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New Year: Regain and Exceed Last Years Strength



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B
    Squat 3*5 @ 95kg
    Bench Press 4 @ 77.5kg and 5/3 @ 75kg
    Deadlift 1*5 @ 140kg
    Dips 12/12/10
    Hanging Leg Raises 10

    As I didn't work out for the full week, I decided to drop the weight back a little on a couple of the excercises - and was forced to on the bench :mad:

    Overall, an okay session. I added in some hanging leg raises for CORE work and will do these or oblique twists occassionally. I'll probably do them to failure on some occassions and, when I have more time (weekends usually), do 5 * 5 progressing to 5 * 8.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    marathonic wrote: »
    It's now 5 weeks later and my stats are as follows:

    Weight: 175lbs
    Superailiac Test: 14.6% Bodyfat
    Jackson/Pollock 3 Point Test: 11.4% Bodyfat (Chest:10mm, Abs: 16mm, Thigh: 12mm)

    If my figures are correct, and going by the 3-point test, I had 21.35lbs of fat and now have 19.95lbs of fat. This means that I've gained 1.4lbs of muscle and lost the same amount of fat during the past 5 weeks.

    From the figures I've read, a beginner can aim for 1lb muscle-gain every 16 days so, going by that figure, I should have been able to add 2.2lbs of muscle in 5 weeks. However, as I've also lost fat, I'm very happy with the figure.

    It's difficult to know what to do next - increase my calories and aim for more muscle gain (together with some fat gain) or cut down to 10% and then bulk to 15%. If I continue as I'm doing and gain 2.45lbs of muscle and lose the same in fat, I'd be at 10% - but it may be easier to just bulk first.

    It's now one month later and my stats are:

    Weight: 174lbs
    Superailiac Test: 12.7% Bodyfat (11mm)
    Jackson/Pollock 3 Point Test: 9.6% Bodyfat (Chest:8mm, Abs: 12mm, Thigh: 12mm)

    I'm 1lb lighter than I was last month but now have 16.7lbs of fat as opposed to 19.95lbs. This means that, over the last month, I've lost 3.25lbs of fat and gained 2.25lbs of muscle.

    I'll not take those figures as gospel as I know how difficult it is to gain 2.25lbs of muscle in a month. Instead, I'll see what the figure look like next month - if one of my three caliper measurements were off this month, the whole reading could be off.

    I've taken delivery of 4kg of myProtein peanut butter and will be eating the crap outta that :D I should see an overall increase in bodyweight over the next coming weeks. I've also added Waxy Maize Starch to my standard, post-workout shake.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 95kg
    Press 1 * 5 @ 50kg & 5/3 @ 47.5kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 55kg
    Chinups 3 * 8

    I know I wasn't supposed to work out yesterday – having worked out on Saturday.

    However, I figured that I won’t be working out on Sunday (the day after Paddies day J ) so I might as well get a session in yesterday – as it will allow me to work out on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this week.

    Effectively, it’s a free, extra session so, even if it was a bad one, I thought it’d be worthwhile.

    The session itself was slightly poorer than my last attempt at Workout A (8 days before). That’s probably moreso to do with the break in training than the fact that I worked out two days in a row - and reinforces the idea that I need to get back to the consistency I had a few weeks ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3*5 @ 97.5kg
    Bench Press 5 @ 77.5kg and 3 * 5 @ 70kg
    Deadlift 1*3 @ 145kg
    Dips 12/12/15 (PB)
    Hanging Leg Raises 10

    I had a sore wrist so dropped the bench press back (and done an extra set). My form broke down a little on the deadlift so I stopped there. I done a PB on the dips.

    I'm not particularly happy about todays session but my wrist was sore so I didn't want to push it TOO hard.

    I'm hoping for a PB on the squats this week. I'm not sure about the bench press - Saturday's my next session but, if my wrists still sore, I'll not be pushing TOO hard.

    I'll be adding weight to the last set of the dips on Saturday too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3* 5 @ 100kg
    Press 3 * 5 @ 50kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 57.5kg
    Chinups 3 * 8

    I'd rate my form about a 5/10 today on the squat so am going to stick at 100kg for now.

