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Gaming News



  • Registered Users Posts: 27,322 ✭✭✭✭super_furry

    In no other sphere of media would the downright bullying by Beer be tolerated. Could you imagine if some Sky Sports News reporter was to launch a similar attack on Wayne Rooney for not talking to them? Gaming needs to grow up, starting with the media that covers it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,505 ✭✭✭✭Xenji

    A slew of funny arrest stories involving gamers and game thiefs

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,656 ✭✭✭C14N

    A number of things come up in this story.

    1. This notion that "journalist" can now just go online now and start attacking people they don't know and the person has to take it is bull. I really am sick of these "angry gamer" types that think that just because they took the easy way out and instead of doing something creative they instead found their audience of 14 year old boy who think being an ass hat is funny or that developer owe them something gives them some kind of licence to go on these kind of rants.

    This clown who until this story broke I had never heard of (so I guess he has done his job of self promoting) just comes across as a knob. It is like Jim Sterling starting his awful career all over again a screaming like a baby until someone listens. They think they are being clever and funny or worse "telling it as it is" but they are not. It is garbage tabloid rubbish.

    I completely agree about this. I can't think of any other medium where this sort of "angry person" character can be used as some sort of respected way to look at works. I remember watching some Angry Joe videos a while back and I know he's very popular, but he really just seemed like an entitled, petulant child with, at best, average intelligence. I know there are loads more like him too, such as this Beer fellow. They're just as entitled to their own free speech as the rest of us but the problem is that these people actually gain a lot of popularity and respect and it tends to just breed a slew of more people who think that just raging at things is an acceptable way of discussing them. I haven't listened to Beer's podcast and I only remember him from a few years ago when I listened to Invisible Walls before he left to join up with Ignition (who, by the way, I don't think have made a single game that was nearly as popular as Fez) but I don't remember him being that angry at the time. Having a show called "Annoyed Gamer" kind of sets of alarm bells though.

    It's one thing to attack Fish's game, that's fair and I have no problem with anyone doing that. It's another much worse thing to start attacking him personally just because he refused to comment on something he barely knew about. It's true that Fish dealt with it terribly and childishly, but why are we all getting our panties in a twist over him saying "kill yourself"? Has nobody else seen this meme all over Facebook? It hardly seems very sincere. Also, Fish shouldn't have to deal with this kind of crap. As far as I can see, his talent is in being a game developer, that's all he needs to be good at as far as I can see. We should be attacking morons like Beer for this abuse in the first place, not shrugging and telling him to man up. I can't help being reminded about the incident during the Cross Assault event where a team leader was making sexist and genuinely creepy remarks at a female player and a huge portion of people thought that it was totally normal and acceptable in the context of a video game tournament. Just because something has been happening for a long time doesn't mean we have to accept it, we're the ones who need to change it.

    I have bought Fez but still haven't played it. However it does sound like losing Fish because of the gaming community's love of being mad is a blow to the industry in general. I can't help thinking of the quote from Ratatouille about criticism in general when hearing about this:

    "In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so."

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,539 ✭✭✭✭Varik

    Not bothered to log into twitter but wasn't his tweet a futurama reference.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,588 ✭✭✭KonFusion

    One of the largest space battles in human history is now unfolding

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,505 ✭✭✭✭Xenji

    Varik wrote: »
    Not bothered to log into twitter but wasn't his tweet a futurama reference.


    Yep posted it on the last page :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,842 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Xenji wrote: »
    A slew of funny arrest stories involving gamers and game thiefs[/QUOTE]

    WTF Man...
    A bomb squad and a swarm of cops descended on a house rented by a 19-year-old
    and his fraternity brothers here last weekend, told a person inside had pipe
    bombs and were holding hostages. It turned out to be another example of
    "Swatting," in which an online griefer—typically playing on Xbox Live—calls
    police to an adversary's home with a false report of an emergency. The victim,
    Travis Graves, was playing Halo (version unspecified) when Kenilworth's police
    force rolled up and took him into custody. He was quickly released once it
    became apparent he was the victim of a prank, not its perpetrator. Neighboring
    homeowners are furious, the police chief said the prank cost his department
    thousands in manpower and overtime, and they've opened an investigation into who
    may have made the call, which came via Skype

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,505 ✭✭✭✭Xenji

    sheehy83 wrote: »
    Xenji wrote: »
    A slew of funny arrest stories involving gamers and game thiefs[/QUOTE]

    WTF Man...

