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Running with the birds or for the birds?



  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭banner_phoenix

    Congrats on the AG finish and sub-20 not far off in 2013.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Marthastew wrote: »
    And Happy New Year to you also:) A super, super start for you with your sub 40 10K PBbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png Very, very best of luck for the rest of your training over the next 10ish weeks

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a refund and run New York in a few years (an incentive to stay in qualifying shape:)), I think it would be a great trip for Mr Stew and I to do together. What are you going to do? You could come run Dublin instead, that's where all the fun is at:) Is Mrs P racing on Paddy's day with you?

    Not quite a PB but happy with the run ( though the photos went up yesterday and I look like I'm close to death in them all :o)

    Ah, I had forgotten the QT route in. While I got in on time in 2011 (and deferred of course :rolleyes:) the new times are a bit beyond me currently (1:25 in the HM and 3:05(?) in the full for me). I'm thinking about 2015 (though by that stage I'll be in a new AG and might be back to qualifying again !). Mrs P is in 2013 on the 9+1 program ... Really feel that NY is a duty now rather than something I'm looking forward to !

    Yes, Mrs P is doing LA but she's passing on Vermont 9 weeks later (Lesson : don't ever take a call from another runner over Christmas dinner ... it leads one into temptation. However it was Mrs P brother who suggested this stupid idea, so she'll come to poke fun support us.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Monday January 7th Dip in the 40 Foot:D
    Cycling 16 miles, in and back to town
    45 minute Body Sculpt class

    After a two week absence from the 40 Foot I was delighted to wake to such a mild morning, almost high tide and the rain holding off, I headed down earlier and had a very quick dip on my own…. a return to serenity:)
    I had to pop into town so once again opted for my bike. Cycling home I realised why it had felt so easy on the way in…. wind in my face all the way home and I was STARVING as I had decided to do this on empty as I still have a few Christmas kilos to shed. Popped into Body Sculpt after a nice big Mocha-choca-frappa-choco-chino:D and a bagel. Even though I took it easy on the weights I found this class tough, almost three weeks of no strength work, thank God January is a long month and I will have time to atone for my sins;)
    I’ll have to give the arm-wrestling a break for a while, this all leads me to ponder….. how does Officer Digger keep his guns so fabulous?;)

    Tuesday January 8th
    Dip in the 40 Foot
    45 minute lower body class
    My legs were sore and tight after the class yesterday.

    11.02 miles @ 8.41 pace
    Oh Christmas Tree, oh Christmas tree….

    I was very tired at the start of this run as junior was up sick a few times in the night, in fact I was all set to spend the day on the sofa with him but he woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and insisted on going to school so I had no excuse to skive off. After the first two miles I settled into a nice easy rhythm and listened to a marathon talk podcast. In along the coast to Sean Moore Park and back again so I was lucky enough to pass two Christmas tree recycling centres twice@ What a wonderful smell@ Finished this run feeling strong so I popped into
    30 minute spinning class
    Where I had planned to take it easy but the music was super so I danced my way through the class keeping the heart rate high.

    Wednesday January 9th
    Fartlek Run 8.46 miles average pace 8.15
    One of my New Year Running resolutions is to have more fun with my training so I decided to finally use my Garmin to set up a workout, I opted for a relaxed fartlek run … 8 sets of 4 mins fast 1 min slow. I didn’t overdo it on this run as I’ve upped the miles this week. A glorious sunny day and I averaged about 7 min/mile pace for the fast stretches and chilled out on the recoveries. Fun:D

    Thursday January 10th
    75 minute Hot Ashtanga Yoga
    As Pistol noted earlier, there was a distinct lack of yoga in my last week and I was desperately in need of this. I really enjoyed this and was surprised to see I hadn’t lost too much flexibility, in fact my Downward Dog was fabulous, even if I do say so myself I nearly fell asleep in the relaxation at the end though as Junior Stew was up a few times in the night again with a sore tum.

    Managed to sneak out in the afternoon for
    recovery 5.13 miles @ 9.15 pace.

    Friday January 11th
    Dip in the 40 Foot
    Track session with Racheljev (and Maria McCambridge:D)
    Total of 4.07 miles including warmup and cooldown
    Another glorious sunny morning and a nice bunch of us (including the lovely Racheljev) gathered at Kilbogget Park for a very, very enjoyable session;
    Pyramid session of 400, 600, 800, 600, 400 with 1 minute recoveries. Friday morning meant that no men were able to join us for this so I had nobody to chase this time but that’s not a bad thing as I need to learn how to pace myself on my own. I was delighted with how this session went as I finished it feeling as if I had worked hard but I hadn’t overdone it at all. Splits were 88, 140, 196, 147 and 89 seconds so lots of room for improvement but not too bad at all. I’m delighted to have a proper session on my plan every Friday as I can’t make it into the club and I really feel this will help me improve over the year.

