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Alanya, Turkey 2013 - My Euro Dream Odyssey



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Good to have you back ElDude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    @Bambaata thanks dude, long road back begins now.

    @Kurt Godel thanks man. You are right it really does make it almost seem worthwhile. It defo gives you a great appreciation of where you were and how well you were actually doing. More of that below.

    @DD thanks this rate I might just catch you in the SBR swim km's ;)

    @shotgun thanks man. Well initially it was just the Euro's and not sure what to do the second half of 2013, then I finished in top 4 of AG in the qualifying race for London so decided to accept my place, I may as well as I am training for sprint and olympic again next year and this should keep me focused during the summer. Are you planning a return to ITU AG racing next year?

    @BTH thank dude. Ha, you are a funny man but I am sure we could work out some team tactic alright....some swim exit blocking and the like :)

    @jackyback thanks man.
    Pulse Sprint Triathlon Race Report

    Pre Race

    Had a busy week with the department inspection which went really well and then had to head to Athlone to meet Linda who was already at the wedding we were attending. Just arrived on time for the dinner :cool: I made a pig of myself...two starters, two mains, two deserts....any wonder I am 5/6kg over race weight :rolleyes: Didn't leave until 1:45 and I was not in bed until 3:30am. Up then to do an airport run at 5:30am and by the time I got back to the house it was 6:15 and time to either go back to bed or actually get ready for the race. I was temtped....really tempted. Decided to get the gear together and get the race wheels on and have breakie. Then get into the car and start driving. Took my sweet ass time in everything I did, half hoping I'd be too late to race :o Arrived and joined a slow moving Q to register, then another to get my chip and goody bag and then another to go to the toilets! 'Fecking hell...' I thought, at this rate I won't get my bike in transition on time, great! But. alas. I still had loads of time. With my saddle height racking has been a problem at a few races this season. It's just too high for them and will not rest on the bar unless it is tilted quite a bit and leaning on the bike to the side. Talked to Dave from Pulse and Eamon Tiley, Dave always sound and Eamon very accommodating in moving my bike to a higher bar and actually a better spot. Then I decided to warm up, not racing today without a WU. Got in 12 min jogging with heel flicks, knee highs and pick ups. Into wetsuit, "guess I am racing so" :rolleyes:


    A beach start, practiced dolphin dives for the first time this year in during the swim warm up, they were needed here. Water temp was pretty chilly but the way Macanri was going on (meet up during the race brief) you'd swear we racing in the arctic circle! A couple of ladies told him to 'man up' but he was so shocked I don't think he heard them :)

    The line was drawn on the beach and we were off. I started on the front line but I was a few rows back by the time we hit the water! Bodies everywhere, maddest start to a race I have had in a while I must say. I tried to just go with the flow and the bumps. After the first buoy things spread out and I started to make my way through the field. I was hoping to be in the top 20 seen as I have been doing a lot of swim km's lately. That didn't happen but I fully expect it to happen in Blacksod next weekend as my swimming as really been geared to 1,500m distance and I was definitely pulling people back as the swim went on.

    Time 13:42; Pos 36/360


    A nice grassy transition, took my time, no sprint into and just made sure I got everything right!

    Time 0:58; Pos 98/360


    A very sorbering experience. Over 20 people passed me on what has been my strongest leg for the last 3 years. I passed 1. I was conscious of my ego and emotions leading me to push hard but that wasn't the plan today. Today's goal was to get through without the injury surfacing it's ugly head. So after a while people stopped passing me and I settled down. It's a nice course for sure. I felt heavy though and on the fast sections I was very cautious, even sitting up. A far cry from my sub 29min 19:xxkm TT earlier this year.

    Time 33:03; Pos 71/360


    Dismount was fine, again no rushing just made sure.

