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Alanya, Turkey 2013 - My Euro Dream Odyssey



  • Registered Users Posts: 157 ✭✭Notwitch

    Bike including 4x(10 threshold effort, 5)

    Found it tough going today, I suppose I'm just still re adjusting after Amsterdam and all the crap. But I got it done. In the right zones for the threshold work: HR 153, 154, 155, 155. I'm still basing my LTHR on a 155 guess, it does feel right though. It's funny I found the last rep the easiest!

    HR 124, SPEED 30km/h, CAD 88; TIME 1:20; DIST 40km.

    Is this not the classic problem to watch out for when doing short bike intervals off hr? Power wise your efforts probably profiled down?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Notwitch wrote: »
    Is this not the classic problem to watch out for when doing short bike intervals off hr? Power wise your efforts probably profiled down?

    I don't know :( Probably. The Flow has power on it, I pretty much ignore it though as it's not accurate but maybe next time I will keep an eye on what the numbers are for each rep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I don't know :( Probably. The Flow has power on it, I pretty much ignore it though as it's not accurate but maybe next time I will keep an eye on what the numbers are for each rep.

    It may be inaccurate, but its consistently so! Still useful

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,096 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Just remember you need to spend time calibrating it which i found a serious pain as you really need to give it a good warmup before calibrating. When i used it i think in use to ride a good 10-15mins before doing so. You could work it into the warmup though to save time and just disregard those readings in the first part.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    I feel now that swimming is at a stand still. I feel I could hold a 1:40(ish)/100m pace forever (nice IM time too :)) but I've lost my gears. What I mean is I seem to be efficient at that pace but going any faster is a struggle. My fast 50's are now consistantly slower than before too. I feel I've lost the ability to push myself in the water. I am questioning myself now as I feel I have plateaued, my confidence is very low now and while swimming it affects my focus. I'm getting very sloppy I feel too. Now I haven't had a club swim in a while so maybe Fridays session will help, a 25m pool with others to push and someone watching my tech. Anyway, sorry for the rambling buts my mind feels a bit 'mushed' thinking about it.

    You've had two swims, and solo swims at that, in the last week and a half. And that was after spending a weekend/week eating crap. Of course you're not going to be swimming well. But with three swims this week and the same next week you'll be flying again. Guaranteed, or your money back!! *

    * what money?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thurs Eve 19th April

    Run with 800m x7 @ 3:45/km pace, 200m recovery jog

    Had a nice report done for this very positive session but lost it...not re doing it. The 800's went really well, HR well below LTHR and felt I could do more or do them faster. As always a good run session has lifted my mood and I'm looking forward to tomorrow mornings swim session.


    Time 50:59; Dist 11.7km; Pace 4:21; HR 148;

    Fri Morn 20th April

    Swim Club Session 25m Format

    WU included a lot of kick then main set:

    16x 50 as in 4x{4x 50} Set 1: PB +15 Set 2: PB Effort; Set 3: PB +12; Set 4 PB Effort. Sets 1 and 3 where no problem but the concentration was on bringing down the stroke count per length, I got it from 20/length to 18/length. Set 2 and 4 were the PB efforts and despite being in a 25m pool I didn’t see much improvement in these from the LC format. One 39sec 50 and the rest were closer to 45sec.

    6x 25 sprint off 45sec. These came in at 16.5 – 18.5sec. Last year these were coming in under 16 so not too much speed lost there.


    Time 1:05; Dist 2,500m

    So after the session a discussion was had with the coach. My ave 50’s were 44 and the 25’s were 17.5. So lets add 2 sec for a turn and 1 sec for the second 25, that’s 3 sec, therefore my 50 should be in and around 38sec. So why the 6/7sec drop off? Not that fast 25’s or 50’s matter, all I care about is going faster over 750 and 1,500. But what is clear to him and me is that my aerobic base I now very good but my anaerobic is not yet developed, That is actually exactly how I feel. So his recommendation – start now including a bit more VO2 Max stuff. This was always the intention I know as my coach always said we were baking a cake and later we’ll add the icing i.e speed, so again patience I need patience…biggest thing I am learning this year actually.

