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Alanya, Turkey 2013 - My Euro Dream Odyssey



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    The problem with pressing lap at the end of your rep is that the Garmin thinks you are still moving, just recording a lap of the current interval. It only calculted the avg pace between the start and stop button. Do you press lap again for the start of the next rep?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    All I'll say is RTFM!!!!! :D:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    The clock keeps running when you only hit lap. Hence the slower pace. Do as Mike suggests and you'll avoid that.

    Personally I like to see how much wastage or time I actually spend at the pool rather than just swim time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    The problem with pressing lap at the end of your rep is that the Garmin thinks you are still moving, just recording a lap of the current interval. It only calculted the avg pace between the start and stop button. Do you press lap again for the start of the next rep?

    Ya I press lap at the end of a rep and then again when I start the next. Looks like this. So you see it know's I am resting during 'lap' hits therefore it should know not to incl this time when calculating ave pace, right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    pgibbo wrote: »
    All I'll say is RTFM!!!!! :D:p


    I'll try what shotgun suggests but it's a little annoying. :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Read The Fcuking Manual ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Read The Fcuking Manual ;)


    I usually love to do that actually but....since I am not convinced by the 910 I don't want to invest much time in it! Once it stops dropping sats and switching off we can get to know each other better :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thurs Eve 26th April

    Bike 1:15 Easy

    An easy 1.25hr spin, I thought with the awful weather I'd be doing this indoors but the rain had more or less stopped and although still dark and miserable enough I decided to HTFU and get out in it. After all I will be racing in these conditions at some point and I am pants at descending in wet conditions so I headed to the Phoenix Park and did some laps with some climbs and descents. So going to and from the park I used that as a WU and CD once in the park the HR was up into easy zone. The rain held off and I enjoyed the session.

    For this session I had the 910XT on the bars and the 305 on my wrist, see below as to how they compared:


    I had no lost sats or switching off at least yesterday. I wore the premium HR monitor, I should have set the 910 not to include 0 (freewheel) for cadence as it seems this is the 305 default. Also the 305 was on auto pause the 910 was not. So make of it what you will. Discrepancies everywhere from elevation to spped to HR despite reading from the same monitor. I will test angin on long bike on Saturday.

    Fri Morn 27th April

    Swim Club Session

    So this morning I was going to be doing a 400TT, must have been why I was awake at 4:30, not neccesarily a bad thing to be a bit anxious about a training session. On Feb 12th this year I did my last 400 for time, 6:21 that morning, so I followed the same WU.

    WU 4x 100sw off 2min
    10x 50k off 1:15
    100sw Easy

    400TT: The first 100 was in about 1:29 (quick glance at pace clock), 200 was in on about 3min, was sub 6 actually on ,can I maintain? Answer, no. Not sure what 300 came in on as I forgot to glance. So 400 came in on 6:18(PB), 3 sec PB.

    Great to set a new 400 PB, but did I really fall off by 18 sec in the second half? Computer says no! Garmin file suggests I backstroked the final 25m in 40 sec! Actually it seems I back stroke the final 25min of most reps! But let just assume the overall time is correct as they seem to be and the first 15 of the 16 lengths are correct then doing the maths I hit the first 200 in 3:10 and the second in 3:08. So do I go by a dodgy watch that I don’t trust or by the pace clock and my eye. It has to be the later but I really did not feel like I fell off by 18sec in the second half:confused:. A head wreck, see the file for yourselves if ye wish, it’s a head stratcher for sure…apparently I even breaststroked at on point! So, despite not trusting the watch (should have used the pool mate watch) I do think the overall times are correct as I said.

    I then got stuck into 20x 100 off 2min, as in 4x{5x 100} with 50bc easy between sets (Like I say, I trust the OA times)

    Set 1: Pull Descend 1-5; 1:45, 1:44, 1:42, 1:38, 1:35
    Set 2: Pull Last Rep in Set 1 x 5; 1:34, 1:35, 1:36, 1:37, 1:41
    Set 3: Swim Descend 1-5; 1:51, 1:45, 1:44, 1:42, 1:38

    A chat then with the coach, he wanted me to change my mental approach to the fast 100’s. He said for me to just do the first one as a TT, forget that I have 5 more – ‘maybe we’ll call it a morning and have a swim down…who knows?’ As I suspected that wasn’t the case, but the aim was for 1:32 and hold it. So I was thinking each one is for time…do it, don’t think.