    Time 0:41; Pos 102/360;


    Headed out on the run and could see a long line of athletes head. I just got into a comfortable pace and went about bringing it home with no issues please God. Well there wasn't and the best sign that you are over an injury is that you forgot you even had one while you are running, this did happen. I ran pretty well I thought actually, only two passed me, I didn't pass anyone. This toughest thing to stomach tbh was watching the race going on at the front. Thornton had a commanding lead but it was tight amoung the chasers including our own Fazz who had another top result, 13 days after his 70.e heroics. I watched as they came flying by in the opposite direction. I saw 3 guys in the top 12 that I was regularly beating back in June and was sad to see how they have all pushed on during the summer and I have gone back. I counted them as they went passed, I stopped after 15. I was delighted to finish though and no no knee problems at all. Happy days. It was defo short at about 4.7km I'd say. I actually beat my run time from last year by 3 sec :)

    Time 18:40; Pos 83/360;


    Time 1:07:07; Pos 51/360

    So big positive is I am over the injury but must never, never neglect maintenance work again (or fvck up my saddle height again!)

    Even the in depressing sight of fit, mean looking, focused lads fighting in out at the pointy end I can take some positives. I appreciate now were I was and how well I was going only 2 months ago. I will get there again and if I have an injury free winter and therefore more km's and quality training I will be even better again and should be top 6\7 in such a race next year.

    Well done Pulse. They ran a great/safe race with marshall's at every junction and even at downhill sections just in case. Take note other clubs/race organisers. A great club and a great race. I love racing, it's why I train and it was so nice to be part of race day again. A big part of that is meeting and chatting with people. Nice meeting Fazz and Macanri again, well done lads. MAc I promise I'll get your bike to you this week :p:rolleyes::o;)

    So last week of training for the 2012 season, then a break and back at it mid Oct and hopefully, hopefully the start of a long uninjured stint :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Well done El D. Gave you a shout as you passed where I was marshalling - well I saw the amazing technicolour dreamsuit and beard and hoped for the best.

    I was the awesomemest marshall. Can't have missed me. :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    The water WAS f'n freezing!

    It seemed grand for the race after the initial shock. That's what I get for hibernating all summer.
    Well done to you - a great performance as you are only getting back after the injury.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    @RQ thanks for the encouragement even if I can't recall it but much appreciated, pity I didn't get to meet you, will have to next time.

    @Macanri thanks man, in fairness it was pretty chilly :)

    On Sunday I did 45min maintenance work and a 30min easy spin on the bike to loosen out. Back in the pool this morning for an easy session too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Coming off the back of an injury and therefore a couple of months of inconsistent training, this was never going to be pretty. A course like this, every bit as tough as BoTE and HoTW, was always going to be a challenge. Why do it? I needed my 5th and final NS race points in order to improve my chances of getting an AG spot for Turkey next year. Turned out to be my hardest day at the office, even harder than HoTW 2009.

    I made the long trip to the north west of Ire after school and did not arrive until 11:00pm. It was not until the beautiful morning sunrise that I got just how completely awe inspiring the scenery is up there. I stayed in a friend little cottage in Carrowteige-make this a place/area to visit especially if you like your walking/hiking/running/biking, it's breathtakingly remote. Just a pity about the Shell project up there. As I got out of my car I was lucky enough to cast my eyes skywards towards the cloudless, star filled sky and there it was-a massive metor shower! So bright it was frightening! Now I come from a remote enough spot but it was very eerie, took a while to sleep.

    So the beautiful morning sunrise over the mountains was the last thing that brought a smile to my face that day. I headed to Blacksod good and early as I had missed the registeration the night before. Once registered I got my WU in but I knew I was not feeling great. I was looking forward to the swim though and soon enough we were off.
    Blacksod Challenge 2012


    The walk to the swim start is bloody painful, must remember flipflops next time! I lined up well to the left of the shore as did only a handful of others but it turned out to be the right spot. Lining up this side ensured we stayed out of trouble and got motoring straight away. The swim to the first buoy was straight forward but very difficult to sight, I was depending on those in front of me. I was doing nicely at this point and certainly right up there. After the right turn we started back towards the shore but the swell was huge and now spotting buoys was next to impossible. Myself and a few others went off course and even inside the buoy's, it was very disorientating. Once back on course I started feeling cramps in both hamstrings. Damn, very early for this, the rest of my swim was muck.

    Time 25:15; Pos 38/210


    I had to walk this and try to stretch. Considered calling it a day but decided to get on the bike and see how it goes.