    Saturday January 12th
    Recovery 6.3 miles @ 9.13 pace
    Junior Stew was playing a GAA match in Ringsend so I left him to do his warm-up and told him I’d be back to catch the end of his match. I had planned to do 6 miles recovery. Wild, windy but sunny and dry and I headed round towards the Nature Park to take full advantage of the views of the sea. Lots of company in the form of dogs and humans and everybody seemed to be in a good mood. It was high tide so I decided to venture round to the Poolbeg lighthouse and even though I was running on cobblestones on the pier into very strong wind I LOVED this run. The water was coming up over the pier and if I hadn’t seen people up ahead of me I may have turned back for fear I’d get stuck and the coastguard would have to be called (Imagine the headlines, Housewife takes a break from Bon Bon eating to go for a jog and the Tax-payers have to pay;)). It was such a super experience and at one stage I felt like Mosesstew parting the sea (running endorphins are the best:D). Got to the lighthouse, touched it for luck and turned back, no wind in my face and I was in my own little world of running… Then I was startled back to reality when I met a big fat rat:eek: on the pier and he looked at me as if to say “This is my home:)” I smiled and sprinted past and then he headed back to the water. Arrived back just in time to catch the end of the match and Junior Stew’s team had played really well and they won.

    Sunday January 13th
    LSR 20.03 miles @ 8.59 pace
    Mr Stew and I were joining Meno and Emer911 for this run out to Bray and back and after a dry but cold morning the rain started just as we headed off:( However the rain soon cleared and the company along the way meant we had a fantastic run. Emer911 showed us a new much more scenic route around her neck of the woods and we said goodbye to her after 8 and a half miles and continued on to the Bray Seafront. Lots of people out enjoying the fact that the sun was now out and then we turned around and headed for home. We stopped briefly to get a drink just after we left Bray and before we knew it we were back at the dreaded Bono Hill:eek: I was chasing Mr S and Meno up it but I was delighted to note that I felt so much better than I did last week on the 18 mile run. We were all starting to feel the miles by the time we reached Dalkey. We crossed paths with Krusty (welcome back, hope you're feeling better) and soon after we were very glad to see our watches hit 20 miles just as we arrived home.

    Total miles for week; 55.01
    Another good solid week for me and I’m feeling good. Next week will be somewhat similar and then I’m taking a step-back week ahead of Raheny.
    less than 5 weeks to Donadea and 12 weeks to London:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,156 ✭✭✭jcsmum

    That's some action packed log there O! Makes the rest of us sound so lazy! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    Reminds me why I miss living in the city so much. I spent 10 weeks of 90 minute yoga class breathing and bending arms in and out. Not a single leg stretch or anything useful. I was actually stiffer after lying on the floor for so long. Would have been better just trying it at home with a dvd!!
    This is the only yoga available here :(

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    Brilliant stuff.... No matter how often I caricature your log, the real life versions eclipse mine :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 788 ✭✭✭rasher_m

    This is brilliant training altogether, I couldn't imagine being able to this even if I was really fit.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,418 ✭✭✭Aimman

    Not sure what's scarier. All that running, swimming and yoga, or the fact that you wrote and posted it all before 7:14 this morning.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Aimman wrote: »
    Not sure what's scarier. All that running, swimming and yoga, or the fact that you wrote and posted it all before 7:14 this morning.

    I guess she must have slept in today...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    I hear she doesn't sleep

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    Love reading your log, can you write mine too?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I'm afraid they broke the mold when they made you. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    There is method in my madness/obsessiveness........

    The reason I do so much cross-training is to avoid injury; Most of those classes I do contain plenty of the strength exercises that any physio will prescribe as soon as you go see them with an injury (squats, lunges, bridges, planks etc.) so in the long run all the hard work will pay off. Historically I have managed to avoid injury for Spring marathons and Autumn is a lot more difficult because the boys are off school over the summer and I can’t get to the classes. I’m hoping this Spring will be even more successfulsmile.png
    I’m also very, very lucky, I have the luxury of not having to work so I have the mornings to myself while the boys are at school and all the training is a great way to avoid the housework; even though it’s still there when I get home it seems to get done a lot quicker than it used to before I was a runnerwink.png

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,312 ✭✭✭hot to trot

    I am starting to feel massive guilt when I read your log as my attempts at cross training have become so meagre and almost meaningless by comparison.
    It is stuff like this that makes champions. So I should suck it up and try to copy you ..... or stop reading your thread and wallow down the back of the pack ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 788 ✭✭✭rasher_m

    Marthastew wrote: »
    There is method in my madness/obsessiveness........

