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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    I’m hoping to be posting with running related posts very soon but for the moment my log will remain full of idle chit chat…..

    Dublin Half Marathon September 15th

    Unfortunately I didn’t get to pace or race this event but rather than sit at home feeling sorry for myself I decided to volunteer instead. I had the two junior Stews and el nuevo Stew (our Spanish student) with me so I asked could we be in the finish area where we would all be put to work.

    We drove in nice and early, with Mr Stew and left him with the pacers, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling a little sorry for myself and my non-pacing status when I first pitched up but such is life and at least Mr Stew wasn’t letting the family down:)

    We headed down to help set up and then were released from duty in time to go see the start of the race. I usually never got to see the start of a race so I really enjoyed this part of the day.
    I waved at Meno who was pacing with BeepBeep and Liamo (didn’t get to meet them this time) and I also saw the lovely Jcsmum (super PB) Further back was the glamorous Boards couple (Cl and officer digger) and Chinguetti and then even further back was Mr Stew, Ultraman and Kurt Godel.
    I missed the start of the first wave (unfortunately Gary O’Hanlon also did:() so I didn’t get to see Krusty and his merry men but it was really good fun to watch the other waves go off and also to spot the people who were obviously starting in the wrong waves.
    Wave two was under way and the boys and I cheered for Meno and then later Claralara and Digger and then I couldn’t remember Chinguetti’s real name so all I could shout was “And you too":)
    As Mr Stew was pacing 2 Hours he was at the front of the last wave and I could see him jumping up and down and smiling at the start, the announcer must have been able to read his number because he called out his name and the boys and I were delighted, I’m not sure if he said Mr Stew was as fit as a butcher’s dog;)...
    Wave two was off so after more cheering and clapping we headed back to the Finish area and I let the boys go off collecting conkers while I chatted with a pal of mine (actionphotography; he had taken some great photos at the start).

    Before long the boys were back (junior Stew in his bare feet holding up his mucky shoes and socks having found a ditch to slip into:)) and we headed down to watch the winners come in.
    I really enjoyed standing there on the other side of the line, inspiring stuff:D the boys were saying to me how exhausted everybody looked and I gave them a big long speech about how hard these guys worked and that that’s what hard work, goals and focus would get you blah, blah, blah… I’m sure all they were thinking was “When can I have the Caramel bar from a goody bag?”
    We chatted briefly with a really nice runner who from his accent I think must have been Kiwirunner, the boys were delighted and honoured to have talked to someone so fast:D

    Back into our positions in the finishing chute and soon we had hundreds and hundreds of happy runners in need of t-shirts and goody bags. I got to see lots and lots of pals and in spite of the tough course it seemed to be PBs all round, Crusaders (congrats Paulie and jahaco) all did really well and I was the happy recipient of lots of sweaty hugs. SunflowerRo popped by to say Hi and was still smiling in spite of a not-so-great run for her, Younganne appeared with a huge big PB grin on her face:D another boardsie from our girl’s night out also said hi, Mr Stew and some of his crew…. The time flew by really fast and was a blur of t-shirts and goody bags....
    Junior Stew was getting tired (calls himself a runner:D:D?) and asked could he take a break and I was trying to tell him nicely he couldn’t as there was a big queue waiting and when he started helping again lots of people started clapping for him:)

    Pretty soon we were down to only Large t-shirts which I know is a pain and for the most part people were understanding when I would say “I’m really sorry, we only have Large left” occasionally somebody would get annoyed and all I was thinking was hey I could be in Ryan’s having a pint instead of this and I have to confess that once or twice I actually answered “You have to run faster if you want a small t-shirt” luckily the people I said it to had a sense of humour:)

    We made it down to Ryan’s for a very quick drink and it was great to very briefly meet some more boardsies who were celebrating great runs... Raycun, Emer911, MiguelK, Ral3 and of course all the pacers were basking in well-deserved glory.