    Set 4: Swim Last Rep in Set 1 x 5; 1:28, 1:33, 1:34, 1:37, 1:35

    Delighted J More satisfying than the 400 PB almost! What made me most happy was being able to dig deep and not let the last one drift to 1:40+, instead bringing it back to 1:35.

    So maybe I drop pace/power in the last part of sets, just poor pacing really but there is a lot there to be positive about

    I did what shotgun said re hitting stop first then lap to record, took a little getting used to at first.

    Time 1:30; Dist 3,600; Ave Pace 1:35/100; Ave SWOLF 39; Ave Efficiency 39; Ave Strokes/length 24;

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Interesting comparison of the 2 Garmins.

    Here, your swolf was 39 which I'm assuming is based on a 25m pool. Mine was almost twice that this morning but in the 50m. However your strokes/length was 24?! Do you just multiply by 2 or is it calculating double or strokes per 50m? :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Interesting comparison of the 2 Garmins.

    Here, your swolf was 39 which I'm assuming is based on a 25m pool. Mine was almost twice that this morning but in the 50m. However your strokes/length was 24?! Do you just multiply by 2 or is it calculating double or strokes per 50m? :confused:

    Sorry shotgun...internet woes over the weekend. The swolf was based on 25m pool. Strokes/length really should be multiplied by 2 and thats what I did (it was 12 on the watch).

    Ok life is too short for long updates so here is a short version:

    Friday Eve 27th Apr

    Run incl 10x 400m

    Wasn’t really sure how to pace these but instruction was basically pace the first same as the last and every one inbetween. Didn’t get it exactly right but here is the file

    Sat 28th Apr

    Bike Incl 3 x race pace efforts

    Between work and lfe things over the weekend my head wasn’t in training but I still got everything done. One thing I noted during this spin, I was comfortably holding 30k/hr + for easy effort. It was sunny, cold and windy, the 910XT turned off twice – again when doing the race efforts. HR is all messed up because I didn’t clip it in properly so the entire spin was done by RPE.

    File here

    Run off the bike with steady efforts, felt pretty good actually, with head not right I almost didn't do it but I got out there and did it.

    Sun 29th Apr

    Run LER with steady and mod hard efforts to bring it home

    Again very very windy. I was not going to put up the same numbers as last weeks run because of the windy and hilly course. This was tough but thankfully a recovery week now.

    File here

    Incl strength, rolling and stretching work about 20 hours put down last week and I was most happy with Fridays swim and Fridays run session. Feeling good but under a bit of stress but nothing that won't work out soon just a bit of a head wreck. As we all know it's very difficult to train when the head isn't 100% in it. I'll keep ticking the sessions off none the less.

    Day off today.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Tues Morn 1st May

    NAC SC Coach Prescribed

    I was out late, although not drinking, in town to watch the big game last night (less said about that the better ;)) So I decided to not get up at the usual time and try to get my swim in later in the day where I had a couple of free classes, I figured that on a recovery week sleep has to take perference.

    Although I didn’t get the full session done what I did I was pleased with. Confidence is creeping back into my swim.

    50 des 1-4 on 60: 49, 45, 43, 41
    4x 100sw steady: 1:36, 1:35, 1:37, 1:37
    Then I had 4 set of 50’s off 70 but aiming to get them all in on 45sec, only got two sets done: 44, 44, 46, 44, 45, 45, 46, 45. Pacing wasn’t bad.

    Then cool down.

    Time 45min; Dist 1,900m

    Tues Eve

    60 Easy Spin

    I used to hate this session! Why? Well I found it difficult to get my HR into the right zone and then hold it, my legs would always have to work super hard. Now? Not a problem, after 10min of easy spinning and perhaps one or two brief stints out of the saddle to get the HR up I am able to keep it there now and hold it. Just like at the weekend I am holding 32/33kmhr for my ave speed handy enough. I thought it may have to do with the new aero position but it’s probably to do more with all the training ☺

    Time 60mi; Dist 32km; Cad 93rpm.