    If I look at yesterdays run for instance the 7x 800’s @ 3:45/km were all in my steady zone and it did feel pretty easy. I am finding it difficult to go deep into my lungs but at least I now know why, it’s because I haven’t practiced doing that yet this year. I remember from previous experience, it only takes going deep once or twice to open the lungs up every few weeks during racing to keep them open. I can then push myself a bit more, find faster gears because I feel more confident within my ability to go a bit deeper into my lungs. It’s funny, I have great confidence going deep in into my leg muscles now-something I’ve never had before-why? Because I have practiced it a good few times now on the bike. I remember last year I did a 800m track race and that did the trick! An 800 flat out-nothing like it IMO, toughest race to do, again my opion.

    So conclusion. For me as I gear up towards Athy and Crooked lake in 6/7 weeks I need to go anerobic a bit more often, get out of my comfort zone more often. I therefore I need patience as this is the icing on the cake and it is coming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fri Eve 20th April

    Bike Fit with Fernando

    Got the new tri-bars fitted this week and put on my new pedals too - Trinity is getting a make over, beginning to look like a bit of a speed demon :) So time to be re-fitted. Fernando pointed out last year that the Giant geometry does not suit my body, long legs short torso, again he noted it and as I will be in the market for a new frame next year I asked him to make suggestion as to what would better suit me. A Cervélo P2, a Speed Concept or a Shiv....mmmm Shiv :):cool:

    The new bars encourage a more aggressive position, one that not everyone can get into but he reckoned it suited me well. Problem is the seat has been pushed as far forward as it will go but I still need another 2cm about to make it at least look perfect according to Fernando. I have a 2hr+ spin tomorrow anyway to check out if it's comfortable. Fernando also comment that this position is better for running off the bike as I'll be using my quads more. He had a few saddles there and we tried one of these, it was perfect and gave me the extra 2cm needed so as I'm looking for a saddle anyway I might consider this one. Anyone know anything about them or ever had one?

    He also started to talk about something he has recently tried and only wishes he had tried it before! 20 extra watts on ave and a higher cadence for the same effort (HR) - he was talking about Q rings. He now swears by them and told me of a couple of studies that have found similar results. He reckons it may really only benefit those pushing big gears and slow cadence. His ave cadence would be 75 before he used them and now it's 83/4, he says it just forces you to have a faster cadence. Anyway thought I'd mention it as it was interesting and he knows his stuff and is a top athlete IMO.

    So at some stage I will get a saddle and I may consider Q rings at some point. Enjoyed my 2hrs or so spent fitting and chatting.

    Sat 21st April

    Bike Long bike with steady effort and 20k TT

    Ok get this out of the way first. Replacement 910xt - switched off 3 times, including during 20k TT, dropped sats after 1.5hr, elevation inaccurate....o and a new pause does not work. Nice :mad:

    On the TT bike with new pedals, tri-bars (look very cool :)) and a new fit. The new position felt great, although my arms are closer together this wasn't a problem, I was in the position for 95% of the time so I am happy with it. When doing the TT effort I did want to be right on the nose of the saddle but my saddle is crap and not long enough so looks like I will be getting that saddle at some stage but not for a while yet. The course is rolling and most of it was into the wind hence not a spectacular steady effort. The 20k TT was the same except more of a side wind. Really went for the TT, giving it everything. I knew as I begun the TT would be interupted by the towns of Maynooth, Leixlip and Lucan (as well as having to stop when the garmin switched off) but I was hopeful that the TT would be over by the time I got to that bitch of a hill - Captains Hill, in Lucan. I knew it would be close and so it was, I had to go up it, chewing the bars I was as I got out of the saddle and powered up but it took everything out of me and as I went over the top there was 500m left of the TT but I was toast! Good effort all the same. Sub 29min 20k TT is an objective of mine this year so this was the first indication as to where I am. Still think it's possible? Yell ya ;) Fresh legs after a taper period, race wheels and tryes, less weight (on me and bike) and that extra something that seems to happen on race days :)


    Run off the bike

    Got out as soon as I could for 10 min easy run off the bike. Ave HR was right on the high end of my easy at 153. Felt good, strong wind out, half into my face and half on my back.

    Time 10:52; Dist 2.58; Pace 4:12/km; HR 153;

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Great work, El D!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Sun 22nd April

    Run LER - steady and mod hard efforts

    Up early t get this done and out of the way so I could spend the day with Linda. So as I don't take these long runs with efforts likely I got up at 6 and started to prepare for it. Some coffee with brown homemade bread and a cereal bar. Then 20min before the off a gel and 100/oj with some whey. During the run a few gulbs of high5 zero tab with water and one gel at the hour mark just before the steady effort.