    Time 1:47; Pos 110/210


    I mounted the bike very carefully. Then when I reached down to get my feet in and secured my hamstring cramped like crazy. I had to stop, the leg just seized up, muscles in a knot. Queue 10min of trying to get the leg to loosen out. At this stage off the bike sitting on someones wall, I should have called it a day there and then, my mind told me too but it was if an auto mode kicked in. I took my shoes off the bike and put them on, then got on my bike very carefully. Started to pedal and away I went. Two minutes later I was stopped again. The other leg was at it now. Agony. After a few more minutes I got going again. I knew that there was a very steep hill coming very, very soon and if I had to stop here I was walking back-no way of getting back on your bike half way up this hill. I managed it anyway, actually passed a good few struggling going up it. Then I got going and the only good thing was that there were loads to pass. I must have passed 100+! I decided then on the way back that I would not be putting my runners on and calling it a day in T2. The run here is just so tough it would be hell.

    Time 1:22:31; Pos 102/210


    "What the hell are you doing? Why??" I found myself asking. I just could stop myself putting my runners on and walking to the run start.

    Time 1:57; Pos 165/210;


    I was very sore starting to say the least. I concentrated on small quick steps. This worked for about 6k actually and only 2 came by me. I was averaging 5min/km which was fine, it was all about surviving now. I actually passed 3 out myself. Then on the way back I knew trouble was coming my way. People started to take me. I remember looking up at the final hill and saying "this one could break me". It almost did. I was shuffling now. Long ago I met the race leaders flying down the hill and it was a lonely place now. Then I came to a complete full stop. Both legs locked, quads and hamstrings in knots. I could not get over the encouragement from everyone as they now streamed by. I knew that if I could get to the top of the hill I would make it home unaided. After a few minutes of just standing there, unable to even stretch, I started to walk. I walked to the top of the hill and then started to jog again. one step at a time, "just keep moving forward" I told myself. Unable to bend my legs at the knees I was running with straight legs-must have looked funny :) I finally crossed the line and was so happy to be done.

    Time 53:46; Pos 145/210;

    Time 2:45:19; Pos 102/210

    As I was bent over the railing staring at my quads involuntary contractions bryangiggsy came over to me, great to meet you dude, nice to have the chat.

    So an up and down 2012 season and one I will look back on this week. I am starting my 3rd week of unstructured training this week, winter training resumes next Monday and I can't wait :) Two goals between now and the end of the year: (1) Remain injury free and therefore have consistent training (2) Nail a sub 18min 5k :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I know how you feel with those cramps dude :mad: Nightmare!! It ends the race and takes a real stubborn focus on a finish to get through it. Well done for persevering. 5th race down, some points bagged. Nowhere near your usual race performance but you got it done and kudos for that.

    Season done now so pressure off for a bit. Consider the weaknesses to be addressed and a different approach to them too. If it works stick, if not change. I'm not sure how to get to the bottom of the cramps myself but I have a plan of attack. I'll check out the thread on the main Forum. Couldn't even bring myself to read it yet :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    The 2012 Tri Season Review

    Up and down. The three words I would use to descibe my season, unfortunately it ended on a down and that is where I have found myself stranded. There will however be a chance to end the year on a high, more on that later.


    On April the 1st I lined up for my first outting of the 2012 year, having already had to bin races in Jan, Feb and March due to an early season ITB setback. It was a beautiful day and a lovely duathlon course in Ennis. I came home 8th and that meant a solid start to the year especially considering the curtailed training programme I had been on.