    The reason I do so much cross-training is to avoid injury; Most of those classes I do contain plenty of the strength exercises that any physio will prescribe as soon as you go see them with an injury (squats, lunges, bridges, planks etc.) so in the long run all the hard work will pay off. Historically I have managed to avoid injury for Spring marathons and Autumn is a lot more difficult because the boys are off school over the summer and I can’t get to the classes. I’m hoping this Spring will be even more successfulsmile.png
    I’m also very, very lucky, I have the luxury of not having to work so I have the mornings to myself while the boys are at school and all the training is a great way to avoid the housework; even though it’s still there when I get home it seems to get done a lot quicker than it used to before I was a runnerwink.png

    When did you start running or were you always active

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    I am starting to feel massive guilt when I read your log as my attempts at cross training have become so meagre and almost meaningless by comparison.
    It is stuff like this that makes champions. So I should suck it up and try to copy you ..... or stop reading your thread and wallow down the back of the pack ;)

    You have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about with the amount of miles and marathons you run:D Strength work is hard because it’s a chore and can be so boring, that’s why I like the classes. Great benefits are to be had even by keeping it simple; plank, squats, lunges and bridges three times a week, start with just 3 X 10 reps and as you get stronger modify to make it more challenging.

    rasher_m wrote: »
    When did you start running or were you always active

    I was never a really sporty type but also not quite a couch potato. In my 20s my activities were mostly centred around a bar stool;) and in my 30s I got a little sense and joined a gym, I’ve always enjoyed the classes. I’m ashamed to say that during the 11 years we lived in London I wasn’t even aware they had a marathon:eek: almost 5 years ago somebody convinced me to do a sprint triathlon in Athy (I had been jumping in the sea for a few years at this stage) and after completing it I realised that I loved running, the rest, as they say is history:) Even though I’ve been running 5 years I’d still consider myself a novice, I have a lot to learn and hopefully a lot more improvements to make.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Monday January 14th
    Dip in the 40 Foot
    45 minute Ashtanga yoga
    Medium Long Run 11.24 miles @ 8.40 pace
    45 minute Body Sculpt class
    I normally take a rest day on Monday but in the run up to Donadea I’m upping the miles and for the next few weeks I’m aiming to run back-to-back runs that will total over 50K. I finished this run at midday so I technically I completed 50K within a 24 hour period:) A nice easy route in along the coast to Ringsend and I was surprised at how good the legs felt after Sunday’s long run.

    Tuesday January 15th
    Dip in the 40 Foot
    45 minute lower body class
    Recovery 5.11 miles @ 9.15 pace
    45 minute Pilates reformer class
    I hadn’t been to a reformer class in ages (for anyone who doesn’t know what a reformer is….., Mr Stew looked at that and said “That’s ridiculous”:rolleyes: but I love it) and this was exactly what I needed to stretch out my tired legs.
    Turns out this class was a lot more fun than I expected ….. we were settling in to do the first set of upper body exercises and the girl on the bed beside suddenly disappeared, she had managed to lose her balance and fall down through the gap where the wires are:D Claralara can confirm that I love a good falling down story (her log is keeping me giggling at the moment, I can also recommend Racoon Queen’s if you are into that sort of thing;)) so as soon as I was sure that the girl was OK I started to laugh uncontrollably, luckily she didn’t get too insulted and every time I would think I had finished laughing I would start again. I managed to keep it to the silent laughing with tears streaming down your face and the studio is dark so I got away with it.