    Thats happens quite a lot, have seen a good few stories like that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,182 ✭✭✭Genghiz Cohen


    Soooo... yeahhhh...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,685 ✭✭✭✭BlitzKrieg

    AS for the Fez 2'd swear Polytron would hire someone to be Fish's personal assistant who's one job was to hold the keys to his twitter account.

    It would save them more then the hassle of letting him talk.

    And also Gametrailers should not be copying fox news and letting the monkeys out of one cage into other cages. If someone is meant to be the *angry gamer* then they should be in the cage marked angry gamer and if they show up in other cages they need to know not to bring the angry gamer persona with them.

    I mean this is stuff that acts like the Angry Video Game Nerd learnt years ago. Its the sort of amateurish mistake I'd expect (and have seen) from someone like Angry Joe. And hell he got rightly ridiculed for his tantrums and has behaved (mostly) since.

    But Gametrailers should have known better.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,747 ✭✭✭✭wes

    The whole Phil Fish debacle is really silly imho. Fez was a decent game, and its sad that we won't see another one due to abusive trolls. While Fish has said some controversial things in the past, he received the torrent of abuse, because he didn't want to comment on something that he didn't have all the information for, which I guess is kind of ironic.

    In anyways, I won't be visiting Game Trailers after this stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,842 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    Cliffy B's open letter to Fish
    Dear Phil,
    We’ve hung out a few times and enjoyed some beverages and rather animated conversations together. I don’t know you that well outside of those interactions. I found Fez to be refreshing in a chic retro way (you were doing that style before many others, which is a tiny bit hipster, sorry!) and the fact that you were so much of the project reminds me of myself in the Jazz Jackrabbit era. Waking up every day (or in some instances, the early afternoon) to sit right back down and stare at that PC as you paint your own mystery, pixel by pixel, line of code after line of code can wear you down. Not to mention the sheer magnitude of legal bull**** involved in running your own legitimate business as well as whatever the heck was going on with your old partner in Indie Game: The Movie.
    I also know that, when it comes to any form of journalism, be it a profile piece or a reality TV show or documentary the viewer or consumer only sees what the author wants them to see, through their often very skewed lens. I’ve said before that I identified with your frustration at PAX showing off your baby for the first time. That pressure is only amplified when Pajot and crew are sticking a camera in your face. Any grown person might act strange under that pressure.
    Right before the Beer-Twitter explosion I saw that you acquired your Oculus Rift and your tweets about it were extremely exciting. I could only imagine what talented, nutty Phil would craft for a device that I believe in so much that I put my own ****ing money into it. (There’s your disclaimer.) I’d like to think that I know a good thing when I see it in life.
    Read this fantastic article on Giant Bomb on your situation and the internet in general. I personally have been called every name in the book. Even back in, what, 1999 when I made a website about scanning cats on a flatbed scanner (look it up, folks, I exploited cats online before it was cool!) I got hate mail that was insane. Someone telling me that I should have “died in a gas chamber" (assuming my last name is of Polish/Jewish heritage; only half right.)
    My first time being flamed online happened when I was 15 on a BBS the summer my father died suddenly from heart issues. I was learning how to code and I wrote a simple screen saver; one of those dancing multi colored lines programs. I released it to a BBS and someone anonymously posted “Your dead father could have coded something better." I was furious, hurt, and I replied with an implied death threat. The website called my house and I got in trouble for the comment, but the damage was done. I went back to mowing my neighbor’s two acre lawn with his ****ty push mower for ten bucks and Bionic Commando. ;)
    My skin started to thicken, as did my resolve to do something with my life.
    Never underestimate the intestinal fortitude of the anonymous loser hiding behind a monitor and his or her ability to sling vitriol at someone who willingly puts themselves out there. The fact of the matter, Phil, is that you were trending worldwide on Twitter. How many game developers can say that? Does no one realize that while you may seem somewhat unstable at times you also have Andy Kaufman as your Twitter AVI? (Kids, google Andy, and suddenly Phil might just make more sense to you. Or watch “Man On The Moon.")
    Never forget that the internet can be a fantastic thing, but it can also be fantastically dumb. Reddit is a wonderful community for finding out funny memes or random facts until they falsely accuse someone of being the Boston Bomber or go out of their way to protect the r/creepshots loser. And never forget that the Internet can be one big game of telephone amplified by anonymous myopic monkeys jamming on keyboards who are so angry about their meatball sandwich.
    (How do you think I feel when my wife reads a tweet to her that says “come sit on my face" or “you are a bitch"?)
    Someone on Twitter asked me how to deal with haters. I have some experience on the subject for well over 20 years now. Blow says you can’t ignore it because by the time you’ve read the words it’s too late. The key with the idiots is to outwit them because the idiot uses hate (and poor spelling/grammar) because the idiot does not know how to be witty. Watch what people like Ricky Gervais and Patton Oswalt do on Twitter. Heck, like him or not, even Piers Morgan is pretty good at fending them off.
    Every idiot that you outwit wins you five times the fans and that much more respect.
    The other key is to absorb all of that hate into one big fireball of motivation inside of your belly and then pour all of that energy into your work until you can unleash one big giant mother****ing HADOKEN upon the community that wins awards and sells millions and then the haters will truly be eating a giant bushel of dicks as you roll in a pile of money, acclaim, and community love.
    You don’t owe a damned thing to any gaming journalist. We’ve seen the rise of many “Rush Limbaughs" in the gaming industry, people who do videos or podcasts digging a finger into an open wound that gets the gaming community going because, hits. You DO owe a great product to your community, something I hope you’ll resume doing some time in the near future. The industry needs people like you to speak with their hearts before their brains because I’m tired of hearing the PR approved appropriate response. I’m tired of games that feel like they’ve been developed by focus groups or clueless executives going “Hey that Call of Duty is big, we need one of those!"
    Besides, at the end of the day, that cycle of community feedback and crafting that big fireball is entirely too addictive.
    Come back, Phil. We miss you already. Maybe I’ll be right behind you, returning with Adamantium skin.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,469 ✭✭✭✭GTR63