    This time last week my legs were in bits from the weekend training this week they feel great even after a similar weekend. Recovered much quicker thankfully and this recovery week is just giving me a taste of what it will be like to race on fresh legs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weds Morn 2nd May

    Swim NAC LC Coach Prescribed

    Again body feeling good and enjoyed 30min of stretching and rolling before the session. I had some fist/sw fast 50's which ranged from 45-49sec. Then some 100's as in alt sw easy/pull steady, easy swim coming in on ave 1:45 and pull on ave 1:38. Fast 50's: 44, 45, 45, 44 much better paced than usual.

    Time 50; Dist 2,500m; Ave Eff 40; Ave SWOLF 81; Ave Pace 1:42/100m; Ave Strokes 24/length

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weds Eve 2nd May

    Run 45 min easy

    Enjoying my running these days. Seems a lot easier and my easy pace has definitely came down, 4:14/km yesterday at the very low limit of easy :) I had the 910 and 305 with me, the 910 had my pace 5sec/km faster than the 305 on ave but once uploaded to GC they were both reading the same. Conclusion is once uploaded corrections were made because the 305 ave did not change but the 910 was brought more in line with the 305, the 910is giving me inaccurate current and therefore ave pace...not good. Ok for me I guess but if one was training for a marthon. I'll be ringing them again today. Main thing anyway for now is I'm running nicely.

    Time 43:51; Dist 10.35km; HR 142; Pace 4:14/km

    Thurs Morn 3rd May

    Bike Turbo with steady and mod hard efforts

    Dont really like doing early turbo's, takes the legs a while to get going so had to force it a bit to get the HR up into desired zone. That's just what I did and did some steady and mod hard bits, by the end I felt good and strong.

    Up early to get this done as I have booked in with Ciaran McDonagh for a pre-hab session/maintenance session....agony for 30min but he is so good and I'll need to be feeling good/fresh for the final big two weeks before Athy, while there I'll also book in the Monday after Athy too, help recovery and leave me fresh for Crooked Lake.

    Time 60min; Dist(speed) 33km; Cad 90; WATT 241; HR 128.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    ......I have booked in with Ciaran McDonagh for a pre-hab session/maintenance session....agony for 30min......

    glad that's over :rolleyes: He thinks the legs are in much better shape and upper body not as tight as before. Calfs however were tight, very painful but he put me through the ringer then did a good assisted stretch routine followed by ten min in the compression machine, should be feeling good tomorrow :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fri Morn 4th May

    Swim Club session

    Alarm went off 5:10am as per....usually I'm up straight away or within 10 min but I turned over and after 5min I checked the!t 5:50! Hopped out of bed and was in the water by 6 :) A nice prolonged WU and then into 2x {2x 200sw, 6x 100sw} 200's off 3:45 and 100's off 1:45, paddles and pull for the second set.

    200's: 3:25, 3:24
    100's: 1:36, 1:37, 1:39, 1:38, 1:38, 1:38

    200's: 3:14, 3:15
    100's: 1:35, 1:37, 1:36, 1:37, 1:37, 1:37

    then 4x 50 as in easy, fast, fast, easy off 70:

    50's: 50, 39.1, 39.28, 50

    Finally fast 50 under 40.....two of them :) Albeit in 25m format but still, good mentally.

    Now this bit is just for interested ;) :P
    Time 1:15; Dist 3,000m; Ave SWOLF 38; Ave Eff 38; Ave Strk 11/length; Ave Ave Pace 1:44/100m

    This has so far been my best quality recovery week, I've learned from the previous ones were I took it too easy and ate crap or ate the same amount as a regular training week. With fresh legs and mind I'm looking forward to next week and the final two big weeks. Yesterdays pre-hab session has me feeling pretty loose this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Fri Morn 4th May
    Ave SWOLF 38; Ave Eff 38; Ave Strk 11/length

    Since this watch looks like big ben on your arm I wonder what is the drag effect associated with swimming with it on ... but why wonder, Im sure its yet-another-feature on the chronometer itself ;) I guess you could write to the manufacturers (if you get time over the summer) regarding a firmware update for the alarm function. :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    interested wrote: »
    Since this watch looks like big ben on your arm I wonder what is the drag effect associated with swimming with it on ... but why wonder, Im sure its yet-another-feature on the chronometer itself ;) I guess you could write to the manufacturers (if you get time over the summer) regarding a firmware update for the alarm function. :eek:


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fri Eve 4th May

    Run 1:10 easy

    Totally forgot how much a deep tissue massage can take out of you. Felt great in the morning, upper body especially but by the time the evening came around and I got running, honestly it felt like I had done a long hard run the day before! I was in bits by the end. Lessoned learned….make sure you have a very easy day the day after a deep tissue massage, like a swim and easy bike or something. So can’t say I enjoyed it but got it done none the less.