    Wednesday January 16th
    Modified McMillan Workout ahead of Raheny 5 mile
    30 minute spinning class
    I had seen a discussion on this thread a while back and I asked a wise man (Raycun) for some advice on how I should approach the fact that I hadn’t done the November or December sessions and I was lucky enough to also get some advice from 3 other wise men (Krusty, BeepBeep and wrstan) so with all this in mind I had decided that I would do an extremely modified version of the session. I planned 3 X 1 mile with 2 mins rest between, followed by 3 mins rest and then 1 X 2 mile. Now I’m sure you’re thinking that’s not extremely different at all, however instead of trying to run it with pace showing on my Garmin I decided to run this at (what I hoped would be) 5 mile effort.
    The reason for this? I’m only just back training properly over the last 3 weeks and I reckoned that without the pace button pushing me on I’d be less likely to overcook things and risk messing up my training for the rest of the week or worse still start pushing myself into injury territory. So I set the session up on my Garmin and with only distance showing I knew I couldn’t cheat. The results were interesting and not exactly encouraging but at least I completed the session.
    My warm up was less than ideal, one of my running pals is just back from hols and she asked could she join me for the warm-up so I ended up doing almost 4 miles:eek: The rain had well and truly started and it was cold, on the plus side Mr Stew had told me about a super path/track in Cabinteely that is exactly a mile long and only ever has a few people on it so I had no worries in terms of stopping for cars etc., all I had to do was hit start and run:)
    I took off at a handy enough pace and tried to remain constant for most of the run, it felt like I was running at 5 mile effort, I felt like I was working hard but in control for the mile repeats. I cooled down a little too much during the 3 mins jogging in the lashing rain before the 2 miles and I found it hard to start back up again so I really had to work hard to pick it up, my legs and lungs were working hard not to mention the Central Governor who seemed to have been off somewhere having a Mocha-choca-chino;) I kept at it and was very relieved to hear the Garmin tell me I was a winner but when I had a quick peak at the splits I didn’t feel like a winner….
    6.56, 7.02 and 7.04 for the mile repeats and 7.10 and 7.07 for the 2 miles. I have lost a lot of fitness since last June:eek: (Docklands 8K time 32.32) I headed home in the rain feeling more than a little sorry for myself but mostly glad that the session was over. I clearly have a LOT of work to do before London but that’s still 12 weeks away so no point getting stressed at this stage. I’m hopeful for sub 35 in Raheny as I’m sure it will help being able to pick off runners and I’ll definitely take a rest day the day before. A nice warm down run back to the gym brought my total miles for the day to 11.21 miles. I popped into spinning class to spin away some of my frustration:) and after a long shower all was well again in the land of Marthastew:D

    Thursday January 17th
    Recovery 4.39 miles @ 9.09 pace
    75 minute Hot Ashtanga Yoga
    Met up with my running pal for a quick easy run before heading into another great yoga class. Cold but invigorating run.

    Friday January 18th
    5 wet, windy and cold miles @ 8.55 pace
    75 minute Hot Ashtanga Yoga
    Our track session was cancelled due to this horrific weather and luckily for me my pal who is just back from holidays was keen to go out even though it was so horrible. A fun run along the coast and the west pier and the views were spectacular as the waves were crashing about. We were flying along on the way in as the wind was at our backs and of course the journey back was a tough slog. We rewarded ourselves with a nice hot yoga session after.

    I was just settling into my first downward dog when I noticed my big toenail lying on my mat:eek::eek::eek: I snatched it up fast before I was asked to leave the studio;)

    That brings the total amount of nails lost after the last few marathons to 5:eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,084 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    I wouldn't worry too much about those split times, particularly in those conditions, it's the effort that counts. When you're stuck in the middle of a bunch of other 6:30ers in Raheny that pace will feel a lot easier.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I've got two nails myself that are suspect after this past weekend. :eek: What are your feelings about painting your toenails when you've lost so many?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I've got two nails myself that are suspect after this past weekend. :eek: What are your feelings about painting your toenails when you've lost so many?

    Just paint the toe where the nail use to be? :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Saturday January 19th 12.98 miles @ 8.52 pace
    No speed session on Friday so I planned to do 11 miles ahead of Sunday’s LSR. Underestimated my route and ended up going a little further. I was very cold on this run.

    Sunday January 20th 20 miles @ 8.51 pace
    After the cold of Saturday I dressed in lots of layers for this run and I’m glad I did. Mr Stew was taking Meno and me on very hilly run that took us up to Rathmichael, Barnaslingan past Dun Laoghaire golf club. The scenery was fab, snow-capped Djouce, Sugar Loaf….. Meno and Mr S were flying up the hills but I found it very tough going, I was very happy when the downhills arrived. After that I got so tired I didn’t notice where the route took us and when my Garmin died at 16 miles I really wanted to head for home:( Eventually we were home and I left Mr S and Meno to battle it out over a sprint finish while all I was thinking was “Thank God that’s over”. This was a tough run for me mostly because I’ve had a hard week. I’m heading into an easy week now so I’m not concerned that I was so tired. After a big feed and lots to drink I was back to normal and when I totalled up my mileage for the week I was tempted to head out the door and run up and down the road…..
    Total mileage for the week 69.93 (but I’m calling that a 70 mile week:D)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    Marthastew wrote: »
    I was just settling into my first downward dog