    Glorious sunshine this morning in the Phoenix Park this morning, BTW for anyone in Dublin if you feel like some TT work there is 4k of brand new surface that you can have all to yourself on a Sunday morning and a good few were taking the opportunity to do just that. It was a pleasure to be out early and have the whole park almost to myself. The first hour was done in easy zone and I employed the 3x{19:30 run, 30sec jog} tactic. Then it was onto the serious stuff 30 min steady zone, followed by 5 min mod hard and 5 min easy to finish. The 30 steady went well, 4:09/km pace, HR in mid steady at 157. That brought me to 90min then I onto the 5min mod hard which went well too, 3:55/km, HR in mid mod hard zone at 167. The 5min min easy to finish were painful enough :)

    At 23.08km this is my longest run EVER :) I've done 4 half marathons over the years but not a step over it :) Also nice to get a (unofficial) half marathon PB in a training run @ 1:31:18, actual PB is 1:32:45. So, am I becoming a more durable runner? I'd like to think so.

    Spent 30min stretching and rolling after, also 30 min before (dynamic stretches).


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    At 23.08km this is my longest run EVER :) I've done 4 half marathons over the years but not a step over it :) Also nice to get a (unofficial) half marathon PB in a training run @ 1:31:18, actual PB is 1:32:45. So, am I becoming a more durable runner? I'd like to think so.

    Those distances will be a great benefit to the 5km/10km Triathlon times when you come to race this season, more so as you are combining it with speed work. I know a 5km doesn't really need endurance but knowing you have it there will allow you to push that much harder. Training looks to be going great these last few weeks, expecting great stuff from you this season. Only to be expected I suppose if you don't want to be over-shadowed by Macanri!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weekly Summary Build Phase

    16th Apr - 22th Apr|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    A good week. Very happy with running and biking although it's hard to know with the bike as my legs are almost always tired when doing efforts, I suspect when they are fresh my splits should be competitive, pretty happy with 20k TT too. The 800's repeats in the run are feeling easier now which is a good sign and my easy pace seems to be dropping now below 4:30/km all the time now. I am less concerned about my swimming now after a chat with the coach, looking forward to some OW swims soon too.

    This week coming is another of those savage ones, it'll be near 20hr I'd say with very tasty long bike and long run to finish it off on Sat and Sun and then a recovery week before race specific work begins.

    @couerdelion ya Mick going great guns, outperforming a lot in his own AG. Thanks, training is going well, not long now before it is all put to the test. Valentia is first up and while I won't be firing on all it will still be a pretty good indication. Congrats on your PB over the weekend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Mon Morn 23rd April 41 days to Athy/47 to Crooked Lake/152 days to Blacksod/417 to Alanya ETU

    Swim NAC LC Coach Prescribed

    Same as last Mondays Session except the repeat times were down so under a bit more pressure.
    2x 400 off 7:50 alt sw/p: 7:04, 7:05
    2x 200 off 3:50 alt sw/p: 3:25, 3:30
    4x 100 off 1:55 alt sw/p: 1:41, 1:43, 1:43, 1:42
    4x 50 off 0:55 alt sw/p: 47, 49, 50, 51
    4x 50 fast off 0:55: 42, 48, 48, 49

    A good swim session to report :)

    Time 1:00; Dist 2,800m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Mon Eve 23rd April

    Run 50 min Easy

    Forgot to say this morning but my legs, quads and achilles especially, were killing me. Despite 30min rolling and stretching they were still killing before I even started this 50 min easy run. It was far form easy, legs in bits, full compression on, very windy, at my back sometimes, in my face other times. So imagine my surprise when I saw the numbers for the run. An easy pace of 4:22/km, HR 146 (mid-easy)..... I got thinking I getting accurate and true numbers from this garmin?? On the bike I have obvious issues, turning off, losing sats etc... I wonder what the story is on the run. I may try the 305 again just to see.

    If numbers are true then I am getting very close to an objective of mine - an easy pace of 4:2o/km :)

    Time 47:30; Pace 4:22/km; HR 146; Dist 11km

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Tues Morn 24th April

    This morning I did loads of stretching and rolling and core work. Really working out the sore areas with the rolling, foam roller and hockey ball. Stretches were dynamic and assited with a rope. don't know how I will get through this evenings tough turbo, it should be sweet spot stuff, treshold efforts +/- 4bpm, but it's the quads that will be screaming. Perhaps if the weather is ok I will do it in the park, being outside is easier mentally. Also I am thinking of heading over to Ciaran McDonagh after and using his compression/recovery machine, it'll only 10eur for a go and I found it great last time. For sure I will be booking a session (maintenance/pre-hab) with him next week anyway.