    The press was tough but I completed them so I'll raise to 51kg next time. I'll also increase the Row.

    I've one more 'Workout B' before St. Patricks day. Then it'll likely be a couple of days off.... :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Checked my bodyfat there now. Not too sure about the results but I'm 177lbs and Jackson/Pollock's 3-point test gives me 8.95% whilst the superaillac test gives 12.7% (a 10mm reading).

    That's excellent results but I may have measured wrong (6mm chest, 12mm abs and 12mm thigh). As they say, it's all about the trend so I'll check again in 2-4 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B - 17/03

    Squat 3*5 @ 100kg (I'd give myself a 6/10 for form :mad:)
    Bench Press 3*5 @ 77.5kg (PB)
    Deadlift 1*5 @ 145kg
    Dips 12/12/14

    Workout A - 24/03

    Squat 3* 5 @ 95kg
    Press 3 * 5 @ 50kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 60kg
    Chinups 3 * 8

    Workout B - 28/03

    Squat 3*5 @ 97.5kg
    Bench Press 4 @ 80kg and 2 * 5 @ 75kg

    Again, I've lost consistency over the past few weeks so I'll need to get that back. I'm aiming for a REALLY good month in April. Here's hoping it works out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3* 5 @ 100kg
    Press 3 * 5 @ 51kg (PB)
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 62.5kg
    Chinups 2 * 8/ 1 * 10 (PB)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B
    Squat 3*5 @ 100kg (I'd give myself a 6/10 for form mad.gif)
    Bench Press 80kg * 3 and 75kg * 5/3

    Very unhappy with todays workout but I haven't been sleeping properly over the past few days and think I'm coming down with a bit of the flu. I'll see how I'm feeling on Friday and may do another session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    I done a session last Friday. I can't remember the exact details but know it wasn't one with any PB's.

    Today, Friday again, I done:

    Workout B

    Squat 3*5 @ 95kg
    Bench Press 5/5/4 @ 75kg
    Deadlift 1*5 @ 130kg
    Dips 12/12/8

    I'm noticably weaker and I blame the lack of consistency over the last few weeks. That will change for the next few weeks. I need a few more PB's before the end of the month.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3* 5 @ 97.5kg
    Press 3 * 5 @ 50kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 60kg
    Chinups 3 * 8

    No beering this weekend. That'll be me able to move onwards and upwards through the week and maybe get a PB or two.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3*5 @ 100kg
    Bench Press 3*5 @ 75kg
    Deadlift 1*5 @ 140kg
    Dips 12/12/16 PB

    I'm reasonably happy with todays workout. The squat matched my PB and the dips were a PB. I think I'd better form on the squat that the last time I did 100.

    The deadlift is 5kg off my personal best and I should have no bother getting back up to it this week or next.

    The bench press is the one I found tough which is unusual - I usually find the others worse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3* 5 @ 102.5kg PB
    Press 3 * 5 @ 51kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 60kg
    Deadlift 1 * 5 @ 145kg
    Chinups 2 * 8 and 1 * 11 PB

    A good session today. I don't know what happened that I accidently done the deadlift instead of the row but I'm not worried about it.

    The Deadlift and Press were at the same weight as my past personal bests and the other two were actual PB's.

    For the squat, I'd rate my form as a 6/10 so I'll be sticking with 102.5kg on Monday. I'd love to get up to 110kg over the next fortnight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B
    Squat 3*5 @ 102.5kg
    Bench Press 4 @ 77.5kg and 5/4 @ 75kg

    Only got half a workout today as I didn't have time to finish it. Squats, I give a 7/10 for form. I'll probably raise to 105kg on Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 105kg (PB)
    Press 3 * 5 @ 52.5kg (PB)
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 60kg
    Chinups 8/8/11

    Today was a really good session.

    I've put on a little fat over the past few weeks - the superaillac reading went up 1mm and I haven't checked the Jackson/Pollock 3 point reading.

    However, I've achieved two PB's today and matched my chinup PB so I'm happy enough.

    I'd say the fat gained is a maximum of 2-3 lbs so about a 1-2 week cut will sort that out (although I've no intentions of cutting yet).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3*5 @ 105kg
    Bench Press 5/5/4 @ 77.5kg
    Deadlift 1*3 @ 150kg
    Dips 12/12/15

    It was an okay session today.

    I stuck to the 105kg in the squats but will increase to 107.5 on Wednesday.

    I should get the 3 * 5 on the bench on Friday.

    I failed on the deadlift but will stick to 150kg until I get it. I'm going to start rising in 2.5kg increments there from now on.

    The dips were 1 rep off my PB so not too bad either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 107.5kg (PB)
    Press 3 * 5 @ 53.5kg (PB)
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 62.5kg
    Chinups 8/8/12 (PB)

    I'm really happy with todays session :D

    I'd three PB's and the rows matched my PB. The squats were about a 6/10 for form so I'm going to stick to 107.5kg for one more session before raising 110kg. The press was also really tough but I might chance raising that next time since it's only every second session I attempt them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3*5 @ 107.5kg
    Bench Press 5/4 @ 77.5kg and 5 @ 75kg

    Only a half session today. It felt pretty weak and I think it's to do with the (slightly less than normal) food I ate today.

    I feel a little funny in the knee. I wouldn't call it pain though. Kind of like there's a little more pressure than normal on it when I put weight on it. I'll see how Sundays session feels and may consider a few days rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 100kg
    Press 3 * 5 @ 50kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 60kg

    Just a quick, light session to get back into it after being off for a week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3*5 @ 105kg
    Bench Press 3*5 @ 77.5kg
    Deadlift 1*4 @ 150kg
    Dips 12/12/16
    No PB's today but it was still an okay session. Onwards and upwards next week :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    marathonic wrote: »
    It's now one month later and my stats are:

    Weight: 174lbs
    Superailiac Test: 12.7% Bodyfat (11mm)
    Jackson/Pollock 3 Point Test: 9.6% Bodyfat (Chest:8mm, Abs: 12mm, Thigh: 12mm)

    It's now 2 months later. Training hasn't been as consistent as I'd like.

    Weight: 178lbs
    Superailiac Test: 12.7% Bodyfat (10mm)
    Jackson/Pollock 3 Point Test: 9.9% Bodyfat (Chest:9mm, Abs: 12mm, Thigh: 12mm)

    That means I've gained 4lbs, of which 1lb is fat. I have started taking creatine in the past while so I haven't gained 3lbs of muscle in 2 months ( a lot of the extra weight will be water retention in the muscles). The next reading will tell more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A - 22/05

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 100kg
    Press 3 * 5 @ 50kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 60kg
    Chinups 8/8/8

    I pulled the weight back a little yesterday as it had been over a week since my last session. I'll build back up to PB's over the next week (I hope).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B

    Squat 3*5 @ 105kg
    Bench Press 5/5/4 @ 77.5kg
    Deadlift 1*5 @ 150kg (PB)
    Dips 12/12/10

    An okay session today. I'd a PB in the deadlift. Looking forward to the next session now :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 5/5/4 @ 105kg
    Press 3 * 5 @ 50kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 60kg
    Chinups 8/8/5

    Not a great session today but, yet again, it's over a week since my last session.... :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B: 4th June

    Squat 3*5 @ 105kg
    Bench Press 3*5 @ 75kg
    Deadlift 1*5 @ 150kg
    Dips 12/12/13

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 105kg
    Press 3 * 5 @ 51kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 62.5kg
    Chinups 8/6/4

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B: 22nd June

    Squat 3*5 @ 105kg
    Bench Press 3*5 @ 75kg
    Deadlift 1*4 @ 150kg
    Dips 12/10/5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A: 24th June

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 105kg
    Press 3 * 5 @ 51kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 62.5kg
    Chinups 8/8/9

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout B: 26th June

    Squat 3*5 @ 105kg
    Bench Press 3*5 @ 77.5kg
    Deadlift 1*5 @ 150kg
    Dips 12/12/13

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭marathonic

    Workout A

    Squat 3 * 5 @ 107.5kg
    Press 4 @ 51kg and 5/4 @ 50kg
    Pendlay Row 3 * 5 @ 62.5kg

    Good squats but a poor pressing session.

    I didn't do the chinups because my lower back is sore (not an injury, just feels like DOMS).