    I hope Menostew wasn't around for this :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭RubyK

    Wow, you are really getting in the miles :eek: Brilliant work marthastew, roll on Donadea & London :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I've got two nails myself that are suspect after this past weekend. :eek: What are your feelings about painting your toenails when you've lost so many?
    Emer911 wrote: »
    Just paint the toe where the nail use to be? :D

    That's exactly what I do Emer. And I've got a super burgundy/bruise coloured polish that hides the ones that are on their way out.
    Honestly..... Digger and Krusty think they have a tough time with man flu but toenail maintenance is a much bigger problem. I'm overcome with stress every time I head into yoga where everyone's pinkies are perfectly perfect in every way, life is so hard;)

    RubyK wrote: »
    Wow, you are really getting in the miles :eek: Brilliant work marthastew, roll on Donadea & London :)
    I'm pretty sure there aren't too many females running Donadea so I'm working hard now in an effort not to be seen as a slacker on the day;)
    Plus I love running:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭RubyK

    Marthastew wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure there aren't too many females running Donadea so I'm working hard now in an effort not to be seen as a slacker on the day;)
    Plus I love running:)

    No fear of you ever been seen as a slacker :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭banner_phoenix

    Great training MS, when is Donadea - might try and pop out and support if it's not clashing with anything.

    Never knew you started with a triathlon, spill the beans please. I'm hoping that Athy will be my first OW and could do with all the tips I can get :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,821 ✭✭✭blockic

    Marthastew wrote: »
    45 minute Body Sculpt class

    45 minute lower body class

    75 minute Hot Ashtanga Yoga

    45 minute Ashtanga yoga

    45 minute Pilates reformer class

    And there I was thinking I was cool going to one class of Yoga!(Core strengthening and flexibility as us men like to call it! ;))

    That rained on my parade!! :(;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Podium finish Donadea? I'm just sayin'......;)

    And yes, being a woman with battered, bruised and missing toenails is such a stain on our feminine image that it can be quite debilitating. The whispers by the "pretty" girls...the avoidance of wearing open toe shoes....the pedicure nightmare. Sort of makes the man flu seem pretty inconsequential and trivial when you think about it. ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Sort of makes the man flu seem pretty inconsequential and trivial when you think about it. ;)

    Next you lot will be telling us that childbirth is painful! ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Great training MS, when is Donadea - might try and pop out and support if it's not clashing with anything.

    Never knew you started with a triathlon, spill the beans please. I'm hoping that Athy will be my first OW and could do with all the tips I can get :)

    Congrats on your duathlon on Sunday:D You're well on your way to Athy...
    I actually did the sprint there in 2008 and 2009 and I LOVED it both times, I didn't do too badly despite being such a poor swimmer. You will have no bother at all with the swim if it's the same as when I did it, the current is fantastic, especially if it has been raining the week before. Flat cycle and flat run, it was a super event when I did it and you will fly through it.
    blockic wrote: »
    And there I was thinking I was cool going to one class of Yoga!(Core strengthening and flexibility as us men like to call it! ;))

    That rained on my parade!! :(;)

    Even one class of yoga a week will do you the world of good.
    I do a lot of core work to counteract upping the miles; if there is one thing I learned from my injury last year it's that I can't just get up and run every day without making sure my body is going to cope well with it.
    Keep up the good work, you are in great shape:)
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Podium finish Donadea? I'm just sayin'......;)

    And yes, being a woman with battered, bruised and missing toenails is such a stain on our feminine image that it can be quite debilitating. The whispers by the "pretty" girls...the avoidance of wearing open toe shoes....the pedicure nightmare. Sort of makes the man flu seem pretty inconsequential and trivial when you think about it. ;)

    Mmm.... a podium finish would be fabulous and with Claralara concentrating on Boston I have a slightly higher chance, I'll just need to catch Racoon Queen and whoever else turns up in great shape. Wherever I finish I know I'll have worked hard for my place on the list of finishers so it's all good:)
    digger2d2 wrote: »
    Next you lot will be telling us that childbirth is painful! ;)

    Digger, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we are so relieved you are back from death's door:) Obviously childbirth pales in comparison to what you have been through recently;) My only concern is that the guns may have suffered?