    Then it was onto May and my first tri of 2012 which just happened to be the Nationl Sprint Champs in Valentia. Now I had already penciled in this race as I always wanted to do it, I didn’t know it was going to be the NS Cprint Champs! So a high quality field and I was rusty as hell! My swim was my standout split here but after months of no racing really the high intensity of this race really caught me off an guard and my bike and first 2k of the run were shocking both in terms of my times and just in terms of shock to the system! Finished a credible enough 20th. A few days later I did the club 20k TT and really went for it, my type of course-flat and not technical! I clocked it at 500m or so short but I have been ensured that it is 20k and if that is the case then I hit one of my year’s objectives-a sub 29min 20k as I clocked a 28:30 (42km/hr) so that really gave me an indication that I have potential when it comes to TT’ing. It was a timely boost as I had started to doubt my biking cababilities. Then it was the Ballbriggan Aquathon, so no biking in this one. A really enjoyable event and coming along side the lead swimmer was a really season highlight ☺ I then had cramping problems on the run for the first km which meant I lost contact with 1st place and 3rd place guy caught me. Unfortunately this would not be the last time cramping affected me. Still it was a podium and I was delighted that evening heading home.


    This was the month of my A races. TriAthy Sprint was first up. I really went all out for this race, cramps affected me again in T2 this time but I ran home strong for a 13th place OA and 4th in my category which also sealed a spot for the London AG World Champs next year. I was very happy with the performance but was a little disappointd when I saw that if I was 17sec faster then 9th place would have been mine. This was also the first time that I noticed ‘Mr Invictus’ (McGarry), I would battle again with him in 6 days time at my second A race. And so onto Crooked Lake Tri, this bike course did not suit me really, technical, up and down and a bit short. I once again battled it out with McGarry (freakishly the same type of battle with him 6 days previous!) This time we were shoulder to shoulder leaving T2. He finished 17sec ahead of me in Athy and 7 sec ahead of me here. I finished 14th here. I then had another Aquathon, this time in Bray (my favourite series of Aqua’s) I had my best ever Bray Aqua result finished 6th here. Then it was a race that I was really only doing for others. Turned out to be my most satisfying and enjoyable race of the year – the Hell of The West. I just love doing this race and the craic after. I finished 16th and napped a second place in my AG (MCOS 1st!) Going up to receive an AG prize in Kilkee was probably my proudest moment in tri to date ☺ Unfortunately things started to go down hill after this.

    July – Oct

    After Kilkee I had a two week holiday and basically did no training. When I got back I started back into it but very inconsistent. I then messed up my saddle height and this eventually lead to my second injury of the year - petella tendonicous. This meant lots of treatment and lots of swimming. I actually made very big gains in the swimming but that did not really show in my final races. I decided to complete Pulse and Blacksod just to have my 5 NS and hopefully enough points for Turkey ETU AG. Well the reports for those races are fresh enough in this log so I wont go there but in short – I stuffered a lot.

    Since then I did the Great Fjord Swim – a savage event and well worth it, I will definitely do it again next year. I have just done my first week of winter training with no issues I am glad to say and starting week two now.

    After a meeting with the coach the I stated that really my only goal for the rest of the year is to remain injury free and therefore get back to consistent training. I will be happy with that. If it really goes well perhaps I could end the year on a high with a PB at the Jingle Bells 5k on Dec 1st, although that really seems too much of an ask being only 5 weeks away. Still, that is not the goal, the goal is staying injury free.

    The other thing that came out of the meeting with the coach is that there will be more intesity this year and bike training will be very different. Why? I will be training with power. I was to buy an SMR Dua Ace with PCV but that fell through as my road bike has those new press fit BB. So back to the drawing board. I had to call in a couple of early christmas presents as the PM system I have decided to go with is nearly twice as much as I had planned – the Quarq SRAM Red PM with left/right power balance that should work with my 910xt. So fingers crossed that all works out and in 3 weeks I will be PM training and I hope that that and my hard work and effort brings me to a new level biking wise. I will still be racing on a heavy bike but I am getting there and I have almost built a super TT! All I need is a new frame and group set so over the next two years I hope to put them in plac and by that time I hope to be seriously strong on the bike! I am pretty happy with my swim and that will keep improving but it really the big overall improvement for me lie’s in running and biking (and transitions!)

    Last Week

    So my numbers for last week were: Swim 6.5k; Bike 80k; Run 31.8k

    As regards this log, I am tempted to bin it but I have decided to resurrect it and try to keep it up dated more often. I will try but if I just can’t find the time I will have to bin it.