    All in all another great day for the Stew Family in the Phoenix park and Mr Stew and I topped it off nicely by heading out for dinner and I have to confess to enjoying a good few guilt-free glasses of wine… there are some advantages to being side-lined with injury;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭banner_phoenix

    Tis a different view alright from the other side of the fence and makes you appreciate the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes. I'm usually out injured so it was my first time actually "running/chatting thru" the race series - slight chaotic to say the least. Good on you for helping out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    September 17th
    Dip in 40 Foot
    75 minute Hot Ashtanga Yoga
    Finally a run:D:D:D
    30 minute Spin Class
    15 minute abs class

    I’d been given the all clear to try back running yesterday but I had a sneaky 1 mile on Friday evening and another sneaky mile on Saturday evening, both slow and a little creaky. Sunday morning I was still a bit stiff and I decided that before I would run again I needed a torture session with Cfitz, I just felt I still wasn’t a hundred per cent. He luckily had an appointment for Monday afternoon and after over an hour of torture I left his office full of hope:)

    This morning seemd to echo that hope when it was bright and sunny and after a quick dip in the 40 Foot I headed into yoga as I wanted to make sure I was as bendy and Zen as I could possibly be before my run.
    I was extremely nervous starting out but I had set myself a two simple goals

    • “don’t think, just run” (stolen from a Marathontalk post on Facebook),
    • enjoy myself.
    I would see about distance and time as I went along….
    Hallelujah! The only real pain I had was from smiling so much:D it was a typical Irish September day, sunny, windy, warm, wet, cold… but I was so, so happy. I chose an easy flat route and planned to turn back after a mile and a half to make it 3 miles but it just felt so good… I turned back after 3 miles as I didn’t want to overdo it. The pace felt easy and enjoyable and I was delighted when I looked at my pace.

    Total 6.12 miles avg 8.17

    I felt a little tight after the run so I stretched and stretched again and then headed into a spinning class for a cool down, just for good measure I followed this up with abs. I’m back:D:D

    It would be tempting to run an LSR tomorrow (I would LOVE to) but for now I’m being sensible, I’ll run again on Thursday and that will give me a better indication of where I am.

    For now I’m taking it one run at a time and the current score is Marthastew 1 – Piriformis 0

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    "You have to run faster if you want a small t-shirt" !!!??? :D OMG....I just spat out my water. I can totally picture you saying that in your most "constructive" mother-tone. Brilliant!!

    Oh...and who was that hot number I saw you with at the finish in a pic posted on facebook? He was a fit looking runner you were chatting with. Hubba hubba. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    September 16th
    6 mile recovery WALK
    60 minute Hot Ashtanga Yoga
    I was dying to run again on Wednesday morning so I had scheduled a walk with a pal in advance to avoid any temptation. Sunny morning on Vico road; is there anything better? Well…. yes, a RUN on a sunny morning on Vico road:) but I really enjoyed this and it was a great chance to catch up.

    September 18th
    Dip in 40 Foot
    75 minute Hot Ashtanga Yoga
    10.14 miles avg pace 9.31

    Bendy and Zen after my yoga class I headed off on this run, still nervous but a lot more optimistic. My goals for this run were to pay attention to my form and run 10 miles… success:D I took it very easy to start as I really didn’t want to have to stop, I honestly don’t think I could cope with another set-back:) I was a little creaky to start so I stopped after a mile and stretched and then I gradually upped the pace each mile, all the while keeping an eye on engaging my core. Only running 10 miles I obviously didn’t need food/drinks but I foolishly neglected to think of afterwards. I had a coffee and a muffin at 9.30 and 500ml of water in yoga but I was so busy rushing around that suddenly it was 3pm and I was feeling nauseous. Fried eggs on toast with a pot of tea solved that:D With the lack of running I’ve been trying not to eat too much (although I’ve still managed to put on a few kilos:()

    I’m really looking forward to a LSR and the ensuing guilt-free snacking;)

    Marthastew 2 – Piriformis 0

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Marthastew wrote: »
    ...once or twice I actually answered “You have to run faster if you want a small t-shirt” luckily the people I said it to had a sense of humour:)

    Brilliant !!!

    Congrats on the comeback.

    Just take it easy initially. The first week is likely to be a bit frustrating but patience pays offs. Recovery is like a race ... it really pays to start off slowly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    I've been keeping an eye on the Half thread in the events section and somebody used a similar line to me and started all-out war;) I'm expecting the angry mob to arrive at any moment and put me in my place for being so insensitive:)
    pgmcpq wrote: »
    Brilliant !!!

    Congrats on the comeback.

    Just take it easy initially. The first week is likely to be a bit frustrating but patience pays offs. Recovery is like a race ... it really pays to start off slowly.