    Time 1:10; Dist 15.7km; Pace 4:28/km; HR 147;

    Sat May 5th

    Run 30 min easy with 6x 20sec fast/30sec recovery

    Well as I was helping the club out today at a tri beginners training day it was only a short run. The first 2 fast reps weren’t great as I was still sore but I got into the last 4 and the rest of the run seemed easier. Still sore today biut better.

    Time 27:35; Dist 6.5; Pace 4:16/km; HR 150;

    30th tonight and 2.5hr spin tomorrow with a sore head. At some stage I want to get an OW swim in this weekend, hopefully this evening in Galway if not maybe the morning, might work as a cure ☺

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Sun 6th May

    2:30 Easy

    A lovely day but towards the end got very cold but I had a wind proof jacket in my pocket so that was grand. The first 1:15 was great, my ave was speed was 35km/h with a HR of 126 which is the low limit of easy. Then on rougher, much rougher roads I lost a bottle, lost the lovely momentum I” had and my saddle started to dip-not on tight enough! This left me my sliding forward and being all crumbled. Nothing I could do, so went from being very comfortable and effortlessly flying along to being very uncomfortable andstruggling. Pity as I could just feel the confidence bulding, but I still know good bike splits are there. Hope for similar weather in Valentia next weekend.

    Time 2:40; Dist 81.2km; Speed 30.5km/h; HR 126; CAD 89; No of 910xt power off’s 2;

    So that’s the end of the recovery, two very big weeks coming now before a recovery week and then the peak phase.

    Unfortunately I didn't get a dip in the OW this weekend in Galway...time and tide didn't allow. Really want to get a dip in before Valentia so I'll see what I can do during the week.

    Weekly Summary

    30th Apr - 06th May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    As I said previously I felt this was my best yet recovery week. With only 3 weeks to Athy and Valentia on Sat there are still somethings I could tighten up now regarding nutrition/diet. Finally after a long winter, starting on Oct 3rd and disrupted with my first (and hopefully last) ITB injury, I have a tri to look forward to this weekend :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Mon 7th May

    Swim Coach Prescribed Roscommon Pool 25m

    Pool only open from 11am - 5pm, just one lane in and I was lucky because by the end it was packed with kids everywhere! Scary :o Anyway got the session done and once again felt pretty good.

    4x 50 des 1-4 on 60: 47, 45, 43, 40
    Then some 200's, pull/B&B: Pull on ave 3:30, B&B on ave 3:35
    4x 50 fast on 60: 40, 42, 42, 43

    Yep feeling good. Usually I can and do transfer swimming in OW pretty well but I really want a dip this week before Valentia.

    Time 1:00; Dist 2,700m

    Run LER

    Did this as 4x{19:30 run, 0:30 walk} Again on a hilly windy course at home but at least I got out during showers and the sun was shinning. Felt pretty good for the first half but it got progressively tougher from then. Legs were getting heavier and heavier. I tried to keep cadence fresh as I could but I think the less then ideal bike position the day before had me in more soreness then usual.

    Time 1:20; Dist 17.28km; Pace 4:37/km; Cad 84; HR 146;

    Tues 8th May

    Bike 60 min Turbo

    I had mod-hard efforts 5x6min of them after some HC and build work. My ave HR for the first one failed to creep into the mod-hard zone but after that I did enough to get the HR and into desired zone for long enough to give me a ave HR in the appropriate zone. Good session in the end and feeling pretty strong, trying to visualise Saturday's race, particularly the bike route (hard done when you haven't done it before :rolleyes:)

    Time 1:00; Dist/Speed 33km; Cad 94; HR 128;

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weds Morn 9th May

    NAC LC Coach Prescribed

    After my WU and main set I got stuck into some 150's steady/mod hard and 100'd mod hard and hard. Worked hard and felt like race swimming, also felt pretty good. Times were not spectacular but consistent enough, struggled in the third set a bit, actually went slower in the mod part than steady and slower in the hard bit than the mod….but It’s about effort and the effort was there as energy is high these days.