    Happy winter training everybody :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Good to see you are going to try and keep this log going (The title of it nails you till at least after Alanya anyways)

    Kilkee was a great race for you alright, you finished ahead of some strong guys that day

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Be a shame if you decide to bin the log. I enjoy reading it and often read your older logs too for inspiration. Hope you have an injury free 2013 and the rest of 2012 and look forward to seeing you at races next season - and hopefully a few club events :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thanks lads, it's nice to know that ye enjoy the log :)

    I was away in Cavan all week with Linda. A nice break and I got in some training too.


    Got in 3 sessions this week and will squeeze in another this afternoon too. Begining to already see a return to form. It helps the confidence to have a week in a 25m pool with a max dept of 1.5m, I felt like I was flying :) So 100's steady back down to 1:36-1:32/100 and fast 50' back to 40-42. Now those numbers will creep up again when /i return to the NAC but the form is definitely coming back.

    Total c.8,000m (depends what I get done this afternoon)


    3 runs thus far this week including a really nice 7k loop around the lakes on trails on the estate where we were staying. Love those types of runs. Also a good fartlek run yesterday.

    Total c.c.36km (depends on tomorrows long run)


    I got 75km in or so but I am not biking again until further notice. There is something not quiet right with the set up. I have got pain in the back of my left knee twice this week after a spin. Found the saddle to be a bit low but that has not sorted the problem. I will take some video on the trainer and send to coach and my bike fitter to see if they can spot anything.


    Doing a bit each day.

    The weather is crap and usually I never take any notice but it's making it difficult to get out these days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100


    Got in 3 sessions this week and will squeeze in another this afternoon too. Begining to already see a return to form. It helps the confidence to have a week in a 25m pool with a max dept of 1.5m, I felt like I was flying :) So 100's steady back down to 1:36-1:32/100 and fast 50' back to 40-42. Now those numbers will creep up again when /i return to the NAC but the form is definitely coming back.

    Quick question ElD, how much slower per 100m are you in the LC pool as opposed to the SC?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    griffin100 wrote: »

    Got in 3 sessions this week and will squeeze in another this afternoon too. Begining to already see a return to form. It helps the confidence to have a week in a 25m pool with a max dept of 1.5m, I felt like I was flying :) So 100's steady back down to 1:36-1:32/100 and fast 50' back to 40-42. Now those numbers will creep up again when /i return to the NAC but the form is definitely coming back.

    Quick question ElD, how much slower per 100m are you in the LC pool as opposed to the SC?[/Quote]

    How ya Gif. In my experience it can be up to 3sec per 100 of a difference, and as you increase the distances I feel that the difference can widen even more. For instance for a 400m swim the difference can be up to 5sec per 100m, which equates to 20sec!

    I live training LC and would not change it only if I had to which I will some day :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,811 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Thanks ElD. I reckon you're bang on with that. I allow 4-5 secs for LC v SC being a lot slower than you. I do all my training LC now other than my weekly coached session and I reckon training LC gives a much better return over SC. It helps having a LC close to work that I can get to within 5 mins any day I want :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    . There is something not quiet right with the set up. I have got pain in the back of my left knee twice this week after a spin. Found the saddle to be a bit low but that has not sorted the problem. I will take some video on the trainer and send to coach and my bike fitter to see if they can spot anything.

    Back of the knee = saddle too high

    Front of the knee = saddle too low

    Time to get a bike fit again?

    PS does it hurt on the up-push when squatting by any chance? Usually bike pain at the back of the knee from biking is the biceps femoris tendon

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    kennyb3 wrote: »
    Back of the knee = saddle too high

    Front of the knee = saddle too low

    Time to get a bike fit again?

    PS does it hurt on the up-push when squatting by any chance? Usually bike pain at the back of the knee from biking is the biceps femoris tendon

    Great to hear from you Kenny! Hope you are keeping well. From what I have read you are spot on and yes bike needs to be looked at and that is what I am going to do, can't afford it right now but going to video myself and send it to the coach and Fernando Fuentes so hopefully they will spot the problem. It is hard to understand as the height is right and I have not changed anything else apart from not being as fit and 8kg over race weight. It doesn't hurt on the up push of squatting but then again because I stopped on time it does not hurt at all at the moment. Thanks dude and good to hear from you.

    Sat 3rd Nov

    Well with biking suspended at the moment the coach gave me a nice 3,400m swim session and I was looking forward to it but....underestimated the amount of work mam had set out for me around the house and my own correcting/prep and then an early bird meal with all family and significant others in Athlone for sis 30th. If only the bloody pool allowed lane swimming early on a Sat (all lessons/club from 7-12:30 on Sat mornings) I'd have gotten it in.

    Sun 4th Nov

    Plan 1:10 LER

    Didn't drink at diner last night (just as well as I got the breathalyser on way home) so got out with two mates for a great 1:10 run. Feeling heavy but another decent week of running and swimming done. Right now these runs are very much about time on my feet as opposed to km's covered and pace. Great to have two good mates out with me, makes these runs much easier and more enjoyable. Also we tried a new loop which is always nice. Pace was 12/km down on last weeks effort at 5:12/km. Like many of the routes at home though it is very hilly.

    Time 1:12:07; Dist 13.81km; Pace 5:12/km;

    I forgot my charger for the 910xt in Dublin but thankfully I dropped in into one of the lads yesterday and he charged it for me. I mention because I am a devil for forgetting the HRM or the charger or the unit itself! I have to improve that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Have you changed cleats or cleat position recently?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Have you changed cleats or cleat position recently?

    Yo JB!

    Nothing has changed apart from being fatter and less fit. Well now that I say that...I haven't actually checked the bottom of my shoes! Will do that asap.

    I have been thinking a bit more about it and I am nearly convinced now that the saddle is too high. I had a cruciate ligament tear when I was 16 and ever since my left knee tends to hyperflex a lot so if I was overreaching with each pedal stroke which may not affect the right knee as much (at first) as it is stronger but the left knee would not be able to take much of that. If I can I will stick up the video here for people to comment and learn from it too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Mon Nov 5th

    Coach Prescribed Swim

    Had to tweak the session a little just to ensure I ended up the right end of the pool to grab the pull/kickboard. Session went fine but the last fast 50's were tough as I just didn't have the fitness to last. I descended the 50's pretty well and I was consistent 44 sec for the fast 50's.

    150p steady: 2:29; Pace 1:40/100m
    150p steady: 2:35; Pace 1:43/100m
    150p steady: 2:34; Pace 1:42/100m

    The last fast 50's like I said went from 42sec to 46sec.

    Ave Eff 37; Ave SWOLF 74; Ave Pace 1:41/100m; Strokes/length 23; Time 0:50; Dist 2,150m

    Mon Nov 5th

    Easy Run

    No leg soreness after yesterday-I "drained my legs" after yesterday's LER which basically entails putting both legs up against a wall in the air while I lay on my back for 3 minutes. This drains the legs of any 'dirty' blood (containing waste products) and when you stand the heart pumps new fresh blood rich in O2. Thats the theory anyway and it seemed to work. Still though these easy runs are still not easy and won't be until I lose the weight. Cannot locate my HR strap, will look properly tomorrow.

    Pace 4:46/km; Cad 85rpm; Dist 6.32; Time 0:30

    So really taking the bull by the horns regarding my weight and diet quality. Well last year the Diet Quality Score (DQS) served me well so no reason not to try it again. Today's score 16. The aim is to improve that. One thing I note I could do is to increase my fruit intake, that will ensure a higher score tomorrow.

    Currently Reading

    Well finally I have got back to reading which I see as a very important part to ones sporting progress or indeed progress in anything. So it's Danny Dreyer's Chi Running. That is where the leg draining above came from. So above runs I am performing loosening exercises and after it's stretches, very simple really and I love the principles of Chi Running. Being so focused while running is really pretty difficult actually but I am getting better at it. Today for instance I was very happy with the movement of my arms. It's kind of like building your swim stroke, bit by bit, focus by focus, one thing at a time over time-many years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Tues 6th Nov

    Easy Run

    Same as yesterday except 1sec/km faster :) Actually at times i was really getting the chi running feel, felt good but then I'd lose it again.