    I'm delighted to see your recovery is going well and I'm sure you will be in great shape for November 4th. I'm starting to get very excited about it now.
    Feeling great today after my run yesterday but I agree completely with you; I'm taking this recovery more seriously than any race I have ever done:) I've already invested so much energy and time off, not to mention money, so I'm not risking a return to the injury bench.
    I've borrowed Claralara's Friday is Pie-day....Rest day today for me:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Marthastew wrote: »
    I've been keeping an eye on the Half thread in the events section and somebody used a similar line to me and started all-out war;) I'm expecting the angry mob to arrive at any moment and put me in my place for being so insensitive:)

    I saw that and I was soooo close to quoting your log :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    menoscemo wrote: »
    I saw that and I was soooo close to quoting your log :p

    Don't you dare...... I'm way to fragile after my injury to cope with angry runners who didn't have the race experience they wanted;)

    Besides, how ridiculous would it be for me to be called elitist when I'm currently celebrating the fact that I've run 16 Miles:eek: this week:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    But rumor has it, your @ss is pretty awesome. ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    But rumor has it, your @ss is pretty awesome. ;)

    Was Meno talking in his sleep again DD? :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    digger2d2 wrote: »
    Was Meno talking in his sleep again DD? :D

    Actually, I believe there's an entire thread devoted to her awesome @ss. Just not sure which forum it's in. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    September 20th
    Dip in 40 Foot
    Rest day

    September 21st
    Another rest day:D

    September 22nd
    19.09 miles avg pace 9.54

    Firstly let me point out that I would NEVER advise anyone to run 19 miles the week before a marathon, BUT I have a number of reasons/excuses for this madness.
    With Berlin less than a week away I needed to know whether I should attempt to run it as a training run. Before my injury I had no idea how a long-term break from running can affect your confidence, it most definitely has affected mine:(
    A friend of mine who is running New York asked if I would like to join her and another pal on their long run on Sunday, I jumped at the chance because I knew they’d be going at a nice slow pace and I also knew the route in and out of town would allow me to turn back/jump on the dart home if I ran into difficulties. I left the house telling Mr Stew that I’d be home anywhere between one and half and three and a half hours. My legs felt creaky as I jogged down the road and I promised myself that if I didn’t feel good within a half hour I'd turn back. I collected my friends and off we went……

    The next time I looked at my watch it told me we had run 6 miles:) I reminded myself to keep an eye on my form and continued on. We were so busy chatting that before I knew it we were in town and stopping at a shop. I didn’t feel thirsty or hungry but I bought a bottle of water and a banana and we started the return journey. My pals started to tire a little at this stage and I told them not to feel bad as the only reason I was feeling strong was the lack of miles in the last few weeks. They wanted to also run the West pier and I decided not to tempt fate and left them and headed for home, I upped the pace a little and when I got to my house my watch was at 18.71 miles, there was no way I was stopping when I was that close to 19:)

    All in all a super run, I’m not sure it will have been any huge benefit physically for me but running is not just physical and I really needed the mental boost it gave me.
    I’m a little stiff all over this morning but that’s to be expected. I’m planning yoga and Body sculpt as recovery and I’ll just keep the legs ticking over for the week. I’m still keeping fingers, toes and everything else crossed I’ll be at the start line in Berlin, for now it’s looking real good:D:D:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Marthastew wrote: »
    19.09 miles avg pace 9.54

    ya lunatic :pac:
    have a great run next weekend

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭RubyK

    Well done marthastew! I can see the method in your madness :o Delighted it went well for you, you've been a very patient patient. Hope you have a great weekend in Berlin :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Yaay! :D Getting very excited now!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    claralara wrote: »
    Yaay! :D Getting very excited now!!

    Me too:D we are going to have so much fun:) I bet you're counting down the days. The forecast is looking good, dry and not too warm. Have you packed yet?

    Poor Mr Stew has had to head to London for work this week, back Wednesday. I'm worried for him cos I really want him to do well, he is his usual non-stressed self and I've nothing to be stressed about so it's all very calm in our house. You can off-load some of your taper madness on to us:D
    I'm sure Officer Dig Dig is on a high after his PB yesterday! You'll have to put him in his place on Sunday:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,663 ✭✭✭claralara

    Marthastew wrote: »
    Me too:D we are going to have so much fun:) I bet you're counting down the days. The forecast is looking good, dry and not too warm. Have you packed yet?

    Poor Mr Stew has had to head to London for work this week, back Wednesday. I'm worried for him cos I really want him to do well, he is his usual non-stressed self and I've nothing to be stressed about so it's all very calm in our house. You can off-load some of your taper madness on to us:D
    I'm sure Officer Dig Dig is on a high after his PB yesterday! You'll have to put him in his place on Sunday:D

    Not packed yet - the earlier I pack, the more times I unpack... Will start the list tomorrow, make sure the washing is all done on Wednesday, do the mandatory Base2Race shop (you never know what might happen so I better buy a wetsuit just in case!) on Thursday and then pack and unpack several times on Friday!!

