm currently having the serious chat with herself regarding an IM this year. Choices are Hardman or Ireman 226. The former is the preferred choice I think. However I don't know if its an option really with the way the time pressures from work and family life currently are. If I do Hardman that's about 11 weeks to get my cycling and swimming up to scratch, not ideal either. I can start swimming much more regularly in the next week or two (3-4 times per week if needed) but the bike is the killer. At a minimum I know that I need to be doing two rides a week of approx. 60kms plus a long ride with some hills to be comfortable on the IM bike. At the minute that seems very difficult. I'll make a decision by the end of the week either way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    I think it would be good to see if you could complete an IM course with no swim or bike training..sure it only starts on the run anyways...:)

    Speaking of runs - I presume the Groomsport run still has the crazy mix of road, beach, trail and rocks. Tough enough for a HIM, but the full?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Izoard wrote: »
    I think it would be good to see if you could complete an IM course with no swim or bike training..sure it only starts on the run anyways...:)

    Speaking of runs - I presume the Groomsport run still has the crazy mix of road, beach, trail and rocks. Tough enough for a HIM, but the full?

    That sounds like a very sensible approach, it's about as scientific as my IM training approach to date anyway :D

    Yeah Groomsport is still that strange on road / off road mix on the run. It's the 'flat' bike that appeals to me, after IMUK and the ROK last year a flat 180km would be nice although I've seen posts that say the bike route in Groomsport is dangerous. The fact that the full distance race can't seem to increase it's numbers despite being on the go for a few years may say a lot!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    So I decided not to do Waterford Marathon. Didn't think I'd have enough long runs in the legs. It looks very likely that I'll do Hardman again this year. That gives me a 9 week lead in time, more than enough time for IM training :rolleyes: I made the decision last weekend so have tried to start training as if I'm doing an IM this summer. It's looking possible that I may have more run miles done for this one than bike miles, I'm pretty sure that this should be the other way round :D

    Did my first proper long ride of the year on Sunday. 111km with an average speed of 29.5kph with 733m of climbing. I was more than pleased with this to be honest. Whilst it wasn't a hilly route by any means it certainly wasn't flat - I did a couple of repeats of the Tri795 bike course as part of the route and as anyone who had done this will tell you this is a rolling course. I made the decision at the start of the ride to take all hills in the big ring to mimic steeper climbs and this I did. Hills I normally drop into the small ring for were tackled in the big ring albeit on the large sprocket but I was delighted to be travelling up these hills at a good pace. I have to say, I know the conventional wisdom is that run fitness doesn't really transfer to the bike but for me it has to a great degree I think. I was feeling very comfortable the whole time and when I got off the bike I felt great. Considering how little training I've done this year that was a big bonus. The plan is to have 6 or so 4hr+ rides in the legs come August 25th.

    I haven't done a proper run LSR in two weekends. I decided to give the legs a bit of a break after the prep I did for Waterford. I have kept up the shorter stuff though with plenty of speed work. I've used a new run session a couple of times for a bit of variety which I've really enjoyed although it's tough:
    1 mile @ Marathon Race Pace / 1 mile @ Half Marathon Race Pace / 1 mile @ 10km Race Pace / 2 miles @ 5Km Race Pace / 1 mile @ 10km Race Pace / 1 mile @ Half Marathon Race Pace / 1 mile @ Marathon Race Pace - Total 8 miles.
    The plan for Hardman is to adhere to the last few weeks of the P&D 555mpw plan with perhaps cutting out one of the recovery runs as needs be if I'm stuck for time.

    Swimming........ah yes my big problem. The UCD 50M has finally opened this week and I've been making use of it. Did two sessions this week. On Tuesday I did 2,000m (500m wu / 100 x 5 off 2.30 / 200 x 4 off 5 mins / 200m cd). It was awful, the water felt like concrete and I was swallowing water and splashing like a mad yoke. My 100m's were coming in on 2.20:( The next day I couldn't even lift my arms. Earlier today jumped back in for a short session - 100m x 15 off 2.30 - felt much better. The stroke felt a bit better, I wasn't fighting the water as much as I was coming in on 2.10ish. Much happier with that but a ways to go yet. I think my swim is going to be an issue this year. On the bright side having a 50m on my doorstep in work will help.

    So there we have it, my shortest IM journey ever is about to begin........I must be fecking mad:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Good man - by 2015, you'll be knocking out IMs off the back of a round of golf as training...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Looking forward to seeing you on the startline.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Izoard wrote: »
    Good man - by 2015, you'll be knocking out IMs off the back of a round of golf as training...