    Don`t worry Phil here is Cliffy B to take 50% of your hatemail. Hasn`t he been trolling people since his you`d hardly miss him sabbatical.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,469 ✭✭✭✭GTR63

    Rockstar have filed a new trademark for Bully. Hope it leads to a sequel, actually playing Scholarship Edition at the minute.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 23,183 Mod ✭✭✭✭Kiith

    I bought Bully in the Steam sale. I guess i should probably play it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,842 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,469 ✭✭✭✭GTR63

    Aw I can't wait for the multiplayer!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,842 ✭✭✭✭Zero-Cool

    I'm surprised it got the go ahead as the last one didn't sell a billion units. Hope Square Enix are more careful with their budget and have more realistic expectations. Did anyone even play multiplayer last time? I never even tried it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,656 ✭✭✭C14N

    sheehy83 wrote: »
    I'm surprised it got the go ahead as the last one didn't sell a billion units. Hope Square Enix are more careful with their budget and have more realistic expectations. Did anyone even play multiplayer last time? I never even tried it.

    I didn't but I never do, almost no games benefit from a shoe-horned in multi-player mode that essentially functions as a rubbish time sink imo. Was there some sort of fuss about the Tomb Raider multiplayer last time?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,456 ✭✭✭✭Skerries

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Skerries wrote: »

    Why bother? With all steam sales I would be shocked if those who interested in it does not have it all already. Damn, I dont even like Elder Scroll games and I got oblivion and Skyrim...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,856 ✭✭✭Clover

    Skerries wrote: »

    Looks great , will pick up the retail version for my Son.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,634 ✭✭✭✭Richard Dower

    Wolfenstein: The New Order has been pushed back to 2014 for "polishing".

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,656 ✭✭✭C14N

    Why bother? With all steam sales I would be shocked if those who interested in it does not have it all already. Damn, I dont even like Elder Scroll games and I got oblivion and Skyrim...

    Yeah you'd think this would be more useful on a console really.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,919 ✭✭✭✭Gummy Panda

    Why bother? With all steam sales I would be shocked if those who interested in it does not have it all already. Damn, I dont even like Elder Scroll games and I got oblivion and Skyrim...

    Yeah and the first two are free anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,710 ✭✭✭Monotype

    If they released them all DRM free it would be more useful as a stand alone game set. Although I highly doubt they'd do that as their DRM gets worse with each release. I think it's just something that any game maker with a series does. Like box sets of films to milk more money.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,405 ✭✭✭gizmo

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    gizmo wrote: »

    Well, Oculus rift is defenetly an amazing thing so, if Even Carmack left ID for it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,919 ✭✭✭✭Gummy Panda

    Well, Oculus rift is defenetly an amazing thing so, if Even Carmack left ID for it.

    I googled searched for videso of oculus rift and one of the first was pewdiepie. I am instantly against oculus rift now :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,002 ✭✭✭✭VinLieger

    Well, Oculus rift is defenetly an amazing thing so, if Even Carmack left ID for it.

    Its basically the gold stamp of approval that this is where the industry is deffinitely going

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