    Have you got your sniper gear duly pressed?!

    I'll let him enjoy the glory for another few's the least he deserves. And this time next week it' will be all "Digger who?!" ;):D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You are an amazing woman. 19 miles, and not even a bother to you. I think you will surprise yourself in Berlin. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,029 ✭✭✭DigiJem

    Glad the 19 miler went well, your perseverance and hard work is paying off. See you on the start line :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    DigiJem wrote: »
    Glad the 19 miler went well, your perseverance and hard work is paying off. See you on the start line :D

    Are you all set J? What's the plan for you? I don't think you've been to visit the events thread. Your training has gone really well, so you are in great shape for it:)

    When are you heading over? We'll see you in the pub on Sunday night if not before.

    I'm getting VERY excited now:D:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,029 ✭✭✭DigiJem

    Yep I'm all set, my plan is to run @ 9 min/mile pace. Heading over Friday evening so not long to go now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Well done on the 19m MS, its great for your peace of mind and now i reckon you'll enjoy the race and all your patience will pay off with a super run.
    I can feel the excitement building for you all and heres wishing you all get the race/time you want!:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Best of luck in Berlin. Injury seems to be well behind you now, so time to start knocking off the world majors.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    September 23rd
    60 min Hot Pilates Class
    45 minute Body Sculpt Class
    Legs feeling fine after the LSR, I’m still slightly aware of the trapped nerve when I sit down, luckily I don’t have much time for sitting down with 4 boys to run around after:)

    September 24th
    75 Min Hot Ashtanga Yoga
    5.5 recovery miles avg pace 9.35
    Spent the morning cross-training in the form of housework since Auntie Stew is moving in with the boys for the weekend and I’m terrified she’ll open a cupboard and be killed by stuff falling out of it;) It’s a military-precision manoeuvre when Mr Stew and I head away leaving behind 3+1 very busy and hungry boys. The main problem at the moment is that I keep stocking up on food for them and we keep eating it all:)

    Life is quite strange with no taper madness, I'm not usually this calm the week before a marathon.

    I can’t wait to be on the way to the airport with Mr Stew and the trip will be all the more enjoyable since I’ve now decided I’m running Berlin. My recovery run went fine, my leg is still a bit dodgy, stiff when I start off but after about two miles I’m fine, more importantly I’m fine after each run so I'm getting more confident by the day.

    I returned to my beloved Vico Road for this run and in spite of the rain and wind I was SO HAPPY to be back. Uphill and downhill still seem a little strange in my new “Tin man, hips tucked in and under” running position and I’m not sure how I’ll fare on those hills in New York but I’m still trying to take it one run at a time.

    3 more sleeps till we’re on the way to Berlin:D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 221 ✭✭run44

    Best of luck in Berlin!

  • Registered Users Posts: 404 ✭✭ray lanigan

    have a blast in berlin

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    Hum. Wind MorningPartly cloudy
    No Precipitation. +11..+1376071%[W]
    4-6 m/sDayClear/Sunny.
    No Precipitation. +14..+1676054%[S-W]
    4-6 m/sEveningMostly clear/sunny.
    No Precipitation. +9..+1176075%
    3-5 m/sNightMostly clear/sunny.
    No Precipitation. +6..+875980%
    3-5 m/s

    Oooh... It pasted all wrong and I couldn't be ar5ed to fix it.... Anyway, it's looking excellent, that's all ;) It's great that things have worked out for you btw, you'd have been some pain in the h0le if you weren't running :):)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,418 ✭✭✭Aimman

    Have a great time in Berlin. No doubt you'll do great.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    digger2d2 wrote: »
    Hum. Wind MorningPartly cloudy
    No Precipitation. +11..+1376071%[W]
    4-6 m/sDayClear/Sunny.
    No Precipitation. +14..+1676054%[S-W]
    4-6 m/sEveningMostly clear/sunny.
    No Precipitation. +9..+1176075%
    3-5 m/sNightMostly clear/sunny.
    No Precipitation. +6..+875980%
    3-5 m/s

    Oooh... It pasted all wrong and I couldn't be ar5ed to fix it.... Anyway, it's looking excellent, that's all ;) It's great that things have worked out for you btw, you'd have been some pain in the h0le if you weren't running :):)

    Despite your astounding lack of IT expertise you are an amazing Officer and an even better runner so I'll forgive you;)
    I'm obviously checking the weather forecast on an hourly basis anyway.

    I'm usually a pain in the h0le whether I'm running or not;)