    Not for the vital stats. Up to now I've been only keeping an eye on body composition every 2/3/4 weeks. In the lead up to my A races I am going to check them at 7pm every Monday. Last night:



    Body Fat


    Muscle Mass


    Weight - UP :(
    Body Fat - Down :)
    Muscle Mass - UP :)

    Weight is only very slightly up, that will come down and I predict a racing weight of about 74.5kg. Most encouraging is the BF% being below 10% which was the target, this conicides with a gain in muscle mass so happy days. Getting fitter, lighter and leaner :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Muscle weighs more than fat so that might attribute to the slight increase in weight.

    Nice progress being made dude. Roll on Valentia!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Tues 24th Apr

    Bike with threshold efforts

    It’s very seldom that I am nervous/afraid about a session but…lately……it has happened more frequent. An indication of how the coach is carefully plotting my path to the next level. I say carefully and that’s important, he is saving me from my worst enemy ie me ☺ I sometimes get anxious and a bit vulnerable and start questioning myself and wondering am I really improving, will I be good enough etc….little insecurities that I guess we all have, like last week and the swimming. But I am learning to let go and trust someone else and their plans.

    So I was nervous hoping on the turbo but strangely determined to nail the session, which I did. 4x 15 at threshold, HR were: 153, 154, 155, 154. Notwitch called it last week, I kept an eye on power during the efforts, it went from 345+ for the first to 325+ for the 4th. So it did drop but mainly because I have to work hard in the first one to get the HR up. Then after that accumulated fatigue sets in a bit and it ain't so hard to get HR up.

    Time 1:30; Dist 55km; Cad 97; WATT 270; HR 140

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    An hour or two after yesterdays bike session my legs were feeling pretty good. No longer did the quads or achilles feel bad. Funny as the bike session was far from an easy yet it seemed to help. This morning I was able to walk down the stairs in a normal enough fashion :)

    Weds Morn 25th April

    Swim NAC LC Coach prescribed session.

    A second decent swim session of the week to report.

    400sw easy 7:03
    300sw easy 5:30
    200sw easy 3:45
    100sw easy 1:53

    After each easy swim I had some B&B work, 1,000m in all, there were 100's and the effort was mod hard and came in on ave 1:53/100m.

    4x fast 50's: 44, 48, 47, 47

    Time 1:10; Dist 3,200m; Efficiency 39; Ave SWOLF 78; Ave Pace 2:20/100:confused:; Ave Stroke 24.7/length

    Weds Eve

    Run 45 min easy

    With the dreadful weather here in Blanchardstown I decided to hop onto the treadmill. Actually enjoyed it and delighted to have the option. The run included 5x 30sec build/30 sec rest. My focus and concentration was very good for the entire 45, keeping check on tech and form. Great running with no niggles and I feel that I am pretty much back to were I was pre christmas and my 5k PB.

    Time 45min; Dist 10.5km

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Sounds like you're going through what I did regarding training.

    I started getting coached in Nov/Dec, and was always questioning and doubting not only progress but workload/intensity etc. It drove me mad I must say!
    Swapped coaches in Jan, changed mind frame and approach notably and quit the over analysing and put more trust in coach.
    This was possible due to the change and finding what suited me and my training. Just basically stopped me from over-thinking and wasting energy/time.
    It took me a while to learn this, but the issue was with me and my approach/over-thinking. Easily done, achieves little.
    Little phrases helped me like just thinking, ok, get the work done and move on. It's not a fast process but be patient and consistent.

    My point is you're right, we do go through doubts and questions but when it comes right and you see improvements that's when it really becomes so much easier and enjoyable even more so again.
    Thankfully I haven't experienced these in a long time and it really helps to keep the mind focussed on getting the work done and then onto life/work/other distractions.

    I hope you reach that soon, sounds like it's defo a case of almost reaching the phase of noticing real improvements and from there on you'll be flying!

    My advice is to stop thinking if possible, enjoy the training and see what happens. Coming from an over-thinker this is rich advise as I sit here laughing at myself! :D Been there, feel your pain, but recommend get through it there are good things ahead!