    Fast 50’s on 60: 43, 46, 47, 49

    Time 1:15; Dist 3000m; Ave SWOLF 81; Ave Eff 40; Ave Pace 1:39; Ave Strks 25.7/50m

    In the last few sessions I have started to practice my sighting again and breathing to the left side every 4th breath, which I am comfortable enough doing actually. So tomorrow I’ll try to get in some OW swimming and then Friday I’ll bring the wetsuit to training and my race google and two hats, do the WU in race set up and then hop out and get the wetsuit off quick snap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weds Eve 9th May

    Run 45 min

    Really like the 40-50 min sessions with steady and mod hard efforts, this evening was no different. I was moving pretty well although when I had to do the mod hard bit it took a while for my mind to push my body into that zone now hurting on the bike used to be a problem, but not anymore thankfully. I mean usually running while hurting isn’t a problem for me, I actually love running just below the LTHR (sweetspot I believe people refer to it). Anyway this evening I didn’t seem to want to know….that better change by Saturday and I’m sure it will. I wore the 910 and 305 again just to compare:

    The 305


    The 910xt


    I have to let it go now. The 910xt is mine and it’s what I’m stuck with, I’ve been on the garmin forums and Garmin is well aware of all the problems and believe loads of people are having the same problems as me. They will be fixed I’m sure but really it ain’t good enough, there is still plenty of good features on the watch. Biggest problems (A) current pace – temporary fix = use lap pace (B) switching off mid ride – temporary fix = wear on wrist.

    Plus the 305 isn’t mine, again I am indebted to Sean Ampibkingwest, thank you so much dude for lending me your watch for 10 months now. Sound man and see you in Valentia were I’ll return the device ☺

    Collected my disc cover today but tempted as I am to fit it, I’m not going to. It’s too close to Valentia, get it fitted, test it, get used of it etc…so I will go with last years wheel set up. Anyway it won’t make any difference in Valentia. However on my two A race courses, flat and fast-it may make a big differece.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Hi Micheal,

    I read something about a temp fix for the pace on 910.

    Apparently if you change sport before say run, then change back to run and head off it works??
    So mode to bike, then back to run and start workout.

    Worth a try?

    Or else just go 2 seconds faster each split :)

    See you in Valentia.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    A disk is always faster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    @Fazz yep that was muted as a fix/sliver bullet but it's not, tried it and still doesn't work. I can go off lap pace for now anyway.

    @tunney even on very hilly courses eg alpe d'huez? It's too close now anyway to get it fitted and I wouldn't be used/comfortable trying it in a race first...which is a no no anyway with anything. But I hear you-you're just making the point that disc's are faster....should give me "free speed" as it were then for Athy and Camlough, not to mention the psychological boost it will give when I hear the beautiful sound it makes :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    @Fazz yep that was muted as a fix/sliver bullet but it's not, tried it and still doesn't work. I can go off lap pace for now anyway.

    @tunney even on very hilly courses eg alpe d'huez? It's too close now anyway to get it fitted and I wouldn't be used/comfortable trying it in a race first...which is a no no anyway with anything. But I hear you-you're just making the point that disc's are faster....should give me "free speed" as it were then for Athy and Camlough, not to mention the psychological boost it will give when I hear the beautiful sound it makes :cool:

    Almost always faster then.

    Bad news for you - wheel covers do not make the disc sound. Only sound disks do!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    tunney wrote: »
    Almost always faster then.

    Bad news for you - wheel covers do not make the disc sound. Only sound disks do!

    NOOOOOO :(:(:mad: Pretty sure Fazz said it does :confused: I'm returning it so :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Stick a lolipop stick in between the spokes to make a noise like you used to do when you were a kid:) That will make up for the lack of a noise with the disc cover.
    Interested to see how you go the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thurs Morn 9th May

    Bike 75min easy with surges

    Only got 60 min of this done I'm afraid but it was good quality. Felt pretty good and built into it so that 15min of the last 20 my HR was in higher easy zone. Wantyed to do this before work so I cant fit in OW after work...fingers crossed.

    Time 60min; Dist 32.5km; Cad 93rpm; HR 129.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    tunney wrote: »
    Almost always faster then.

    Bad news for you - wheel covers do not make the disc sound. Only sound disks do!

    It does make a sound. It sounds like a bag of tupperware rattling around when you go over a pothole :D