    Ha. I'm sure there comes a point when the minimal training approach comes back to bite you in the ass as you crawl your way around the IM marathon :) Not sure when that is though, I know someone who did Challenge Barca off no long runs, a couple of 100km bikes and a couple of short swims a week - about 5-6hrs per week - and he did it well within the cutoff.

    Run: 8 miles @ 8.20 pace / 155bpm. Nice gentle run. Interesting to compare this run to the same run on the same route this time last year. 155bpm last year gave me 9 min miles; this year it gives me 8.20 miles. A sign of the increased run fitness.....even if for most people 155bpm is a high heart rate....for me it's my run all day HR.

    Quick dip for my 3rd swim of the week. A quick look at my 2011 log tells me it's been almost a exactly a year since I last did 3 swims in a week. Nice and gentle today - 100 x 10 off 2.30 coming in on 2.08-10. Starting to get back some feel for the water and also getting used to the 50m pool. I read somewhere that I should be 6 seconds or so slower on a long course 100m than a short course one (Dory? Interested?). If that's the case then I'm happy with these times. At this stage I'm happy to do shorter repeats off a long interval time so that I can get back to having a feel for the water before I start trying to push on for the longer distances. I hope to do the Cloughhead Swim that JB likes in late July which is a 2.5km OW sea swim I think. This should give me some indication of swim ability before taking on the 3.8km :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Friday Part 2
    Nice gentle run - 6 miles at very low effort - 8.49 mile pace

    Long run today. Decided to break the run into two halves, with the first half run off a comfortable HR with no reference to pace with the second half run at PMP (I'm sticking with 7.50-8 min / mile as PMP for training but have no intention of trying to run at that pace in Hardman).

    11 miles @ avg. 8.26 pace / AHR 155
    6 miles @ avg. 7.45 pace / AHR 164
    Total 17 miles @ avg 8.12 pace

    Was very happy with that run and in particular how conformable I felt right up to the end.

    Long bike day. Woke up with a bit of a cold and a very tight chest. Was contemplating not heading out but then I started reading the IM tracking thread and HTFU and got out. Chest was very tight and on the first hill I started to cough and splutter so took the easier option and avoided the hills and did a flat route. Was hoping to get close to 120km. First 50kms was with some very strong side winds (deep section wheels are fun on days like this) but I managed to average 30kph. Next 25kms were with a following wind and I was flying (35kph+). The next 25kms were hellish, straight into the teeth of a very strong wind and I suffered. Very slow and I hadn't brought enough food with me so was starting to suffer, my cold didn't help either. Was half dead when I got home. 101kms @ avg. 29kph. Disappointing not to get to 120kms, but delighted I got out. However may pay dearly for it, my cold is much worse today :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 270 ✭✭Lex Luther

    well done on toughing it out on sunday and getting the bike in and nice run on careful with that cold, better to miss a day now than a week in a few days....

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Looking back on last week the figures stack up thus:

    9 weeks to Hardman
    Swim: 4,500m (3 sessions) / 2hrs
    Bike: 116kms (2 sessions - 16km of easy hill repeats* / 101kms @ avg 29kph) 4hrs10mins
    Run: 39 miles ( 4 runs - 8 miles with 1 mile intervals x 4 @ 6.30 mile pace / 8 miles steady / 6 miles recovery / 17 miles LSR) 5hrs15mins
    Total 11hrs25mins

    My easy hill repeats on the bike consist of a 700m hill with an average gradient of around 3.5% although it's steeper in the middle. Repeats are done at a hard pace staying in the big ring.

    8 weeks to Hardman
    Aims for this week are to get three swims done, again concentrating on shorter repeats to get basic swim fitness back. Aim to run 4 times with one midweek run of >10 miles including some HM race pace miles and hopefully a 19-20 mile LSR at the weekend. Bike wise I hope for two rides, one of up to 2hrs doing lots of climbing and a long one the weekend for up to 5 hrs again with some decent climbing. The weather may have an impact on my bike plans though this week.

    Took the day off. Chest was still sore so didn't want to risk making it worse.

    Swim; 2,000m - 200 x 8 off 5 mins coming in on 4.10-15. 100 x 4 off 2.30 coming in on 2.20 :rolleyes: - tired at this stage. Had a wee slip of girl in the lane beside me swimming at 1.20ish 100m pace by my watch making me feel old and fat, I bet she couldn't get out and cycle 180kms afterwards though :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Tuesday Part 2
    6 mile run. Strange strange run. Was trying to keep the HR down and run at a recovery pace. Ended up with a HR that was all over the shop and was far too high for the effort being put in. Maybe a sign if tiredness from the mornings swim. Glad to get the run over with.

    Swim - a quick dip to swim 1,000m straight. Came in on 23.20 which is pants. This time last year I was swimming 100m repeats off 2.00 coming in on 1.50. I've really lost a great deal of speed, and I didn't have much to begin with. However Mloc has contacted me about doing some session with Mr Tango so watch this space........

    Bike - a nice short ride on what was a lovely evening. 36kms / 1.26hrs / 25kph avg speed. Plan was to try and so as much climbing as possible in the 90mins or so of time that I had available and I managed to get 409m in.

    Started off with 10km hard push on a long drag with a speed sapping road surface in a big gear / 5km downhill recovery / 1.5km @ average gradient 7% (with a couple of hundred meters at over 10%) with recovery on downhill / 0.5km @ average gradient 4% with recovery on downhill / 1.5km @ average gradient 7% with recovery on downhill / hard 15km home. A nice session with some sore legs at the end.

    The surface on the 1.5km climb is diabolical with potholes and lumps and bumps and house entrances ever few meters so I normally descend this hill very carefully with a handful of rear break for the bad bits. On my second descent I lost control of the speed and ended up having to come off the breaks and negotiate my way around the pot holes and piles of gravel at over 60kph - squeaky bum time I can tell you. I know a couple of lads who have done over 75kph on this descent :eek:

    Plan for tonight is a 12-13 mile run with some miles at HM race pace if I can manage it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Run: Disaster of a run - or maybe not :confused: Plan was to run 12ish miles with 6 miles at around 7.10-20 mile pace. Warmed up with two easy miles and then into the faster bits. Ended up almost dying after two miles at 7.20 pace - had to stop and spend a couple of minutes recovering. I was in bits. Started the run again and ended up running the next 7 miles at around PMP with no problems. Don't know what happened on the fast miles - it was hot and humid but I still should have done better than that. Maybe the extra training has me tired. 11 miles avg 8.01 pace.

    Nothing. Had planned a swim but the UCD pool was closed. So I missed my 3rd swim of the week. Friday evening did nothing except veg.

    Bike: Ok, the plan for the weekend was for a 4-5hr bike ride early on Saturday morning, followed by a 20 mile run on Sunday. Didn't work out quite like that :rolleyes:

    Up nice and early (well for me anyway) on Saturday morning. Big breakfast, bike gear on and all set for a long ride on a lovely morning. Whilst pumping up my wheels I noticed a deep nick in the wall of one of my tires. Closer examination showed that the side walls of both tires were showing deep wear and cracks, but given that it's about 4,000km since I changed my tires this was to be expected :o Located a suitable set of tires from the garage and put them on but at this stage the morning was well advanced and my window for a long ride had passed. Instead I did a short 40km 'hard' effort, averaging 33kph so was happy with that.

    Run: My new plan was to try and do my 20 miler on Saturday evening now but life intervened and by the time I got out to run on Saturday evening it was almost 8pm. No way I was running until 11pm do I ended up doing 10 miles @ a comfortable 8.17 mile pace.

    Bike: Long bike day attempt no. 2. Unlike Saturday, Sunday was wet and windy. It was lunchtime before I managed to HTFU (with no small help from my wife) to get out into it and start. Ended up doing 112kms / 4hrs10mins in the wind and rain averaging 27kph but with just over 900m of climbing. I was happy with that considering the conditions. I was also ultra careful on the descents with the wet roads.

    For the week I did:
    8 weeks to Hardman
    Swim: 3,000m (2 sessions) / 1hr - poor enough
    Bike: 188kms (3 sessions) 7hrs - happy with that
    Run: 27 miles (3 runs) 3hrs40mins - very disappointed with that, no LSR.
    Total 11hrs40mins

    Over 11hrs is not too bad when you consider I missed a swim and a 3 hr LSR. Whatever about the swims I can't be missing my LSR's at this stage.

    7 weeks to Hardman
    Swim: Finally a 'decent' swim session - 2,500m - 300m x 5 off 7 mins, coming in on 6.18-20 - was very happy with that. 100m x 5 off 2.30, coming in on 2.10-15. 500m cool down - getting very tired at this stage and slowing down badly.

    Run: 6 mile run over hilly ground @ 8.15 pace.
    Bike: 15kms covering 10 hill repeats of 700m @ 3-4% gradient.

    Swim: A quick dip - 1,000m straight in 21.40 - which is 10secs quicker per 100m than last week so some progress. I did the first 500m in 10.40 so I died over the last 500m but hopefully the swim fitness will come. I had an entire Olympic size swimming pool to myself for most of the swim :)

    Starting to feel the increased training in my legs and in my appetite :D When running last week I was having a lot of pain across the lower chest, abdomen and top of the groin area. It tool me a while to work out what is was - a very much underused set of core muscles reacting to their first proper swims in months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Run A quick 6 mile run at lunchtime, pushed it on a bit - avg. 7.40 mile pace.

    Swim 2,500m swim. 500 wu / 300-200-100 off 2.15 per 100m / 300 drills / 300-200-100 off 3.25 per 100m / 200 drills / 100 x 3 cd

    Doing 50m lengths one armed takes some getting used to :D

    Run 10 miles. Avg pace 8.31 / mile. Had real trouble keeping the HR down despite my best efforts. It settled after 3-4 miles.

    Run 20 miles LSR. Plan was to run this off HR keeping HR around 150-155 bpm. Again I had trouble keeping the HR down. Ended up doing 20 miles @ avg pace 8.31 but with an avg HR of 160. Was comfortable enough until the late teens - a reflection of my lack of longer runs recently I think.

    Bike Legs were sore from Saturday's 20 miler so decided to avoid the hills on this one and do a flat course. Ended up doing 105kms / avg speed 28kph. I suffered a lot on this ride, very strong side and head winds made for a tough ride with over 50kms riding into headwinds. I was glad to get home.

    Weekly Totals for 7 weeks to Hardman
    Swim 6,000m / 2hrs
    Bike 122kms / 4.35hrs
    Run 42 miles / 5.50hrs
    Total 12.25hrs

    Not a bad week. Plan for this week is to try and get to Cloughhead next Saturday for the Round The Head 2.5km swim (this will be a big indicator of swim fitness) - weather dependent obviously; 4 runs with at least two over 10 miles and a drop back to circa. 16 miles for the LSR; bike 5hrs or so on my long bike the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    6 Weeks To Hardman
    Nothing.......I can't remember being so physically tired since.........well since the last time I was training for an Ironman :D

    A quick weight check suggests a total of 13-14lbs / 6kgs weight loss since January 2012. Clothes are starting to feel a bit big again.......

    Swim: With an entry to the 2.5km Around The Head OW swim booked for this Saturday I needed to get an indication of whether or not swimming this distance at current fitness levels was feasible.

    Did a straight 2km swim - first 1,000m @ 21mins / 2nd 1,000 @ 21.50. Some slowdown for the second 1,000m but I was delighted with this. That's 2.20 off what I swam 1,000m in 2 weeks ago. Not fast by any means but I'll take that. It's not too far off where I was this time last year either. I may also do the Bray Aquathon tomorrow if I can get a pass in preparation for the weekend, I could do with a feel for OW.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Bray Aquathon Race Report (aka where the fcuk can I buy a banana in Bray)

    So given I've entered a 2.5km OW swim this weekend I thought it might be a good idea to get an OW swim in beforehand given that I haven't pulled on a wetsuit in anger since last August. Hence I find myself in Bray last night after work for the Bray Aquathon, my first 'multi-sport' race in 11 months. I arrived nice and early to make sure I got an entry as I hadn't pre-registered. €20 incl. a TI ODL so not bad value.

    I last did one of these races in 2009 when transition was open and the swim buoys were about the size of a human head and the same colour as the swim hats we were given. This time around transition is fenced off which makes me happy as this is Bray after all and the little swim buoys and replaced by highly visible enormous Wicklow Tri Club ones - excellent.

    So post registration I headed off to find a shop. I'd forgotten to pick up some bananas and wanted to get 1 or 2 to nibble on pre race as I hadn't eaten since lunch. Que 45mins of traipsing around Bray seafront and environs in torrential rain trying to find a shop that sold a solitary feckin banana. Bucket and problems; candyfloss.......check (I admit I was tempted); burger and chips.......every where; fruit of any sign. I eventually found a solitary anemic runt of an apple in the shop beside the Dart station which I bought more out of pity for the apple than for its nutritional value. In the end my pre race snack consisted of a can of coke and a bar of chocolate (I should have bought the candyfloss).

    Its getting close to start time and miraculously the rain stops. Start is delayed due to traffic issues on the approach to Bray but eventually we get to the briefing. Nice and simple and straightforward. Swim along the beach, exit and do two laps of the promenade including two runs up Bray Head - all really well signed and marshaled. As with all race briefings the lack of technical knowledge of the TI official is plain for all to see, there really should be a module on the TI technical delegate course on how to use a loudhailer, specially how to turn it on and use it properly.

    Swim had been increased from 750m to 900m as we were swimming with the current and otherwise the swim would be over too quick - a nice value for money touch. You could spot the newbies as they exchanged panicked looks when this was announced and when they saw how well spaced the buoys were, a feeling I remember well from my early tri days when I was such a poor swimmer that I avoided deep water swim starts where I had to swim to the start line using up my limited swim fitness.

    Walking down to the swim start and I'm trying to remember if it's acceptable to wee in your wetsuit before you get into the water. Swim starts and I begin out wide and mid way down the pack. Bit of rough stuff to the first buoy and then we turn to swim parallel to the beach. Big buoys make sighting easy. Find myself veering off course but sighting sorts this. Feels like I'm stroking ok but I'm not pushing hard at all. Point of exercise is OW practice so I'm not worried about speed. Still I'm a bit disappointed to get out in exactly 15mins. Normally that would be ok for 900m but we supposedly had a following tide so I though I might have been faster, but then again like I said I was taking my time.

    Transition took just under two minutes as I wrestled off the wetsuit and tried to get my soaking wet socks on. Again I took my time.

    Off onto the run and I set off at a nice relaxed pace. Running without the Garmin meant I couldn't gauge my pace so kept it comfortable. First time up Bray Head was hard but the second time I knew what to expect and it felt easier. Pushed hard on the last km running with a lad from Wicklow Tri Club who beat me in the sprint, but at this stage my lace had opened and I was more concerned with not tripping up than beating him. Run completed in a few seconds under 20mins according to my watch. However run is just shy of 5km, I think around 4.7km but I'm still happy with that run time as I didn't really push hard at all.

    Overall 37mins plus a couple of secs so pretty much exactly half way down the field of 72. Happy with that as run was better than expected and I was comfortable in the swim making me feel more confident about the 2.5km OW swim on Saturday.

    Great feed laid on by Wicklow Tri Club afterwards with loads of sambos and soup. Had a quick bite to eat and went back to my car to find that I'd left the headlights on and my battery was flat :mad: Luckily enough another competitor was parked behind me and he kindly jump started me so wasn't delayed by long - many many thanks to you if you're reading this.

    Well done to Wicklow Tri Club for a really well run race - well managed, well marshaled and well signposted with a great feed afterwards. Great value for money. I'd recommend it to everyone, but remember to bring your own bananas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    This week is turning into a bit of a disaster training wise. Took Monday off, only managed to get a swim in Tuesday as a late day in work ruled out an evening run, Wednesday I did the aquathon and yesterday I had to rest in advance of some lab tests today. Hopefully I can salvage something over the weekend with the Around The Head Swim, a mid length LSR and a decent bike. The weather forecast for tomorrow is ideal so I'm really looking forward to the swim but I'm a wee bit nervous about 2.5km OW.

    This morning I did some lab tests in Trinity for a student's research. Usual stuff re. LT, VO2 Max, etc. Was done on a bike as opposed to a treadmill where I did my last tests in 2010. Really interested to see if I've come on in the last two years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Weekly Totals For Six Weeks To Hardman
    Swim 5,400m (with 3,400m of OW) / 1.45hrs
    Run 9 miles / 1.10hrs
    Bike 0 kms / 45mins VO2 test
    Total 3.40hrs :o

    What a disaster of a week. Other than swimming this is one to forget. Did the Around The Head Swim on Saturday morning and had planned to do a 2hr LSR on Saturday evening but it was gone 3pm when I got home on Saturday and their were jobs to do and kids to entertain. Only managed to get a 6 mile run in very late on Saturday evening. Sunday was to be a long (5hr) bike - up nice and early, fed and ready to go when the kids all got up, looked at the nice sunny day and asked expectantly where are we off to today clothes back off and a day trip to the National Stud. Great day out. Home, fall asleep on couch, wake up at 6pm, try and muster up the energy for some form of a bike ride, decide to eat chocolate instead......oh dear. Hardman is going to be a long long long day out this year I think. At least I got some decent swimming in this week including a straigh 2,000m in the pool, an 900m OW sea swim and a 2.5km OW sea swim.

    Around The Head 2.5km OW Swim Race Report
    Long drive to Clogherhead on Saturday morning to do this swim. I needed to get a long OW swim of some sort in to see if doing the full 3.8km in a few weeks was feasible and this was my chosen test. Have to say I was nervous enough about this, I've never done further than a 2km OW sea swim and that was 2 years ago (Escape From Ireland).

    Arrive nice and early, register, eat some breakfast and drive to finish area to drop car off. Get a lift back to start from organisers. Nice of them to ferry us all to the start. Not a big crowd, according to results 52 started the swim. Sea was calm enough looking with a bit of a breeze. Briefing done and off to start line.

    Waiting to go and I cant get my goggles clear - they're covered in vaseline, oh well, I cant see anything without my glasses anyway. I start at the back and out wide. First part of swim was to a headland where we turned and headed along the coast. This was the hardest part. Despite it being a calm day I got the lard beat out of me by a really rough section of choppy waves, I got a good few hard slaps into the face by some waves here and almost had my goggles knocked off. My stroke went to pot here and I felt like I was dogie paddling. This went on for a while and I lost sight of all other swimmers. I had a guy in a red canoe inside of me and he stayed there for almost the rest of the race until the final turn back to shore. This made me think that I must be at the back of the field and he was shepparding me round - we had been told that safety canoes would do this for the weaker swimmers. I almost decided to give up at this stage, I didn't want to be last and in addition I was getting the head beat of me by the waves (I think I was a bit too close to shore so I got a rougher section of water than the wider swimmers). Once around the first headland the sea calmed and I got on with trying to swim with some form of decent technique. I turned to breath at one stage and when I put my face back into the water it was inches away from a fcukin huge brown jellyfish - I early chocked as I tried to roll away and avoid swimming over him. Managed to avoid him and seen no more. Sighting was not going too badly, helped by the red canoe inside of me. After a while I realised I could see the final turning point to shore at the end of the fishing harbor. I put the head down here and tried to up the pace. As I got close to the turn I remembered that we had been advised to take this turn wide to avoid the strong current that runs around the head here but I didn't feel any current so stayed where I was. I turned the corner and seen the first swimmer I had seen since the start off to my right. Feck it, I'll race him and I won't be last. I went hard for the last bit and managed to get to the slipway before him in just over 47 minutes. When I turned to look back there were 3-4 swimmers behind me - I wasn't last, great news. I got out, got changed, had a chat with a few people and there were still some swimmers finishing. Checked the results last night and shocked to see I finished 20th out of 50 finishers, I was firmly convinced for most of the swim I was at the back of the field. I now realise my guardian red canoe must have been watching a bunch of us as about 5 of us came in within a minute of each other. I am absolutely delighted with that, I feel a lot more comfortable about doing a 3.8km lake swim now. That said the 12 year old that finished the race in 40 mins did make me feel old.

    A quick word of thanks to Drogheda Tri Club for a great event. There were loads of safety canoes and rescue boats for the swim and some of the swimmers that I 'beat' were actually club members who were bringing up the rear of the field in order to keep an eye on the slower / weaker swimmers. A really well organised event, followed by a BBQ that I unfortunately couldn't stay for. An event I'd definitely do again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    5 Weeks To Hardman
    Hhmm, that reminds me, I must enter the race before the deadline expires :pac:

    Run 8 miles / 13kms - 3 km warm up / 1km @ 5km race pace +500m recovery x 5 / 2.5km cool down. The km repeats came in on 4.03 / 4.03 / 3.53 / 3.56 / 4.02. Happy with that. I concentrated on running at a pace that was as fast as I could go whilst still keeping control of my breathing and didn't look at the watch at all. This seemed to work well. I'd like to think that a decent stab at a sub 20min 5km is on the cards later this year.

    Swim I felt like I was really stroking well today and I seem to be getting back to where I was when I was at my best (which is still pretty mediocre it must be said :D).

    2,000m: 500m wu / 300-200-100 off 2.10 per 100 / 100 recovery / 300-200-100 off 2.10 per 100 / 200 cd.

    I pushed hard on the main set and brought in the first set of repeats at exactly 6 mins / 4 mins / 2 mins, and then did exactly the same for the next set of repeats. That's the best I've swam in a long time. Holding 2 mins per 100m in the LC pool is a big improvement over the last few weeks. I seem to be getting a feel for the water again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Tuesday Part 2
    6 miles at 7.50 mile pace.

    Nothing, too busy :mad:

    1,400m - 500m wu / 100 x 4 off 2.05 in on 1.50:)/1.55/1.55/2.00 - 100 recovery / 100 x 4 off 2.10 in on 1.55 / 1.55 / 2.00 / 2.00

    Very happy with that set of 100m repeats. If I can get to the stage where I'm swimming 100m repeats comfortably in 1.45-1.50 I;ll be very happy.

    Nice gentle 8 miles @ avg. 8.20 pace

    47kms / 1.50hrs / avg speed 26kph / 500m climbing. Found this one very tough for some reason, was absolutely dead towards the end.

    Due a decent LSR this week so decided to aim for 3hrs and see how far I could get in that time. As with a lot of these types of runs I was running off HR and not pace with 150-155 bpm being the target.

    21 miles / 2.56hrs / avg pace 8.24 min/mile / AHR 147.

    Very pleased with that. I was very comfortable the whole time and only really started to feel the effort at around the 20 mile mark.

    Long bike today. Was feeling the previous days run in the legs and was tempted to take an easy route but decided to give the hills a go.

    115kms / 4.15hrs / avg speed 27kph / 864m climbing.

    It was good to get out for a longish ride but I need to do a couple of 5hr plus rides soon. I could have got to 5hrs easily enough on this ride but I was due home and couldn't stay out any longer.

    Week Totals For 5 Weeks To Hardman
    Swim 3,400m / 1hr25 mins - not a lot of swimming but what I would consider to be 2 x decent quality sessions.
    Bike 162kms / 6.05hrs
    Run 43 miles / 6hrs
    Total 13.5hrs

    Happy with a decent week but would have liked another swim. I'm happy with where my swim is but I'd like to try and get a 3,000m straight swim in this week to gauge long distance fitness. I'm very happy with my running and will be hoping to get another 3hr run in before the big day. As is usual with me the bike is a worry. I'd like to get close to 6.30hrs on the day and this means holding an average of 28kph which I don't think I'm capable off at the minute. I have at least 2 and possible 3 more long rides to do, all hopefully in and around the 5hr mark.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    4 Weeks To Hardman
    Monday - rest day. I was really feeling the 10hrs biking and running over the last three days. Body felt tired and appetite was through the roof.

    Swim: 1,800m. Pretty poor session tbh. Had started off hoping to do a 3,000m straight swim but very quickly realised the body was having none of it. I had to take a 10 sec break after 1,000m and stopped altogether after 1,400m. My stroke had completely disintegrated so I did't see the point in splashing on. I cooled off with a few 100m repeats.

    Swim 1,500m. Back into the pool after yesterdays debacle. I only had a short window so a quick session. 100 x 10 off 2.10 - all in on 1.55-1.58. Delighted with that set. It would suggest that my technique has improved hugely over where it was previously. I don't think I've ever held sub 2min for 10 x 100m repeats before (and this in a LC pool too). The perceived effort was middling too which was good. Cooled down with 500m.

    7 miles, average 8.10 pace with some 100m strides.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Swim 1,300m but should have been more......Plan was to do 400m x 5 off 8.45. Did the first three reps nicely (8.02 / 8.05 / 8.05). 100m into the fourth rep when I realised I'd parked in a pay car park but had not gotten a ticket - and the clamping release fee in UCD is €80. AAgghhhhh - do I swim on and risk it or get out and rescue my car. Decided to get out. Got half dried, put on trousers with no underwear or socks. Managed to tear off the button on my trousers in the rush which meant that my trousers kept falling down as I ran to my car and me with no knickers on :P Got to car and it wasn't clamped but that was the end of that swim session. Oh well.........

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Thursday Part 2
    Run 5 miles @ avg. 7.50 pace. Waste of time this run. Didn't get out until quite late as the wife was doing her run (she's on the 5k-10k plan and her training takes precedence over mine every time given that mine has for the last 4 years :o) and I was waiting to watch Phelps win another gold. I had 45 minutes to play with before it got too dark so I decided to try and do 5 miles @ 8 min pace. Ended up getting all flustered and going off too fast and doing the first 2.5 miles @ 6.55 pace; dying a death and crawling for a mile, then recovering for the last mile home. A waste of a run.

    Swim A short one. 1,000m - 100m x 10 off 2.15 in on 1.55 for every one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    There's some serious training going on here!!! Well done!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    There's some serious training going on here!!! Well done!! :)

    Not enough to keep the Ironman demons at bay though. The little voice inside my head is telling me I'm gonna drown on the swim and if I do manage to survive that the bike is definitely gonna kill me.

    Run: plan was to run 13.1 miles at my PMP of 8 min mile. Started off a little too fast but was feeling good so decided to push on and do a few miles at half marathon pace and then finish up the 13.1 miles with some 8 min miles.

    Ended up doing the first 8 miles at 7.16 pace and then slowed down to hold 7.49 pace for the last 5.1 miles to give a 1.38.07 half marathon. Delighted with that, my race PB is 1.34 so not too far off that suggesting my run fitness is getting back to what it was coming into Connemara. Felt comfortable for the entire run but suffered a couple of hour later when I had a big slump and had to lie down and eat at the same time :)

    Marshalling at a local Tri tomorrow so not sure how my long bike will go, but I'm off work all next week so hope to get a couple of long bikes in then anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You're not going to drown and you'll be fine on the bike. :)

    Nice run today (you put me to shame)....but eating while lying down???? That doesn't sound safe. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Been a while......but my log is still on the first page, less activity in the new forum.

    4 Weeks To Hardman Totals
    Swim 5,800m
    Bike 0 :p
    Run 25 miles
    Totals approx. 6hrs - crap week :rolleyes:

    Three Weeks to Hardman
    I was off last week so had planned to try and do some decent training before the two week taper. The downside was that as my pool membership is for Dublin I couldn't get a swim in locally.

    Run: 8 miles @8 min/mile pace

    Bike: 30kms @ 28kph

    Run: 10 miles @ 8.20 min/mile pace. Felt sh1t for the whole run and was happy to finish.

    Bike: 131 kms / 4.34hrs / 788m climbing / avg speed 29kph.
    A good bike. Felt strong the whole time and was happy with the average speed. Tested race day nutrition and no issues.

    Run: 5 miles @ 8.20 min/mile pace. Not done as a brick but later in the day. Still felt the bike in my legs though.

    Run: 7 miles @ 8.30 min/mile pace

    Run: 19 miles @ 8.27 min / mile pace.

    Oh a hard one :( Had hoped to hit 21 miles as per my last LSR but I died a thousand deaths. It was a hot day and I underestimated the heat I think. I didn't stop for a drink until 15 miles in when I was starting to suffer and I never really recovered from then. When I hit the 19 miles I was really suffering and knocked it on the head. It took me a couple of hours to recuperate, I was really feeling it.

    Bike: 48kms / 1.45 hrs / 27kph
    Legs were like lead. Couldn't do anymore.

    3 Weeks To Hardman Totals
    Swim 0
    Bike 209kms / 7.20hrs
    Run 49 miles / 6.50hrs
    Totals approx. 14.10hrs

    Not a bad week run wise and glad to get a long bike in. No swimming was a pain but couldn't be helped. That's it now, two week taper. Plan to swim as much as possible with some short bikes and runs. I'm going to be going into this race with some good run work done but shocking bike and swim training. I think this will be the last IM for a while, it's starting to get harder and harder to get the time to do the long bikes in particular. This weeks training was done during a week off work and had to be fitted in between cinema trips, a fishing trip, a trip to the Titanic Museum in Belfast and a day in Tayto Park :D

    Two Weeks To Hardman - Taper Week
    Swim: approx. 1,000m. My first session with Mr Tango (thanks for the heads up MLoc). Got to meet Mloc and Jackyback for the first time. JB wasn't quite the dwarf I was expecting. A nice session of drills and a 400m TT. Came in on 7.30 for the 400m which I was happy with as haven't swam in over a week. First 100m was 1.39 but I slowed right down after that. Didn't think it was a particulary hard session but I'm feeling it in my arms and shoulders today. Got some drills and swim sessions to follow - can Mr Tango do much for my IM swim in two weeks..........we'll see :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    griffin100 wrote: »
    SGot to meet Mloc and Jackyback for the first time. JB wasn't quite the dwarf I was expecting.

    I will take that as a compliment. Tunney has a lot to answer for creating this dwarf image of me:)