    PS - may see you in NAC early am if you're there. Heading for a LC splash and a float...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fazz wrote: »
    Sounds like you're going through what I did regarding training.

    I started getting coached in Nov/Dec, and was always questioning and doubting not only progress but workload/intensity etc. It drove me mad I must say!
    Swapped coaches in Jan, changed mind frame and approach notably and quit the over analysing and put more trust in coach.
    This was possible due to the change and finding what suited me and my training. Just basically stopped me from over-thinking and wasting energy/time.
    It took me a while to learn this, but the issue was with me and my approach/over-thinking. Easily done, achieves little.
    Little phrases helped me like just thinking, ok, get the work done and move on. It's not a fast process but be patient and consistent.

    My point is you're right, we do go through doubts and questions but when it comes right and you see improvements that's when it really becomes so much easier and enjoyable even more so again.
    Thankfully I haven't experienced these in a long time and it really helps to keep the mind focussed on getting the work done and then onto life/work/other distractions.

    I hope you reach that soon, sounds like it's defo a case of almost reaching the phase of noticing real improvements and from there on you'll be flying!

    My advice is to stop thinking if possible, enjoy the training and see what happens. Coming from an over-thinker this is rich advise as I sit here laughing at myself! :D Been there, feel your pain, but recommend get through it there are good things ahead!

    PS - may see you in NAC early am if you're there. Heading for a LC splash and a float...

    Thanks for the comments Fazz. I am over that little stumble now, I guess I just lost a bit of confidence in myself, I haven't really had any bench mark setting sessions if you know what I mean, something to measure progress. Or so I thought, if I take a careful look at the data the progress is in there. Also Friday morning I will attempt 400TT in the same pool I set a PB in Feb, really hoping that will be close to my target of 6:10. It would be nice and really confidence boosting if I could obtain my first training objective just before racing begins.

    I will be in the NAC but it's my gym session - stretching/rolling/core etc....what time will you be there, I might be able to give you a free pass. Me - 6am.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    Thanks for the comments Fazz. I am over that little stumble now, I guess I just lost a bit of confidence in myself, I haven't really had any bench mark setting sessions if you know what I mean, something to measure progress. Or so I thought, if I take a careful look at the data the progress is in there. Also Friday morning I will attempt 400TT in the same pool I set a PB in Feb, really hoping that will be close to my target of 6:10. It would be nice and really confidence boosting if I could obtain my first training objective just before racing begins.

    I will be in the NAC but it's my gym session - stretching/rolling/core etc....what time will you be there, I might be able to give you a free pass. Me - 6am.

    Know exactly what you mean, despite being in base, and seeing HR improvements and feeling benefits, I still hadn't really got an idea of progress and hadn't done TT's or similar to notice/prove to myself etc.
    That's where the patience kicks in, had to be patient, trust the training and feeling, and wait for races to prove it.
    Now it's a case of feeling the benefits more so, and seeing them in training more so too. Hopefully that translates to racing also Sunday will be first proper test for that.

    Best of luck with the TT on Friday! My tip... wear a wetsuit! :D
    I actually did do a few 400TT's over a short period a good while ago and didn't notice much improvements in outright time, it was over the longer stuff I really noticed it.
    If I'm tired it seems to come out in swimming first so bear this in mind also - a PB attempt not hit can be due to many reasons. Not sure if this happens others so much. So pretty much every Monday for me ha :D

    I'm only in for 45mins, but yeah had planned on 6am as no idea if lanes get busy at certain times or what etc.
    I'll pm you number now - cheers for the pass offer may suit if times match up.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fazz wrote: »
    Know exactly what you mean, despite being in base, and seeing HR improvements and feeling benefits, I still hadn't really got an idea of progress and hadn't done TT's or similar to notice/prove to myself etc.
    That's where the patience kicks in, had to be patient, trust the training and feeling, and wait for races to prove it.
    Now it's a case of feeling the benefits more so, and seeing them in training more so too. Hopefully that translates to racing also Sunday will be first proper test for that.

    Best of luck with the TT on Friday! My tip... wear a wetsuit! :D
    I actually did do a few 400TT's over a short period a good while ago and didn't notice much improvements in outright time, it was over the longer stuff I really noticed it.
    If I'm tired it seems to come out in swimming first so bear this in mind also - a PB attempt not hit can be due to many reasons. Not sure if this happens others so much. So pretty much every Monday for me ha :D

    I'm only in for 45mins, but yeah had planned on 6am as no idea if lanes get busy at certain times or what etc.
    I'll pm you number now - cheers for the pass offer may suit if times match up.