    Pace 4:44/km; Dist 6.46km; Time 30:38

    Now I was getting really p1ssed off about not being able to locate my HR strap when I recalled this So I may as well take this opportunity to go polar strap for 15eur from Cycle Super Store and my garmin transmitter.

    I have a video with my bike position, well what it looks like when I pedal, but I am waiting for it to finalise but it is getting too late now, I will post a link to it on the morrow. But at first look it would seem that the saddle is high, I noted a high heel when at the min point of the pedal stroke (6 o'clock) I had mailed my bike fit guy and he suggested that because I am not as fit and flexible as I was back in March then that would explain why all of a sudden (it would seem) that the saddle height is now too high. So I dropped it by 1cm and it did indeed feel and look better. I will test tomorrow. I mention this here because I think it is interesting and perhaps others will be more aware than I when it comes to losing fitness and flexibility and the affect that can have on your bike position.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Actually here is the video for anybody interested.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Actually here is the video for anybody interested.

    You could do with creosoting that fence ;)

    What's your leg stability look like? Knee remaining over the foot, feet pointing straight ahead, no wobbling at the top of the stroke?

    I sometimes get a twinge on the outside of the knee caused by my left foot pointing slightly in. Working on straightening it out but as soon as I feel it I know I've gone back to old habits.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    saddle at 81cm looks smoother. One thing I noticed at 83cm was your ankle dipping with pedal at 1 o clock indicating perhaps that you are not pedalling circles. Also why your ankle was slightly raised at 6 o clock. Both indicating saddle too high. Something about this screams less power at me also but can't put my finger on it. Have you tried moving the saddle back a few mm?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Definitely over stretching at 83, your leg definitely shouldn't be extending so far.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    saddle at 81cm looks smoother. One thing I noticed at 83cm was your ankle dipping with pedal at 1 o clock indicating perhaps that you are not pedalling circles. Also why your ankle was slightly raised at 6 o clock. Both indicating saddle too high. Something about this screams less power at me also but can't put my finger on it. Have you tried moving the saddle back a few mm?

    More or less the same i said in an e-mail. I actually think he could go down as far as 80, 83cm was far too high!! Losing a lot of power in the higher saddle positions, the ankle is not dipping below the pedal as much on the 81 setting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    +1 on what SMC said, your ankle movement on 81cm appears to be perfect, no dropping of the ankle on the downstroke, and seem to sweep through at the bottom (6O'Clock)
    even in the short time you were at each height how did the position feel?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thanks lads, I will go with 81cm for the first half of the ride today and if I don't fell happy with that then I'll drop another cm.

    BTW there was a mistake in the video. The first two clips are my origional setting (set in March) @ 82cm (not 83cm) and then I dropped to 81cm for the last two clips.

    I'll respond in more detail later...especially abot the state of that fence ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    @courdelion where I come from we have hedges...not fences so if I cannot trim it I don't know what to do! My leg stability is fine actually, perhaps you, like I, would benefit from wedges between your cleats and shoes. I use them on both shoes to stop a slight turning in. I can put up pics if you wish.

    @MCOS I am reluctant to move saddle forward or back as this position gives me no neck/upper back pain, I'd be afraid I'd upset that but perhaps it's something that I will have to look at.

    @Bennymul In the short time it definitely felt a bit more comfortable and this evening I will be testing it more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Your pedal stroke at the higher height just looks wrong. Toes almost pointing up at the 1 o'clock position, which surely means a loss of power. Leg definitely looks too straight at 6 o'clock but without being able to see you hip position its difficult to be sure. Certainly looks better leg wise at the lower spot, and the pedal stroke is much improved too.

    You getting shorter??? :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    BTH wrote: »
    Your pedal stroke at the higher height just looks wrong. Toes almost pointing up at the 1 o'clock position, which surely means a loss of power. Leg definitely looks too straight at 6 o'clock but without being able to see you hip position its difficult to be sure. Certainly looks better leg wise at the lower spot, and the pedal stroke is much improved too.

    You getting shorter??? :D

    Nearly the same height as me
    good point on hips, get a video taken from behind.