    Thanks. TBH I know I am on the verge of some good times in all three disciplines, just need to be patient like you say - biggest thing I am learning this year :) Nice to meet you this morning and good prep for you for Sunday.

    Thurs Morn 26th April


    The body/legs feeling great now, a little tired but not sore and I've only an easy bike session this evening, I was hoping to be outside for this but I may just do it indoors in light of the weather. This will leave me in good stead for the tough weekend of training ahead.

    Time 1:25

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Interesting reading guys.

    Like you Fazz, swim is first to go for me during heavy training. Mind you, I'm a long way off your and El D's standard.

    El D, The 2:10/100 above is because it's based on running time vs distance. Hence, every time you take a rest or a drink, your average pace is slowing down! :D That's my understanding anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    @ El D, you show up in a wetsuit and you're officially dead to me ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Forgot to ask, what's the story with the NAC? Can anyone use it? I'm in Dublin overnight next week. Staying in City West Hotel. Is that too far from the NAC for an early swim on Wednesday morning or are there closer alternatives? Cheers

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭Fazz

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Forgot to ask, what's the story with the NAC? Can anyone use it? I'm in Dublin overnight next week. Staying in City West Hotel. Is that too far from the NAC for an early swim on Wednesday morning or are there closer alternatives? Cheers

    Well I drove this am from further afield so no not too far.
    It's really just down the M50 and not far at all/ very handy to get to.

    The good thing about NAC is its open for all - and 50m from 6am -9am so pretty convenient as long as you can get up early.

    Was pretty quiet this morning, though so many lanes anyway it'd be hard to fill up at that hour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Forgot to ask, what's the story with the NAC? Can anyone use it? I'm in Dublin overnight next week. Staying in City West Hotel. Is that too far from the NAC for an early swim on Wednesday morning or are there closer alternatives? Cheers

    I've swam there a couple of mornings and its usually very quiet until about 7 but even at that theres plenty of room. 50m and big wide lanes. Usually 3/4 lanes taken up by the fish kids.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Cheers Fazz. Best of luck this weekend. Should be a corker between yourself and BTH :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    According to google maps its 18min by car, no traffic at that time of the morning either. I'll be there early next Weds P so I can give you a free pass also - no excuses ;) If that is the case re swim pace then it's stupid!

    @interested wet suit it is then!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Interesting reading guys.

    El D, The 2:10/100 above is because it's based on running time vs distance. Hence, every time you take a rest or a drink, your average pace is slowing down! :D That's my understanding anyway.

    Its one thing like about the 910XT. Its gives you your average pace for the time you were swimming. If you just leve it run through for the whole session it will average your pace out forthe whole lot, including your faffing at the wall :) If you use the lap button you can get the data for just the time you were swimming. Garmin Connect still gives you an overall time you spent on the session. Like pgibbo says, like running. An overall time and a moving time.

    When using the laps you have to press 'pause' at the end of the rep, then 'lap' to record that rep. It will give your the split for that rep straight away. Press start again for the next rep. It my seem like a pain to press 3 buttons but its quite easy and you are not straining your neck to see the clock as you touch the wall and simultaneously commiting the split to memory! You can just swim away press the button between the reps and check the data later.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Its one thing like about the 910XT. Its gives you your average pace for the time you were swimming. If you just leve it run through for the whole session it will average your pace out forthe whole lot, including your faffing at the wall :) If you use the lap button you can get the data for just the time you were swimming. Garmin Connect still gives you an overall time you spent on the session. Like pgibbo says, like running. An overall time and a moving time.

    When using the laps you have to press 'pause' at the end of the rep, then 'lap' to record that rep. It will give your the split for that rep straight away. Press start again for the next rep. It my seem like a pain to press 3 buttons but its quite easy and you are not straining your neck to see the clock as you touch the wall and simultaneously commiting the split to memory! You can just swim away press the button between the reps and check the data later.

    I don't use it for WU, cool down or drills, just sets. At the end of a rep I press 'lap' to record that rep. The inbetween bits are recorded on GC as rest. So for ave pace of the session I should just look at 'moving pace' right? Except it doesn't give ave moving pace :confused:
